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File: 63 KB, 850x608, Who-is-the-most-important-person-in-your-life-by-gender-and-parental-status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14661138 No.14661138 [Reply] [Original]

Why do men love their wives more than their children?

>> No.14661144


>> No.14661145

>no x axis label, no y axis label, no title
you're disgusting

>> No.14661189

It's weird desu.

>> No.14661258

the mother takes care of the children, thats her job.

>> No.14661431

'Their children' may not even be theirs.

>> No.14662047

Man's job is to bring food, woman's job is to sit with children, that's why.

>> No.14662091

A wife can make you more children but your children can't make you more wife.

>> No.14662221

This chart is sufficiently labeled to be understood by anyone with at least average IQ.

>> No.14662226

The women's answers are dishonest. In reality, women are purely egoistic. A mother doesn't truly love a her child. To her the child is merely an object for the purpose of raising her social status. If she thinks the child has negative impact on her reputation then she immediately drops the child as if it was something utterly disgusting.

>> No.14662400

>Why do men love their wives more than their children?
most normal men do fuck their children

im surprised that the self rating is so low

>> No.14662405

There is a struggle between men to own wives but not about owning children.

>> No.14662407


Children are replaceable.

>> No.14662580

>can't spend 2 minutes putting a tittle on his graph

>> No.14662583

The title is in the file name. Learn to read.

>> No.14662584

OP what paper is this from?

>> No.14662587

That could just be what they say.

>> No.14662591

Why didn't you put it on the graph?

>> No.14662595 [DELETED] 

Keep seething. You are making a fool for yourself.

>> No.14662602

I'm not OP.

>> No.14662610

Wow, very /sci/
Thanks for contributing to the board with your thread. I bestow you a medal of honor. I want to kneel before your greatness, if only the distance didn't keep us apart. My lord.

>> No.14662646

because they know those aren't their kids

>> No.14662662

You can choose your wife based on her personality but you can’t choose your children, they are automatically assigned to you.

>> No.14662700
File: 33 KB, 629x505, 1639543457817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This graph is why I hate being a father.
You meet the person you think you're meant to love the most in the world and then when she gets pregnant, fucking goodnight.
Suddenly you're just the useless dickhead who's only good for delivering money and going down to the supermarket to get cucumbers and jam or whatever the fuck bullshit craving she has while she grows a life inside her and is literally this person's entire world for like 2 years after the birth.
And she'll have absolutely no fucking hesitation in saying "oh, you don't even know how strong love really is until you have children."
Listen to women say that, they say it all the time. You're fucking nothing as a man. The entire point of the dating process climaxes in the woman you find getting someone she will always love more than you, no hesitation. If you ever speak up about it, women will tear you to fucking shreds for not doing your duty or some shit, very rarely a guy will actually say they know exactly what the fuck you mean and it's bullshit. And the best part is, your job becomes to slave away for fucking decades to provide a life for the wife and kids, and when you finally grow old and kick it, your grandkids will still call your place "grandma's house."

>> No.14662721

you can always make more children as a man

>> No.14662732

Childless man here, happy in the undivided adulation of my childless wife.

>> No.14663427

pic proves if you have kids cheating on your wife is justified

>> No.14663572
File: 139 KB, 1600x1066, 1641790524198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to >>>/r/Feminism you go you nasty roastie feminists

>> No.14663922

>40% of mothers still say their partner is the most important thing
>30% of fathers still say children
Other thing is people choose that option out of a sense of duty to a weaker and evolutionarily more advantageous creature and not an actual emotional preference.
(((Love))) has different forms and contexts.

The actual blackpilling thing here is the tiny difference in male vs female and the importance of friend vs self/family

>> No.14663953

*hits pipe*
Is having children the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a child. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a child for at least 18 years solely so it can go and take all your wife’s affection. All the hard work you put into bonding with your wife- writing her love letters, going on jogs with her, making sure she ate in nice restaurants, kissing her, having sex with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the fetus that will eventually destroy her hole.
Married the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random baby who had nothing to do with the way she was wooed, who is born to her. It gets to be coddled and petted by her. It gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from millennia of evolution.
As a man who has a child, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to have your wife love the baby more. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.14663956

Bros i'm 36, wife is 30 and I'm desperately trying to avoid children. Anyone have advice?

>> No.14663960

Wait. Eventually she will be too old to have kids. Get her a pet to distract her until it happens.

>> No.14663968

I'm already two cats into that strategy.


>> No.14663974

Does she actually want them or are you just worried that she will one day? I guess you could talk about the environmental impact of children, but that could backfire and you might end up being pressured to adopt some third-world kid. Maybe get a dog? They’re more work than cats.

>> No.14663981

She's kinda on the fence. She is going to want one eventually though. I'm thinking about compromising by being a stay-at-home dad and making her work. Seems fair.

>> No.14663986

every man's wife is essentially his oldest child. all the data is saying is that mothers and fathers both love their closest dependents, which is a good thing.

>> No.14664001

Probably because when half of your children are expected to die before they reach maturity, and children dying is just a normal part of daily life, the child incubator is more important than the individual children. As for why women don't care more about their men? Probably because getting a man to impregnate you isn't that hard while being pregnant for 9 months is, so you don't want to lose your children.

>> No.14664004
File: 21 KB, 505x549, 0fb2490999a0d43032341ad09ce0acac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys find it normal to prefer your wife over your children?

White people disgust me to the core. Kill yourselves.

And how do people prefer their partners over their own mother? Please nuke the Earth.

>> No.14664011

> I am a baby that only had school girlfriends
Married people are routinely like that.
They take their partner way too seriously and the detouch from any other friendship or family for the most part.

>> No.14664012

Kids are amazing anon. Don't be a lefty childless fag.

>> No.14664013

>How do you guys find it normal to prefer your wife over your children?
because we choose our wife, we don't have arranged marriages lmao. no one chooses their kids.

>> No.14664014

the insect has spoken, all drones now return to the hive

>> No.14664015

what backwards shithole country are you from? let me guess: you're in your mid to late 20s and still live with your parents

>> No.14664017

>Kids are amazing

>> No.14664025

My imaginary wife is equally as important as my imaginary children

>> No.14664031

It's curious how so many people with kids follow people without kids around telling them how great kids are and how they're missing out. Exactly like your alkie friend who harasses you to drink all the time. We have two great kids ourselves but it's honestly a crap shoot, many kids are just born as shitty people just like many adults are and there's nothing you can do about it, I'd never harass someone who didn't want kids into having them, wtf.

>> No.14664042

The problem is, I know that I'll love and adore my kids and think they're "amazing" no matter how shit they are. It's biology. I assume there are plenty of parents who regret having kids, but they still love their kids, they can't help it.

I'll probably end up having one, but it seems like a pain in the ass. I'm selfish.

>> No.14664203

Oh no, that's the last thing I'd worry about. If you have a psychopathic kid (~20% anecdotally per my mom who taught pre-K through 5th her whole life) then you'll know your kid's a psychopath. What you'd be pissed off about is that you're both legally responsible for your kid's psychopathy and legally prohibited from containing it.

>> No.14664785

A lot of women marry for money, that might explain why they like their kids more than their husband.

>> No.14664814

How is one love compared to another? Like it's the same word but definitely not the same feeling

>> No.14664817

I'm a piece of shit junky and my mom still cares about me. I'd probably be dead if she didn't.

>> No.14664831

this but unironically
spot the Asian whose parents have a loveless marriage

>> No.14664837

Can't be that. The trend holds in the Deep South.

>> No.14665373

just be nice to your dad then

>> No.14665396

Idiot. Does a monkey flaunt her crotch fruit to draw other monkey's attention to her snatch?

>> No.14665472

How does being nice to his dad fix his problem?

>> No.14665481

since he surmised dads felt like this maybe it's a good idea to make it so his dad is not depressed so much by being a loving child

>> No.14665487

It may make his dad feel better, but it won’t make his wife love him more than she loves their kid.

>> No.14665497

yeah I know but whatever don't you feel like being nice some times?
I'm not saying you have to be an altruistic moralfag but sometimes you feel better when you know you are being nice with someone you care

>> No.14665501

That's nature bro.
Male animals will often fuck off after mating is done, like bears or cats for example.
Males want romance and sex, females want children. That's how nature works.

>> No.14665512

Thats what you think

>> No.14665536

Because they are romantic, while women are cold reproductive machines

>> No.14665575

I love my son way more than my partner but I’m very low libido also this is entirely true >>14662700 that said I never wanted life to be about me anyway.

I will say this I felt almost nothing the night he was born none of that crazy life changing emotions stuff and my son is exactly what I wanted. Tracking to be a tall strong intelligent man.I can imagine not loving a daughter so much especially a difficult one. After becoming a father I do totally get why men leave.

>> No.14665807

Because it's an evolutionary advantage, when the male has the strongest tie to the female, and the female to the children. In the past, child death was high, so preferring the children would've caused way less stable relationships, being an evolutionary disadvantage. Looking for "another" female partner each timme, instead of sticking to the same, takes time, so, less descendants, and also, puts females in higher risk of death during partner changes, which means less descendants, too.

Now compare that descendant count to a male peocreating with the same female(s) over and over again, what, you think, will be more successful...?

>> No.14665819

The bond between a mother and her children is more (most) Intense

>> No.14665846

ok ranjesh

>> No.14665934

Because they are retarded boomers.

>> No.14666202

Monkees have no facebook, instagram and so.
(Older tech as well, postcards, birthday parties...)
If they had, they would. Yup, animal mothers are on-par with "human" ones, eat the babies when food gets scarce. Normal phenomenon, but hush-hush.

>> No.14666276

the fuck?

>> No.14666290
File: 304 KB, 365x360, 1657804629268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Married people are routinely like that.
>They take their partner way too seriously and the detouch from any other friendship or family for the most part.
My parents are not like that. My married siblings aren't too. You're just insane, like all white people.

>we don't have arranged marriages lmao
We don't either.

>what backwards shithole country are you from? let me guess: you're in your mid to late 20s and still live with your parents
Switzerland is probably less of a shithole than your country. I am in my early 20s and my parents live at the other side of the country. Try better and stop projecting.

>> No.14666295
File: 52 KB, 500x329, 1654782373944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the insect has spoken, all drones now return to the hive
The hive is a comfy place. Even mentally ill apes (white people) find it cool.

>> No.14666300

There is literally no way a person prefers their partner over their kid. I am a white person and I agree with the other guy. If you love your wife more than your child you're deranged and probably retarded.

>> No.14666331

It's just how things are. Men love their wife more than their kids

>> No.14666401

Sounds pointless to me. What the fuck is the benefit as a man? You just get a bitch pregnant so she and the kid can bond, but you're never gonna be able to compete with a mother and child bond, literally 90% of people love their mothers way more than they'll ever love their fathers

>> No.14666692

we have no choice over our kids, any bitch can just take them and run off

also like some dudes can remember being a kid and know that whatever dumb shit your parents say isnt going to matter once youre actually old enough in the world.

so without an ability to directly carry and maintain a child independently, men naturally want to enhance monogamy instead of influencing the spawn; it doesnt matter if your kids like you but she doesn't, she still has all the power

>> No.14666739

dumb nigger, children are the one thing almost all women are biologically wired to love unconditionally. a mother has to be really fucked up not to love her children above all else.

>> No.14666752

this is true. I love my kid though
t. father.

>> No.14667051

>B-But Monkeys!!

>> No.14667064

>Because it's an evolutionary advantage, when the male has the strongest tie to the female, and the female to the children. In the past, child death was high, so preferring the children would've caused way less stable relationships, being an evolutionary disadvantage. Looking for "another" female partner each timme, instead of sticking to the same, takes time, so, less descendants, and also, puts females in higher risk of death during partner changes, which means less descendants, too.
>Now compare that descendant count to a male peocreating with the same female(s) over and over again, what, you think, will be more successful...?

>> No.14667070


>> No.14667109
File: 52 KB, 600x604, Brain_Damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do men love their wives more than their children?

ONE wife, MANY children.

>> No.14667201

What does your race have to do with anything? Ideally, once the boomers all die, Gen X will hopefully holocaust all of you race-deranged millennials.

>> No.14667332

Yeah, like what >>14666739 said. Even though a lot of women are shit (and by extension shit at raising children) most of them legitimately will love their own children.
Yes. As much shit as women get for being shit there are still loads of men who are also shit, just usually in different ways to how women are shit. So yes, it's perfectly believable that there could be a lot of men who don't love their children that much.

>> No.14667951

How the fuck do you not blow your brains out if that's true? That sounds absolutely brutal

>> No.14667953

You can choose your wife, but you can't choose your children (unless you adopt but adoption is literal cuckoldry.)

>> No.14667957

Children tend to die 50% of the time so it's not a good emotional investment
Having a wife around means they can make more children that hopefully survive

>> No.14668063

gifting the person you love with something that they love and cherish above all else, and knowing that said thing is a part of you, doesn't hurt as much as you'd think.

>> No.14668156

I'm sorry that your mother wasn't good to you.

>> No.14668254

Being a man unironically sucks in some ways.

>> No.14668283

>How the fuck do you not blow your brains out if that's true?

Eternalism is probably true, as any physicist will tell you. That means we experience the same events over and over for eternity, so suicide achieves nothing other than closing off the possibility of a better future. We're all trapped in Hell, more or less. Not even death is an escape.

>> No.14668382

That honestly sounds gay as fuck ngl