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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 1024x578, Wow_signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1465678 No.1465678 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about the Wow Signal, and how it's blatantly extraterrestrial and artificial.


>> No.1465681

never been repeated.

fiuck off

>> No.1465687


Reported for being too dumb for /sci/.

>> No.1465691


>implying that means anything

>> No.1465696

>The frequency 1420 is significant for SETI searchers because, it is reasoned, hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, and hydrogen resonates at about 1420 Mhz, thus extraterrestrials might use that frequency on which to transmit a strong signal.[1] The frequency of the Wow! signal matches very closely with the hydrogen line, which is at 1420.40575177 MHz

my god

>> No.1465700

Earth is scheduled to be destroyed in 2312 to prevent humans being a threat to the Zorlach empire. Until then they take pleasure in trolling us.

>> No.1465721

This is awesome.

>> No.1465758

>implying it wont be 2012

>> No.1465775

What the fuck kind of reasoning was that?

>> No.1465783

>hydrogen resonates at about 1420 Mhz, thus extraterrestrials might use that frequency on which to transmit a strong signal.

>> No.1465797

Tell me if they find it again.

>> No.1465800

What's wrong with that? It's just saying that aliens might broadcast a signal on the frequency at which hydrogen resonates because it's the most common element.

>> No.1465811

what would this signal mean?

>> No.1465812

hi /b/
extraterrestrial life potentially

>> No.1465813

~*Let's Fuck*~

>> No.1465818

No. You broadcast at that signal because it causes hydrogen in the interstellar medium to resonate, thus making the signal stronger.

>> No.1465822

Not deteriorate as fast

>> No.1465825

So what happens if we're contacted by aliens and it turns out they're brutally honest and offend a bunch of assholes?

>> No.1465830

this is /sci/, not /b/...
though some days you can't tell the two apart...

>> No.1465831

Those assholes can go be butthurt elsewhere

>> No.1465836



>> No.1465841

Doesn't what you said happen as a result of hydrogen being the most common element?

>> No.1465856


>> No.1465855

They broadcast at the freq that hydrogen resonates at because:
1) it's the most comment element found in the interstellar medium.
2) hydrogen resonating at that frequency makes the signal deteriorate more slowly allowing the signal to stay relatively strong even over vast distances.

>> No.1465872
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>> No.1465879

What's funny is that extraterrestrials could be using a bunch of different frequencies that we aren't scanning. Our planet could be inundated with alien TV shows and music and we'd never know it.

>> No.1465887


>extraterrestrial television shows


>> No.1465899

yesterday /b/ got everyone to post under David#「QtuP|}!

>> No.1465909


So there may be extra terrestrial life, but they don't have forms of entertainment like music?

>> No.1465944
File: 103 KB, 523x382, I daresay I seem to have injured my ankle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is interesting.

>> No.1465958


>> No.1466002
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>implying that aliens use the SI unit of time

>> No.1466006


>>'merikkkans: SPACE JIHAD


>> No.1466023

It's completely useless since we will never possible know who or where it came from, and the species who could've sent it is long extinct.

>> No.1466026

Not sure if srs

>> No.1466042
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>implying hydrogen resonates at a different frequency if you use different units

>> No.1466045

I was thinking that. What if it was the dying gasp of a planet, attempting to warn us of some coming apocalypse?

>> No.1466049

When we finally manage to figure out the message it will be:


>> No.1466054


A million alien neckbeards, lamenting that they would die alien virgins on alien internet.

>> No.1466057
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There is no more message, it was a one time thing. But humanity hadn't technologically advanced itself enough to fully receive the signal as it was intended.

>> No.1466060

>December 19th, 2012
>Front page news: The WOW signal was deciphered!!!1!

>December 20th, 2012
>Front page news: Satellites and radar stations detect massive incoming signals and ship-like objects coming from where the WOW signal originated.

>December 21st, 2012
>No news.

>> No.1466076

Engfag here. I want to prepare for the end of the world but I have no way of getting a gun. What can I make to protect me?

>> No.1466078



>> No.1466080


Sharp pointy stick. I'll sell you one for 20 quid.

>> No.1466084


Perpetual motion machine.

>> No.1466118


>> No.1466171

>its frequency have been given: 1420.356 MHz
>at a frequency of about 1420 MHz

>> No.1466194

Oh shit

>> No.1466200 [DELETED] 

redshifting or blueshifting. errors in measurement, carrying through calculations etc.

>> No.1466206


The hertz (symbol: Hz) is the SI unit of frequency defined as the number of cycles per second of a periodic phenomenon

>implying that aliens use seconds

>> No.1466210

>still implying the frequency at which Hydrogen resonates will change if you use different units.

>> No.1466213
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>> No.1466219
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No you fucking dumbass. If hydrogen resonates at 1420 times a second but aliens use an interval of time equal to, say, 1.5 times our SI time unit, then to them it will resonate at 2130 times an "alien second".

Then they would transmit a signal which we would receive at 2130MHz.

I'm not saying that it would change hydrogen's freq. I'm saying that their units of time and therefore measurement are different!

>> No.1466222


>> No.1466223

No you fucknut. They'd transmit at whatever frequency hydrogen resonates at which we would still receive at hydrogen's resonate frequency.

>> No.1466225


>> No.1466227
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Oh dear.

>> No.1466234
File: 161 KB, 450x450, Failed troll, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1466233


>all implying that aliens would use multiples of 1000 instead of the more likely scenario that they would use a system of math that is incomprehensible to us

>> No.1466236

4/10 my ass, I fuckin' rage'd like none other
10/10 Fuckwit

>> No.1466237

I wasn't implying that at all.

>> No.1466243


u maek n0 sence

>> No.1466245


>Implying that if they actually came here they wouldn't skull fuck us.

Any race capable of inter-stellar flight might as well be god to us, and if there isn't some serious bowing and scraping by the retards in our respective governments we're pretty much fucked.

>> No.1466249
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>> No.1466257


like base 8?

>> No.1466263

What if the aliens are tasy

>> No.1466265

If aliens exist they must be omnipotent. If they are God, they can exist despite all physical evidence to the contrary. Therefore they would use seconds as a measure of time.

>> No.1466266


No matter what units they use, no matter what units we use the value is still the value.

I use 1 meter say and you use a foot. Our measurement of the length of your penis will be different in our units. But your penis is still the same 2 inches long erect. We call it different, but it is the same length.

They send message at the hydrogen resonance frequency, we listen to that frequency. Units difference don't come into play. Just like no matter what units we use, your dick is still the same size. Tiny.

>> No.1466272

Is there no audio of it?

No printout of the waveforms?

>> No.1466278

did they just measure the strength of signals and not actually capture them?

>> No.1466290

>aliens try to contact us
>they want to fuck

>> No.1466292
File: 49 KB, 1280x1024, Erwinschrödinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a bug.

>> No.1466295


Your mom didn't say it was tiny.

>> No.1466307


Your mother is so fat, each time she jumps out of bed the guys at SETI mark another Wow! signal.

>> No.1466353
File: 1.04 MB, 150x150, reaction fffuuuuuuuuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1466373
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>> No.1466401
