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14657340 No.14657340 [Reply] [Original]

Hope this isn't too off topic. Caught this little nigga a couple nights ago. My cat had been stalking him. Mouse seems injured, rolls to the right when he walks. Any vets here? Does it have a broken leg or is it nerve damage?

It's still alive, it's been eating and it can move around. I put hamster bedding in the cage which gives it a bit more support on the sides, which helps with the rolling a bit.

What are the chances this mouse will get rehabilitated?

>> No.14657348
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Pic from today when I cleaned his cage. His eyes are a bit squinty and his fur is roughed up

>> No.14657360
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Current cage.

My hope is that it has a broken leg that will eventually heal enough that I can release it back to the wild. If it survives but doesn't heal enough to live in the wild, I'll keep it as a pet indefinitely

>> No.14657416
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Assuming this isn't some psychopathic lead-up to you actually killing the mouse thank you for taking care of him and for (future) letting him go. We all lead shitty lives...some small-minded people get a tiny bit of power, be it over some wagies at work or an animal they catch, and it goes to their heads and they turn into complete cunts. The only thing that makes their sad lives better is inflicting pain on others lesser than them who have no way to fight back. They don't realize they're just making the world worse and the shitty lives they lead are echoed by all of us. Be the change anons, don't give in to your base impulses.

>scientifically speaking, of course

>> No.14657433


>> No.14657435

Blessed post.

>> No.14657438

Thanks fren. I was considering euthanasia when I first caught him as his injury seems severe, but I put crackers with almond butter into his cage and we started eating it. As long as he is trying to live, I don't have the right to put him down.

>> No.14657458

*HE started eating it lmao

>> No.14657875

Sharing a meal sounds so nice. You could share a cracker/almond butter meal with him. This would also retroactively fix the typo and allow a beautiful image of kindness and human-mouse comradery to bless any who read this thread.

Also, milk or something with calcium might be good for it's bones, while a bit of salt available for it to lick might help with neural issues.

>> No.14657897

looks like a deer mouse. these guys are cute, and normally don’t go into houses or cause trouble, especially in the summer. careful tho they can carry hantavirus and things like that

>> No.14657907

Thanks. Yeah I haven't been handling him directly, and been washing my hands after touching anything in his cage. Protip for anyone with mice, domestic or wild: put a cardboard tube in their cage, they love to hide in it and it makes removing them from their cage much easier.

I'll see what I can do. The Ritz crackers have a bunch of salt so he should be good on that. My only concern with milk is it could spoil fast. I might try a hard cheese instead

>> No.14657994

Nnooo. Just take it to a wild animal vet. Watch him for a little bit and see if he favors his paws or if it looks like it might be neurological. Your cat possibly just roughed him up a little bit. I've rehabilitated one I caught before that I was going to put outside immediately, but I hurt its foot when I was trying to move the pan shield across the thing I caught him in. Kept it in an aquarium tank with the standard mouse set up for a week, fed it the same things I feed my pet mice, and took him down about 4 miles down by the river to release him outside.

>> No.14658004

Scrape the salt off first. Don't give it milk. Just give it water. They love the shit out of peanut butter. Don't give too much though, it's fatty and he'll be too rotund to give a shit about you releasing him.

>> No.14658511

It's a fucking mouse OP. There are a 1,000 of them living under your house. Just let nature take it's course.

>> No.14658532

Do you expect the mouse to write you a sign saying it wants to die? It's in pain and is unlikely to get better. If you release it into the wild it will die a slow and agonizing death. You can reduce its suffering by killing it with one swift blow.

You say you do not have the right to put it down, but I would argue that putting it down is your responsibility. People often don't want to do this because it makes them feel squeamish, but that just goes to show that they consider their momentary unease over the massive agony of the animal.

>> No.14658585

Jesus Christ
When you kill a rodent, the big parasites like fleas abandon the cold body.
Maybe the rat has some disease or a tick fucked his spine nerves

Wash the little guy...somehow and give it some pills for parasites (do they exist?)

>> No.14658600

Awwww cute mouse OP. You should keep it as a pet
On another note I have a pic of a mouse that my cat decapitated, does anyone want to see it?

>> No.14659123
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imagine getting death threats on an anonymous imageboard just because you walk funny

>Be in a little pain? Just end its life, lmao!
Fucking hedonists, I swear.

>> No.14659131

Why not take it to the vet? It's might be that your cat attacked it, and well, they go for vital spots.

>> No.14659137

NTA but you suffering-worshipping, dysgenic degens still worshipping dead Christian ideals should be the ones getting death threats.

>> No.14659141

My wife keeps mice. In general when they get sick she's taken them to the vet, but with their size there's almost never anything they can do. They have so little blood that full anaesthesia is too risky, and it's not like you can splint bones together.
Sadly the most common cause was always developing tumours, but I think your little dude might be better off.

>> No.14659163

Try turning off the lights, giving it some material in the nest ought to help as well which you seem to have done. You could wash it and inspect the legs but it does seem to have some kind of a problem if it walks like that. Nothing you can do except do a parasite check on the fur and let it eat and rest. The reality is that mice life fast and die young, even if it has a problem that could heal likely means it will die in the wild soon anyways. Better to keep as a pet or feed it to your cat.

>> No.14659169


>> No.14659225
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>Eats tons of enslaved, tortured and raped animals
It's cute anons. But very hypocritical.

>> No.14659280


>make wild accusations about strangers you know nothing about
>suffering exists in the world, therefore it's justified to inflict suffering on others for no other reason
>not wanting to do the above is somehow hypocritical

if i cared enough to put it in symbolic logic i could prove mathematically how retarded you are

>> No.14659294
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>>suffering exists in the world, therefore it's justified to inflict suffering on others for no other reason
The point is that by eating meat, you're actively inflicting the suffering on animals, since you're financing the industry. On the top of that, it doesn't seem to bother people so much to eat them.

>if i cared enough to put it in symbolic logic i could prove mathematically how retarded you are
I bet you feel so smart. I wonder how do you see yourself in your mind.

>> No.14659646

Most people that eat farmed meat products aren't actively on a homicidal spree to make sure that all creatures that aren't human must be slaughtered. It's a bit merciless to kill an animal that spent the entirety of its short life in the wild, existing as animals ought to, versus eating an animal product coming from an animal that's known nothing different than existing in a farm hellscape. It's probably more merciful to let the animals farmed for meat go more quickly, considering how fucking awful their lives are.

>> No.14659692

feeding/not feeding IS the sign, spastic

>> No.14659709
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To clarify, I'm 100% sure the cat attacked him.

Today is day 3 and he's still kicking, in fact he's moved to a new spot in his cage. Still eating and drinking as well. As long as he eats and drinks, I'm assuming he has a decent shot at recovering. All animals I've known to die stopped eating before they passed.

Webm of him sniffing some almond butter cracker last night

>> No.14659814

>All animals I've known to die stopped eating before they passed.
I once found a whole bunch of baby pigeons at my doorstop. Think they fell out of a nearby nest. I gave them some food and they were all eating it apart from one. The rest left by the end of the day and this one little guy remained. By the next day it was clear he wasn't improving and was going to die. He wasn't eating, he was moving, so I killed him and buried him deep in my yard. It sucked.

>> No.14659822
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>The point is that by eating meat, you're actively inflicting the suffering on animals, since you're financing the industry. On the top of that, it doesn't seem to bother people so much to eat them.

>> No.14659827

Don't care, still hungry, gonna grab some chicken wings on the way home

>> No.14659829

Wasn't moving*

>> No.14659835

Damn that does suck. Rest in peace bird bro

>> No.14660348
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>It's a bit merciless to kill an animal that spent the entirety of its short life in the wild, existing as animals ought to, versus eating an animal product coming from an animal that's known nothing different than existing in a farm hellscape.
If we cared that much, we would just stop making them reproduce and stop making them suffering.

I also eat meat. I just don't like the hypocrisy of meat eating people who consider themselves to be divinely benevolent when it comes to animal suffering.

>> No.14660380

>Current cage.

I once found a mouse in a mouse trap still alive. (not my trap) It's leg was crushed but I released it, put it in an small aquarium with shredded paper and food/water. After about a week it was able to jump out of the aquarium. Don't underestimate these little critter's ability to heal fast and jump really high.

>> No.14660391

Will do. I took the lid off for the picture, if he heals enough to jump he won't be able to escape (although at that point I'd release him back into the wild)

>> No.14660478

Stop letting the mice reproduce? Or the meat animals? With the mice, there's probably some concoction that would affect fertility and act as a sterilizing agent when continually administered through little feed blocks that you put in places where you know they've been. It's not something I've thought about having to do, I've never seen mice in my new place outside of the ones I keep as pets. There's outdoor ones that I've seen randomly decapitated or in some fragmented form outside, but there's outdoor cats that get those.

>> No.14660489

poor guy :(

>> No.14660507

OP's gonna get a round worm from this thing, just fucking kill it they have diseases.

>> No.14660508

That lil nigga rarted

>> No.14660603

just drop a slab on the little fucker and put him out his misery

>> No.14660607

post it

>> No.14660620

>To clarify, I'm 100% sure the cat attacked him.
If his legs aren't broken then cats usually bite their preys spine apart, severing or damaging it and probably causing this lack of coordination or even paralysis, both of which are almost certainly permanent.

I'd kill it if I were you but it's up to you

>> No.14661015
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>> No.14661021
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Still wobbly, but he's doing much better now that he's had a few days of rest and relaxation. More alert and energetic for sure

>> No.14661036

It looks a thousand times better. Did you get him a safe wheel or saucer? You might notice more improvement with that.

>> No.14661055

Wholesome post.

>> No.14661067

Not yet. At first I didn't think I would need to, because I thought it was a broken bone. I think now it's pretty evident that his brains got scrambled, so a wheel is probably a good idea to help him with his coordination. I'll get one tonight or tomorrow

>> No.14661074

tbqh... I'm expecting this to show up in a rekt /gif/. Hopefully tomorrow.

>> No.14661081

nah I love this lil brain damaged nigga

>> No.14661114

Can you contact a local animal rehabber and ask if they take mice or if not, ask for their advice? The one here I take injured squirrels to is pretty amazing. I know she uses an anti-inflammatory sometimes to lessen swelling so nerves can heal after things like car collisions, but she has also told me that it's up to them at that point since it's really just giving them as much "room" as possible to heal on their own. (And of course don't go dosing him with ibuprofen because I said this, I have no idea what they use or how.)

I think the best thing to do would be to call and/or email a few rehabbers and animal people nearby who deal with small wildlife and ask for general advice. Don't give up if you don't get through. Rehab people are a mixed bag but are generally really good people.

>> No.14661120

I'll see what I can do

>> No.14661122

Based, good person. We have a duty to protect life and prevent suffering even when it seems pointless. When Teilhard de Chardin's/Vygotsky's noosphere is realized, you will NOT be raped in the ass by demons for your accumulated bad karma if you save little animals (this statement has been empirically verified by me and is scientifically accurate).

>> No.14661124

If he's getting better, I wonder if you've already done the lion's share of helping him just by giving him the time and space to heal safely. But still might as well look into it. Thanks again for doing this.

>> No.14661653

You should release it if it's healthy again. No need to keep a wild animal in a cage.

>> No.14661765

That's the plan, but I'm not sure if he'll ever be "healthy" again. He's getting better, but his sense of balance may be permanently damaged. But if he ever fully recovers he will be released

>> No.14661872

post it anon

>> No.14663931

Mouse update: no pictures, as he's burrowed and hiding, but he is still alive and well.

To all people who recommended euthanasia: if you ever find yourself in a situation with an injured animal, don't mercy kill it until you determine if it will eat or drink. If it will eat or drink, it has a good chance at survival

>> No.14664141

>The point is that by eating meat, you're actively inflicting the suffering on animals
No, I'm saving animals from suffering. Every animal whose meat I eat has been killed, i.e. freed from suffering.

>> No.14665613
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Final update. The mouse has been doing even better today. He's been jumping at the walls of his cage wanting to escape, so I released him into my backyard. He still has a bit of healing to do, but at this point he's healed enough where I believe being in captivity and the associated stress is hindering more than helping.

>> No.14665615
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>> No.14665620

anyway, he is gone now. while i wish i could have kept him longer, he was ready to go. i'm very happy with how much he's recovered in only 4 days. thanks for all the advice, and think before you mercy kill animals, even mice are tougher than you might think.

>> No.14665626
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>your cat's face when he sees the mouse again

>> No.14665639
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>also your cat's face when he sees the mouse again

>> No.14665656

>so I released him into my backyard
You should have released him somewhere else to give him a fair shot, he’s still weak and the cat might get him again.
God presented you with a moral dilemma.

>> No.14665657

my cat is indoor only, so as long as he stays out of the house he will be safe

>> No.14665994

you did a good job!

>> No.14666078

Thanks for the cozy thread op. I'm happy that your mouse friend got better!

>> No.14666183

>human mouse comradery
>rural family of 5 starves in the winter as mice ate all their grains

>> No.14666238

Thank you OP, I wish you the best

>> No.14666480
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Sorry sorry I forgot

>> No.14666815

good thread
thanks for helping the little feller out