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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14658859 No.14658859 [Reply] [Original]

if humans evolved from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?

>> No.14658865

humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor

>> No.14658870

if we have the same common ancestor then why didnt they get smart like us?

>> No.14658883

Perhaps they were smarter than us and said NO, GO AWAY evolution
And evolution btfo'd

>> No.14658930

We clubbed their skulls, some of them still survived tho and are now responsible for like 80% of crime in the usa

>> No.14658948

If you have the same ancestors why are you not as smart as your relatives?

>> No.14658951

I am

>> No.14658959

Obviously not since you don't understand basic principles of heredity.

>> No.14659002

monkeys evolved from rats
in a million years, what are now monkeys will be human, and what are now rats will all be monkeys. lungfishes will evolve into rats and so on down the line.

>> No.14659015

Biopsychology is based off of ethology which discusses evolutionary processes for explaining behavior and intelligence

>> No.14659022
File: 158 KB, 1280x966, image_2183_13e-Pissinattis-bald-faced-saki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like monkeys

>> No.14659037

Because not all of us get to evolve into something better
Evidence: you

>> No.14659041

That doesn't answer my question. Try again.

>> No.14659055

You didn't ask a question

>> No.14659157

If god made humans from dust why is there still dust around?

>> No.14659166

because dust is dead skin cells

>> No.14659216

Monkeys evolved from humans. Say one thing humans can do better than monkeys?

>> No.14659238

Mathematics? Technology? Reproducing themselves?

>> No.14659247

Who says humans are better than monekys at mathematics? Has there been any studies done on monkeys' mathematics abilities?

>> No.14659260

Humans do more of that, sure, but only because they value it mor. It doesn't mean that they're better at it.

>> No.14659262
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>> No.14659269
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Post hairy climbing hand

>> No.14659284
File: 1.32 MB, 801x792, calpand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call monkeys dumb, yet monkeys don't create nuclear weapons

>> No.14659293

>if humans evolved from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?
Because the monkeys that are here are not the monkeys that are there or to put it in another way. You're being misled by an elementary category mistake, leading you to think that that 'monkey' thing is indicating anything other than an abstraction. Humans are either monkeys or they're not. They're not both and not neither. Simple as that. Biologists don't seem to care at all about such category mistakes, making them blurt out statements like we 'came' from monkeys.

>> No.14659295

Monkeys also don't need to work or pay money to just survive

>> No.14659300

monkeys don't fall for psychological warfare tactics like fake nukes

>> No.14659302

>Monkeys also don't need to work or pay money to just survive
People have survived most of the time without money, without "working" if you mean it as working in our society.
And it's not a proof of intelligence...
Monkeys don't produce nuclear weapons, and even if they wanted, they could not because they don't have the intelligence to learn that by themselves.

>> No.14659310

Technically monkeys eat bananas and potassium is radioactive so if they throw a banana it can be considered a nuclear weapon

>> No.14659314

If you have a non-retarded brother, does that answer your question?

>> No.14659320


>> No.14659359
File: 877 KB, 1440x1080, 4 Mantled colobus Colobus guereza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

>> No.14659363

And how do you know? You're using circular reasoning