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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14656983 No.14656983 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the dumbest theory on here?

>> No.14656991

the theory of OP not being a faggot.
time and time again it is proven that OP is a faggot but no they persist...

>> No.14657021
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source: picrel

>> No.14657475


lately? The guy who posts that conservation of angular momentum is wrong shit

>> No.14657584

atheism isn't a theory anon

>> No.14657601

movement through space is inherently movement through time. 299 792 458 m of space travel is equivalent to 1 second of time travel, such that you are travelling through time an insignificant fraction of a second every time you go to the fridge to grab a pop.

>> No.14657774
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This but unironically


>> No.14658409

Youre right theories can be falsified. Atheism has no ability to falsify

>> No.14658412

neither does theism

this isn't a scientific subject, in other words, and doesn't really belong on this board

>> No.14658465
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>> No.14658494

The dumbest theory ever conceived is the “law” of conservation of angular momentum. It cannot make an accurate prediction for anything at all.

>> No.14658774
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Yes it is

>Atheism has no ability to falsify
>atheism "isn't" falsified if you prove God exists
Typical atheist logic

>> No.14658794

atheism could be falsified literally today if God decided to just exist instead of hiding away

>> No.14659932


Newton assured us it won't be until after 2060

>> No.14659946

>could be if

>> No.14660015

dark matter

>> No.14660257

climate change

>> No.14661746

anyone who seethes about dark matter doesn't even know what it is

i bet you couldn't tell me

>> No.14662078
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>if God decided to just exist instead of hiding away
If you still deny God at this point you would deny him if he came down from heaven and said here I am (he already did once actually). You would pretend he's an alien or a rouge program in the matrix simulation or the Chinese playing a prank on us or some other delusion on par with your current denial-based delusion.

>> No.14662206

Easily the stupidest theory I've seen on /sci/ so far, which is saying a lot

>> No.14662271

The dumbest theory is linking sudden adult death syndrome with covid vaccines. It's ridiculously stupid. Sudden adult death syndrome has always existed and it is clearly caused by climate change, shaking your duvet while making your bed, shoveling snow, eating breakfast, looking at energy prices and too much freedom.

>> No.14662307

When we say god we mean any entity that behaves as god. Some matrix programmer is basically as good as god. An alien would not.

>> No.14662332

>You would pretend he's an alien or a rouge program in the matrix simulation or the Chinese playing a prank on us or some other delusion on par with your current denial-based delusion.
kek. my thoughts exactly. updooted

>> No.14662383


>> No.14662760
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>When we say god we mean any entity that behaves as god
Sure. You would deny God via deciding he behaves in a way God "should not" and therefore he isn't God. This aligns perfectly with what I said. Jesus did not fight back when he died on the cross and many said he can't be God because God would never allow that or "behave" that way. In one sentence you've outlined the exact mechanism in which you would deny God if he came down from heaven and said here I am
>An alien would not
lol. Sufficiently advanced tech will appear as incomprehensible supernatural magic to the uninformed.
Watch the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey to get an idea of this.

>> No.14663947

Anything built on the field of characteristic 1.

>> No.14664108

When you travel at the speed of light through space (I know, impossible) you move through time at 0 or time stops and when you move through time at the speed of light your movement in space is 0 or your frozen in a fixed point in space.

>> No.14664258

John Paulos cites the following quotations by Bertrand Russell:
Pure mathematics consists entirely of such asseverations as that, if such and such a proposition is true of anything, then such and such another proposition is true of that thing... It's essential not to discuss whether the proposition is really true, and not to mention what the anything is of which it is supposed to be true... If our hypothesis is about anything and not about some one or more particular things, then our deductions constitute mathematics. Thus mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.
I have "gathered evidence" (not proved!! SEE!) that mathematics is bullshit.
Postulate the scent of my ass.
If nothing could be proven, as postulated by mathematical skepticism, then by default a classic paradox exist where axioms exist in a superposition of both true and false, violating Aristotle’s principle of non-contradiction. Aren’t we supposed to be in some closed physical system or sorts, or does something (as in, nothing) exist outside to serve as a method of exhaustion?

>> No.14664473

>i bet you couldn't tell me
i mean, no one who believes in it could tell you either

>> No.14664495

>What’s the dumbest theory on here?
You don't know what you unleashed here, m8.

>> No.14664668

no, i can easily tell you what it is, it's the name of an unexplained but well-documented phenomenon

someone seething about how it doesn't exist makes zero fucking sense, the only way to do that is to just have no knowledge at all about the concept itself

>> No.14665029

Bohemian mechanics, pilot-wave theory

>> No.14665192 [DELETED] 
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global warming

>> No.14665200

Special and general relativity (and by extension, the rest of modern physics)

>> No.14665293

I find gravity laughable. HA HA gravity!

>> No.14665302

>high tide vs low tide
Not an argument

>> No.14665917

>he already did once actually

>> No.14665963

The human brain is already an extremely efficient computer though. I doubt electrical computers will do better.
Maybe if they figure out a way to birth bigger biological brains.

>> No.14665983

the "single electron in the universe" theory. shit is bonkers. how do you even explain correlated electron systems with this?

>> No.14665993

Bigger isn't better/more intelligent you retard

>> No.14666028
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It's not possible a human entity (with no help from advanced intelligence) could perfectly fulfill Hebrew prophesy from hundreds or 1000+ years before his existence and have books written about him by dozens of non-expert commoners stand up to the scrutiny of the highest religious authorities who do nothing but study all their lives, and have it all align perfectly. And then on top of that turn this pacifist "cult" that followed him into a world religion despite being the most highly persecuted religion, at its inception, of all time. Literally almost all the original proselytizers were killed. Can you say that about any other religion? No, of course not. No other religion overcame even 1/1000th the difficulty of Christianity, yet here we are.
It would be like a bunch of /pol/tards creating a religion for the lolz in the middle east saying "hey this guy was actually Allah in the flesh" and writing dozens of books that align with the Quaran perfectly, yet says it was fulfilled and the ceremonial laws no longer apply.
Every last one of them would be slaughtered. Literally zero chance it would spread like wildfire the way Christianity did (and still is in the middle east). Why aren't any other "fake" "cult" religions rising up in the face of being slaughtered in the middle east? It's just so easy to create zealot followers willing to die and dozens of books that pass the highest scrutinity if there is no divine assistance right bro?

>> No.14666178

The brain is the most energy efficient and powerful in a given cubic area.

>> No.14666413

Anything einstein and his retard followers created

>> No.14667075

I don't give a fuck whether the Bible is true or false, as long as it gives me an exemption from le heckin scientificerino clotshot.

>> No.14667268

big bang implying there's a time zero

>> No.14669366

>If you still deny God at this point
you make it sounds like something happened in the past few years that makes it obvious that God exists

>> No.14669969

what about islam? also your logic: something spreading rapidly so it must be true is so fucking monke thinking.

>> No.14670022

>And then on top of that turn this pacifist "cult" that followed him into a world religion despite being the most highly persecuted religion, at its inception, of all time. Literally almost all the original proselytizers were killed. Can you say that about any other religion? No, of course not. No other religion overcame even 1/1000th the difficulty of Christianity, yet here we are.

>pacifist cult
>when Christians have literally slandered, tortured and even killed people from the early Church fathers to the modern day

Inb4 "but they weren't real Christians"

Btdubs, Mormons literally saw Joseph Smith die and they're still here shilling his obvious scam of a religion and let's not even start with Qanon, it's living proof people will believe anything.

>> No.14670034

If Jesus "perfectly fulfilled Hebrew prophesy" why are there still Hebrews?

>> No.14670578


>> No.14671054

Is every coincidence in history proof of some God?
Why do christians always find it easier to change the definition of proof than just make a proof?

>> No.14671261

>What’s the dumbest theory on here?
The dumbest theory on here is that a female poltician can be based. Females in politics are peak degeneracy.

>> No.14671298

based is a nigger word that means high on crack

>> No.14673473

>what about islam?
Not pacifist, originally and currently spread by the sword, original founders were not persecuted, Quran is complete intellectual garbage not even worth debunking bc there is no doctrinal substance to it in the first place, had nothing to do with prophecy and texts 1000+ years before (literally just mindlessly says the old testament is right but don't trust it: ie easymode way to get around having to agree with it like NT does with OT)
status: 100% not even remotely the same
>so your logic: something spreading rapidly so it must be true is so fucking monke thinking
No, the monke thinking is your belief this is even remotely what I said
>Inb4 "but they weren't real Christians"
Correct, and it didn't happen until many hundreds of years after Jesus
>Btdubs, Mormons literally saw Joseph Smith die and they're still here shilling his obvious scam of a religion and let's not even start with Qanon, it's living proof people will believe anything.
Irrelevant. They are not being presecuted for their beliefs thus the "1/1000th the difficulty" still completely applies. There are no "obvious scam" parts of the Bible no matter how many debunked atheist website arguments you copypasta.
why wouldn't there be?
>wiki tard link
>first sentence is a lie
>t-t-t-t-thats j-j-j-j-just a few hundred c-c-coincidences not p-p-p-p-prooooof of gd trust me!!!

>> No.14673604

dude you literally also shared wiki link? why am I turd for sharing the same website with you?

>> No.14673654

Where did Jesus say he is god?