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14655281 No.14655281 [Reply] [Original]

Has science ever explained the jews' unusually high rate of mental illness?

>> No.14655290

kikery aside, it's insane that anyone is going "THIS PROVES THE MRNA JABS WERE A MASSIVE SUCCESS, WE CAN NOW MAKE MORE MRNA JABS FOR OTHER THINGS", when it was one of the top 5 medical disasters in human history that only proved effective at causing blood clots and heart failure

>> No.14655299
File: 104 KB, 768x1024, 2B072829-835D-4D95-B277-CBC1DD78D26B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the true hebrews were an accursed people the moment from the romans smashed their altars, killed their protector-djinn Jehovah, and took their candelabrum back to Rome

this is not even a real hebrew though, these people are descended from the Khazar Khanate of central asia

>> No.14655360

We had this thread already just a few days ago.
Time to rangeban Arab countries?

>> No.14655458
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>> No.14655596

Schizophrenia can be triggered by trauma and most jews have truma in their families, not so much now but it was higher. For the ashkenazi it was the holocaust and the kids of holocaustees had to live with batshit insane parents. The sephardim and mizrahi have their own tales of losing everything when they were kicked out of arab countries and came to israel to clean toilets.
Suicide rates in Israel were extremely high during the 1950s. Today there are almost no effects

>> No.14655607

Millenia of Diaspora, living on the fringes of society, marrying and intermingling with the migrant criminal classes that civilized societies cast out into those fringes.

>> No.14655660

she looks Sephardic, they are Khazars

>> No.14655664


>> No.14655685

Shes ashkenazi. Ashkenazi are not white and those that look white have basically been bleached. Darker ashkenazis used to be more common generations ago

>> No.14655723

khazars are from eastern europe/west asia, they are not brown kiddo, not sure where you that idea from, but it is wrong

>> No.14655732

The shepardic jews hate the ashkenazi jews for good reason

>> No.14655775

>khazars are from eastern europe/west asia, they are not brown kiddo, not sure where you that idea from, but it is wrong
Incorrect, they just lived there, they are nomads like gypsies

>> No.14655780

The OP has posted a pic of a literal dark skinned ashkenazi

>> No.14655791
File: 91 KB, 338x423, Israel_Zangwill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14655801

There's no genetic evidence of Khazarian ancestry. The genetic evidence shows Middle Eastern males converting Roman females.

>> No.14655804
File: 49 KB, 400x527, TIMEMagazine17Sep1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nappy headed ho. This phenotype was primarily exterminated in the holocaust, these are the jews that could never blend in unlike the more bleaches ones

>> No.14655867

who is obviously mixed with someone else. How fucking are you morons? I just told you wehre they are from. Khazars were fact noted as being red haired and blue eyed. They were light skinned people, there arent any dark skinned people in that region / end of discussion you fucking retards

>> No.14655870

*They were light skinned people, there arent any dark skinned people NATIVE to that region

Not before mixing

>> No.14655877

I mean khazars were literally from the caucaus mountains ffs rofl. Imagine trying to say dark skinned people are native to the CAUCASIAN mountains. dipshits

>> No.14655883
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>Has science ever explained the jews' unusually high rate of mental illness?
yeah, it's called being genetically dead.

>> No.14655885
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their ancestors went extinct and now their hybrid offsprings are also dying.

>> No.14655893

Ashkenazis are not pure khazars and there were dark skinned nomads all over russia including in the north. They still exist today as the sami.

>> No.14655901

yah and there are niggers and sand niggers in sweden. Do you have a point or are you just trying to do everything you can to avoid admitting you are an idiot?

>> No.14655914

>Do you have a point
That no only white people live in the north. Nomads in particular just go everywhere. Thats point #1. Point #2 is that ashkenai jews are not pure khazars. Point #3 is that theres lots of pictures of old ashkenazi jews and they are much darker than typical ashkenazies today. They were like gypsies.

>> No.14655916

>. Imagine trying to say dark skinned people are native to the CAUCASIAN mountains
Nobody is borne from some rock.

>> No.14655935

You ever meet a schizophrenic dog? No, because schizophrenia is an artifact of intelligence. Jews are intelligent so schizophrenia is a natural consequence.

>> No.14655948
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>> No.14655968

Not everyone is here 24/7 and this isn't Stack Overflow where it's a grave sin to discuss something that's been discussed before.

>> No.14655973
File: 172 KB, 831x749, 1645039365166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's not forget also how their forces react to an actual threat.

>> No.14655979

Schizophrenia has been observed in all races including subsaharan africa.

>> No.14655998
File: 126 KB, 710x870, circumcision-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circumcised men have the same penis envy that women do

>> No.14656046

overdosing on gentile cum