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File: 142 KB, 1000x512, 1000_F_323593452_qAVKtOO1VVWoHh5TpeBZcBbAyBlVfDKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14638793 No.14638793 [Reply] [Original]

The vaccine reduced my cardio resistance in at least a 40%. I have been running 6 moths almost daily since the end of the pandemic restrictions and my resistance haven't improved. I'm fit, athletic, young and used to be healthy.

Also my mother got "virical origined" heart failure after he took the vaccine.

A lot of elite athletes have experienced similar illnesses

Some cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported as a COVID 19 vaccine's adverse reaction.

>> No.14638798

>...after he took...

>> No.14638803

>two weeks

>> No.14638808

Why'd you take it? They were obviously trying to force you, you should never trust someone who forces you to put things in your body.

>> No.14638814

tow weeks what? I'm not American

>> No.14638869


>> No.14638880

because of the propaganda

>> No.14638931

Then it's a just outcome and you deserve to suffer. I feel like buying Pfizer shares just to spite you. I'm happy every time someone has a stroke or clot from the vaccine, happier still when they die. I'm happy when young people and kids get myocarditis.. I'm happy when their parents suffer. I'll be euphoric when ADE wipes out most of the vaccinated population. I unironically believe in the headstones that say the world population should be 500 million max. The world is overpopulated and it would be wonderful if the vaccine fixed it. All Russia or China needs to do is tinker around with SARS-COV-2 to make this a reality in the coming months. You made your bed, now lay in it.

>> No.14638932

>The vaccine reduced my cardio resistance
It's your fault for pozzling yourself. The global elites were culling the meek.

>> No.14639322

>all that anger
you were raped a LOT as a kid I see. let it out.

>> No.14639364

No but I was financially raped as an adult by employers, the state, the university and landlord. The same people who want to force you to get vaxxed.

>> No.14639559
File: 136 KB, 1200x834, e2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gains have only improved, never vaxxed, never tested, pureblood for life fr fr

>> No.14640142
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not that anon but I have a few of these beauties to let out if you want.

>> No.14640145
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I just love how these people change their tune after their wallet gets hurt.

>> No.14640150
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>> No.14640154
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I have plenty, if you want more just say the word.
these people not only erased themselves out of the gene pool but also ensured their destruction through killing their own offsprings.

>> No.14640182

Unlucky people exist, why should I care about the one in 10k who develops complications from the shot because their immune system has a genetic abnormality? Every vaccine has casualties, all of them, that wont change the benefit it can provide.

>> No.14640185
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how is the vaccine EVER more dangerous than the virus

>mRNA for spike proteins
>spike proteins
>produced in a localized reaction in your shoulder

covid 19 full virus particle
>mRNA for spike proteins AND every single other protein the virus has to offer
>spike proteins AND hundreds of other proteins
>mass produced all over your respiratory tract and even GI tract including actual viremia where the virus spreads to all of your organs

whining about the vaccine has no consequence whatsoever because one day you will get covid and you will experience worse side effects than whatever the vaccine conceivably has to offer multiplied by some factor

i hope you and everyone who is too dumb to comprehend the above statement dies a painful death especially OP and his whore of a mother, hope her whore heart stops as soon as I click the post button

>> No.14640197

>why should I care about the one in 10k who develops complications from COVID-19 because their immune system has a genetic abnormality?
I agree.

>> No.14640199
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>Every vaccine has casualties, all of them, that wont change the benefit it can provide.
indeed, I absolutely agree.
then why use an undeveloped and ineffective "vaccine"? generally it takes 15 years to make a good vaccine.
this one isn't a vaccine, it is an open medical experiment on the sheep, one with the intention of reducing overpopulation.
these people willingly walked into the fucking slaughter house out of their own volition, it isn't just unlucky people this time anon, it was a test of intelligence which only the smartest managed to pass.
in 8 to 10 years, we will literally see an emptier world.

>> No.14640203

>produced in a localized reaction in your shoulder
This is wrong, FYI. Spike protein is detectable at a higher rate in the blood of the vaccinated than in those who actually develop COVID-19.

>> No.14640212
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don't waste your words anymore.
just let nature take it's course.

>> No.14640215

>whining about the vaccine has no consequence whatsoever because one day you will get covid and you will experience worse side effects than whatever the vaccine conceivably has to offer multiplied by some factor
Good lord. Are you aware of how many people were infected before the vaccines were even available and came through it fine? It's not a foregone conclusion that the unvaccinated will get crushed by it, or that the vaccinated won't have a serious case. Fauci's been battling it for a month, quadruple vaxxed and two courses of Paxlovid, meanwhile my unvaccinated 75-year-old coworker had a cough for a week and enjoyed her paid leave.

>> No.14640229

It's homelander.

>> No.14640233
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fraudi fell for his own bullshit? I don't believe you.

>> No.14640234

>in 8 to 10 years, we will literally see an emptier world.
why do you think this was engineered to kill those people en masse? It wasn't It kills a few of them, then kills everyone else later.

>> No.14640236

it's fucking hysterical that people think a liquid injection will stay local.

>> No.14640251

It magically disappears after some time, it's not like it has to reach the blood stream to eventually be filtered out by the liver and kidneys. :-/

>> No.14640252
File: 160 KB, 500x1249, Bad vaxxxxxxxxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Covid 19 vaccine can damage your heart
No shit, welcome to 2021 Alex Jones information.
Now the fake news lamestream media wants to act like this is something new to report on.

>> No.14640253
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>No but I was financially raped as an adult by employers, the state, the university and landlord. The same people who want to force you to get vaxxed.
Yet I bet you will still vote Democrat. KEK!

>> No.14640255
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>> No.14640259
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>> No.14640264
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stop going to doctors, bros or at least make sure they don't have access to your vaccination records and just lie to them that you got the jab

I know a doctor and he literally treats people who didn't get the vaxx worse ON PURPOSE
>overperscribes them antibiotics for simple infections to kill their gut bacteria and in hopes of causing resistant infections, more side effects and also burdening them financially
>narcotic pain killers to get them addicted
>overperscribes them medication in general
>purposely has them waiting in the waiting room longer
>generally treats them with less empathy and offers shittier treatments
the above includes their family members

>> No.14640265

>it's fucking hysterical that people think a liquid injection will stay local.
They don't believe it. They are repeating propaganda that the politicians/government/corporations told them to say.
Many of them are not even human but AI bots.
Elon Musk is showing that Twitter is over 50% bots, perhaps 75% or more.

>> No.14640276

>then why use an undeveloped and ineffective "vaccine"? generally it takes 15 years to make a good vaccine.
mRNA vaccines have been under development for decades.

>in 8 to 10 years, we will literally see an emptier world.
Literally just two more weeks. It started out with months, then it became a couple years, now it's a decade? Give me a break.

>> No.14640278

that's nothing
doctors literally turn unvaxxed people's life support in the ICU to inflate their death statistics since you can't possibly get caught

>> No.14640285

>Literally just two more weeks. It started out with months, then it became a couple years, now it's a decade? Give me a break.
People have been arguing that prion disease is a possibility, and that can take over a decade to develop. Inhaling aspetos doesn't cause trouble in the short term. Just because something doesn't kill you within a year doesn't mean it's safe long term. Perhaps the vaccines won't be problematic long term, but no one can say that with certainty until we have at least a decade or two of data.

>> No.14640318

Im just waiting for the "Elite" to say Fuck It, FUCK IT ALL, and release Airborne and Water Borne Rabies.

>> No.14640394
File: 129 KB, 1024x653, 1644995545239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally just two more weeks. It started out with months, then it became a couple years, now it's a decade? Give me a break.
the 2 more weeks meme was obviously a glownigger trying to rush it.
all great things have humble beginnings.
it won't happen today nor tomorrow, but the only fact that matters here is how inevitable it is and to prepare for the reckoning.
the final test will arrive and it'll be painfully obvious to see when shit gets real.

>> No.14640976

>mRNA vaccines have been under development for decades.

Classic vaccines have been under development for century ==> we can do classic vaccine for all the sickness without having to test now, it's save.

>> No.14641269

>ADE wipes out most of the vaccinated population
two weeks

>> No.14641277

go ride a donkey, hillbilly

>> No.14641706

>I was raped by people who have power over me so I'm gonna go and jerk off to people who are raped day by day by the same people because I can't do anything else
Goddamn you are pathetic.

>> No.14641714
File: 281 KB, 828x714, 1631591857695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The vaccine reduced my cardio resistance in at least a 40%
What? English??
Didn't read the rest

>> No.14641717

I'm not asserting conspiracy. ADE is a logical outcome when vaccinating against coronaviruses and has been observed in MERS and SARs. It's not a matter of if but when. Next peak wave we're going to see it in the boosted population is my bet. Hopefully mortality rates of 10% or higher in them.

>> No.14641732

>The Covid 19 vaccine can damage your heart

Very low probability and almost always result in mild inflammation that resolve itself without the need of any medical treatment.
Covid itself is responsible for the vast majority of myocarditis and pericarditis. It was already a big issue with that virus way before the vaccines existed.

Is that 40% reduction that never improved a personal estimation or was it measured by a professional ?

>> No.14641742

>ADE is a logical outcome
No, it's one of your scientifically illiterate delusions.
There wasn't any ADE observed with the other coronaviruses. You just read something about Marek's disease and transformed the information for your propaganda.

Schizos have talked about ADE for more than a year, 5 variants later, nothing happened. It'll never happen.

>> No.14642021
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that's because the "vaccine" is the happening.

>> No.14642104
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covid fucks with your heart

>> No.14642122

>There wasn't any ADE observed with the other coronaviruses.
Not that anon, but previous attempts at creating vaccines for coronaviruses led to ADE in test animals. It's one of the reasons scientists chose to target the spike protein rather than the nucleocapsid. In the process, they (knowingly or unknowingly) injected people with the most inflammatory portion of the virus.

>> No.14642705
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and that caused men to become infertile.

>> No.14642719

they kinda already did and it backfired badly by doing absolutely nothing to anything and at best we got prion infected deers

>> No.14643252

and yet people still inject that covid vax crap in themselves! LMAO! They must want raisin nuts.

>> No.14643256
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>almost always result in mild inflammation

>> No.14643258
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>mRNA vaccines have been under development for decades.
And never approved because of their health hazards.
Yet Moderna, "Modern RNA" gets approval for a vax they spent 2 DAYS manufacturing. HAHAAHAHAAHA


>> No.14643961
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>> No.14644081

i haven't been covid vaccinated and yet have been having weird heart issues too.

either its covid and the vaccine doesn't real, or it's just some other awful shit like raping your creator

>> No.14644090
File: 352 KB, 688x1744, SHoe_science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might be interested in my magic shoes.

>> No.14644125 [DELETED] 

Imagine unironically being a big pharma cultist with your faggot ass "booster shots" hahahahahaha

>> No.14645292

you have a natural reaction to the current situation.

>> No.14645308
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>They must want raisin nuts.
no anon...they are far worse than that, they are literally soulless and unaware.
these "people" have to die.

>> No.14645320
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the fact that they still take them despite being an instant kill shot makes you think they deserve everything they got.

>> No.14647848
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>> No.14648046
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>i haven't been covid vaccinated and yet have been having weird heart issues too.

Avoid people who have been vaccinated, as they are "shedding" spike proteins and are infectious for quite a while after getting a shot or booster, sometimes for over a year after.

>> No.14648083

all fake and all your posts are fake.

>> No.14648093
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yes it can and that is a good thing


>> No.14648121
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whatever you say my jewish friend...

>> No.14648129

And COVID 19 can damage your sense of taste so damned if you do damned if you don't

>> No.14648134

My brother is in the us military what do you propose he do? Get dishonorably discharged?

>> No.14648140
File: 123 KB, 1024x633, 1645056101788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this covid shit is just the flu.
the real menace comes from the vaccine and the vaccinated.
specially the vaccinated since they can propagate their infection somehow.

>> No.14648142

tens of thousands of military members got fake vax statements from their doctors, online, made them their selves, saying they got one of the vaccines so they didn't have to get jabbed for real. Thousands more got religious and medical exemptions.

>> No.14648146

have a doctor prescribe you the vaccine and then fake that he took it.
they can't say jack shit.

>> No.14648148

>And COVID 19 can damage your sense of taste
smell (which is linked to taste) but it is temporary.

the "vaccines" can also do the same thing.

>> No.14648455

>have a doctor prescribe you the vaccine and then fake that he took it.
>they can't say jack shit.
This is the way and quite common. Probably around 20%-50% of doctors did this for their established patients they know won't tattle on them.

>> No.14648471

>have been running 6 moths almost daily since the end of the pandemic restrictions and my resistance haven't improved
That's called a plateau sweety...try running harder and longer. If youre not in the puke zone at least once a week expect no gains.

>> No.14649095
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viruses DON'T exist. nobody knows what will be in your cattleshot injection.

>> No.14649441

I didn't take the vaccine and didn't wear a mask but two of those dogs aren't even looking at the stuffed animal.

>> No.14649583

>have been running 6 moths almost daily since the end of the pandemic restrictions and my resistance haven't improved.
How do you run? What distance, what pace?

>> No.14651718

does this >>14645308 looks like normal behavior to you?

>> No.14651728

fun video I just came across

>> No.14651739

>how is the vaccine EVER more dangerous than the virus
Well for starters viruses don't actually exist and vaccines have been killing people since they were invented.

>> No.14651750
File: 36 KB, 625x700, 1617159452342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unvaxxed chads, how do we feel about becoming literal giants compaerd to the vaxxed subhumans?

>> No.14651759

>soon I will have hordes of vaccinated women running after me to milk my penis inside them
Oh no, haha that would be bad

>> No.14651775

Prion diseases are probably caused by copper binding manganese and exposure to uv light triggering cascades

>> No.14651779

I wish it were more readable

>> No.14652619

Just do it at night when the sun fucks off. I can't during the day but night is fine
I avoid starting werk until 1pm at least now. Mornings are whack at the moment
Feels a bit better man
No vaxx

>> No.14652622

Why are you still here, ESL?

>> No.14652678
File: 75 KB, 640x553, 5d481f532171faeeafe70e1d3b43d3bd3b0916c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get fooled by those who got the shot anon, they are as barren as an old farm.

>> No.14652686

maybe you have bad eyesight because I can read it just fine.

>> No.14652702
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I can only feel the biggest sense of schadenfreude that I have ever felt in my entire life my nigga everyone I hate died or is suffering from terrible side effects and I am healthier than ever before
these fools are dying and if they survive then they'll be sterilized and unable to have a legacy nor have the energy to complain

>> No.14652990

You are a fool if you thought we could just "manage" 8 billion people and growing. A cull was literally the only way to prevent apocalypse.

>> No.14653008

The earth can sustain around 25 billion at our current lifestyle consumption.
But there will be a catastrophic bust in the human population and another bottle neck like has happened several times in human evolution, the last occurring around 80,000-100,000 years ago.

We are ripe for another so live it up while we are able before the collapse. Nothing humans do will prevent it from happening.

>> No.14653246

people keep saying this shit but given the amount of people who were vaccinated it would be impossible to hide statistics of how much worse heart disease suddenly is

so give me the stats, or else you're a schizo

>> No.14653655

"...increased cardial permeability..."

>> No.14653666

From "we have to save our species with this fast-tracked mystery juice" to "a cull was the only way to prevent apocalypse" in <2 years. Some script huh.

>> No.14653671

it doesn't have to be fancy if it works

>> No.14653686

No cap I would prefer vaxx victims would snap out and bomb the CDC, the UN, the WEF, etc. out of desperation

>> No.14653691
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>but muh heckin zogbot military
Who cares. Mmost people only enlist for the free gibs anyway.

>> No.14653748
File: 850 KB, 1080x2400, 1644986035096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they would...but they don't have the energy so we have to settle down with them withering away and die.

>> No.14653754
File: 148 KB, 1500x1200, 1645461542565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stats can be tampered and not really reliable.
in fact, they are still actively censoring it but I have a few, just let me check.

>> No.14653772
File: 1.10 MB, 923x1774, 1645142942699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, data is still being tampered.
so I don't a truly reliable graph at the moment that could help with my case since it's being altered by malicious companies.
all I have are anecdotal stuff and videos of people literally dying from it.

>> No.14653954

the stats don't need to be from any particular country, surely at least some of them didn't tamper with the data, and if they did then surely they didn't do it uniformly to each other

>> No.14653985

Reminder that the vaccine was created to cull the genetically inferior. If you got fucked by the vaccine then please do try to not be a genetic dead end in your next life, lol.

>> No.14654010

make sure you get your 6th booster anon

>> No.14654034

if they work, sure.
you're just a little kid afraid of the prick

>> No.14654167
File: 168 KB, 1232x1379, the_phosphates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the excipients.

The potassium phosphates cause the problems.

Page 16

Look at the ingredients list.
Ignore the "muhRNA" its the excipients or "inactive ingredients"

Potassium Chlorides and Phosphates normaly don't get injected in humans without clearification and dieteral discussion and medical history, because it can cause reactions with other Medicin and Diseases.

They are ingested considered unhealthy.
What about "injected" bypassing your detoxification mechanism?

Also in which rare circumstance are these "compounds" injected?

For example Potassium Chloride:

"Typically, three drugs are used in lethal injection. Pancuronium bromide (Pavulon) is used to cause muscle paralysis and respiratory arrest, potassium chloride to stop the heart, and midazolam for sedation.["

> potassium chloride to stop the heart
> to stop the heart
> potassium injection affects the electrical conduction of heart muscle. Elevated potassium, or hyperkalemia, causes the resting electrical potential of the heart muscle cells to be lower than normal (less negative) and more depolarised than normal at rest.

So they reduce the ammount of "potassium chloride" so it does not look like a "lethal injection" but substitute it with Potassium Phosphate.
Nice trick.

>> No.14654180

Excess deaths in 19-45 year olds is up along with younger people having cardiac issues. My roommates who are all vaccinated (and still caught covid) talk about all the issues they've developed since and don't seem to make the connection.

Even if it truly is harming people we'll probably never know because no one's going to want to acknowledge it and feel like dumbasses. The issue has become too politicized.

>> No.14654651

A suicide bombing doesn't require much physical strength, just walk in and press a button

>> No.14654684

The prick is meant to fuck you up I took it and ended up fine a day later maybe you're just the genetic weak link and need to exercise more

>> No.14654687

what if there are no excess deaths and government is lying here as well and you are passive faggots to believe government

>> No.14654718
File: 135 KB, 1040x1200, f73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based champion mindset. No prick fags are the downfall of our species' physical health

>> No.14654770

When is the mass dye off?

>> No.14654789

Fun fact: no one checks for covid or vaccines at airports, despite restrictions.

>> No.14654792


>> No.14654794

>Next peak wave we're going to see it in the boosted population is my bet
This is true, deaths for respiratory illnesses have been higher in triple boosted vaxxed than in unvaxxed

>> No.14654809

>why should I care about the one in 10k who develops complications
That number used to be enough to remove a vaccine from the market

>> No.14654818

>Every vaccine has casualties, all of them, that wont change the benefit it can provide
What exactly is the benefit of having "casualties" to save people from a disease 99% of people under 70 won't have consequences from?

>> No.14654826

>whining about the vaccine has no consequence whatsoever because one day you will get covid and you will experience worse side effects than whatever the vaccine conceivably has to offer multiplied by some factor
Irrelevant argument to the unvaccinated who already had covid, which is probably 99% of the unvaxxed

>> No.14654838

>it isn't just unlucky people this time anon, it was a test of intelligence which only the smartest managed to pass
Niggers must be real smart then

>> No.14654853

Good thing I know plenty of doctors giving vaccine exceptions because they don't like this bullshit

>> No.14654858

>mRNA vaccines have been under development for decades
Using that line of thinking, any drug has been under development since ancient Greece because the scientific method was being used by Aristotle

>> No.14654863

>It started out with months

>> No.14654867

Get boosted pincushion, the 6th shot is right around the corner

>> No.14654870

>mild inflammation
>heart inflammation

>> No.14654873

>Covid itself is responsible for the vast majority of myocarditis and pericarditis

>> No.14654889

>it would be impossible to hide statistics
They don't, they just do smear campaigns against VAERS and other systems, and people buy it

>> No.14654896

I've taken 2 and my aerobics are comparable to those who've done years swimming
rent free

>> No.14654898

You know that's a lie glowie, you're all obese landwhales

>> No.14654903

Thank god we don't live on america so speak for yourself kike

>> No.14654938

>Thank god we don't live on america so speak for yourself
What country? Japan?

>> No.14655114
File: 53 KB, 600x495, 1645207848465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niggers must be real smart then
not all of them but some of them do possess marvelous street smarts.
it is rare for a black to be book smart AND street smart.
don't underestimate street smarts anon.

>> No.14655127
File: 817 KB, 750x1334, 1645152601652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from here in a decade, it'll be a constant degradation.

>> No.14655174
File: 435 KB, 1000x1241, 2017-07-18-absorbing-pain-like-a-dry-sponge-in-water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but who is going to supply or teach them? first they need the materials, then a target and finally the drive to do so.

>> No.14655192

>yeah but who is going to supply or teach them? first they need the materials, then a target and finally the drive to do so.
We can drive them to suicide via words. We can teach them how to make an effective bomb through memes.

All this in minecraft of course

>> No.14655216


>> No.14655260
File: 95 KB, 349x444, 376875be_7af3_414a_a4ab_b62c3fcc52c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just mix ammonia and bleach or if you want absolute chaos, mix aluminum dust with iron rust, 3 grams aluminum dust and 8 grams of iron rust for reference as the perfect ratio of the materials, mix them together and then buy a magnesium ribbon, the result? a fucking thermite bomb which can burn so hot it melts iron in seconds.

>> No.14655301
File: 513 KB, 1000x1092, 2017-07-18-absorbing-pain-like-a-dry-sponge-in-waterx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now here comes the why the 3/8 is the best to go.
if you have too much iron rust, it'll burn too fast and won't last no more than a few seconds, the opposite happens when you put too much aluminum dust in the mix, it'll burn slowly and plainly won't work at all.
it has to have a ratio, 3 grams of aluminum dust per 8 grams of iron rust works best.
the iron rust has the perfect component to put oxygen into the reaction thus fueling the aluminum dust to burn as hot as magma.
the magnesium ribbon is perfect to start the reaction, it'll be all that you need, you can get this on joke candles that won't turn off no matter how much you blow air on them.
the aluminum dust can come from 2 sources, the classic aluminum tape which you turn to dust or go to any mechanic where you can take or buy the stuff for your "car", the iron rust is the simplest one, you simply buy iron in any form and then spray them with water.

>> No.14655310
File: 2.75 MB, 3755x5759, 1523953639962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then we point out the objective these wronged people will go to suicide bomb.
the media who has forsaken them.

>> No.14655320
File: 77 KB, 766x1024, 1645065093976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the people behind the vaccines.

>> No.14655331
File: 22 KB, 311x300, Bite_The_pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why'd you take it? They were obviously trying to force you, you should never trust someone who forces you to put things in your body.

Dude, my parents and wife would NEVER leave me alone if did not get both shots and a booster.

Fucking hell!

Sometimes you got bite the pillow if you want a quite family life living with Democrats.

>> No.14655335

even if broken clocks are right twice a day, they're still broken

>> No.14655400
File: 218 KB, 645x770, droompfanzee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source: I made it up.

>> No.14655404

what a weak willed individual...simply tell them that if they don't respect you nor your wishes then fuck off, my neighbor did the same with his wife and she is now lamenting the fact that she got myocarditis.

>> No.14655413
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, 1645313008946.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheeple don't have a voice and you'll get injected with any poison even if the people around you die from it you'll still wait your turn on the slaughterhouse

>> No.14655424
File: 37 KB, 750x621, Wealth_And_Wives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imply tell them that if they don't respect you nor your wishes then fuck off

This is why you are unmarried and do not have a great relationship with your parents.

I am not going to go all out against my wife and parents when literally the CDC and almost every scientist is on their side.

>> No.14655504
File: 59 KB, 540x608, d81b8b301dc08d9649a17871a75fb031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why you are unmarried and do not have a great relationship with your parents.
I don't need marriage because I surrogated and currently raising my children nor do I need a good relationship with my parents which by the way had to see their other children getting cheated on and losing everything in court, specially if they are bitter that I was not only right but stand taller than all of my broken family put together.
and no I rather not let my children know they have relatives nor do I wish for them to interact with those people neither get influenced by their stupidity, because they don't learn from their mistakes.
>I am not going to go all out against my wife and parents when literally the CDC and almost every scientist is on their side.
if they loved you then they would respect your wishes and take into consideration why you are worried.
you are not a workhorse nor their personal slave neither the ATM, you are a fucking husband and a human being too by the way, your opinion matters as much as your wife.
if they aren't going to respect your decision nor listen to the worries you have over that hoax which by the way are pretty valid, maybe you should start considering the fact they don't respect you nor love you as much as you think.
because it takes 2 to tango.

>> No.14655910
File: 114 KB, 500x600, pol shitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think more and more each day that conspiratards are just one person with infinite free time.

>if the people around you die from it
Good thing it's not happening then. But people are dying from COVID. :)

>> No.14655942
File: 2.65 MB, 3598x2516, 1645032105524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say glowie
enjoy the furry shots

>> No.14655951
File: 883 KB, 1503x1506, pol degenerates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14655965
File: 2.01 MB, 400x270, 7evNYM5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way...no fucking way
bro do you have more?
please tell me you have more
I didn't even knew they were the other side of the same coin or that it even existed

>> No.14655966

Sweet anecdote bro.

>> No.14656466

>But people are dying from COVID. :)
Uh, no. A few thousand worldwide might have. 99.99999% do not.