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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14644876 No.14644876 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to STEM Career General!
previously >>14628011
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Discussion on academia based career progression
> Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here: >https://academia.stackexchange.com/

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

NOTE: Any useful resources relayed in this thread will be included in future /scg/ threads.

>> No.14644890
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Do the right thing, anon

>> No.14645176
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What careers in STEM (strictly industry, academia is glorified teaching & begging) have you making functional art?

Integrated circuits, chemicals, and software come to mind, but do you guys know of anything else?

>> No.14645183
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>Ocean/Marine Engineering
If I weren't an electronics fag I'd love to build modernized Tall Ships

>> No.14645257

The closest thing I can think of is illumination. Some is purely functional but much is about aesthetics and settings.

>> No.14645273

A few loose threads from last thread:
- EE: is it a good career or not?
- how do you find PhD opportunities?

>> No.14645283

>- EE: is it a good career or not?
You are going to have to be involved with software development in one way or another.

>> No.14645284

>The closest thing I can think of is illumination
What is meant by "illumination"? Like shading in computer graphics? Light bulb design?

>> No.14645285

Are there any decent resources that succinctly outline different grad school paths? As in industry -> phd or masters ->phd, etc. Google has been absolutely ruined by algorithm minmaxxers and there seems to be nothing of value there.

>> No.14645317

>Google has been absolutely ruined by algorithm minmaxxers

>> No.14645564

Sites can push themselves to the top of their index artificially

>> No.14645990

are PhDs which are written in industry regarded the same as PhDs obtained while working at an institute at an university?
im done with my german mech eng masters and have the option to chose between being employed at a very good uni (for mech eng) or an very big technology company

>> No.14647390

What PhDs can make the most money possible? Chemistry? Computer science? Physics?

>> No.14647507

like i said, an absolute joke. if i got a real CS degree from that school i'd be pissed that they are watering down the value of my degree by awarding masters CS degrees to retards who have a freshman-level education in CS and can't even write fizzbuzz

>> No.14647513

>written in industry
but the degree is still being awarded by the same schools right?

>> No.14647547

yes, you write the thesis at the company under supervision from both the company and a prof from an uni. at the end you get the phd from the uni but the topic is given by the company

>> No.14647611

yeah that's fine. i do something similar to that in my position

>> No.14647612

It’s a pretty cool field, my school had an ocean engineering department and they all took cool classes like naval architecture and naval weaponry

>> No.14647667

>Need to take C++ class for AS degree
>Look at prerequisites
>Java or Python class needed
What is the point of this? Worst part is that the Java class is also needed for the AS but my jc isn’t even offering it this semester

>> No.14648347

R u sure ?

>> No.14648781

For my jc yes
I’ll work around it though

>> No.14648826

please don’t fall for this t. Aerospace engineer

>> No.14648835

Is a PhD worth it or should I just keep racking up masters? I'm already highly employed and my organization will just keep paying for higher Ed, but I'm torn between going for another masters or just biting the bullet and going for a PhD.

If I do the PhD, I'd probably do it through the fellowship program and part of the stipulation of it is that I have to agree to stay at my organization for X years after completing my PhD (where X is the number of years I'm in the program). On the flip side, I can keep racking up masters without this requirement since I do it in my free time.

>> No.14648838

I’m not aware of any MSCS programs geared toward non-CS bachelors, which ones are they?

I only know about OMsCS, which will admit non BSCS holders, but offers the exact same curriculum for everyone (and has like an 80% attrition rate as a result lmao)

>> No.14648867

I've been at my job for less than a week and I already hate it and want to quit. I struggled for so long to get through college, I never expected this to be the end result.

>> No.14648871

i don't know. i'm just basing off what the guy was saying, so you'd have to ask him, if he's even still here. anyway, any graduate program that takes in people who didn't major in at least something related is a joke (for example, med school taking in english majors and shit)

>> No.14648872

>racking up masters
absolutely stupid and pointless

>> No.14648876

well tell us about your major and job

>> No.14648900

CADmonkey poorfag. Untrained. Given simple tasks that take 1 hour then stare at my computer for 7 hours straight watching the little clock in the lower right corner excruciatingly tick by. Every day feels like torture.
Can't even skip lunch or adjust my hours without some HR witch breathing down my neck.

>> No.14648918

so you got through college, then settled for a zero training required cad job?
nigga get your ass on indeed and shotgun applications to every place in washington, virginia, california, and texas

>> No.14648926

It was the first place that gave me an offer so I took it. I thought I'd make some money and continue looking. But going in every day is like torture. I absolutely hate feeling useless at work and just sitting around with nothing to do. It's so boring and it's such a bad feeling. I'm being underutilized and no one cares because I don't know the program they use and no one wants to take the time to train me. If it was going to be like this it makes me wonder why they even bothered hiring me.
I've been applying to other places but it's just hard to get offers. I've had lots of interviews but only 1 offer so far.

>> No.14648952

Get a 2nd job that is remote and do it from your office at the 1st job in secret and collect 2 salaries

>> No.14648959

>I've had lots of interviews but only 1 offer so far.
that sucks, sounds like you're sperging out during interviews
Most would suggest to do practice interviews with people but those are kind of gay
What I did is I wrote out a script for every conceivable piece of dialog that could come up during an interview (all my interviews were either Zoom or phone calls) and just read from the document according to whatever they were asking or saying
It was a 10 page word doc kek

>> No.14648980

that would be based but easier said than done, i don't have a list of people who are chomping at the bit to hire me remotely

>> No.14648983

is it bad to change jobs after a year?
i like what i'm doing, i really love the people at my team, but i really can't agree with some of the things at my company and what the chairman is doing
it just feels bad when i'm talking about my job and if someone asks if i'd recommend working here i need to disagree

>> No.14648995

>but i really can't agree with some of the things at my company and what the chairman is doing

>> No.14649002

>just be a mindless cog and don't mind what's happening

>> No.14649021

Please share with us what your company is doing that makes you butthurt enough to quit

>> No.14649025

anyone else here a surveyor? should i get my civil engineering degree or surveying degree. its what I want to do

>> No.14649049

little respect for employees, CEO will often write to people on vacation when he needs something and will literally shame them on general chat if they don't respond or say they'll solve the problems after they come back
on the other end, my friend that worked half-time because of university, wanted to swap to full-time and had to wait for 3 weeks for a response, just to learn from HR that he'll be fired instead
lying to interns (that work full-time for 3 months for free which is abnormal in IT) that if they do well they might get hired, while getting free work force is the only intention
CEO got butthurt as fuck when his SON founded a company with some ex-employees (and it wasn't even a competitor, they work for a completely different market) and he kept denouncing them
when war in Ukraine happened we were asked to not donate ourselves and instead to give cash to the company so they could do the donation in their name for good PR - without actually giving any money from company itself, just what the employees donated
i'm employed as a frontend developer, but sometimes i'm randomly forced to do e.g. backend or help with marketing when they lack workforce - something that i'm completely unexperienced in - and then i'm blamed when i don't do that well
when anything goes south, the blame is always placed on some employee even when it's obviously bad decision making that led to it
and i could go on, but i think you might start to get the point already, CEO seemed really nice at the beginning, but i kept noticing more and more fucked up things as i kept working for longer

>> No.14649089
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Lads, I got a job offer at a research institute in Japan (RIKEN). Seems pretty good and they pay well, it's also just next to Tokyo so it's not one of the institutes in the middle of fucking nowhere.

But it seems like I would be the only foreigner on the team. I can already sense the Japs being barely able to speak English, refusing or being too shy to socialize, and in general being completely isolated there.

Is it worth it or will I end up wanting to kill myself?

>> No.14649409
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>study EE
>Bsc + Msc because europe
>2.5 years behind my peers (4.5 total)
>Failed EE 101 despite it being my 3rd try
I'm such a fuckup, I have zero relevant work experience and I literally know less than a 1st year freshman about my field despite being more tha four years in university. I'm not kidding. I want to rope. Embarrassment is killing me but I just can't study. I should've dropped out before sunk cost fallancy got to me this hard.

It's pretty crazy to think that I wasted my life this hard. Not that I could study any other field either since my concentration is shot and they don't medicate ADHD here

>> No.14649410

anyone care to share some experiences with doing PhD abroad?
i want to do PhD but not in my country, been mostly considering UK and Canada, maybe even China, but i started considering it recently so i need to learn more to have stronger opinions

>> No.14649428

Light sources in general and LED lighting in particular.

>> No.14649438
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Riken is a huge institution, there will be other foreigners elsewhere.
I was the only foreigner in my group at ETL in Tsukuba, that was no problem at all. We tended to meet up with other foreigners on Fridays (in "Red River" and "Free Space K" if anyone else can remember it). Don't be afraid to take the opportunity to be in another culture. Learn the language, aim for the official proficiency exams. the FAQ has a fair bit on Japan.

>Is it worth it or will I end up wanting to kill myself?
It is worth it and will most likely be a fantastic time.

>> No.14649456

How's the job market for civil engineers like in the US?

>> No.14649488

Unironically kill yourself, there's no way you're making it anymore. Exit bag is your best bet.

>> No.14649593

>and they don't medicate ADHD here
Have you thought about getting amphetamines outside of a doctor?

>> No.14649626

I have but it's not worth it, good luck ever getting anything of caught

>> No.14649645

I am currently in a 3 year program for mechanical engineering, we only need to take single variable calculus and linear algebra as obligatory math courses, we have the option to take multivariable calc later on but it’s not obligatory, am i retarded if i opt out of multivariable calc? Will it come back to bite me later?

>> No.14649710

mech eng is full of multidimensional integrals as well as partial derivatives, so you will get something from the course and it wont be wasted. especially if you are interested in numerics.
if you absolutely hate math and struggled a lot, then dont pick it. but then you need to ask yourself why you chose mech eng in the first place.
otherwise id say give it a go.
i dont think not taking it will bite you in the ass, since a good teacher covers the necessary mathematical tools briefly in his course anyway or atleast gives you enough examples for you to get the concepts.

>> No.14649763

Where is this?
If you’re in the US your degree isn’t even accredited if you don’t take calc 1, 2, multivariable, linear algebra, and differential equations.

>> No.14650059

jelly as heck. i hope i get to research in Japan one day.
t. hoping to start phd in semiconductors next year

>> No.14650346

Why do you say that? I think having a masters in many fields seems pretty useful, honestly I'm debating how useful a PhD is. I honestly don't see why people even stop taking classes at all though. From any perspective, I know many PhDs and Masters that have essentially atrophied skills because they don't really keep up with their industry at wide or take general or focused classes anymore.

Masters seem to generally be focused on useful applications of the field. All I can see from a PhD is getting into research in the field, but I'm not sure if I even want to do research.

Anyway, what do you think is better, taking graduate classes in a kind of non structured way and building up various masters (I'll probably go for an applied physics or earth science masters next and then a comp sci masters afterwards) or focusing deeply into a PhD?

>> No.14650416

>? I think having a masters in many fields seems pretty useful,
Then you are lost

>> No.14650444

Why do you say that? Can you explain?

>> No.14650588

So am I doomed?

>> No.14650739
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Why is EE put on such a pedestal in the US?

In most European countries EE is where you end up if you couldn't get in for computer science.

>> No.14650862

My degree is in CS (or rather "Computing"). There was a tiny bit of hardware in there and I did take a signals class. My final project was embedded (involved a pi pico). I did it part-time/online so have several years of professional programming experience alongside the degree, and I have some general hobbyist-tier electronics knowledge.
What are my options if I want to shift into embedded/EE-adjacent roles?
Do I have any hope of finding employment in that field with this background?
Would I be a candidate for any relevant taught masters degrees (relevant meaning anything involving EE, embedded programming, communications systems, etc), and if so would that be worthwhile for employability?

(I can find software work no problem, but hardware stuff feels more fulfilling and also possibly more future proof/harder to outsource)

>> No.14650886

in the US, EE is generally much more difficult than CS, and in fact one of the most difficult undergraduate degrees.

>> No.14650939

bruh I know how you feel
t. maintenance technician in automotive plant full of boomers
at least I get regular training sessions in PLC software

>> No.14650999

I'm not that turd that's telling you to suck it up (assume people here are unemployed giving shitty advice unless they have a job), but if you're truly unhappy then leave. You have a viable reason to move on: the direction the company is headed no longer aligns with your values and you're looking to explore new opportunities that line up with your career goals. You can word this professionally when asked during interviews. I'm left my previous position about a year in. Couldn't care less outside of maybe leaving my team early, but they'll get a replacement. They always do without a care in the world.

>> No.14651032

In the us CS is basically a code monkey degree, CS majors learn nothing about hardware and anything actually worth calling computer science rather than just programming basics you need to go to grad school and pick up a masters or PhD

If you are at a top university, or if you do the legwork to have independent programming projects + internships, you can get the 130k starting software engineer job, but if you just go to class and get the degree at a state school you are no better than a pajeet and will likely have to settle for a 60k a year programming job doing the most boring basic shit known to man

EE is hardware focused but you still need to know how to do basic coding, which is really all an average CS degree from state uni certifies, it also has the additional rigor of an engineering program (CS has like 8 electives instead of stuff like economics and tech writing) so it is a clear step up from CS, the only exception being at the PhD level, and even then you're better off doing EE undergrad.

The real gold standard is computer engineering, most universities do not offer it but it combines CS tier programming skill + basics of hardware + engineering rigor and is ideal for getting hired at FAGMAN

source: my gf in college (state uni) did CE and got a 120k job at microsoft straight out of undergrad (8 years ago when that was a lot of money)

>> No.14651042

Is a pi pico an actual embedded device used in the industry though? It seems like raspberry pis and arduino are hobby platforms at best, like a children's toy really. If you want to get an embedded role, you are going to need a stronger platform to talk about your projects, something that involves embedded C/C++ to discuss in detail your design approach to the software... I did some stuff on a TI mcu that was basically strong enough to get embedded job interviews. STM32 is very popular in the industry and a good platform to get involved in. If you haven't already, I suggest these two as good platforms to develop your skills on.

>> No.14651054

kek, no
t. undergrad and postgrad in it

>> No.14651098

>Why is EE put on such a pedestal in the US?
because EE is the hardest engineering field from a mathematical perspective, and because in the US we still design electronics (unlike Europe)

>> No.14651113

>EE is hardest
is it possible to graduate with a degree in EE with 110IQ (in Europe) ?

>> No.14651122

You should worry more about your work ethic if you feel you're not smart enough for the degree.

>> No.14651135

>because EE is the hardest engineering field
It couldn't be , I mean I passed it.

>> No.14651137

EE or CS if I like hardware and software?

>> No.14651146


>> No.14651147
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I'm a 110 IQ midwit and I made it through with the help of adderall and alcohol

>> No.14651148

Computer Engineering

>> No.14651150


I did that and I feel that was a mistake

>> No.14651162


>> No.14651171

the exact reason why CpE exists

>> No.14651184

I feel at least the way I approached it it was a chasing two hares type of thing .

>> No.14651220

I'm a postdoc in EE/exp physics in Europe. I'm still hoping for an academic career in the US (did my PhD there). An alternative would be to eventually join a large company for money.
Now I'm invited to join a startup closely related to my research. Of course they promise money, stock, research, my own team etc.
Should I just drop the academic brainwashing I got from my advisor, and sell myself? I don't really believe the startup will succeed, but it looks like a decent career move, and large companies will still be there in 5 years.

>> No.14651230

Interesting, but I don't fully understand your view point. What do you do now that you feel you didn't cover in your CE undergrad?

>> No.14651235

stay in your own fucking country

>> No.14651272

My official title is electrical engineer but I'm basically being pushed into a software developer role. CE coding was running scripts and designing things with Verilog, im out of my element here. I don't know anything about source control I don't know anything about cmake,I don't know what the # in c# does and trying to google that is impossible.

>> No.14651303

I don't think the pico or its rp2040 mcu is normally used in industry, no.
But for the avoidance of doubt, I'm not talking about blinking some lights with micropython. I did need to write non-trivial software/firmware in C.

>> No.14651384

Get a fundamentals textbook to refresh yourself with these definitions. Doing things in verilog is more of a firmware role, I don't blame you for feeling out of your element here. I didn't take verilog in my undergrad, but I did use VHDL with FPGAs and my exposure there was not enough for the industry. I learned a lot on my own after graduating which eventually got me a job as a firmware engineer. My suggestion is either do your due diligence on your own/down time OR get a masters in embedded engineering as these will dive deeper into both firmware and embedded work.

>> No.14651398

I think your resume will be a stronger candidate for interviews if you use mcu's that are popular in the industry. I forgot to ask, are you currently employed as a software engineer? You should visit r/embedded and see what people with similar background to yours have done to switch industries.

>> No.14651443

Not him but kind of feel the same,did compE masters was doing the hardware stuff but in the middle took an AI class just to be full time, got interested in thst topic took more courses for ML and made it the focus of my thesis. Frankly I feel I should have stayed focused on hardware or done a datascience degree instead, I don't feel I came out being an expert on either.

>> No.14651596

>are you currently employed as a software engineer?
>use mcu's that are popular in the industry
I'll keep that in mind next time I try a hobby project (could also try redoing my uni project on a more industry-standard platform, I guess)
>visit r/embedded
Thanks anon, will do

>> No.14651722
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Should I do a bachelors in IE or a ECE bachelors and follow that up with IE as a postgraduate?

I want to work as an industrial engineer but don't like the idea of not knowing the fundamentals . But i don't want to get stuck doing something too niche like many EE's do, my career goals are management or startup hopefully but a software dev degree won't give ne the domain knowledge for something like logistics

*IE - Industrial Engineering
ECE - Computer & Electronic Engineering

>> No.14651753

I worry about it because of my light ADD I sometimes have
those days I dont get anything done
although reason for that could be that my job is fucking boring and sometimes there is downright nothing to do

>> No.14651999

back hole anon? or you just downloaded his image with the same file name

>> No.14652010

those... arent very similar at all. can you describe what you mean by "the fundamentals"?
>i don't want to get stuck doing something too niche like many EE's do
you can always quit your job if you dont like it. thats one of the many perks of being highly educated and you should take advantage of it frequently.

>> No.14652020

ah, 90 posts in and someone finally recognizes it. ty, fren.

>> No.14652025

>you can always quit your job if you dont like it.
I still need to eat and pay bills

>> No.14652031

i said you could quit your job, not that you could quit working.

>> No.14652041

>expecting mentally ill neurotic r9k users to browse an intelligent and sophisticated board sci

>> No.14652066

>intelligent and sophisticated
nigga i masturbate to cartoons and im defending in two months

>> No.14652069

As an EE student, should I focus on RF engineering (power engineering is also possible) or embedded software engineering (electronic design automation is also possible) for my master's degree, taking into account that I fucked up very bad in programming related lectures but got almost good to perfect grades in math-heavy lectures during my bachelor's studies? But also considering that in Europe the embedded and EDA fields have much more job openings than the former ones.

>> No.14652086
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semiconductors! :D

>> No.14652141

So you're saying that I'm doomed then

>> No.14652298

So how safe is signing up to Blind?

>> No.14652485

>state uni making 60k
Sure the average makes that but the top quartile ends up in amazon, microsoft, google, etc.

I got offers from amazon, salesforce, gm sachs, and coinbase and you've probably never heard of western washington university (WWU).

>> No.14652527

Do they have PEs there that can facilitate getting your license?

>> No.14652576

Yes I know they're not similar. But IE has lots of applications in eg the energy industry where they're now having to use OR and such to manage increasingly complicated power grids.

I should have phrased my question better, the chief problem is that in many places IE is only offered as a postgraduate course, should I seek out an undergraduate or trust that the system knows best abd do some more broadly applicable degree like EE first

>> No.14652589
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You can use IE concepts in manufacturing, energy sector etc, industries where the domain knowledge that comes from mech E, EE etc comes in handy.

German unis, where I plan to study, typically only have IE as a masters course. And since German education expects you to do your masters i might as well wait, right?

>> No.14652598

I thought Europe had lost its appliance and component manufacturer sector to Asia, what are all those embedded programmers doing?

>> No.14652673

I'm starting a postdoc in the US. Pay is fairly shit and it's year-long contracts at a time so I'll basically be forced to look at my options more or less constantly. When I accepted it I still had some hope in my mind of pursuing university academia but I've come to accept that I probably don't have what it takes. No backing out now though and a year is fairly non-committal so might as well give it a try.

Does anyone have experience in US national labs? How competitive are those jobs? I've understood that foreign nationals can do work that isn't defense-related or similar, and my field is pretty far from all that. The pay/cost of living/career progression balance seems better than grinding the postdoc hell forever.

>> No.14653113

Question, is it normal for grad students to not know what they're going to write their thesis on before going to grad school? I'm finishing up my undergrad and considering grad school but I don't know wtf I would do my thesis on.

>> No.14653131

Where do you go? Multivariable calc is mandatory for any engineering degree in the US

>> No.14653171

yeah thats normal

>> No.14653269
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US Department of Education's College Scorecard: https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/

It tells you the median salary three years after graduation of x major who attended x school.

How are you doing compared to your peers anons?

>> No.14653283

>Data Not Available

>> No.14653320

im making less than what they say someone with a bs does despite being having an ms...

>> No.14653358

69k for CS student

I make 170k starting but at amazon which is near the top in terms of pay. Ofcourse a lot of that is signon/stock. My base is 130k which a lot of these studies only account for. So the true median might be closer to 80k or so.

>> No.14653491
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>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.14653629

if you want a "general knowledge"/"problem solving" degree than EE is the way to go, its extraordinarily multidisciplinary, and more importantly people in industry often view it as the "problem solving" degree, especially graduate EE.

>> No.14653689

Anons, are internships worth it when in EE undergrad? My seniors say that EE already has enough study pressure so there's no reason to take internships during undergrad. But, in a Zach Star videos he advised to get started with an internship as soon as possible.

>> No.14653715

I didnt do internships because I spent my summers playing video games, didnt apply to jobs until after graduation, and still got multiple job offers within a few weeks

>> No.14653726

New grad quants start at 400-600k and can get performance bonuses pushing them into 7 digits

>> No.14653746

Did you have a really high CGPA and/or get into the job market during a hiring boom?

>> No.14653752

very meh gpa (3.1), this was last month btw, so it's an average to above average market

>> No.14653790

>1 year of work experience
>already 130k base

>> No.14654030

not in a huge fucking recession

>> No.14654081

wtf is a grad quant

>> No.14654271

Industrial engineering can be a lot of different things depending on what country you're in. Especially at the undergrad level.
In some countries its basically just mechanical engineering with some process optimization (Spain), production planning (turkey), engineering management (Norway, Germany).

That being said, most IE programs that are at the undergrad level (or integrated masters i.e. undergrad+grad) have another engineering discipline as a part of it.
So you could do both your undergrad and graduate degree in industrial engineering with an undergrad major in ECE (in loose terms)

As for what you SHOULD do that depends on where you're going to work. If it's northern Europe/Germany/France then I'd recommend getting into a 5 year integrated program, they tend to be more flexible as well as a bit more prestigious.

But in general it doesn't really matter. And domain knowledge isn't a problem you can just take electives in the fields you want to pick up.

t. IE grad

>> No.14654522

new grad refers to the experience level so kinda synonymous with entry level
quant is referring to someone who works in quantitative finance but more specifically the high pay is for HFT firms/prop shops

HFT is based off volatility of market and not up or down, a stable market is more difficult to play

>> No.14654575

gtfo retard, cs isn't even a real stem degree. in the uk conversion master's are approved mostly for real stem graduates (engineers unlike you). where they give you 2-3 foundational modules & 7-8 advanced modules. Engineers already cover math and more advanced analysis than cs fags, stop pretending ur funny numbers degree is real because its only a side quest for us

>> No.14654747

my dad got a degree in industrial engineering,he wanted to do EE but he failed the entrance tests for it and had to got with IE. He does something with oracle for his job thought he's not a DBA in fact I don't quite understand what he does, growing up I couldn't explain to other people what my dad did cause I sure as heck didn't know.
Anyways he makes 180k now.

>> No.14654750
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why does 4chan have to make everything into some sort of rivalry?

>> No.14654825

I had no idea my uni had such low graduation rates.

>> No.14654828

>a huge fucking recession
are we in one?

>> No.14654955
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Most likely, he thinks the point of a PhD is to specialize, do research, and secure permanent employment. Doing education for any other kind of reason is dumb to him: a bugman. You could probably do some call interdisciplinary work with all those masters.

>> No.14655073

I think I decided ima do my phd then when I get tired of academia I'll kms or become a junkie. anything besides wagie bullshit

>> No.14655231


>> No.14655357

>Doing education for any other kind of reason is dumb to him
Isn't it?
It is the 1900s anymore you can learn outside a uni environment if that's all you want to do .

>> No.14655443
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Formal education is still good for a few reasons: a third party is evaluating your work instead of your own biased self, you're guaranteed to have the same base knowledge as your peers, and you're moved through the material at a brisk pace. If someone else is paying for it, it's a good deal.

>> No.14655753

Yes but it takes 4 years to get a pe and I’d rather kill myself than stay here 4 years

>> No.14655823

I wish I could get some decent offers. Started my first job last week, 55k. Just got another offer today, 70k. EE. Obviously I’m going to jump ship but I wish I could crack into the 85-90 range. I guess I should be grateful since I was a shitty student with 2.8 gpa

>> No.14655905

What state are you in?
That’s based entirely on your area.
I’m a retard and got $80K starting salary in a non-CA/NY state.

>> No.14656074

>gtfo retard, cs isn't even a real stem degree.
i have degrees in EE and CE. stop seething over you're shit masters degree. when we look at your CV and see you have a BS in ME and a MS in CS we all know you don't know anything about CS and can only spit out garbage matlab code

>> No.14656176

holy seethe

>> No.14656189

Not him, but if I see BS ___ + MS CS, then it immediately tells me the guy was too stupid to get a well paying job in his original field or wasn’t getting pay raises due to being too incompetent for promotions

>> No.14656260


true. it says he decided to become a shitty matlab code monkey and thought an easy MS in CS would help

>> No.14656469

Not him but I'm in Texas and starting for me was 65k with a masters degree

>> No.14656500

for an EE job?

>> No.14656682

I have this and make 170k new grad offer at Amazon tho. You're overemphasizing how much value big tech gives to degrees. One of the guys on my team is only a BS in math. As long as you can pass their coding interviews and have a few projects to talk about on the resume then you're in

>> No.14656731

Different anon here, how's being a firmware engineer / embedded? That's my endgoal.

>> No.14656990

Not him but I do embedded but as a researcher. I'm kind of intimidated to do anything non-research at this point because I'm not too confident about making production-quality code

>> No.14657025
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i fucked up.
im a semester away from getting a degree in engineering management with an emphasis in industrial engineering
ive now worked two internships and hated both of them. i dont have the management personality, and people dont take me seriously with my degree, despite the fact that ill be graduating with an FE. i told my internship employer that i was interested in working in one of their engineering departments post graduation and got turned down for not being a "real" engineer. i fucking hate this degree and want out, and i want to work remotely on my computer.
realistically, what are my options with a timeframe of 2 years post graduation before getting a "real" job?
im learning c++ in my free time but currently dont have any projects. im worried that if i full dive into this and have a decent portfolio, employers still wont take me seriously because i didnt major in a computer related field.
im also worried that i wont have enough time to build a portfolio within my timeframe.
are there any certifications that have enough pull to completely change a career path? i was considering an aws developer certification but the more research im doing the more people i see saying you still need a cs degree if you want a job.
i also considered doing a cs masters but no college i have the option of going to allows it without a cs bachelors.
what do i do before just an heroing?

>> No.14657029

EE, broader range of careers

>> No.14657055

as much of a meme as your degree is, i think you could get a job if you did enough networking. just get your foot int he door somewhere and do a MS in something that isn't a meme. don't have an unemployed gap period after graduation

>> No.14657090

why would an unemployment gap be bad if i can show that i was working on building my portfolio during that time?

>> No.14657215

im considering double majoring in physics and computer science. i live near a NASA research institute, so im highly considering aerospace as a career. What are the career prospects like in aerospace for a computer science/physics major. would grad school be a good idea?

>> No.14657248

Interesting field. Having someone that can justify decisions and expenses in a real world way seems crucial to counterbalance the dogshit decisions made by bean counters. Maybe get into supply chain side of things and become a consultant.

>> No.14657269

nobody cares about your portfolio. get a fucking job. are you a professional or an amateur? people who are valuable don't work for free

>> No.14657272

which nasa center? some of the have more CS-type jobs than others. btw it's pretty hard to get hired by nasa directly unless you do the pathways program. its stupid, but that's how it is

>> No.14657277

also double majoring is a meme. don't fall for it

>> No.14657278

glenn research.

>> No.14657288

ok, get a nasa pathways internship there or an internship with a nasa contractor. that is the path

>> No.14657298
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Is it normal losing a little health while doing EE?

>> No.14657318

undergrad is a fucking meat grinder, so yes, but you should look out better for your health. i wish i had

>> No.14657379
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As I suspected...
I wish you good anon.
I'll really have to look it out.

>> No.14657383

i would think that if im trying to get into a different field, that a portfolio of projects and certifications would be a good look to an employer whose field deals with said projects and certification.
why would i want to work in a field that im miserable in and hate my life for 40 years?
because "not working for free" for two years was more important than self improvement?

>> No.14657421


if you really want to do meme projects and certs, do it on your own time IN ADDITION TO your full time job. don't go unemployed. not that anyone cares about your github anyway LMAO. the type of people who can get a job based off a portfolio are expert programmers who have been coding shit since they were 12, and that's not you. just get your foot in the door somewhere. you can probably transfer to a different group/project within your company after you've worked there for a while

>> No.14657668

>and i want to work remotely on my computer.
so does everyone
unfortunately you either need to be highly valuable or have built up a lot of trust with an employer for them to pay you to sit in your house all day
they aren't stupid, everyone realizes you are sitting in your pajamas looking at porn in one tab and barely doing work in another.

>> No.14657916

Its awesome man. Job security is really high due to the fact that learning digital design has a really high learning curve and this is not including HDL (the languages used to design the hardware using software). I think it's great and the best part is that salaries trail pretty close to software engineering roles, even at FAGMAN. Theres also the SoC aspect which is interfacing your firmware with software to do whatever you need it to do. So you have room to develop as an embedded software engineer doing C/C++ to run some routines and threads for whatever. Highly recommended honestly.

>> No.14657923

yes, studying for junior and senior year EE courses felt like it was literally killing my braincells

>> No.14657963

i'm addicted to job hopping please help

>> No.14658008

what were your salaries in order?

>> No.14658015

i'm the EE anon that went from 55K to 70K. Now i'm interviewing for a 90K job and I haven't even started the 70K job yet. i just want to hop.

>> No.14658040

im gonna HOOOOOOP

>> No.14658075

that's not true, i'm actually sleeping until 2pm, drinking coffee and looking at the news until 3pm, and doing real work from 3pm-5pm

>> No.14658129

This is good though, you're securing a bigger pay off. Try to interview for a new role, see if you can break 6 figure offer.

>> No.14658978

nohhahahahahah ahhaha completely fucking healthy learning daily and having sleepless nights anon. I'm almost done and I'm fine see? kek.

>> No.14659845

My title is Electrical Engineer but I'm basically a software developer.

>> No.14659888

Are you sure they are not bulkshitting you
I hot interviewed for 140k job when I never had a chance in it
I think some companies have to meet some requirements like interviews in order to hire h1bs.

>> No.14660137

You basically have to live like a monk to stay healthy.


That is literally all you should be doing

>> No.14660156

for me it was

Video games
Study only before tests

>> No.14660171

I'm just not interested in participating in (((society))). I can't think of any flaws to my plan.

>> No.14660675

>Aerospace in United Kingdom of Poor
How hard is it to bullshit from this field to others? I don't care for what the field is, I just want a job that is chill and let's me be happy :(

>> No.14660760

Why would you bullshit your job as an aero. eng ?

>> No.14660783

STEM gets no respect in the UK. If you are an accountant, however...

>> No.14660851

hey /scg/, heres my situation
>EE undergrad
>graduating next spring (9 months)
>want to do PhD
>know which uni i would like to do it at
>currently interning at a company near the uni and using their labs as a corporate user
>doing undergrad research at my own uni this fall, but definitely wont be publishing anything
>both my internship and research are in photonics, which is the program im aiming for
>3.5 gpa i think
>will be applying to programs in 4 or 5 months
my main questions are this: should i start cold emailing professors in the program? which ones? what do i say? should i read some of their work? and then what? what do i do when i inevitably dont understand any of it?
also, i know its impossible to know this, but do you think im competitive for EE PhD programs? is there much else i can do at this point to make me more competitive?

>> No.14661004

should i start cold emailing professors in the program?
which ones?
the ones you might want as your advisor
what do i say?
send them resume and transcript. tell them you're interested in getting phd in their department and you'd like to talk with them about their research
should i read some of their work?
and then what?
already told you that
what do i do when i inevitably dont understand any of it?
they don't expect you to
also, i know its impossible to know this, but do you think im competitive for EE PhD programs?
is there much else i can do at this point to make me more competitive?
networking with potential advisors, which you're already thinking about doing

>> No.14661012
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ty fren

>> No.14661022

no problem, now stop with the impostor syndrome shit because you sound like a solid applicant. and if your employer is having you work in a photonics lab at the school already then surely your employer can put you in touch with the relevant professors there

>> No.14661030

I was a binge drinker all through my undergrad and still got a 4.0 GPA and the highest class grade in my dissertation. 2-4 days a week I was drinking 16-20 beers/ciders per day minimum. How much lasting damage did I do to my brain?

>> No.14661033


>> No.14661034

I also got into an ivy League for MSc and I plan to stop drinking.

>> No.14661038

Many days I couldn't remember what I did the day before. Shit was fucked. Luckily I had the strength to only drink after I had done the school work or exam.

>> No.14661042

you are too mentally weak to enjoy alcohol responsibly. you should honestly never drink again in your life. if you do that shit when you're older you will be beyond fucked

>> No.14661044

>stop with the impostor syndrome shit because you sound like a solid applicant
ive had a bit of an inferiority complex for the past 4 years because the school i go to isnt very good. thank you for the kind words tho.
>if your employer is having you work in a photonics lab at the school already then surely your employer can put you in touch with the relevant professors there
ill ask around but i dont think its a sure thing, its a very business relationship between them and the school. i dont think they trade people with each other or anything like that.
>I plan to stop drinking.
you dont want to mess with a good thing, anon

>> No.14661046

I'm depressed as fuck and have social anxiety. This was my coping mechanism.

>> No.14661049

>ive had a bit of an inferiority complex for the past 4 years because the school i go to isnt very good. thank you for the kind words tho.
what school?

>ill ask around but i dont think its a sure thing, its a very business relationship between them and the school. i dont think they trade people with each other or anything like that.
ok well you can look up all the professors at the school and see who does research you're interested in. also make sure they aren't a dick and have funding

doesn't change what i said. get your shit together now

>> No.14661052

But you are right, I cannot drink in moderation. I could in the beginning but it got worse and worse as that is the only time I feel zero anxiety or negative thoughts.

>> No.14661064

sounds pretty typical for an alcoholic. try fixing the root causes

>> No.14661096

>what school?
dont wanna say.
there used to be a site that showed universities ranked by the number of citations of papers from that university per faculty. anyone have the link to that site? i cant find it anymore.
>ok well you can look up all the professors at the school and see who does research you're interested in.
will it look desperate if i email a bunch of professors? will they make fun of me in the break room?
>also make sure they aren't a dick and have funding
how do i make sure they have funding?

>> No.14661103

just tell me it's ranking on USNEWS. don't have to be exact, just ballpark

>will it look desperate if i email a bunch of professors?
no but do it this way. rank your top 5. email #1 and #2 and try to schedule a call or meeting with them. if it doesn't go well then email #3 etc. you can stagger your contact with them

>will they make fun of me in the break room?
almost no chance they will talk about you

>how do i make sure they have funding?
try to read about them online. often times you can find this info. also just ask them if they have funding to support a PhD student. usually this would be through an assistantship that covers tuition and stipend. also good if they have funding for travel and equipment

>> No.14661112

says its between 300 and 400
>email #1 and #2 and try to schedule a call or meeting with them. if it doesn't go well then email #3 etc.
lol that sounds even worse, but if theyre not gonna discuss it between them then i guess its fine

>> No.14661115

>says its between 300 and 400
not great but should be fine with your gpa and experience. just don't be a sperg

>lol that sounds even worse, but if theyre not gonna discuss it between them then i guess its fine
no it isn't. it's fine even if they discuss it. you are allowed to explore multiple options

>> No.14661119

>no it isn't.
i meant no it isn't worse

>> No.14661123

anyone know what's a more comfy job? data scientist or software engineer?

anyone here have experience doing both? Could your share your thoughts?

>> No.14661127

>data scientist
meaningless title
>software engineer
doesn't exist

>> No.14661174

>>software engineer
>doesn't exist

>> No.14661528

Just do meth or cocaine and you’ll get any missing motivation back

>> No.14661668

What kind of remote jobs can I do if I'm in EE? And what electives should I pick?

>> No.14661681

why major in something as based as EE if you just want to be a pajamas wearing remote code monkey

>> No.14661697

embedded systems, VLSI, or semiconductors

>> No.14661699

does double majoring not make sense in any instance? idlike to go to grad school but idk for what

>> No.14661704

>does double majoring not make sense in any instance?

>> No.14661718

would it be wise to just major in computer science and minor in physics then?

>> No.14661835


>> No.14661997

>What kind of remote jobs can I do if I'm in EE?
CADmonkey poorfag making lighting system drawings on revit

>> No.14662042

you don't do PhD for cash

>> No.14662197

all the good EE jobs are in California or Texas, states that I hate. I wanna live somewhere up north but the job market there for EE seems wack.

>> No.14662278

Like the other anon said, the titles are meaningless.
I've had a DS and SE title twice each, and they were all completely different.

In one DS position i actually wrote more software than as a SE kek just because i was the only one on the team who was proficient in cython and janking my way through our company's shitty APIs.

That being said, in general (and this is very broadly speaking) I'd say there are less code monkey jobs in DS. But some think that doing webdev remotely at home is comfy, others think it's hell, up to you.

If you're aiming for a competitive PhD position maybe. Or you're going for a specific interdisciplinary field. In your example of cs and physics I'd say it might make sense if you want to do a PhD in say computational science and simulations.
Or you do it because you'd pick all of your electives in physics anyway and think it's fun

>> No.14663040

I think I shot myself in the foot by doing a computer engineering masters with no clear idea of what path to take.

>> No.14663044

hey I got kicked out of my PhD program for slapping my PI in the face AMA

>> No.14663062

I think you're larping. What field? How many years into your PhD? Have you published papers? Why'd you slap them?

>> No.14663077


More highly regarded in the industrial world because its solid industrial experience

>> No.14663095


2 years
Drug Discovery at MRC PPU
no published paper (duh)
took me off a collaboration-paper with a big-shot collaborator because I didnt believe in the research-model and thought its borderline fraudulent. Did experiments to prove that - they didnt like it and buried them. Was threatened to not be allowed to hold my defense so slapped the shit out of this nigger right on spot.

I got a background in bioinformatics so I can get an easy well-payed SWE job.

>> No.14663144

sounds based, there should be an ethics board for this kind of thing

>> No.14663166

because /sci/ is an undergrad major difficulty dick measuring contest, and EE is very difficult

still pays less than CS lolol

>> No.14663198

>EE is very difficult
So people claim
But even I freaking got an EE degree.

>> No.14663207

tired of my field and enjoy programming way more than what I do now, want to transition to software engineering, what are my best options?

>> No.14663361

>software engineering
Not real engineering

>> No.14663364

which year of undergrad are you in

>> No.14663549

Just walked out of my first engineering job. Didn't even make it 2 weeks.
The HR bitch came over and started hassling me about how I wanted to take a 30 minute lunch instead of an hour one, apparently it was a major issue for her because I also did this once last week. She was leaning on the side of my cubicle and said "SO...IS THIS NORMAL?"
She left to go talk to my boss. I was sitting there seething, thinking about all the struggle I went through to get this degree, just to get treated like a fucking minimum wage fast food employee who needs permission to take a fucking short lunch. I just left my computer on and all the programs open and just left.
It took them fucking 3 hours to realize I was gone. So much for attendance. They tried to call but I didn't pick up. There's a voice mail but I don't even want to listen to it. Fuck that place man.

>> No.14663555

Why do they even allow these middle aged stupid women to be in a place of engineering? You don't even belong in this office. Don't they know we are all autistic? Holy fuck why do I have to deal with these people just let me do my work.

>> No.14663568

anon are you ok. if this isnt a larp, dont you think you may have over reacted a bit.

>> No.14663577

No I haven't overreacted. Fuck them. I deserve a certain degree of autonomy and self-direction. I have earned that. If I want to take my lunch at 11:30 instead of 12 then fuck you. I shouldn't have to ask for """permission""" like a child and it shouldn't be a big deal and you definitely shouldn't come to my cubicle giving me shit about it.

>> No.14663586

Also this woman is a stupid bitch, at the orientation meeting she kept asking this guy for his VISA because his name was Kareem and the boss had to explain to her that he was actually a fucking citizen lmao. She had to apologize profusely while the engineering manager looked mortified. Idiot.

>> No.14663589

What kind of engineer is under HR?

>> No.14663591

Instead of throwing a temper tantrum like a child you should have asserted yourself and told her you manage your own time and, if she has a problem with that, to talk to your boss

Welcome to corporate America. People are going to try and flex on you constantly so you need to learn how to push back.

>> No.14663593

They keep calling me, they called 3 times now. It is probably the engineering manager who is a fellow autist and likely realizes what has happened. Another young talent pushed out of the company by a normalfag middle aged busy body with nothing to do

>> No.14663597

I think her entire job is to sit at her computer and watch when people clock in and then report them if they are a few minutes later or did not work a perfect 8 hours because we are all salaryslaves.

>> No.14663607

Where the fuck are you guys working as engineers where you don’t have near unlimited autonomy? No employer I’ve had in my 8 years out of college would dare to micromanage me like that. My current boss kisses my ass and let’s me get away with doing almost whatever the fuck I want because he knows I could HOOOOOOP at any momen

Also, someone needs to make a 28 year old HOOOPER meme

>> No.14663625

No one else in the office seems to care, it was just her who was always micromanaging me and sending little nit picky emails about my time. One day I came in at 7:30 instead of 8:00 and she almost had a god damn conniption about how I needed to ask permission. Saw a new guy and probably thought it was a chance to flex her """""power""""". no wonder half the desks are empty.

>> No.14663635

You’re going to need to learn to put people like that in their place anon. You’re a goddamn engineer, fucking pillar of civilization alongside doctors and lawyers, part of a guild whose history stretches back to antiquity.

She treated you like a wage slave because you act like one.

>> No.14663657

I graduated and work as a real engineer (not as a codemonkey that can be replaced by a pajeet with an online 2 week boot camp)

>> No.14663744

Why the FUCK is it so difficult to get a job in data analysis / data science?

Nearly 200 application and no-one is willing to give me a chance.

>> No.14663750

>getting a useless associates of science in IT
I'm wasting my time aren't I

>> No.14663759

post resume and I can guarantee there's a million things missing or gay about it, even if a (((professional resume editor))) looked at it

>> No.14663767

based. you shouldnt have to put up with that shit, anon. i work at a research firm that employs like 12 people total, all old (except me) white men. i show up whenever i want and leave when i get bored. somedays i work for 2 hours, somedays i work for 12, somedays i stay in bed and watch anime, but i always get the job done and done well. some roastie in HR that fucked her way into a corner office will never understand a mans work ethic.
dont you have a coworker you have to go harass during their lunch break?

>> No.14663864

waste of time. might as well tripe major while you're at it

>> No.14663867

minors are also a waste of time

>> No.14663886

makes sense because there are no EE jobs in europe

>> No.14663891


>> No.14663894

why don't you pick up? they might be capitulating

>> No.14663910

they probably just want to make sure he's an undiagnosed autist instead of a diagnosed autist so they can fire the shit out of him without a lawsuit

>> No.14663939

what’s your salary with your real engineering degree

>> No.14663946

engineering is fucking full of pajeets lmao what the fuck are you smoking

>> No.14663955

send 400 more

>> No.14663965
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seething samefag

>> No.14664027

Have you worked a data analysis job before? If not tough shit. It's the hot field and every motherfucker wants to break in.

If you really want in, I recommend applying for work withe DoD. Search for the general math job series and apply to everything USAjobs. The candidate pool is smarter because the work can't be remote and you have to be a US citizen.

>> No.14664028

Wow, I think I had a stroke while writing that. The candidate pool is SMALLER*

>> No.14664035

How often should I be looking at work elsewhere?

I know I'm being underpaid at my current position, but they also are paying for my masters (which I'm almost done with). Should I be putting out applications now for other positions?

While I'm underpaid, my job is incredibly secure (government work) and easy. I also have a 'small' concern with the economy too, I'm worried about jumping to a different job, the economy fully tanking and then being let go.

I'm caught in this difficult position of trying to figure out whether to stay or go.

>> No.14664149

>but they also are paying for my masters (which I'm almost done with)
dont they have a 1 year requirement if they pay for your masters?

>> No.14664176

Nope. They don't. My organization offers two programs for graduate school, one's a fellowship that does have time requirements, the other is classified as 'training and skill retention'.

>> No.14664327

>social anxiety
You are not alone. Nevertheless, you have crossed bigger hurdles than 80 percent of the population could. Therefore: WAGMI.

>> No.14664341

>will it look desperate if i email a bunch of professors?
No. This is quite normal. Tens of thousands of students are looking for opportunities in a pyramid that rapidly becomes narrow. Also professors have oher things to discuss than the students that have contacted them.
>will they make fun of me in the break room?
No. The only thing I ever heard from a professor in this regards, was that even the tiniest of postings resulted in an avalanche of applications from Iran. The was presented as a fact, not something he made fun of.

>> No.14664431

nothing impressive about a 4.0 GPA unless you went to a top 25 university.

lots of retards get perfect GPAs at mediocre state schools

>> No.14664502

fellow photonics fag here, just wanna shill Rochester and Arizona. They have well-regarded research institutes dedicated to optics and photonics with plenty of openings for PhD students. I think Rochester has a graduate research funding reserve so that if grants are lost, you don't have to restart your research.

>> No.14664511

ive seen a bit of Rochester, ill probably apply there. great thing about my top choice is that its in my hometown so i can live rent-free with my parents and hang out with guys ive been friends with since high school (also its a good school on top of all that).

>> No.14664513

Top 25 universities are all 4.0's because they run like for-profits so rich third-worlders can come here and get a Visa

>> No.14664519

I'm thinking about applying to PhD's too, if only my hometown had a photonics program. What is your top choice?

>> No.14664522

Keep telling yourself that, GPAlet.

>> No.14664544

I keep seeing jobs listing Revit and AutoCad. I already know solidworks, ansys, and fusion. How hard will those be to adopt?
Lastly, are FEA/CFD remote jobs a thing? I couldn't find any.

>> No.14664633

What's the highest salary I can hope to crack as an entry level EE and where do I go to get it?
I want to go as high as possible so I'm not sure what I should be content with.

>> No.14664656

$300K starting

>> No.14664686

most of the country: $70K
government: $75K
the coastal states: $80K
CA: $100K-120K

>> No.14664723

haha so funny

>> No.14664734

nice cope

Cope. My 3.5 from a top 25 school will always be more impressive to employers than your 4.0 from your shitty school.

>> No.14664776

>My 3.5 from a top 25 school
I promise you from the bottom of my heart that no one cares unless its an ivy
and if its an ivy, the average gpa ranges from 3.6-4.0 for STEM, so you're already mediocre

>> No.14664893

nobody gives a shit about your GPA after you're 22 years old. i have no idea what anyones GPA i work with was

>> No.14665154

hahaha I've applied to nothing but Fortune 500 companies and I've always been offered a job.

>> No.14665187

So I'm being forced back into the office for my shitty GIS job. I've only really been working this for the flexibility it provided me to spend time with my mom hours away. Pay really isn't "stellar" but it has allowed me to gamble on crypto for a while. (66k + a 10k "expected" bonus that's more like 4-5k max because my company does like shit every year)

I've got a mechE degree. I really haven't been working in my field just due to life reasons, but honestly not sure i really wanna keep working here anyways. What are my options? Is it hard to find a job as a mechE considering I've been out of my field for so long? reconsider letting them sack me?

>> No.14665207

>What are my options? Is it hard to find a job as a mechE considering I've been out of my field for so long?
Just spam applications for entry level Mechanical positions
Despite being meant for new grads, they’ll all pay more than what you currently make.
However, there’s like a 10% chance it will be remote

>> No.14665220

EE here, I tried the spam approach. I ended up only getting replies from shitty companies with low pay, all the big dick jobs either just ghost me or do a "we regret to inform you that you are not a successful candidate but please continue to monitor the job boards" thing. hardcore.
Thinking about roping.

>> No.14665234

Post a screenshot of the project, hardware skills, and software skills portion of your resume, I can help you get through the non-obvious filters

>> No.14665240

may not be that big of a deal. On one hand I'm tempted just to put up and deal with it for a while and buff up some CS skills and maybe pivot out of engineering into CS since that's where the money is. But on the other hand, I'm tired and want a break.

Also I wanna keep throwing money drunkenly into crypto, kek. Idk, maybe the job market for mechEs aint all that bad. It's a hybrid job but it still means i would have to drive 3 hours back to the town my office is once a week. Sounds stressful

>> No.14665251

hard to say since I don't have a one size fits all resume. it depends on what kind of job i'm applying for.
if it's in the semiconductor industry i'll draw attention to a graduate level class i took about that and the various lab projects and equipment we used
if it's a cadmonkey job i'll draw lie uhh i mean focus on my skills with revit and autocad
if it's more towards hardware i'll focus on my senior design project
basically i heavily embellish to make myself seem like an ideal candidate and i still can't break through

>> No.14665269

you guys need to realize that networking is the key. you need to be networking

>> No.14665276

I don't know anyone.

>> No.14665283

everyone starts out not knowing anyone

>> No.14665286

I had zero networking/internships and got 5 job offers within a month of applying.
The networking meta is out, the autistically-specific resume meta is in

>> No.14665298

networking is still a big deal
>autistically-specific resume
this will only get you shit tier jobs where some retarded HR lady or a fucking bot reads your resumes rather than actually qualified people

>> No.14665318
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>this will only get you shit tier jobs where some retarded HR lady or a fucking bot reads your resumes rather than actually qualified people
what a retarded comment
there isnt a single job where an engineer/scientist sees your resume before some diversity hire HR lady sees it first and passes it on
>"I wonder what the "actually qualified people" at good jobs do with their time. Oh yeah I know exactly what they do, they look through the 500 applications they get every single day instead of letting the recruiting department do their job"

>> No.14665332

>there isnt a single job where an engineer/scientist sees your resume before some diversity hire HR lady sees it first and passes it on
this is extremely untrue. you are ignorant
>>"I wonder what the "actually qualified people" at good jobs do with their time. Oh yeah I know exactly what they do, they look through the 500 applications they get every single day instead of letting the recruiting department do their job"
I work in a place full or PhD and MS engineers/scientists and we all review resumes. Nobody is looking at 500 though. Only the entry level shit jobs would even get that many applications like I said. We usually get like 5 resumes for a job posting, or more commonly we get someone's resume directly and then create an opening for them. We don't even have any HR people lol. You should be happy about how wrong you are. the world is better than you think

>> No.14665344

>We don't even have any HR people lol
lmao this nigga's employer doesnt even have an HR department but thinks he doesnt have a "shit tier job"

>> No.14665356

We are a big organization and there are some HR people (more like admin assistants) but we seldom if ever interact with them. We sure as fuck would never use them to recruit people.

>> No.14665385

university of texas

>> No.14665482

id like to do aerospace or potentially program physics engines. i didn't know double majoring was so useless though.

>> No.14665617

Yeah the guy you're responding to is fully lying or his 'organization' is a small business. You can tell he's bullshitting by the 'we all review resumes' BS. No. You don't. At best a project lead will (maybe). The only 'STEM' people in my experience who review resumes are heads of divisions, departments, etc.

HR always is the first to decide shit and they decide pace and tempo of application review and job offer pushing. I've worked at multiple large organizations and HR will even get pissed if they get resumes pushed down from management (i.e., networking) because it's a 'headache' for them.

The world is exactly as bad as you think which is why the best move to make is to apply to as many jobs as possible. Create a generic resume and cover letters for the general jobs you're looking at, then spray and pray. If you have ANY contacts in ANY industry, pull on them too. It's much better to get your resume into management hands first than HRs hands.

>> No.14665630

Don't listen to these fags. Double majoring is nice, more education is not bad despite memes against and if you are actually smart you'll be able to leverage skills from every single class you take. If you're anything like me, you'll find that there are too many classes that you want to take and end up double majoring out of necessity (typically, there's an upper limit to undergrad courses you can take unless you declare more majors).

It really doesn't hurt you, but it probably doesn't help you much in terms of jobs. It does make you much better than pretty much everyone going into grad school though, especially since you'll probably specialize into something cross disciplinary focused anyway out of interest.

>> No.14665658

You're going to die.
Much sooner than you think, probably, if you were going to live for 250 years getting masters in multiple fields would be worthwhile but you've got finite time to work and investing time in education eats away at your potential.

Don't do it unless you....
a) have a genuine interest in what you're considering
b) have the time, and lack hobbies, and don't care about whether it will help earn you money because it probably won't

>> No.14665666
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>data scientist
you need to be wary about this one, if you're a glorified consultant then yeah it's comfy, otherwise depending on the company it might not.
DS is the current fad so companies will hire them without knowing why they need them, and they'll ask you to do a bunch of shit you never really signed up for, because they expect you to solve all their business issues with the magic of data.

>software engineer
software developers are not engineers 90% of the time so idk, code monkeying isn't great in my opinion, I don't like programming for the sake of programming, I'd prefer the code to have an actual impact and have me thinking about the consequences of each line and how to optimize, but most of the time you'll write stuff anyone who went through a bootcamp and is passionate enough could do, assuming you went through an engineering curriculum, I wouldn't want that to be my job.
But if you have a meaningful role in the company, something like developing a diagnostic AI to control and automatically repair whatever machinery when shit happens, then it might be a great job yes.

Again the title is meaningless and the actual role in the company is what makes your job comfy or terrible.

>> No.14665679


>> No.14665684

It really depends. I worked for a one of the biggest defense contractors here in the US and uh, lets just say that my resume was overviewed by actual engineers. The manager was an engineer before that, her boss was also an engineer. Its so crazy thinking about how big this company is, but that specific place had no HR person. A hidden gem in todays world. Literally, the only HR person that came into play was the commercial side onboarding you, but after that this massive company had nothing to do with this small work site, just owned the contract. Places like these are still out there, you just have to get really lucky with timing and landing a job there. Matter of fact, I'm still trying to figure out how the fuck I got that job lmao.

>> No.14665696

>Yeah the guy you're responding to is fully lying or his 'organization' is a small business
I work for the largest employer on Earth

>You can tell he's bullshitting by the 'we all review resumes' BS. No. You don't. At best a project lead will (maybe).

>The only 'STEM' people in my experience who review resumes are heads of divisions, departments, etc.
in your very limited experience

>HR always is the first to decide shit and they decide pace and tempo of application review and job offer pushing.
I'm so glad this isn't true anywhere I've worked. Sounds like some very shitty organizations.

> I've worked at multiple large organizations and HR will even get pissed if they get resumes pushed down from management (i.e., networking) because it's a 'headache' for them.
Imagine being this cucked by HR. Embarrassing.

>The world is exactly as bad as you think
>spray and pray. If you have ANY contacts in ANY industry, pull on them too. It's much better to get your resume into management hands first than HRs hands.
There's nothing wrong with that if you aren't established yet and going for random entry level positions but having a network is typically going to pay off much better, and if you are still spray and praying years from now you are a failure

>Don't listen to these fags. Double majoring is nice, more education is not bad despite memes against and if you are actually smart you'll be able to leverage skills from every single class you take. If you're anything like me, you'll find that there are too many classes that you want to take and end up double majoring out of necessity (typically, there's an upper limit to undergrad courses you can take unless you declare more majors).
Nobody is saying that you won't learn in the extra classes. It's just that your time/energy would be better spent elsewhere. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.
>It does make you much better than pretty much everyone going into grad school though
lol no

>> No.14665707

>Much sooner than you think, probably, if you were going to live for 250 years getting masters in multiple fields would be worthwhile but you've got finite time to work and investing time in education eats away at your potential.
imagine getting 10 BS degrees. I think everyone can see that it's not worth it and there would be diminishing returns. So where do the diminishing returns start? At 2! Really it's more of an opportunity cost thing like you said

Sounds about right. This is probably true for defense contractors and the like since they do actual real engineering work that takes actual real work and skills. I'm guessing this guy who gets cucked by HR works in shitty generic corporate jobs where anyone with a pulse can do the work because they don't do any serious work on fucking anything of substance. You have to think how many idiots out there consider themselves engineers when all they really do is program the new widget on Walmart.com so people can buy new bedsheets with the discount code lmao

>> No.14665708

>being so adamant on telling people that double majors are useless
lol,maybe if you're aiming to be an app / web developer I guess

>> No.14665711

What are you even getting at? That people with only one BS will all end up in shitty jobs? sounds like a cope. If you want to double major go for it but only if you think of it as a hobby and not a smart decision on its merits

>> No.14665795

>Not engineering
True. But should I give a fuck about it? Considering it is by far the easiest way to make money and have a good career?

Personally I fucking love computer engineering and hardware in general, I'm very invested in quantum, took a bunch of elective classes in math and physics to get admitted in switzerland in one of the few schools with a quantum engineering masters degree.
But now I'm conflicted, they don't allow double majors so I don't know if I should pursue quantum and give up CS, or if I should go in CS and only get quantum as a minor.

CS just has better career paths overall, all CS grads from good schools I know are job hoppers and boost their salary every 3 years, meanwhile the hardware pay isn't that great from what I heard.
Also I'm not sure if companies are actively looking for quantum engineers right now anyway, I know many applications like photonics are very promising, and we're already using quantum technologies these days anyway, but will I be able to get a good job as easily as in CS? It doesn't feel like quantum will lead me anywhere without a PhD as most positions are in research, meanwhile I was told FAANGs come and recruit on the campus CS grads with excellent GPAs which hints at the job market being much more favorable, but all I'll do there is code monkeying and I'll never get to really apply everything I learned.

I'm conflicted anon.

>> No.14665801

quantum is a meme

>> No.14665862

Quantum is a meme to people who don't understand what quantum is and think it only stands for quantum computers.

Optical fibers and transistors are literally quantum technologies and are a necessity nowadays, the next big thing is photonics, tell me again how quantum is a meme you retard.

>> No.14665943

>bullshit from
I don't enjoy subjects in Aero plus I am not a UK citizen despite living here for god knows how long. Most Aero jobs need to do a some sort of a background check and the few that don't I would need to go against a bunch of retards who want in. My options are:
>fuck off to mainland europe
>switch to a field with less intensive background checks
Both are shit since as this anon has said >>14660783 UK does not give a shit about STEM chads and mainland europe pay is...
I also will NOT BUY the citizenship since it costs about £1250 and it will take ages to process, by then I would have a gap in my resume which is a death sentence

>> No.14666025

Is SoCal more acceptable? In that case you might look into San Diego with Qualcomm and a few other RF focused startups.

>> No.14666033

>Did experiments to prove that - they didnt like it and buried them.
If you kept the proof you can still tank them with a leak to retractionwatch.com and related sites.

There are some, especially for life sciences, but not on 4ch. Life sciences is in a mess and those boards are rather intense.

>> No.14666052

How do I know when my CAD skills are good enough to get a CAD mnokey job?

>> No.14666100

Honestly just fuck off to mainland Europe. There are a ton of companies that have offices spread around Europe, I worked with so many bongs in Spain and in Germany. Then from there it'll be easy for you to pivot back to a job in bongland if you so wish.

As soon as you type it into your CV

These days all engineering jobs are covert software jobs.
I'm an industrial engineer, what do I do all day? Write code from home and occasionally pop into the office.
Same with my buddies from uni: mechanical engineers (cad), electrical engineers (writing code for embedded), applied physics engineers (fluid mechanics simulations), heck even the finance grad dudes are spending their days doing basic R.

Here's what you should do faggot. Do your quantum engineering masters. Take a project course related to CS, a PROJECT COURSE. I recommend CDIO or something similar. You put that course as work experience on your CV, and it opens up a lot of doors to working in CS related jobs even if you didn't major in it.
In fact I'd argue that for a lot of positions it's better. Because what the retard HR sees is "oh wow this guy studied something super complicated... Oh! And he knows all the computer stuff too! He must be really smart!". I'm not even joking all the HR ladies are like that, especially the younger ones in tech companies.

>> No.14666120

>As soon as you type it into your CV
Can I post some things (screenshots) and see if you guys think it's good enough? I really do not know what to expect.

>> No.14666127

I keep seeing mech eng grad jobs in the UK offering like 20-23k, lmao. Some of them even ask for experience. What sort of joke is this.

>> No.14666173

There's so much variance in cad jobs. It can be super basic, I know a guy who while in his undergrad was making custom air vents in cad. They already had a model for it but they had to change its shape a little to fit the customers building.
Then there's MEs that design jet turbines. It really depends on the job

>> No.14666235

Thanks for the advice anon, I'll try to do that.
Also it's true that in a CV the title will stand out more anyway, especially considering how everyone and their mother is getting a cs degree anyway.

>> No.14666397

>had to explain what monstergirls are during security clearance interview and why they don't count as furries
Well that was fucking weird

>> No.14666446

>She treated you like a wage slave because you act like one.
This is the key. And I learned it a bit late myself.
Simply put: if management is unreasonable, polish up your CV/Resume and move. Do not make complaints. Do not take revenge other than leaving quietly. Such companies tend to be kept floating by the hard work of the downtrodden, and sooner or later they will be exhausted and leave if only for the sake of their health. That is what I did. The companies I left are all gone now.

>> No.14666494

I'd stay on for at least one year, if not it feels a bit, well, ungrateful. Not sure how to describe it really.
I come in this from the opposite side, I was training a junior and spent probably over 1000 hours non-billable hours to bring my new colleague up to speed. This costs a lot and not just monetarily only; I am a partner and we are measured every month on billable ours, so I got a bit of heat for spanding too much time on training new colleagues. Training costs and consequently we cannot bill as many hours as our competitors that has a business model of doing minimal training. So when this new colleague after training immediately jumped ship to one of hour no training competitors, it felt bad for us all and I felt a bit betrayed. All the time I had invested in training and we got nothing out of it and our competitor got a ready trained junior for nearly free.

>> No.14666518

You’re forgetting the best EE state when it comes to having many jobs but without the trannies: Virginia

>> No.14666519

This, the good companies I've worked at suck engineer cock 24/7 to try to retain them. It's hard to get in, but once you are it's all gravy from there.

Adding to what the last anon mentioned, one thing you also could do is go to the head of a different department or the next level of management. Say that you're not being given the level of flexibility that you deserve and that you're not being appreciated. I've seen an HR lady get fired that way

>> No.14666524
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>I worked for a one of the biggest defense contractors here in the US and uh, lets just say that my resume was overviewed by actual engineers.
I can imagine only a single such division in a company, a place where Kelly's Heroes have a special meaning and sleds go fast.

>> No.14666560

>What sort of joke is this.
See >>14660783

>> No.14666569

Considered making 3D printing files? It could be your equivalent of a Github portfolio.

>Can I post some things
Sure, go ahead, we have reviewed CVs here before. Just keep in mind that this is after all 4ch and reviews are best described as unfiltered.

>> No.14666834

come to switzerland, engineers are very much respected here
also, since most of our students go into professional training and skip useless highschool classes, they're very qualified, so we have very good electricians, plumbers, software developers etc, and it's nice to work with them. They're so qualified that their pay is already high, so the pay of engineers is even much higher.

>> No.14666958

I kind of put myself in the crossroads between hardware and software. Hardware doesn't pay as much but I'm guessing the jobs are more secure right?

>> No.14667084
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I fixed this list

>> No.14667345

We are in autosage and on page 9.
How about some more input on EE for the FAQ?

>> No.14667520

What even is the difference between software engineering and computer science? At my school, the curriculum is almost same except software engineering requires you take a lot more math for some reason

>> No.14667624
