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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14644171 No.14644171 [Reply] [Original]

This is probably my last night as a free man and I just want to vent rn
> be me a few years ago
> had a boring but alright job
> had a chronic porn addiction
> tons of easily accessible porn in my pc
> be depressed
> start taking meth and deferoxamine and try to better myself
> decide to accept hanging out with my co-workers
> meet a girl, one of my co-workers acquaintance
> hit it off and start dating
> she makes my days happier and my nights less lonely
> constantly at my apartment
> be now
> still at my job but happier with myself
> not as addicted to porn but don't want to delete my porn folder due to sentimental value also nobody else uses my pc
> be at work
> get a couple of messages but don't check them cause I'm working
> be a bit later and start getting a lot of messages
> realize it's probably an emergency so check them
> it's a message from my gf telling me she needs to use my pc and asking for my password then saying "nvm I think I've seen you type it" followed by like a hundred voice messages
> realize if she finds my porn folder I'd be royally fucked so tell my boss I have an emergency and flee straight to my apartment
> be panicking so don't listen to the audios, instead wait to talk to my gf
> arrive home and she isn't there, notice my drawers are open
> neither my laptop nor my hard drive I used to hide under my bed are there
> be really anxious
> give up, sit on my couch and decide to listen to her audios
> she sounds angry and then nervous and she also sounds like she's crying so can't make much of it other than her debating weather to give my lap to the cops or not
> last message sounds like she's getting out of her car and she's saying she's at the police station
> last message was about 20 mins ago
It's just a matter of time before my whole life is ruined anons. It's over. What do I do, scientifically speaking?

>> No.14644173

Lmao it's over disgusting tranny

>> No.14644176

What kind of porn were you watching?

>> No.14644177

wtf are you babbling about

>> No.14644181

If there is illegal porn on there that belongs to you. You deserve to rot anon, gtfo my society.

>> No.14644183

Rot in prison you piece of shit.

>> No.14644189

Science and math?

>> No.14644192

That's why you put a fucking lock on your laptop, dummy, and chain it to the wall.

>> No.14644197

if this is real, then legally speaking you did nothing wrong if you didn't have CP, though you might want to rework things with your gf
What's the worst you had on there?

>> No.14644269

Don't incriminate yourself here. Why are you posting here and not talking to your gf?

I hope you get the help you need

>> No.14644283


>> No.14644290

Stop larping on MY science board.
>hurr i have cp i'm a retard
>naaaah guys i was just trollin
Go back brainlet

>> No.14644338
File: 119 KB, 1519x363, 2022-06-19 (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a lying piece of shit. show pictures of your meth and deferoxamine vials.
I use a tripcode. I don't care anymore about you or any of the lies told about me and deferoxamine. You represent the greatest evil to exist and are suppressing the ascension of humanity.Everyone can know you're a fake because in all of your posts you never once mentioned Deathnote in any fashion or shared any scientific literature or even provided evidence for your claims. This doesn't bother me in the slightest

>> No.14644701

keep takin meth and spamming 4chan about how youre the next stage of human evolution

>> No.14645123
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1607878131402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start taking meth and deferoxamine and try to better myself

>> No.14645168
File: 276 KB, 334x339, 1654179632597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a tripfag deserves this kind of shit for being a tripfag in the first place.
a tripfag spits in your face when it posts, because the whole reason anonymous websites are better than the entire rest of the internet is that the entire rest of the internet is a bunch of tripfags, who create an account and every comment is tied to an identity.
a tripfag things its ego getting stroked is more important than you and me having a website like this.

never reply to a tripfag or namefag, do not give them (You)s, no matter how wrong they are, no matter how badly they deserve to be told to fuck off. In a way this protects them, because deep down they know it is wrong to identityfag here, and they hate themselves, and so they engage in the wrong behavior so they can continue to hate themselves because it is safe and familiar.

>> No.14648741

She was using your computer, and had access to your passwords. It seems that she has a porn addiction, and she is trying to blame you for her issues.

Deny all charges, and have her charged with perjury.

>> No.14648758

Was it kids or animals? lmao

>> No.14648761

Man, I wish this was real and the deferoxaminefag was actually going to jail.

>> No.14648767

I get it. I've been a researcher in the nootropics community for over a year and prior to that I've been studying for many years. It was not something I intended when I began researching deferoxamine and sharing the information I learned with my community that it would be plagiarized from my former community and it would get here. When things really began to take off it was many people that had decided to run off with it and impersonate me while using the name "Pax". My identity within my own community is tied to my research. I take pride in my work that has been years within the making. When anons began making posts telling lies that I was abusing meth or worse began appearing I need this tripcode to identify myself because my anonymity was taken from me. I was happy in the community that I had, probably much less so than I am now after everything that has developed from this. It was not my choice that forced me to come here. I want you to remember that anon. I was happy keeping it to my small community of nootropics enthusiasts. Now that deferoxamine has attracted so much attention I have an interest in making sure that the pharmacology of deferoxamine is understood as well as the treatment of neurological and metabolic disorders. There's about 12 of us that have used deferoxamine intranasally and we're for the most part healthier, happier and smarter for it. I think its appropriate that I take time away from /sci/, let my research run its course, possibly fill people in more in possibly a month how far things have gone. All of the deferoxamine threads on 4chan were started by other anons. This tripcode is the real me and you can look at where i've posted in the recent days the frequency of my activity is responding to anons that are doing what they can to destroy my reputation, probably its gone to the point where there is no doubt this is aggravated stalking. I don't encourage others to post in my name. It's time i probably go, if anons let me be.

>> No.14648772
File: 7 KB, 220x180, 1636506972580s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pasta, it was posted on /pol/ the other day with a Senegalese flag. OP clarified that all porn is illegal in Senegal before the thread got jannied.

>> No.14648797

>pedo hoards pedophilia porn and cries when he gets caught by posting an off-topic thread on a science board
This isn't your personal blog, this isn't plebbit, you are absolutely going to prison and absolutely deserve to be there. If I were you I would kms as quickly as possible.

>> No.14648803

>totally a Senegalese
>definitely not a plebbitor tourist shitposting on /pol/ while using a VPN
Your newfag is showing.

>> No.14648805

haha faggot

>> No.14648807

>start taking meth and try to better myself

>> No.14648812


Cant believe this many fucktards Unironically took the bait

>> No.14648832

People say 4chan is full of smart people acting like retards but I think it's just retards being themselves