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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14640889 No.14640889 [Reply] [Original]

After thinking about it for a while, I've come to the conclusion that this board is dead because of an influx of people with very rudimentary math skills.
Look at the IQ threads (or IQ general now, kek), and you'll see people doing the same mistake social scientists/retards usually do, since they've never taken a single course in statistics.

I miss when this board was full of venerable, autistically erudite, yet degenerate oldfags; people who just knew their shit. These days, it's nothing but underage phoneposters regurgitating whatever their favorite e-celeb said.

>> No.14640953

I'd have left already if only the alternatives, like mathchan, weren't so fucking slow that you'd be lucky to get a reply within a month

>> No.14641014

It seems to me that IQ threads are made by people that larp as high IQ because they are projecting their lack of math skill subconsciously thinking their average IQ is the limiting factor

>> No.14641055

>i participate in an internet forum in which all of the content is user generated
>i am unhappy with the content on the forum
>i deny all responsibly for the quality of the user generated content of the forum that i am a contributor to
you've been intellectually dominated by people who can't do math and you are in now in search of a coping mechanism to explain why your vast intellect is useless in the face of low iq underage phoneposters

>> No.14641115

>t. 2016 reddit election tourist
/sci/ was never good

>> No.14641176

Yeah it's to stop anything useful being discussed here

>> No.14641180

It was never this bad.

>> No.14641234

This board is dead for two related reasons:
>society is shit now
>board is full of giga retarded /pol/tards

>> No.14641306

If you understood statistics you would see the error in using the iq threads as your sample.

>> No.14641320
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>It was never this bad.
When the FUCK was it ever different? picrel newfag

>> No.14641333

Newfags don't know how much religion threads dominated the board.

>> No.14641338

OP is a faggot and cannot give a single example of an oldfag thread that proves him right

>> No.14641355

8sci was
2011-2014 was alright
after moot cucked and that faggot hiroshima took over along with his moronic moderation team this site became unusable
all the IQ threads and the 0.999-->1 threads are made by bots frog and wojak threads by newfags
there's no point in making effort posts in this worthless shithole
i wish i could kill most of the posters

>> No.14641357

yes but the amount of the same threads appearing on the catalogue wasn't bloated as it is post GG
most of these used to get pruned and the poster sent to hell

>> No.14642133
File: 256 KB, 2746x1769, scientistoscope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ sucks
>i hate /sci/
>i refuse to output the effort necessary to contribute decent content, thats why it is everyone else's fault that /sci/ sucks
>i come to /sci/ with the expectation that others will output the effort to make good contributions even though i solidly refuse to do so myself
where did you get the massive sense of entitlement, maybe /sci/ blows cocks because everyone else on this board has the same sense that they're entitled to receive wonderful content without contributing any that you do

>> No.14642138

Correct, reddit has much better math discussion than /sci/

>> No.14642168
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>> No.14642208

You're an undergrad who comes here to be entertained by people more educated than you while you have nothing to contribute yourself.

>> No.14642223
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>> No.14642233
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>> No.14642262

/sci/ was never good, but it got worse.
However I'm not sure other sites are any better.

The pandemic posting definitely infested the board with shillbots, schizos, and bunkertranny/poltards worse than it was before.
Which I suspect drove off some former users.

Just compare current threads to those in the archives.

It might be possible for the board to recover with judicious moderation and the promotion of rigorous discussion with interesting topics but I'm not sure that has ever fitted this board. Moderation can be a somewhat thankless task with the threat from censorious individuals presenting a double edged sword.
A harder captcha system for this board could be an option perhaps a logic problem but with a long cooldown to prevent it being a nuisance?

>> No.14642271

I've always liked the IQ discussion threads where we actually discussed papers and argued about the difficulties of the research or genetic correlations. I learnt quite a lot from reading the referenced papers. I've not seen an actually good one in a long while.

>> No.14642282

>It seems to me
It does? What gave it away?

>> No.14642284

When you have to slice open your abdomen to remove some of your overgrown mutant guts, that's when yiou know you took too much growth hormone.

>> No.14642294
File: 102 KB, 640x714, long live pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the good IQ threads get nuked (probably by some butthurt nigger janny who gets pwned). i would know, i'm an active participant in them (i recall at least 5 within the past month).

>> No.14642332
File: 468 KB, 1000x985, 2022-07-10-122940_1000x985_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fastest alternative right now is

>> No.14642376

Where did all the godposters go?

>> No.14642411

>high school problems
No thanks

>> No.14643730


>> No.14643840

i haven't even finished highschool
academia is a waste of time they teach you how to memorize a ton of pointless shit
education is a meme you can find homeless people picking up mushrooms much more entertaining than worthless rats who scurry to get good grades and work like slaves
the moderation here encourages this behavior, this board is nothing more than /b/ with popsci shit and bots spamming threads

>where did you get the massive sense of entitlement
unlike you i didn't come here late

>> No.14643845

anon mentality has changed so much