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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1463078 No.1463078 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you just hate it when you work your ass of in university to become a scientist, learn everything about physics you can understand, the mathematics behind it, and what not? Don't you just get pissed that out of all your years work, you hear some douche quote something he heard from Discovery or Science Channel, and everybody listens to him and gives him credit for his piece of knowledge? Yet here you are, spending years and hard work to learn what he heard from a TV show, learning more than he or anyone who watches that crap can ever hope to accomplish, having a grounded understanding into the knowledge of physics and science, knowing more than anyone you can ever meet aside from professors and other physics students; and yet here is this asshole getting praise for parroting a documentary while you, the person that actually knows shit, gets no credit or recognition for his knowledge and all the hard work he put into getting that knowledge and intelligence.

Doesn't that just aggravate you every time? Somebody else getting recognized for knowledge and intelligence he doesn't have, yet you, the person that actually has, gets nothing? Makes me want to punch a puppy every time.

>> No.1463090
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>> No.1463116

OP, you're basically what everyone on /sci/ is. Troll or not, the usual posters to this board are essentially like this.

>> No.1463120

The information should be available to the public. What does it matter to you if they tell somebody something that they found? Aren't you researching a different subject?

>> No.1463133
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OP go read this

>> No.1463146

They just end up walking around like they know everything, which they don't, but we do and should be recognized for such. The people that spread this information without any other understanding of the subject they heard on TV is what's wrong with science, and gives false ideas and understanding into the field that leaves everything important out. Spreading of this public information should be done by professionals in the field, as we should be recognized for this knowledge and research, not rednecks with cable.

>> No.1463160

Most scientists I've seen on TV that gave out this information knew what they where talking about, and gave credit to the original authors/founders.

>> No.1463169

But then casual idiots will just quote what they said, spread the information around, and get false credibility for it to make themselves feel superior and smart.

>> No.1463181

why are you science geeks so pretentious and needy on the internet? I could never understand that

>> No.1463187


>> No.1463190

Surely the person the 'casual idiot' is telling, knows that he did not think of/find/research the information?

>> No.1463197

Not really sure why you're so mad OP, you don't deserve recognition either. The only difference is that you have a deeper understanding of the subject at hand in general, and could elaborate on it in much greater detail.

However, neither of you actually discovered this information in your research so neither of you deserve any credit for your knowledge, that doesn't mean that you could impart that knowledge to someone else, such as the other guy who learned from the Television little anecdotal things about science.

Until you come up with your own new and inventive theorem and back it up with evidence such that it is accepted by the scientific community to be a valuable and verifiable contribution to science you have no right to look down on someone else simply because the method which they used to gain that knowledge was different than yours.

>> No.1463199

Nope, he'll just give false credit to him for teaching him something that was not his.

>> No.1463211
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>> No.1463227

Why should that affect the person that found it though? The people in the scientific community will obviously know that some random 'casual idiot' didn't find it, as they could research, or ask others who would know who found it.

>> No.1463235

He's still getting false credit for it, and will act like it makes him something special, when it doesn't because he's an unintelligent idiot.

>> No.1463252

I guess you don't give your teachers any credit for teaching you all the shit you've ever learned about over your education because "it isn't theirs"

>> No.1463258

Yes, I know popsci seems dumbed down for the every man to understand, but at least we're improving human intelligence by sharing them the base principles of science.

>> No.1463270

Teachers are (supposed to be) intelligent individuals that have credibility and have worked to retain that credibility to teach and spread knowledge. I would trust them for relaying a message to non-idiots.

>> No.1463286

>OP is unsuccessful at imparting hard earned knowledge due to extreme faggotry
>Some random dumbass comes along and does it better

>> No.1463292

I see you found his other thread in /r9k/

>> No.1463450


Somebody should give OP a box of r9k's to wipe his tears. What happened, bro? She put her hand on your thigh in AP phys and you shit your pants?