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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1462840 No.1462840 [Reply] [Original]

Biology is a soft science.
It boards on a social science.
It is almost strictly memorization.
Outside of medicine and agriculture it has done nothing to improve humanity.
It's sloe purpose for being taught in school has been reduced down to sex education and trolling the religious right.

>> No.1462856

very obvious troll is very obvious

>> No.1462859


>> No.1462862

u mad?
is it because the big bad biology book is too hard to understand for your simple mathematical mind?

>> No.1462863



Biology is a soft science.
>it is a natural science, which are "hard sciences"
It boards on a social science.
>social sciences study things made by humanity
Outside of medicine and agriculture it has done nothing to improve humanity.
>molecular bio, microbio, biophysics
It's sloe purpose for being taught in school has been reduced down to sex education and trolling the religious right.
>high school fag dectected

>> No.1462867

>strict memorization

maybe for a lowly ignorant high schooler such as yourself

>> No.1462869

>implying medicine and culture
>implying science is designed specifically for those goals, as opposed to (bio)engineering.

Sir, if you killed yourself, I could at least attribute one positive note to your otherwise meaningless existence.

>> No.1462876
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>Outside of medicine and agriculture it has done nothing to improve humanity.
>Outside of science and technology's two biggest contributions to human society it has done nothing to improve humanity.

>> No.1462877

>Implying medicine isn't a huge factor in the improvement of humanity

>> No.1462879

Bumping troll thread to mention that's the book I used for my bio AP (different edition).

>medicine and agriculture
I think the combination of these things outweighs all of societies other achievements combined. Particularly as there would be no civilization if there was no agriculture.

>It is almost strictly memorization
The further you go in it, the more actual problem solving you do.

>> No.1462882

Biology is certainly one of the softer of the "hard" sciences in general.. with logic/mathematics being the hardest.

>> No.1462883

op just got home from summer school because he had too much trouble remembering the phases of cell division

>> No.1462894

/sci/ will bawww when it realizes there are more biologists than anyone on this board.

>> No.1462897


>Bumping troll thread to mention that's the book I used for my bio AP (different edition).


>> No.1462901


>implying a gradation of quantification between hard and soft

>implying you're not being subjective

>> No.1462909
File: 17 KB, 496x384, saganohreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw dawg, there are more HIGHSCHOOLERS than anyone on this board. If biologists were in the majority we'd have more bio (read: interesting, non-trolling) threads on this board.

>> No.1462914

>Outside of medicine and agriculture it has done nothing to improve humanity
>implying medicine and agriculture aren't enormously important
Enjoy living as a hunter-gatherer, and then dying young from an easily treatable disease...

>> No.1462927

>implying biophysics has anything remotely related to do with conventional biology education, as OP clearly is discussing

>Implying a BS in biophysics would require you to take Bio 101 or equivalent

>implying that a BS in biophysics is not simply a physics degree in which the upper division electives are tailored towards statistical physics, fluids, and chemistry
>implying molecular biology is not genuinely just a biochemistry degree that focuses more on genetic engineering applications

>implying that molecular biologists dont spend most of their undergraduate life learning about enzyme kinetics, PCR techniques, pipetting shit fucking billions of times, etc

>implying that any degree that is genuinely based on the "biology" backbone major is worth a penny with solely a bachelors

>implying that all the useful, high paying, "flashy" jobs are not pure biochemistry or "genetic engineering" (which is just the Chem E equivalent of biochemistry)

>> No.1462930

best biologist ever...if only he found what he was looking for.

>> No.1462937

You do realize that science is man made, don't you? The way I see it, you have reality, and science, which is created by us to attempt to explain reality in terms we can understand.

>> No.1462938


I am a molecular biologist. I spent more time with genetics and microbiology than biochemistry.

You try to troll too hard.

Also, 0/10 for reductionism.

>> No.1462953
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Thought I'd share some demographics.

>> No.1462955

though I am not OP, I agree 100% with his statement.
all the shit you take for granted (the type of shit you imply in your post) is BIOCHEMISTRY
when a PHD biologist learns biochemical techniques, and uses them, they are DOING biochemistry.

biochemistry is the field of science and application that has given us:

automated peptide and protein synthesis
genetically engineered E Coli producing drugs like Insulin and HIV medication
cracking the human genome
research into protein folding
research into stem cells
research into every single fucking disease known to man.
this is biochemistry. a "biologist" (graduate education title, because undergraduates arent worth shit) focuses more on the macroscopic world.

many many BS or BA biology majors go to graduate school in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology

genentech hires biochemists (or people who are called "molecular biologists" but who do 100% biochemistry)
none of you little kids would understand this because you havent gone to college and actually seen the coursework and the research

>> No.1462956
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>> No.1462962

There are a lot of engineers on /sci/

>> No.1462976


too dumb to answer


>> No.1462988

outside of two of the most significant things to erver happen to mankind, it hasnt done much.

>> No.1463012

babby's first troll

>> No.1463064

It depends on which country you are in. In the US biology is much "softer" than in almost every other country mostly because of the anti-Darwin, anti-evolution, anti-science tradition the US carries around with it.

>> No.1463091

explain what you mean

>> No.1463099


>> No.1463115

sage just allows you to post with out bumping a thread, so posting sage while sage-ing is pointless.

>> No.1463151

physics r HARD -----> psychics is a HARD SCIENCE
chemicals can b HARD (diamonds) -----> chemistry is a HARD SCIENCE
animals r SOFT and SOCIAL -----> biology is a SOFT SOCIAL SCIENCE

try and say anything else but u would be wrong.

>> No.1463163


stupid nigger enamel is hard shit.

>> No.1463171
File: 270 KB, 900x600, 1279438269038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, enamals are soft.

>> No.1463172


I lol'd.

>> No.1463177


Was my 10th grade biology book too deep for you OP?

>> No.1463183

Compare any US text book with University of Cambridge International Examinations Syndicate . . . IGCSE and GCE... Standard UK syllabus.

Prepare for shock.

>> No.1463201

Campbell is pretty good

>> No.1463202

>It is almost strictly memorization.

So is every non-research field

>> No.1463217

As a Biomedical Engineer (CLS), I will say that Just regular Biology 3 is my easiest class.

I mean, the "hard" parts of biology are all Biochemistry, and they're not bad. Cytology, Zoololgy, Evolution, and especially Ecology portions of that class are easy as shit.

Next up is Biochemistry 2, Lab Shit, Medical Ethics, All of the Medical Sciences (Histology, Hematology, and Pathology) and finally Calc 3. The Hardest is probably the whole Organic and Inorganic Chemistry 2 just because I never did it in High School.

So I would say Biology, minus Health Science and Biochemistry are easy.

>> No.1463229

If you believe one field of science > another field of science - you don't know anything about science.

Also, sage for troll.

>> No.1463275

As a biologist you can either shift toward the macro side (ecology), which at its highest levels requires decent math skills, or you can shift toward the micro side (biochem, cell biology, genetics) which require an understanding of chemistry. Whichever way you look at it, biology really isn't as specific a discipline as people think. Biologists are "real scientists."

>> No.1463304

>medicine important

Medicine makes everyone a fucking disgusting blob with no natural defenses.
If this fixing everyone trend continues, we're all going to die from some simple disease that we would have naturally fought off, normally.
What I mean is, medicine will kill more than it "saved".

And I really don't see how farming will ever be efficient enough where it's better than finding food on your own, not to even discuss the fact that everyone just sits and eats out of troughs at this point.
And that isn't just America you faggots, it's everywhere now.

>> No.1463318

It saddens me that ecology at the university level is STILL the "easy mode" biology class. They never teach you practical applications or even try to get students excited about it.

>> No.1463327


Tell me about it. I am getting a PhD in ecology. I do math and statistics all damn day.

Whenever I meet undergrads they think ecology is all about trees and food chains.

I die a bit inside.

>> No.1463345

Microbiology, molecular biology, and biochemistry:

fields where science has just very recently got it's hands on the tools needed to actually understand how a lot of it works. Lots of discovering to be done, of course /sci/ hates it. NEEDS MOAR THEORETICAL PHILOSOPHY TALK.

>> No.1463368

Biology: zero math outside of basic statistics.

Pure memorization. ie. Kim Peek can be a "biologist" despite being functionally retarded.
Almost as hard as any of the soft sciences, which too require nothing but memorization.
The only thing going for it is that it directly impacts medicine, which is a necessity.

Outside of that, it's a soft-science, for women and idiots.

>> No.1463383


I use differential equations in population dynamics.

Go troll elsewhere.

>> No.1463422


Blah fucking blah. Move along, people. Nothing here we haven't seen 50,000,000 times.

Fucking high school kids, you're not "scientists" just because you're taking AP courses. You don't know shit about chemistry or physics beyond mechanics and the periodic table, which doesn't prove that you aren't functionally retarded yourself. By the way dipshit, Bio 101 is the course they give to high schoolers because most people are morons and real biology would crush them.

>> No.1463431


Did you just take your first freshman level biology course?

>> No.1463441

OP is most certainly a faggot who cannot grasp the concepts taught, probably in his AP biology class. Pretty much everything you said was wrong. Nice troll, OP.

>> No.1463442

Figuring out biological pathways for protein/enzyme production. Shit, man.

>> No.1463444

I somewhat agree with OP

Computer Science major here with minor in Biology.

>> No.1463467

Canadafag here, dont know your course levels, but i finished my biology 30 diploma. but that still doesnt count for anything does it?

>> No.1463473

Outside medicine and agriculture?

So, your saying outside, living longer healthier lives with plenty of good food to eat, we could do without it.

I'll admit it has less math required BUT, I'd scrap every engineering, chemistry, math, physics department on the planet before I scrapped that.

So, yer what? a math elitist upset biology departments that focus on medicine and agriculture are better funded? Funding economics must have not been something you were taught to think about.

>> No.1463477


Yeah, my field does have way more to discover than yours. How are your ass pains? Keep telling yourself it's all "easy" for all I care, it's obviously not doing anything for you.

>> No.1463480

Taq polymerase here.

Just on my way from revolutionizing genetics. Don't mind me! Any asshat with a stick could have found me and recognized me!

>> No.1463486


An Oceanographer could've found it.

>> No.1463490

what in the hell are you talking about? in California that is not the case at all

>> No.1463494

Biology is a joke for Women venturous enough to leave the kitchen

Biochemistry is what is really important as stated above.

>> No.1463500


>> No.1463505

Because a metabolic pathway isolated from the organism is SUPER USEFUL.

>> No.1463513

Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Zoology, Botany

Once PHYSICISTS make robots to do lab work and probe the earth for shit, no-one will have to study these fields again.
So for now, you Wikipedia editors out there, enjoy your trips to the galapagos to watch turtles for a few decades.

>> No.1463520


No one science is better than another.THe only thing that is set is that Computer Science is on the bottom. Next lowest is Mechanical Engineering. Then Physics. Astronomy, Geology. Etc.

The rest is left to interpretation.

>> No.1463529

It's biochemistry. That's how drugs are made. Are you retarded?

>> No.1463533


I thought that was Pharmacology.

>> No.1463541
File: 554 KB, 295x221, im outta here.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bio phd student here,

this is why I don't bother posting in /sci/ anymore. I used to get drunk and explain phylogenetics among other things. /b/ gives a better response.

>> No.1463542


I thought it was medicinal chemistry.

>> No.1463544

You mean engineers and computer scientists headed by physicists.

>> No.1463551

Need to know what exactly happens if you plan on altering it. But that kind of knowledge isn't useful at all, just ask GSK how little money they make.

>> No.1463552


>implying biologists would buy your fairy tale robots

>> No.1463554

Someone's mad is showing, its okay we know umad because Computer Scientists and Mechanical Engineered make bank for little schooling.

>> No.1463555





>> No.1463559

My biochem lab is mostly women, and something tells me they're way smarter than you.

>> No.1463561

Molecular Biology students find those pathways, and if you know the pathway, you can put something there to change it, ie, a drug.

>> No.1463567

suddenly, enantiomers everywhere

>> No.1463572

Studious and overworked != intelligence, just means they are persistent.

>> No.1463575
File: 18 KB, 386x384, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1463590

Molecules with handedness

>> No.1463591


just go with it

>> No.1463597


True enough but we've already established that you're a butthurt underage b& fag who thinks he's a physicist or some shit because he took an AP course.

>> No.1463599

no shit, relevance?

I'll just >>1463591

>> No.1463604

suddenly, coordination compounds

>> No.1463605

I'm the computer science guy with a minor in bio

I've made like 2 posts in this thread

>> No.1463608


this and this right?

>> No.1463612

Yeah, no. Most have PHDs or MDs and at least one has both.

>> No.1463619


Λ-cis-[CoCl2(en)2]+ out of fucking no where

>> No.1463630


take your ethylene diamine elsewhere, nigger.

>> No.1463631

You're mistaking hard working with intelligence again;

I've interned at a family members biochem lab at Johns Hopkins University and trust me not every woman with a graduate degree is intelligent.

There are plenty of stupid people with PhD's just like there are plenty of stupid people with bachelor degrees

>> No.1463639
File: 11 KB, 250x181, data_laugh_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who has it easy?

Fucking people that work in science. Requires next to no problem solving skills, it's all memorization. Fucking Math? 2+2=4 <----complicate that, that's all it is.

How does any of this actually make a difference in the world? Oh yeah, it doesn't. People that don't have the backbone to get in to business study science, so people like me can decide how much to fund their science fair project posters.

butthurt incoming.

>> No.1463655


>Fucking People
>No problem solving

Well Data, If the floozy you picked up at that bar has a penis, You'll need some problem solving skills.

>> No.1463661


Biggest load of horseshit I've ever read. I like how you made it weird (comp sci and bio) but no, you're lying.

>> No.1463670

Holy fuck, I'm interning at Johns Hopkins hospital now at a friend of a relatives lab. I'm positive the women in my lab are smart though.

>> No.1463684

Whatever helps you sleep at night, the only other thing I posted is people mad cause MechE's and CS majors get paid.

>> No.1463693


More proof of how Biofags are idiots with no problem solving skills.

>> No.1463699


Then why do they spend all their time bitching and whining about biologists..

>> No.1463704


Samefag detected

>> No.1463709

Fuck can we just accept any Science without roots in math is shit tier?

>> No.1463716

No I'm not fuck go troll some atheists.

>> No.1463720

suddenly, EDTA bonds to Co, taking its 6 coordination sites

>> No.1463772


>implying that the job of physicists wont be replaced by robots before biologists/biochemists

>> No.1463842


Ok now you've finally proved that you know nothing about biology. Want to learn ecology? Differential equations, statistics, etc. Want to learn biochem? Algebra, logarithmic functions, etc. Want to learn genetics? Chi square distributions, punnet square ratios, etc. GOD you are so fucking STUPID. STFU NOW THXBYE.

YES, I MAD. But you're more so. :3

>> No.1463955


Ok that was kind of mean but do you get my point now?