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14620716 No.14620716 [Reply] [Original]

How does gardening lead to heart disease? Is this a new trend or has medical science been tracking it for a while?
t. gardner

>> No.14620727

Is that a real article?

I've been noticing a lot of random articles warning of mundane things giving people heart attacks

I'm getting worried the schizos were right

>> No.14620793

It's not the vaccine, it's the soil, this whole time. 6000 years of human civilisation and now we know our greatest enemy was that which we tread down with our feet so carelessly every day.

>> No.14620801

Read the article, it reeks of fear mongering to make people simply fear being outside in the wind in case a spec of dust is inhaled and kills you.

>> No.14620804

Guys, it's pesticides and pollutant related. Still some Alex Jones shit but less schizo reasons than the vaccine

>> No.14620809

>it's pesticides and pollutant related

Ok so make sure you wear a gas mask whenever a farmer is spraying their crops.

>> No.14620830

Maybe it's the mysterious foam on all the plants causing it?

>> No.14620836

>Guys, it's pesticides and pollutant related.
not quite in the way you think.

>> No.14620932


Just stop and take your meds

>> No.14620937

it's just a bit of climate change and making your bed on mornings, nothing to do with the clotshot really

>> No.14620947

>Guys, it's pesticides and pollutant related
oh yes goy, pesticides and pollutants are bad and destroyed everything, that's why you can't plant with old seeds anymore...

>> No.14621682
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>> No.14621712

You will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.14622217
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>> No.14622674

I am asking all people reading this post to
check 4chan archives 4plebs for the truth
with my username

carl angelo
not malcador

there's no such thing as viruses plagues famine et. al, it's just a troll by le non-existent weak traumatized fallen wankers
(they did it to themselves)








the new testament bible is absolute
revelation is semi absolute

>> No.14622681
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>> No.14622686
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You inhale a lot of weird and nasty shit when you disturb the soil. Can affect hospitals next to construction works, and farmers every now and then. Wouldn't be surprised if it took out the odd gardening oldie in a statistically significant amount.

>> No.14623030
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>> No.14623549

It was quite the opposite until today.
People whom have a garden and eat their own grown vegetables lived longer and in better health.

Go figure why they want you to stop gardening...

>> No.14624561

need to avoid and campaign against the frankenfoods

>> No.14624668

gnomes with submicron boring equipment

>> No.14624676
File: 71 KB, 640x807, matrix-matters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fax machine - beauty queen
Cyberspace - microwave
Movie star - racing car
Fighter plane - Toxic rain
Satellite - Neon Lights
TV shows - Rubber clothes
Magazines - Gasoline
Credit cards and Topless bars
Swimming pool - diet food
Mountain bike - Kung-fu fight
Roller Skates - Paper plates
Mobile phones - The Rolling Stones
Microchips and floppy diccs
Megabytes - disco nights
Submarines and Sex machines
But all you need, is love

>> No.14624680


>> No.14624697

>I'm getting worried the schizos were right

It's antivaxxers propaganda. There have been studies linking a whole lot of things with heart diseases for decades.
But now you just have to find things written in 2021 and 2022 and say that they are doing it to obfuscate the vaccines side effects.

>> No.14624722

"...contaminated soil could (then) lead to increasing oxidative stress in the blood vessels, which in turn leads to heart disease.
Dirty soil can get into the blood stream, through inhalation."

Nothing new, just new information linking exposure of living to possible cause of death. That is all, you may return to your regularly scheduled program.

>> No.14624952

populations are not individuals. maybe certain types of plants are more harmful? maybe certain types of soils are contaminated? maybe some people use certain types of pesticides and other people don't.
maybe some people are overweight and working outside in the heat stresses their hearts. maybe some people are otherwise healthy and working outside in the garden reduces their stress and reduces their chance of a heart attack.
maybe some people don't get outside enough and the vitamin D from sunlight from gardening improves their health.
drawing conclusions from population-wide studies is difficult. drawing conclusions from a headline is particularly difficult.

>> No.14625417

>conduct study on 100 people
>2 people get heart disease
>both those people happened to be gardeners
>draw correlation between heart disease and gardening

These fucking people.

>> No.14625533

>Still some Alex Jones shit but less schizo reasons than the vaccine
>It's totally schizo to think that something that enters the blood stream and binds to heart cells, causing the immune system to destroy those heart cells, could lead to heart damage
Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.14625558

post hoc analysis is only valuable for identifying further areas of investigation, if they did a further investigation they would find that heart disease correlates with gardening in the same way it correlates with old age. I'd be more worried about contracting anthrax, legionella, shigella, leprosy, etc.

>> No.14626197


>> No.14626371
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>How does gardening lead to heart disease?
"Trust The Big Pharma Government Pushed Science"
"Take Your Vaccine"
"Do The Right Thing Whitey"
"Eat Your S O Y And Bugs"
"It Is Settled Science And Questions Are Insurrection Now"

>> No.14626382

It's nothing new. Where have you been for the last 20 years (at least). The media is always claiming something along the lines of
>X leads to heart disease, study suggests
>X prevents heart disease, scientists say
>Y leads to cancer, research suggests
>Y prevents cancer, new results show
It's been going on for decades.

>> No.14626389

>the sun article getting serious discussion
this board is dead

>> No.14628487

>soil 'increases risk of killer heart disease'

Faggots responsible for this need to be turned into compost

>> No.14628493

>less schizo reasons than the vaccine
>the vaccine is infallible reeeeee

Why don't they apply the same rigor they used when determining bed sheets and gardening cause heart failure, to analyse the vaccines critically. What ridiculous findings could they come up with?

>> No.14628566
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>> No.14628585
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>american "gardening"

>> No.14628625
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>lawns make me angry

>> No.14628665

words cannot describe how much I hate lawns

>> No.14628680

That is some lush grass. FYI, I have butterfly bushes and other flowers for the pollinators, and food for the birds. Robins and black birds especially seem to love hopping around my yard looking for worms and bugs.

>> No.14628682

The fact it is the sun is the prtoblem, they're pushing this into the mind of the masses

>> No.14628693

Daily reminder that the French invented lawns so they could starve peasants

>> No.14628710

>the new testament bible is absolute
Which translation?

>> No.14628714

They had watergardens, their purpose was energy and healing

>> No.14628722

A water garden is not a lawn. French aristocrats invented lawns to ensure that their massive land holdings would not produce anything of value. The only thing they put on their lawns that wasn't grass were topiaries and fountains.

>> No.14628743

Might be thinking of somewhere else.

>> No.14629483 [DELETED] 

Why is it a property owner's responsibility to use their property to produce value for indigents or for anyone other than themselves? If property owners are cursed with terminal debt, if they always somehow or other owe others the "excess" production of their own land and property, do they truly own the property? if the excess production is nothing but grass clippings, can you live off of that?you'll have to, since you produce nothing of your own.

>> No.14629495

Use your land however you want. Just don't act surprised when the peasants you starved bust out the guillotine.

>> No.14629830
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>i issue death threats because i'm angry at lawns

>> No.14629831

It's literally history. Google the French revolution.

>> No.14629842
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>muh jewgle, muh kikeipedia, muh jewtube, muh faceberg, muh hollywood telezion and moooovies, muh zog school textbook
all fake, lies contrived for manipulation, only cringe midwits believe in any of it

>> No.14629852

>Imagine being so retarded that you deny a well known historical event
You should have learned about the French revolution in both elementary school and high school.

>> No.14630038

worked next to a soil steam treatment machine to sterilize weed infested soil for a month, a month after the job i developed water between my lungs and ripcage due to a bacterial infection of my lungs and a nasty pneumonia on top, i had about 40% remaining lung capacity when i got admitted to the ICU, my imune system was so fucked from that lung business that an abscess formed in my right sinus from bacteria which got from my lungs into my bloodstream, making half of my face swell up as the abscess grew larger in hospital, pressing onto my ocular nerve, rendered me temporarily blind on one side until they drained the swelling, giving me a shit ton of antibiotica. They said the cause were soil bacteria i breathed in with waterdropplets evaporating from the soil when it was exposed to the sun when i scooped that stuff up with my front loader. Working with soil can fuck you up.

>> No.14630065

>muh zog school
nice to know they manage to squeeze in some french history between holocaust lessons and reciting the 9001 genders

>> No.14630342


>> No.14630562

Did you drop out of elementary school, or are you just trolling?

>> No.14630731
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>> No.14630754

Sometimes when I’m breaking up coco coir for plants I get slight heart palpitations. Happened a couple times, could be something else causing it, dunno

>> No.14630758

cute lass, would marry in a heartbeat 6 decades ago

>> No.14630764

So you're historically illiterate and trolling. Good for you. Why don't you look up victory gardens?

>> No.14631737


>> No.14631748

Stay ignorant

>> No.14634127
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>mfw lawns

>> No.14634177

Stay ignorant