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File: 50 KB, 593x517, paraphilic_DSM-5_disorders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14629293 No.14629293 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't there a cure for paraphilias?

>> No.14629310
File: 8 KB, 261x193, cj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all psycho-babble. Doesn't exist. Made up malarkey. The only cure for malarkey is to laugh at it and ignore it.

>> No.14629443

there is, it's called stop jerking off to your fetish

>> No.14630714
File: 56 KB, 618x412, H8master Freg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14630715

There are at least 2 cures. One is a bullet, the other is Torah.

>> No.14630727

>looking at naked women
>showing your dick to women
>touching women
>beating women
>preferring younger women
Literally nothing wrong with most of these so called ‘disorders’

>> No.14630792

It's not normal to be attracted to prepubescent kids.

>> No.14630848

dont worry Ms. roastoid, Im sure price charming will be waiting for you when you get tired of the cock carousel… lmao

>> No.14631883 [DELETED] 

Because they are inborn and immutable just like sexual orientation

>> No.14631993

What part of prepubescent didn't you understand?

>> No.14632140

What's the difference betwwen a fetish and a paraphilia? Where's the line? Taboo?

>> No.14632186
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Because desire is natural. The only paraphillia here that invites unethical behaivor is pedophillia and frotteuristic disorder. Other than those two, our desires lead us to persue interests and fulfillment.

But we consider these thinga ailments because jung and freud theorized that these desires are manifestations of pre-existing all encompasing human condition.
Desire is also something that is not compatible with means to control a population. In other words, if you are chasing your desires then you aren't really upholding any value that benefits other people or society as a whole. This is fine for you, but bad for leaders. So many are outlawed.

>> No.14632200

The reason pedophillia is wrong is because while a child may have some inherent sexual desires, the mental capicity of a child is not yet developed to a point where a child fully understands the consequences of a sexual action.

However, the adult wanting to sex a child should have the mental capicity to understand what he/she is doing and is therefore responsible for any outcome. Therefore it is unethical for any adult to sex a child because a child doesn't really know any better about the consequences of fucking, but YOU the adult do, meaning that a child really can't coerse you into having sex because YOU the adult know the consequences of sexing a child.

Fucking diddler

>> No.14632288

>muh understanding consequences meme
where does this half baked moral foundation even come from? pedophilia is disgusting when and only when it goes against the natural order, ie when it is between two males, or when it could damage the female, or when it occurs outside of marriage. there is nothing wrong with a man using his 12yo bride in the way that god and darwin intended and to deny this natural law is the very definition of perversity

>> No.14634317
File: 588 KB, 2625x1912, z7FhUK9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are too many of them.

>> No.14634360

Ok Joe.

>> No.14634479

The fuck are you trying to cure?

>> No.14634493

>Therefore it is unethical for any adult to sex a child because a child doesn't really know any better about the consequences of fucking, but YOU the adult do, meaning that a child really can't coerse you into having sex because YOU the adult know the consequences of sexing a child.
A child doesn't understand that the consequences of a sexual action is pleasure and therefore you as an adult have a duty to enlighten it

>> No.14634500

Someday this post will be exhibit A in a courtroom.

>> No.14634527
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>> No.14634603


>> No.14634662
File: 9 KB, 254x198, fjdjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because desire is natural.
There are no unnatural desires, since humans are part of nature. Enjoy your kinks. Just don't parade them around.