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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 398 KB, 2480x736, Screenshot from 2022-07-05 21-38-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14627441 No.14627441 [Reply] [Original]

So inspirational

>> No.14627461

stunning & brave

>> No.14627479

Medals were always political. This board is full of high schoolers

>> No.14627490
File: 93 KB, 750x651, 5353e29b6da8115322dd4816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest of the world, are you even trying?

>> No.14627500

What was the political reason for Arthur D'Avila, a White Brazilian, winning the fields medal?

>> No.14627504

No IMO winners this year?

Did IMO winners quit mathematics research and work as programmers?

>> No.14627507

Would pack

>> No.14627515

I don't know if you are trolling or serious but she was the favorite to win even before the war happend

>> No.14627522

Yes, because everyone already knew it would happen

>> No.14627528

yeah 100%... If you even try to get a real paper peer reviewed they will bullshit train you for 5 years while they rewrite it and have one of their guys claim they discovered it 'years' before you. Absolute trash people.

>> No.14627535
File: 15 KB, 600x360, ugly bignose jew bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14627554

When you and all your """scientist""" friends decide to embezzle literally billions of dollars for shit and giggles but all of you forget that Blackholes are surrounded by white hot plasma fields literally every single one.... ooopsies...

>> No.14627561

Because your shithole filled with poverty had never won shit before. It was a pity medal.

>> No.14627566

does anyone still respect this shit?

>> No.14627572

To be fair her result on sphere packing was very impressive. I think she did deserve this anyway, even if there is an obviously political subtext.

>> No.14627574

If you're so smart, where's your nature paper on this?

>> No.14627613

They also gave the Fields to a guy who originally wanted to be a poet and didn't start studying math until he was 23 and in his sixth year of undergrad.

So what's your excuse for not making it, /sci/?

>> No.14627617

>if you're so smart, why don't you publish contrary to the orthodoxy in the most prestigious journals?

>> No.14627619

Lots of incels ITT who will never be real mathematicians like her.

>> No.14627629
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>> No.14627632

I wasn't groomed by a fields medalist

>> No.14627636

Ywnba scientist/mathematician.

>> No.14627640

Only repairable with a 5 yr phd degree, minimum...

>> No.14627652

She's talented but her medal will forever have an asterisk next to it. Not because she's a woman, but because she's Ukrainian. Doesn't matter if she was "favored" (a completely subjective attribute), everyone knows, even if they can't say for fear of being cancelled, why she won. Each time she looks at the medal, she'll have to wonder, is this because I was better than the other candidates or was it because someone wanted to use me for their political agenda. It's an empty accomplishment for her.

>> No.14627674

Typical incel cope parading as a concern troll. I've heard it a thousand times.

>> No.14627680

Spot on.

Seethe. Putin won.

>> No.14627685

Chocolate consumption probably correlates to wealth up to a certain level, then goes to personal preference.

>> No.14627688

See >>14627619

>> No.14627692

Early Life?

>> No.14627694

lol putin won. trump won. baby killers lost. seethe, incel

>> No.14627704

Anon there isn't a war, both sides serve the same master, it's all just a puppet theatre to fuck over we plebs.

>> No.14627707

if there is no war then how come putin won? lol.

>> No.14627716

Putin isn't in charge.

>> No.14627719

then how did he win? lmao cope

>> No.14627723

Who was it?

>> No.14627726

this is gonna be like a worse version of mirzakhani where a bunch of /pol/ spergs who have absolutely no idea what she did insist it's impossible that she deserved it
this one will be worse because there's even more politics encircling it and unlike mirzakhani it's not that hard to get a rough grasp of what viazovska did

>> No.14627758

The pick clearly has a political subtext though.

>> No.14627762

I suppose you understand not only what she did (which is ironically easy to grasp, according to you), but also what every other candidate did. Come on, why are you "people" even here? You're clearly not human and you belong on a normie social network.

>> No.14627767

No shit

>> No.14627771

baby monkey torture won

>> No.14627772

Does it? How can you tell? Is there any chance that an Ukrainian could have won without you saying that?

>> No.14627775

Yeah your retarded conspiratorial mindset is embarrassing. Go prove bigfoot while you're at it

>> No.14627776

>Is there any chance that an Ukrainian could have won

>> No.14627778

Anon there are no winners that you can see, only losers being set up for genocide

>> No.14627781

>Is there any chance that an Ukrainian could have won without you saying that?
She would have won in 2018 if she actually deserved it

>> No.14627782

mirzakhani was hot enough

>> No.14627784

>A Ukrainian women just won in the exact same year the entire western world supported Ukraine in the war against Russia and one year after the Fields Medal committee was criticized for not picking women or minorities in the previous selection.
C'mon, even a blind man could see that.

>> No.14627785
File: 35 KB, 728x663, 325324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it? How can you tell?
Pure coincidence that they just win one for the first time amidst a Slava Ukraini psyop.

>> No.14627788

Bigfoot has already been proven, there are even genome studies.

>> No.14627789

>how do you know she doesn't deserve it
>she just couldn't have ok!! it's a conspiracy!

>> No.14627801

>i am literally subhuman
I know, and you need to be dealt with.

>> No.14627805

bot post

>> No.14627809

Because borshch woman bad. People struggling with calculus tell me she's a bad mathematician. EPFL only hired her because of the war.

>> No.14627811

You and your family are literal subhumans with no qualia. It's impossible for any actual human to think it's more likely that she won it fair and square than that it's just another publicity stunt for Ukraine.

>> No.14627813

bot post

>> No.14627818 [DELETED] 

See >>14627811
Anyway, you and your crew will soon get what's coming for them. Your owners and programmers don't deem you worth keeping around.

>> No.14627820

bot post

>> No.14627824

i think he's saying his posts are bot posts like "(this is a) bot post"

>> No.14627825
File: 23 KB, 608x456, 42132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, maybe this trick would be slightly more plausible if anything useful ever came out of the shithole that is the Ukraine before le heckin' Putler invaded it.

>> No.14627867

She has very high test for a woman alright.

>> No.14627876

She works in Switzerland.

>> No.14627879

Everybody saw this coming. On YT,leddit , discord of math etc etc everyone was telling this will happen. I mean everyone saw this coming

>> No.14627888

Here are some facts nobody reasonable will disagree with:
1. It's not impossible for her to have won without the ukraine war going on and purely on her accomplishments.
2. The ukraine war is going on and most western institutions, including the Fields institute, strongly support ukraine.
3. Nearly all prize institutions, including fields institute, have been politically pressured to award more based on politics rather than pure academic achievement.
4. This pressure correlates with (not necessarily causes) more awards being given to women and minorities.
These facts do not in any way prove that the award in this instance was influenced by politics, but it certainly raises this suspicion.

>> No.14627893

is she single? i would fuck her so good bros

>> No.14627894

Utterly irrelevant.

>> No.14627898

How so? Are you not making a point on education and research?

>> No.14627918

that's such a cool coincidence that she won it this year what with the war and everything

>> No.14627920

Its over for IMO cucks

>> No.14627921

You're late to the party, /pol/cel

>> No.14627922

it's just like the scientists behind the pfizer vaccine winning the "people of the year" award in the TIME magazine instead of Bolsonaro (who was the most voted person)

>> No.14627928

Everyone I don't like is from /pol/ because then I can insult instead of trying to address the post itself. Slava Usraini!

>> No.14627931

>How so?
Maybe they should list her as a Swiss mathematician, then, no? Just fuck off. Anyone who isn't part of your cult you sees right through you.

>> No.14627932

I really do not know if that's a man or a woman anons

>> No.14627938

>Maybe they should list her as a Swiss mathematician, then, no?
Sure. Also every Mexican living in the USA is an American because they moved there.

>> No.14627941

>Bolsonaro (who was the most voted person)
Yeah, since moot, Time doesn't award it to the most voted person anymore. The reason should be obvious and in this case even equal.

>> No.14627944

Happy we agree that she's a mathematician born and educated in a country that produces nothing of value. It's unsurprising that they couldn't even find a plausible Ukranian candidate that still lives in the Ukraine.

>> No.14627947

>not one mention of E8 or spheres even though we are 70+ posts in
Yeah, only poltards here

>> No.14627950

no one gives a shit about what a WOMAN says on these parts, nigger

>> No.14627954

Why do these things need to be mentioned? I'll be looking forward for your low IQ, trivially demolishable response.

>> No.14627960

>>>/pol/ >>>/trash/

Because it's what she worked on. You don't need to mention it since I know you don't understand a thing about it ;-)

>> No.14627963

>Because it's what she worked on
So what? What do you think follows from that? Let's do this step by step to see how you're incapable of coherent thought.

>> No.14627968

this is a mathematics board
we discuss mathematics here

>> No.14627970

Anon, it's clear that you know no math. I have no interest in whatever poltard retardation you want to spew

>> No.14627971

>we discuss mathematics here
The discussion here is about her winning a Fields medal. Do you need me to explain why discussing her work in and of itself does very little to elucidate the choice to award her?

>> No.14627973

See >>14627971. It's clear that you have no higher cognition.

>> No.14627979

>It's clear that you have no higher cognition.
nah that's u

>> No.14627986

Still waiting for you to address >>14627971. Notice how you can't do it?

>> No.14628021

>It's unsurprising that they couldn't even find a plausible Ukranian candidate that still lives in the Ukraine.
Are you literally retarded? Have you never heard of EPFL? Are you even a scientist?

>> No.14628022

>Someone gets an award for her scientific work
>hurrdurr we don't need to discuss her scientific work
>Borshch woman bad

>> No.14628051

I guess you truly are low IQ. Do you think they just award Fields medals to just anyone who accomplishes something in mathematics? How many Fields medals at a time do you think they award? How many world-class mathematicians under 40 are there in the world? Are you familiar with all their work? Have you evaluated it to determine that her work truly stands out from the rest? What criteria did you use to determine that she deserves it more than others? See, your pseud rambling is irrelevant because it's completely obvious that no one here, least of all you, can have a discussion on the level you're pretending is appropriate. Since there's no way for anyone here, regardless of their proficiency and educational level, to fucking judge who deserves a Fields medal, all we can do is some defeasible, common-sense reasoning: what are the odds of this pure coincidence, that a mathematician from an intellectually stagnant shithole wins a Fields medal in the middle of a Slava Ukraini psyop?

>> No.14628063

>Have you evaluated it to determine that her work truly stands out from the rest?
Have you?

>> No.14628076
File: 30 KB, 500x343, 130356_1202561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Don't you remember Perelman fiasco?

>> No.14628081

Have you tried actually reading the post? No? I'm glad you didn't. Thanks for illustrating that you and your likes are simply nonhumans.

>> No.14628083

bot post

>> No.14628109

>the favorite to win even before the war happend
She was favored to win in 2014? Because that's when the Donbass War started. And that's when the Westoids started to prop up le heckin' Ukraine.

>> No.14628114

>Fields medal
>packing spheres
What exactly was the novel work and what's ongoing research with packing spheres?

>> No.14628121
File: 40 KB, 672x671, poltard_schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. A lot of incels, poltards, virgins, and Putnshills in this thread, I can see.

>> No.14628127

trump won. putin won. baby killers lost. seethe, virgin :^)

>> No.14628143

Can't unsee john oliver in this

>> No.14628156

>sphere packing
i know some spheres she can pack

>> No.14628166
File: 171 KB, 1024x714, 1633612188905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than likely he comes from a wealthy, powerful, and connected family. Woke neoliberals like to constantly complain about muh racism and muh sexism, but they completely ignore classism, economic inequality, and the oppression of the working class (and on a related note, they also issues like neocolonialism and imperialism, and even happily engage in such practices, despite their progressive facade. Case in point: Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Ukraine, etc.). In fact, if you even so much as complain about corporations, the media, or the government having too much power and no accountability, people like you tend to sperg out and start throwing around labels like "conspiracy theory" and "disinformation".

You can complain about racism and sexism all you want and the neolibs are even happy to pretend that they really care about these issues (they don't), but the minute you start talking about capitalism, US foreign policy, the military-industrial complex, mass surveillance, big tech, wall street, globalization, neocolonialism, imperialism or any of those issue, all of a sudden you're a crazy conspiracy theorist, and the neolibs and normies lump you in with the right wingers, the anti-vaxxers, and other boogeymen. Because if you're skeptical of companies like Google or Pfizer, or the military activities of the US in places like the Middle East or Ukraine, then as we all know, you're definitely a right wing bigot. The idea that an elite institution like the Nobel Prize Committee might have political or economic biases, and that they might show favoritism to particular groups or individuals that align with the political agenda and values is just a wacky conspiracy theory. Indeed, if it's one thing they're known for, multinational corporations, think tanks, NGOs, universities, and government agencies are above all, fair, honest, unbiased, and they always have the best interests of the public at heart.

>> No.14628176

Chocolate consumption correlates with IQ. I have a 150+ IQ and I eat 0.5 kg per day.

>> No.14628199

>what's ongoing research with packing spheres?
we don't know what the densest packing is in most dimensions. sphere packing is really fucking hard. we could only do dimensions 2 and 3, and the proof for dimension 3 is monstrous and recent.
>What exactly was the novel work
Sphere packings in 8 and 24 dimensions were basically "known" to be part of the whole modular forms/E8/leech lattice universe of bizarre coincidences, but nobody could prove it until she came along and did some weird, very clever modular form stuff to prove they were actually the densest packings, and in a way that was clean enough that it was easily checked and accepted.

/pol/ trolling aside, it probably is legitimately debatable whether she mathematically deserved a Fields. It's brilliant and it's really fucking cool (the situation of knowing dimensions 2,barely 3, and then 8 and 24 because of modular form weirdness is great) but I don't think it's at the same level of importance as Huh or Maynard. I don't know where the big conceptual leap that you usually expect from Fields medalists is.

>> No.14628200

she cute

>> No.14628238

>ukrainian professor and three others
why are journalists like this

>> No.14628275
File: 409 KB, 630x440, lefty_chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back 2 lefty pol bunker cuck

>> No.14628280

i know your life's shit, you're sexless pariah and you feel alienated by a society that rejects you utterly, but i don't understand why you'd choose to vent your frustrations by cheering as revanchist pan-eurasians, communists and muslims bombard and rampage through european villages

>> No.14628288
File: 9 KB, 236x222, c442dcb251d5d289cf4f32b9fac45440--nobel-prize-fields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have a Fields medal.

>> No.14628314

>and the proof for dimension 3 is monstrous and recent.
baka, mathematicians
>be me
>experimental physicist
>crave hummus
>pour can of chickpeas into blender
>hey, I just found the densest packaging
>throw in tahini, lemon juice, salt and garlic
>blend the densely packed balls into a tasty paste

>> No.14628320

good way to kill the credibility of a prize

>> No.14628324

I hope Russians were banned from the ceremony

>> No.14628326

this is true >>14627652, if they cared about her they would have given the medal like 5 yrs from now

>> No.14628338


>> No.14628340

you forgot to throw a "globohomo" in there

>> No.14628345

Four fields medals get given out, one is always reserved for Virtue signaling, the rest for mathematics

>> No.14628352

In 2012 one was given to a no name Iranian woman

>> No.14628359

People will forget this war, say in 25 years, just like they forgot the Kosovo. Looking back the correlation will be lost on people

>> No.14628366

>if they cared about her they would have given the medal like 5 yrs from now
Imagine withholding a medal from someone because their compatriots are being raped by invaders

>> No.14628367

another butthurt serb?

>> No.14628379

At least I'm alive kek

>> No.14628492

Cope you ukrop shitter cope

>> No.14628498

>ywn have a short haired mathematics gf
why live?

>> No.14628525
File: 85 KB, 400x533, greta-thunberg-with-her-guinness-world-records-certificate_tcm25-628990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gretchen got a PhD for free when she was 16 year old by cleverly exploiting instagram, you will work until you're 30 and spend over $1,000,000 of daddy's money to achieve the same

>> No.14628531

Do you get the PhD with the guinness record or as time person of the year? Does Moot have a PhD?

>> No.14628534

that's not a phd mate

>> No.14628538

proof that awards are useless, if I made any contribution that would get me awarded I would just decline it and go back to moving on with my life, the award is the accomplishment itself

>> No.14628544

Would nakadashi without a second thought

>> No.14628550
File: 27 KB, 405x205, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14628551
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She reminds me of 90s Trent Reznor

>> No.14628553

There's nothing wrong with inequality per se.

People are unequal, so unequal outcomes are expected.

>> No.14628559
File: 102 KB, 600x791, climatemongler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never achieve even a small fraction of a percentage of the scientific influence and respect which gretchen enjoys no matter how many decades of you life you spend on stoooooodying

>> No.14628564


>> No.14628568

woke neoliberals didn't make russia invade ukraine mate

>> No.14628580

never seen so much cope in a thread before holy fuck

she won it fair and square. if you know her youd know her sphere packing work is an incredible contribution to maths

>b-b-bbu-b-b-bbb-b-bb-b-b-b-b-bbut she only got it because shes ukrainian and ukraine is at war!

so we should strip medals from citizens of countries at war? so every single american who's won anything in the last 100 years should have their medal revoked?

fucking lol

incel harder, incels

>> No.14628674

she is married with children

>> No.14628730

>sphere packing

What sort of coomlord cares about any of this?

>> No.14628741

"incel harder, incels", anon wrote. Feeling ecstatic, he filled in the Captcha and hit post.
He waited a bit, then refreshed the page, to see how his post turned out.
Anon gave his post one last read and couldn't help but smirk. "this is it" he thought. "this will show those incels". Anon then reached and took hold of his cup, taking a few sips from his freshly arrived soilent which he ordered a few days ago. "This new flavour is amazing" he thought. The look on his face showed all: This is a man in his element.

>> No.14628749

huge incel thread but I gotta say, I'm not too cool with the Fields medal being ageist. You can't win one if you're over the age of 40...

>> No.14628754

i'm also not a fan of it being speciesist
there are tons of animals in captivity that have had remarkable achievements among their kind in trials that they are put through, they should also be considered for field medals.

>> No.14628792

You're absolutely clueless if you haven't realized yet that western neolibs have been antagonizing Russia for decades. And you're a massive fucktard if you think trying to overthrow the governments of Belarus and Kazakhstan like was done successfully in Ukraine in 2014 which we have seen has resulted in nothing but egregious human's rights abuses of minority groups in the country since doesn't warrant an aggressive and swift counter-response to try to stop the madness. Go play in traffic you retarded faggot.

>> No.14628823

I though slav women were supposed to be hot, she's more mannish than anything

>> No.14629011
File: 149 KB, 1080x1350, 1627101650785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're completely ignorant fully ass-gaped faggot. Neolibs have been giving billions and have bent over backwards to integrate the failed Russian klepto-state into the global economy, thus repairing both its political power and its quality of life only to have BILLIONS in aid straight up DISSAPEAR when received in Russia. Russia is a whiney faggot of a nation, and it deserves to get its ass spanked by Ukrainian retribution and economic ostracization.

>> No.14629062

You seen that guy? He doesn't look white. He looks exactly what I picture Brazilians looking blike

>> No.14629064

That's virtue signaling you retard, muh iran bad women oppressed etc

>> No.14629073

Ok mr woke boomer

>> No.14629074

>He doesn't look white
He's a med chad

>> No.14629086

Yes it was me Replying ot my own post to give an example of virtue signaling

>> No.14629122


>> No.14629196
File: 110 KB, 1280x841, CNNG6ODRNNLHKCKLWR6JTXXHCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most brazilian whites are mutt pardos.

>> No.14629201

what did she write about

>> No.14629225

im pretty torn. that being said, i don't know how impactful the sphere packing problem is.

in the past field medals are awarded for singular results if that problem is very important like a millennium prize problem. most field medals are awarded for work that is impactful for multiple areas of mathematics. i don't know if her work on the sphere packing is "enough". compare her to her other medalists and their work is far more impressive imo.

>> No.14629229
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>> No.14629235

is it really incredible? why didn't she get awarded for it in 2018 then?

>> No.14629239

>153 posts
>no links to her deepfake

>> No.14629249

>gets prestigious maths award
>doesn't know her own birth date

>> No.14629266

I hate this TikTok attention span in prizes and medals. Back in the days you'd get your Nobel prize decades after your works, because the impact also played a role. Now many people expect she prize immediately after the discovery. Kip Thorne got it immediately. The mRNA vaccine guys didn't get it and I think it's better. I'm glad she didn't get it in 2018.

>> No.14629807

fucking lol

>> No.14629994

>random 4chan incel seethes at woman he'll never compare to

>> No.14630129

Correct, mouth shape is 100% coming from a nigger ancestor of him

People don't understand that brazil has been created by a few white men who imported millions of black women and raped them endlessly

>> No.14630180


at least i'm not bald

>> No.14630199

I feel bad for all the brilliant mathematicians who spent decades upon decades, day and night, trying to solve a problem with little to no success and became older than 40 years old, got zero recognition only to have someone get the prize for teh sole reason that she has a vagina and her political ideology is aligned to the ZOG.

But then again in clown world where Obongo gets the peace Nobel for drone striking brown kids while no one even knows the names of those kids, nothing surprises me anymore.

The only Fields medalist I respect is Grigori Perelman and that's because he didn't accept it. (And funnily enough, he's one of the rare ones to actually deserve it !)

>> No.14630310

vatnik seethe can't possibly get more pathetic at this stage right?

>> No.14630313
File: 65 KB, 770x365, putin_dickrider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a true man because you support based savior of the white race putin with all your heart no matter what. ukrainians are evil. hate them. putin is based.

>> No.14630314

>spent decades upon decades, day and night, trying to solve a problem with little to no success
Serves them right. Prof. Viazovska successfully solved problems. That earned her many prizes before the war on Ukraine. Her work on sphere packing earned her a professorship at one of the best universities in the world. Do you think that was also because of the war? Or because of her age and gender?
Why would someone with little to no success and zero recognition deserve the medal more than her?

>> No.14630333

she looks like a boy anyway

it has always had a political dimension but it has not always been solely political

>> No.14630338

>random 4chan incel white knights for a woman he'll never meet

>> No.14630362

Thank you for your contribution to the thread.

>> No.14630796
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Based and redpilled.
Keked at that one, for sure.

You sound like a low IQ normie. Why is it so hard for normies to understand that not everyone see's the world through a binary lens of good vs evil? You realize that you can oppose NATO and globalization and US neocolonialist and neoimperialist without also supporting Putin. I hate NATO and I think they're corrupt and power hungry and have no concern for the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, or any of the other countries where we're spreading "freedom and democracy". The idea that the US is going around the world and trying spread "freedom" and is just genuinely trying to make the world a better place is retarded. The US military is motivated by power and profit, and literally nothing else. They don't care about freedom or democracy or diversity or inclusion or womans rights in Afghanistan or gay rights in Ukraine. Those are all just talking points to appease the masses, and you're a fucking retard if you believe that shit. Contrary to what they say in their recruitment videos, the US military is not a "global force for good". By the same token, I think that Russia is corrupt and power hungry, and that Russian leadership does not have the interests of Ukraine at heart either. Just because I'm critical of NATO, that does not in any way entail that I'm a supporter of Putin. The people in power, regardless of the country in question, are generally self-obsessed, power-hungry assholes. That applies to Putin, Trump, Biden, Xi, Macron, Johnson, Trudeau, everyone. Politicians are not good people. Billionaires are not good people. Elites are generally motivated by greed not by ethical principles and a concern for human rights.

>> No.14630965

Switzerland has a higher education system which is vastly over scaled for its population. They run on importing students and staff from abroad. Only a quarter of the master students PhD and staff are Swiss.
Normalising to population is then pretty misleading for your argument.

>> No.14630979

You guys dont actually know what Portugese people look like do you? Avila probably has minuscule African/native if any.

>> No.14630989

Seems like a nice person in the award video

>> No.14631003
File: 22 KB, 450x545, 4augrdk4hlqg28qstg2f3bf2gp._SX450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Jocko Willink

>> No.14631374

Not true, portuguese are much whiter
Jocko has less melanin and his huge square jaw is not negroid prognathism in character

>> No.14631390

That's the whole point, anon. To award prospective young mathematicians for their work. There are other awards that aren't age limited

>> No.14631413

>Based Russian Chad rejects the western parade show medal
>Ukrainian accepts the treat like a drooling dog

>> No.14631444

Imagine actually having pride over the accomplishments of someone who isnt even from your country, much less ethnicity.

>> No.14631491

>refusing 1 million dollars
Perelman unjewed himself, you cocksucker.

>> No.14631494

Given that Zelensky is also a Jew and not a Ukrainian using your logic imagine having pride or supporting someone like that

>> No.14631672

>ITT: /pol/
Her proof is like finding alien technology as a caveman. We still dont know how exactl her result fits in with the rest of math, but the past 6 years have shown that her work suggests really deep connections with finite geometry and modular forms.

Is it a singular result? I say no; although not much success has come from furthering her result yet, she basically revived sphere packing and now high-level techniques from arithmetic geometry are being explored as tools in sphere-packing. Not only that but her results also provide another avenue to look at Langlands program.

At the end of the day, there are 4 medals to be given out to mathematicians under 40. Her work is easily one of the most stunning to come from researchers under 40, and especially notjust her result but her surprisingly simple proof which is really what gave her fame; people were expecting something a lot harder.

>> No.14632060

She could pack my sphere, if you catch my drift

>> No.14632263

Not political btw

>> No.14632290

I like her because she looks like the genderbent version of myself and I always go for women that look like myself

>> No.14632376

> /sci/ doesn’t know the recipients were actually decided upon last year.

>> No.14632393


But they say she knew she won in late Feb.

Then again isn't the selection process a secret? Not sure if it can actually be verified.

>> No.14632838
File: 76 KB, 720x411, k9H0UA_61209fc7065644_85678640-tmb-720x411xfill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Given that Zelensky is also a Jew
Hes not a jew. His paternal grandfather was a jew so hes a quarter jew, 3/4 orthodox christian. He goes to church, is married to an orthodox christian and his sons are baptized. Verdict: Not a jew

>> No.14633177

Nuremberg Laws agree with you - ""mischling"" at most, not Jewish. It'd be pretty embarrassing for /pol/ to disagree with daddy Hitler on this one...

>> No.14633181
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Thanks for the fact-check, Agent Glowberg.

>> No.14633185

Trump won. Putler won. Zionlensky lost. Baby killers lost. Enjoy your consolation Slava Ukraini Fields Medal, incel. :^)

>> No.14633197

Unfortunately for you, the walls are closing in and Mueller will take down Trump any day now.
The sleeper CIA cells are inside Kremlins walls and Biden will order them to "coerce" Putin to do whatever the hell Uncle Sam pleases.
The West and Zelensky are operating on the level your russo-mongolic mutt mind can't even comprehend.
But it's fine, NATO are gentle conquers. They will protect you from both the Chechens and the Chinese.

>> No.14633209 [DELETED] 

>The West and Zelensky are operating on the level your russo-mongolic mutt mind can't even comprehend.
Yeah, few people can comprehend why ZOG servants are absolutely crippling the European economy over the shithole that is the Ukraine.

>> No.14633586

Dumb but who cares about Fields Medals?

>> No.14633669

>Yeah, few people can comprehend why ZOG servants are absolutely crippling the European economy over the shithole that is the Ukraine.
They're crippling Yuropoor economy to weaken Russia by protecting Ukraine. Russia is weakened, because the US wants Ukraine to become what Afganistan was to the US, and Ukraine will remain reliant on Western help. Europe is weakened to remain a key ally and not overgrow it's master, yet strong enough to remain as a buffer to Russia. China, a key US rival, is weakened due to it's reliance on SinoRussian relationship and because it's reliant on exports to EU and their knowledge. Turkey an important NATO member, due to numerous airplane bases close to Middle East, is kept at check because now it can't keep getting cozy to Russia as it has been doing. It's a win-win-win for the US, with the 100D chess.

>> No.14634012

Of course, but Japan, Greece, the US, France, the Netherlands are all rich countries. It's more due to the prize's Germanic bias, as Estonia(6.5kg/yr) is an outlier, per https://statinvestor.com/data/28384/leading-chocolate-consuming-countries-worldwide/
Estonia still has no lauretes

>> No.14634074

>Baby killers lost
don't look up russia abortion stats lol

>> No.14634083

It's gonna be real funny when you realize what your handlers are actually doing. Hopefully this will result in you specifically being killed rather than simply being poor.

>> No.14634097

>Anon doesn't know that Ukraine didn't suddenly start existing five months ago.

>> No.14634631

Imagine being such a fucking NPC that you can only see the whole world in terms of $CURRENT_THING

Uh oh. I questioned your narrative. I must literally be $CURRENT_BAD_GUY

>> No.14634637

I didn't have the necessary training in poetry or six years in undergrad :^(

>> No.14634654

I'm not that guy, but you shouldn't mindlessly sperg when you might have misunderstood someone's post, as you did in this case.

>> No.14634658


>> No.14634675

you're a fucking retard

>> No.14634690

This record is fucking stupid. Time made (you) person of the year in 2006, so at the very least any person who could read simple words in 2006 was person of the year. There were certainly many 6 year olds, not to mention 15 or 16 year olds.

>> No.14634710

This is such a stupid strawman. No one gives a fuck about Putin except the Western left shitting their pants about him. Accuse people of supporting something plausible, please. I have never seen a single "I really like Putin" post.

>> No.14634734
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>No one gives a fuck about Putin except the Western left shitting their pants about him.
The Nazi-Democrats wouldn't care either if they were not laundering their money and getting billions in dirty extortion fees from Ukraine's corrupt AF government.

>> No.14634809

Whoa slow down with the brain processing brother. Remember, be excited for thing, consume thing, await next thing to consoom. Also slava ukraina.

>> No.14636662

>slava ukraina
I really get irked at people saying this, people that have no relation to Ukraine or anything related to it. The very same people that don't give a shit as to what's happening in their own country

>> No.14636782
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women moments

>> No.14637331

Nigga what? This isn't some programming shit. You don't make some commits on math proofs

>> No.14637420

ITT: people who don't know how fields medalists are picked
they would have picked the winners before the war started because they generally pick 6-9 months beforehand as they have done with basically all previous winners (after all you have to do all the admin work for such an award too which takes months), doesn't stop the tards here from going SHE WAS PICKED CUZ SHE WAS UKRAINE!!! POILITICS!!!

>> No.14637425

most of Chael's contributions are automated stuff which is why he has by far more than anyone else, and nice cherry picked commits
typical /pol/ baiting, unfortunately will be convincing to those who do not know

>> No.14637436

She cute

>> No.14637600

Didn't her male colleague do 85% of the work or something? It's pretty pathetic that he came out and defended her for taking credit for his work

>> No.14637895

she a cutie

>> No.14638326



>> No.14638329

Talking from experience or just some southern US-tard high schooler opinion? Genuinely asking.

>> No.14638333

funni chud.

>> No.14638335

>any day now
In two weeks.

>> No.14638338

>math proofs?
>no commits.

Nigga what are you talking about. I suppose the project is open source and you can check yourself and tell us if you are a white knight or if OP is a chud.

>> No.14638342

>cherry picking?

Why is /sci/ filled with brainlet niggas whose political dogmas affect their ability not only to think but even to see what has been shown to them. what else can be a reliable source of information other than the code itself?
>automated stuff
Do you really think that such a program will be programmed from ground zero and that they won't use available librairies for your 'automated' stuff. Have you never coded anything in your life or what?

As far as I know, only tiktok zoomers and women start programming late in their lives.

>> No.14638386

>Have you never coded anything in your life or what?
Have you? Who the fuck writes 850,000 lines of code in 3 years?
And how come, the project is only 22,000 lines? Where did his 850,000 lines go?

>> No.14638394
File: 232 KB, 1908x1146, 12209898-0-image-a-71_1555102488106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chael himself says go fuck yourselves.

>> No.14638642

Hes a simp but we know what he really thinks

>> No.14638959

He went onto debunk the idea that he did most of the coding on his own, so you are off the mark

>> No.14639032
File: 227 KB, 921x1556, Screenshot_20220709-112947_Adobe Acrobat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with this wierd phenomenon of near central Asian countries hosting the female field medal winners? Both Ukraine and Iran practically border on central Asia region. What are the western Europe/American female mathematicians or the East Asian female mathematicians even doing?

Anyway for people interested in her sphere packing work.





>> No.14639072

>What's up with this wierd phenomenon of near central Asian countries
it has nothing to do with that. poor countries have simply a lot more women in STEM (not meme inclusivity women, actual female scientists)

>> No.14639077
File: 209 KB, 1080x1350, 1635507452973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if that's true and he did, as a man why wouldn't you let a woman win and experience the limelight instead. You have male privilege and are used to winning anyway so it's pretty cool when you have the opportunity to let a woman experience triumph instead, especially if she earned it. Why not? I would have done the same thing and besides, women need to be empowered anyway if we're ever going to reach gender equality and spark more interest in women to pursue STEM.

>> No.14639127

>what else can be a reliable source of information other than the code itself?
>a few cherry picked commits
>"reliable source of information"
you call me a brainlet yet you're the one bullshitting, if you want a proper representation of her work, do a statistical analysis of ALL her commits, not just a couple to make her look bad
the other commenter refuted your other bullshit point