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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14627996 No.14627996 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of CERN, really? How does repeatedly smashing a bunch of atoms together "advance the boundaries of human knowledge"? Sounds like a really expensive fireworks festival, which begs the question- who is funding this clusterfuck, and what are their goals?

>> No.14627999

It's basically a big microscope but for smaller distances. Simple as

>> No.14628002

Right but what for

>> No.14628003

triggers time manipulation and reality shifting, consider the connection to the mandela effect

>> No.14628007

That sounds very pragmatic

>> No.14628008

What do you think microscopes are for?

>> No.14628010

This, they're just smashing particles together to find more particles. It's pretty uneventful.

>> No.14628018

>they're just smashing particles together to find more particles. It's pretty uneventful.

You can achieve the same effect by pointing two $5 laser pointers at each other.

>> No.14628020


>> No.14628025

Do it, score lots of funding

>> No.14628050


I once had a co-worker who was assigned to train new hires. One of her methods to explaining things to newer, quizzical employees was to answer a valid question from them with an entirely different, passive-aggressive question. We couldn't wait to get back to working with her after an entire day of this.

>> No.14628077

Thats an interesting way to say you don't know what a microscope is used for.

>> No.14628155

Are there any boards not completely infested with socially inept baboons jfc

>> No.14628223

/sci/ - Imbeciles Posting Retarded Fucking Bollocks

>> No.14628242

I'd rather have CERN than having any funding at all to the "social sciences"

>> No.14628243


>> No.14628260

>mandela effect

>> No.14628307


>> No.14628316

NTA, but I'm a lazy fuck who can never finish projects. Should I really start a new hobby to escape /pol/turds?

>> No.14628318

if you're in a country where you have particle colliders or space programs to bitch about you probably have at least 100 times as much money being wasted on superfluous social government programs and/or meaningless military efforts

>> No.14628339

Germany just gave the fucking military 100 billion Euros. They could have built more than 20 LHCs alone.

>> No.14628364

actually it raises* the question

>> No.14629138 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14629344
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>I'd rather have CERN than having any funding at all to the "social sciences"
Unless you're just being ironic, that doesn't really make sense, because CERN literally are the "Social Sciences".

>> No.14629355

to see what they find, retard

what kind of question is this

>> No.14629359

You're right. There is no point. It doesn't advance any knowledge. They're pawns of the Jews and making things up. You're right it's just fireworks, except they're invisible. The Jews are using Anglo dollars to fund it, and they're doing it just to rub our noses in it.

You retarded fucking ape

>> No.14629383

Money laundering scheme. It has been 20 years and all they discovered was some shit ass particle. Considering the rumours around LHC and that there have been reality shitfing inside building like tiles painted differently or missing scientists then the CIA niggers are involved in this project and are using it for their own gain rather than advancing science.

>> No.14629416

Alchemy or cooking but with "Special Space"

>> No.14629482

>almost 30 posts
>no one mentions the history of particle colliders
I know you weren’t alive for it (neither was I) but the first few particle colliders built produced shitloads of experimental proof of quantum particles that quantum physicists were desperate to discover in real life instead of just staring at equations. the problem is that, like everything, there’s a law of diminishing returns. the tevatron was an absolutely historic machine that really did provide a lot of useful data. can you blame the folks at CERN for saying
>what if we just keep doing this, but bigger and harder?
the issue is that when they couldn’t prove they discovered the higgs beyond a reasonable standard deviation, they should’ve just packed it up. likely tons more exotic matter exists to be found but it’s going to require EXPONENTIALLY higher energies and we can’t logistically build the kind of collider that’ll do that.

>> No.14629525

moments later:
>hey why is inflation so high???

>> No.14629535

It's a troll thread m8

>> No.14629540

>another anon who doesn't understand "begs the question"

>> No.14629990

>The Jews are using Anglo dollars to fund it, and they're doing it just to rub our noses in it.
entirely plausible desu
its not like they're ever honest about anything; who knows what they could be doing there

>> No.14629998

>the CIA niggers are involved
Then why didn't they build SSC? Find a better conspiracy theory

>> No.14630112

Sociology stopped attempting to pretend to be a science, exact or not, around 1900 under the influence of Max Weber whom endorsed a focus on political activism and subjectivity.

>> No.14630121

So, did you all gang bang her.

>> No.14630138
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They are really thin-skinned. Funfact, I got only banned after I started answering questions about CERN in a serious way. They really protect their "free speech bubble" from outside ideas.

>> No.14630167

>What is the point of CERN, really?
E.g. testing railgun technology such as NASA is for military rocket development . Do you really believe states spend money on "civil projects"?

>> No.14630216

>want's to escape "/pol/turds"
>is a lazy fuck
>can't even concentrate on dinnishing a project
Some guys I know have picked up knot tying.
Everything else might be whay too much for you

>> No.14631169

It's actually all a clever ruse to hide the fact they're trying to open a portal and summon Lucifer

>> No.14632281

In order to generate certain particles, you need electron-volts in the giga range. The only known, reliable way to do this is to smash them together. A big loop is used to make it go faster.

Does this answer your question?

>> No.14632289

What the fuck is the church for then? Isn't summoning archangels their department? What the fuck do physics nerds know about Lucifer?

>> No.14632309
