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File: 304 KB, 1920x1280, FWlx14PXkAA5JtE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14618145 No.14618145 [Reply] [Original]

previous: >>14614421

>> No.14618151
File: 77 KB, 1002x1022, SPACEPLANE .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let that sink in

>> No.14618152

the madmen are going to launch starlink v2 on the first orbital starship flight

>> No.14618154

Next you'll be telling me a lifting body is a spaceplane

>> No.14618155
File: 660 KB, 4096x2304, 1627042984005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14618156
File: 137 KB, 652x648, 1651273868756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon hasn't tweeted in 10 days. Is he alright??

>> No.14618157
File: 169 KB, 198x864, Relativity-Terran-R-rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck will the second stage become reusable?
>only has one vac optimized 130kN engine
>not heat shield as of yet

>> No.14618160

No one knows. But its likely far out goal rather than near term goal.

>> No.14618161

He and his brother are on holiday in Italy.

>> No.14618167

That design will most likely change, just like Neutron.

>> No.14618168

They will separate starlink and spacex once starlink isn't deep in the red in finances and a stable company.

>> No.14618172
File: 109 KB, 736x1070, MORL Mars Flyby cutaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypo: if you were offered a seat on the first Mars fly by mission, would you take it /sfg/?

>> No.14618173

>offered a seat
It's not that easy in spaceflight.

>> No.14618174

Yes, then I'd jump out at Mars. Just tuck and roll, it'll work.

>> No.14618176

>people already have starlink on their personal boats
i think its time to retire to the boat life

>> No.14618179

Six months with nothing to do but shitpost from millions of miles away? I'd jump at the chance.

>> No.14618215
File: 1.63 MB, 1129x572, kino.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I'm guessing people already watched the For All Mankind S3EP4, I'll post the spoiler

>> No.14618218
File: 536 KB, 600x2240, 29.1000_WEB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that godawful fucking jpg
kill yourself

>> No.14618221
File: 55 KB, 695x430, achilles remember your name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> being one of the first men to see Mars grow from a red dot to a huge world with your own eyes
You would join the immortals

>> No.14618225


India's crewed mission delayed due to safety considerations.

>> No.14618226

Nobody watches that garbage but you and redditors

>> No.14618227

Lmao that looks like garbage
That commercial with the moon monster and the beans had higher production value

>> No.14618242


>> No.14618247


>> No.14618249

Considering they haven't man-rated the GSLV yet I wonder what the hold up is

Probably the capsule

>> No.14618254


I don’t like how they made Melanin Musk evil

>> No.14618255
File: 281 KB, 1600x900, cover6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>booster 7
>Ship 24

>> No.14618258

musk is finished

>> No.14618259

did you guys see the sequel to We Are Going?

>> No.14618267
File: 60 KB, 584x960, 1656606595490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We Are Going
Yes. Yes they are.

>> No.14618278

Did they use stop motion for that crushing scene or what?

>> No.14618281

Fault in my screen recorder, its much better in actual video lmao.

>> No.14618283
File: 961 KB, 1000x1000, 1637533139601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God we have SpaceX, because Artemis is so fucking disappointing.
One launch every two years, what a fucking joke.

>> No.14618300
File: 1.45 MB, 1288x968, Mars_Perseverance_NRF_0410_0703329351_043ECM_N0220000NCAM12409_01_195J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that Chinese rover doing? How is it dealing with Martian dust?

>> No.14618301


More ULA delays due to bad weather

>> No.14618309

I'll do a remake of the clip in few mins as I download the video proper

>> No.14618316

nah, those retarded deaths are prometeus tier. Anon, i know we are starved for space kino, but we have to wait instead of consuming every tv trash that comes out of the current entertainment industry.

>> No.14618318

>SLS is now called NASA’s most powerful rocket instead of the world’s
Lol SpaceX won

>> No.14618327

Zhurong? It's hibernating, it's not designed to operate during winter. Martian spring will be in December. If the 90 day design life is real and not like JPL's bullshit, it will probably won't last all that long.

>> No.14618328

It's okay, you don't have to bother for me.

>> No.14618329

But SLS isn't even NASA's most powerful rocket.

>> No.14618332

>I don’t like how they made Melanin Musk evil
I'm more off put by the way they show their not-SpaceX, dark elon says 'we're a collective' and makes company decisions purely with a vote of hands. plus there's the 'I'm gonna split the prize money evenly between everyone'
like I get that elon's companies have less hierarchy and bureaucracy but in SENPAI the company is some hippie socialist thing

>> No.14618338

space is hard

>> No.14618339

Actually it seems to be awake for now. The coldest period is in July.


>> No.14618346

They made him into Black(vs african american) and a psychopath (vs autistic). The way Musk company runs isn't socialism, its engineers voice + final say.

I suppose they needed some variety from the real life Musk.

>> No.14618347

>Niglon says 'we're a collective'
It's probably either to just push more characters into the show or to push the union idea into actual SpaceX. By saying "well at least Niglon listens to his employees and doesn't abuse them unlike Elon".
Idk I don't actually watch the show

>> No.14618348

Never mind, that's outdated. Google News said it was only a month old.

>> No.14618350
File: 60 KB, 900x701, 2EFCEA1C-B883-425F-990C-7585F9758914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck For All Mankind, I want to see 2001: A Space Odyssey’s timeline come to life

>NASA scraps the shuttle and continues with a lunar base in the 70’s
>The N1 isnt shit and also builds a lunar base at the same time for the USSR
>NASA and the USSR race to mars in the 80’s, and a permanent base for each is established later
>With their hands full, NASA incentivized private industry to build the Space Shuttle, but without retarded USAF requirements
>In the 1980’s, Lockheed’s Starclipper starts flying, allowing space industry to expand further
>Also in the 80’s, the USSR basically becomes modern-day China, where they are capitalist and communist in name only
>By the mid 90’s, there are colonies on the moon and bases on Mars with the fully reusable descendant of the Starclipper allowing regular people to visit space hotels and stuff
>Mission to Jupiter in 2001


>> No.14618354


socialist/collective idea is derived form Elon's flat structure for his companies where Musk optimizes for efficient communication between his employees as opposed to a strict hierarchy.

>> No.14618360

Why aren't there any hot rocket girls of the dolphin sex rockets??

>> No.14618363

Too niche. To fit into the 60’s vibe it could be some vintage playboy rocket girls lol. And V2 would be some Nazi model

>> No.14618375

>goyimposting this hard
TV shows are still not spaceflight related

>> No.14618379
File: 241 KB, 300x300, 1654553246984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.14618387


>> No.14618391

kek, why havent i seen sfg make this joke before

>> No.14618397

Not the right time yet. LMAO.

>> No.14618400

There’s speculation that B7/S24 might actually do a full orbit and deploy payloads, not do the weird express trip to Hawaii

>> No.14618403

What is the easiest way to prove the earth is round?

>> No.14618406

At noon in the same latitude (longitude? I forgot), a stick further up north will have a longer shadow than one closer to the equator

>> No.14618408

There's speculation that I fucked your mom

>> No.14618411

I’m just trying to help :(

>> No.14618418

Similar to constellations.
>After returning from a trip to Egypt, Aristotle noted, “There are stars seen in Egypt and…Cyprus which are not seen in the northerly regions.” This phenomenon can only be explained if humans were viewing the stars from a round surface, Aristotle continued, claiming that the sphere of the Earth is “of no great size, for otherwise the effect of so slight a change of place would not be quickly apparent.”

>> No.14618425

>vintage playboy rocket girls
landing strips thoughts...

>> No.14618428

Thats great, thanks, anymore easy ones? Just trying to make a list for future use. I know double sun sets is another example. Also different stars in different hemispheres.

>> No.14618432

Hey guys, how did the static fire go? launch soon?

>> No.14618436
File: 62 KB, 811x618, wvb swasi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reasoning out the shape and size of the Earth was a triumph of the Aryan mind, flat urf is for jews and their stooges
>This chapter describes the talmudic model of the universe. The rabbis of the Talmud believed that the world was flat, and that the sun revolved around the Earth every day. There is a debate about the length of the solar year in the Talmud, and its consequences and the rare Jewish ceremony of the Blessing of the Sun (Birkat Hahammah) are discussed. The view of the talmudic rabbis is contrasted with that of the contemporary Greek astronomers. While the rabbis of the Talmud argued about the size of the flat Earth, the Greeks had determined the Earth to be a sphere, had calculated its circumference and had moved on to consider other questions.
The Talmudic View of the Universe, Jeremy Brown

>> No.14618437

They might be doing spin-up tests with the outer 20 Raptors, hence the weird venting from the engine section

>> No.14618441

seething faggot

>> No.14618448
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, _1-39 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again

>> No.14618449
File: 487 KB, 960x726, SLS_2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething spacex stan ;)

>> No.14618450 [DELETED] 

How could anyone be a flat-earther in this day and age?

>> No.14618453 [DELETED] 

When everyone lies to you, even basic facts become suspect

>> No.14618454
File: 4 KB, 160x148, 1644178214480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14618455 [DELETED] 

called. you must return to twitter immediately

>> No.14618456

The existence of time zones, lunar eclipses being round and not square, how a person in a plane above you could see a sunrise or sunset that you couldn't, the Coriolis Effect, how you can circumnavigate the globe, how you can track the ground path of satellites using simple orbital mechanics, and so forth.

I'm really not into the whole deboonking flat earthers thing, they're legitimately crazy and it's a waste of time.
>Dude what if there's a grand conspiracy about about something that would be completely inconsequential to the global power structure?

>> No.14618457
File: 223 KB, 2048x1366, FWlhLwrWYAk5V6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starlink loader

>> No.14618459 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 588x1087, 1643750465012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon's not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.14618463 [DELETED] 


>> No.14618466
File: 161 KB, 680x717, pepe_CEO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be real ironic when SLS gets canceled in 2024

>> No.14618469

>anime vintage playboy rocket girls

>> No.14618470

Man, I really love SpaceX

>> No.14618473

You need to go back

>> No.14618476
File: 89 KB, 615x789, true space secrets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is Musks funeral? I want to send a wreath

>> No.14618477 [DELETED] 

It is hard to imagine being a person who lacks the basic heuristics of the world needed to immediately discard the idea as insane. You'd think anybody more than a decade old would be able to connect enough dots together to see how the deception cascades to obviously impossible levels. I guess it must be indicative of a mental age that never progressed beyond childhood.

>> No.14618478
File: 513 KB, 680x485, elon_hop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting

>> No.14618482
File: 62 KB, 618x410, showman_musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come one come all

>> No.14618486
File: 792 KB, 280x158, 1648206794235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the deal with all the faggots?

>> No.14618492

What motivates the faggotry is a terminal case of zero-sum mindset.
Many such cases

>> No.14618507 [DELETED] 

>Be schizophrenic
>Don't take your medication
It's just that easy. There are also shills who pretend to be flat earthers and moon landing deniers to detract from better discussion. I have a bit more regard for real moon landing deniers because the accomplishment was so epic, it hasn't been replicated since the early 1970s, and it's hard for the ignorant to understand just how NASA could become such a shadow of its former self.

>> No.14618530


>> No.14618536 [DELETED] 

they're mentally children, unironically

>> No.14618543 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 929x590, Ron Miller Soviet Salyut extended space stations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon landing denial is implicitly claiming Soviet scientists were too dumb to see through the ruse cruise, its insulting to some very smart dudes

>> No.14618546

every time you disprove a flat earther's ramblings it inevitably descends to literally
> every single space agency is fake and all the hundreds of thousands of people working for them are actually government spies whose only purpose is to pretend space is real
>satellites have never been launched before
and eventually you get to
>the ENTIRE SKY is a false projection created by the globohomo, rendered using CGI to trick people into believing the earth is round... for no fucking reason, other than ... to make people think the earth is round?

I have yet to see a flat earther not fall into this trap of "every world government is conspiring to expend mind-numbingly retarded amounts of capital to generate a false sky for seemingly no benefit" and yet not a single person has found a single projector or launched a single hobby rocket through the fake sky.

>> No.14618548

>NASA and DOE selected three firms to prepare such design concepts to advance space nuclear technologies. The 12-month contracts are valued at US$5 million each and will fund the development of initial design concepts for a 40-kilowatt class fission power system planned to last at least 10 years in the lunar environment. Westinghouse Government Services LLC, a member of the Westinghouse family of companies, is partnered with Aerojet Rocketdyne and supported by Astrobotic for this effort.
I look forward to seeing how Westinghouse fucks this one up

>> No.14618549
File: 2.92 MB, 3880x3006, FWmdwTXXoAACXHv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14618550
File: 1.68 MB, 4096x2710, FWmftO0WAAAM0i5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14618552 [DELETED] 

They can hand-wave that by saying that the Soviets knew it was fake but they couldn't afford to keep spending so much on their space program so they took the loss.

>> No.14618553

It isn't, welcome to investor bait.

>> No.14618554

Thinner then expected.

>> No.14618555

not even space agencies, but all pilots and all global shipping/logistics workers and all computer networking technicians and any number of everyday person whose profession relies on the fact that the earth can be circumnavigated and would quickly realize of that fact were not true

>> No.14618562
File: 110 KB, 946x900, Russ Arasmith spacewalking Gemini astronaut m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the Soviets knew it was fake why tf not say so and destroy the USAs credibility? its nonsense

>> No.14618567
File: 103 KB, 600x631, N-1 grid fins DPvxoI_W0AEjDzH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grid fins are cool.

>> No.14618568

Still more then a first world superior metric centimeter thick in the thinnest spot.

>> No.14618570

oh no!
more parts to potentially fail
elon losing his roots!

>> No.14618577

Don't bother with unironic flat earthers, they are beyond repair. The only thing that I wish would change is the amount of "space is fake" or "flat earth" comments whenever there's some space streaming going on (e.g. NASA's). It isn't funny anymore when 8 out of 10 comments are one of those and they won't stop, what's the point in spamming the same joke everywhere, every day, every time.

>> No.14618583

There's little point arguing with conspiracy theorists or people who've fallen for other pseudoscientific crap (e.g. youtube doomers, EUers). They don't believe it because they were won over by solid evidence, they do so to feel a sense of power. The idea that they are a partner to some secret knowledge is appealing, a common theme in cults too. If you're genuinely curious you can ask them why they believe what what they do in a neutral and non-condescending way, if you get to the bottom you will see how shallow the water is. But you're not going to convince them otherwise. They want to believe.

>> No.14618585

same with Virgin's LauncherOne. They are going to retry their launch this evening.

>> No.14618608
File: 3.42 MB, 1995x1330, 1656709549882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not when you incels and your king Elon Musk will destroy our environment. Stay on Earth where you belong, chud. Our Mother Earth matters more than your childish fantasies of space adventures.

>> No.14618614

I'm just surprised the big one isn't painted black. They missed a trick

>> No.14618615
File: 52 KB, 640x338, Bussard Fusion Ramjet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bussard’s Fusion Ramjet: the Impossible Dream
Why the original design doesn't work and what changes could be made to make a useful vehicle

>> No.14618631


>> No.14618632

Beetle hands typed this post. Soon I'll go there and eat you

>> No.14618639
File: 116 KB, 985x637, A8E3A903-1EA3-4B5C-821A-DA1FCFDE6CA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would trade my life for a chance to cross the Karman line

>> No.14618649
File: 63 KB, 373x333, 81189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14618650 [DELETED] 

American education

>> No.14618664 [DELETED] 

I hate how the modern age has weaponized facts. Both “sides” do this btw.

>> No.14618676
File: 920 KB, 4096x2731, dragon_living.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we pick up a new troll? Or is it just a usual baiting easy (you)s?

>> No.14618679
File: 109 KB, 627x851, david egge ussf space station 79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14618689

Real sleeping on the floor of the family van vibes

>> No.14618705

all streams live

>> No.14618710

>not spacex
I don't care

>> No.14618715

EARTHERS (derogatory)

>> No.14618716

Launch at 6:15 pm EDT apparently

>> No.14618725

>How is it dealing with Martian dust?
It has a system to clear solar panels (because, despite what JPL says, it apparently is possible...), no idea if it was used/useful yet

>> No.14618734

Wake me up when elon tweets again

>> No.14618735

He's dead jim

>> No.14618740

And just like that, poor anon never woke up again. The end.

>> No.14618747

Man, these raptor tests are something. They do multiple raptor static fire tests daily

>> No.14618774

IF weather clears, as Tony tweets "think happy, calm weather thoughts"

>> No.14618785
File: 1.81 MB, 1400x913, 1650017947428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this even give any meaningful amount of acceleration for a ship this fucking massive?

>> No.14618791

Not more than a few m/s over the couple-month transit I'd expect

Furthermore opening them midcourse is really stupid

>> No.14618793

You'd also have to plan your orbit around this or you'd fucking overshoot mars if you did surprise surprise we got le epic 8 day lead on you now movie bullshit

>> No.14618795
File: 266 KB, 484x1600, FPUZlSuXoAUA8vu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I was just implying that NASA would get such bad Go Fever they'd rush the launch and, in the most cinematic if unlikely way, collide SLS with a Superheavy Starship. Look up Tenerife.

>> No.14618796

How large is it?

>> No.14618800

>he thinks rogget launches are even remotely comparable to plane launches
Okay anon break time is over, elementary school is resuming

>> No.14618801


>> No.14618802

I know there's astronomers here

How should I start astronomy as a hobby without a telescope? Navigating through stars would be pretty cool

>> No.14618804
File: 4 KB, 300x300, D014930D-546D-45A9-87D0-B6300E4AAFED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pisses me off about For All Mankind is they throw real life designs (and physics) out of the window because le epic drama!!!!
Pic related is what an actual Soviet mars plan looked like. Not the retarded shit in the show.

>> No.14618807

>space faggots need literal CGI to keep the indoctrination going

>> No.14618810

>2000m sail for 20 tons
yeah no way this could give meaninfull acceleration to a spacecraft weighing several hundred tons (maybe even thousands) with nuclear fusion engines without having city sized sails

>> No.14618811
File: 18 KB, 300x203, 4FCFC259-1FD7-4E96-B41E-5139F4D54D76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, link
> http://www.astronautix.com/m/mek.html

The entire vehicle was light - less than 200 tons. 2 N1 launches would build the spacecraft. It used nuclear electric propulsion.

>> No.14618814
File: 3.26 MB, 1622x2076, Screen Shot 2022-06-30 at 6.54.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it that For All Mankind has less plausible fictional spacecraft designs than the motherfucking simpsons

>> No.14618818

Get a good pair of binoculars then and a star map

>> No.14618828

Couple months delay for Elon to set something up at LC-39, 1 expired SRB failing juuuust right and torquing the Senate Launch System... It's not likely but, heck, I'm a dreamer.

>> No.14618831


>> No.14618843

...but slooooowly
>"the trend is our friend"

>> No.14618851

They have to be careful not to glorify space too much in the current year
That's money that would be better spend breeding more black people and convincing the goy to eat bugs

>> No.14618852

7:15 EDT now

>> No.14618855

Don't be vulgar anon

>> No.14618858


>> No.14618886 [DELETED] 

>xhe/xhey still responds to flat Earth bait
You are worse than them.

>> No.14618888
File: 328 KB, 2880x1800, 1642795272883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear live

>> No.14618889

ive heard some talk about some atlas V something or other
what this about?

>> No.14618890

t-4:00 and counting

>> No.14618892

She's live.

>> No.14618894


>> No.14618896

Gonna fail cause it ain't SpaceX
Only they can do proper launches these days

>> No.14618899

>starship pad from the beach

>> No.14618901

>vtumors again
carpe diem

>> No.14618902


>> No.14618903


>> No.14618904

that's a cool view, hope noaa doesn't shut them down for it

>> No.14618908

I like how the paint peels off of the boosters

>> No.14618909

We need an FAA investigation into the environmental impact

>> No.14618910

>flaring flaps away

>> No.14618911
File: 77 KB, 600x316, space suit chowlock4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so in flat earth, meteorites are bits flaking off the dome covering us? and the wildly different compositions of meteorites is explained how?

>> No.14618913


>> No.14618917

is ULA doing camera views like this new, or have I just missed the last flights?

>> No.14618920

>cutting from the feed

>> No.14618921

They've done these cameras before

>> No.14618922

National security, please undastand

>> No.14618924
File: 142 KB, 1712x1080, ussf-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14618928
File: 77 KB, 1122x559, Columbus, the MTFF, Hermes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small lifting body ON TOP of the booster
Simpsons confirmed smarter than NASA

>> No.14618930

>Russian rocket engine carrying a sat that will track Russian missiles for intercept

Can't make this shit up.

>> No.14618932

He can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.14618933

checked and cute

>> No.14618934 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 1536x967, 106316521-1577799443873art19_2019mayeandkidslaughing (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon finally tweeted again
>Had a great time in Italy with the family. Looking forward to getting back to work!

>> No.14618937 [DELETED] 

This makes me smile :)

>> No.14618938

>design of the vehicle changes several times in one episode
even dragonball """animators""" are more consistent

>> No.14618940
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, Atlas V USSF-12_20220701_182818.296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14618942
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, Atlas V USSF-12_20220701_182800.762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14618948

You know it strikes me as a good sign they're actually releasing the planned ephemera rather than letting satwatchers try to puzzle it out

Takes the fun out of it though

>> No.14618956 [DELETED] 

good, I thought he was dead.
>dogeniggers still spamming him every post

>> No.14618958 [DELETED] 

big mouths
You can just put elonmusk in the twitter link, tweet numbers are unique so it'll redirect it

>> No.14618968 [DELETED] 

Thoughtlessly doubting conventional wisdom is at least more sophisticated than thoughtlessly believing conventional wisdom, and you don't even need to look outside this thread to find people like that.

>> No.14618973 [DELETED] 

>Elon the only normal one in the picture
He's really dead isn't he?

>> No.14618982 [DELETED] 

For the non Twitter fags

>> No.14618989

Planning to ride Starliner?

>> No.14618990 [DELETED] 

Oh man /sfg/ will never be safe again

>> No.14618993 [DELETED] 

flat-urfer apologist lmao
I struggle to imagine the depths of retardation you've dug for yourself, to be able to think flatfags are 'more sophisticated' than braindead normies

>> No.14618996 [DELETED] 

>twice in 2 days

>> No.14618999 [DELETED] 

welcome newfag

>> No.14619003 [DELETED] 

It's simple. Forming a contrary opinion requires a only tiny amount of thinking (although thinking might be too grand a word), but parroting back what you hear requires even less.

Further, skepticism can be a first step towards an organized attempt to know and understand more. Passively accepting what others tell you is not. Of course there are those who don't think at all, like >>14618993

>> No.14619023

i guess spacex isnt ready for the static fire...

>> No.14619027

Are YOU ready for the static fire?

>> No.14619039 [DELETED] 

you're actually even dumber than I initially imagined if you think more than one in a thousand flat earthers has done any kind of thinking at all. they're doing the same thing you accuse others of (parroting an idea with absolutely no critical thought) but they also happen to be wrong and refuse to listen to anyone who attempts to educate them. there's no skepticism or free thinking occurring inside those flat brains; skepticism would imply there's anything to be suspicious about with a globe model in the first place but every single astronomical and geological phenomena is well explained by a globe model and NOT by flat-earth. if they had a single wit of skepticism in their being, a flat earther would turn that skepticism towards their own crackpot theory and immediately recognize that it gets literally everything wrong. flat earthers are even less thinking than the average sheep, it's one thing to blindly accept what is obviously a correct assessment of reality without questioning it (why question it if it's so completely obviously correct to begin with) but to turn that same blind trust and lack of thought on something that even the most overchromosomed downs-riddled middle schooler could tell you was wrong? THAT'S the lowest possible bar you could set for thinking, not including being a fucking corpse.

>> No.14619068 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate “skeptic culture,” which COVID has certainly made even worse. People believe that because they have to disagree with the mainstream just because, even if the mainstream is correct.
Look at how people are now 100% antivax just because of COVID and skeptic culture, when a few years ago it was universally agreed that vaccines are good.
Or especially the space stuff. You now have skeptics who claim that NASA is some deception meant to…deceive or something. It’s so fucking stupid. I hate skeptics.

>> No.14619085 [DELETED] 

I'm trans btw

>> No.14619091

The what?

>> No.14619092 [DELETED] 

>a few years ago it was universally agreed that vaccines are good.
yeah, that never happened.

>> No.14619093 [DELETED] 

Lol no rebuttal. Skeptic culture and the desire to be different has poisoned your brain

>> No.14619098

Is a nuclear transfer stage actually a good idea? Or is chemical + aero capture better?

>> No.14619100

just in terms of pure performance an NTR with an ISP over 900s with a large payload beats an equivalent chemical + aerocapture stage for the same payload.

>> No.14619107

it's ogre
>Six months in space leads to a decade’s worth of long-term bone loss
>Gabel and her colleagues tracked 17 astronauts, 14 men and three women with the average age of 47, who spent from four to seven months in space
>Astronauts in space for less than six months were able to regain their preflight bone strength after a year back in Earth’s gravity. But those in space longer had permanent bone loss in their shinbones, or tibias, equivalent to a decade of aging.
>Gabel, Boyd and their colleagues hope to gain insight on how spending more than seven months in space affects bones. They are part of a planned NASA project to study the effects of a year in space on more than a dozen body systems.

>> No.14619109

>They are part of a planned NASA project to study the effects of a year in space on more than a dozen body systems.
year-long iss stays in the works?

>> No.14619111 [DELETED] 

>cancel all doctors' license for speaking out
>ban all doctors from internet/book publishing for speaking out
>claim there is consensus
>various shady big pharma contract money given
>shutdown all dissent views as hoax/conspiracy
>lock up people for opening their businesses
>fire people from jobs for speaking out
>force people to get multiple DNA altering vaccines that hasn't been tested

And the covid skeptics are the problem? Do you not see the fucking problem?

>> No.14619114 [DELETED] 

Are you implying people generally think the planet is not flat because they've been told that? That would be a silly thing to imply.

>> No.14619115 [DELETED] 


>> No.14619116

Too risky for NASA, have some zero-g lettuce instead

>> No.14619117 [DELETED] 

Why are you making things up and getting angry and scared about them?

>> No.14619124

>making things up
It's an NPC, not a real person

>> No.14619125

Thanks reddit!

>> No.14619141 [DELETED] 
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Diversity matters more than merit. Both in the show and out of the show.
Hey now, CHADgonball animators at least have the excuse of drawing and painting each frame by hand on cel sheets, these are CGI models with months of prep.
I don't think he's Jewish and I don't think he's talking about the Holocaust.

>> No.14619142 [DELETED] 

I have been informed that you're referring to the simpsons one.

>> No.14619143 [DELETED] 

what's it like, being a walking stereotype?

>> No.14619145

ISS has been up for so long, why we still don't know consequences of living in space?

>> No.14619150 [DELETED] 
File: 290 KB, 750x750, steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_317975919_preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to think this is far roomier than fucking Starliner.
01000111 01101111 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 01100101 01101100 01100110 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010 00100000 01111001 01101001 01100100 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100001

>> No.14619155

and tweets about sonic lmao

>> No.14619157 [DELETED] 

hi >>14617989

>> No.14619159

The number of people who have been to space for long duration flights is frighteningly small for statistical analysis purposes, and almost all of those people are men which makes it even harder to analyze

>> No.14619160

The King is back, also kinda ironic he's talking about death

>> No.14619161


>> No.14619162 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 1262x1402, 1654132369028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bombastic, higly articulate and refined prose put into a mini-essay about how America is dying
>calling you a nig and yid lover in binary because you probably aren't even human
Get a soul, AI.

>> No.14619164
File: 72 KB, 562x753, FWoB7GkXEAk1FKi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

musk is back

>> No.14619167

Is that his daughter(male)?

>> No.14619170

time for a party, /sfg/

>> No.14619171


>> No.14619175
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>> No.14619176
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the pope

>> No.14619177

New money has the silliest parties

>> No.14619180

Which one's the...?

>> No.14619181
File: 784 KB, 240x240, rat spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I reading this right? That performance is far better than what I excepted. A 2000 m2 sail has a payload of 70 tons and a transit time of 338 days(with aerobraking), sure, that's not that great but the sail is only 45m x 45m and 6 kg(at 3g per m2). Solar Cruiser is 1,650 m2, for reference.

With thin-film PVs added it would give the spacecraft 817 kW of power at 1 AU assuming 30% efficiency and at 500 W/kg it would only add 1,633 kg.

>> No.14619182

What the fuck?

>> No.14619184

dude in the painting is glaring at musk

>> No.14619185
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>> No.14619187 [DELETED] 

People's beliefs are generally not the result of deliberation, including beliefs about the shape of the planet.

>> No.14619188

that's a nice mane

>> No.14619190


>> No.14619191

Rare francis smile, first colony will be catholic, we gaan

>> No.14619192

That shoe size tho

>> No.14619193

that's Riley btw, old wife of musk

>> No.14619195
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>> No.14619197

that was the first thing i noticed too. maybe he's less guarded about smiling around private individuals than he is around politicians?

>> No.14619201

In talks for a Starship factory in the Vatican? Maybe a Gigafactory?

>> No.14619205

>atheist and a pope meet

>> No.14619216

>atheist an an entrepreneur meet

>> No.14619218
File: 418 KB, 482x940, 1634980185957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important information

>> No.14619228

If you're going to carry 700 vtubers without any leftover mass for life support you might as well cremate them first, reducing the mass of an individual to ~1.75 kg and allowing a crew of ~21,000.

>> No.14619229
File: 3.34 MB, 1920x1080, tory bruno headpats usui clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tory x clear saga was legendary

>> No.14619230

>a bunch of slavs and two old turbo manlet Americans are the only ones that have been in space for more than 6 months
Here's your sample group bro

>> No.14619233
File: 1.58 MB, 1484x1190, Animefag goes full autist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe levels are nearing starship animu in live presentation levels

>> No.14619238

don't forget the 3 chinks

>> No.14619240

lol the pope is tiny

>> No.14619241

never mind I misread that

>> No.14619244

Imagine living on MIR for over a year wew

>> No.14619245

Didn’t mir have a glob of bacteria?

>> No.14619253


>> No.14619255

She's hot - too bad he didn't pump some kids in her

>> No.14619271

boy band vibes

>> No.14619277
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>> No.14619297


>> No.14619302
File: 144 KB, 581x471, 1656726952416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did god mean by this?

>> No.14619320

Musk being back from vacation is giving me enormous manic energy that I don't know what to do with

>> No.14619327


>> No.14619329

Are you gay?

>> No.14619335

Has there ever been a good explanation for Mars' methane fluctuations?

>> No.14619338

Is this a boyband or something I thought they were usually Asian these days

>> No.14619340

That’s not speculation

>> No.14619343

Demons are angry at God

>> No.14619351

The red martians have vast underground caverns filled with green martian braphogs that form the basis of their food chain and their source of renewable energy. It’s all sustainable and organic, and 5% of the profits go to ethnic minority martians in regions with developing economies.

>> No.14619357

It must be 2000 x 2000 m instead of 2000 m2

>> No.14619373
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>> No.14619386
File: 4.00 MB, 5184x3456, 1652015712003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 hour until virgin orbit launch

stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O662GsLrdhc

>> No.14619390

>"Straight Up"
>rocket only flies sideways
what did they mean by this?

>> No.14619418 [DELETED] 

So you are implying that people think the earth is Not Flat because some authority told them that. Silly thing to say.

>> No.14619421

I'm going to pretend to care about this just so I can dab on Astra.

>> No.14619422

next virgin orbit launch is from the UK

>> No.14619428

>So the Pope, a tranny, and a con man walk into a bar...

>> No.14619430


>> No.14619431

The kid on the right is doing the ACK pose lmao

>> No.14619436
File: 1.21 MB, 1393x783, 1644611598167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep talking as if Raptor 2 is more reliable (because it has a 2 in the name)

>> No.14619437

uk superpower 2023

>> No.14619446

Handsome. Hope he's not doing anything medical yet.

>> No.14619454
File: 302 KB, 886x870, 1629188551520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to get into spacecraft tracking already but the motivation is lacking

>> No.14619456

Still works more than the be4

>> No.14619460

It's spacex if run by Steve Jobs.

>> No.14619462

Its because Raptor2 has more static fire tests under its belt. Dozens of raptors gets staticfire tested each week. Multiple times a day, everyday.

>> No.14619469

and he says "Hi, my name's Frank. Are there any immigrants in your bathroom? I want to wash some black, smelly feet"

>> No.14619472
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>> No.14619479
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Clear live again

>> No.14619480


>> No.14619483
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>> No.14619485

That sign language interpreter is groovin'

>> No.14619486

Imagine paying 12 million to put 500 kg in orbit

>> No.14619487

Anything works better than a non-existent engine.

>> No.14619490

24000/kg is pretty shit when you consider it was like 27000/kg for the shuttle

>> No.14619493
File: 380 KB, 1200x1200, confused whozos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14619496

How can you not love her? Only the soulless

>> No.14619508
File: 40 KB, 827x674, 1654731534843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's 'tardin out

>> No.14619537

The Elon of the Opera

>> No.14619547
File: 1.05 MB, 1512x1078, Screenshot_20220520-160354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh gosh what did she do?

>> No.14619554

just her rig doing funny things eariler. Looked like she was sleeping with her mouth hanging open.

>> No.14619555

it seems like she changed her avatar and software, eyes and animation different, maybe tracking too. still cute, but i prefer her old look

>> No.14619559

She can't use her 3D model anymore because the retards making the software she was using changed their ToS.

>> No.14619568

wtf what a scam. poor clear :(

>> No.14619569

looks like one of those Eye Wide Shut parties
I thought you're not supposed to show off like that

>> No.14619571 [DELETED] 

Oddly it has about the same payload fraction as the Shuttle, if you count the entire Shuttle as a payload. Air launch is such a meme.

>> No.14619573

Pretty shitty footage, looks like Virgin is nearly bankrupt.

>> No.14619577
File: 218 KB, 2189x663, sdfgsdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, ignore that deleted post, it has about the same payload fraction as the Shuttle did, which is terrible. 1.6% vs 1.4%. Air launch is such a meme.

>> No.14619579

Virgin Orbit stock is as high as RocketLab

>> No.14619582

Stop you're a retard

>> No.14619584

I don’t invest I just like seeing Astra and RocketLab fail.

>> No.14619594

What part of the ToS prevented her from using it?

>> No.14619597

I wonder how many children that pope must devour in the secret catacomb under St Peters.

>> No.14619598

God damn, most of these small launcher companies hide their gross lift-off weight as to not show their poor performance. The only other payload fractions I could deduce is Firefly Alpha which is 1.85% and Electron which is 1.1%, which seems low even considering that Alpha is twice the weight.

>> No.14619602

Coriolis effect, bullet drop effect

>> No.14619607

western militaries will prop them up since they offer a unique launch capability that can be used for defense needs

>> No.14619609

A pair of binoculars and a big lake.

>> No.14619616

how can i help spacex do the static fire

>> No.14619625

Wtf is the deal with solar sails? 5 seconds of thinking tells me this is complete horseshit and yet people seemingly smarter than me fell for this scam

>> No.14619629

bill nye and carl sagan invented the solar sail. it just works

>> No.14619633

Is there any reason you wouldn't build a launch loop above 80km? Wouldn't something like 150km be much better?

>> No.14619646

Probably would end up bing cheaper just launching rockets.

>> No.14619685

I nearly ODed on solar sail hopium earlier in this thread before realizing my mistake. They have to be extremely large to provide much thrust, it's something like 0.000009 newtons per square meter of sail at 1 AU, but of course it doesn't need to carry propellent and given enough time it could go really fast. A magnetic sail can be just a giant superconducting ring instead of a physical surface but the solar wind provides much less thrust so the acceleration is similar despite the lower mass. The real advantage over a solar sail is that it could use a planetary magnetosphere to slow down. Then again you could stop a solar sail by beaming a laser at it, or use it to speed the sail up which at a high power level would have great performance.

>> No.14619692



>> No.14619695

Did Casey ever explain how his magic Mars growth pills work?

>> No.14619697

Is the one with long hair the tranny?

>> No.14619711

Which Casey?

>> No.14619717

the one in the white cosplay suit

>> No.14619725

just spam every kind of mushroom spore you can find until something sticks.

>> No.14619782

Yeah, shame it's all stolen technology. Fuck America. Too cheap to even go back to the moon. I'm guessing once those wartime scientists they pilfered died, the knuckle dragging morons couldn't figure out how to fly the things, kek.

>> No.14619854

Rejected. Completely arbitrary.

>> No.14619863

I think he wanted to build a mirror in Mars orbit to rapidly melt the poles.
I don't think he appreciates how long it takes to melt that amount of ice though.

On Earth it will take 1000 years for the Antarctic ice sheets to melt.

>> No.14619958
File: 1.72 MB, 2000x3000, 1643592422778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

section 4 when? are they doing 1 a week?

>> No.14619989

in terraforming terms that's practically overnight

>> No.14620045
File: 416 KB, 2048x1638, 1641340316366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is already falling behind in number of launches per year

>> No.14620099

Between Mars and everything else the mid-century is going to be a great golden age.

>> No.14620142

Flat earthers exist only to troll and to extend their a priori viewpoints past their breaking points.

>> No.14620152
File: 1.77 MB, 3072x3072, 1656344790563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minimum of 5 crew rated vehicles coming from US companies by the later half of the decade

7 If you count New Shephard and the Virgin plane, 9 if New Glenn and Neutron get crew rating

Is this overkill?

the US will have at least 4 commercial space stations and the final days of the ISS by 2030

>> No.14620164

Starship is the only launch vehicle that matters. The United States having launch vehicles besides Starship when it has Starship is a mark against it, not for it.

>> No.14620179

Crunch will happen, if financials dont make sense.

Or industry will expand if financials make sense.

Cant have expansion of industry without finances.

>> No.14620185

Neutron and Hard R are also aiming for crew rating.

>> No.14620232

overdosed on hopium

>> No.14620242

SpaceX, Virgin, Blorg, and NASA aren't about making profit. They'll throw away plenty of money on dumb and not-so-dumb shit because they have different motivations and leadership.

>> No.14620286
File: 140 KB, 1500x750, 789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14620292

The hare races fast and is set to catch up to the slow turtle.

>> No.14620298

Some say it was always standing there, others claim the site was once empty, long ago. None still live who know the truth.

>> No.14620318

Which is great. Because 99 times out of 100 a hare will absolutely annihilate a tortoise.

Simply wreck his shit.

>> No.14620321

So Starship tower is going to be the tallest structure in that area, obviously after VAB?

>> No.14620326

I've also heard tale that this expendable rocket uses engines from a reusable system from days of yore. That is obviously irrational, so I don't put much faith in that rumor.

>> No.14620347
File: 624 KB, 640x628, graditem_ferociter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 1:100 can be a kick in the teeth.

>> No.14620353

>does it look like a plane?
No? Then it's not a space plane

>> No.14620358

If it lands flat like an airplane, its a space plane.

>> No.14620367

>the sphere of the Earth is “of no great size, for otherwise the effect of so slight a change of place would not be quickly apparent.”
>6000 km radius is of no great size
based and fuck planets pilled

>> No.14620368
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>> No.14620376
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>> No.14620380

I did one a couple of years ago.
>Going on vacation to Japan
>According to all flat earth models Japan is to the east of USA
>Plane travels west over the continental US, up towards alaska and Bering strait and finally south down the pacific towards Japan.
>When leaving make a short trip to the UK
>Plane leaves Tokyo and travels west across eurasia
>Finally make trip back to America
>Plane travels west across the Atlantic
>Never traveled east at any point.
Explain flattards.

>> No.14620383
File: 42 KB, 640x479, 186E78AF-2F9E-4F0E-A2C6-1D6ECCBA53D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the superior station for space habitats? O’Neil cylinders or von Braun rings?

>> No.14620385

>6 F9 launches in a week

>> No.14620388

>According to all flat earth models Japan is to the east of USA

>> No.14620391

>Why the original design doesn't work
The proportion of fusion fuel in interstellar gas and dust is not high enough to support the concept. Also, the top speed of a bussard ramjet turns out to be limited even if you were flying through pure deuterium-tritium gas, because unlike a rocket which brings propellant along at high velocity, the ramjet needs to accelerate the static fuel up to the speed of the ramjet and then fuse it to produce thrust, which means it can't go faster than its own exhaust velocity. It can only accelerate until thrust force equals drag, at which point it would need to either shut off or switch to rocket mode, and again, this is only possible at all in a situation where the gas is close to 100% fusion fuel. BTW protium (hydrogen with no neutrons) is not a fusion fuel outside of star cores because it relies on weak force decay of protons into neutrons to produce the deuterium that goes on to actually fuse, and this is an extremely slow and unlikely process that only happens inside stars because stars are so fuckoff big).

A bussard ramjet concept can only happen in real life if it's powered by antimatter or a micro black hole, and even then it's still limited to a certain top speed by thrust vs drag force.

>> No.14620432

O'Neill cylinders have a massively increased material cost for a modest improvement in quality of life. Meanwhile, ring stations can be ruthlessly optimized.

>> No.14620459

An O'Neill cylinder is what you converge on as you scale up ring stations.

>> No.14620465

I posit Anon Cubes: instead of living on one side of a O'niel cylindar, you can live on all four sides of a cube. more efficient livable area, cheaper to build, less curves. you can combine them indefinitely like legos.

>> No.14620466

Does someone have the link to the Hitler reacts spaceflight edition. I cant find it

>> No.14620486
File: 2.41 MB, 2400x1600, 1645463681852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does every rocket have to have their own custom tower? maybe its time to have standardized towers so launchers can be tower agnostic.

>> No.14620487

Elon musk bought the rocket, he didnt do anything

>> No.14620495

>all four sides of a cube
>cube more efficient than cylinder in either surface area or cost to construct

>> No.14620501

And give up billions of dollars? Thats peposterous

>> No.14620503

>Elon musk bought the rocket
>he didnt do anything
which one is it anon

>> No.14620505

He bought SpaceX rocket from NASA. He didnt make it.

>> No.14620507

stolen from black africans

>> No.14620511

He stole it from me

>> No.14620515

Clearly NASA wasn't using it
Clearly melanistically inclined individuals weren't using it
Clearly you weren't using it

>> No.14620522

just say the word you coward, we all know you want to

>> No.14620525


>> No.14620529
File: 49 KB, 576x375, voyfound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst type of dolphin sex
That term doesn't mean anything outside NASA and a payload of 8000 kg is not enough for a reusable capsule, Gemini was heavier. How would that even work with the Hungry Hungry Hippos payload bay? It would have no launch abort and no they can't stay inside Neutron because it's not an SSTO.

>> No.14620535
File: 43 KB, 910x512, large_thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hungry Hungry Hippos
On second thought it's more like a Shai Hulud payload bay

>> No.14620538

Propellant must flow.

>> No.14620575
File: 38 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Rocket Lab Just Did With Its Neutron Rocket Is BAD NEWS For Elon Musk And SpaceX
It's ogre

>> No.14620580

>a payload of 8000 kg is not enough for a reusable capsule
wrong, would be small but a 3 man craft is doable
>Gemini was heavier
nope, gemini weighed >4000 kg

make the payload bay separable from the rocket and give it its own abort motors, similar to soyuz's launch fairing
add an another abort system to the capsule itself and the system should be safe enough, though risk would be higher during staging

>> No.14620596

>To meet CRS-2 guidelines, the cargo Dream Chaser will have folding wings and fit within a 5 m diameter payload fairing, in contrast to the Crewed Dream Chaser, which is intended to launch without a fairing.

>> No.14620598

it's ogre

>> No.14620606

damn musk has some big ass tears

>> No.14620610
File: 8 KB, 222x216, 1656780509197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fill it with concrete, done

>> No.14620619

Thats illegal. Musk can't break laws of physics. Joe Biden wont allow it. You need 10 years to study it and do anything. It must cost $10 billion dollar per inch.

>> No.14620623

>Completely redesign the rocket or make it expendable, then it would work
Well okay. Back to reality, Neutron will literally never launch a capsule if it has an 8t payload. I'll eat a hat if that happens, the mass constraint is too great for the endeavor to be worthwhile.
>gemini weighed >4000 kg
Correct, I was thinking Apollo. That thing was a dog

>> No.14620642

Im more in favour of reusable movable towers like the one on the left

>> No.14620643

>a 3 man craft is doable
This is true, but "doable" doesn't always mean "economical," or even sensible.

All of the current or upcoming crewed spacecraft and larger than Soyuz in both seat number and cargo capacity. Soyuz's only real advantage is that its major dev. costs were paid off by the Soviets back in the 1970s and incremental upgrades have kept its systems from becoming completely obsolete. No one would build a spacecraft like Soyuz today because you'd spend at least a billion dollars and still only get Soyuz and Soyuz-capabilities at the end of it.

>> No.14620654

>Completely redesign the rocket
not really, just add explosive bolts to the hinge mechanism and throw in some solid rockets
I'm understating the magnitude of the task but it wouldn't take THAT much effort

>Neutron will literally never launch a capsule if it has an 8t payload. I'll eat a hat if that happens, the mass constraint is too great for the endeavor to be worthwhile.
I never said it was a good idea, just that it was possible.

>> No.14620661

I mean, Soyuz capabilities are pretty much the same as Crew Dragon and Starliner regardless.

>> No.14620678

I just don't get this reusable launch tower meme.

>> No.14620681

you cant understand it because you are low iq

>> No.14620683

why are we going to the moon? we've been there already. an asteroid would be better to go to

>> No.14620685

muskx btfo, time to go home bros

>> No.14620688

I was exaggerating the effort required for redesign but it's not something they can do as an afterthought without spending hundreds of millions. Either Neutron will be designed for a capsule from the start and they're developing one as we speak or it's not and Beck simply wants to get investor money. It's the latter.
Crew Dragon is the default capsule for manned commercial LEO operations outside going to Orbital Reef which will be given to Starliner. There could be a market for undercutting Orion and supplying crew to a lunar station like Gateway, but I'm not sure if NASA would take to that idea. A commercial lunar station would be based.

>> No.14620689

because WE ARE GAAN (to support the Space Industrial Complex)

>> No.14620702

At least there's progress toward clean pads. Disastra and ABL are gonna share one. OmegAlul was gonna share with SLS, though that would've required another billion dollars to Bechtel or whatever. If ABL can make it work out, I think the other small launchers will look foolish for building custom pad infrastructure instead.

>> No.14620704

if we cant even return to our own moon we should forget about going to mars.

>> No.14620710
File: 32 KB, 536x314, lunar space elevator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> surface area bigger than Asia
> 6 brief visits to equatorial spots on the nearside
we've barely begun

>> No.14620718

>Orbital Reef which will be given to Starliner
Honestly, this doesn't speak well for the viability of the Reef

Given the economics of Orion, ANYTHING could undercut it. Lunar Dragon would be the most likely, but that's just because SpaceX doesn't waste much money or time when they're putting something together. Lunar Starliner could work, despite the usual from Boeing. It'd be nice to see Soyuz return to its original deep space aspirations, but it still lacks in both legroom and return cargo so its success would be dependent on there being no other real competition.

>> No.14620720

no, tranny is not there

>> No.14620723
File: 970 KB, 3966x1824, Alpha-Horizontal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't most small launchers going for the whole 'deploy from a shipping container' thing? There's Firefly but their infrastructure doesn't look exorbitant.

>> No.14620735
File: 426 KB, 2048x1318, braptors on sn24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>33 Raptor engines installed on the Booster, 6 on the Ship

>> No.14620736
File: 771 KB, 2048x2048, boster6 engines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14620739
File: 620 KB, 1440x2160, 04F99B94-C858-4681-8D4E-CDEFC640965A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going we are capable

>> No.14620743

what are those two small circles?

>> No.14620747

As far as I know Astra is the only one that's making the "GSE in a box, shipping container'ed to anywhere" a major selling point. Everyone else is just as fixed to specific launch infrastructure and locations as SpaceX or ULA; they just use shipping containers to move their shit around because its very economical and they don't have all that much equipment to haul.

>> No.14620753
File: 417 KB, 300x902, raptor_honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>static fires
>WHOOPS need to replace all of them LOL

>> No.14620754

Is it finally fucking happening bros?

>> No.14620756

>Honestly, this doesn't speak well for the viability of the Reef
There's the possibly of crewed Dream Chaser replacing Starliner but I won't begin to guess at the inner politics that would allow that to happen short of BO deciding to wipe their hands of Boeing. I doubt the cost would be that much better.
>Lunar Dragon
I wonder how far they could get with a modified version of Crew Dragon that uses the trunk to hold more life support. Maybe shielding is the greater issue? SpaceX is really concerned with superfluous development efforts, I can't believe they didn't do a serious bid for Commercial LEO Destinations

>> No.14620759
File: 514 KB, 1500x750, lc39s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, in just two weeks.

>> No.14620781
File: 28 KB, 720x405, 106820846-1610046913925-ABL_mobile_launch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a marketing point for RS-1 but I guess they ditched it. The key advantage isn't really for domestic launches as they're still confined to just a few launch sites, I imagine they were hoping to sell the idea to other countries but they prefer Virgin Orbit and air launch capability. There is also the whole military thing but Space Force has contracts with like 11 different small launchers at this point and don't seem to have a favorite.

>> No.14620784

My guess would be that Dragon will be completely absent for any marketing they put out, but since its a commercial station they'll be equally quiet when their customers just book transportation with SpaceX. Dream Chaser will find a market because its low-g return capabilities can't be matched by anything else currently in development.

dearMoon was originally intended to be a Crew Dragon flung on a free-return trajectory by a Falcon Heavy. That changed to Starship pretty early on but the foundations of it are still there in the design. You would need to design an actual service module but extra LS, batteries, and a small hypergolic engine is hardly challenging.

If there was a serious bid for commercial Lunar crew it'd destroy the only reason SLS has for existing. That said, even if that did happen they still wouldn't cancel it, they'd just find something new to do with it, which might actually be interesting.

>> No.14620785

GSE in a box is kind of a meme though. Astra isn’t launching anywhere other than currently existing spaceports

>> No.14620805

It's still everywhere on ABL's recently-redone website

>> No.14620811
File: 117 KB, 1024x1024, FQP1yMyXwAAnsSQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Dream Chaser

>> No.14620813

My thought was that it was meant to appeal to people in the DoD. God, google maps, and everyone knows exactly where the United States' launch sites are down to the centimeter, but Russia or China would never be able to send a cruise missile at your launch facility when your pad is a parking lot somewhere in Charlotte or Atlantic City.

It was the same thing with them hyping up the desire to be able to have a launch ready for a customer in 24 hours or less. That's just not something that normal commercial customers need.

>> No.14620814
File: 315 KB, 1012x575, Single Launch Space Station.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomerspace fears the 3 stage, expendable simplified starship
It's a concept on YT but honestly an interesting idea if starship becomes viable.

>> No.14620821
File: 83 KB, 1200x855, moonshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how spacecraft design is coming back 'round to the start again

>> No.14620831

Is that the original >"oh shit nigger what are you doing"?

>> No.14620853

If they ever make a third stage for Starship, it's going to be inside the payload bay.

>> No.14620857

If they ever make a space station module, it's going to fit inside the payload bay.

>> No.14620865
File: 81 KB, 1125x577, 57C53DEF-E930-4100-9EAB-383AF50A4ACB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too but
>Expendable service module
>Expendable rocket
>No windows

A lot of those YouTube concept videos are stupid but actually have cool ideas.
>14 meter wide space station

>> No.14620874

SpaceX won't make a space station, someone else is going to build it to fit inside the payload bay.

>> No.14620889

>14 meter wide space station
Put it inside the 18 meter wide Starship.

>> No.14620945

Starship is going to be a space station. If they're going for a permanent orbital fueling depot, they can go for a permanent space station as well.

>> No.14620960

I want NASA to do a Proxima Centauri probe. The thing is. How do we power it?

Even if we used Orion to get it going fast enough to cross in hundreds of years. What power source would still work after centuries of interstellar void ?

>> No.14620962

the whole point of Starship and raptor development was to avoid wasting the expensive boosters and avionics systems. An expendable starship core would go against that philosophy. This might allow upwards of 220+ tons to LEO but ultimately be detrimental to the overall goal. If a customer paid enough for the development and testing of such a system for a single mission than yeah it might work. With the expertise and money you can have any engineering firm make you anything, I suppose.

>> No.14620978
File: 479 KB, 1339x953, 1971 - Lunokhod-1A stamp - (12 коп.).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunakhod a mimir

Lunakhod stops due to sun

>> No.14620982

Wasn't there an idea that you make a giant solar sail and then you put a laser on the moon. Point the laser right at it to give it additional thrust?
Did I imagine that or was that discussed?

>> No.14620985


Propulsion is not the issue though.

>> No.14620991

A very slow decaying radioisotope and a simple thermocouple, the down side is it would be very heavy if it produced any real power.
You probably mean Breakthrough Starshot which would use a 100 GW laser array on Earth. Still 121 years to Proxima Centauri.

>> No.14620997

>Still 121 years to Proxima Centauri
Unless it's a just flyby then it's between twenty and thirty years, plus four years to send a signal back.

>> No.14620998
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 35847B49-A819-44C0-989C-AC9F94B19AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As cool as a lot of NASA concepts for reuse are, I’m 99% sure they’d fuck it up and make it expensive anyways.

>> No.14621003

>You probably mean Breakthrough Starshot which would use a 100 GW laser array on Earth. Still 121 years to Proxima Centauri.
I definitely heard about the idea before 2016, but yet. That's what I'm describing.
Why didn't it go anywhere.

Doesn't the atmosphere get in the way? Wouldn't it be smarter to not base the laser on earth?

>> No.14621008

>Why didn’t it go anywhere
No money, technical limitations of making a satellite smaller than a cubesats that can send signals 4 light years

>> No.14621015

>technical limitations of making a satellite smaller than a cubesats that can send signals 4 light years
Don't make a cubesat. Make a really fucking huge solar sail so you can make a bigger satellite portion.
I'm talking Zeppelin-sized. 800ft.

>> No.14621029
File: 154 KB, 1200x1104, B9BB1F5B-CFA2-4068-9DCB-F8B54FF98A58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would surface to orbit propulsion evolve over the next 50-100 or even 200 years? I’m sure they don’t use Starships anymore in The Expanse.
>20 Years
Still Starship, but evolved
>50 Years
Spaceplane SSTOs somehow
>100 years
Nuclear SSTOs
>200 years
Fusion-driven spaceplanes and launchers

Launch loops seem retarded and huge

>> No.14621037
File: 142 KB, 1117x665, B7AD1191-D48F-42C6-BECA-387122F79487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starshot planned on using chip-sized satellites connected to a solar sail. How do you get something that small to communicate with earth from Proxima? No idea

>> No.14621042
File: 82 KB, 500x285, getImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assembling a 100 GW power source and laser array on Earth would be hard, doing it in space on a near-term timeline is absurd.
>By making use of a powered gravity assist in close proximity to the sun, a sail-craft may be propelled to over 25 AU/year
That's 2,530 years to travel one AU.
>20 Years
>50 Years
>100 years
Possibly laser propulsion. Reaching orbit is a solved problem, cost is the issue.

>> No.14621050

How will chemical propulsion evolve over 50 years though?

>> No.14621066

Hopefully in 20 years, we'd have nuclear fusion or fission Starships, atleast as an ISP thrust in between Mars transit for the extra push and slowdowns.

>> No.14621072

It's probably not likely to evolve much, engine performance has been fairly stagnant for the last 50 years and we're at the upper limit Isp for the common readily available and cheap propellants. Engine mass reduction wouldn't do much either. The largest gain would come from reducing the mass of the rest of the rocket, namely the tanks.

>> No.14621079

>That's 2,530 years to travel one AU
I mean one light-year.

>> No.14621101

holy kino

>> No.14621108
File: 3.30 MB, 3396x2320, FWrS9hCXkAUut_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dumb?

>> No.14621120

Seconded >>14620743

Is it some sort of a preburner or some shit?

>> No.14621142

Does this mean.....ASS TO ASS IS BACK BAYBEE

>> No.14621154
File: 1.03 MB, 915x682, spacex expansion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14621181

Less roads, more RUDs!

>> No.14621186
File: 2.06 MB, 3309x1829, Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China's Mars sample return is ballsy in how brutally simple it is

Two launches, lander and orbiter

Lander is not only a two-stage direct but, for lack of a better word is a straight up impactor that won't even orbit for a targeted landing

They really just want a few grams of rocks to say they did it first

>> No.14621199

if its retard simple it should be retard cheap

>> No.14621205

Simplicity means less redundant hardware, more mass, and more reliability. As well as being cheap.

>> No.14621209
File: 70 KB, 805x449, orb 2 construct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Orbin' time

>> No.14621226

Simplicity also means greater chance of failure and component malfunction

>> No.14621227
File: 191 KB, 1170x827, vega_c_media_kit_english.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see a launch list this thread but ESA is launching a Vega-C for the first time on the 7th

>> No.14621230
File: 387 KB, 589x588, screenshot-twitter.com-2022.07.02-16_06_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, the assembly bays are gonna fucking collapse.

>> No.14621236

>has never seen ground water sinkholes
>the world will end now

>> No.14621238

>Re-usable rocket
>disposable VAB

>> No.14621254
File: 327 KB, 2048x1366, FWsJxG0WYAIoM6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14621263

Looks unfinished

>> No.14621265

blue origin depresses me. when spacex turns into boeing, we're fucked. new space dark ages

>> No.14621270

Boosters don't refill

>> No.14621280

Watching Top Gun Maverick right now. Holy shit it’s amazing. We need a movie like this for the X-15

>> No.14621294

Can a booster take itself to orbit without a starship?

>> No.14621327

Yes, if you wanted to waste 3400 tons of propellant and make it expendable, it could do it with an average Isp of 350 seconds and a dry mass of 200t. The payload would not be good but imagine the T/W.

>> No.14621329

Fill it up with some rocks and gravel. I know a senator who can get you a great deal.

>> No.14621338

is satellite servicing going to take off or not? there doesn't seem to be many missions for it despite the hype.

>> No.14621340

It's called First Man.

>> No.14621344

It will be if LEO constellations get big, they'll always need more prop to stay up

>> No.14621371
File: 85 KB, 720x900, D97298FD-E077-4973-9DA9-39A5D141BD72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Top Gun. Great movie. Not really spaceflight but definitely /sfg/ approved.
Also there is a Mach 10 plane in it which uses a “scramjet” which is really cool.
How do we make space battles look like this without being unrealistic?

>> No.14621374

Go watch star wars, that is what we will create.

>> No.14621381
File: 23 KB, 938x355, moonraker space shuttle dock t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14621384

It's a meme, like a cellphone that can just be updated every four years instead of being thrown out and replaced. The exception is large GEO sats that cost countless millions but are running out of station keeping propellant because they had to do the inclination change from GTO. Life extension or deorbiting for those could make economic sense. Also if they break down they should be at least moved to a graveyard orbit, there are only so many GEO slots since it's just one altitude.

>> No.14621385
File: 941 KB, 1759x1404, Pioneer 11 saavutti Saturnukseen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four quickfire articles on Pioneer-11's arrival to Saturn and TItan

Pioneer-11 reaches Saturn
Pioneer discovers a new ring
Good images of Titan
Titan remains a mystery

>> No.14621388

static fire

>> No.14621391

No I saying if there was no payload could the super heavy take itself to space to be used as a booster for interplanet booster

>> No.14621407

Super Heavy is wasted as an in space booster because it would have like 30 redundant engines contributing extra mass. A better option could be making a nose mount for a stripped down version of Starship that would attach to the aft end of another Starship but the delta-v increase in either case would only be like <3 km/s so it's not that great of a benefit. You can get the same effect from just refueling in a higher orbit, no new hardware needed.

>> No.14621416

dynamic ice

>> No.14621417

why does oldspace say hot fire instead of static fire?

>> No.14621424


>> No.14621428

it's over...

>> No.14621430


>> No.14621441
File: 129 KB, 1201x743, niac usnc co60 extra solar intercept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christopher Morrison - Extrasolar Object Intercept and Sample Return Mission
USNCs cobalt-60 powered probe capable of delivering a 50 kg payload with a 100 km/s delta v over a 5-to-10-year timeline.

>> No.14621456

I want electron beam welding, and I want it now, goddammit.

>> No.14621457

I don't understand this reusable launch complex meme

>> No.14621462

Is there even enough room for one small launch provider? RocketLab isn’t profitable and is fighting for scraps, even. SpaceX’s transporter flights have killed the market.
>But what about dedicated launch??????
There aren’t going to be more than a handful of “dedicated” flights per year. Maybe enough to run a company, but for two or three or more? Hell no.

>> No.14621467

First flight of the P120 and the Zefiro 40 stages

>> No.14621470

you post this a day after Relativity won billions of dollars to launch OneWeb?

>> No.14621474

Nope. You have Relativity, Rocket Lab, Astra, Spinlaunch, and a fuckton of other startups like ABL and shit who are competing for the same market, not to mention the startups in Europe

I expect most of those companies to either die out or be acquired by one another
They won contracts for Terran R, not Terran 1 which is the small sat rocket

>> No.14621479

I am eagerly awaiting the days of the smallsat company massacre

As the other guy said, Relativity won a contract for their bigger rocket.

Anyone think it’s funny Terran R won a contract but not RocketLab’s Neutron? Even though R hasn’t had a proper unveil or any specs yet?

>> No.14621486
File: 67 KB, 952x654, orb 2 full 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14621491

What is that space station?

Never heard of it before, is it something that is in active development?

>> No.14621492

to be fair, Oneweb is a bankrupt company on multigovernment life support. i wouldnt trust their judgement of launch provider lol. kuiper is launching on blue, ariane, and ula, buying up all rockets for the next five years. spacex will be busy with starlink. there might be scraps for neutron and terran R, we should have an exponential increase in payloads

>> No.14621501

behold, Spaceball One

>> No.14621506
File: 141 KB, 1391x549, Tier System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, there's only room for a few mobile launcher systems that work with the DoD, as suggested earlier in the thread.
>Electric propulsion but made even worse and much more dangerous
This again? What don't you get? Cobalt-60 has killed many people, it's highly radioactive emitting mostly gamma rays and just being in the same room with it can kill you. Any launch that has a >1/1,000,000 chance of exposing any member of the public including staff at the launch facility to just >5 rem falls under a new regulatory system that requires a bunch of approvals. Launching a mass that is already highly radioactive is a nonstarter, fission reactors require the same approval but they're far less dangerous until they're started up.


>> No.14621532
File: 61 KB, 600x450, soccer-1402991065464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14621541


something went wrong with the rocket test

>> No.14621542

Sure you could. But then you couldn't get it back because they're not designed for re-entry.

>> No.14621549

>>According to all flat earth models Japan is to the east of USA
Strawmanning flat earthers isn't going to impress anyone

>> No.14621558
File: 214 KB, 1236x1600, 29CABB55-5F81-4C22-9DE4-4E161C5CE642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending flat earthers on spaceflight general

>> No.14621560

suicide is the only option for us now landscapingbros

>> No.14621574

I hate to solarfag, but why not let the thing power back on once it's receiving enough light?

>> No.14621576

God that makes it look so badass.

>> No.14621580

Is your anus prepared for preburner/static fire test sequence coming weekday? All throughout the week will be various engine tests.

>> No.14621581

I wouldn't be surprised if Neutron has customers that they're just not telling us about. Relativity kept four other Hard R contracts under wraps until OneWeb signed on.
I'd like to imagine that satellite companies see good signs behind the curtains when contracts like these are signed, but then again, you have that commsat contract that New Glenn won in like 2016 and Astra's bajillion launch manifest, so they're not always the smartest.

>> No.14621585

SpaceNews mentioned they're working on a second Photon upper stage for a "privately funded Venus probe" but this is the absolute first time I'm hearing about this

Anyone know what the mission profile is?

>> No.14621587

I'm not defending flat earthers. I'm saying that if in the process of attempting to debunk something that no one takes seriously you have to make ridiculous claims or otherwise make yourself look retarded, you should probably stop posting about it.

It's like trying to beat up a small child, failing and then shitting your pants.

>> No.14621591

There’s no point conversing with flat earthers because they’re literally schizos anyways.
I dislike how they show up at random space vid comment sections and shit it up

>> No.14621599

>Astra's bajillion launch manifest
Alleged bajillion launch manifest. I smell another Nikola Motors.

>> No.14621600
File: 68 KB, 1464x976, rocket lab venus photon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Lab is launching a Venus Photon in-house with a small deployable atmospheric probe. They say the atmospheric probe only has a single instrument, made for biosignatures or something. It's supposed to launch next year, but they don't talk about it much.

>> No.14621610
File: 208 KB, 1200x1218, 85d02e_8568140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no muh Cobalt-60
Quit being a faggot

>> No.14621618

All small launch providers will survive, and that makes the SpaceX stan seethe

>> No.14621620

anyone that replies to it is a redditor

>> No.14621621

Even Astra?

>> No.14621622

Even gwyn shotwell says there isnt enough room in the industry

>> No.14621624

Especially Astra. The DoD doesnt know why, but they fucking want that shit.

>> No.14621627

It has killed more people than any nuclear source outside of the atomic bombs. A large percentage of the orphaned nuclear source deaths have been Co-60 related and most of the radiotherapy accidents.

It doesn't matter what I think, tier III(>25 rem) literally requires approval from the president of the United States. You're not going to be launching large lumps of highly radioactive material into space. Build a reactor or go fuck yourself.

>> No.14621628
File: 18 KB, 521x486, Zubrin face b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted said seething SpaceX stan

>> No.14621629

Most of them need to die. If they don't then people on internet forums in 20-30 years won't have anything to speculate about.

>"But bro, what if they hadn't gone bankrupt? They were about to change the whole industry!"

>> No.14621632

like kissler and armadillo and paul allen's roggit...its not fair

>> No.14621637
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, kistler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring their grifting, would their rocket have actually worked? The nosecone is flatter than a Starlink.

>> No.14621642

The military has an absolute boner for rapid-response missile launches ever since China made that their priority back in the 2000s

If you could at very short notice put an observation satellite in SSO over any theater of interest with less than, say, a half-hour's warning you're changing the entire tactical reconnaissance game

>> No.14621644
File: 21 KB, 556x413, Armadillo_stig_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK but it looks kinda weird. Armadillo could have been OTRAG 2, but instead they really didnt accomplish much other than rocket racing league (bless u big jim). instead they crumbled. i guess they were OTRAG 2 after all

>> No.14621648

The X-33 had problems but they weren't insurmountable problems. When the Air Force and White House dropped the project they just should have said "Fuck it we're a huge corporation we'll just do it ourselves."

The engineering didn't have any massive issues. The nosecone looks weird because it doubles as the 2nd stage heat shield. Kistler was going for S2 reuse right from day one. Their biggest problem was that they subcontracted like they were an established oldpspace company when they didn't have nearly the funds to indulge in that sort of behavior. It could have worked and saved a lot of money, most of which would have been wasted on buying avionics from Honeywell.

Even if they managed to get past all that they we're still using refurbished NK-33s which meant they were going to get caught holding the ORB-3 hot potato at some point.

>> No.14621652

Cows have killed more people than Co60. Quit being a pussy.

>> No.14621669

Talulah, his second wife. His daughter (male) didn't go with him. Only 4 of his 5 kids were in the photo with the pope. Guess his trans daughter wants nothing to do with him.

>> No.14621672

If they ever make a flight worthy starship, it’s going to fit inside the vulcan’s payload bay

>> No.14621673

Kek. That's not the trans one.

>> No.14621678


>> No.14621681

Wagiebro here. I suspect I haven’t missed out on too much news, but can someone pls give me the qrd on which boosters have been scrapped and which ship/booster is now the flight one? Also has anything changed officially regarding the texas/florida sites?
Sorry for the spoonfeed questions I’ve just been away for too long

>> No.14621686
File: 332 KB, 1366x2048, vulcan flight 1 be-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14621692

B5 was scrapped, B4 took its place at the display stand
B7 is on the launch mount with 33 engines. Static fires soon (tm)
S24 is in the highbay. It was loaded with Starlink sats too, meaning people speculate it might actually deploy them then deorbit instead of the old orbital flight path. S24 just got all its engines.
The Cape facility now has a launch tower which is 3 segments high.
That’s all

>> No.14621693

7/24 is the current set that's up for flight, but it's anyone's guess if they'll get the green light from the FAA before SpaceX builds something more refined. I haven't kept up on what they've scrapped but most of the old starships that were there are still there, but I think they're breaking down booster 5 currently.

Construction in Florida is proceeding quickly. Three tower segments have been rolled out to LC-39A, and these ones seem to have a lot more of their plumbing per-installed so overall tower setup should go a lot faster.

>> No.14621694
File: 205 KB, 1712x716, selectionrates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of wagies, sciencebros are eating good

Must have been a lull over the pandemic

>> No.14621697

That is not exposure adjusted and cows don't rain from the sky or burn up in the atmosphere after a failed launch, unless your mother somehow snuck aboard.

>> No.14621700
File: 453 KB, 1170x778, 9C4C4BE3-02CB-4CC2-AA07-96C5B1CDA642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14621713

wow it's done. the BE-1.

>> No.14621722
File: 1.16 MB, 2190x2824, STS-8 Electrical_Storm_-_GPN-2000-001879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I love the Space Shuttle

>> No.14621729

Even when controlling for exposure, large animals are vastly more dangerous than handling radioisotopes. Failed launches are also a nothingburger. There have been a half dozen explosive failures involving RTGs and radioactive material in the high atmosphere and not shit happened. Gutless handwringing is merely obnoxious coming from obnoxious normies, but it's unforgivable on /sfg/.

>> No.14621742

>All small launch providers will survive
Singles of truth. Also, that includes ARCA.
Dumitrubros, we can't stop winning

>> No.14621746

>China's Mars sample return is ballsy in how brutally simple it is

It also just scoops up some dirt under the lander instead of looking for something actually scientifically significant.

>> No.14621748

SENPAI is so overdramatic it fucking hurts. fuck you anon for telling me to watch

>> No.14621749

>common medical material
>majority of launch mass is a disposable shield that allows the vehicle to survive reentry in case of a RUD

Sometimes these anti nuclear propagandists are too on the nose.

>> No.14621751

For all Mankind peaked here

>> No.14621755
File: 138 KB, 900x669, 1594931203811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This show peaked for me when I never watched it and never would.

>> No.14621757

This infinity

>> No.14621760

it peaked in the writer’s room when they had a few good ideas and then quickly went down the toilet when they decided to make it globohomo

>> No.14621764

How else would you create drama in an alternate universe spaceflight story?

>> No.14621765

it never peaked. there has never been good sci fi in the 21st century

>> No.14621768

No disasters every episode and make it more realistic. Also don’t focus on a single set of characters; make it a seasonal anthology.
Season 1 could be the 70’s and follow Apollo dudes
Season 2 would be the 80’s and the early shuttle guys

>> No.14621769

blade runner was kino

>> No.14621773

Anon, I...

>> No.14621775

big gemini experiences in-flight explosion and the crew has to work together to make it back with loss of communication between the 2 living compartments
venus flyby during an extreme solar storm
dyna soar gets hit by huge chunk of space debris

>> No.14621776

bait is extra shit today huh

>> No.14621777

yes, i should have clarified "original" scifi. blade runner is kino, but nothing new. remakes/sequels/reboots dont count

>> No.14621778

This. From the Earth to the Moon followed different people each episode and it was kino. You got to see the perspectives of the astronauts, their wives, and the engineers. You don't need explosions and shit just make it interesting.

>> No.14621780

>can't name a single one
Like clockwork

>> No.14621785

Another cool sci-fi movie, which is not a remake, sequel, or reboot.

>> No.14621787

Severance is good. Dark is good. Pacific Rim is good. 2049 is good. Edge of Tomorrow is good. District 9 is good. Visions was good. Resident Alien is good. Love, Death and Robots has a had a lot of good.

Christ, I am just picking names from shit I've rewatched/seen this year alone. You're a retard who needs to watch more shit before you just hamfistedly say "NOTHING GOOD".

>> No.14621788

>i should have clarified "original" scifi
Okay true. Nothing original had been done since the 90s/early 2000s. And with sci fi specifically it has all been SHITE since like the 80s

>> No.14621789

I could, but I won't, because you'll just say "oh it wasn't good". How new are you to /sfg/?

>> No.14621791
File: 126 KB, 1270x715, Kosmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pu-238 RTGs are low power alpha emitters and generally safe to handle with little protection. The only parallel you could possibly draw is when Kosmos 954 burnt up in the atmosphere over Canada with 50 kilograms of uranium-235 and that very nearly killed people who picked up pieces of debris, some were up to 500 rem per hour. It also raised background radiation, similar to the nuclear tests, which affects everyone to this day.
>Gutless handwringing is merely obnoxious coming from obnoxious normies, but it's unforgivable on /sfg/
I'm just not fucking autistic enough to pretend nuclear isn't dangerous or that what is said here will change the opinions of anyone outside this place. People nearly stopped Cassini from launching, you think they're going to be cool with much more radioactive material flying overhead when it serves no purpose over safer technology?

Have nuclear fears generally been overblown? Yes. Does it mean you should go the other way with it and pretend there are no issues? No, that's absolutely retarded and childish.
The shield has a nonzero chance of failure during an explosion and it would be ditched shortly after reaching orbit, meaning it's entirely plausible that the radioactive material makes it back to Earth unshielded. It's also far more likely to expose someone to high levels of radiation during production and payload integration versus a reactor that has never gone critical.

>> No.14621796


There's enough good shit on here to count on both hands repeatedly.

>> No.14621798

IDK if this is what you're looking for but it's pretty easy to get a picture of the ISS with a decent telescope. It's more involved than some other methods but it's concrete so it's harder to bullshit out of

>> No.14621799

Ok pussy, i'll keep the conversation going, and you can keep being scared of contrary opinions. Maybe grow a pair

>> No.14621802

You got me with District 9 lol. Pacific rim is equal to goofy capeshit to me. 2049 is quite good, but unoriginal. Havent seen the rest

>> No.14621803

Cringe reply to him, but you’re still right

>> No.14621804

It already has. Increased diameter from 5 to (I think) 5.4m and at least 9 engines vs. 7. I assume it'll look totally different too.

>> No.14621806

is mad max really scifi? where does the science come in?

>> No.14621807

>people call out your shit bait
>now you look dumb trying to confront them
>look dumber

>> No.14621808

cars instead of space ships
also road warrior is way better than fury road, fight me

>> No.14621810

By looking at that list, I am assuming they are throwing Post-Apocalyptic stuff into the Sci-Fi category. I see a lot of other lists do that as well. Either way, there are 125 things on there in the past 20 years and most of them are quite good. Feels weird that I've seen virtually every single one.

>> No.14621823

Unpopular opinion: while BO and Seattle in general are cringe, bezos is actually funny and based. Albeit a bit weird. And yes I understand he is running BO like a complete idiot. But every interview I see him in he actually seems smart and funny.
I will always hate blue origin though so I guess it doesn’t matter

>> No.14621825

Interviews can be staged, his general reputation is that of a complete ruthless asshole on par with Larry Ellison

>> No.14621834


>> No.14621839

Apollo 13 sent a Pu238 RTG plunging into the atmosphere, and the cask was fine. It's happily sitting at the bottom of the Pacific to this day. Even in cataclysmic failures, the effects are undetectable.
>I'm just not fucking autistic enough to pretend nuclear isn't dangerous or that what is said here will change the opinions of anyone outside this place.
It's dangerous when the necessary engineering precautions aren't taken. Fortunately, we spend good money to make eggheads make chemically inert fuels and then encase it in a titanium jacket that can survive reentry from the moon.
>People nearly stopped Cassini from launching, you think they're going to be cool with much more radioactive material flying overhead when it serves no purpose over safer technology?
And those vermin will continue to stand in the way of human advancement. Many of those people also happen to be my colleagues. I have been able to convince those who are open-minded enough to have a conversation with me.

>> No.14621841

Concept is too dumb. Running Earth off of helium 3 from the Moon? Please.

>> No.14621844

that powerpack is a fucking beast holy shit

>> No.14621856

Batteries have to be viable at the other end. Electronics and sensors not be ruined by centuries of cold. Etc

>> No.14621858

From the Earth to the Moon is so good. Imagine if For All Mankind was like that.

>> No.14621859

I was honestly hoping for a more documentary style to For All Mankind than the drama we ultimately got

>> No.14621865

>It's dangerous when the necessary engineering precautions aren't taken
It's inherently dangerous because people are fallible and as history proves they will manage to cause nuclear accidents regardless of how good the safety protocols are. Most nuclear stupidity is localized, this is not. Shielding defeats the purpose of using a radioisotope battery over a fission reactor since it greatly decreases the specific power and any advantage in higher delta-v. A modern reactor could survive reentry intact, an unshielded radioisotope battery would not, they also scale to much higher levels of power. Ironically what I'm suggesting would aid the popularity of nuclear by not causing an international conflict over an objectively bad propulsion technology that is only defended here solely because it's nuclear.

>> No.14621873

