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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 268x330, Lincoln_cathedral_04_East_end_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14612261 No.14612261 [Reply] [Original]

I live near a walkable town with old, classic architecture. When I walk around it, it makes me feel better. I feel my stress levels lowering and it just feels so inviting. I don't feel this way around any new areas. What's going on? I looked up mental health benefits of old architecture but can't find much info.

I do know that being around fractals have benefits, but those are found in nature. Regardless, is something similar, like being around more complex shapes in general?

>> No.14612278
File: 73 KB, 537x585, muh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't it upset you that people dedicated their lives to creating that architecture for your region and you don't do anything remotely similar? You don't even bother to contribute to the upkeep of it though you claim to admire it. You clearly don't see it as an example of worthy human effort if you don't do anything to imitate the behaviors of the people who created it.

>> No.14612283

These gothic mcmansion churches are examples of heretical idolatry in the form of architecture.

>> No.14612298

What shit hole are you from then? hmm?

You point at a guy shitting in the street, a mud hut? Ey what is it?

We're proud of our achievements. If wasn't for white people, you would not even be on the internet you fucking cock sucker.

You've been sucking on white cock this whole time. Those speakers that play your monkey music? We made those speakers.

So kneel down, and suck on it. Mother fucker.

>> No.14612323

>Doesn't it upset you that people dedicated their lives to creating that architecture for your region and you don't do anything remotely similar?

If we wasn't swamped by white liberals who hold our Government over a barrel with PCness and let in and allow lots of monkeys and paki trash to breed and put pressure on our country, littering everywhere, takeaways everywhere, making the place look like a 3rd world shit hole. Then maybe white people, (not the liberals) would be more motivated to continue our impressive architecture roots.

The willingness to do nothing, you can thank white Sarah or Karen for that, you cockroach.

>> No.14612329

no, you're just jealous that religous groups are willing to create beauty in this world and you and your ilk stubbornly refuse to. it makes you angry because it highlight how lazy and selfish you are in comparison to the more productive class of religious believers.

>> No.14612336

Bros, I just wanted to talk about whether or not complex shapes and old architecture had health benefits. I didn't want to turn this into an argument, but this is 4chan so I guess I should have known better.

>> No.14612478

you now have feelings of guilt because the previous generations in your region dramatically improved the region whereas your generation callously lets it decay and degenerate.
past generations generated civilization the present allows that process to reverse itself into degeneracy.
you wouldn't have chimped like that if you weren't badly affected by what you read.
>muh dick, etc
yes very civilized, nice reddit spacing btw

>> No.14612513

Go away, retard. You're the one politicizing a thread that wasn't political.

>> No.14612618
File: 644 KB, 433x699, michael-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the universe relaxes if it can resonate harmonically


>> No.14613641

What do you want me to do build a fuckin castle by myself? Dumbass nigger.

>> No.14613645

are you from a different generation than the usual 4chan poster or something?

>> No.14613664

Based. Chuds seething in the replies. This is how off topic threads should be treated

>> No.14614448
File: 254 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Homestead_FL_Coral_Castle_outside03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, a single Latvian manlet built the Coral Castle down in Florida.

>> No.14614498

I feel the same thing, it makes sense to me that more naturalistic and complex designs feel better to us than giant blank walls. This article has a bunch of links to studies: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170605-the-psychology-behind-your-citys-design

>> No.14614670

believe it or not, being in environments that you find pleasant may improve your mood, and being in environments that you find ugly may ruin your mood

fancy that

>> No.14614945

>You don't even bother to contribute to the upkeep of it though you claim to admire it
If he pays taxes and supports his community he does. Also, get your autistic racism out of here. You are the one unable to act like a decent person.

>> No.14615353

A lot more care was put into decoration of those old buildings than new ones. Hell you can even see it in apartment buildings from 80-100ish years ago, they all have some sort of decoration under the windows and stuff. Those buildings were generally built for rich people, with money to spend on that shit.
Modern (post ww2) architecture is a lot more utilitarian because it's intended for the masses.

If I had to guess, I'd say it has something to do with that, it just looks prettier because it was made to look pretty.

>> No.14615371
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x630, monk-builds-cathedral-justo-gallego-martinez-mejorada-del-campo-raw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cathedral constructed by a lone individual

>> No.14615374

It's the walkable part, nothing about the old architecture.

>> No.14615669

I'll get right on it then

>> No.14616289

It's not. Even though walkable places are better, I've seen modern-looking walkable towns and they are soulless.

>> No.14616341

>in order to appreciate a building you need to be an architect
Yes you are very smart

>> No.14616345


unless it's the Yale college library, that 's just fake and gay

>> No.14616381

Typical ameriCopium

>> No.14616405

Americans can be proud to have put a man on the moon but Europeans can't be proud to have built cathedrals?
You are full of shit. A fucking hypocrite.

>> No.14616455

all architecture is shit except my drawings. and i'm the only man who really knows how to structural engineer in the world

>> No.14616456

architects don't learn anything past materials and methods. they don't even learn how to use materials. An architect can't do shit

>> No.14616459

mechanics of materials*

>> No.14617255
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheism-statism-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i pay taxes to the government in order to support the church

>> No.14617385

He touches on architecture in this, don't remember the timestamp but it's all pretty good

>> No.14617496

You'd think after building an entire cathedral he'd be a bit better at masonry.

>> No.14617543

you live in loneliness and you feel constant pain.
It really shows and I hope you get better.

>> No.14617568

I imagine its all subjective, You might find it cool while someone else thinks it looks like shit. Either way, it makes you feel good because it looks cool to you

>> No.14617635

Victor Hugo has been complaining over the decline of architecture before socialism was even a thing. Touch grass.

>> No.14617650

Most architecture is utilitarian and not done for art. Most old architecture that is preserved is noteworthy artistic architecture. Hence it looks like old architecture is more artistic than new architecture even though we've likely had our share of ugly buildings in the past too. You like old architecture for the same reason you like art in general.

>> No.14617696

>thinks its shit
humanity should've not discovered the concept of relativity and fucking apply it everywhere.

>> No.14617989

All of the Americans who put men on the moon have passed on, the current generation of Americans are unable to complete the tasks.
Degeneration is the decay of a society across generations, previous generations built up things like beautiful cathedrals and launch systems capable of reaching the moon, subsequent generations let it all fall apart. Progress is supposed to generate over time, when progress is moving in reverse, that is degeneration. People who contribute to and embody degeneration are degenerates. So the large army of talentless, incapable affirmative action hires at NASA are degenerates and so is OP.

>> No.14618265

Yes yes you are very smart, we know

>> No.14619516

No you're a retard, the shapes and forms affect the movement of energy, literally the basis of sacred geometry

>> No.14619522

Only those that appreciate the importance of divine beauty and purity can create great art.
The geometric perfection of the universe itself is proof of god.

>> No.14620272
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1843, Basilica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go outside, touch grass, seethe n' dilate

>> No.14620295

>go outside, touch grass,
demonstrated time and time again to be good for you, everyone needs more earthing we're all to insulated.

>> No.14620301

I think it's selection bias. If old-ass buildings still exist it's because they were the high-quality works of architecture that were important enough to preserve. The bland, low-quality utilitarian cubes that made up most buildings hundreds of years ago don't exist any more
Modern architecture is beautiful too if you look at the buildings where people seriously tried to make them attractive

>> No.14620325

What's the deal with Jewish architects and their obsession with ugly blobs?

>> No.14620734

An architecture thread seems a little out of place for /sci/, but since i like architecture a bit i'll give it a bump.

>> No.14620803

Yes I'd love to put my time and effort into creating beautiful architecture just for shitskins to trash it in 10 years.
Try giving whites their own country (you won't since we make you look bad) and you'll see this stuff again.

>> No.14620872

>An architecture thread seems a little out of place for /sci/
it's /pol/tard dogwhistling, like always.

>> No.14621218


>> No.14621229


>> No.14621680
File: 27 KB, 828x486, trump in the head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14621732

I'm not civilised? yet you ridicule structuring sentences , which is proper English.

You stupid non white fuck.

Previous generations were more proud as the country was more white, therefore stronger unified culture and thus cared to build well to show this high level of glory. Our new liberal lot inspire the opposite today. And it's the liberal lot that fucking gives your kind a home in a 1st world country you fucking stupid cunt.

A good start then mo-ham-head is to get your 40 cousins from the UK back to pakistan then yeah. Fuck off. You little wanker. I'll knock your fucking paki head clean off. You cunt cheese.

Go worry about pakistan being a shit hole since 1000 BC till today first yeah? We could just get our white man invented nuclear bomb and drop a juicy 100 MT nuke on islamabad. Thought so. You fuck face.

>> No.14622689

Hey OP

I'm not an architect, I'm a painter. I do not have any data for you, but aesthetics definitely impact the psyche.

>> No.14623407
File: 59 KB, 780x468, rnain difference between usa europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14623415
File: 252 KB, 2048x1365, contemporary-architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related should make you feel good unless youre some kind of Nazi. I wish the Notre Dame had burned down completely to bring white nationalists down a peg or two. Fuck that old religious nonsense when we have science instead.

>> No.14623678
File: 68 KB, 974x819, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single thing he touched is pure fucking garbage. Yeah it looks neat from five hundred yards away but try actually using it.

>> No.14623912

They went to the moon BECAUSE they aren't as established as Europe.

>> No.14623925

that's just france lol

besides, that flag on the moon is white now

>> No.14623935

Good looking environment has pretty obvious mental health benefits, it's not exactly rocket science.

>> No.14623968

Depends. If it's not a pain in the ass or well maintained it's nice but that literally applies to everything. Owning a really old house is stressful as fuck so it's better to look at then live in unless you can retrofit your home on a decent budget and maintain it.

>> No.14623971

Greenery actually does that. NYC with it's central park boosts housing value around it due to the sightlines it offers.

>> No.14623976

spotted the twitter tranny