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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 720x540, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14617271 No.14617271 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is going on?

>> No.14617284

IQ is pseudoscience. The result of what happens when autocratic billionaires want to turn their underlings into obedient robots.

>> No.14617289

cope and fuck off out of the thread

>> No.14617316

You're using jpeg to encode text, which results in those ugly artifacts.

>> No.14617325
File: 275 KB, 837x744, Pepe_Voice_Of_Reason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is going on?

In 1920 people spent youth working on farm and a few hours in school.
In 2020 people spend youth reading Internet all day and playing rapid decision problem solving games.

IQ tests test depends on reading ability an problem solving.

We are not 'smarter' just trained better for IQ tests.

>> No.14617333

Wrong. The average in OP's pic reflects mostly dumb third worlders who were even dumber thanks to malnutrition. Westerners have been getting consistently dumber over the years.

>> No.14617491

100 iq is defined as the average

even if people are getting smarter, 100 iq is still the average

hope that helps

>> No.14617497

iq is not a measure of being smart though, it's only a measure of how good you are at solving a few particular types of puzzles

>> No.14617501

How would you define intelligence?

>> No.14617502


>> No.14619310

>Create a test
>People study the test and get better at taking it
what the fuck is going on?

>> No.14619425

Fpbp. Case closed. Stick a fork in it. Slam-Dunked and Debunked.

OP pack up your bags because the show is over. IQ is pseudoscience and neither real science or math.

>> No.14619502

Ironically I watched a documentary on this just today. It's in German/French though.
The interesting part was not about the Flynn effect in itself, but rather that we have plateaued, like these trips >>14617333 put it so eloquently.
Is it the smartphones? Is it the chemicals? Who knows?
We're becoming retarded that is all that matters.

>> No.14619510

In simple terms for you
It's caused by better nutrition, reduced parasite and disease load, and familiarity training effects common to tasks found on many parts of the iq test (like reading or critical thinking).

>> No.14619511
File: 250 KB, 1x1, Effect of Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices on Male Reproductive Hormones- A Systematic Review(2021).pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

falling testosterone?