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14607833 No.14607833 [Reply] [Original]

The idea of transgenderism is very confusing to me. Surely only a specific type of person can be transgender based on their chromosomes? Like someone with Klinefelter syndrome would be considered transgender due to their chromosomal disorder?

>> No.14607837

Bro trannies are men in wig. What's confusing about that. Are you literally retarded

>> No.14607840
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have you been living in uncle ted's cabin with no internet for the past 5 years?

>> No.14607846

Why does the scientific community defend transgenderism then if it is unscientific?

>> No.14607853

Because most of people in this world are retarded nigger cattle waiting to be sacrificed by cosmic beings

>> No.14607857

Which scientists are defending this? Reminder that the gender theorists are in humanities and not science.

>> No.14607861
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financial concerns

>> No.14607868

What the fuck is there to be confused about?
Imagine your internal view does not align with your external appearance. So, instead of suffering you opt to align with how you see yourself internally and in any functional not man in the sky pandering to double digit iq cattle fucktard society there is no problem.

>> No.14607895

So basically, there is no difference between transgenderism and gender dysphoria?

>> No.14607917

One clearly encompasses the other. A solution for a person who is experiencing gender dysphoria could be to transition but that doesn't mean all being transgender people are experiencing gender dysphoria. There is a wiki and everything.

>> No.14607977

Is there a basis for this in science?

>> No.14607986

Nope, just wrote the whole wiki for my creative writing class, you fucking retard. There are sources at the bottom, by the way. Apply yourself.

>> No.14608038

Why do you conclude after two comments by /pol/tards that it's unscientific? Confirmation bias much? I'd be much more interested why you are so obsessed

>> No.14608080

No, I meant it in a more paradoxical manner. Because it doesn’t make sense if it was considered ‘unscientific’ for scientists to defend it. The only reason I made this thread in the first place is because I am generally confused, and also interested, in whether transgenderism is based more on science or ideology. And if it is scientific, how does it work within biology and psychology?

>> No.14608089

Because science + politics = politics
same with anything these days

>> No.14608091


>> No.14608094

Your quirky personality, your hairstyle or your clothes are not a new gender and we are not "obsessed" by your politics, we just hate you and hate what you're doing to society and we will fight it.
All of this shit you believe in, or you think you're part of, we see through it and see how destructive it is, even if you don't.

>> No.14608095
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Why are you against transhumanism? I thought this was a science board.

>> No.14608099

>it doesn’t make sense if it was considered ‘unscientific’
But it's not. How can a phenomenon be unscientific? Do you doubt that people feel trans? That gender dysphoria exists? I mean.. the people are there and the phenomenon is described in scientific literature. I'd say that denying this is ideological, to a similar degree as creationism and believe that the Earth is flat.
Now, what do we do with this condition that exists? Force them into re-education camps? Constantly tell them that their feelings are invalid? Well, nothing of this has been scientifically shown to improve these peoples' lives. What has been shown to work, is a transition, HRT etc.

>For people under age 18, receiving hormones was associated with nearly 40 percent lower odds of recent depression and of a past-year suicide attempt.

>A study published in the journal Pediatrics last year found that transgender people who received puberty blockers during adolescence had a lower risk of suicidal thoughts as adults than those who wanted but could not access the medication.

>Another study, also published in Pediatrics last year, found that trans children who receive gender-affirming medical care earlier in their lives are less likely to experience poor mental health, such as depression and anxiety.

Banning hormone blockers and replacement therapy sounds pretty unscientific to me. Or scientific and evil, if your aim is to double suicide rates.

>> No.14608102

Mental illness is not best treated with amputations, frankenstein surgeries, synthetic hormones and affirmation.

>> No.14608103

See, your hate is not based on scientific evidence, is it? You don't even know that I'm a white straight cisguy with no fancy hair colour. You're just hateful. Why? Are you projecting the hate for yourself? Are you envious that others live out their inner selfs and you don't?

>> No.14608113

Because you're an enabler and you're causing harm, not just to actual victims but to western society.
What scientific evidence are you talking about? The human genome has been mapped long ago. XX, XY and some rare anomalies (birth defects)

>> No.14608116

Yes, it is. The data is sparse, but the existing studies show that surgery is often the best therapy we have. Maybe tomorrow you'll invent a pill that stops dysphoria. I think every person would rather take a pill than undergo surgery. Maybe you invent a new psychotherapy that makes people feel better with their biological sex than they would feel after surgery. Until then, reassignment therapy is the best we have. See for example
>The American Medical Association's Resolution 122 states, "An established body of medical research demonstrates the effectiveness and medical necessity of mental health care, hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery as forms of therapeutic treatment for many people diagnosed with GID".
Now, if you deny that without scientific evaluation, that's ideology.

>> No.14608117

>Do you doubt that people feel trans? That gender dysphoria exists?
When did I state that? Stop putting words in my mouth. I was just asking a question to the first two posts. All I am asking for is sources on different studies on transgenderism. That is all.

>> No.14608119

>you're causing harm
Also, gender dysphoria is not related to chromosomes, stop muddying the waters

>> No.14608124

Read the sources in
The information is out there. People who deny this are just anti-science

>> No.14608129

>'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex:

>> No.14608131

u bitch, nothing is based on science that is just weird nerd thinking. Science is based on experience, trans people have an experience too, it really cant be much simpler u bitch

>> No.14608134

Ok, and how many don't?

>> No.14608140

Doesn’t transgenderism believe in the concept that gender is somehow a ‘social construct’, even if we can examine the relationship between fatherlessness and crime in men? Thus, indicating that some form of masculinity does exist.

>> No.14608148

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, not a physical illness.
Injecting estrogen into a male body for the rest of his life is extremely dangerous. You're running a battle against millions of years of evolution.
Cutting off your testicles and quartering your penis, turning it inside out and stuffing it up into the body to form a fuckable hole is dangerous.
The body treats this as an open wound and will try to continuously heal itself, hence the needed dilation.
We don't treat schizophrenics by encouraging them and telling them to listen to the voices

>> No.14608154

>Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, not a physical illness.
Mental illnesses are physical. Or is the brain suddenly non-material??

>> No.14608161

>Injecting estrogen into a male body for the rest of his life is extremely dangerous.
And yet less dangerous than not doing that.
>We don't treat schizophrenics by encouraging them and telling them to listen to the voices
I didn't do literature research, but I'm pretty confident that this worsens the patients' mental health. On the other hand, sex reassignment therapy improves the mental health of patients who suffer from gender dysphoria. You can be sure that everyone would prefer a pill or 10 sessions with a shrink would be preferable to hormones and surgery. But no pill and no shrink have shown better outcomes than reassignment therapy. An open wound that will eventually heal vs. a 40% reduction in depression and suicide? Sign me up. I suffer from depression. I'd rather have a surgical wound that takes a while to heal than years of therapy and antidepressants.

>> No.14608167

You know what I'm saying, stop being a mealy mouthed weasel.
There is a difference between being fucked in the head and having cancer.

>> No.14608170

What's the difference? Are mental health issues not real?

>> No.14608171

>There is a difference between being fucked in the head and having cancer.
How so? The brain is just another organ. And what about brain cancer causing psychiatric symptoms?

>> No.14608184

You don't understand, the mind is not measurable. It's metaphysical. There is something divine to it. There is only man and woman, yin and yang, alpha and omega. Humans shall not interfere with the divine order. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Eve that become Amanda and Evan.

>> No.14608190

>A solution for a person who is experiencing gender dysphoria could be to transition
but is it?
I thought transgender people want to be of an opposite sex, that they were born to.
Isn't it so?

>> No.14608195

What do you mean by "but is it"? If you're miserable because you have a willy, then cutting off your willy is a solution, isn't it?

>> No.14608202

Are you miserable because you have a willy or are you miserable because society discriminates against people with a willy, puts them under constant pressure and attack, while giving insane privileges to people without a willy?

>> No.14608210

u bitch u bitch

>> No.14608212

>Banning hormone blockers and replacement therapy sounds pretty unscientific to me
hormone blockers are harmful and have serious long term hardly treatable health issues and that's a fact. those 40% of lower odds of depression hardly justify such treatment even in the case that it's 40% of the entire gender-dysphoric population. Yet we both know the absolute value of these figures are not as impressive.

the baffling negligence of promoting such harmful treatment to underage children coupled with a warlike intolerance of even simple motion that it might be worth studying non-invasive psychological ways of treatment is what I find evil

you are promoting self-harm to people for vanity points on social-media and should be ashamed of what you have become as a human being

>> No.14608214

Puberty is harmful and has irreversible effects.

>> No.14608215

The absolute wave function of their body doesnt make them a man with 100% probability, its real, trust science.

>> No.14608217

You might be trans.

>> No.14608222

>the ruined lives of the ones that do are worth nothing to me
>i'm willing to make that sacrifice
this is essentially what you are saying

>> No.14608223

Are you miserable because you can't walk or are you miserable because everything is so far away? Is this an argument against wheelchairs?
>Hormone blockers are harmful
Ok fearmonger. Everything is harmful. Something is a valid therapy if the benefits outweigh the risks.
>those 40% of lower odds of depression hardly justify such treatment even in the case that it's 40% of the entire gender-dysphoric population. Yet we both know the absolute value of these figures are not as impressive.
The absolute figures of harm are also low then.
Do you have any science to back up your feelings? How "harmful" it is? How it's more harmful than not doing it?

>> No.14608225

lol idiot, if one in 1000 heart surgeries fail and the patient dies, it doesn't mean you should stop heart surgery if you extend the average life by 20 years.

>> No.14608227

>if you are miserable because you have a fully functioning body you should surgically remove a fully functional part of your body
sound like a bretty strong NOPE in my book

>> No.14608228

Why yes, I'm trans. I transitioned from beta male to sigma male.

>> No.14608230

There's actually not much evidence that suggests hormones or surgery have an impact on suicidality. Self-reporting of happiness is unreliable because it's influenced by the decision to begin with; people who get it will tend to think they made the right choice and people who don't will tend to think they made the right choice. On top of that you can't draw a causal link between suicide and the decision either way because mental distress is so messy.

>> No.14608232

Stop bringing ideology into a scientific discussion. You also bring potentially harmful chemicals into functioning bodies with mental health issues. >>14608227

>> No.14608242

>a natural stage of living as a human being is harmful
I think you are lost and confused

>> No.14608244

Appendicitis is also natural and harmful

>> No.14608251

Maybe you should fund some research into whether the pharmaceutical/psychological industrial complex is in any way driving the transgender phenomena for profit by steering cultural norms and brainwashing low iq women and their children.

>> No.14608257

>Do you have any science to back up your feelings? How "harmful" it is? How it's more harmful than not doing it?
what do you think is not harmful about it?
>hur-dur let's disrupt the natural process of swift growth by hormone blockers that regulate said growth what can go wrong?
arthritis at 25 for one thing
this is actually easy to search, so I invite you onto this path of enlightenment and discovery
true science is done by carefully studying theories that you don't agree with, as well as putting your own theories to the same level of scrutiny.
>out of arguments the post
not that I'm surprised or anything

>> No.14608260

>what do you think is not harmful about it?
That's not how science works. What do you think is not harmful about pouring dihydrogen monoxide down your throat? It's lethal when inhaled, why on earth would you bring it so close to your windpipe??

>> No.14608263

>puberty is a natural part of being human
>haha gocha! diseases are also a natural part of being human
I think you will understand that I don't see any point in discussing any topic with some one who is not interested in a genuine discussion

>> No.14608273

I'm not the guy who said puberty is harmful. I'm just pointing out that the "natural" argument is bullshit.

>> No.14608279

Cool it with the anti-semitism.

>> No.14608283

Here's the thing.
Gender used to be a polite word for sex. IF you have XX chromosomes, you are a woman and tend towards certain features, capabilities etc. Same with XY and being a man. Non-standards genders, contrary to current make believe bullshit, do not exist. You are what you are, and you fit the stereotype more or less.
There is no good reason and no medical capability to change that. Everything else is a mental illness.
So why are we not treating it as such?
It's the literal, originall slippery slope: Gays.
Gay people have a mental, or maybe hormonal illness. The brain part of their reproductive system is damaged and accidentally targets the wrong sex. Gays will scream and shout about how they are born that way and "it exists in penguins too!" So does stillbirth, cancer, being born with crippled limbs etc.
Everything but what nowadays called "cis straight" is a defect. Maybe a birth defect, mental illness, hormonal imbalace, idc.
We should try to cure all that shit. But out of some idiotic wrong interpretation of inclusiveness, this stuff got "depathologized". As it, it is an illness, but you are not allowed to call it an illness. You will not get funded for trying to cure it, but your license revoked. All this for defending a lie against an unpleasant truth. So is, for example, the morden idea of gender. Insead of describing the physical differences and maybe stereotypes of the sexes, it is now used to declare ill people new minorities, who again, in the modern misguided overcorrection against discrimination, need to be treated as superior to the normals (see also: 3 europeans, an american and an asian = racist - 5 liberians = sooo diverse). Every single letter in the alphabet people's abbreviation is a new damage that society has declared "ackshually a good thing!"

>> No.14608285

I don't see any "material brain" you are talking about in surgically removed genitals and breasts
you might be onto something tho, maybe you should give a hint to the gender therapists, they might be cutting of the wrong part of the body you know :^)

>> No.14608288

>IF you have XX chromosomes, you are a woman and tend towards certain features, capabilities etc. Same with XY and being a man. Non-standards genders, contrary to current make believe bullshit, do not exist.
Facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.14608292

It's easier to cut off a dong than rewire a brain. We have been doing sex reassignment surgeries for 100 years now. And we still don't know how to rewire a brain to stop gender dysphoria.

>> No.14608293

I'm sorry I though those people actually are unhappy because they feel they were born in the body of the wrong sex, turns out they just want to cut of their willy.
Got it, thank you for educating us

>> No.14608296

>hurr durr you are wrong about it being an illness
>posts evidence of literal genetic defects
If you want to disagree with someone, your should DISprove their argument,s not prove them

>> No.14608303

>We have not been able to prevent fatal accidents on construction sites completely. Instead of trying to make construction sites more safe, we should murder construction workers with chainsaws!

>> No.14608304

You'd point was that it does not exist. I proved that it does exist. Kys.
I'm not advocating for killing trannies, just for giving them the therapy that has the best outcome. If it is surgery, it's surgery. If there's a pill they could swallow, they should have access to that pill. A pill doesn't exist, surgery does.

>> No.14608310

all you proved is that your reading comprehension does not exist.
I said "Non-standard genders do not exist". As in, modern attack helicopterism.
I also literally said "Everything but what nowadays called "cis straight" is a defect. Maybe a birth defect, mental illness, hormonal imbalace, idc."

>birth defect

And you, for some inane reason, think that posting evidence of genetic birth defects disproves me saying they are exactly that,
Please remove yourself from this discussion and learn to fucking read.

>> No.14608311
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Because otherwise you will be subjected to a public struggle session that will completely overshadow the genuine scientific achievement of hundreds of your peers, you will be required to cry like a bitch and say sorry or Congress will take away space and planets and shit forever.

>> No.14608315
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The American Psychiatric Association has found enough evidence to conclude that transgender is normal and does not constitute a mental illness.

>> No.14608317

So you meant to say
>non-standard genders do exist but are defects
Well, then consider gender dysphoria a defect that exists. Or are you denying that gender dysphoria and other defects exist at all? Then you're literally retarded and sadly, you still exist

>> No.14608320

You don't get it. Fuck the science eggheads, my uncle from Missouri just slapped his son and he stopped being a little tranny faggot. He's much smarter than the APA

>> No.14608321
File: 484 KB, 1500x1312, unethical-medicine-lobotomy-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have been doing sex reassignment surgeries for 100 years now.
Do you know how many years people were performing lobotomies without batting an eye?
(pun intended)

>> No.14608323

Fuck off, illiterate tranny. No one believes you. You are the only idiot thinking that this dumb shit wins you anything.

>> No.14608328

Do you know how many years people sacrificed animals to gods? Lobotomies weren't scientific.

>> No.14608330

no it doesn't, you are right
exactly just as in your oversimplified example, most of humanity would agree that they are willing to accept this sacrifice
I want you to understand that what you are saying is essentially the same
you. are. willing. to. make. that. sacrifice.
This means you can look the person who just realized that they irreversibly ruined their body, got cheated out of possibilities straight in the eyes and say, "it was a sacrifice I was willing to make".

so I see this possible in two scenarios
- you have and you are ready to present all the data to prove, first of all to yourself, that the summarized benefit of the irreversible surgical procedures, the hormone-blocking drugs with proven long-term harm, in many cases administrated to under-aged, far-far overweight the summarized harm
- you are just another stone-cold "human" who puts ideology at best and internet vanity points at worst above suffering of other human beings

so are you ready to present that data? or are you a literal fascist by most general definition?

>> No.14608332

>no one believes you
Look, I'm just pointing out things that exist in reality. If you have a problem with that, shut down your pc and close the window blinds.

>> No.14608336

>Lobotomies weren't scientific.
The research was peer-reviewed.


>> No.14608337

>you. are. willing. to. make. that. sacrifice.
That's true for literacy every medical treatment. Everything. If something has no side effects, it has no effects. Was that your fucking point? Really? Aspirin fucks up your blood coagulation. Ibuprofen can fuck up your kidneys. Wearing latex gloves while treating gingivitis gives an allergic shock to some patients. Nothing in life is free of risk. This has nothing to do with ideology. Stone cold dental assistants who risk allergic shock for their anti-gingivitis agenda!

>> No.14608339

>And we still don't know how to rewire a brain to stop gender dysphoria.
well maybe... just maybe
it is a good idea to stop promoting "cancelling" of people that suggest studying psychological treatments for gender dysphoria?

>> No.14608342

Who cancels that? Who has that power? I agree, limiting research can be unscientific. If there are no ethical concerns, research should be free.

>> No.14608345

I'm from a country with a long history of state propaganda and it takes one glance at your picrel to see that it is literally propaganda
>X is attack on Y authority itself !

>> No.14608350

>I'm from a post Soviet shithole, therefore I'm right
Shut up wojak

>> No.14608356

>That's true for every medical treatment
Once again, I agree. Yet modern medicine still relies on said treatments because there is undeniable proof that the benefits far outweigh the risks

So are you going to present the same level of proof for modern invasive methods of treating a psychological problem, which gender-dysphoria obviously is, or are you admitting to being a fascist who in reality doesn't give a flying fuck for the suffering of others?

>> No.14608359

>i'm from the first world, so i have reading comprehension issues
what I was implying, is that maybe.. just maybe
if you are applying to authority of propaganda pieces in arguments on scientific topics, you might be confused

>> No.14608364

>So are you going to present the same level of proof for modern invasive methods of treating a psychological problem,
Scroll up. I already did.

>> No.14608367

>if you are applying to authority of propaganda pieces in arguments on scientific topics
The American psychiatric association is not a propaganda authority. Its not your ministry of truth, it's the actual experts.

>> No.14608384

>>i'm from the first world, so i have reading comprehension issues
I'm actually from a country that was half under socialist dictatorship until 30 years ago. The people from there are unironically damaged from censorship, state propaganda and Stasi fucking up anyone who doesn't fit in the system. But not in a good way. It's not that they trust in actual research, or independent journalism. They unironifally believe some vegan cook more than people who have dedicated their life to research. They are completely lost. Their opinions have no place in a scientific debate. I hope that their children and grandchildren will grow up to normal human beings, but life under socialism has turned those people into literal retards. They overcompensate. Instead of doubting what the state says, they simply deny everything that doesn't fit into their agenda. "I like driving my car after waiting 20 years for my Trabant. Some guy says that burning fossil fuels is bad for the climate? Well clearly he must be wrong, because what he says would mean I should not drive everywhere when I could also take the bicycle"
I feel pity for them, as I feel pity for you and many people from beyond the iron curtain. Poles are completely fucked in the head. Look at the Serbs, Kosovars or Russians. They are the sad and ugly side of the movie Goodbye Lenin.

>> No.14608397

>'This is a proxy war'
Yeah, I agree. For whatever reason eugenics has been making a huge comeback in recent years and it's obvious that this rhetorical alliance between what purports to be social advocacy with obtuse political objectives and on-demand cosmetic surgery with increasing disregard for basic evolutionary processes endemic to the human life cycle is some sort of bizarre attempt to deconstruct the human species. I have no idea what the end goal is, but it's no more scientific than phrenology.

>> No.14608414

Can any trans enablers explain to me why I can't be trans racial? Why is this off the cards?
Serious question, that you wont answer

>> No.14608421

First, it was "the smartest of the peasants may rise above their station".
Then, it was "everyone can rise the ladder if they are smart and willing".
It was "you can become whatever you want when you grow up",
and now it is "you can physically become whoever you want".
Tomorrow, it is "everything you believe is true".

>> No.14608424
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>trannies are men in wig
Um, I'm going to have to stop you there, no sweetie. Transgenders can be AMAB or AFAB. Men can grow long hair and gender is a meme. Gosh I can't believe you didn't know that. But we are probably dealing with an ignorant transphobic /pol/ tourist here.

>> No.14608435

>Tomorrow, it is "everything you believe is true".

>> No.14608438
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>> No.14608440

In my country, transgender folks have to undergo at least a year worth of therapy, by law, before they can do anything. Most do more. And only if the therapist finds that there's nothing else that can be done to solve the dysphoria and nothing else that causes spurious dysphoria, the patient is allowed to start HRT or get surgery. It's to prevent schizos from chopping off their dicks and later realising they were just psychotic and not actually trans.
So, if you feel transracial and suffer enough to sit through a year's worth of therapy and the therapist is convinced that the only thing that helps you is a full-body tattoo and dick enlargement, then by all means. Go for it. You're an adult and a therapist vouches that there's nothing wrong with you except for your feeling that you're in the wrong body. I actually wouldn't even be mad if health insurance covered that. In the end it's cheaper than treating you for depression.

>> No.14608441
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not even a single one, bro

>> No.14608443

Why are transwomen either super cute or really ugly? There's no middle ground. They're either a 9-10 or a 1-2.

>> No.14608451

Uncanny valley. They are close to looking like an actual person which makes them creepy.

>> No.14608452

Half of those are clearly men, the other half are makeup, filters and camera angles. All of them are actually.
None of them can have babies, all of them will suffer osteoporosis at an early age, many of them will get cancer. Half of them will kill themselves

>> No.14608461


Most of the transgender people I personally know say their therapists usually tend to dismiss doubts and encourage transitioning instead of trying to find out if it's a good idea. I also know a lot of people with depression and for at least a few of them, their therapist actually tried to convince them they are trans even though they themselves don't feel that way.
The problem isn't HRT, surgery (tho you gotta admit the current level of reassignment surgery is very barbaric and disfigures people for life) or transgenderism as a whole. It's activism and ideology.

>> No.14608463

>None of them can have babies
Nice, contraception is a pain
>all of them will suffer osteoporosis at an early age
Poor them. I hope we find medication that prevents this
>many of them will get cancer
That's true for most of us though
>Half of them will kill themselves
More of them would have killed themselves without the transition. I'm happy for everyone who doesn't commit suicide and live a nice life.

>> No.14608466

>More of them would have killed themselves without the transition.
Makes no sense to cut out the man when you can just cut out the middle man instead

>> No.14608476
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>> No.14608486

If I identify as a black man and take on a black persona and use brown makeup what will happen to me?

>> No.14608487

>More of them would have killed themselves without the transition.
The evidence is poor at best. There are plenty of studies with conflicting conclusions and it seems that trans men (ftm) do not get better during or after therapy.
The methods of collecting the data are also not very solid because it seems that the people who change their minds (and then commit suicide after surgery) are often omitted.
The sample sizes are also very small.
Even if on average people commit fewer suicides after transitioning, it's by a small margin at best. In this case, this should be treated more like a risky cancer treatment where you should consider the comfort of the patient before they die. Permanently disfiguring a patient because it MIGHT help them and leave them to bear the pain and discomfort for the rest of their life doesn't sound like a very good medical practice.

>> No.14608490

Your life expectancy will decrease, that's for sure

>> No.14608491

Probably the same as when you put on a wig because you identify as a woman. You'll receive a lot of hate and possibly physical abuse. Are you trying to make a point for hate?

>> No.14608496

So if the methods are bad and the data is crap, your conclusion must be that we fund gender studies? Like proper studies on academic levels?

>> No.14608500

Proper studies would be great, sure. Whatever is happening right now is a circus at the expense of gender dysphoric people themselves.

>> No.14608508

Does that actually happen with trans people in the west though? People generally just accept them, each to their own etc. Guys will recoil in horror at sexual advances but that can't be helped, it's biology.
You know the point I'm making. Stop playing dumb.

>> No.14608523

No, they will continue to redefine the terms "abuse", "violence", and "hate" until merely existing is a criminal offense for normal people and we'll all be executed in the most cringe death camps to ever exist in the history of the universe.

>> No.14608527

Those people themselves can be very hateful and abusive. Like that guy in a wig who trashed a store because the clerk misgendered him.
It's not common but I don't really see trannies being abused on the streets either.

>> No.14608604

Since when is it okay to answer hate with more hate?

>> No.14608619


>> No.14608656
File: 128 KB, 1440x711, Transphobia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Is The Science Behind Transgenderism?

Each transgender will spend about $250,000 in their desire to be the other sex.
Multiply this by a few hundred thousand young mentally troubled people and you have a HUGE money making industry of doctors specializing in transgender sciences.

>> No.14608671

Probably unironically true. There is something fishy happening in the mental health industry with all the therapists encouraging people to go through with it.

>> No.14608673

>Each transgender will spend about $250,000 in their desire to be the other sex.
Only in the US of A where the state pays more for healthcare than in any other country, and still not everyone has access to it. In other countries, medical care is not that much of a scam as in the US. Yes, people still earn money and big pharma definitely gets a good share. But it's nowhere near the levels of the US

>> No.14608674

I'm not complaining I love trannies

>> No.14608686

It's really weird bros. I was looking for an aspirin in our med closet and I found some estrogen supplement pills that my granny apparently takes.
I stared at the pills for a minute for some reason.
Why am I drawn to it?

>> No.14608689

I mean clearly it's an untapped field of science. We've got people doing their PhDs on shit other people invented like catalysts, nuclear fusion and microbes. Why don't you do some fundamental research and break out a new field of science just to find the answer? Could lend you a Nobel Prize for pioneering it too. Just settle it once and for all already, for humanity's sake!

>> No.14608697

Most people have this fantasy at least once. That explains why movies like Your Name are so successful. Unless that feeling is constant and you feel unhappy about your body, you're not trans. And either way, don't just start taking pills, no matter if for fun, kink or legitimate gender dysphoria

>> No.14608701

The science is settled. People get off to being crossdressed. A lot of trannies just straight males in dresses. They don't even like men. They still have women suck their dicks

>> No.14608702

>Most people have this fantasy at least once.
No, they don't. Feminized first world young white males are a minority in this world.

>> No.14608705

Being a crossdresser is not the same as being transgender.
It might be an indication of something in society when crossdressers are put in the same basket as trannies.

>> No.14608706

>Feminized first world young white males are a minority in this world.
There was a whole era of glam rock bands performing in drag. I don't know a single musician of that time who actually transitioned. It's breaking a taboo. And that's appealing.

>> No.14608728

I wanted to gobble up the pills

>> No.14608730

I'm referring to trannies who pop pills and wear dresses and then go home and get their gf pregnant.
They call themselves transbian or something

>> No.14608737

That's just being straight with extra steps

>> No.14608748

If they popped the right pills, they'd be shooting blanks. This HRT self-medication is absolutely retarded

>> No.14608750

I dont get that image, none of them pass

>> No.14608753

Half of them are cisgirls. By saying none of them pass, you actually proved that all of them pass.

>> No.14608763
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The only group of people that invoke the Turing Test to prove they have a soul.

>> No.14609341

>Internal view of self doesn't match reality
>Rather than change your own mind, forcefully compel society to pretend your delusion is correct
There is a simpler, more effective solution. Unfortunately that's banned now.

>> No.14609355

>bend your mind to fit reality of other
Okay, slave.

>> No.14609362

>Rather than change your own mind
Oh wow. That exists? You can change your mind just like that? Let me guess, the solution to depression is "Hey buddy, don't be sad"?

>> No.14609443

>tweak lighting/camera/makeup/clothes/hair/etc to maybe pass in a single photo for a single camera angle
interact with any of these people for more than 10 seconds irl and youll instantly know

>> No.14609556

what post are you referring to? Irrelevant as it is, after all this is about you convincing yourself, you sure as hell didn't convince me.

>> No.14609569

all that effort just to admit in the end that you base your opinions about people solely on their country of origin, like you know ... a racist would

Ok, but what does that have to do with the topic of this thread?

also I have to admit I don't think that discussions with prejudiced people such as yourself are productive
the future of humanity is going to be diverse, racist

>> No.14609577

>the future of humanity is going to be diverse, racist
statistically doubtful if you consider an entropic model for gene proliferation

>> No.14609579

Can the APA also find votes? Asking for someone looking for some.

>> No.14609580

>solely on their country of origin, like you know ... a racist would
Nice strawman. Except they're not racially retarded, they are damaged from socialism. East-Germans don't have East-German DNA, they have brain damage from Stasi. Fuck off, socialist

>> No.14609589

>fund gender studies? Like proper studies on academic levels?
how is that supposed to help people with gender-dysphoria?
no, we as society need to be open to calling a mental health issue for what it is, a mental health issue.
and have proper scientific, not ideologically fueled studies of this issue

>inb4 you biggot
As a true scientist, who knows about the cognitive biases by experience, I have studied this and I know for a fact I'm not. I feel the same empathy for a person who considers them to feel as they are of another sex as towards any other human.

It's the promotion of barbaric harmful treatments that I hate, and this hate is boiling exactly because I feel the empathy for these souls. There is just not enough evidence that surgical and/or HRT provides enough benefits to overweight the harm it does.

>> No.14609592

wat science u do?

>> No.14609594

>how is that supposed to help people with gender-dysphoria?
How is researching cancer cells supposed to help people with cancer?

>> No.14609595

hiding behind an outdated definition?
educate yourself bigot

ok the last line was a jest, for real though, that's unironically racism

>> No.14609603

im a PhD in Physics, though I moved away from academia
what a retarded metaphor, there is no isomorphism here whatsoever
cancer cells are material, gender is a social construct
I thought you'd know

>> No.14609604
File: 12 KB, 474x355, Tom_Green_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with your brain?

>> No.14609607

>though I moved away from academia
Yeah, we can tell

>> No.14609610

at least you admit gender studies are not on the same level as proper academic studies

>> No.14609612

Who defines what's proper? You're probably a mintlord who thinks that sociology is also a waste of time

>> No.14609614

>implying the level of discussion in this thread is anywhere close to the level of a proper academic discussion so one can be outed as not working in academia
lol lmao even
what's your degree? just curios, fren

>> No.14609625

Dr. rer. nat.

>> No.14609650

the science is lets take two twins, botch a circumcision, and make CP with them a few years later. So what if they suicide and OD from the trauma, we can further the tikkun olam and soupify reality for great Saturn

>> No.14609669

noice, cheers mate
[4chan mode back on]
I see they are giving those to just about anybody these days huh?

>> No.14609753

Kek. But seriously, not sure how much this applies to you, but some of my colleagues really think anything less STEMy than biology is worthless and I don't get why they're this arrogant. And they're not the best physicists I know

>> No.14609791

There is a lot of money for the surgery.

>> No.14609796


Because it is both a path of least political resistance for academics (academia is contiguous with politics) and the medicalization of children pose tremendous financial gains for plastic surgeons, transgender therapists, and other specialists involved in the enterprise.

The political pressure is just because identity politics has become so important that mainstream psychology has become the leashed gimp of GloboHomo.

>> No.14609800


Because science isn't a "phenomenon" it's a way of analyzing phenomena; one that demands rigorous documentation of ones methods and the detailed presentation of data that can then be replicated.

"A lot of ppl claim they feel this way so they are" is not a scientific approach to understanding said "ppl"

>> No.14609801

>academia is contiguous with politics
t. someone who never stepped a foot into a university.

>> No.14609804


Wikipedia is cucked to a political narrative

Look at the actual literature on hormone blockers
Look at the actual occurrence rate of sexual dimorphic nucleus abberation
Look at the actual reports of people who experienced reassignment surgery

An also just use your common fucking sense on whether we should support, as a society, people sterilizing and mutilating themselves for their identity.

"anti-science" is the gayest fucking ad hom anywhere just post studies or go jerk off on your bodypillow faggot

>> No.14609809


That makes me wanna smash your dumb nigger head in our PCR machine at the lab

>> No.14609829

So does aging.

>> No.14609835

Didn't the inventor of PCR say that you can find anything you want if you search long enough?

>> No.14609881

Bro that’s literally psychology

>> No.14609890

that's called autogynecophilia actually and it's a whole other thing

>> No.14609945

as someone who is transgender (identifiying as non-binary male while in a biologically female body), I think first, you need to differenciate being transgender and gender dysphoria,
being transgender is having a gender identity that is different from your birth sex (ex : identifying as non-binary in a male body),
gender dysphoria is experience distress about your body and appearance because it isn't matching with your gender identity, most of the time, people with gender dysphoria identify as binary (male or female), it's very rare for people who identify as non-binary to experience gender dysphoria
I personally do consider gender dysphoria a mental illness even though most transgender people don't but I think most of them might be biased by their political beliefs and ideologies, i also think that gender reassignement surgery isn't a good solution for people with gender dysphoria and that we should try to find a more fitting solution even though I think that it may be a valid solution for a very low minority, this is probably not an ideal solution for most of them
As for the science behind it, if it's only for transgender people, I don't think the science behind it really matters, I do recall a study I saw in an old encyclopedia (1999) saying that transgender people's (I assume they meant disordered ones, those with gender dysphoria) brain structure matches the gender they identify with, I don't have the study source anymore unfortunately

>> No.14609968

The binary is male and female, making a non-binary male paradoxical. Do your enby/themthy shit or whatever, but make up your mind.

>> No.14609980

there's a lot of different ways someone can be non-binary, non-binary just means not 100% female and not 100% male, someone can identify both as male and female and they will be non-binary for exemple, in my case, I only partially identify as male and mostly identify with non-binary genders

>> No.14609983

Okay, they what differences in brain chemistry/physiology do we see in trans people prior to them receiving treatment

>> No.14609985

Do you make the same as your male colleagues in income?