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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 239 KB, 1170x1182, 1652673693492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14598014 No.14598014 [Reply] [Original]

Everything in science is made up abstract garbage that comes from the mind of men. Science is nothing but a fad, that becomes replaced all the time in order to keep getting the gullible to believe in it. Since everything in science is false and imaginary, you gotta "change" things in order to keep conning people.
Just like Obama was supposed to "change" everything yet that was only a facade in order to keep scamming the common folk.
Everything you scientists believe in will become laughed at by the newer generations with their new science that has replaced yours. Satan tosses away and sacrifices those who are no longer useful to him, so, you, too, shall be killed for your crimes during this scamdemic.

>> No.14598050
File: 23 KB, 500x500, too-stupid-to-understand-science-try-religion-856499612-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything you scientists believe in will become laughed at by the newer generations with their new science that has replaced yours.
And it's a good thing.

>> No.14598110
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How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.14598365

Rent free

>> No.14598369

most of what i learned in high school science is still relevant today, over 10 years later, they taught us bohr's model but explained how its only valid for hydrogen and not our current understanding of how it really works

>> No.14598382

>too stupid to understand science
>try thing not mutually exclusive to science
You are a moron

>> No.14598383
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>> No.14598387

>rent free
The irony of being a jew and saying that hahaha
>muh holohoax
>muh palestine
>muh shabbos goy
>muh snoz
>muh jew fro
>muh fellow whites
>muh fellow blacks
Dude jews are a pest and not even having their own home country changed their shitty genetically determined behavior

>> No.14598400

I never said it was, so the moron is you.
(but if you're a catholic, canon law doesn't allow you to think for yourself, so you're a bad catholic if you dare to be a scientist. not so sure about other denominations)

>> No.14598402
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> look at me, I am your scientist, goyim
it's very hot very soon (or maybe not, as it is with every other weather forecast)

>> No.14598413

That's it. Religion is science for the poor minded

>> No.14598417
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>> No.14598420

Tesla never wrote that shit.
You cannot have a belief without some lie in it.

>> No.14598421

That science, you are right now using to make this post. I guess we have a frustrated high school kid, that failed a "science" exam, and now has to flip patty.

>> No.14598428
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False, poor people built my computer, try again ungrateful, arrogant, midwit soientist.

>> No.14598430

That didn't falsify my statement. Religion is science for dummies. Easy rules not much brain needed to follow.

>> No.14598431

Yes the poor kid wich recieves the instructions how to build it from the ....

>> No.14598434

I guess you mix up religion with believe.

>> No.14598435
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Nice strawman. Directly from a catholic priest.

>> No.14598437

Procedure that has nothing to do with science and scientists.

>> No.14598438

>i make shit up about religion and then claim it to be true
hahaha sure retard

>> No.14598439
File: 75 KB, 795x431, 1619369368338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is a false religion for midwit overeducated idiots.
This world would be better off without scientists and intellectuals, and the vaccine will rid this world of your kind.
Even the globohomo that you serve so faithfully despises you.

>> No.14598443

Yes instructions on how to build a PC-motherboard were found in the great pyramids.

>> No.14598444


>> No.14598445

>Easy rules
If the rules are easy, that means it's an incredibly intelligent design.
The more accessible the more efficient.
The problem with religion is the corruption, which is exactly what has happened to Science.
We have Scientism now, hence the
>men are women
>fucking kids is normal
>jews are literally super geniuses and naturally own all the wealth and positions of power, you bigoted White Supremacist
Epstein was funding scientific studies because our society stopped giving a fuck and started spending money on basket cases like niggers and import landscapers
>banned for racism
Imagine a science board banning people for Racism, think about it as long as you need to.

>> No.14598446
File: 38 KB, 320x422, 1638673357171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. A child can guess how to build a computer more easily than a soientist who has no creativity.

>> No.14598450

When you suddenly find out that doing systematical research, gathering, and distributiong knowledge is science

>> No.14598451
File: 486 KB, 750x938, 1635041589710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is the art of telling a story(that thing soientists call a "theory") and tricking people into believing it's true. There is no difference between science and science fiction.

>> No.14598453

Like you do right now, you are scientist by yourself

>> No.14598457
File: 419 KB, 906x740, 1614808440172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False, I am the mortal enemy of soientists, I serve only Jesus, not myself, unlike soientists who make money by telling lies.

>> No.14598466

Jesus told me you are retarded

>> No.14598468

reddit moment

>> No.14598470
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Sure thing, buddy,

>> No.14598475
File: 150 KB, 1134x1051, DYPznLsXcAAJaCq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dawkins
He's not even a scientist, he's a journalist.
Scientists discover new things, journalists can only report on what scientists have discovered.
Whatever he (or whoever else) says, doesn't change the fact that big bang theory is a diversion of catholic church which corrupted cosmology for hundred years.

>> No.14598480

That Jesus mowing my neighbor's lawn?

>> No.14598482
File: 239 KB, 1422x1152, 1633121250546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post nose rabbi

>> No.14598483

>1 gram of 300 000 000 * C
>trillions of trillions of tons of 15 000 000 * C
would would win? Can you vaporise whole ocean by dropping 300 000 000 * C of small brick?

There are valid reasons to claim science is made up religion but going full schizo earth is le flat mode is embarrassing and probably done to discredit all valid attempts

>> No.14598486

I don't mind you becoming more tolerant of other opinions, so I'm not going to quote some fundamentalist fathers of church. God bless you, son.

>> No.14598489
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>> No.14598493

Or you believe everything that is on a meme

>> No.14598494

>more tolerant
You think executing people using the bible as justification is tolerant?

>> No.14598495

> ships disappear over the horizon due to perspective
What perspective is that?
If the earth is flat, you can see every capital of the world from some mountain sitting with a powerful telescope right below the clouds.

>> No.14598498

It is not, it's vile and retarded. But then christians never stopped amusing me by proving themselves to be crypto-satanists praying to jewish god who is called by the bible itself to be nobody else but Satan himself. So you prefer to quote Paul instead of Jesus, and to do the opposite of what Jesus said. Also the final page of the testament contains the plot-twist equalizing Jesus to Lucifer, the light bringer, the Prometheus, the good guy opposing the satanic father figure, echoing the archetypal struggle of archaic tyranical patriarchs and modernist liberating sons.

>> No.14598499
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>> No.14598501
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Nice try moshe

>> No.14598503

Sure poor mathskills prove the earth is flat.

>> No.14598504

So what that picture shows is the perspective working the opposite to what you said.
Instead of hiding objects it reveals them when they had to be hidden.
Or did you refer to my experiment of seeing far away cities from the mountain top?
Use the telescope to see New York from some french coast.

>> No.14598507

They feed goyim some truth hidden in the plain sight to lure them into the cult. This is also how every propaganda works. You feed the fish with actual tasty worm, but there's some string attached. Me on the other hand, I don't pull you into protecting israel or serving the jews, I openly call them satanic (in the bad sense) but you will believe that I try to pull you away from Jesus, when what I say is that church does the opposite of what he commanded. You may ask "why should I try Jesus?" well, it's obviously up to you. You should follow the truth, that's for sure, but then how will you know what the truth is. That is what science is for, and I'm not speaking about the academically established cirriculum, I'm speaking about making your own research, but that takes some top-tier intellect, and if you lack one, follow your heart and find peace, then church could be an option, and why would I care.

>> No.14598520
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Believing intellect is what saves you is pure satanism and gnosticism, try again rabbi.

>> No.14598523

Switch off brain and follow blindly is the new smart

>> No.14598527
File: 1.68 MB, 3720x3880, 1617248549267s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, faith trumps reason.
Only a miracle above reason can get you out of the infinite loop of Creation. What caused life? What caused the phenomenon that caused life? Logic gets you stuck in a loop, faith frees you from it by admiting that reason is a lie and truth requires faith and belief in Jesus, not a cult of "reason" that ends up being powered by faith.

>> No.14598553

Faith relieves you from thinking

>> No.14598555

>faith trumps reason
What kind of a retarded game do you play?
ah, I see:
> get you out of the infinite loop of Creation
it's hyper-suicide you're after. Retards are miserable, I understand, my condolences.
> What caused life?
> What caused the phenomenon that caused life?
> Logic gets you stuck in a loop
only if you're not smart enough (but you can always claim superiority on the loose basis of being able to believe something without questioning it)
> faith frees you from it by admiting that reason is a lie and truth requires faith and belief in Jesus
as I said, whatever makes you happy, retardo.

>> No.14598558

I didnt read your comment, killing people according to Biblical Law is perfectly fine.
If we had stuck to it we'd not have these mentally ill weirdos and commies fucking up a perfectly good country.
Niggers would still be in Africa and Jews would still be a diaspora.
No, we had to give the Devil a chance to see if he learned but noooooo the asshole shows up again and now a team of waman is going to the moon... for what?
Why a team of women?
>does it matter
Yes, it matters because it is forced.

Young men by the 100s of millions the past 100 years have been sacrificed for the sake of le New World Order the Star Trek-eske vision and the worst part is that it is a Utopian dream with no core foundation.

Humans are animals, we need a strong leader and strong guidelines your inability to reason and be an Extremist Scientism Worshipper makes you an enemy to your own cause.

Only a fucking retard thinks Peace & Prosperity comes without having to Kill.
Nobody cares what genetic dead ends like you have to say.
Go hang out with your retarded nigger pets you fucking Marxist Kike

>> No.14598562
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No arguments, you are only able to call your opponent retard, great job midwit atheist.
Your beliefs in idols such as crystalization and magnetism do not prove anything.

Yes, and you thinkers are only good at having a big overinflated ego. Get ready to be humbled.

>> No.14598564
File: 253 KB, 800x591, 1627611583106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are not animals. I know that's how you see us goyim, but that is false.

>> No.14598565

>If we had stuck to it we'd not have these mentally ill weirdos and commies fucking up a perfectly good country.
So when are you starting to kill commies?
I suspect you faggots to ally with commies and muzzos and slaughter some brightest whites again as the golem you goyim are (I suspect these two words to be cognates)

>> No.14598568

>No arguments, you are only able to call your opponent retard
So you missed all my arguments, but found a way to get offended, what an npc

>> No.14598569
File: 78 KB, 641x864, 1632856077022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were so smart, you would not get the science juice.
Calling others retard is the typical NPC behavior.

>> No.14598570

>some of the brightest whites
A traitor is better off dead, seeing how its the smartest not doing jack shit to stop Abortion of White Kids its safe to say they killed more geniuses than anybody.

Evolution doesnt make creation false, evolution isnt survival of the fittest.

>> No.14598572

>It's 2022 already

People are going to start realising even these "modern" memes are years old

>> No.14598576
File: 193 KB, 894x712, 1640905739939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are not animals moshe.

>> No.14598577

>Yes, and you thinkers are only good at having a big overinflated ego. Get ready to be humbled.

Be a bit more humble using the tech stuff brought to you by thinkers.

>> No.14598579
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1611320199456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought to me by poor people that you and your ilk despise.
Thankfully the science juice will reduce you and your kind.

>> No.14598581

Try to get your next phone run faster by thoughts and prayers.

>> No.14598583

Try to not get a phone made in China next time.

>> No.14598584

>canon law doesn't allow you to think for yourself

>> No.14598586

Are Chinese Phone developers using religion instead of science?

>> No.14598587
File: 19 KB, 546x465, 1644808458918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't use science, they just follow a procedure.
Those things existed long before science. Science is useless abstract garbage.

>> No.14598591

Instructions how to build phones come from where?

>> No.14598592

>thinks science and religion are incompatible
they are, and its obvious to anyone who isnt a retarded christcuck
>suppress any sort of scientific advancement for years
>punish those who try any sort of scientific advancement
>then when you cant contain it anymore infiltrate science with religion in an effort to keep it in check
>religion is finally side aside in favour of science with massive advancements
if religious folk had their way (any religion really) our technology wouldnt have advanced past the 1400s. Infact we'd be going backwards because they wanted to keep the population dumb

you religious /pol/folk are so fucking stupid its actually detrimental for you to represent your own side in arguments

>> No.14598595
File: 434 KB, 1393x1500, 1612098842849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post nose rabbi

>> No.14598596

your image is more like
>atheist vs christcucks dominated by jews

>> No.14598598

The common folk that you scorn so much despite owing so much to them

>> No.14598600
File: 436 KB, 469x745, 1611570227745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying your hand at subvertion, hmmm?

>> No.14598603

where are your arguments? its almost like you dont have any because youre incapable of critical thinking, which is why youre religious in the first place