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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1459470 No.1459470 [Reply] [Original]

Dumbest things you've ever heard.

>> No.1459473

Japanese people aren't asian, because japan is an island right off of asia, not part of it.

>> No.1459474

Just go to /b/,/x/,/new/,/sci/ and scroll down the page.

>> No.1459475
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>> No.1459477

>High beams are brighter because the light travels farther before falling back to the earth.
--My state-employed high school drivers ed teacher

>> No.1459484

"Yeah but if evolution is true that means there's no god, and thee is a god, so evolution isn't true"


>> No.1459489

God is real

>> No.1459492

God isnt real

>> No.1459494

Here's a common one

"I don't need evidence"

>> No.1459495

Maybe I should specify /sci/ related

>> No.1459498

"Water isn't a chemical"
My entire family

>> No.1459508



>> No.1459509

"Batman could *so* beat Captain America." -- some old nobody

>> No.1459511

Evolution is real because my tomato's don't turn into melons within the space of a few weeks.

Damn morons who don't understand evolution, if you are going to argue against it at least understand the subject first dammit.

>> No.1459514

What is a chemical? pretty much everything right?

>> No.1459517

just for clarity i misspelled it he said evolution isn't real because, not is real.

>> No.1459526

Anything that has one or more atoms composing it, giving it unique, certain chemical properties.

>> No.1459528

Uncle Tim: Where did man come from?
Me: Some form of ape
Uncle Tim: Where'd the ape come from?
Me: Some other sort o mammal
Uncle Tim: And where'd that mammal come from?
Me: I dunno, fish or something. I cant remember
Uncle Tim: Well i'll tell yeah, eventually it keeps going back and back until it says mankind came from slime
Me: Uhh, i dunno bout that, but so what? Doesn't sound THAT far fetched
Uncle Tim: Its crazy and you know it. Its bullshit and a lie
Me: Well then what did happen Tim?
Uncle Tim: God made Adam and Eve
Me: Doesn't the bible say god made them from soil?
Uncle Tim: Yep
Me: Well thats just as dumb as slime, (a claim you have yet to actually source)
Uncle Tim: ... God works in mysterious ways
Me: ... cool story bro.. so, whats for dinner?

BTW, my Uncle Tim is actually a bio-chemical weapons specialist for the united states armed forces.

>> No.1459531


Batman could beat cap he would just throw a batarang at him.

>> No.1459537


>implying Cap's shield can't be thrown and wouldn't also deflect a batarang.

>> No.1459540

That explains why we don't have or use any bio/chem weapons. Don't have anyone smart working on them.

>> No.1459542

>you're both fags and comic book characters are gay.

>except for spiderman

>> No.1459545

>bio chem weapons specialist
Then he's trol-
>for the US armed forces.
Oh... I can believe that.

>> No.1459564

next time just say to him er no tim i don't think so.

Also after that point out that achroding to the bible it was actually god made adam and lilith who rejected adam and became the whore of Babylon then he made eve OUT OF A RIB BONE WTF just to be pedantic about things

then ask what's for dinner and say I hope liltih didn't fuck it first the dirty horse cock sucker that she is.

>> No.1459568

batman would just jump over the shiled and then surf on it like a dance dance revolution table and throw a lot of batarangs and kick cap in the face a few times

>> No.1459572

spiderman is the gayest batman would bend him over and do him up the butt then suck his cock

>> No.1459575

Hes not the one who builds them, hes the ones who defuses and protests against them & what not.

But yeah, pretty much everyone in the armed forces is a fucking moron. All the way up the ranks too, generals and what not.. Like i could see rifle men (whatever theyre call nowadays) being morons, but having chemical weapons specialists be fucking retarded too?

>> No.1459578
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>> No.1459579
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>> No.1459581

A bitch asked me whether cats can get colds once, because she thought hers has a cold.
I told her to check the anus, if the anus was blue in the middle it has a cold.


>> No.1459584

wow.... I just.....wow

>> No.1459588

dude lilith was the first woman created she supposed be proper ugly as well

>> No.1459614

"This product contains no chemicals"

>> No.1459620

Mother of all demons 'cos she didn't follow Adam's orders like a good little wife.
Most versions of Genesis edit her out, 'cos the Bible's so nice and accurate.

>> No.1459624

"don't be racial!"

>> No.1459628

"get real!"

>> No.1459634
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>> No.1459640


>> No.1459645

Id edit my wife out of my life as well the whore breed that she is

>> No.1459649

so they end up having gay sex instead then?

>> No.1459650

Technically batman won because he reasoned the situation out first.

>> No.1459657

technically batman lost and admitted it

what a faggot i just dont know anymore.

>> No.1459668
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Flatmates Mother: There must be lots of power in a tornado

Flatmate: Yeah.. tonnes of it.. they could lots of stuff if they could harness the power

Flatmates Mother: Why dont they find a way to trap the tornadoes?

Flatmate: How would they do that?

FM: They could just dig a big hole in the ground and wait for the tornado to pass over it and trap it in there

F: Yeah.. that would work.. except all the power of the tornado is at the top of it.. in the sky..

Me: *Puts head phones on.. turns music up louder.. was starting to lose I.Q listening to them*

That conversation.. was as serious as shit... they werent even joking..

>> No.1459669

Batman said "maybe you could beat me, but it'd be tough. Do you really want to try?"
Maybe Batman lied to trick CA out of fighting, therefore Batman won

>> No.1459690

Its just like batman to lie like that I bet he had a batarang already to aim at caps head as soon as he let his guard down the sneaky fucker

>> No.1459700

Dont get me started on batman and lying I once asked him if he based the idea for being batman on a bat and he said no.

I mean thats not even a good lie.

>> No.1459736

When I was 13-14 my science teacher tried to tell us that Europe and North America were getting closer together due to plate tectonics.
I had to correct her by saying "I've been doing geography for ages, the plates are moving apart not together. Think about Iceland and the new island that formed there, magma's coming up you see"

>> No.1459750

Well they ARE moving together if measured from the other direction.

>> No.1459752
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Excerpt from a conversation with a friend. He's a retard but the only one I can really game with. Somehow we ended up at USA bombing Japan

He: herp, derp and then they just threw a nuke on them
Me: 'You do know they nuked two cities, right?'
He: Yeah well I was talking about the one in 1945
He: Not the one at the end of the war, that's like 3 years later.
>my face

Shit wasn't even funny.

>> No.1459754

Seems like a simple mistake to me.

>> No.1459767

To be honest I stopped listening to everyone a long time ago and just focused on the science, even then stopped listening to the scientists in a few fields like photoscience. mainly the photoscience is based on an unknown which is light so although a lot of the equipment made to measure light bend it record its quality etc it hasn't figured out what it actually is. Throw in some gestalt and you have a mindfield of fuck that leads to nothing and is pointless, it bordered on philosophy and religion then, what is light is it in your mind you make it up what it the mind blah blah fucking blah

photography, tv and laser is the good part of photoscience the rest of it is BULLSHIT

>> No.1459772

>Dumbest things you've ever heard.

"Why should I believe in Evolution without evidence?"
Coming from a ->Christian<-


>> No.1459778

And even with that lovely description, I can't make heads nor tails of what they fuck you are trying to say.

>> No.1459779

Oh I hate this one, said by ''scientists'' across the world at some point.

It's just matter is doesn't matter HURP HURP DERP DURR HURR DERP DURR HURR HURP

>> No.1459791

"I watch Glenn Beck."

>> No.1459793

What's mind? Doesn't matter.
What's matter? Nevermind.

>> No.1459795

I take Fox News seriously

>> No.1459807

I once had my whole grade 9 cooking class against me because i told them the peanut was a legume not a nut. Even the teacher didn't agree.

>> No.1459813

I feel you, bro...

>> No.1459818


Seeing as how he was once an astronaut I suppose Homer is technically a scientist yes

>> No.1459823

"If it wasn't for that horse I wouldn't have spent that year in college."

>> No.1459829

"Space is the fourth dimension."

I kid you not.

>> No.1459830

> Dumbest things you've ever heard
The Labor Theory of Value

In fact, any theory which posits intrinsic value.

>> No.1459832


(later when she's proven wrong)

>OH.. i thought they were like, you know, genies

- said by some hot, stupid blonde girl. apparently she does modeling. I found this out when I was sitting next to this creepy, arrogant kid who looked like he was 8 years old (this is high school) and who told her he stalked her.

Speaking of that kid, I remember the many times he tried to flirt with girls, but it ended it being some creepy shota rape.

(He puts his hand on a girl's thigh)

>That feels good doesn't it?

(girl says to stop, but he keeps on rubbing his hand on her)

Yes... interesting times.

>> No.1459838


Can't see anything wrong with that...

>> No.1459839

homer simpson?

Oh well i take it back then

>> No.1459840

My philosophy course, teacher talks about math and axioms and 1+1=2 and stuff

Some guy say "I've seen a demonstration of 1 = 2 once!"

>> No.1459853

welcome to: how to not find answers to questions but still seem smart 101

>> No.1459854

Coming out of my first year math lecture i overheard one the students trying to tell his friend that he solved the collatz conjecture.

>> No.1459863


sounds like someone got trolled hard on /sci/

>> No.1459865

When I visited USA in 2004.

Me: I'm from eastern Germany.
She: Really? How did you climb over the wall?

>> No.1459869

then heard me saying wow he must be really smart!

>> No.1459870


>> No.1459877
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>his face

>> No.1459881

pogo stick and will power

>> No.1459882


The fourth dimension is time. Any basic physics class teaches about the differing dimensions.

>> No.1459888


>> No.1459893

God bless you..

>> No.1459901
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Atheism is the lack of belief in god.

>> No.1459905

>because i told them the peanut was a legume not a nut
You sound unbelievably pretentious. You deserved what you got.

>> No.1459910

Get out.

>> No.1459913

I want to hug you, dont stop being you and remember you are the chosen one! for your specific quadrant like a green lantern.

>> No.1459942
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Bullshit. The 4rth dimension is what you define it to be. It could be space, time, or even color.

Check that out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract

>> No.1459948

Age? Was there google around when you were in 9th grade? If not, sorry to hear.

>> No.1459950

650 + 650 = 1500

>> No.1459960

I believe you!

>> No.1459965

This is exactly why I love google because now I can say FUCK YOU LOOK AT THIS SHIT YOU BUNCH OF DUMB FUCKING RETARDS!!!!!!!

then get expelled knowing I am right and they are WRONG!

>> No.1459971


And then play with imaginary friends because no one likes you anymore.

>> No.1459978
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>my face when knowledge is still frowned upon

>> No.1459981

Calm down skippy

>> No.1459997


; _ ;

Why are people so stupid tho

>> No.1460008

hear hear!

I had to cart two fucking heavy encyclopedias to school to prove my point to a teacher, no internets widely available by then.

>> No.1460013

>"They found human molecules fused into the iron molecules of the battleship"

Conversation about the philadelphia experiment

>> No.1460030

and I bet she just tutted and dismissed you or ignored you completely right?

>> No.1460044

No, I slammed those books on her desk hard to shut her up until I'd opened the books to the relevant pages and read them aloud.

Got a talking to from the head teacher, but I never budged.

>> No.1460062

You sir are a fucking hero.

>> No.1460069

One of the things science should give you is humility. Knowing that there are many things that we still don't know.
If you're arrogant, you're acting the same way as them. Really, grow up.

>> No.1460080

Hah, My step dad thought blood inside you was blue, i was like oh yeah,? so what makes it turn red leaving the body? he was like uh, oxygen, DO YOU KNOW WHAT BLOOD EVEN DOES FOR THE BODY!IT CARRIES OXYGEN!!

>> No.1460101

Jesus, shut the fuck up already.

>> No.1460108

Lol, you think Jesus posts on 4chan.

>> No.1460123

"If it weren't for my hose, I wouldn't have spent that year in college"

>> No.1460124


I dont know if you knwo how fristrating it is to be laughed at by an entire class of around 30 odd people calling YOU dumb as fuck for saying something that is true but it grates you.

Humility is fine, but there has to be a point where you say enough is enough and defend yourself or lets ignorance and stupidity breed.

Worse off it's more over the class troll who instigates the class wide mutiny rather to laugh along than get laghed at themselves because they lack the knowledge specific of the exact case in point.

Humility comes when arguing a theory and being proved wrong or making a mistake and taking it on the chin like a man and just swallowing your pride and saying you are wrong, or not sure and investigating it yourself to find the truth rather than laugh along with the mass ignorant fools.

We all have our moments of stupidity and genius, I have been corrected many times for mistakes in things I have done, and regardless of it being a trivial piece of botanic knowledge is relevant to my interests enough that it deserves proper notification of the facts.

When you are right you are right if people were smart they would just quietly question it go home and research it themselves instead of making a fool out of the class, worst of all the teachers playing along.

And humility I agree is just being able to hold you head up high knowing that you are right no matter what the mass ignorant fools think and be done with it and not let it grate you


>> No.1460131

>Rush Limbaugh is the smartest man on the planet!

>> No.1460138
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"when i die i will go to heaven"

>> No.1460149

A girl and I talking about space travel and what it would be like to go into space.

Me; I would feel kind of trapped, though.

Her; Just open a window.

Me; ...In a space craft?

Her; Yeah!

Me; But we'd all die.

Her; Oh... Because there's no gravity outside, right? And then without gravity we can't breathe.

Me; ...

>> No.1460189

It's just a nut man, calm down. Oops, I mean legume.

>> No.1460215


>> No.1460224

Can we archive this?

>> No.1460225

It's not the nut/legume, it's the principle of the arguments and knowledge vs ignorance, and being right might not be popular but it truth derived from scientifc exploration and study which has defined everything.




>> No.1460250


teachers are fallible.

was this a botany class?

What is the context of the peanut discussion, did you offer that trivia?

This is high school, it's about abstractions and fundamentals.

Not everything they teach you will remain as you have been taught, sometimes it easier to break up the instruction into bite sized nuggets like not explaining why the electrical forces in an atom do not cause electrons to bond with the nucleus.

>> No.1460281

it still makes me sad man.

>> No.1460300

we're talking about nuts not plants so why would it matter if it was in a botany class?

>> No.1460311

they teach the bohr model for early chemistry, something they know for a fact is wrong

>> No.1460337

feels bad man

>> No.1460352

In the new science channel production with Morgan Freeman... they STILL represent atoms as little electron dots floating around a circle nucleus. This is so wrong ;_;

>> No.1460366

In history class, watching a documentary about the First World War. There is a scene where they show soldiers in a trench and one of them is holding a cat. The blonde girl beside me leans over to ask a question; the conversation goes as such:

Her: Did they have cats in 1917? (100% serious question on her part)
Me:.... They've been around for hundreds of thousands of years.
Her: Oh. What about dogs?
A blank stare was my only reply.

>> No.1460384

I weep for so many of the people here. I had an awesome bio-teacher who taught me well. I was disappointed how little material we actually got to cover with him because he did it so well.

He was the first person who made my mind click that biology is a blind, mechanical thing at its most basic level. Cells react blindly, like clockwork, instead of actually doing anything consciously. This is something I knew but had never actually thought about, and there's a huge difference between the two.

>> No.1460392

But the equations still work for hydrogen, and they are much easier than quantum mechanics. And we can only predict hydrogen anyway, so unless you are working on a advanced physics or chemistry degree it really doesnt matter.

>> No.1460478



"Soon, people proposed a planetary model of the atom. The electrons were in orbits around the nucleus, held in their orbits by the electric force that attracts negatively charged electrons to the positively charged nucleus.

However this model makes no sense. We know from classical electromagnetic theory that any charged body that is in a state of motion other than at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line will emit energy as electromagnetic radiation. Thus the electrons is this planetary model will be radiating energy. As they lose energy they will spiral into the nucleus and in a matter of nanoseconds will collide with it. Thus this atom can not be stable."

It matters if you love lasers. You gotta love the lasers!

>> No.1460489

"But this country was founded on Christian morals"

- when discussing "blue" laws.

>> No.1460496


You gotta love lasers but you gotta hate photoscience.

>> No.1460504

We will understand the universe through science

>> No.1460505

All races are equal
Men and women are equal
People are equal

>> No.1460514
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<--- This.

>> No.1460528

AP Lang teacher-Jersey Shore is racist because it portrays Italians stereotypically
Me-most of the characters aren't even Italian
Me-So that kinda makes you racist
Her-Guess so. Funny as hell show though

>> No.1460536

but it was...

>> No.1460537

Let me show you this great website called 4chan. it has a random image board called /b/, but don't go there on wednesday because there is cp.

>> No.1460540

What the fuck. Most of the founding fathers were Deists.

>> No.1460544


>> No.1460570

"the dollar says "God" on it"

>> No.1460577


Oh god this one so often.

>> No.1460591

stop expecting average people to know science you aspie fucker

>> No.1460596
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According to this resolution, there are three main conditions for an object to be considered a 'planet':

The object must be in orbit around the Sun.

The object must be massive enough to be a sphere by its own gravitational force. More specifically, its own gravity should pull it into a shape of hydrostatic equilibrium.

It must have cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.

>My face when earth, mars, jupiter, neptune and pluto all share their orbits with asteroids and cannot be defined as planets

>> No.1460601

That's a tough one.

Maybe "You will find true love."?
Or "World is just.".

>> No.1460626


I will as long as they got pretty much the same education as I did you angry person.

>> No.1460642

This thread is making me cringe. Not from the stupid quotes, but from the pretentious aspie faggots posting them

>> No.1460700


I'm a Christian and even i face palmed.

That made me lol hard.

>> No.1460704

> My face when you're an idiot.


>> No.1460740

"If you pray 3 times a day you will go to heaven"

>> No.1460767

I see what you did there.

>> No.1460773

when sarah palin(retroactively, when confronted with her use of a nonexistent word) compared herself and george bush to shakespeare because they used words:


also anything out of the mouth of andy schlafly

>> No.1460791
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>Axel the Possum
I thought I told you never to show your face here again!

>> No.1460794

The Earth is flat with the Arctic at the center and the Antarctic is actually an ice wall that surrounds the edge.

>> No.1460836
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>moving away from eachother
>on a sphere

>> No.1460839 [DELETED] 


As PREvIoUSly MeNTiOned,_ThEse_mESsSaGEs WiLL_ConTinUE_uNTil_yOU_pERMAnEntLy_sTOp atTaCkIng_And_FuCkInG_WitH_WwW.ANonMOOOotalk.SE (rEMOve the cOW_SOUNd), RemOVE ALL_iLLEgal cLONeS_OF It_And_lIES_ABOUt it ANd dOnatE_AT_LEAST_A_MILLiOn uSD TO Sysop_As cOmPENSaTIOn_FOr The_MaSsiVe DAmaGE_yoU_ReTARdS HaVe CAUsEd.
j uje cpxda ybt dao i zfb efymwn j

>> No.1460845


watched the whole interview 2 times before

seriously, my mind cringes when i listen to her speak

fucking retards like her pretending to know science are an insult to people like stephen hawking's life's work

>> No.1460854
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1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1

1/3 = .333

3 * 1/3 = 3 * .333

1 = .999


>> No.1460861
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>> No.1460900

>The fourth dimension is time. Any basic physics class teaches about the differing dimensions.


classical mechanics (newtonian, lagrangian or hamiltonian) is restricted to three dimensions. Sometimes (depending on the country and the school of course)you don't even get in contact with the third dimension in high school but only in college once you are studying vectors and tensors.

the physical concept of fourth dimension as time is introduced in special relativity, which is modern physics and not a high school subject.

so, it's not any 'basic physics class' that introduces you to the physical meanings of 3+ dimensions. also, there are in theory another 7 more spatial dimensions which are introduced once you study string theory.

>> No.1461023
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Dude, that's true you know.

>> No.1461050

"If there are infinate paralel universes, do we control there actions?"


>> No.1461053

yea it is, but that proof is not acceptable.

>> No.1461352


Yes it is, except for 1/3 = 0.333 (missing the "...": 1/3 = 0.333...)

>> No.1461406



>> No.1461426

My teacher
"Moon is not physical object"

>> No.1461458

"everything has the same terminal velocity"
It took me 6 months to convince them that isn't true, and I didnt convince them they found out on wikipedia....

>> No.1461459

E = mc^2, but mass is almost crossed out, so E = the speed of light.

Fucking vibrations, how do they work?

>> No.1461470

Liberal Bias and anything at all taken from this website
sereously I keep thinking it is a joke but then I realise there are people out there as fucking dumb as this

>> No.1461477

Me overhearing two girl customers talking to each other

"Yeah she like had a hairline fracture or something"
"Oh! That is when you get a hair in your bone right?"
"Yeah I think so."

>> No.1461479

>read article on Sen. Joseph McCarthy
>shit brix

>> No.1461481

stephen hawkings gave us the string theory

>> No.1461493

You should respect people's religious beliefs.

>> No.1461566
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Goddamn you're stupid.

>> No.1461579

goddamn you're trolled

>> No.1461668

>people who are scientists talking about religion
>not people who study religion to begin with
also when i hear richard dawkins talk about religion it makes me want to punch myself in the dick. he's a fucking biologist, not a mythographer.

>> No.1461693

>implying there are any sort of objective experts on religion and that you would need to consult one in order to have an intelligent discussion about religion because it isn't all just a crock of shit and old, made up stories.

>> No.1461707
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>my face when you're wrong

>> No.1461717
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>my face when you have no counterargument.

>> No.1461729
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>my face when my face was my counterargument
>my face when you don't know who joseph campbell is

>> No.1461740
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>implying a reaction image is a counterargument.
>my face when you assume I don't know who Joseph Campbell is.

>> No.1461752

>Crude oil lubricates the tectonic plates and using it all will destroy the Earth.
That is the Cliff Notes version of some radio talk show host, proving to me that public figures are idiots regardless of their political affiliations.

>> No.1461754
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>implying you didn't just wikipedia him after I alert you that he existed at one point in time
>implying you recognized him when I posted his picture as my face
>my face when you don't think joseph campbell's work means anything according to your previous statements

>> No.1461756
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>> No.1461768
File: 89 KB, 800x585, 1278946716076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon coming home to visit mom and pop
Mother: I read a scientific article about peoples energies...derp
Me: ......
Mother: It was scientfic you'd like it. It had something to do with mass equivalent to energy and how people constantly radiate energy like auras"
Me: Ill be in the lab.

>> No.1461771

You guys ready for this?

"I know what's causing global warming. It's NASA and their rockets. Y'see, everytime we send a space ship out into orbit, it tears a hole in the atmosphere and lets some of it out before the hole closes again.

I actually believe that Mars used to be like we were thousands of years ago, but they did the same thing we're doing now and it killed 'em all off."

Overheard from a friend's uncle who is a hardcore Christian.

>> No.1461772

>implying this a /sci/ related thread.

>> No.1461776


what the hell, I tried to post this image a couple days ago and no matter what I tried it said upload failed. Assumed it was blocked here.

>> No.1461785

Does sfw mean nothing anymore?

>> No.1461796

"The higher up you go, the warmer it gets. Because you are getting closer to the sun."

My second grade teacher Mrs. Gaelick.

>> No.1461799



That's all.

>> No.1461847

"In the moon surface there isn't gravity because there isn't oxygen"

>> No.1461855

she is right. look at ikarus

>> No.1461871

I can top that.

Somewhere between 3rd and 5th grade:
If evolution is right we should be have giant heads and be skinny within maybe 2 generations.
Me: Thats not how evolution works.
Her: Why not
I said something like "even if someone became a mutant and that made their head big then they would also have to have babies with everyone in the world for all of them to have big heads"

>> No.1461874

BTW it was a teacher.

>> No.1461890

High School Physics teacher, book open under the table.

"Mass changes, weight however is the same regardless of where it is taken, your mass would change on the moon for example".

Point out that she has it reversed.


Transfer to different physics class. All is better in the world.

>> No.1461894

the atmosphere disappears at night, that's why you can see the stars

>> No.1461909

the last few examples


Oh gods, I feel like throwing up.
Luckily I had mostly good teachers.

>> No.1461939

Big bang
String theory
Big rip
Heat death
Non-directed evolution

I don't care if they are all true, they sound retarded as hell. The space related things because of the sense of finality makes you wonder why everything wasn't or hadn't already reached equilibrium or just torn apart.

The latter because it's like tossing a bunch of cards in the air and having them land in a card house, each card supporting another. I'm not saying lamarckian style is/should exist, but if something like that could happen so easily, then we should be able to harness probability for other applications.
And then use science to narrow down the probability so that we could make a card house out of tossed cards 7 times out of 10.

>> No.1461946

Oh and string theory because it sounds like it was completely pulled out of the ass, no matter what math is behind it. When they can make that shit accessible, it'll stop sounding dumb.

>> No.1461952
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>> No.1461957
File: 767 KB, 1773x3262, Science - End of the World - 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i bananad a sun of car into an ice of magnetic diamond iron would 300k/starting per 9/11? checkmate, atheists.

Pic's related. Try not to kill self.

>> No.1461962
File: 453 KB, 1287x2921, Science - End of the World - 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1461969
File: 206 KB, 616x2069, Science - End of the World - 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done... you should be weeping now

>> No.1461993


That actually got me thinking.

He's right, the electrons should be emitting EM radiation.
Is the loss of energy that small that it doesnt fuck up with the atom?

>> No.1462041

What we've learned in this thread: Teachers don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

But hold up: We learned science from ... our teachers.

So none of us know what the fuck we are talking about.

>> No.1462047

In kindergarden I tried to tell the other children that the south pole was cold, but they all said it was hot.

the teacher sided with them

>> No.1462054
File: 54 KB, 580x600, 580px-Laughter_by_David_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kindergarten, l2german

>> No.1462071

Engineers are straight

>> No.1462076

lol amerikkka

>> No.1462093


Circa. 1910

>> No.1462166


Oh... why, America, why?

>> No.1462211


Watch this series:


>> No.1462214
File: 211 KB, 438x400, orly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in Seafood.
Guy comes up who tells me he is a chef. Tries to explain why my salmon isn't good quaility.
Then tells his GF and me that the only reason they can call King Salmon King and Sockeye Salmon Sockeye is that one comes from the Atlantic and one comes from the Pacific. My face.

>> No.1462215


>> No.1462217

My entire class was filled with idiots too. However, I was charismatic and charming. I didn't say anything. Truth is, if you are sure of something and know someone is wrong in their belief - especially something so small as the difference between a nut and a legume - then you don't come off as smart to anyone, you come off as a pompous jackass and you alienate yourself from everyone else. Smart people wouldn't even bother telling people the difference because they're smart enough to understand that it's not a big deal and that there's social consequences for trying to be right all the time.

I had a friend who was a complete smartass. He liked me because I never argued with him because I didn't care nearly enough about anything. He always took every opportunity to show off how smart he was to the class and the teacher. I knew as much as he did because we learned the same things in the same places. I never said a word about anything. And I left high school with a great many more friends than he did. Should the world live in ignorance? Most people would say no, hell I'd probably say no too. But there's a difference between trying to teach something to someone and trying to act like a pompous jackass for the sake of social attraction.

I've had the opportunity to say "No, you're wrong blah blah blah" to my friends, my peers, etc. And while my friend would always take that chance, I would never. I know the difference myself and I suppose I should take solace in that, but I also feel that the social alienation is not worth having people understand that I know the difference between what a legume is and a nut.

It grinds my gears, it really does. If people don't know something, then that means they aren't willing to really learn about it, which means they really don't care about it, which means there's no difference in telling them what the fuck the difference is.

>> No.1462224 [DELETED] 

>>which means there's no difference in telling them what the fuck the difference is.

Replace "difference" with "point", my b

>> No.1462230

>>which means there's no difference in telling them what the fuck the difference is.

replace that first "difference" with the word "point". got caught up

>> No.1462232

You need to learn how to tell somebody when they are wrong without being an asshole about it. If they continue to argue and become irrational, just drop it, there's no point. But that doesn't mean you should just never say anything.

>> No.1462242

>>If people don't know something, then that means they aren't willing to really learn about it, which means they really don't care about it, which means there's no difference in telling them what the fuck the difference is.

If they actually researched what they were talking about, they'd know they were wrong. Which means that if they aren't right in the first place, then they haven't researched it, and thus, they don't care enough to do so.

>> No.1462293

Highschool physics teacher insisted that if you leave two objects in space, floating 1 cm apart, with no other influences, that they would NOT slowly come together.

Fg = (G*m1*m2)/(r^2) bitches

>> No.1462314

Teacher: How many stars are in the solar system?

Dumb Chick: Ummm...four billion?

Teacher: In the solar system.

Dumb Chick: OH! Ummmm...four?

>> No.1462320

>I was charismatic and charming

Really, now?

>> No.1462373


So is the pic related or not?

>> No.1463086

Tenured Highschool History Teacher: "... and we wanted Hawaii because it was an awesome refueling point between us and Europe."

>> No.1463125

lilith is JEWISH FOLKLORE WITH NO biblical citations whatsoever.

>> No.1463312
File: 32 KB, 400x600, 36950_w400xh600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad whitey?

bigger brains, more atheletic, bigger dicks, bigger booties, bigger breasts, and better looking

>> No.1464886

if evolution is real, why are there still monkeys?