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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14585655 No.14585655 [Reply] [Original]

What is light?

>> No.14585659

the word of the Allmighty

>> No.14585661

Anything less than 45kg

>> No.14585670

>What is light?
Relativity don't hurt me!
Don't hurt me!
No more!

>> No.14585756


>> No.14585834

Electromagnetic wave

>> No.14585873

Baby don't high me
Don't high me
No quite

>> No.14585893
File: 1.61 MB, 4032x3024, 5A2C3357-82AD-406E-AC1A-293AB818C188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a magical force summoned from the aether

>> No.14585973


>> No.14586007

This image just made me think to ask again this line of questioning, in caps lock.

Where exactly is the EM waves coming from, where do they start, how do they travel, we see them come out of the light device, where are they before that

draw a picture as to how light propagates.

Is it like ripples on water surface?

Is it like zig zagging line with deffinite nose and tail?

Is it like zig zagging line with nose and tail attatched to medium, so the crest of the wave is a compression bubble disturbing equalibrium of medium?

Is it like the energy transfer waves in a 3d volume of metal bb ball like newton's craddle?

Is it some mixture of these?

Is it nothing at all to any degree like any of these?





>> No.14586059
File: 164 KB, 1024x864, 09774B1B-EB56-4078-88FA-ABE1EFB99D4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of sperg do you have to be to repeatedly ask questions that are answered in detail in literature written by professionals in the fields of optics and electrodynamics— but instead of seeking out that literature you just post the same shitty thread?

I’m not gonna bother answering your questions anon. because when I have questions like these, I just go read. a simple google search will draw up dozens of names who have each published dozens of books and papers on the subject, which you can pick through at your leisure instead of waving your hands autistically on this slow-ass board for someone to come explain it all for you.

let’s be honest tho, you’re probably some schizo who just wants to debate someone because you think basedence is a sp00k because the covid jab broke your brain

>> No.14586160

the fact you asked this question tells me youre highly ignorant of EE and chemistry; this is easily googleable information and there are plenty of videos on youtube that talk about electricity and the energy spectrums of a material

watch bigclive and applied science

>> No.14587264

If you know the answer just say simply as possible what happens please

>> No.14587315

Electricity adds kinetic energy (heat) to the filament. This raises some electrons to their excited state. Electrons can spontaneously lose that energy and return to their ground state by creating a photon. The photon is created then and there. The photon is a perturbation in space through the photon field. We don't know much about what a photon looks like since most information is derived from math like Maxwell's equations. The closest analog would be to a piloted wave, though there are differences.

>> No.14587321

>to their ground state by creating a photon. The photon is created then and there.
Bullshit, everything emits photons all the time, unless you're at absolute 0 Fahrenheit.

>> No.14587323


>> No.14587326

its light

>> No.14587381


>> No.14587518

Hello again, how are you?

>> No.14587563

there are two types of celestial bodies.. there are luminous bodies and there are opaque bodies.. a luminous body has light of its own.. the sun is such an example.. an opaque body has no light of its own and is invisible when completely in the dark; of which the moon is an example.. to say that light is luminosity would be to define light by its measurement; which is radiated electromagnetic power.. that which is electromagnetic is defined by the physical state of plasma.. there are just three other phyiscal states; gases, liquids, and solids.. some say that light is both particle and ray, but that does not account for the physical state that would be required for a definition.. others want to say that light is a wave, but the fact that light emits in straight lines would defy the definition of a wave.. for now, light is luminosity, and some bodies are luminous.

>> No.14587576

energy transfer over distance

>> No.14587598

And you are sure em waves don't travel as electric current, when the wire turns to filament, the current electricity shoots off the end, but the birth of that em wave is further back in how the electricity is generated, but the key point, is can electrons as a group of molecules as a material, capture and hold onto light for minutes and hours?

Where does light ultimately come from.

Does it all technically ultimately come from stars, when a rock falls down a mountain side, it is radiating em due to friction heat, is that em ultimately from the sun?

Do places on earth that have never been touched by the sun, radiate em, and if so where did they get the em from

>> No.14588050

When an electron absorbs a photon, it doesn't get stored in some sort of tank of photons. It is completely destroyed, and its energy is converted to kinetic energy of the electron. Photons can be created anywhere in much the same way. They're massless particles, so it really doesn't take much energy to make one.

>> No.14588398

>It is completely destroyed, and its energy is converted to kinetic energy of the electron
But only for the shortest time, before the electron drops down and emits photon.

Photon enters, electron goes up.
Electron goes down, photon exits.

Or, photon hits electron goes up and photon dissapears from existence.
Electron comes down making photon appear from nowhere.

You said electricity adds kinetic heat to atoms of filament;
But this is not any kind of heat or energy, this is adding electromagnetic heat energy to the filament;

Electromagnetic energy is photons. Or em waves.

Field theory is such a, coming from a naiave naturalist as a child perspective, sort of unintuitive or must hard to believe, so I really want to make sure I understand and see from all angles and it is quite proven that in fact; that thing which always and only moves unfathombly fast as the speed of light Also exists at every point in space waiting for an electron to fall here or there so that em propagation may occur.

So if em only ever travels at c.
Before the light is turned on, what does the em field look like surrounding the filament?

About how many photons are there traveling in how many directions at c before the light is turned on?

Then the light is turned on and the electrons of the filament are excited by the flow electricity, and they force em radiation to travel that deffinite direction away, it uses the em waves travel every which way prior to light turn on, and collides with the nearest and forces them outward propagate

>> No.14588761
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the opposite of heavy

>> No.14589018

>And you are sure em waves don't travel as electric current, when the wire turns to filament, the current electricity shoots off the end, but the birth of that em wave is further back in how the electricity is generated, but the key point, is can electrons as a group of molecules as a material, capture and hold onto light for minutes and hours?
Nope its definitely none of this retardation

feed the tungsten filament any voltage, any frequency, AC or DC, it will always glow the same color

>> No.14589193

Where do the em waves come from? How do you not think it's through the wire?, They are kept traveling down the wire and shoot out the filament;

The filament is excited, vibrated, wiggled, because down the wire this electromagnetic wiggle vibration wave is traveling, vibrates the filament intensely, and the electrons holding on for dear life as the filament material, are colliding with the EM field that has nearly millions of em waves going every which way surrounding the filament, and when it shakes it directs local em waves to travel in the direction of a shake

>> No.14589295


>> No.14589296

ripples in the electromagnetic field

>> No.14589355
File: 32 KB, 640x360, what_is_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby don't hurt me.

>> No.14589843

change your name back to 'Viruses aren't real' so its easier for me to filter your gpt spam

>> No.14589869

its a thing that happens

thats all you need to know

>> No.14589874

and what is energy

>> No.14589876

accelerating charges emit photons. if you want to know why that happens you have to study QFT.

>> No.14589879

wave in a field

>> No.14589881

and what is a field

>> No.14589883

>Where do the em waves come from
From the release of energy, which is what light is dummy

>> No.14589887


>> No.14589894

>Electricity adds kinetic energy (heat) to the filament. This raises some electrons to their excited state. Electrons can spontaneously lose that energy and return to their ground state by creating a photon.
not quite. if that were true then filament bulbs would produce very predictable and narrow wavelengths of light. instead, most of the light from incandescent lamps comes from blackbody radiation.

>> No.14589895

this debate reminds me of what happens in economics circles
>where does value come from
>from people who value things
>why do they value these things
>because they find them valuable

>> No.14589910 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have people not take the scientific anti-realism redpill yet? Science doesn't tell you what matter is, it just tells you how it behaves. All these concepts like mass, spin, charge, energy, fields, are just mathematical and relational properties without any ontological grounding to the real world.

>> No.14589912

An array of numbers

>> No.14589973

Electromagnetic radiation made up of photons moving at c.

>> No.14589974
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have people not taken the scientific anti-realism redpill yet? Science doesn't tell you what matter is, it just tells you how it behaves. All these concepts like mass, spin, charge, energy, fields, are just mathematical and relational properties without any ontological grounding to the real world.

>> No.14590019

Right before the filament is shaken;
There is what kind of energy coming towards it,.electromagnetic energy is it not?

So the filament is just something that can maintain as a material that channels the coming em waves like a nozzle.

If you put rock or dirt at the end of a wire it wont be a light bulb but a few materials an ls this metal, allows light bulb.

If the wire was connected to a rock, where would the electricity go?

>> No.14590026

Is there something wrong with this definition:
> electromagnetic radiation within the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is perceived by the human eye.

>> No.14590071

If your idea of electricity were to be reality, why don't signals matter for their resulting photon emissions?

You could certainly use a lightbulb as a radio transmitter, but it would not be ideal. And it would have nothing to do with the light photons being released from heat.

>> No.14590085

Transfer of energy in its most basic and isolated form

>> No.14591279

I hate that this is the only possible explanation so far, it's so fucking mindboggling and anti-logical.
Obviously this is normal in QFT since electrons are also field waves but if you want to think of all this using particles as representation, the logic completely breaks and your brain tells you goodbye.

>> No.14591285

No, it's actually half/half, most of it is theorized but rest of it actually got proven experimentally. Obviously this all baby steps and even biggest QM nerds claim their work is far from finished

>> No.14591310

jesus, just go and read about it on wikipedia or in a physics book

>> No.14591352

Oh baby don't hurt me

>> No.14591790

What part about atoms absorbing photons boggles your mind and sounds illogical?

>> No.14591813

It's not about theoretical vs empirical knowledge, it's about whether scientific entities & properties, even after experimental verification, give us any insight whatsoever as to what matter actually is, as opposed to simply being useful concepts in our models that let us make predictions.

>> No.14591929

its the result of an electron being excited and "releasing" that energy as a photon to become more stable.
Light is basically an electron's cum

>> No.14591950
File: 47 KB, 250x250, cringoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hay guise!! i regurgitated my high school textbook factoids, but i added a porno reference to it

>> No.14591953


>> No.14591954

that is not the only way to make light

>> No.14591995

What circular logic, everything is made up of energy and the interactions of different energy states
>inb4 what is energy
Energy just _is_ it has no parts and trying to decipher what it is is meaningless and redundant

>> No.14592043


why it is distinguished (I mean it speed has to be constant)? perhaps it is only because we mainly perceive the world by light

>> No.14592054
File: 290 KB, 1488x1488, boiling meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Energy is easy to understand, it comes from boiling water

>> No.14592124

Answer this please

>> No.14592132

So what was that anon missing? Electricity through the wire, wire touch into the bulb, coil up onto a filament? The filament is just like an extension cap of the copper wire? Or just something with it's chemistry specifically reacts to touching a live wire this way?

>> No.14592136

Where do the photons go when they get absorbed, what is a photon, how is a photon touched and spawned by an electron, how long can electrons energy levels be raised for ballpark

>> No.14592158

I got a sensible chuckle from this post.

>> No.14592263

Read this to get some baseline info

>> No.14592267

>Where do the photons go when they get absorbed
Most of the time they push on the atom and dissipate as heat. Even in photo-electric/chemical reaction its just heat, however with the right substance and photons you can use that heat to push on electrons and not just the entire molecule.
>what is a photon
The smallest quantity of light.
>how is a photon touched and spawned by an electron
idk what you mean by touched, but photons are likely resultant from weak force interactions. Moving an electron to a different orbital or off the atom has a significant energy requirement. Since entropy is a thing it takes more energy to move the electron than the potential of the orbital itself, so the excess energy spent moving the electron has the equal and opposite reaction of dissipating as photons.
>how long can electrons energy levels be raised for ballpark
Entirely depends on the material and the energy you're feeding into it.

>> No.14592289

You are an idiot and this is false info. All bodies are luminous to some extent, as any heat above 0K will cause electrons to release photons. The reason normal bodies don't appear to have light is because they're only emitting light in the Infrared and below.

>> No.14592312

What exactly is the electromagnetic field?
How does light travel through space?

Many such questions that "science" will never be able to adequately answer.

>> No.14592376

You're stuck in dimensional-reality thinking.
Photons are informational. We see photons zipping around the universe as their funky little wave/particle selves, happily trundling along at c, but that's an illusion.
From the photon's perspective, from the "perspective" of the speed of light, the photon experiences no time. It travels no distance. The photon is an expression of the transfer of energy between two points that occupy essentially the same space, because at the speed of light there is no space, no distance, no dimensionality. Every point in your body is coterminous, same with everything else. The universe collapses to a single point of energy ordered "internally" by causality.
Mass, space, and time are all virtual phenomena encoded into the structure of a volumeless, timeless, energetic point.

>> No.14592593
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>> No.14592599

i hate hearing this because light speed is hilariously slow and i honestly don't know upon what grounds you can say any of this with any factual accuracy

"oh man i'm a photon and like man i'm one with that thing billions of miles away man"

>> No.14592609
File: 97 KB, 971x565, Blank+_69e182adbbbb53f1459daed834b40578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14592650

>Most of the time they push on the atom and dissipate as heat.
How do photons dissipate? Oh photons collide with electrons and the smallest photon when it hits an electron it moves it and the photon dissapears that is hugely interesting,

That a wave such as photon em, Can in fact be halted, and calmed from its higher intensity existence by running into electrons atoms

Whatevever that wave body or medium traveling, to hit into an electron, make that electron energized, and completly dissapear, just how is this happening,

>> No.14592666

What I mean by touched is; (what is meant by locality, what is meant by considering the planck length at all, what is meant by spooky action distance) When the Electron after having been excited, drops down in it's energy state; some body touching body mechanism, A causes B to result in C, physically occurs as does in all physics and sciences.

For an em wave photon to be emitted by the electron dropping in energy state; There must be a physical surrounding state which due to the force on the electron to drop it and or the resulting electron dropping, (presumedly the photon is due to the electron drop) the electron drops and em wave photon/s (important distinction is it ever just one single wave, is a single wave a single up down, or is 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 as much a single wave as 1 2 ?) Propagate outwards;

The Electron must have Touched Something that some how signals the photon to appear somehow from somewhere

>> No.14592672

Nothing is dissapearing dummy, it's just transferring energy from one system to another

>> No.14592676


photons a shit

>> No.14592687

>>how long can electrons energy levels be raised for ballpark
>Entirely depends on the material and the energy you're feeding into it.
Give me a ball park range, can an electron jump up energy level for a minute, due to being hit with light for like some seconds?

Is this ultimately the idea behind batteries? This is implying photons are some type of energy material that atoms store by trapping them with electrons as latches

The electrons then have different characteristic abilities with neighboring atoms, because are some different distance from the nucleus, kept afloat bouncing between out and attracted to nucleus, the photon somehow was attracted to the nucleus, for as long as the electron is excited it is trapped between electron and nucleus,

Or no its like, electrons are in strict orbit around nucleus;

A photon is coming.

It hits electron, electron moves up orbit, and it stays In this new orbit, because as was the case at its previous orbit there is apparently a wide range of equal band that has the same orbit intensity and it is locked in place with no surrounding force to move forward or back;

Or the electron is not so sitting still, big zig zagging all around and when the photon hits the zig zag changes;

But for the photon to competly disapear... Where does it go what was it that it is and then could completly transform into nothing

>> No.14592719

>Nothing is dissapearing dummy, it's just transferring energy from one system to another
All kinds of energy are the Movement of Something.

The Movement of Air by music or wind is waves in the air that contact you, when the music stops you can say the music energy waves are 0, they have dissipated; but air has not dissipated, air remains.

When you speak of a light wave, that is traveling, that is something, something is moving, called light wave, colliding with an electron; you are saying that em wave dissapears from the screen map of reality, all because the electron was moved over;

So is an em wave like a music wave in air, which is only the notes of sound and silence between them, without requiring an atmosphere of background; and when the energy of that music hits your ear the oxygen and c20 and everything in of air that existed as the music wave,

So you see, what IS the em wave that it is traveling through space, hitting and electron and dissapering;

The example above is, the components of air do not dissapear, that made up the surrounding of your ear that hears music,

For a wave to exist for energy to exist there must be matter possessing that energy; for a wave to exist there must be some thing doing the waving, light is something somehow acting as a wave, the something that is able and able to be registered as the waving that is light can be brought to a stop, as the sound waves of music hitting your ear;

When em waves are brought to non existence as sound waves are done such;

What was it that was making the body of the em wave (as h20 water makes the body of the water wave and oxygen c02 etc make air, makes water waves and sound waves) exist, and then able to have no wave, but also no sign of body, you need body for wave. Body in physics literally means absolutely any possible thingness qualifes, em wave must be some thingness, some bodyness must be responsible for it's existence, and so when it travels, and hits an electron

>> No.14592749

>Give me a ball park range, can an electron jump up energy level for a minute, due to being hit with light for like some seconds?
How about you take chemistry classes instead.

>> No.14592756

>yeah dude the universe totally collapses down into a point and distance isn't real
Un huh, im the retard. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that I should smoke DMT

>> No.14592767
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>> No.14592773

you? his argument is actually worth more than your parrot talk, atleast his one is funny. Your one is just spam, we can use AI for that.

>> No.14592778

Electricity comes from mining electrons in the mountain mines

>> No.14592781

Just simply say you believe in fields, and you think universe is multiple layers of different oceans where everything appears.

No need for your little academia word spaghetti, not everyone has same taste.

>> No.14592793

>Just simply say you believe in fields
I explicitly don't, I'm the first post you linked

>> No.14593219

Here you go, OP...

>> No.14593350

light is anyone who identifies as light

>> No.14593453

cosmic jizz

>> No.14593468

There is only one ocean. Its just that certain types of waves don't interfere with others unless they have the right properties. At sufficient amplitudes, all types of waves interact.

>> No.14593715
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Shit bait, fields are a real concept regardless of whether or not they're the primordial distinction of the phenomenon known as light.

>> No.14593792

>primordial distinction of the phenomenon known as light


>> No.14593881


Respond those.

Did you grasp what I mean by touch now?

There must be a point, points, when the electron is dropping down an energy level Where: a photon has not yet been generated, a photon has not yet been generated,a photon has not yet been generated;
The electrons dropping down takes time and space; there is a time and space,and nessecerily matter, where the electron goes from; dropping down, no photon yet, dropping down no photon, to, dropping down a photon is beggining to appear from...

Because it is the electron dropping that physically forces a photon to appear from.., at time and space...

It could be the very instant the electron begins to drop it's energy level (what physically causes this?) It is touching the EM space so that as it begins to fall it begins to push a photon into propagation, BUT, and here's the point to tie it together;... The electron must be touching the photon or touching something that touches the photon, or the action of the electrons body movements could never correspond with the action of photon body movement

>> No.14594209

Could the EM Field be nothing but electrons in general? Is space just full of electrons? So light just travels it's energy across space that way?

>> No.14594225

I don't get how light wave travel across and stay waving coherent pattern and not lose infination,

There's no way light travels some up and down and up and down and up and down wiggling wave.

Light is like accurate bb balls,

And radio music is not an up and down vibrating thing, but a pulsing punching thing, little balls hitting a detector here and there, pixel data over frequency times;

Up and down idea of wave is always hit or no hit.

Or hit high or hit low

There is no string of arc dip that is the 0 to crest to trough continuously,

>> No.14594376

Photons can exist without electrons but electrons can't exist without photons, Photons > Electrons

>> No.14594736

>but electrons can't exist without photons
hmmm, I doubt it

Also can anyone confirm or deny whether or not bare protons and neutrons emit blackbody radiation. Hydrogen cations are hard to study but it would be great insight as to the real effects of electrons and photons

>> No.14594982

>There is no string of arc dip that is the 0 to crest to trough continuously,
Or if there is it is nessecerily attatched to a medium?

>> No.14595199

particles acting as waves

>> No.14595258

Here's a fun one.

How large is the tip of s photon compared to an electron?.
Another way to say this is how many photons can hit the same electron at once?

>> No.14596174

Oh yes, answer this

>> No.14596209

No part of Earth has been untouched by a star. Heavy elements, all this oxygen and carbon and metals, etc. only form in the hyper density of stars.

We have enough of these heavy elements because of generations of stars, some of which went super nova due to their extreme mass and created a ton of heavy elements in the process, or sometimes stars not heavy enough to go supernova alone crash into each other and this produces a nova and results in heavy element formation.

As for how atoms "generate" or "hold" photons, our consciousness was created to deal with "medium sized objects," from about the size of small insects to mountains. Our perception of a three dimensional space with linear time is the result of natural selection pressures and perception selects for fitness, not veracity.

So, our spacial intelligence and language are not always well adapted for these topics. You need to understand EM as a wave phenomena and photons as a particle. You need to understand virtual particles. You need to understand EM working via the emission of photons as electrons lose energy, and we have good models for how electrons jump between levels, but it's worth going in knowing this is a useful fiction based on our perceptual schemas. Electrons don't fly on fixed orbits. Perhaps we shouldn't even think of electrons plural. John Wheeler suggested thinking of just one electron that is in many places at once. A very interesting area of the philosophy of physics worth looking up is if particles have haecceity, a unique "thisness" of individuals. Most popsci here is bad but this is a great article on that: https://nautil.us/quantum-mechanics-is-putting-human-identity-on-trial-3977/

I found I could make more sense of it having found out more about the connections to the weak nuclear force (responsible for particle decay, neutrons becoming protons by emmiting electrons most often). The Great Courses has a good Theory of Everything course done by a CERN guy.

>> No.14596220

...although it does get bogged down in the "particle zoo." Note that particles aren't "real" they are mathematical abstractions.

A lot of physicists tend to think of "particles" as local excitements in an underlying continuous field, not as waves or little objects. This is a more useful way of understanding things because it synchs better with the idea of symmetry, which is absolutely essential for modern physics.

To back up a bit, there is a bifurcation in mathematics and types of things in the world worth tackling here. There are continuous things, like the laws of physics. These fundemental forced are "gauge invariant," which means they don't change. If you drop a cat 5 feet from the ground on the 90th floor of the Empire State building, the acceleration from gravity is the same as if you dropped it 5 feet off the ground.

That's the continuous, and a lot of math you learn falls under this. But we have a different techniques for discrete amounts. This is the world of the discrete, with graph theory playing a big role. This is the world of chaos theory, of actual electronic devices, evolution, and actual planets.

In many ways, we understand the continuous better. The laws of how photons always work, but not "chaotic" dynamical systems, things like turbulence in a stream of water or weather. Indeed, weather is so changeable based on initial conditions that even with weather sensors every 6 feet across the whole globe we couldn't predict weather significantly far out. Tiny changes at microscales balloon to massive microstate changes (the butterfly effect).

Gosh, I've gotten far off topic here so I'll stop. Maybe this isn't helpful.

One last thing, it's also worth thinking of matter and energy as information. A lot of hay has been made here and information theory has solved all sorts of physics problems. Some physicists even say the universe is information ("it from bit"). The transfer of information explains when a photon acts like a photon.

>> No.14596225

the visualization of energy

>> No.14596241

Yes, other particles absorb other particles. During bets decay protons sometimes absorb electrons, turning them into neutrons.

But sometimes new particles are created. During beta decay, anti-matter particles are also emitted. So when a proton becomes a neutron by absorbing an electron (negatively charged) the charges don't just balance out to zero. The neutron emmits a positron, an antimatter electron with a positive charge. These antimatter particles don't exist within the particle.

For electrons absorbing photons:

Note, a lot of weird shit goes on as particles combine. Quarks have very high masses, more than the total for the nucleons they absorb. This mass is converted to energy that bonds the the resulting particle together.

Particles also randomly spurt in and out of existence in vaccum. These are virtual particles.

I think the key here is to realize we're talking about perturbations of fields, local excitations. There is an electro-weak field (EM and the weak force unify at very high energies), a strong nuclear force, and the effects of gravity. Ideally these would all be unified to one force, but we haven't made it there yet.

So you don't need to be talking about particles being created exnihilo or combining if that's confusing. Instead think of overlapping excitations in a field or simply changing relations between strings of information.

Try not to think of

>> No.14596258

BTW, you seem to be getting at a violation of the law of conservation of energy with the moment the proton isn't quite created by the electron is dropping.

This is a mistake. These move in discrete quanta, hence "quantum jump." Conservation isn't observed to be violated. By conservation is locally violated with an increase in total energy in the weak force at extremes. What? Yup, it happens, but for a very, very short time scale. So it appears this universal is more like the universal tendency towards entropy, true in the aggregate, but doesn't count at Planck scales.

Preliminary experiments in quantum tunneling may actually propagate faster than light as well, but that awaits confirmation. Everything is a law until it isn't. Landauer's Principal on irreversible logical operations was also violated recently.

>> No.14596260

>t. gymlet

>> No.14596319

>The incident photon is completely absorbed in this process and the electron is released carrying a kinetic energy equal to that of the incident photon minus its binding energy. Although, the atom recoils in this process to conserve momentum, the kinetic energy it carries is negligible. The released electron leaves behind a vacancy in the inner orbit it occupied. This vacancy is subsequently filled by an electron from a shell with a lower binding energy (an outer orbit, e.g. from an L to a K shell). The difference between the two binding energies of the electron filling the vacancy is released in the form of an X-ray photon, known as fluorescent radiation. Alternatively, the energy may lead to the ejection from the atom of another orbital electron, called the Auger electron. This electron in turn leaves a vacancy and the process of emission of X-ray photons or Auger electrons is repeated, and so on. In atoms with high atomic number, X-ray emission is usually favored over the releases of Auger electrons, and the opposite is true for light elements. In essence, while in the photoelectric effect the original photon is absorbed, other photons (X-rays) and electrons (the first liberated electron and any Auger electrons) are released.

>> No.14596322

Fields are just hypothetical what-ifs. They essentially exist because of the concept of "test charge". They are extremely useful but I don't think there's actually any real reason to believe that fields are some fundamental property of space.

>> No.14596409

Zero point energy is pretty hard to explain otherwise. But there you get a shift to conceptualizing fields more as a grid of coils in space that can vibrate at different energy levels. All the properties a field's particles can have exist across all points, they just normally cancel each other out.

But you have the observed effects of virtual particles and antiparticles coming into being and then annihilating each other within the limit of the uncertainty principal.

Coiled spring, field, stew of virtual particles? You can sort of take your pick for visualizing, but you need them there to stop elementary particles from taking on infinite mass. Renormalization requires the field/virtual stew.

>> No.14596422

Quantum foam might be an explanation for the point like nature of what should be continuous space. You end up with a non-smooth space-time at small enough scales.

>> No.14596523

what the fuck?
Energy is a made up quantity that is conserved.
Photons are not energy, they have energy.
Stop taking acid anon and read a physics book.

>> No.14596570

the thing you see with your eyes

>> No.14596584


How large is the tip of a photon compared to an electron?

Another way to say this is how many photons can hit the same electron at once?

So the matter of the earth between the core and crust, all matter when earth was created was hit by sun light, but deep beneath the earths surface, hasn't seen sun light in billions of years right? If certain light rays do get through the earths surface, it's not enough to touch every atom right?

So there should be molecules between the core and crust of earth that have not been touched by light in billions of years?

An em wave is an actually existing thing. Actually existing things cannot vanish from existence without a trace of thingness. Looking at a log on fire, one might think hours later coming back to some ash, that the existing wood vanished from existence, that smoke vanished, there was a body of wood, now there is no body of wood, material vanished and energy or light was left in its place.

But no, the material, matter, of it's body did not vanish, it transformed.

An EM wave is a real existing something. It's body cannot complete vanish.

Either it's body hides inside the atom, or it's somehow attatched to a medium like how a water wave can "vanish", but water medium doesn't vanish.

When you throw some pebbles in a still pond and make ripples, how do those energy wave ripples vanish?

They bump into the sides of the pond, and give their energy to more and more atoms of the pond water, but where does the energy go?

Eventually you say the water wave energy dissapears, vanishes. But the water body medium does not vanish, just the wave in it.

When an EM wave collides with an electron in an atom; the EM wave can vanish, like the water wave ripple can vanish;. But there must be something besides the EM wave that is responsible for the production and maintenence and existence of the EM wave; so that while the energy of the particular system medium vanishes, the system medium remains

>> No.14596604
File: 125 KB, 500x281, 587312789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fields are just hypothetical what-ifs
No they're not retard, absolutely everything can be and is a field, atoms are just fields of energy, molecules are just fields of atoms, humans are just fields of molecules, galaxies are just fields of planets, stars, gasses, etc..., the word field does not imply there is some underlying magical mystery sub-quantum shit going on, it's a definition of a volume of space occupied by interconnected matter and/or forces, for example if you want to completely get rid of a photon field just turn off the fucking lights

>> No.14596605

>Actually existing things cannot vanish from existence without a trace of thingness.
They don't. A photon absorbed by an electron turns into that electron's energy. It didn't disappear without a trace.
Just like an electron-positron annihilation. An electron and a position are destroyed on contact and what's left is a pair of high-energy photons. The electrons are gone, they are not "stored" anywhere but the reaction conserves all the appropriate quantities.

>> No.14596608

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know what fields are?

>> No.14596615

I literally just said what a field is dumbass, maybe learn to read before replying

>> No.14596708

You're very bad with abstraction.

>> No.14596709

>A photon absorbed by an electron turns into that electron's energy.
Electrons energy meaning; movement?

A thing, cannot be turned into pure movement, with no trace of that things body.

Gasoline turns into a cars energy, movement, yes?

The body of gasoline completly vanishes from existence without a trace yes?

The body is transformed into pure car motion yes?

As an EM wave body is transformed into pure electron motion yes? The EM wave dissapears from existence without a trace.

Throw pebbles in a still pond, ripples form; how do you stop those ripples from existing once they form, how do you make those ripples dissapear? How do you make those energy waves vanish?

>> No.14596756

Just say you don't understand how energy transferring works and call it a day, there's no need to go full schizo

>> No.14596788

If you want to treat it as a wave it's even easier. Waves do in fact disappear when they transfer their energy into something else.

>> No.14596852

Yes but the wave needs to be composed of Something.

Sound waves do not exist without Air!
Water waves do not exist without Water!

No wave exists without Something being or doing the waving.

Sound wave dissapears when it collides and imparts it's energy; but the Air that made up the wave still exists!

Water Wave imparts it's energy and dissapears; but the water that made up the wave still exists!


When EM wave hits an electron and the EM wave dissapears; w
WHAT is it OF the SOMETHING that the EM wave is; that REMAINS.

You saying you don't see or detect or think or haven't theorized about it Does Not mean in reality nothing is there.

>> No.14596862

>Yes but the wave needs to be composed of Something.
It's called energy
>Sound waves do not exist without Air!
Sound waves do not exist at all, it's the kinetic movement of particles that causes sound
>Sound wave dissapears when it collides and imparts it's energy; but the Air that made up the wave still exists!
No, the air that is transferring the momentum imparts its kinetic energy and stops moving.
It's made of energy
>When EM wave hits an electron and the EM wave dissapears
It doesn't disappear, it transfers the energy to another system
>WHAT is it OF the SOMETHING that the EM wave is; that REMAINS.
Everything, the energy is simply transformed into another form
You do realize that everything is made of energy, right? Everything is just a system of interactions of energy, hence why it can't be created or destroyed, but only changed in form

>> No.14596876

Even assuming that you need a medium, the medium is not the wave. A photon is the wave, not the supposed underlying medium that carries the wave.

>> No.14596886

If things can't "disappear" as you take it, explain how matter-antimatter reactions can even happen. The particles taking part in it are permanently destroyed and what's left behind are a bunch of photons. Where do the particles go?

>> No.14597117

>Even assuming that you need a medium, the medium is not the wave. A photon is the wave, not the supposed underlying medium that carries the wave.
Ok and now we are maybe getting somewhere;

Maybe the Medium is there; and when it is not acting like little sections of it waving called EM wave photons traveling at c; it is called the electric field and the magnetic field?

Which when atoms, stabley locking into place charges, produce extending from their body, the deformity of the electromagnetic field between them;.

It is seemingly related to EM propagation yet EM propagation is a small discrete squashable traveling at c;

And the force fields between charged atoms, does not appear to be detectable discrete bits traveling in a direction at c, what the heck is going on;

So you take a large and move it this way and call that electricity, and in the same volume if you move it perpendicular to that first movment, a different effect occurs, called magnetism;.

So this force field inbetween objects appears to force the occurance of a held and moving test charge and react it differently whether it is moving up down or left right in relation to a stationary;

So it is assumed, there is a seperate electric, and a seperate magnetic field, and when EM radiation occurs; it is like a twisty tangle between these two fields;. They like get their lines or wires crossed, and this spazzes out all the way down the line, of each field collapsing into another one, like switches on down the line.

Is there a lot of pressure compressing the atmosphere/air onto the surface of the earth?

The force fields around a magnetic show some like pressure;. And when a magnet is brought in those fields lines, the materiality of the lines, rub up against each other; the friction between seperate bodies magnetic fields touching one another and moved, is EM Radiation.

>> No.14597141

>another form
>You do realize that everything is made of energy, right? Everything is just a system of interactions of energy, hence why it can't be created or destroyed, but only changed in form
Is light the only form of energy without matter?

That is to say, if 0 matter existed in the universe, the universe would be 100% energy, and would therefore only contain EM radiation in it, because that is the only thing definitionally not considered to be matter, while considered to be energy.

Wait so you are arguing this perspective, because to believe that all fundamental matters body can also have every pixel of it obliterated from physical existence and turned physically into only pure light;. Implying that light/EM is the only fundamental essence and substance of the universe.

Would it being easier to turn an electron into light, than light into an electron (knocking electrons loose with light is not turning light into electrons) hint that in fact yes light is the fundamental, and particles are the novelly constructed/generated of certain circumstance of light combination

>> No.14597144

A five letter word.

>> No.14597190

>Even assuming that you need a medium, the medium is not the wave. A photon is the wave, not the supposed underlying medium that carries the wave.
Ok, the Medium is not the wave.

So EM wave exists; generated by the mechanics of an electromagnetic field/electromagnetic medium

The EM wave collapses ceases to exist as it imparts it's motion onto the electron;

In what way does the local EM field exist?

There is the real existing EM field
And there is the real existing EM waves in it.

Waves can cease to exist, the medium cannot.

Waves travel at c.
Does the non wave medium not?

How does the field medium exist, how can it be detected? IS THE EM FIELD MEDIUM DETECTED AS FORCE LINES, AND WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY.

Force lines is s compression pattern from all the air stacked on top of each other, creates and banding effect of relative electrons of that airs orbits rotations and area of cycle






>> No.14597218

Has an experiment even been done in true vaccum, and magnets work, and iron filing field lines are shown? Did they do it on the moon? If possible atmosphere contributes to field lines at all

Did they show field lines in the iss?
Outside iss?

How long of a magnet can be made, or also more interestingly what is the object that can project the longest strongest field lines from its body, and how far roughly is this (don't say field lines extend from the body infinitly) I geuss roughly the way to determine would be the distance of it's magnetic attraction or repulsion to a test charge

>> No.14597232

How does one make true vacuum?

>> No.14597371

I don't know I always read that word in all the science experiments, so has these electric magnetic force field lines been measured in multiple locations of vacuum and atmosphere pressure?

>> No.14597381

With difficulty.

>> No.14597428

Is this the infamous 4chan gpt bot

>> No.14597488
File: 2.81 MB, 430x328, 684231654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Energy _is_ matter, matter and energy are interchangeable, they are one and the same, the illusion of, what you call, matter only stems from the interactions of energy, why this is the case, we don't know and it's pointless to ask, it's like asking where consciousness comes from, it just is something fundamental that is most likely impossible and pointless to explain.

>> No.14597580

what does this mean?

>> No.14597593

>When you QFT belief goes too far

>> No.14597646
File: 60 KB, 954x674, 1581005888112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is a QFT and what does it have to do with energy?

>> No.14597780

What are the vacums like used in average particle physics experiments?

>> No.14597788

>i'm full of shit.

>> No.14597794

There is Something
And Nothing

Movement is real
But Movement is not a Thing or Object

Stuffness Exists.

Movement Cannot Occur to Nothing

Nothing Cannot Move

Light is something moving:

Either, it is a thingness thats a part of thingness that its waving can be halted but the thingness remains, or light is a solitary separate thing that has it's body momentarily hidden as it slams into an electron to move it;.

There is something to field lines and connections between electrons and em waves,

>> No.14597797
File: 237 KB, 400x400, 1638428690067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting, please.

>> No.14597814

An electron dropping it's energy state drops some distance in space bigger or smaller;

E for Electron dropping down

When does Photon/EM wave appear?





The photon em waves emission, propagation, generation must occur at some exact space/s and time/s in relation to the electrons lowering it's energy level.

You could mean that the photon is like a type of liquid that mixes with the electron liquid to make faster liquid, and when the liquid slows down and drips back down it is separated again or the photon is a kind of goo that glooply sticks together to the electron to make an excited fast moving goo around the nucleus, but it is like at the mall those quarter around the wide cone things where a quarter spins on its edge around and around and down and down.

The electron photon goo like as if it were the electron proton goo, or gass maybe even; swirls around the coneness of the nucleus;and maybe some photon energy even leaks out and this is why the electron eventually slips back down, or maybe just uncontrollable fluctuations between nucleus and photonized electron, shake it down little by little,

Any way finally the mixture slide down to lower orbital, and squish zap zip zing zoom the photonic electron is seperated and the photon is traveling on its way at light speed, like it never lost a breath or step


GGGGround SSState

If maybe the electron has a half way point in each acceleation where there is a ramp up to slow down

>> No.14597815


v ...............................p^
GGGGround SSState

~~~~~~~~~~~~p. ****(****and then what keeps this photon from not just traveling the downward slope as above??????? As the em wave goes on>>>>>>>>>>> does it maintain any up and down up and down up and down up and down quality? Or is A wave also just a bowed object )))))))))))) it I threw a bow or boomerang like stick this way ))))))))) it would be more accurate to call these objects waves than particles??????*****

>> No.14597827

and no

>> No.14597831

Internal configuration can be a medium of interaction just the same as conductive surfaces and convective mediums. That's what light and EM waves are, internals acting as a medium of interaction.

>> No.14597992

science isn't about what reality is actually like, it's about what we can figure out about reality, what statements about it we can make with reasonable certainty

>> No.14598036

this is now one of my most favorite /sci/ posts

>> No.14598462

can we say information is real light? i think of light as something intangible, much like information, but then there wouldn't be light without bodies like the sun. since we come from and return to the sun, information has to have some material reference. artificial light (light that is projected) does not have the same potential - the presentation of real light will always precede any re-presentation. data, as discrete representation of information, also seems intangible but becomes materially manifest when collected and stored on a disk drive, right?

>> No.14598762
File: 1.77 MB, 337x389, 516F2CB6-7B87-4EF0-BD32-FF8E872D5640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or is A wave also just a bowed object )))))))))))) it I threw a bow or boomerang like stick this way )))))))))

>> No.14598987

In that post I was asking:

Is there any actual up and down or back and forth waveness to light?

Ripples on surface of water dont go up and down up and down like an electric digital sinoscope sine wave.

Water Wave is a displacement of mass down which creates a displacement of water up, the water displaced up travels forward;

The water itself doesn't travel or move forward;

The down up travels forward.

If you drop a pebble into water, can you make 1 single ripple, or is it always a few concentric? Just because the nature of the mediums recoil and reverb?

Or can you drop a little tiny pebble just touch it to the surface and make 1 outward propagating single ripple?

It wouldn't look so up down up down wave,
But would it be called a wave, it would mainly be an up, a little hill bump of water traveling forward;

So a photon is like that?

Does a photon spread out laterally like water wave ripple?.

Light is often called wave because it is often registered consistent impact from stars, so 5x 7x 5x 7x 5x 7x

Can be called a wave, and it physically may not have anything to do with any up down up down side to side to side to side body movement







Like how does Light Actually Exist and how does any or hopefully every aspect of it's bodyness exist.

>> No.14598998

Literally just go read a book about electromagnetic fields.

>> No.14599002 [DELETED] 

Imagine a machine that shoots out boomerangs like this;


And a machine next to it that does the same number but twice as fast

And they are both colliding into a detector;

When you read the detector of the first:
10energy 10energy 10energy in 10 seconds

And the second:
10energy 10energy 10energy in 5 seconds

5 energy 5energy 5energy 5energy 5energy in 5 seconds;

When you look at the data results of the tests, would you, could you, refer to the results as a wave function, and would you could you consider the hard to see object that collided into your detector, a wave?

>> No.14599005

Imagine a machine that shoots out boomerangs like this;


And a machine next to it that does the same number but twice as fast

And they are both colliding into a detector;

When you read the detector of the first:
10energy 10energy 10energy in 10 seconds

And the second:
10energy 10energy 10energy in 5 seconds

5 energy 5energy 5energy 5energy 5energy in 5 seconds;

When you look at the data results of the tests, would you, could you, refer to the results as a wave function, and would you could you consider the hard to see object that collided into your detector, a wave?

>> No.14599009

>he unironically believes in jewxwell's shekelquations

>> No.14599010

>Literally just go read a book about electromagnetic fields.
I can't ask a book questions.
I'm only interested in what is not known.
The mysteries, uncertainties, problems, inadequacies, errors, misalignments, imperfections, incongruences, inequalities, misunderstandings of the current state of theoretical fundamental physics.

I understand you need to learn the rules before you break them, that you need to understand the 95% that may be right before you grapple with the 5% that may be foreignly unknown.
I know a decent enough amount to ask questions to those in the world that may know the greatest deal amount, to try to provoke them towards thinking in the directions and ways towards solving mysteries and problems in the field.

>> No.14599032

I was asking that because if any light waves actually do have some bodily back and forth component, then what prevents the momentum of the downward motion from not continuing to go down, what is the forcing pressure that would cause a back and forth for forget 10 million miles, 10 feet, how would any wave like back and forth be forced to contain that complex motion, and not just have it's momentum sprawl out into immediate decoherence?

Like shooting a simple wave encoded message in a slinkies wave function as you shoot it out 100 yards with a wave function encoded in it's up down wave pattern.

Maybe it would travel 100 yards with it's body wiggle waggling? The same pattern up and down?

Maybe air and gravity decay it's pattern?

Maybe in vacuum if you shot a slinky out and gave it a certain vibratory wave function pattern that equals some simple encoded language, hello for instance, that someone will detect 100 yards away,

If this was done in space vacuum would the slinky be able to maintain for 100 yards or 100,000 yards it's consistent vibratory up down encoded wiggle?

But if this was to relate to light in any way even .01%,

Light would have to have some bodyness at all to some degree at all.

Now another way the slinky in space idea is attempted to get closer to encapsulating how light might exist and travel,

If we shoot 100,000 slinkies back to back to back

Or if one slinky 100,000 miles long

Or 100,000 billion slinkies each 100,000 billion light years long

>> No.14599044

Because they only wave when they’re observed or hit an object. Other than that the photons are just going straight

>> No.14599048

But you are asking about things that are known.

>> No.14599050

>Before the light is turned on, what does the em field look like surrounding the filament?
>About how many photons are there traveling in how many directions at c before the light is turned on?
Radiation is happening nearly all the time and everywhere. But you will see nothing below a threshold. When you do see color, the amount of photons being emitted is innumerable, exceeding a threshold to a point where you can see it

>> No.14599054

Ohh, but how much light would exist if all the atoms of stars were kept apart?

How much of light wave existence is due to stars, which are non light particles, bouncing into each other generating light waves?

So you say everything is energy, you can't or won't really define what the word and thing means I give several attempts and examples, but you say everything is energy, yet there is matter, and matter hitting matter is producing a lot of energy, and light is energy but never matter and matter is energy because everything is energy and matter is light, but light is never matter and nothing about it is ever matter like,

And theoretically if all matter were to be seperated and made motionless,
That would be a great minimizing in the existence of em waves,

Or it is thought matter cannot help but move and vibrate around;

It is just an utterly crazy set of circumstances that led to electrons and quarks and protons and neutrons being so numerously and homogenously seperatedly gathered in giant systems called Galaxy and solars, and so its hard to think about these tightly bound extremely vibratory packs of equally spaced perfection, from not constantly at every point zipping and bobbling and buzzing, so it is concluded obviously this crazy movement and motion is a large amount of potential moveability so fundamentally, motion and movability power is called energy, so whatever matter is is intimately attatched to this fact of violent constant moving,

But so much of this stuff is zoomed in tiny stuff, so, moving some Planck lengths in pico seconds is not such a violent motion for a tiny tiny atom or subatomic particles;

There is that fundamental chain mail like bracing which from more and more macro structures forces making things occur at different forces every which way, so the atoms in grass or pavement or ocean or foot or stone, they are constantly feeling surrounding signals and pressues of forces and movements and frictions,

>> No.14599057

Ease up on the amphetamines, will ya

>> No.14599066

>But you are asking about things that are known.
The unknown is hopefully in someway attatched to the known

>> No.14599069

Feeling around the edges and the ins and outs of the known

>> No.14599080

So EM radiation is mainly like discrete projectiles? Is it like air pockets made that flow away in some EM field?

When an electron drops down, and a photon begins to appear,

The electrons dropping, produces like a single, or multiple, amount of bb like balls, that go in one or multiple directions?

What is EM Field?
That it is surrounding all electrons,and when electrons go down, lazer beam balls are shot at the speed of light?

>> No.14599089

Oh and keep in mind to so diminsh the idea of the known by refering to it as the known instead of The Knowns.
Which still comes nowhere near expressing the sheer discrete quantity ness of all Known factoid, from 100% down to zones and realms of fuzzyness,
To really weave in and out of multiple fields of facts and compare and contrast their validities and where the source of the incongruence with reality observation might begin to be, it could be multiple little assumptions here or there,

>> No.14599114

so is everything preestablished? or does light have any influence?

>> No.14599901

t.hench brah

>> No.14601228 [DELETED] 

Interesting take even if a meme, forget about everything u know of science and assume that the heaviest mass density (nigger holes) becomes opaque as the energy required to emit luminosity (through the movement of particles) is increasingly exponential till we reach an almost infinite point. In the other way, photons are able to emit luminosity by movement as their massless density (or near massless) and the energy required (or fluctuated from) has a higher domain to emanate.
This is a completely unscientific take but you really made me think with your post.
Also it kind of matches with reality: the higher mass density, the higher opacity (you are more opaque than a body of water) and the lower mas density u become more opaque and luminous (but actually we only consider light the specific massless density or near massless, not being able to perceive the midle scales with our human senses)

>> No.14601236

Interesting take even if a meme, forget about everything u know of science and assume that the heaviest mass density (nigger holes) becomes opaque as the energy required to emit luminosity (through the movement of particles) is increasingly exponential till we reach an almost infinite point. In the other way, photons are able to emit luminosity by movement as their massless density (or near massless) and the energy required (or fluctuated from) has a higher domain to emanate.
This is a completely unscientific take but you really made me think with your post.
Also it kind of matches with reality: the higher mass density, the higher opacity (you are more opaque than a body of water) and the lower mas density u become less opaque and luminous (but actually we only consider light the specific massless density or near massless, not being able to perceive the midle scales with our human senses)
Edit for writing corrections

>> No.14602614
File: 188 KB, 590x469, 1905870995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhmm Based

>> No.14602888

rarefied fiery spirit

>> No.14603873

Answer how does light exist like and move?

How is it attached to electrons?

What is the materiality thereness presence of the force lines?

How many different degrees of angle can light travel at?
Like you can aim a bow and arrow many directions degrees, light is smaller and thinner so can directly travel more degrees, it can hit many more smaller targets

How many different stable degrees can light be polarized? This is different than just directional aiming, this is a matter of body quality orientation, if the arrow wobbled back and forth, when you fired it how many different orientations, degrees, the wobble can line up with, we tend to use 360

>> No.14603886

Go read a book.

>> No.14603944

Tell me some things currently not understood about light, em field, em radiation, photons, magnetism?

How the electron is attatched to the em field? When and where and how in the electrons energy descent process the em wave photon is generated from the electrons direct interactions with it's most local surroundings?

The depiction and reality existence understanding of the physical body of light wave and how if waves actually can be extinguished in electron excited orbital state then what is the relation to the EM field which remains as indicated by field lines extended presence from material bodies

>> No.14603965 [DELETED] 

Just show me a video simulation of how light travels though vacuum (and electron bounce to electron bounce through material; now here's a question!

Let's say we are aware of multiple materials that reacted with light differently

We can shine light on/in a material for like 1 second; and there is some material whose electrons will be bumped up, and suposedly that destroys that light wave that bumped the electron up, so is a little less light let out of the material because some is converted totally into at least some irretrievable momentum ,

So is it always you shine x amount of em radiation into an object of material a, b, c ,d .....and y and z;
And X amount of light radiates out, within T amount of time?

How long on average or are there any rare occurances of many minutes, of; an atoms electrons given light to bump up their energy states, remaining in those energy states for many minutes after?

So that shining some x amount of light on some material, may mean that material may not radiate out x amount of light for hours or days amount of time?

>> No.14603971

Just show me a video simulation of how light travels though vacuum (and electron bounce to electron bounce through material; now here's a question!

Let's say we are aware of multiple materials that reacted with light differently

We can shine light on/in a material for like 1 second; and there is some material whose electrons will be bumped up, and suposedly that destroys that light wave that bumped the electron up, so is a little less light let out of the material because some is converted totally into at least some irretrievable momentum ,

So is it always you shine x amount of em radiation into an object of material a, b, c ,d .....and y and z;
And X amount of light radiates out, within T amount of time?

How long on average or are there any rare occurances of many minutes, of; an atoms electrons given light to bump up their energy states, remaining in those energy states for many minutes after?

So that shining some x amount of light on some material, may mean that material may not radiate out x amount of light for hours or days amount of time?

>> No.14603983

Electrons can stay in an excited state for a very long time but it depends on the atomic configuration. Different orbitals in different atoms decay at different rates. The decay is also probabilistic.

>> No.14603989

What are the current things theoretical fundamental physics doesn't know or understand? What are the big current problems, mysteries, confusions in the field? What is the state of the fields ignorance? Science is the progress in dispelling the unknown, of enlightening the mysteries, abolishing an area of ignorance, the natural humans state was absolutely unknowing, the History of All Science being the orchestration of activity numerously against that state of absolute u knowing, as to where split between millions of humans here and there, various disciplines in the sciences, of knowing all the various quantities and qualities, aspects and ratios of Earth, and Life and the Universes intricate Nature,

So much effort is required and achieved to juggle all the fields of sciences and their applications, all of them developed by the curiosity of using the known to pursue the unknown to make more unknown, known

>> No.14603993

>Electrons can stay in an excited state for a very long time but it depends on the atomic configuration.
Give please s ballpark rough estimate of what's a pretty long whats an average long time roughly

>> No.14603994

Depends on the atom and orbital so there's no general "average"

>> No.14604012
File: 113 KB, 720x670, 12409148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"dude magic lmao"

>> No.14604019

Haha good thing there are no flat earthers on /sci/, right?

>> No.14604041
File: 73 KB, 640x427, chris elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>persecution complex
you wouldn't be so paranoid if you chose lead an honest life, your sissy persecution complex is an unintentionally self inflicted wound

>> No.14604129

If there is an observed minimum and maximum, there is some middle ground or field, just give me a fee times from the field, can materi be excited for the minutes range? Hour range?

A photon can excite an electron of an atom for an hour? And then the electron finally falls and it's doing so makes a photon appear and travel away;

When that occurs is it like a single bead, particle, a photon?

When an electron drops it's energy level does a photon come out like a marble on one single direction? Or a wiggling worm in one single direction?.

>> No.14604147

Again, it depends on the atom. But if you want to simply know the longest an electron can stay excited before decaying, there's no limit. For example, a hydrogen atom has a certain excitation state that can last millions of years.

>> No.14604149

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.14604160
File: 125 KB, 1024x1003, Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unwanted, uninvited interloper shows up on 4chan to regurgitate their schoolbook brainwashing

>> No.14604223

God is literally light and has appeared in all cultures throughout endless cycles of time. The world is eternal and has always existed. All ancient cultures worshipped the sunned oriented their temple complexes with Orion. What we see on earth is the remnants of countless cycles. Light is consciousness. The world is a fractal of light. DNA upgrades are via light. This is what Tesla knew. Language of your soul mixed with your mind is Light language. All dimensions and souls are linked together. "Indigos," "Crystal children," "Children of Light". "Beings of Light" etc.

>> No.14604224

he can't see your face so he thinks he's talking to a clone of himself, it happens sometimes with low iq

>> No.14604299

/sci/ is bad for mental health it seems.

>> No.14604978

>The world is eternal and has always existed
Wrong, the Earth is just one of countless planets in the universe with life. There just isn't all too much variation with convergent evolution and all.

>> No.14605190

>Again, it depends on the atom. But if you want to simply know the longest an electron can stay excited before decaying, there's no limit. For example, a hydrogen atom has a certain excitation state that can last millions of years.
Ok so now I'm sensing a distant relation analogy to try to conceptualize this;

Imagine theres a kind of string on a table between two people, and one person holds their end to the table and the other wiggles the string making waves, lift up, then drop down, makes a wave go down the string.

A cone like cup is upside down attached to a metal rod, the upside down cone cup has a ball dangling on a string attatched to the cups inner bottom, the ball is held mm from the surface of the table, the cone cup is not higher;

You take your quite thick rope from the table, and make a single wave go down the rope, traveling toward the ball of some mass resting on the rope, the wave reaches the ball and pops the ball up so that it is wedged in the cone, and there is no longer a wave traveling the rope, it completely extinguished it's energy exciting the ball into a higher state in the cone cup

>> No.14605246

>countless planets in the universe with life.
This unproven assertion requires just as much faith as any other theology to believe (if not more).

>> No.14605306

It's zero.

>> No.14605883

It seems obvious that Earth has a specific recipe for life and other planets would have theirs too

>> No.14605970

>Scientism claim science is settled
>Tons of literally god level descriptions
And yet this thread has not a clear answer what light is

>> No.14606368

it does seem obvious but the other guy is right, you're using a fallacy to reach a conclusion

since we have no more than one single example of a planet that developed life, the odds of the universe having plenty of other planets with life and the universe having life in literally only one place, earth, are the same

the fermi paradox is fueled by wishful thinking

>> No.14606379

I didn't say plenty, I said countless. The Universe is fucking huge my man.

>> No.14606606


>> No.14606809

it's not countless, it's about a septilion planets in the observable universe

if the chances of life appearing is one in octilion, which is equally plausible as any other number, then we're likely alone

see, that's the problem with the fermi paradox, it goes "woah so many planets" but doesn't notice that the odds of life happening might be an equally astronomical number

>> No.14607095

If you and I were a part of an ancient primitive race of humans, completely cut off from any other human cultures;

But we were roughly aware of how large the earth might be, we climb a mountain and look and see Forrest and desert and snow in the distance, and shore and lakes

We agree the earth seems large and there is land and land and land, and plants and fruit.

Would you bet that there were other races cultures of human on earth?

>> No.14607442

bad analogy, because everything we've seen out there in space is barren toxic deserts, not land and land and plants and fruit

>> No.14607479

you are fixated on your comic book fantasy life space alien creatures because you have blow every opportunity for any decent relationship with an actual human being here on earth. you're looking at a future as a male cat lady so imaging that space aliens will come and save you seems like a pretty good prospect in comparison.

>> No.14607483

>telling you it's not as likely aliens exist as you think
>hurr you are fixated on aliens