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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14588358 No.14588358 [Reply] [Original]

Is science fact or opinion?

>> No.14588363

Science says OP is a faggot. That is a fact.

>> No.14588384

>science says God isn't real
I know that this is some Facebook-tier memepic but what?

>> No.14588395

You will notice that all religion, all of it, everywhere, is just a long ass game of telephone.

How does that look good for believers in an objective God? It doesn't.

>> No.14588400

Science is truth derived from facts and logic. As long as it is done right (i.e. no methodological errors) science constitutes objective knowledge.

>> No.14588412

Science is a bunch of opinions reinforced by experimentation.

>> No.14588416
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>science says God isn't real
scientific method and current knowledge of evolution is not mutually exclusive with the existence of a "god entity".

>You will notice that all religion, all of it, everywhere, is just a long ass game of telephone.

How does that look good for believers in an objective God? It doesn't.
you are a retarded smoothbrained subhuman that has no remote clue about religion or anything whatsoever
you need to shut the fuck up and get a clue

>> No.14588419

All that demonstrates that throughout history there is an agreement of a story worth telling which has been edited and fucked with to tailor towards cultural appropriation so regional powers could use it to leverage the ideas to maintaining control. That doesn't mean the core of the story is wrong just that people are shortsighted and have misinterpreted the story to shit to create a narrative that suits them But sure, I am open to having my mind changed. Please give me the answer to me the measurement problem and I will be on my way.

>> No.14588423

God isn't real. Its a cope.

>> No.14588424

prove it.

>> No.14588437

>Please give me the answer to me the measurement problem
What measurement probelm? The one where you try to measure your miniscule dick? Try using electron microscopes

>> No.14588445

Science is not truth, it's merely a method to discern truth.

>> No.14588449

I am sorry to hear about your penis size insecurity.

>> No.14588457

So your belief in god is rooted in some people's unwillingness to understand quantum mechanics? How does that work?

>> No.14588465

yes it is.

>> No.14588473

That's a journey of understanding for you to go on. I am not going to spoonfeed you. However, I will offer breadcrumbs.
Consider the notion that for Schrodinger's cat experiment to be functional in our world the measurement has to be an event physically affecting the wavefunction. The observer (person doing to measurement) can only give us the answer after opening the box (the superposition is resolved and the outcome is A or B rather than both). However, if we view the wavefunction after a measurement has been made it remains unchanged. The observer did not physically affect the wavefunction.

>> No.14588477

>Immediately brings up muh schrodinger's cat despite not understanding the basics of quantum mechanics
Classic pseud behaviour

>> No.14588486

My first instinct was trust your ability to comprehend which is why I linked the wiki to the measurement problem .The following example is an assumption of your capacity not mine. An assumption proven to be too challenging for you to engage with given your decision to disregard it.

>> No.14588488

It's challenging to engage meaningfully with a pseud retard, yes.

>> No.14588489

Extremely coherent and lucid sentence structure. I'm quite impressed. I think I've seen several other posts in other threads that may be yours due to the same fingerprint.

>> No.14588494

>It's challenging to engage meaningfully
Right, which is why you're hurling insults. I understand.
More than likely. I've been shitposting for the last week or so in a lot of threads.

>> No.14588504

Not him, but god very clearly acts as a psychological coping strategy to deal with a chaotic, uncaring universe. It projects order upon the world and acts as an explanation for how and why things come to be. Afterlife further assuages fear over death and acts as an incentive for prosocial behavior. The fact that there are many different religions with different gods, creation myths, and norms shows that it's mostly man-made. Occam's Razor would suggest that it's entirely man-made, since the alternative hypothesis of a supernatural deity is about as complex and extraordinary a claim you can make.

That's not to say religion is entirely worthless. Religions are memeplexes which have undergone selection, where not only more viral ideas propagate, but also the ideas which are adaptive for the host, e.g. cultures which promote unity, win-win behavior, natalism, opposition to crime, etc.

>> No.14588505

>Not him, but god very clearly acts as a psychological coping strategy to deal with a chaotic, uncaring universe. It projects order upon the world and acts as an explanation for how and why things come to be
Same can be said about math. It doesn't make it more or less real.

>> No.14588514

Not really. Math does not have the same psychological power as the belief that there is a personal god watching out for you, has a special plan for you, etc.

Math is the result of systemizing logic and axioms. It can take many different forms depending on your initial assumptions, acting as an extremely useful set of tools for building models about a world which follows patterns. Needless to say, math and science allows us to make predictions and has had enormous benefits. God and religion do not make effective predictions, and most of the interesting claims are by definition untestable.

>> No.14588516

>the alternative hypothesis of a supernatural deity is about as complex and extraordinary a claim you can make
its literally not, God is a simple or perfect substance and he contains no parts. This is mainstream monotheistic belief.

>> No.14588527

>Math does not have the same psychological power as the belief that there is a personal god watching out for you, has a special plan for you, etc.
why not? I mean ideas themselves are just cope by this logic. if you are not coping by God, then you are just coping by whatever you think is the greatest idea, that towards which you work or gravitate. If God's not real, then everything is just cope, including atheism. In fact atheism is one of the cringiest copes because you are coping at the expense of other people, ie "i see past the illusion that the vast amount of humanity does not"

>> No.14588531
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>Math does not have the same psychological power as the belief
You believe if you add 2 to another 2 you will get 4, why?
>Math is the result of systemizing logic and axioms

>> No.14588540

>science says
Literal infantile reasoning. There is no "science". Full stop. It is not an entity, much less one of authority.
There is the so-called scientific method, there are those who call themselves scientists for practicing it, and perhaps there's also a "scientific consensus", however, that is ALL there is. STOP being a mental child.

>> No.14588541

And how do you know that? God is a capable of intentionality, language, creating universes, moral law, etc. That's an impressive set of capabilities, pretty much the most complex imaginable. Christians also see him as a trinity which means he contains parts. Apparently he made us in his image, which has led many Christians to think god has a human-like appearance. Not sure how that doesn't mean he has no parts. Furthermore, this is a being which is timeless, omnipotent, and omniscient, which is invoking the most extreme properties possible.

>> No.14588557

An ironic accusation, since religions like Christianity and Islam very clearly are at the expense of people with vindictive and sadistic ideas like eternal torture in hell for unbelievers. I don't think I need to enumerate the many injustices that the so-called morally righteous have inflicted on others.

Some people need delusions to cope with reality. Others can accept that when they die that's it, and still work towards goals they find meaningful in this world. Math acting as a useful set of tools for building models which allow one to achieve goals. If having goals is cope, then I would consider working on curing cancer and assuaging suffering far superior to believing in the adult form of fairy tales.

>> No.14588558

>Christians also see him as a trinity which means he contains parts.
Not quite, given my limited understanding of trinity. God is both made up of three parts but also he's one, since the parts are coequal and coeternal

>> No.14588574

>And how do you know that? God is a capable of intentionality, language, creating universes, moral law, etc. That's an impressive set of capabilities, pretty much the most complex imaginable.
you're getting complexity confused with greatness, God is the greatest conceivable being in the sense that all things have their ontological source in God, but that doesn't imply anything about the actual metaphysical structure of God.
>Christians also see him as a trinity which means he contains parts.
The trinity says that God is one substance that is consubstantial with three persons. Christians don't see persons as parts. Parts are spacio-temporal.
Look up the Nicene Creed and consubstantiality.
>Apparently he made us in his image, which has led many Christians to think god has a human-like appearance. Not sure how that doesn't mean he has no parts.
There is a ton of interpretations of what is meant by made in the image of God, and none of them think that God as such as a human like appearance.

If youre actually interested in this stuff, you should read up on philosophy and theology because all of what you are saying has been asked and answered many times in the past 2000 years

>> No.14588590

I don't think you understand. There is no "true" reality if God doesn't exist. Everything is cope because there is no identity between thought and being. There are no delusions, or rather, everything is a delusion.
>I don't think I need to enumerate the many injustices that the so-called morally righteous have inflicted on others.
this is just a cope, you are essentially an intelligent monkey that has heightened anxiety by the fact that these "pseudo-organizations" exist, so you call them unjust.
>If having goals is cope, then I would consider working on curing cancer and assuaging suffering far superior to believing in the adult form of fairy tales.
Again, none of that matters though. Thinking that something is superior for no reason whatsoever is a cope because the only reason why you would find it objectionable is if it gives you some sort of uneasiness or anxiety in the mind, this is all your value judgments are if God doesn't exist: whatever thoughts gives you the least amount of uneasiness.

>> No.14588628

Whether science is opinion or fact is your opinion