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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14575445 No.14575445 [Reply] [Original]

junkies demanding lyrica -edition

prev >>14548801
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/choline/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>inb4 not science
>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice

thread theme https://youtu.be/IndR8CARiTo

>> No.14575516

I've heard many people claim that supplementing omega 3 + l tyrosine + l phenylalanine makes ADHD meds work better after one starts developing a tolerance to them
Still can't find a study that would prove this to be the case
Are people just having major placebos?

>> No.14575629


>> No.14576544


>> No.14576632

Any of you medfags have any tips or tricks for functioning on minimal amounts of sleep or sleeping in short intervals or how to get up at the ass crack of dawn and start performing right away? I have a job outside the medical field where such knowledge would be useful (IT pager support).

>> No.14576887
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What is this on my arm?

>> No.14576963

recently pretty much every time i shower, when i get out, the skin on the back of my neck, my nipples, my ventral forearms, my dick and asshole, really burn and are irritated.
like, chemical burn feeling. obviously it's the soap, right, but i don't use fancy soap it's unscented dr bronners soap. there's nothing in it.
and i put lotion and shit on when i get out, but i have this sensitive red skin that feels like a rug burn basically. my fucking nipples and neck hurt when my shirt touches them, i don't even know what the fuck to do, if i'm like showering wrong all the sudden? or i need to start using no-more-tears baby soap or something?
i don't even know how to diagnose this because everything online is like "oh try soap with no fragrances, or try actual soap instead of body wash", which is what i'm doing and have been doing for years.

>> No.14576966


>> No.14576993

If you’re taking hot showers start taking cooler showers so you don’t dry out your skin.

Also could be the rare Aquagenic urticaria. Could also be your government putting needless amounts of chloride and other shit into the water. Or your pipes being full of mold.

>> No.14576994

Yes. Either amphetamine or big amounts of caffeine.
Or hyperventilating under a cold shower.
Basically anything that will make you really fucking stressed.

>> No.14577007

i'm on well water, and i've got a pretty good home filter. but, i have only lived here for like a year, so maybe it is something in the water or that shower specifically.
dunno how i'd test for mold in the pipes or whatever, but the water from the tap is pretty good and i don't have any issues drinking it i don't think.
i'll try using another shower in the house for some time and see if that actually changes anything. i do take pretty hot showers, but i've always taken hot showers.

>> No.14577083

Just failed my medical school finals. Have to take a resit exam in a month or so.

Medical school has made me fucking miserable. I am genuinely considering suicide.

>> No.14577100

I hope you are never my doctor...

>> No.14577112

I won’t be, getting out of medicine as soon as I finish uni.

I hope you get brain cancer, and I hope you’re American so you have to pay for the privilege of dying.

>> No.14577119

Why don't you become a pilot? That should make it easier.

>> No.14577214

How does one leverage being a med student to getting pussy ?

>> No.14577317

have you tried not being retarded?

if you're in clinical years then take a look at mehlmanmedical and read through the documents that you're weak on. If you're a year 1-2 student start w the arrows document and suck it up.
Otherwise the Cardio, GI, Pulm docs are good.

>> No.14577408

>skimming documents is the prep for med finals.
No wonder these people encouraged the SARS injections.

>> No.14577503


check them out and then off yourself

>> No.14577508

lift, sleep, and eat good
>be attractive
>don't be unattractive

fr tho wait for the nurses when ur m3+
otherwise Hinge/tinder and use white coat photos good luck

>> No.14577654

Oh no no no no no
Look af this dude!!

>> No.14577801

>power naps
>remember to eat and drink
>moderate dose of coffeine ie. 4 mg/kg

>> No.14578131

>don't sleep properly for a few weeks
>tfw suddenly pick up an interest in ortho

>> No.14578907

I had asked my doctor for a referral for a cardiac stress test due to a family history of cardiac issues (including my dad recently having had a triple bypass.) I don't have any symptoms, such a chest pain etc. The doctor cautioned me that insurance wouldn't pay for it unless I reported having such symptoms. I kind of feel like he was coaching me on what to say in order to get able to get insurance to pay for the test. Do doctors do that? I'm kind of autistic and so tend to miss signals like that. He did say "Do you understand what I'm telling you?" after explaining that I would need to be reporting such symptoms to get the test. I'm 37 in August for what it's worth.

>> No.14578987

>I hope you are never my doctor...

If you want to test your doctor, here are three questions:

(1) Define "fiduciary."
(2) Tell me who taught you ethics.
(3) Did you graduate in the top or bottom half of your class?

>> No.14579216


>> No.14579258
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>> No.14579284
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thanks yandex.

>> No.14579302

you get the idea.
doctors will not help you.
they are pharma merchants.

>> No.14579345

You can do it! just don't anhero

>> No.14579706

The clown pagliacci is in town.You should go see him. That should cheer you up.

>> No.14579731
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I posted this in the last thread before it died, so posting it again

I don't have trouble urinating, ejaculating, or experience any pain regarding my urethra. But when I compare it to intact penises (I'm cut unfortunately), their urethral opening seems larger vertically. Or maybe I'm paranoid and seeing things, as I've been told meatus size changes depending on the person.
So since I don't have any problems nor any "scarring" or "adhesions", nor a "sink-hole appearance" regarding my meatus, I'm pretty sure it's not meatal stenosis. And I wonder if I'm just being paranoid and thinking it's narrower.
How do I check? When I pull the glans/frenulum back, the meatus opens very wide and seems larger/akin to the intact penises' meatuses. But when I leave it alone, or pressure it downward, it seems small compared to the rest of the glans, and doesn't open very wide. Is this supposed to be normal?
The slit seems larger vertically regardless of stretching in intact men. So I'm quite confused. Is there a set ratio between the flaccid glans and meatus?
According to the papers I read, the average meatus size is between 23.09 Fr and 28.49 Fr (0.35 inches). How do I even measure this for myself? Any urologists here?

>> No.14580102
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NTA, but the way my life continues to circle the drain....

>> No.14580254
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>anon comes in with a fractured fourth finger metacarpal
>give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.14580265
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I admire your dedication anon

>> No.14580298



Best thing to predict your risk of the coronary syndrome. Some old doc told me in a blog post in his first 15 years he had many heart attacks. His final 15 years he ordered a ct calcium contrast study and had only 1 heart attack.

Perhaps since he didnt practice during covid, but altogether even if he lied those $200 for the work are worth your pain and suffering.

Also go eat like balkaner, mediterranean diet is apparently best.

>> No.14580398

calcium studies dont detect cholesterol plaques tho. my dad passed his calcium test but failed the stress test for that reason. ended up having severe arterial blockage.

>> No.14580518
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don't make the mistake I did and go on a keto-diet as a student. It's a /fit/ meme and it will make you euphoric as fuck but also really, really fucking stupid. My IQ dropped 20 points.

Consuming meat promotes inflammation by adding endotoxins to our diet and by saturated fats disrupting the gastrointestinal barrier allowing endotoxins to spill into the bloodstream. Tumor necrosis factor which is increased by endotoxins that activate TLR4 and TLR2 within the body directly contributes to neuronal cell death by inducing microglial inflammation through activation of kv1.3channels. This also promotes neuronal insulin resistance and contributes to hypothalamic neuroinflammation which is the root cause of all metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders.
There's metabolic ward experiments and feeding trials showing the direct consequences of consumption of a high fat, high protein meal on markers of endothelial function: increases in markers of peripheral inflammation, reduction in serotonin metabolism in the brain, and these can be extrapolated to disease pathology because we can observe the direct consequences of lipotoxicity and endotoxicity within the brain and reduction in cognitive function and metabolic homeostasis through understanding of the hypothalamic model of metabolic disorder
Directly increasing neuronal insulin sensitivity increases metabolic homeostasis and BCAA catabolism. The failure of BCAA catabolism aggravates organ fibrosis, cancer growth, etc

>> No.14580559

Doctor Bronners is much more alkaline than skin.

>> No.14580987

>Consuming meat promotes inflammation by adding endotoxins to our diet
consuming starch promotes inflammation by adding endotoxins to our diet

>> No.14581138


>> No.14581586

> reddit.com/r/AskDocs/comments/vepjqs/i_dont_know_if_i_am_okay/
> I frequently have night terrors about going back to work, and reliving some of the things that happened during 2020. I often wake up screaming.
How do people like that even function? This is over-empathizing (if you can even call it that), where you get PTSD from seeing giga-elderly clients die of a disease (at age 100, does it make a difference?).
But seriously, this must be a mental condition. This must be some brain mal-architecture. Like a supertaster, but for excessive emotion-based empathy of.

>> No.14581738

i have my neuro state exam next week, and I have 0 motivation to study right now, apart from the fact that the other option is dropping out 1 year before finishing. I don't know why I chose this degree anymore.

>> No.14581870

someone knows what is the best book on traumatology so i don't end up like this>>14577083

>> No.14581887

It could happen, especially if your expectations are violated severely enough. The human perception and mental condition consists of relative perceptions, after all, not absolutes.
So if someone's sole means of coping with their mortality has been to ignore it entirely, that could be an issue. Or if it is to believe you die a certain way, instead of nearly everyone wishing for a lethal dose of morphine as their brains render them unable to feel anything but agony.

Frankly, the fact we don't have state assisted suicide is a testament to the psychopathy of other humans. "Oh yes well maybe you can die but we won't make it painless instead you get to suffer even worse" and some people genuinely find that more moral holy fuck.

>> No.14581924

med anons this might be a long shot but I got a question. today I had dental implants and before sedation they had me take 4 pills of amoxicillin. I got a prescription saying take 3 a day for the next week but im not sure if that includes today or starts tomorrow. Would call the doctor but by the time it crossed my mind they were closed

>> No.14582051

So we either have a shitton of bots today or people thinking "we don't give medical advice" is a fucking joke. Given /sci/ seems to be getting spammed to shit all on a sudden with garbage threads I'm leaning toward "even bots aren't this retarded".

>> No.14582152

>dental implants
Shameful dispray
Son, I am disappoint

>> No.14582565
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I asked about my finger here a week ago and someone said to post a pic but I never did but this is what they look like
Been to two doctors and they told me they were warts but idk about that, they don't look like any warts I've ever seen
I was looking on my phone to find this pic and I found a pic that I had taken the previous year, exact same month the particular photo I took was from but 8 days later then todays
So yeah I have these things on my right hand, right hand only, usually it's just a red circle but this one decided to get a patch of whiteness in the middle just today, sometimes they're spaced very close together and remind me of pompholyx but they aren't bumps so much as very flat lumps
A bit itchy, a bit sensitive when I press down on things with them
Over the next month they will slowly start to become less noticeable and then I'll have a ring of dried skin peeling off where every red patches used to be, the skin will clear up completely
A few years ago they were localised to one finger only but they started slowly spreading

>> No.14582567

Sorry if it wasn't obvious the photo I mentioned from last year was of these 'warts'
Also they aren't usually itchy, only sometimes are they itchy
They haven't itched all day and so I don't think it's some kind of allergic reaction (especially since they reappear at the exact same time in winter)

>> No.14582568

>Been to two doctors and they told me they were warts but idk about that, they don't look like any warts I've ever seen
Then you go and tell the doctor things that make you concerned they're not warts and ask for how to investigate further like a responsible adult. Advocate for yourself holy shit.
Read the OP fuckwit no medical advice.
Bring a fucking script with you to the doctor if you have to. We don't have allergy skin prick tests or x-ray machines genius. Nobody's going to really be able to figure that out for you.

>> No.14582584

I'm a hypochondriac and so after a few bad experiences with doctors 10 years ago I don't question doctors anymore, I just tell them my symptoms and let them examine me and don't contradict my doctor or advocate for myself beyond telling my symptoms

>> No.14582593

Fair enough. I get it. But you're giving into the condition by fishing for online advice here too. I'll write some things to try to help but none of this is medical advice, I'm just hoping you direct your focus to people who CAN help you.

If your doctors understand that, just be up front with them, and just explain how it recurs and ask why that is. Stuff like that. I cannot - will not - give you medical advice because on the internet it means literally nothing. Could be what I think it is, could be a side result of something else, online there's no way to know in a medically informed manner. It is unethical to advise people online like that for that reason.

Your doctors said you're fine, so just write down your concerns and maybe have a friend go over it as a short list for what's normal. I hope if you still have health anxiety this bad you have a therapist, maybe the therapist can help. If not, just tell the doctor about your health anxiety and to be patient with you.

I would be absolutely overjoyed if patients with health anxiety would just fucking admit it, same for other mental issues, so I could proactively help organize and expedite things. That way it's faster, cheaper, and more accurate.

>> No.14582619 [DELETED] 

Yeah I tell my doctors that I have hypochondria now but after my experience 10 years ago I stopped seeing doctors for 7 years and decided to ignore all symptoms and have only recently seen them again

The first doctor I started seeing again would still condescend to me about everything, never tested anything, just told me it was nothing
When I told him that I felt 'shortness of breath' from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep he just looked at me and said 'poor you you must be worrying so much all the time you really should find a therapist'
Then I go home and think about how his preconceptions about me will bias him and lead him to think that my symptoms are just in my head and therefore he may miss a symptom that he really should have been following up on

In the cases of the doctors I saw I told them everything I posted here, I was told I could get them frozen off or use salicylic acid
Also in this instance this isn't really an example of my health anxiety although I am worried about spreading warts to other people if it actually is warts
I didn't think about the ethical part of what I'm demanding of people here though, sorry about that

>> No.14582620

this is true. Fasting is really potent for studying, don't eat too much.

>> No.14582621 [DELETED] 

Oh also I'm seeing my doctor again in 3 weeks
I will mention it to her again but I have a feeling she will just say it's warts like the last time

>> No.14582622

thanks for the studies

>> No.14582624

Look, from your description it genuinely sounds like you really should find a therapist. Maybe he's a condescending ass, but he isn't wrong about that. I'm not going into the medical side of things because that'll either make your health anxiety worse or repeat what I said already about medical advice.

I gave you some suggestion and the main one is to have a therapist help you learn to formulate your thoughts so you have a better experience. I strongly recommend writing down bulletpoints, and going over it. Ideally when you are less anxious about your health unless it triggers that anxiety. But your doctor was right about finding a therapist.

>> No.14582641 [DELETED] 

I am currently worried about having brain tumours/cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer and stomach cancer, I'm a classic case of a hypochondriac although I've never actually been tested for anything before so I'm not sure about the whole 'tests come back negative but anxiety and belief in an undiagnosed illness still remains'
I think I'll take your advice and go to my doctor, advocate for myself and refuse to compromise on anything until I get an MRI scan for my brain, X-rays for my hand, CT scan for my lungs, colonoscopy and endoscopy
That way I can leave knowing that there's nothing wrong with me and if I don't get these things then my doctor has hell to pay (metaphorically)

>> No.14582643

>I think I'll take your advice and go to my doctor, advocate for myself and refuse to compromise on anything until I get an MRI scan for my brain, X-rays for my hand, CT scan for my lungs, colonoscopy and endoscopy
That is not even a remotely like what I said. You need a therapist. Fuck off.

>> No.14582649

I'm just kidding, thanks for the 'and ask for how to investigate further like a responsible adult. Advocate for yourself holy shit' advice unironically
I hope you have a nice day

>> No.14582675

Any tips on studying for the MCAT? It seems easy but it's hard to study for/raise my score because the exams are passage based and seem like they need very little outside info to answer. I took FL1 blind and got a 505, but because of my race will need a 525 if I want to get in anywhere. Tips greatly appreciated anons.

>> No.14582749

This guy has spammed this same post on like 3 other threads.

>> No.14582755

Sadly the board just seems full of NPC's and samefags. Kind of makes it more than a bit worthless sadly. You only get potential for genuine engagement during downtime until the schizos wake back up

>> No.14582779

So? I still am grateful for the studies
this doesn't change the fact that I am grateful for the studies

>> No.14582782

It's the ebb and flow, sometimes the threads are bad, sometimes they are good. Advice seekers and schizos come and go. Just ignore them completely, no sense can be knocked into them, there is nothing to gain from the interactions.

>> No.14582783

>learning traumatology from a book

>> No.14582788

nah it's just shitty brain, nothing exceptional about that
>waah i can't commit suicide myself please savee mee from my life nanny state

>> No.14582793

Well duh. However, the problem is there has always been a "heads I win tails you lose" equation. Doesn't matter how much you ignore the retards, the jannies don't do their jobs even a little so the retards can always win. Meanwhile the jannies who live for their job are the exact same people you don't want to be jannies.
My being here is hardly a testament to the quality of the board. It's a testament to the lack of quality inherent in everything now.

>> No.14582817

As if you can read and understand their conclusions and potential shortcomings.

>> No.14582821

interesting >>14582391

>> No.14583022

that's just the format. image boards were always shit, the exact concentration just varies a bit. you filter out the good from the shit. sometimes the right people happen upon a thread and it turns out good. the important thing is to maintain the threads.

>> No.14583027

god i hate psychiatry. used to be kino, now it's just bureaucracy .

>> No.14583060

Why would junkies want pregabalin?

>> No.14583062

thoughts on ISRIB and semax

>> No.14583117

What would /med/ do about lead poisoning?

>> No.14583122

Opportunistic pathogen colonizing from a sedentary lifestyle causing a lack of sun exposure. Get some sun and don't wear sunscreen.

>> No.14583125

Opportunistic pathogen colonizing from a sedentary lifestyle caused by a lack of raw organs eaten. Eat some raw organs

>> No.14583137

Only a midwit would ask these questions
>(1) Define "fiduciary."
No or I don't care are the high IQ responses. I don't know is fine too.
>(2) Tell me who taught you ethics.
Medical Ethics are cucked and predicated on Hippocratic smoothbrain thinking. Hippocrates and his ethics was refuted by Aristotle in Politics. I can refute any convention medical ethic you provide. The whole carcus of it is a rotting mess and the reason we waste time and resources focusing on the frail and old instead of enhancing the young and healthy. This thinking is what led to imprudent mass vaccinations and mask mandates.
>(3) Did you graduate in the top or bottom half of your class?
Means nothing. Ask about research papers if you really want to pick their brain and elaborate on mechanisms. You don't because you're a midwit impressed by meaningless spooked nonsense and credentialism.

>> No.14583144

you may have 0 awareness of fiduciary obligations as an undergrad but as a doctor working at a private practice or local clinic the business side is an inescapable reality, this isnt an IQ test as they will definitely know vastly more than you do about it its a moral test for the alignment of their interests.

>> No.14583152

I don't care about made up monetary points. Finances work out in the end and if my employer goes belly up its their problem for not giving me sole ownership. Debt is a spook. I haven't paid a cent of my medical loans back and never will.

>> No.14583157

Can someone tell me if I'm being an idiot if I make this choice:
Background: I want to enter a research-heavy residency program (not in the US, so no "match"). I finished my intern year in 2020, after that NEETed for two years because 2020 was absolute hell and I was burned out as shit + covid work did not allow me to plan my future residency/PhD like I wanted to (basically I was completely lost, demotivated and had no idea what to do). During that time I took some courses and worked on some projects in my field of interest. I tried applying to PhD programs but never with success, probably due to lack of research experience + zero connections in the field.
I want to practice in a different country, and I estimate all the paperwork for the license+applying for a vacancy will take about 1 year. Problem is that will extend my unemployment, and I don't know if my NEETing years will already be a kiss of death for the residencies, making this inactive period longer. I am faced with two choices:
1. Get my license and apply to a residency place as quickly as possible (may take 1 year, may take more due to gap years, unlikely to get a research-focused program)
2. Do a 2 year masters and apply to residency during the second year (good for connections in the field, will make gap years less important, more likely to get a nice residency, but 2 more years away from clinic) ---> I am tending towards this.
But am I being a dumbass? It seems rational enough to me but something doesn't feel right.

>> No.14583160

Nobody cares about NEETing years.

>> No.14583348

I'm a fucking primalfag you don't need to explain that shit to me. I was bitching that everything ELSE has gotten so bad for other or similar reasons that I'm genuinely getting better conversation here than other platforms. That's fucking ridiculous. Even so, obvious astroturfing and botting rot this hellhole too. That was the point. Not "I don't know how to imageboard" for fuck sake.

>> No.14583426

I want to start by saying that I am not a doctor (yet), but I am curious about your opinion on something. I saw a YouTube video about how certain omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids like 18:2 (linoleic) can become pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory in higher concentrations. The presenter proposed a lipid peroxidation cascade which would produce lipid peroxides, which can further break down into carcinogens. He then go on to propose that this disrupts the ability for cardiolipin to form from the peroxided LA. This then goes on to cause mitochondrial disfunction... Rest is history. Does this sound feasible? I understand a lot of this is probably out of my general experience, so I thought I would share with you gentlemen. I have several sources which back the line of logic which I collected after watching the video.
Video in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHnPinYI2Yc&t=1618s

Guyenet SJ, Carlson SE. Increase in adipose tissue linoleic acid of US adults in the last half century. Adv Nutr. 2015;6(6):660-664. Published 2015 Nov 13. doi:10.3945/an.115.009944

>> No.14583619
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Look at this dude with his baby urethra and laugh at him

>> No.14583631

it's not funny man, I'm really worried about this

>> No.14583636

Then you'd go see a doctor instead of ignore the OP about not asking for advice. Fuck off.

>> No.14583658
File: 55 KB, 478x475, b0d797eb166d29ef061f1c0afcb937b7pepe-cries-happily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14583670

you're a cripplecock, cripplecocks have penis envy because of their crippled cock. you wish you were a real man, but you never will be, you will never know what its like to be a real man, you will always be a cripplecock with a only fraction of a normal penis.

>> No.14583724

american doctor moment

>> No.14583989

it potentiates other drugs

>> No.14584282

Lead deposits as calcium.
But I'm from /pol/ and think /med/ is for retarded normies.

>> No.14584309 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 900x720, 1629653857127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intranasal deferoxamine targets the brain in 200 fold higher concentrations than IV use. Here's a study that measures the quantity within differing areas of the brain in a study of deferoxamine for treatment of ischemic stroke in mice.
The ammount used in this study was equivalent to 4500mg of dfo in humans. It reduced stroke volume by 55% in this model and the protection was spared even if dfo was used after the ischemia.
Iron accumulation within our brain promotes tau fibril generation and neuronal insulin resistance and it's accumulation in the brain is aggravated by inflammation, cms, glutametergic neurotransmission, promotes irons accumulation in microglial cells as well. These are the immune cells of the brain and in dementia and diabetes macrophages infiltrate the brain past a leaky blood brain barrier and provokes chronic immune activation in the brain as well as the functions of microglial cells failing with iron accumulation
> Protective role of microglial HO-1 blockade in aging: Implication of iron metabolism
> Aged WT mice showed higher basal expression levels of microglial HO-1 in the brain than adult mice. This increase was even higher when exposed to an inflammatory stimulus (LPS via i.p.) and was accompanied by alterations in different iron-related metabolism proteins, resulting in an increase of iron deposits, oxidative stress, ferroptosis and cognitive decline. Furthermore, microglia exhibited a primed phenotype and increased levels of inflammatory markers such as iNOS, p65, IL-1β, TNF-α, Caspase-1 and NLRP3. Interestingly, all these alterations were prevented in aged HMOX1M-KO and WT mice treated with the HO-1 inhibitor ZnPPIX

>> No.14584577

Are you obese and/or ginger? Medically relevant

>> No.14584595

>its a moral test for the alignment of their interests.

It's mostly a way to filter out ppl like >>14583137, who I'd never let touch my body with a gloved hand.

The whole reason we have complex medical regulation is because of the fiduciary position doctors are in, which means they can act on you, against your interest, based on admissions you make to them, e.g. if you say the wrong thing to them you can lose your driver license, etc.

>> No.14584607

>people with visuospatial dysfunction should be allowed to drive
It’s more than just saying something

>> No.14585359
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>Priority 1 Call: 68 year-old female who has central chest pain 2/10 after the administration of aspirin and GTN, and a past history of angina.Worryingly, the patient’s finger tips have turned blue, and the paramedics are unable palpate a radial pulse…
>On arrival in the ED, the patient is sitting up, alert and orientated, and is in no distress or pain anymore. You look at her hands:

>> No.14585390

>In rats
Anyone who knows anything about anything knows we have ultra advanced space age technology for doing everything from partly curing aging to eliminating all cancers in rats and mice. We also know almost none of it works analogously nor safely in humans, and it takes many decades to work up the mammal ladder of test subjects into other primates or humans.
Case in point, your study is from 2009 and is cited (among many) by one in 2021 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32926630/

Admnistered DFO results in nonspecific toxicity and so far in each attempt at clinical use it has proven dangerous across different dosing regimens. You absolutely have to read the full text on this review, and go into the literature on the dangers and risks. This is definitely something that is not safe, and is many more decades from being safe.

In effect, people posting this kind of thing are completely ignoring all the costs and selectively posting dubious claims of benefit as if chemicals work in a vacuum. It's like posting that bleach cures cancer while omitting that drinking bleach will kill you.

>> No.14585394

>a way to filter out good doctors who actually care about science instead of spooks and calls out bullshit like masks and vaxes for what they are
kek, retard. go see a a faggot who'll be able to explain ''''fiduciary''' like a gradeschool moron and proceed to stick you with a needle injecting 0.3 mL of your 'safe and effective' mystery juice.

>> No.14585428

Correlation is not causation. You need no expertise in biochemistry to know why this is bullshit, and I shall endeavor to show you how this is the case.

A good example of this: The single strongest correlation to obesity is vehicle with the miles driven on average of consumer vehicles. On the other hand, untreated ADHD is the highest psychiatric correlate. Having no friends is the highest behavioral one. Being female is the highest correlate for sex. So does being a black female cause obesity? What about traffic noise? Subjectively listed quality of rock music? Crude oil production?

The point in these examples is to illustrate just how uninformative even a non-spurious correlation is. Is the ultimate cause caloric intake, or the behaviors that correspond to creating circumstances of higher caloric intake? Do they reinforce one another? To establish a causal mechanism in any given population let alone individual "feedback loop" requires a level of detail, mechanism, and specificity, completely unavailable and currently impossible or impracticable.

So look at the list of dietary sources, and if you know ANYTHING about historical diets you know the hypothesis is falsified. There are plenty of times throughout history where the SOLE oil common contained some of the highest concentrations of linoleic acid. Rather than check the correlation with hindcast predictions, the authors stopped short. So are they retarded, or did someone just need to have his name slapped on something to gain some career notoriety? Sadly that happens a lot.

So where's that leave us? The fact the correlation is merely tracking with caloric intake, and does not control for caloric intake. No mention of calories in the meta-analysis nor in several randomly clicked citations. RIGHT into the fucking bin it goes. Total dogshit. High school students could do better.

>> No.14585528

Diagnosis: retarded paramedics

>> No.14585531

>68 year old female with prexisting health issue
She lived long enough. It's immoral to treat her when there are young patients in their 20s with their lives ahead of them waiting in the waiting room. Even if their affliction is less severe, their age warrants more immediate attention.

>> No.14585653

Not med advice, I am just curious for my /med/bio/ interest's sake: for as long as I can remember, I had a ridiculous (but still unconcerning) resting heart rate. It's 90-100. In various places, I read that even some non-athletes can have HRs in the 50s and 60s, but the average is significantly below mine, even among couch potatoes apparently. Even people that don't regularly (like, several hours a week of intense exercise) workout. As an honest assessment, not some stereotypical psych bias, I would say I am at about the perfect average of fitness for my age.

I can't help but wonder if it's related to my ADHD and/or SLIGHT anger issue. I never get angry over trivialities or small things (like people making mistakes or at animals -- authoritatively, I can say it isn't just some idealist issue, rather every fiber of my being agrees it's pointless to get angry over things that were not purposeful actions by a rational actor); I don't get extremely often angry, or like, bloodthirsty, but when I do get (my one real trigger is illogicalness by non-INTx people), I do get pretty angry and it takes a bit to hold myself back from violence, which over my life has not always worked.
I also have near zero patience in general.
So I would say I am in the more questionably temperered and for lack of a better term "hot blooded" percentile of people.
Could these two things (ADHD/hot temper, and constant high heart rate) be linked? It would fit the millennia old stereotype.

>> No.14585692

Yes, as well as the opposite. Asymptomatic/idiopathic bradycardia is low heart rate, and for inattentive ADHD you can get people with a lifelong resting rate of something like 40-60 with no exercise at all. Even on stimulants. Your case of resting tachycardia would be the opposite of what I just described, possibly compensation from your sympathetic nervous system.

If your body is unable for whatever reason to regulate itself, as you find with ADHD, alternatives with behavioral consequences can manifest as in your case. For sake of hypothetical this is assuming there are no other underlying or possible causes. Hence ADHD for a multiplicity of reasons corresponds to things like explosive anger disorders in children and adults as well, as the body is trying to compensate for chronic under-stimulation and under-reward in the only way it has left (failing everything else chronically triggering fight or flight). Hence, also on the opposite end, development of chronic anxiety and/or nightmare disorders and so on.

As I say to everyone who has ADHD... you do yourself zero favors by not seeking medication to resolve your issues. If stimulants cannot or do not work in your case, other non-stimulant options are available or very low dose slow release ones are too. You should seek help on that from a professional IF you have not.

>> No.14585829

>caught covid 5 days ago
>tested negative today
>all that's left is laryngitis so my voice is fucked
just wait it out?

>> No.14585853
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>nooo I don't wanna go back to work tommorrow noo

>> No.14586088
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>tfw the money finally starts rolling in

>> No.14586098
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>A 65-year old man presents to ED at 1am with 90 minutes of central chest pressure that awoke him from sleep. He says he thinks he has ‘indigestion’. The pain is non-radiating, with mild shortness of breath, but no nausea, vomiting or diaphoresis. He is an ex-smoker with a 20 pack-year history. There is no previous history of IHD, diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol.

>On arrival he looks well, with normal heart rate (54 bpm), blood pressure (127/86) and oxygen saturations (98% on room air). His pain has improved slightly with sublingual nitrates in the ambulance, although he still has some ongoing chest discomfort.

>> No.14586417

>>got a virus
>>have limited post viral symptoms
>just wait it out?

>> No.14586427

Her heart chakra is blocked. We should CT angio her heart chakra and call the ayurvedic specialist.

>> No.14586432

Inverted T waves on V1 and V2 suggest ischaemic changes.
Left ventricular hypertrophy signs on V5 and V6. Likely the cause of his angina.

>> No.14586437

For fuck sake there are nurse lines in MOST countries just fucking call one and ask if it should be checked

>> No.14586605

I'm mocking the dumbass.
Ofc not.

>> No.14586654

I had no way of knowing if it was the dumbass just repeating himself for attention. Hopefully you can understand the sarcasm was indistinguishable from doubling down on retardation.

>> No.14587205

TWI aVR/V1 can be normal.

>> No.14587209

Also, there's no TWI in V2.

>> No.14587435

Introduce 1mg/kg of epinephrine hydrochloride intravenously.

>> No.14587492

Don't need medical advice as I already resolved the issue, just curious how the medfags here would handle it as I assume you're more competent than my shrink.

Relevant diagnoses are major depressive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Four months prior to the relevant timeframe I started taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg qAM. Only other medication is Ativan 0.5mg PRN.

One week prior to the relevant timeframe I had a one-time diagnostic interview with a psychologist, during which I discussed the traumatic events leading to my PTSD diagnosis.

The relevant timeframe begins with my therapist of over a year noticing that I am significantly agitated. Three days later my shrink doubles the Wellbutrin to 300mg. About two weeks after that, my therapist notes that I am so agitated that I cannot even participate productively in the session and cuts it short.

Two days later, one trip to my primary physician and one trip to the pharmacy, and I am back to normal. No unusual agitation.

What did I tell him to prescribe for me, and why?

>> No.14587808

Moar benzos which are an unsustainable quick fix but make patients happy

>> No.14587815

It wasn't a controlled substance.

>> No.14587820

Also, I've been getting 30 Ativan a month for over a year and I can still count on one hand how many I have taken. It's strictly if I'm panicking so badly that I would otherwise head to the ER to rule out a heart attack.

>> No.14587821

Her ice magic powers have awoken, adding to her fire powers. She is the female Todoroki.

>> No.14587830

>The single strongest correlation to obesity is vehicle with the miles driven on average of consumer vehicles.
Don't type text while you are having a mini stroke.

Most you mentioned are shit tier examples, since there very well is a causative link between e.g. vehicular usage and obesity, and ADHD and psychiatric conditions (ADHD leading to things like depression in a very direct one-way street relationship).
The causative link is not a 100% coverage, of fucking course, it might not even be determinant. But it's there.
Also for the love of dog, stop using
>Correlation is not causation.
The concept is not midwit, but opening with that phrase is cringe-inducingly midwit. It's like nails on chalkboard.

>> No.14587836


>> No.14587843

Another anon said using cooler showers, try that but it may be a chemical sensitivity. I'm sensitive to chemicals, including soaps and some washing detergents (avoid laundry sanitizers or you'll have a raw ass and dick from wearing clothes), I have found that branded soaps are a bitch. Especially if it's "sciency" dermatology washes or J&J as they have more chemicals. What works for me is just homebrand milk and honey body washes or organic soaps (more expensive though). Never had a problem with those two options but every other wash fucks my skin. Don't worry about fragrance so much but do worry about anything artificial.

>> No.14587851

I always laugh when I see patients in online forums nonchalantly saying "yeah I have been using x mg of this benzo daily for months/years"
Nigger, what is everyone involved doing. The patient doesn't have an excuse either to not go like "excuse me, what the fuck" at the doctor. They take the drug, they feel on their own body its potency.
I just find it a literal NPC-tier defense to give people a free pass to shut off their own brain just because an authority figure tells them to do a certain thing.l

>> No.14587853

The way I find a good doctor is seeing if they bother to explain shit to me (obviously knows their shit and understands the average person doesn't, these docs are usually reasonable and actually listen to patients) or if they just kind of throw half-assed info, referrals and solutions at you. The latter doctors are usually pretty dull to engage with and don't seem that intelligent, they don't take you seriously and brush off your concerns pretty quickly. A doctor like that helped my grandmother die of cancer.

>> No.14588107

Anyone noticed you can't google anything medical anymore without being bombarded by clickbait 'health' websites like mayo clinic that dispense vague, useless info that has most likely been written by an algorithm? Not even wikipedia shows up anymore.

>> No.14588122

>Anyone noticed
anyone with eyes would've noticed that

>> No.14588147

do these look like Montgomery glands?
I haven't had most of these bumps until a few months ago. several of them are really superficial (more in the epiderm and not connected to sebaceous glands in dermis) and not really on the areola.

>> No.14588155
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More like never ending advice fagging edition am I right?

>> No.14588202

It doesn't help that re-selling Rx benzos paid for by Medicaid is an unofficially-official form of welfare. Literally anyone with disability payments for anxiety can get as many benzos as they want, they're free for the asking.

>> No.14588248

This is very true and it's quite frustrating, especially because as you say most of these sites a lengthy word salad that contains no information whatsoever. It is just like an AI has written it all. Probably optimised for Google hits so these sites can get views/ad money from the general public.

>> No.14588281 [DELETED] 
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I just finished my first year at a eastern European uni and I feel terrible, is anyone else going through this (attending a bad school) if so how are you coping? I've looked at transfer options and they all seem to be very intensive and strict. I don't feel like I am studying or learning anything of value especially compared to what other schools and programs are offering. thanks for reading my blog post

>> No.14588321

Anybody else want to guess? A non-controlled drug in a family physician's armamentarium that can rapidly resolve agitation in a recently re-traumatized PTSD patient on Wellbutrin. Answers in the form of a question.

I'm a NEET and I figured this out with Wikipedia. There's got to be a medfag on this board who can get it.

>> No.14588322


>> No.14588334

No, but you're in the ballpark.

Hint: how does Wellbutrin work, and why could that be a bad thing if you have PTSD?

>> No.14588523

those are clearly milia

>> No.14589208

Hello /med/
I had covid which ended last week and I was really bothered by the loss of taste & smell. Last friday (about 7 days after losing taste) I bought a nasal spray with steroids and made extensive use of it, and coincidence or not my my smell is like 70% back 3 days later. My taste recovered too but not as much, and I'm inclined to take some betamethasone that I have, since I'm worried that the time window to act on whatever sensory nerve damage that I have is closing.
I came here to ask two questions:
>Could taking corticosteroids actually help?
>effective or not, would it be safe to take a low dose of betamethasone for a week, or should I stick to topical steroids?

>> No.14589211
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Can I remove an injection with picrel? someone pls help.

>> No.14589218
File: 116 KB, 800x800, WH_Environment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but you will need picrel as well. if you can't figure it out from there yngmi

>> No.14589336

Anyone with relevant medical training is well aware. This is just bait, and obviously I'm not playing your stupid game. Go complaint to your licensing agency for the state. Nobody cares how clever you think you are.

>> No.14589339

You have ligma. This is not for advice. Fuck off.

>> No.14589354

thanks I'll look into ligma and direct my question to /sqt/ I guess

>> No.14589372

Call a local nurse hotline or pharmacist. I have no clue why you would prefer literal random fucking idiots on the internet to someone whose credentials you can track down and whose incompetence you could sue if they lead you astray.

>> No.14589403

I hope your bedside manner is better than your reading comprehension. There's no complaint. Now if you aren't the abject midwit I know you to be, you'll be able to tell me what medication I had my doctor prescribe, now that I've already spoonfed you the answer.

>> No.14589421

Your doctor supposedly gave you a stimulant for a disorder that causes extreme emotional distress... and you don't have a complaint? Who is the midwit here?

Either way, don't care. Your bait is retarded.

>> No.14589432 [DELETED] 

if a woman takes testosterone, can she compete at the same level as men? would the composition of muscle (in types of muscle fibers) change?

>> No.14589459

you regained smell when most other people regain smell? gr8

>> No.14589461
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if a woman takes testosterone, can she compete at the same level as men? would the composition of muscle (in types of muscle fibers) change?

>> No.14589499

There are several ways they could have gone that didn't add an additional controlled substance. Replacing with an SSRI more catered towards anxiety, trying gabapentin, or even a different brand of alpha1 blocker. There's too many possibilities for it to be narrowed down because a lot of medications are tried off label

>> No.14589502

Why would I have a complaint against an Rx-monkey writing what I tell her to write? Yeah, maybe she should have thought twice before titrating up, but if she were a competent doctor she wouldn't be a psychiatrist.
Dude, it's a puzzle.

>> No.14589505

If you take insulin that was sourced from pigs, do you become a pig?

>> No.14589514

>Replacing with an SSRI
wouldn't result in a rapid change. An alpha1 blocker would, but is noradrenaline causing the problem?

>> No.14589526

>There's too many possibilities for it to be narrowed down
Sorry, that wasn't my intention. The answer I was looking for was beta blocker. Wellbutrin may be classified an NDRI but inhibiting noradrenaline reuptake also inhibits reuptake of adrenaline.

>> No.14589551

It's still used for some patients with PTSD though, because there are patients that respond to it well. It's not cut and dry at all, there are too many things at play.

>> No.14589560

For sure. I'm still on it myself, although I stepped it back down to 150, and I take it alongside extended release propranolol due to the neverending adrenaline rushes I get otherwise.

>> No.14589581

go to parties

>> No.14589649

T waves are supposed to be inverted in V1 - V2
Sokolow <35mm so no hypertrophy
you're a poser

>> No.14589675

I would watch for dizziness and lightheadedness. Expect those times when you're in the shower and see stars for a minute, especially if your blood pressure is within normal or low range otherwise

>> No.14589783
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lol you don't need an MD to know what a vasodilator does. The more interesting part is how it acts as a peripheral vasoconstrictor at the same time. The end result, on a hot day, leaves one wanting an internal air conditioner like Scorpius from Faracape.

>> No.14589831

Ayyyy a fellow farscape fan! There are dozens of us! DOZENS!

>> No.14589870

They were either ahead of their time or way, way behind, stuck in some more classic time. But either way, they and their times weren't seeing eye to eye.

>> No.14589888

I say "so far ahead we aren't at the time yet". Especially the later seasons. There's this horrible part early on and toward the middle where it becomes god awful before it becomes the best show I've ever seen, and that is definitely going to filter a lot of people.

Early seasons were behind the times, mid and transition to newer cast was just flat out bad in any time, and the later seasons and the goddamn genius / hilarity of Harvey was WAY ahead of its time. It fits perfectly with the sort of "post irony" memetic development of online culture but is completely overlooked by it.

Anyway I'm a huge nerd but we're in /med/ the fuck do you expect

>> No.14590094

>It’s more than just saying something
Depends on the country, because it is legal. A recent case in Ontario, Canada, e.g.

"She confided in a doctor about her depression. The next thing she knew, the government took away her driver’s licence"

"During an intense flare-up of her depression, Karysa Mackay checked into a Thunder Bay hospital for crisis care.

Three days later, Mackay had her licence suspended after a psychiatrist she doesn’t recall ever meeting reported her to the Ministry of Transportation."

AFAIK this is basically the standard for civil/military aviation, e.g. if you checked into the loony bin, even voluntarily, you would be grounded.

I am not talking about who should or should not be allowed to drive, only explaining that physicians are in a fiduciary position, which means they can act against a patient w/o patient's consent in some situations defined by law.

This is why the advice some ppl give here to "get examined for ADHD!" is bullshit, unless everything else (e.g. diet) has been exhausted, because a finding of psychiatric disorder can potentially limit access to civil aviation jobs.

>> No.14590095

>kek, retard. go see a a faggot who'll be able to explain ''''fiduciary''' like a gradeschool moron and proceed to stick you with a needle injecting 0.3 mL of your 'safe and effective' mystery juice.

Well, I dont really use vaccinations or drugs that I would have to take on a daily basis, IMO there is not much evidence for those unless it is a very well-specified case.

I am just talking about a general way to see if your practitioner is "firing on all cylinders," just like how they will test patients who are elderly.

If your doctor sputters or says something like "fiduciary...it means...trust or faith, right?" then you prob. need to find another doctor.

The most important part of the definition is that the physician can act upon you w/o consent in certain circumstances.

>> No.14590129
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How fucked am I? Can't really afford a dentist. The gum around the tooth is soft, before it was dripping pus. It all started like 2 years ago.

>> No.14590130

Question for medfags:

Would it really be the end of the world if patients could self-prescribe the typical drugs they "seek" e.g. amphetamine, opiods, benzos?

Most cities already have a huge underground market for these things, so I presume the only ppl who are denied prescriptions are geeky white males who dont have street drug contacts, who also wont use the darkweb.

Would it be the end of the world to cut out you middle-men?

>> No.14590143

Prinzmetal angina

>> No.14590155

Depends. For people with ADHD, no, and unlike taking straight meth or cocaine and related it wouldn't result in that very rapid habituation-acclimation because pharmacuticals are designed to use other metabolic pathways to prevent that kind of "rise-crash" problem and rapid habituation you see with methamphetamine produced for the street. Given the option I am pretty sure anyone who knows they feel better on whatever upper they can get would just find the proper dose of adderall or ritalin or whatever and be far happier without the side-effects or dangers of street drugs.

It is a genuinely interesting question that is all too easily dismissed, because if you look at drug addiction or seeking behaviors they're certainly and obviously the cause of neural dysfunction to begin with. ADHD is just the most obvious one and easily analogized because the hyperactive subtype, as opposed to inattentive subtype, can be stereotyped as "party thrill seeker" to the casual mind. Even so, the same thing would be true about people with panic disorders who end up seeking out heroin or painkillers to calm down. If you have an anxiety problem you're using opioids to treat, given they cause horrible side effects and don't work as well, why not try an SSRI since it's freely available too?

Of course, if you shift things to allow self prescription I think one also could imagine other adjustments made around that, such as more publicly traded or available self diagnostic guidelines and cognitive testing tools for people genuinely seeking assistance. Idiotic normies who want to "try it for fun" will just find out, and in a very miserable way, drugs that treat illnesses make normal people perform and feel way fucking worse than they ordinarily would.

Probably the people who've been addicts far too long wouldn't make proper switches, but a lot of people would "experiment" and find what works for them pretty quick. There'd just be chaos in the meanwhile.

>> No.14590166

Perhaps to modify the hypothetical a bit, but I could far more readily imagine "low dose trial slow release" varieties of medications being available rather than whole-hog self-select pick your poison. Since, paired with advanced cognitive testing that would be readily available, I think that would work in quite a lot of cases.

>> No.14590170

Sorry last thought and my greatest frustration in medicine - we refuse stimulant addicts medication when the reason they're stimulant addicts in the first place is their lack of access to stimulant medication.

You have people who are a 10/10 TOTALLY unambiguous case of the worse attention deficit disorder you could ever meet in your life whose probation conditions prohibit any medication at all. Whups they committed suicide gee I wonder why that was

>> No.14590450

Sometimes people do because it's not explained that it's a possibility.

>> No.14590467 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 1810x2048, 1625758245255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have room to dedicate my time towards the research of pathways and DFO does a ok job at chelating iron from lysosomes without disruption of endosomal iron stores in the mitochondria. We have studies of binding DFO to ferritin pore unfolding peptide, and we have studies of DFO on preconditioning of stem cells, and topical application to the skin, there are models showing the application of DFO with hyaluronic acid conjugates for potentiating angiogenesis, treating of lung fibrosis with nebulized dfo. My understanding of treating iron-related disorders is reliant on my understanding of this one drug really well

now, how do we make that drug better. what other therapeutics are synergistic in inducing stem cell differentiation and homing?

We can apply for as a stem cell potentiating agent, and use stem cell potentiating peptides, and human placenta extract, and we can then administer stem cells to the brain

you can take human breast milk even and put it into dfo and use that intranasally

the goal that I want for the next month is that everyone here uses DFO and then we can begin working on the next phase after that
once we're about 3 grams deep into dfo all of you will be much smarter and healthier than you can imagine
you can nebulize dfo as well to promote your lung function as well.
You can wipe away wrinkles, and inject it into wounds
this is one groundbreaking therapy that has wide implications in treating most human diseases.
Deferoxamine is going to be the most well-known word of this decade
The deferoxamine brand has been built
dozens of threads on 4chan surrounding deferoxamine and its therapeutic index have been made in the past several weeks
Once we are better equipped with better brains and new bodies then we have to organize as a group towards the exploration of powerful therapeutics and their application to promote cognitive enhancement on a mass scale

>> No.14590470

my goal is to exponentially increase our collective cognitive capacity before the end of the season with intranasal deferoxamine and intranasal insulin
Then we can all be ready to better understand neuroendocrinology
My next goal is to give the majority of you a world class understanding in neuroendocrinology and metabolic disorders so that we have one easily understandable message that can easily be shared.
then once we have that then we can all be better motivated to solve these endemic issues of aging
We may need significant capital to move past that stage
But all of you understand that I have a very strong understanding of the medical literature. Going through the literature on your own is a practice of endurance and I'm going to be the best teacher i can to accelerate your learning as fast as possible
When we get there then we'd be in a much better place.
I have high expectations for our general. We're all going to be transformed by the information shared here. We will be able to become everything we want to become
Intranasal deferoxamine has the strongest body of literature surrounding it and I can look at the data for deferoxamine on certain cell lines
looking at other drugs and how they interface with iron homeostasis is a whole different issue
because I'd have to examine whether it can penetrate lysosomes, iron chelation capacity, molecular weight, cost, and intranasal use in the brain
these are all non confounding variables that have to be strongly considered.
deferoxamine i can just look at the mouse models and extrapolate the dose
and I can apply it to many more studies on iron dysbiosis because most of these studies use dfo
i'd have to actually relearn the interactions of iron dysbiosis in relation to other drugs
I've been looking at mimosine capped gold nanoparticles and curcumin dha microemulsions for nasal use
but those are going to have significant expense behind it

>> No.14590476

Why would healthy people pay for an iron deficiency?

>> No.14590480

Now, how do we ask women for breast milk?
There's studies of intranasal breast milk in infants significantly reducing brain injury

we also don't need dfo to be bound to HA
We can easily make HA self-assemble into RGD hydrogels
then we can apply the RGD-HA, and deferoxamine at the same time and it'd be synergistic
so would IKVAV, and YIGSR
deferoxamine increases the proliferation of adipocyte stem cells
so think about that
injecting it into your stomach
that's stem cell preconditioning
you extract the stem cells
and then you use IKVAV, YIGSR, and rgd-HA+ dfo intranasally while you get stem cell injections from your cultured adipocyte stem cells
that increases the migration and adhesion of stem cells within the brain as well as preserves their viability
This is what direct brain tissue engineering looks like
Very simple procedure
and we're actually physically programming the brain.
this is beyond just nootropics
Deferoxamine increases the proliferation of neurons from neural progenitor cells and increases stem cell proliferation and pluripotency
using dfo intranasally during a stem cell transplant would force all of those to be trafficked to the brain tissues in a more accurate fashion

>> No.14590483

This makes me laugh!
Look at the figures in this one!
Morphology, attachment and proliferation of human neural stem/progenitor cells cultured on substrates coated with lam-IKVAV peptides, short IKVAV peptides, and whole LN.
This is studying the expansion and proliferation of neural stem cells
Short IKVAV is 5amino acids
and this is the graph. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4006481/bin/sctm_20130015_f2.jpg
This is brain tissue engineering in cell culture.
plain hydrogels would be neural stem cells in standard brain medium. and the ikvav hydrogels have much greater migration
Much of our neurogenesis takes place in the SVZ near the olfactory bulb and these cells migrate outwards as they differentiate into neural progenitor cells and these neural stem cells differentiate into neurons or microglia based on the expression of inflammation in the brain and bdnf/insulin reduce the tone of inflammation and promote cell survival and migration speed through increasing mitochondrial energy supply. Somatostatin 2a is a well known receptor for promoting the migration of neural progenitor cells, and axonal growth.
This study explores the expression of somatostatin 2a receptors on neural progenitor cells and sst2 receptors are ubiquitously expressed within the brain.
By increasing the receptor activation of sst2 receptors on neural progenitor cells and migrating neurons we can substantially increase the cell migration https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2677669/figure/pone-0005509-g014/
These are the cell migration rates from control cells and increasing concentrations of octreotide
octreotide at 100nM or similar to I believe 50mcg on these migrating cells increases migration rates 5 fold compared to controls

>> No.14590486

YIGSR and RGD are very short peptides and we can do a lot with those
even without the nanowires we can induce brain tissue engineering on a sophisticated level
Production of a hylauronic acid- rgd nanogel is easy as well.
for a tripeptide like RGD it might cost a few thousand dollars for multiple grams of it
I have several projects that are ready for production with enough capital
that's including DFO conjugates, ferritin pore unfolding peptide, and interacting with integrins with integrin peptides for tissue engineering
This is how to physically change the shape in which neurogenesis occurs because these integrins also reduce the growth of astrocytes and microglial cells compared to neurons
physically removing glial scars within the brain from brain damage
We can make it happen

Cure aging in 5 years or bust

we could cleanse our entire bodies with these compounds and become ageless
RGD could very easily be bound to hylauronic acid for introduction to the brain
would be perfectly synergistic with deferoxamine while significantly reducing the viability of cancerous cell lines
A Synthetic Peptide Containing the IKVAV Sequence from the
A Chain of Laminin Mediates Cell Attachment, Migration, and
Neurite Outgrowth
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
all strong integrin targeting peptides all that can directly act on cell profileration while reducing cancer growth and incidence.

>> No.14590495

This study describes the application of tissue engineering with carbon nanotubes and rgd/yigsr peptides to physically improve the electrochemical properties of neurons
Like this physically coats the neurons in nanowires self assembled by researchers and that coats our synapses
Basically researchers actually found a way to coat our synapses with material that has lower functional electrical resistance.

I'd been talking about ibuprofen microemulsions for a few months
Ibuprofen is super cheap
we have to just deliver it to the brain by formulation of a microemulsion to increase brain penetration
This is super cheap to ask a lab to do for us
we can literally go to a lab, make the formulation in china, get the product mass bottled, and make it available
Just do that
make some money off that idea
The first person to make that would have the potential of becoming a millionaire in months.
I've been telling you for months
Repurposing ibuprofen-loaded microemulsion for the management of Alzheimer’s disease: evidence of potential intranasal brain targeting
RGD is a potent antiinflammatory anticancer peptide and Ibuprofen conjugates have been made with RGD
its easy to bind RGD to anything
we can bind it to deferiprone or deferoxamine and deliver that to the brain
a superpotent well rounded therapeutic with greater anticancer efficacy than either alone

>> No.14590499

This means not only can we conjugate ibuprofen to RGD but we can encapsulate small molecules such as deferoxamine and this would have significantly stronger targeting to cancer cells as well as delivery into brain cell lines
If you want to target Rho Kinase, get a hold of a lab and consult about getting a synth of RGD, binding it to ibuprofen and formulating microemulsions with it
This is a self assembling polymer
literally does the chemistry itself in solution

10 fold higher brain exposure than oral use and lower systemic concentrations
This would revolutionize the therapeutic use of Ibuprofen for treatment of chronic pain and mitigation of neurological disorders and inflammation in the periphery.
It's possible to synthesize a RGD-ibuprofen conjugate that will have substantially improved pharmacokinetics and passage into the brain by binding to integrins. It'd have therapeutic potential for the treatment of brain cancer as well as neurodegenerative illnesses and metabolic disorder.
Ibuprofen has a long history of use as an over the counter pain reliever and by the formulation of ibuprofen microemulsions or rgd conjugate we can create another groundbreaking therapeutic

We're also in the middle of a synthesis of a thioredoxin mimetic peptide CB3 which is found to be completely non toxic and has been shown to completely reverse TBI induced cognitive dysfunction in mice at a 50mg/kg dose subcutaneously
it's a cysteine donor like NAC but has 10k times the antioxidant potential as it's readily transportable past cell lysosomes and especially relevant in the brain

>> No.14590504

Both for the production of octreotide-hylauronate, and other potentially revolutionary therapeutics. I aim to get Oct-Ha approved by regulators for the treatment of neurological and metabolic disorders. It will be the first drug in the class of Blood brain barrier penetrating somatostatin analogues that will go into human research.
Somatostatin interneuron dysfunction is the root cause and triggering factor for nearly all neurological, neurodegenerative, and metabolic disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alzheimers, Depression, Schizophrenia, Parkinsons and more.
It has potential to be a drug that will treat all pathological disorders directly.
All side effects can easily be mitigated with the proper application of intranasal insulin, and intranasal deferoxamine
if those therapeutics themselves can't correct these disorders, along with MGF, IGF2, Sphingolipid inhibitors, EPO agents, etc

>> No.14590506

we can buy salmon eggs in the literature and precondition them with DFO
DFO has been used in many models to precondition stemcells
greatly increases proliferation, and migration
we can wash the eggs with dfo and then homogenize and run the mixture through a series of low micron filters
There was a time when I first found PDRN (The salmon coom extract) and I started recommending it to people but they injected it
we can probably look at Placentex next intranasally
Don't you want to impregnate your neural progenitor cells?
The DFO studies on stem cell viability are some of the best data I've seen in the literature.
It completely restores pluripotency and migration of stem cells in streptozotocin-diabetic mice
That means we can go to a stem cell clinic, get adipose stem cells extracted, and culture the stem cells with DFO.

>> No.14590512


nasal ivermectin passes into the brain and targets the brain directly
where it'd exert effects on mitigating p2x4 purine receptor activation reducing inflammation in the brain and also increases the activity of Nachar 7 receptors
it checks out

Peptides can do so much and can be controlled for ph activation and be self assembling and releasing within the body under certain conditions
Peptides are really the closest we have to nanobots
I physically walk around with a cell phone and get on a laptop from when i wake up to when i sleep
Also Neuralink is a meme that isn't viable. Elon Musk has lied about its viability and will not get fda approval for neuralink because it's a consumer product and uses lithium batteries.
like what is the thing going to explode in your brain and transmit radio waves from the top of you skull?
the government wouldn't allow such a product to exist like that in its current form
all the apes in the neuralink tests died
All invasive BCI's damage brain tissue
and they're not investigating ways to mitigate that damage
nothing about optogenetics or even stopgap measures to create a compelling BCI that is non invasive
they had one opportunity to get the technology off the ground and they blew it
no research what so ever on neuralfeedback.
both founders of neuralink left and claimed musk reuined the company
The richest men on earth are incompetent and the people that work under them cant tell them they are incompetent
It's a game of perpetual ass to mouth with these pigs of industry

>> No.14590520

increasing insulin sensitivity in the brain with dfo and increasing insulin phosphorylation will greatly enhance fertility and GNRH secretion as well as improve spermatogenesis and testosterone production in the testicles

I plan on inhaling it, washing my whole body with it, apply it to my skin, inject it into wounds, dermaneedling with it, snorting it. My whole body will be washed clean with Deferoxamine
We will wipe aging from the face of the earth

DFO seems to protect against prions as well

>> No.14590523

intranasal gliadin
slows type 1 diabetes progression by half
That's a ubiquitous wheat protein
what the fuck
the scientists literally washed wheat flour in water solution multiple times to get gliadin
This actually has potential to treat celiac disease by inducing intranasal gliadin to improve tolerence to gluten
greatly reduces type one diabetes progression as well
this is just insane

>> No.14590563

>Therefore, it is not used orally or IM and continuous intravenous or subcutaneous infusion should be recommended.
>Although the treatment with DFO is effective, its infusions are time-consuming, expensive and painful in children. Moreover, they frequently have a negative impact on patient's quality of life.
>Dose-dependent side effects of Deferoxamine are visual and auditory neurotoxicity due to chronic treatment and acute effects including abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and hypotension. Accordingly, annual testing by optometrists and audiometerists is recommended
>Treatment with high doses of DFO is associated with blood pressure increase in lungs.
>deferoxamine therapy increases the risk of infection of mucormycosis, vibrio and yersinia.

>> No.14590631

>This is why the advice some ppl give here to
Read the op. Only people to give advice here are psych patients themselves

>> No.14590694
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Not sure if this is right place to ask, but here I go:
Is ephedrine + caffeine or phentermine better for apetite supression? Pseudoephedrine + caffeine doesn't seem consistent (worked great first time, but then stopped working second time around or barely works), caffeine in tablets sometimes works, but is way too short lived on it's own to be relevant (maybe I've built up tolerance since I drink copious amounts of tea and coffee every day). Prolonged (40h+) fasting helps, but food obssesions, dizziness, psychosis and headaches make it way too unreliable to kick start, also
>inb4 just eat healthy and exercise fatty
Tried it and made no difference (sleeping more, drinkingnmore water, eating healthy, eating more fibre, protein and healthy fat and less sugar) or made it worse (exercise/being more active than being nearly bed ridden)

>> No.14590836

just eat healthy and exercise fatty

Also if you're fat due to "food addiction" congrats you have ADHD also we don't give advice FUCK OFF

>> No.14590838

Okay. I'll get both ephedrine and phentermine them

>> No.14590842
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Don't forget your complementary cyanide

>> No.14590866

If I wanted to OD I would go simply with caffeine. It's cheaper this way

>> No.14590879
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Allow me to insert a free pointed alternative

>> No.14590968

Do you really think that a person who doesn't understand how blood pressure works would know to ask for a beta blocker to resolve buproprion rage to begin with?

>> No.14590978

>Would it really be the end of the world if patients could self-prescribe the typical drugs they "seek" e.g. amphetamine, opiods, benzos?
I'd rather we give them a gun with a single bullet so they can blow their useless brains on the wall.

>> No.14591011
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After you, doc.

>> No.14591120

>We don't give adv-ACK!

>> No.14591309

Do doctors respect pharmacists?

>> No.14591329
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>> No.14591792

is there a way to medically induce crying? i feel that I need to but the tears won't come

>> No.14591803

onions not onions

>> No.14591931

I only respect biomedical engineers

>> No.14592135

It's not medical but menthol tear stick works.

>> No.14592779

If I'm the only person of their race in my m1 class do I have a good shot at applying for scholarship gibs for it? My race is considered disadvantaged in the state where I will go to school but not my home state.

>> No.14593016 [DELETED] 

>4 years of schooling + 3-7 years of underpaid residency
>hours of studying and research each day
>only to finally be over worked as a doctor
Someone tell me whats the point? Should I just not even try to be happy?

>> No.14593564

>be me
>peds resident in the peds ER
>get notification that 2 pts with polytrauma from car accident are to come in
>prepare 2 rooms, divide the team in 2, one attending at each team to give us instructions
>15 y/o, bleeding a ton from his head, unconscoius, both legs look like an accordion right from the thigh down so we were expecting the worst
>stabilize him and rush him to the CT as the other team told us theirs is not as bad
>kid flatlines during the CT scan
>45 mins of CPR

Soooo…how do you guys cope with the first patients you saw dying? I feel a bit shook because his vitals were okay when we got him to rads and it’s also the first kid I see dying ever. Also I learned we have different sizes of plastic bags for bodies which also was kinda grim. I know I’m kind of a pussy atm, maybe it’ll get better in time.

>> No.14593622
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>another one claimed by the donut of death
I haven't seen a kid die so I'm sure that's tough but I bet the attending who made the call to go to CT is feeling pretty shitty right now, at least you're not him

>> No.14593953

I first saw a patient dying 5 meters from me during one of the rotations. It was a critical care ward so it was kinda expected

it would probably be a different story if it's a kid though

>> No.14594240

Hi, the purple dragon in the corner of my left eye keeps telling me to install gentoo. Should I listen to him?
He also says the earth is cubed, not flat, contrary to informed alchemy and medical science.

>> No.14594263

Do you live near an industrial area?
Because whenever a storm occurs, my tap water starts tasting like shit and I'm convinced it's definitely the water supply from the city. Often it will affect my eyes like pool water.
So obviously someones not mixing the chems right somewhere in the water supply.

We need to check this shit in our areas because after Flint, Michigan's lead crisis (which btw my city has also had with their public facilities in a new hospital of all places) I no longer trust the guarantee of water quality that generally comes with public water supplies.
Basically, I get similar symptoms rarely and it's definitely the tap water because it tastes like shit when it happens. Likely either the chlorine or fluoride. Obviously a storm leads to variance in pressure and whatnot in the city supply, leading to uneven mixing of chemicals in the water.

>> No.14594291

I can't say that my way of doing things is a good idea. I think what works varies a bit from person to person. For me, treating people as very complicated biomechanical machines to distance my emotions from problem solving helps a lot. This may not always be ideal, it probably is not ideal for most people, but for "find what is broken fix what is broken" and dealing with things going badly it helps me in everything.

If your department or hospital has some kind of services or something to assist in working through this kind of adjustment, dealing with people dying, you may want to use it. Some people may not be able to make that adjustment at all. Others perform religious rituals or services, where applicable, to help deal with it.

All that being said, sometimes you just need time. If you catch yourself obsessively ruminating, however, that can be a red flag to be aware of. You would want more professional advice, honestly. I can only say "this worked for me", and I'm sure to some they'll have some horrible idea about it in their minds. If it keeps bothering you, seek out professional advice.

>> No.14594338

>Should I listen to him?

It is only a psychiatric problem if his commands to install gentoo are interfering with your capacity to work, pay taxes, or if this is subjectively distressing.

If listening to him makes you feel better, I say do it.

>> No.14594344

is the dragon recommending any particular use flags

>> No.14594562
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Hi, I have like a low end humming in my right ear that occasionally occurs every now and then, especially at night time when appliances are switched off. Sources keep telling me "it's tinnitus" but I already had some form of that and this sounds and "feels" very different (it's a very low frequency hum in only one ear, whereas my tinnitus is high frequency whining and is generally the same in both ears).

I have also had this "cold wet" sensation in the entry to both ears, which crackles and "drips" when it occurs. It feels like an artery/vein issue or a nerve issue, not a wax or bacterial issue (in fact I've already checked for that with a doc).
My ears have in the past also crackled when I use a phone.

I think it's most sensitive around the Tragus so I'm thinking related to the superficial temporal artery.
I have also had a drastic increase in floaters in my right eye in particular, which may be related to the maxiallary artery. So I'm thinking that perhaps both are connected to the same issue.
I also have a prominent blue vein on my forehead above my nose which I assuming is "not very good news" for me (sign of stroke from memory). Looks like the supra-trochlea but I'm not sure.

Had issues with the spine connections at the top of the neck (though my doctors think it's nothing). I'm just looking now at the convergence of the arteries and veins and I'm not sure that's a right call. Then again, one doctor I went to in the past offered yakult as a remediation so I don't know what to think anymore about their advice.

Apparently, tumours could be related here. I doubt that is the case though.
There's definitely something terribly wrong with the blood supply because the humming stopped when I took half an aspirin (then it just started up again after a while). My other 'high' tinnitus still remained though.
My parents often have blood pressure related issues too.

>> No.14594576

See a doctor. This is not for advice.

>> No.14594577
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Thanks doc.
>takes it knowing it's lethal anyway

>> No.14594585

Proteins in meat are literally tied to healthy memory function though, that makes no sense.
But disease transferred through meat may cause brain issues such as encephalitis.

>> No.14594642

>Can't really afford a dentist
I don't think you have a choice dude.
That looks serious and tooth problems can eventually lead to death.

>> No.14594655
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I already have, for years.

So now it's up to me I guess because something is definitely wrong and people just think I'm being paranoid.
Like I am in physical pain and have been so for like 6 years.

And two docs just said "oh it's anxiety" when clearly anxiety wouldn't cause my symptoms which are clearly vascular.
I think it's a cardio issue, I'm sure covid is not helping, though really a whooping cough vaccine last year triggered this to a new level (though it was clearly pre-existing).
I'm just tired of quacks man. They seem to be everywhere lately. So I have to armchair medicine way beyond my capacity, competence and expertise just to double check my docs now.

This is what the world is turning into.

>> No.14594661
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Depends anon, if that lady is funding a new health wing facility, you could be saving potentially more lives by saving her.

>> No.14594664

Refusing to see a psychiatrist means the doctors cannot rule it out. We can offer you nothing. You are effectively perpetuating your own problem by not pursuing that referral, as you cannot then say "it was not a psychiatric issue". You are your own worst enemy there.

Either way, nobody here has a teleportation device with a remote distance MRI. Go away.

>> No.14594665

>He is an ex-smoker with a 20 pack-year history.
>There is no previous history of IHD, diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol.
How the hell?

>> No.14594672
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>> No.14594685
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this pic triggers /med/frauds

>> No.14594690
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>Refusing to see a psychiatrist means the doctors cannot rule it out.
Buy I do see a psychiatrist.
And I am starting to think my dexies are probably one of the culprits, but I'm not sure why it suddenly made me have issues afters years of no issues.
An MRI a few years ago showed minor lower back issues, but that's about it.

Look, I've been bringing up this issue to them for years now and it's just been stubbornly regarded as anxiety issues instead of something relating to my existing medication.
That same doc has my mother on so many pills right now that I think she's losing her mind completely now.

This is why I needed to come here to have some thoughts, be it trolling or otherwise.

That and I see the legal administrative red tape and lobbying that controls the minds and basis of medical science today. It's like someone's poisoning the well and it's contributing to medical malpractice nowadays.
I'm not in medicine, but I already know that most in medicine are blind to the monsters fucking with people trying hard in medicine.

>> No.14594694

We should be complaining more about why masks aren't up to standards and aren't working as well as they should.
We shouldn't really be complaining about masks, they're logical IF they work.

>> No.14594695

He can't understand because the problem is in upper admin.
It's not even a lower level problem.
When I see problems in admin of vaccination programs, that's not a doctor issue, that's a legal and financial issue.

>> No.14594696

>Look, I've been bringing up this issue to them for years now and it's just been stubbornly regarded as anxiety issues instead of something relating to my existing medication.

If it is related to your existing medication then your psychiatrist would be the one to talk to about it. If you need medical advice, consult a different doctor. Nobody can do anything online for you. Given you stated you had an MRI, and that clearly precludes what you were thinking before, I am inclined to agree about the anxiety. Again - talk to your psychiatrist.

>> No.14594697

Well he says that he will eat me if I particularly use Apple products.
Am I in trouble?

>> No.14594706

>I am inclined to agree about the anxiety
Why would that suddenly flare up after years of nothing? Besides, that's not an option for me considering how anxiety is managed in medical frameworks.

I think this a proper neural and cardio issue.
Apart from beer and those couple of months when I was a pot head, I don't see how this could suddenly shift my condition considering I'm in my 20s.
In particular I am concerned about neurotoxin issues with dexamphetamine. They're clearly not being addressed by any ethical standard committee, even though there is commitment there on paper.

Either that or someone really doesn't like me.

>> No.14594712

>Why would that suddenly flare up after years of nothing?
This is a GREAT question to ask your psychiatrist, and failing a satisfactory answer requesting consultation with a different psychiatrist.

I told you the options you have. You are choosing "none" and whining about it instead.

>> No.14594751
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Why respond to me at all then?
I came here mainly out of curiosity and you didn't need to respond. I just thought it would stimulate discussion or something peripheral that a doc doesn't discuss with patients. There's no way in hell I would actually take advice from here.

I'm mainly whining (I did get a bit whiny, apologies) because you went "hurr durr we no advice here baka senpai" without thinking about why I am using my situation as a thought experiment. You need to distinguish from mere advice requests to generalized discussion content.
Why I brought this up is mainly because I knew there were major concerns in this area that really are not being discussed on a professional front as much as you'd think it would.

>> No.14594763

I don't care about retroactive rewriting to make yourself feel better. You asked for advice, we can't give advice (none that matters), go pursue it with doctors and attorneys.

Everything else is off topic of /med/ anyway. So to correct your bullshit: YOU did not need to post here and should not have posted here. That is why I replied pointing that out.

>> No.14594805

>we can't give advice (none that matters)
Is there some sort of ethical tether preventing this?
Well then break it.

You see, the irony I find is that most medical problems today are actually being manifested from ethical standards and medical practice overstandardisation.
There is significant discussion over areas which get us no where and then there's no discussion in areas that need to be discussed.

So this place should be more free with discussion and advice. In fact it's better off having it ambiguous. Just have a big blurb at the top saying "trust Satan M.D. in this thread at your own peril" and just be done with it.

Otherwise this place is just a dumber version of similar plebbit boards.

>> No.14594812

Biology is not a hard science, I have no idea why you make so much

>> No.14594815

>Is there some sort of ethical tether preventing this?
No dude as in literally it is not possible to run any testing required to exclude and narrow down possibilities. It is literally useless. No amount of inferential guesswork based on statements can do that for you. Nobody can order you a blood test, or an MRI, or anything of the kind.

>> No.14594835

psychiatry has always been shit

>> No.14594849

Dude, this thread is more about the conceptual, not the empirical.
Otherwise, yeah I would just go to a doctor.

But how do you know what to test for without understanding the possibilities out there.
I see this often happening in medical science and I think it's backwards. You should map the possibilities, then look at the empirical.
That way you can see when overlap occurs.

But of course, then there would be problems because many forms of diagnosis generally cover the same area and we begin to see that they're actually just the same thing spun with different names and different angles that are generally meaningless jargon linguistically.
And then we'd discover that perhaps people are just establishing these things for the sake of making a form of medical pseudo-intellectual property that they can sell things upon.

You see what I mean?

>> No.14594871

I am a psych patient and my advice is to listen to this guy. exhaust ever single option before you even make an appointment with a psychiatrist. even if that doesnt work do it again.

just remember mental illness patients are treated as second class citizens by both society and the government.

>> No.14594881

oh also remember that arguably the only psych med to ever work was lithium, everything else is either a temporary cope that will cause you more health issues in the long run or as effective as a sugar pill

>> No.14595059

Pls medanons any help appreciated

>> No.14595254

>it's hard to study for/raise my score because the exams are passage based and seem like they need very little outside info to answer.
That's not really true. Outside of CARS, you need to know stuff from biology, chemistry, etc. Get a prep course where they offer practice tests and review books for those subjects. Take practice tests as often as you can and review the subjects related to the questions you got wrong.
>t. 505 to 521

>> No.14595554

What's the minimal amount of force required in a strike to the temple, which can induce a brain bleed in an otherwise healthy adult
Specifically heavy, narrow objects. e.g. could a drop from a smart phone cause the necessary trauma?

>> No.14595560
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Medical industrial complex advertising threads are not science. 90% of doctors are dumber than a child. Only trauma treatment is real. Doctors create lifelong patients for profit. Cures for cancer and diabetes already exist, but cures aren't profitable. Nationalizing your healthcare only funds it via taxes instead of insurance companies, it doesn't solve its problems.

>> No.14595638

Deaths when it seems the person is on the mend, you fought to get stable, or when even you feel completely helpless still get me.
>55 year old man admitted for pneumonia seems to be getting better suddenly dies when blood cultures come back positive and he goes into a rapid multi-organ failure
>40 year old admitted for a stab wound is stabilized aggressively by your team only to code in radiology
>5 hour old premie born with a non-repairable encephalocele and severe pain admitted to the peds IM unit just for us to wait for him to die
These types are hard.

>> No.14595737

>american healthcare exists everywhere
sucks that you were born there bud but that could NOT be me

>> No.14595772

I will share something a doc won’t discuss with you: you are a hypochondriac, you are not sick and you’re a pain in the ass. Stop trying to look for ridiculous anatomical explanations for your shit

>> No.14595803

>Doctors create lifelong patients for profit. Cures for cancer and diabetes already exist, but cures aren't profitable.

>> No.14595948

>prion worms
wtf is that

>> No.14595954

Is it normal to get headaches without drinking much water?
Why is it that when I spend a day with someone they don't drink the same amount of water as me and yet they seem perfectly fine, maybe they'll complain about how they're thirsty meanwhile I have a headache, not a terrible one but one that's bad enough to ruin my mood
Is there any non pathological explanation for this?

>> No.14596018
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forgot picture

>> No.14596025

Looks like Raynaud. Is it?

>> No.14596041

I used to get raynaud's phenomena but my fingers only turned white not blue
How serious is the risk of tissue damage from this?

>> No.14596200
File: 36 KB, 672x516, fuck my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research bros, how far away are we from total vertebra replacements?

>> No.14596534

fake and gay

>> No.14596602 [DELETED] 

Why does atomoxetine take longer to work than typical ADHD drugs? what is the mechanism?

>> No.14596831

Reminds me of a time a young, dumb teen came to our ED once and was panicking over blue hands. Nurse put a warm wet cloth on his hands, got a history, and then found the white cloth she put on his hands was now also turning blue. Dude didn't realize his new denim jeans was transferring the dye to his hands whenever he put his hands in his pockets. He didn't find it too funny.

>> No.14597005

good think I won’t be in the ER for long. can’t wait to get back on the wards, idk how er docs/staff in general does it, I couldn’t live like that plus the hours are insane imo.

>> No.14597314

which specs have the most autistic asocial assholes

>> No.14598034


>> No.14598353

patho, internal, neuro
anny surgical spec
all of medicine

>> No.14598388

10+ years. Sadly the cartilage is different from the more researched joint cartilage, and also application to the vertebra discs, as of right now, is difficult and harmful.

>> No.14598537

Is boxing really that brain damaging?

>> No.14599062

Stop washing with soap and see what happens, retard. If your symptoms go away learn to live without soap or find a new brand. If your symptoms remain you can keep using your hipster faggot soap

>> No.14599079

These threads are always shitted up with advice seekers and occasional answers.

>> No.14599085

You could start your own forum if you think you could do better, but I think we all know how that would go.

>> No.14599123


>> No.14599252

Good job white knight, you sure showed him. Keep defending things sucking and one day you'll totally get the attention you feel you need.
Yeah well only way I've ever seen to deal with that is show people the door and remind them why we obviously can't give useful relevant advice. "Yeah sure let me just remote psychic your x-rays" dumbasses.

>> No.14599771

Lemme punch you in the face so you can let the rest of us know :)

>> No.14600246

I took Concerta XL for the first time (18mg) and all it did was make me feel tired and sick. I've emailed my doctor but he probably won't get back to me until tomorrow at best.
I don't want to take any more of this. Is this a normal, temporary reaction, or should I just stop taking it?
I don't really care enough to shell out more money for elvanse or any other adhd meds.

>> No.14600485

I went to the farm and drank raw milk and I might have a UTI and stomach bug now. When should I see a doctor?

Haven't slept well, whenever I piss there's pain in a piss tube on the bottom right above my groin (which the pain has lessened substantially for now).

I fell for the raw milk meme.

>> No.14600486

But for now: no diarrhea, haven't puked so far although my body wanted to once or twice.

>> No.14600673

UTIs involve bacteria making their way to your urinary tract. Did you fuck the raw milk?

>> No.14600676
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>Be me, 21 year old male
>Hmm, apparently tentacular cancer is a thing
>Let's check
So my balls were normal and ball-shaped. On top and to the back they both had these squishy things, but I looked up it and apparently these are normal and called epididymis.

What worried me is that both my left and right sack had this tube-like structure behind the balls. I looked it up as well and these are called van deferens. My fear is that these are "harder" than my epididymis. They are quite small in diameter but quite firm too. It feels like two small, flexible cords in my ballsack. Is this normal? Should I get it checked?

>> No.14600679

Kek no. So you can't get it from consuming raw milk? If not that, I can't pinpoint why I got it. I went to take a shit at a public toilet though (had to), do you reckon I could've gotten infected from some faggot shitting on the walls/pissing on the edges?

>> No.14600693
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>pain during urination
Recently developed this.
>frequent urge to urinate
>inability to start urinating
>a slow urine stream or urine leakage
>the release of only small amounts of urine at a time
Had this for a long time, is that normal? I suddenly got this and never thought anything of it, but it has been years.
>pain in the central lower part of the abdomen
Had this shortly during the night.

Aa, what the fuck, now I'm getting worried. I don't want to show my dick to a doctor too, fuck this shit. Do I have to be worried? It's still burning a bit.

>> No.14600753
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I've been highly researching on cherry angioma, because I'm only 21 and already have many of them. I've seen that it can ve sign of too high blood pressure. I have thin skin and started working out a lot recently. Seems like the sun really doesn't help. I've tried the recommended oils from quick google research but no dice so far. I'm even worried it might weaken my skin.
Though I found a way to get rid of all moles naturally, with just a specific regime (unexpectedly, and might only work for me). I'll provide some information on it if I can mayne get some insight on cherry angioma.

>> No.14600781

Did your dick touch the bowl? Has shit made it near your dick in any way? If so, there's your UTI.
Go to the doctor and ask for a urine culture. Both of you.

>> No.14600983

Thanks for the help anon. The condition's betterred a lot; if it doesn't subside by tommorow I will go on monday. Don't want to go over the weekend, have to go to a special place then.

>> No.14601043

can muscle contracture from an old rupture/tear be reveresed? At least hypothetically.

>> No.14601209

If it gets worse, you're going to want that special place to be 6 feet under. UTIs in men can become extremely serious. Empty your bladder completely. Empty after you wank. After you fuck.

>> No.14601296

I just took a nap and it feels like it's not getting better, I can't tell. Same pain at the right side of my groin and still feels like there is very faint burning at around where my kidneys are.

Maybe I should just go to the doc, thanks anon, that's probably about all you can help with. Appreciate it.

Thanks for the help man.

>> No.14601378

Fuck, getting dizzy/lightheaded too now.

>> No.14601412

Is there something that can give me low intensity nausea without any other side effects? Nausea is better than how hungry I am all the time.

>> No.14601496

i need something that subsidies as bloodthinner
Does sugar work?

>> No.14601587

Go to the doctor dumbass

>> No.14602994

What are the pros and cons of outpatient pediatrics as in your own private practice?

What's better for this kind of practice, appointment based schedule or just walk in? I want the sort of "part time" schedule. I want to work 5hr/day, no weekends, money is no interest to me, I just want enough to pay the bills and be able to go on 7 day trips thrice a year.

>> No.14603352

>my bad back feels better after an afternoon spent digging up tree roots than an afternoon spent lying on my bed
Can someone explain this?

>> No.14603376

Hello medbros, how many of you have been coming into contact with people with long covid? Are people starting to notice it?

>> No.14603581

have you tried seeing an ENT doctor ?
lithium on the long run is not the way to go you know dude
during a paediatrics shift I had a 10 year-old girl presenting with chronic abdominal pain since here covid infection a month and a half prior
we did an echography, turned out she had mesenteric lymphadenitis

>> No.14603605
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why is most pharmaceutical research focused on trials and highly variable human experience instead of "compound X targets Y pathway causing Z"? you can't lie with the latter and there are no biases

>> No.14603649

Most pathways are interconnected or affect eachother in some way in vivo, it is not easy to reasearch them.

What matters is how the drug reacts in vivo, not how it reacts in vitro.

>> No.14603654

You sound like a woman. Maybe you should up your birth control so such an event does not intersect with a prospective cycle-induced emotional peak.

>> No.14603674

IVF or Germline Editing? Or both an where.

>> No.14603721
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Is a single, post-exposure dose of amoxicillin a decent alternative to doxycycline following a high risk tick bite?

>> No.14604011

I love eponyms and fuck this tendency to replace them

>> No.14604373


>> No.14604384

How come sometimes in a hot room I feel like I'm boiling, and sometimes feel like I'm freezing, when the room is the same temperature?
Like it's 24 commie in here right now and my hands and feet are frozen and I'm chilly, but yesterday it was the same temp and I was sweating buckets. Why does the body do this? What is it called so I can look up more.

>> No.14605053

It turns out the reason was "I have covid"

>> No.14605163

why do i hear voices in my AC unit or whenever there is white noise

>> No.14605353

are there any cases where a drug works in vivo but not in vitro?

>> No.14605354 [DELETED] 

B-bros... It's finally happened... 23 months of working as a doctor, and I've finally caught the NIH/CCP bioweapon known as C.O.V.I.D. ... Tell my waifu I- ACK

>> No.14605356
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B-bros... It's finally happened... 23 months of working as a doctor, and I've finally caught the NIH/CCP bioweapon known as C.O.V.I.D. ... Tell my waifu I- ACK

>> No.14605428
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Thank you for the input anon I appreciate it. I understand that correlation is not causation and that it's foolish to jump to conclusions. But you did not answer my question as to the viability of the mechanism. I belive that the science and papers I've read make sense and generally support the idea that pathological remodeling of cardiolipin can cause mitochondrial disfunction, which in turn causes a plethora of aging related illnesses. Do you belive that the concept seems feasible? Is there something I'm not understanding here? Please don't disregard me, I'm not a midwit. I'm a student trying to understand a potentially dangerous cascade being triggered by an unhealthy and abnornal consumption of certain fatty aicds.

>> No.14605609

You're fine. The fever will go away after a couple of days and you'll have some nasty drainage. Consider it a badge at this point.

>> No.14605614

I can't tell if my shortness of breath is anxiety or the covid lmao

>> No.14605631

>But you did not answer my question as to the viability of the mechanism.
I believe it was dismissed it due to two reasons: Linoleic acid intake in historic diets has been considerably higher with no corresponding uptick in obesity, and the correlation proposed in one of your cited works (Guyenet & Carlson) not controlling for caloric intake.

That is to say, viability of the mechanism is contradicted by other diets in history in other populations with typical use of oils of even higher Linoleic acid content. A modus tollens, or proof by negation, would follow abstractly: If linoleic acid content contributes to obesity, then cultures that use oils highest in linoleic acid would have the highest obesity back in time. This is not the case, therefore linoleic acid is unlikely to be the contributing factor. (I am reframing a modus tollens into a more proper inductive case for this instance). Flaxseed or linseed oil is a great example, as historically it was in wide use throughout the Roman empire and has incredibly high linoleic acid. Same for grape seed oil in other nations.

However, you appear to be requesting a biochemical answer specifically, rather than a general case rejecting it from inference.
>I'm a student trying to understand a potentially dangerous cascade being triggered by an unhealthy and abnornal consumption of certain fatty aicds.
Biochemically in isolation the mechanism is a possibility, but it requires a whole host of other corresponding factors to be true as well. Especially obesity, through excess caloric intake, and lack of exercise. I do not think the issue is the biochemistry, the issue is the biochemistry is "not even wrong". Not the issue with the hypothesis. Plenty of biochem papers get published with mechanisms that "make sense" but are not real issues in reality due to other factors. This is one of those cases.

>> No.14605735

>Less invasive tests for prostatitis may include:

>Digital rectal exam: Your provider inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to check the prostate gland for pain and swelling. This exam may include prostate massage to collect a sample of seminal fluid.

I don't want to do this bros.

>> No.14605738

Haha you're gay now

>> No.14605765

Thanks anon. Idk maybe I need to do more content review but when I took it I mostly struggled with p/s and physiology/physics because I hadn't learned them yet. I'll try the third party practice test idea, what materials did you use?

>> No.14605882

>mobilising and exercise helps mechanical back pain
It's not magic, it's what the docs should have been telling you, and what I tell my dimness patients who come to the ed with back pain, the entire time kek

I feel bad for my gp colleagues who have to deal with shitty chronic complaints like that all the tkme

>> No.14605894
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>the more effective the anti-psychotic the worse the side effects are

>> No.14605934

>too scared to check my university email for the exam results
>leave it for a day even though I'm pretty sure the results have come already
>next day go check on them
>sign into email
>see results form
>suddenly my vision starts fluttering around and goes blurry, start feeling nauseous and then vomit
Is this a panic attack or just a brain condition?
Do panic attacks always have to come with breathing problems?

>> No.14605982

Did they spike the fucking water supply or something? My state's hospital network has been completely fucking overrun with ED and MH presentations this month. I'm talking literally double the presentations, and usually they're the more urgent triage cats and not your average time waster shit. It's not covid or flu so I'm at a complete loss. Waiting rooms are spilling out into the street and snaking around the corner and I'm pretty sure we ran out of paramedics for a few hours yesterday. I'm so tired lads.

>> No.14606148

>Do panic attacks always have to come with breathing problems?
Usually. it might come with shortness of breath or feeling of getting suffocated.

>> No.14606244

I paid for a Kaplan review course + 12 practice tests, and then took the 3 official AAMC MCAT practice tests a month or so before sitting for my exam.

>> No.14606921
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I'm fat, I saw a dietitian who said I might have Cushing's syndrome, but we haven't tested yet. He gave me some basic bitch dietary advice and told me to cut artificial sweeteners from my diet. I think that's a load of shit, but the real problem might be caffeine, since I have about 388 mg a day. I think the caffeine might be spiking my cortisol.

I was also hoping to get a lot more detailed information about nutrition because I wanted to make my own supplements, but he didn't really seem to know anything I was talking about when it comes to nutrition. He just gave me a sheet of paper with a list of some foods and their glycemic indices. Total waste of money.

>> No.14606945

See a doctor.

>> No.14606984

I did. That's the problem.

>> No.14606998

I said see a doctor.
Ba dum tss (but no really)

>> No.14607005

I did. He told me to see a dietitian. Maybe he meant nutritionist?

>> No.14607094
