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14576717 No.14576717 [Reply] [Original]

science prove trannys wrong again

>> No.14576748

"puberty blockers" are the same drugs that were given to chemically castrate pedophiles. Many of these people also ended their lives.
If you're taking massive amounts of synthetic hormones that your body was not built for you're in for a short and painful life

>> No.14576869

This is what people get and deserve when they wanted to be tolerant of something that is just biologically incorrect and stupid.
I'll never have kids because of idiotic shit like this.

>> No.14576876

>removes himself from the genepool because some mentally ill manchildren are mutilating themselfs

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.14576879

Kek. Always the case with antinatalists.

>> No.14576894

>be playing around in parents closet when you're four
>get caught wearing your mom's bra
>leftoid parents tell you you're actually a girl
>blindly believe it because you don't understand what gender is
>get pumped with hormones and puberty blockers
>ffw ten years
>realize you were actually a boy the whole time but your parents groomed you to be a tranny to look progressive
>want to go back but the hormones have turned you into a prepubescent freak
>realize your body is fucked beyond repair
>end it
How this isn't child abuse I don't know.

>> No.14576905


The only thing that you win by having children is whatever benefits it brings to you during your lifespan. When you die, you cease to exist and the most important person in the world-you-isn't around any more.

I am making two points. 1) You can defend having children as a way to improve your personal life while you're living it, but 2) nothing matters to you any more the moment you are dead, and in this latter sense the lazy "winning the game of life" narrative which has been adopted by normies as a way of reading evolution is false, because it suggests that there is something more important than yourself.

>> No.14576930

>removes himself from the genepool
and that's bad because?
>literally has no answer

>> No.14576932

if you're putting on a bra at age four you deserve to kill yourself

>> No.14576934

>Materialist atheist retard
Opinion discarded

>> No.14576936
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It is child abuse, and so is gays adopting kids. Kids need a mother and father figure or else there are developmental issues. Single-parent households often raise kids that are more prone to commit crimes than whole families. That's not even getting into the sexual abuse gays do to their adopted kids.

>> No.14576939

>can't dispute
>insults and rejects opinions he isn't smart enough to understand
summerfags incoming

>> No.14576941

did you know that back in the day we raised kids communally? meaning the whole tribe looked after the young ones

>> No.14576943

>communist revisionism
You will never be a real woman, bunkercuck.

>> No.14576944

Judging by your smug atheist attitude there's no point trying to explain why your retarded materialistic opinions are wrong.
>summerfags incoming
You're trying too hard, redditor

>> No.14576951

still can't explain why I'm wrong I see

>> No.14576954

Why don't you just kill yourself since you think life is meaningless?

>> No.14576973
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>post headline instead of study

>> No.14577006

I don't find a reason to plus it would shorten my enjoinment of this life.

Why do you want to leave a legacy?

>> No.14577016

In case God reincarnates me, because I believe it will please God, because I want to make the world better for other people.

>> No.14577042

humans wager with their lives that God either exists or does not, but that posits a lot of assumptions on what god is, not something we can even know

>> No.14577720
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>> No.14577727

Don't forget these puberty blockers are allegedly completely reversible. Lel

>> No.14577734

I'd rather end my gene pool than go through my son getting brainwashed by pedophiles. Less suffering overall. If you think you can handle your son getting brainwashed by tranny pedophiles, then go for it. But don't say nobody warned you.

>> No.14577741
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Meanwhile, in Canada, it's child abuse to use the pronouns when addressing your 13 year old son.

>> No.14577751

>fags adopt kid
>expose kid to pride parades
>kids see trannies, pedophiles, orgies, among other degenerate shit
>kid is traumatized
>kid grows to be a degenerate pedophile faggot who continues the cycle
It's sad to see. And anyone who isn't outraged by this is an enabler.

>> No.14578518

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

>> No.14578523

Unreal, how could anyone predict this?

>> No.14578524

>This study, published in the Christian Journal of Patriotic Science

>> No.14578528

^topped reading there

>> No.14578533

>A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.
>Idiots. When they're dead they won't even be able to sit there

>> No.14578538

The entire point of puberty blockers is to make sure the boy looks as close to a trap as possible, so are trannies admitting women are fuck toys?

>> No.14578555


>> No.14578568

"sources" like this are only going to get worse
we need 100% reliable sources going forward in all aspects of life, its getting bad

>> No.14579091

>the most important person in the world-you
You cease to be the most important person in your own world the first time you hold your firstborn child in your arms.

>> No.14579097

Foreigner here
Is a ragnarok of trannydom possible through people massively sueing tranny surgery doctors?
A multitude of crippled castrated people that didn't go through puberty, with shortened lifespans, forced to take pills tilll they die, sueing doctors and companies and institutions and the state for billions and billions and billions of dollars putting an end to this insanity?

>> No.14579160

Babies are not more important (morally or otherwise) than adults. Yes, you need babies for the human race to continue, but you also need adults. Adults take 9 months to make a baby, but it takes 18 years for a baby to make an adult. Seeing the picture?

Moreover babies are not intelligent and do not have moral responsibilities, therefore they have no rights of their own. They are essentially crying, sucking machines (more annoying than cute) that will have value some time in the distant future.

>> No.14579167

>in your own world

>> No.14579187

No, idiot, "communally". The whole village and all the neighbors would raise the children and teach them the way of the world. Nothing to do with communism.

>> No.14579199

has anyone actually read this? its a REPORT not a study, theres no peer review, no data analasys aside from TWO charts.

>> No.14579207

>wants to determine trends in suicide among transgender youth
>uses all youth suicides as data points.

Aaaaaand it's garbage.

>> No.14579215

while this may be accurate strictly in the most myopic, shortsighted, quarterly profits above all else value system of corporate america, its simply not true in any longer term perspective, babies are very sensitive and easily influenced and will generally live a lot longer in the future than older people so how they are treated has a much larger impact on the world and is important to safeguard at all costs.

its true that as they grow up to age 30 or so the value increases for those who receive a proper education but for the average person their potential dwindles quickly and on average the baby has more.

>> No.14579352

That's what they want

>> No.14579486
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>> No.14579859


>> No.14580081

i looked up this paper.
it’s created by a christian “scientist”

>> No.14580107

>Christian Journal of Patriotic Science
>Patriotic Science

lmao what, do the staff working in the labs wear red, white and blue stars and stripes lab coats with those big silly uncle sam hats or something?

>> No.14580683 [DELETED] 
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trannys got pwnd by science again

>> No.14581430

>that race-mixing picture in the background
damn, criticizing that is surprisingly based for a boomer like Ben.

>> No.14582495 [DELETED] 
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ben tried to tone down his act for mass appeal for a period about 10-15 years ago or so and it ruined his reputation. ben has always been exceptionally pilled, ben is so far right wing that for his 8th birthday he burned a cross on the front lawn of "that pinko george lincoln rockwell"

>> No.14582585

jewish jannie got trigger'd

>> No.14582588

lmao seems that way

>> No.14583587

It's good thing. That means that whatever the culmination of trial and error mother nature has attempted with you will not be propagated further. This is a win for the species.

>> No.14583915
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the rest of the posts in this itt are all singles. 4chan's custom AI that reads posts before then assigning relevant post numbers to them has spoken.

>> No.14584087

>no digits
>in this in this thread

>> No.14584128

Scientific Materialism is the only way to physically remove the gays and transgenders. Otherwise things like muh soul and muh rights get in the way. If religion worked it would have never gotten this bad in the first place.

>> No.14584437

Of course it's child abuse. Historically, this fad of taking hormones to distort childhood development will be regarded by the general public the same way lobotomy is now.

>> No.14584597

I dont need a study to know it's not a good idea to try and change a child's sex

>> No.14584603
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>> No.14584630

That's a bussin haircut

>> No.14584730

science proved trannys are wrong thousands of years ago anon. If you are a tranny you are SCIENTIFICALLY mentally ill. No matter how much twitter and facebook lies to youdoes not change this fact.

>> No.14584801

This is how boomers think and look what they created. People need to be able to transfer society to their children. People need to be able to enjoy their withering and the sprouting of their children.

Also, children are the only thing of you that's going to last for generations to come.

>> No.14584811

I've seen some grown up child trannies say they actually have internal organ problems, specifically that their organs are too small for their body, due to puberty blockers. How true is this, do you think? Trannies see puberty as sex, but it is really the whole development.

>> No.14586715


>> No.14586831

Trannies are mentally ill, sex is real and race is real

>> No.14586851

Gender Dysphoria isn't a mental illness according to the APA. So no, they are not mentally ill.

>> No.14587074

>listening to the APA

>> No.14587329

cope and seethe transphobe

>> No.14588622
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>> No.14589054
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>> No.14589090

Fuck. You.

>> No.14589128

Did you know that back in the day we ate grubs and believe thunder was the gods mad at us? Did you know that in parts of Africa, they still raise children communally?

>> No.14589130

Cope and seethe tranny.

>> No.14589704

i would worry more about the iq drop from hrt study. Literally turning kids retarded.

>> No.14589797 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14590080


>> No.14590209

Yes but who gives a fuck

>> No.14590589

>Using. periods.

>> No.14590591

tribes would often be extended families.

>> No.14590600


>> No.14590616

What he said is the rational thing to think for atheists. For an atheist a child is just another cost and if you don't feel current enjoyment from it then it makes no sense. It never makes sense for an atheist to plan beyond their own life.

>> No.14590620
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