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File: 2.89 MB, 608x1082, climate change.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14578956 No.14578956 [Reply] [Original]

She unironically makes some good points here

>> No.14578966

She forgot the two most important points: trees adore carbon dioxide but jews hate trees and want to destroy them. And indeed their climate warmed up drastically in these decades, because they all moved to Israel where they never belonged.

>> No.14578967
File: 47 KB, 700x420, W E F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit.

The "Climate Change" agenda is for the rich to get more wealth from the 99% and also to reduce and eliminate much of the food supply and population.

As the planet is supposed to be warmer than it currently is, and will warm up regardless of human activity, more food will be able to be grown and sustain more humans, which is bad to the rich elite who want more power over the world's population.

>> No.14578975

She's almost 50. Am I the only one who finds her kind of hot?

I want to fuck the shit out of some middle-aged blonde bimbo.

>> No.14578978

She also left out
Coral bleaching
Habitat loss
Sea level rise
Glacial loss which destroys people's ability to grow crops
and climate refugees

It's almost as if she's an uneducated fucking moron.

>> No.14578984

So what? Some places get dryer, some get wetter

>Coral Bleaching
Maybe your only salient point

>habitat loss
So what? Most animals don’t serve a purpose in an anthrocentric eco system

>sea level rise
Yeah I’m sure all the rich fucks with beach front property are shaking in their boots

>glacial loss
So what? Agricultural tech can easily compensate

>climate refugees
Yeah they’re refugees because of climate, not because their home government is ran by incompetent and corrupt shitskins. Notice any white or Asian country doesn’t have “climate refugees”?

Let me ask you this, if climate change is such a big deal and we’re all gonna fucking die, where are the pipe bombs being mailed to CEOs?

>> No.14578988

Go back to /pol/, demented schizoid
Fucks sakes you people are a plague on all blue boards

>> No.14578990

Caused by cowards
>Coral bleaching
that's racist
>Habitat loss
Use Rogaine
>Sea level rise
Flush after peeing
>Glacial loss
Order drinks without ice
>climate refugees
Kill them and eat them.

>> No.14578991

holy shit, there are people who are really this retarded.

we're doomed.

>> No.14579002

You don’t actually believe we’re doomed because you aren’t blowing up buildings or assassinating high profile people. You do not actually, literally, fear for your life from climate change.

>> No.14579007

>ou don’t actually believe we’re doomed because you aren’t blowing up buildings or assassinating high profile people. You do not actually, literally, fear for your life from climate change.
Good point you make there.
Also, the climate-cult would be mass-suiciding themselves to eliminate their carbon-footprint, IF they realllllly believed what they preach.

Climate cultists are just thieves. There is only one cure for thieves.

>> No.14579025
File: 204 KB, 2176x1098, Climate Narratives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sea level rise
wow, so scared

>> No.14579031

Happens every time people talk about climate change in this board, the game is about showing how stupid is everyone that thinks different than you, so theres no need to be so serious about it

>> No.14579065

Nah fuck off m8. None of you climate change fags actually buy what you are peddling. You might make virtue signaling posts on social media or some other empty gesture, but none of you straight up really believe that we are close to the apocalypse and none of you are actually changing your habits outside of maybe being more mindful about what goes in the recycle bin. You are all hypocrites of the highest order.

>> No.14579071

your gonna need some carbon capture credits for those sick burns, there fellas

>> No.14579074

blowing up buildings and killing people are ineffective 20th century strategies for doing things, theres too many feds these days

the only way to accomplish change is to influence the social discourse to normalize awareness of the climate crisis and integrate democratic solutions.

>> No.14579078

It’s the fucking apocalypse my man. Literally everyone is gonna die, humanity as we know it wiped off the face of the planet. You’d think that’d be the kind of thing to inspire radical political violence.

>> No.14579092

This whole thing (instilling apocalyptic climate fear in children) we also had it in the 90s, in the Captain Planet Ozone Layer years, but it didn't get so big because there was no internet.

>> No.14579093
File: 10 KB, 227x222, homez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only way to accomplish change is to influence the social discourse to normalize awareness of the climate crisis and integrate democratic solutions.
I have never read a more faggot-sounding phony sentence, ever. LMAO!

>> No.14579104

It's amazing how people rally around this dumb bitch

>> No.14579109

Never heard of her till now, but she seems to make a lot of sense. Guess the /gov/climatechange crowd is mad at getting btfo'd by a white girl! kek

>> No.14579110

>It’s the fucking apocalypse my man.
Where did anybody say that? Western countries will be able to shoulder the burden, far fewer people will die than just immigrate to Europe or the US.

>> No.14579117

>but she seems to make a lot of sense
Yeah, I guess only schizos and retards can understand the rambling baseless speech she made in the OP

>> No.14579120

>midwit noises
>midwit confusion

>> No.14579399

>Sea level rise
This never happened

>> No.14579407
File: 63 KB, 559x649, 1482891065493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering this is the same woman who thought Jewish space lasers were responsible for the Californian bushfires I don't think she's a reliable source of information about climate. Just putting it out there but she might be retarded.

>> No.14579439

no shes retarded and uninformed
stupid horse faced bitch

>> No.14579443

She didn't say jewish space lasers though. So you being a liar proves you're not a reliable source of anything.

>> No.14579471
File: 196 KB, 1209x873, Es13VVhXAAAYPj-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said the Rothschilds focused solar energy into a beam that caused wildfires. Jewish space lasers.

>> No.14579478

Yes, that's not "jewish space laser". Directed energy weapons are real and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. Perhaps she was wrong, but you're a dishonest dimwit who thinks parroting MSM talking points makes you smart.

>> No.14579482

Holy shit it's real, of course Americans voted her into office.

>> No.14579491

Jewish space lasers aren't a stretch for this woman considering she believes sandy hook was fake and filmed herself harrassing the survivors calling them crisis actors. She's just some Q schizo that got voted into office, she has no real insight into anything anon.

>> No.14579497

The fact that you need to bring up other topics proves you're wrong otherwise you'd focus the point. You are a liar, you got called out for it, and now you're doubling down on it further proving me right that nothing you say is reliable.

>> No.14579502

But anon, the media told us to hate this person because well, uhm... she's a chud! You have to hate her or else you're a heckin chudarinooo too

>> No.14579538

you are defending a schizo 50 year old post wall roastie for her retarded ass sperg sessions on an anonymous basket weaving symposion
you agressively insist on defending points that are not yours and behaviour that doesnt affect you, suggesting that your motivation is not genuine
therefore your opinion can be dismissed as irrelevant

your vehement insistence without actual rational argumentation proves that you are wrong and deliberately misguiding

>> No.14579559

Stop making excuses for her you retarded antisemite lol.

>> No.14579566

>Yes, that's not "jewish space laser".
Yes it is.

>Directed energy weapons are real
Jews are real
Space is real
Lasers are real
Therefore Jewish space lasers caused the wildfires in California. QED.

>Perhaps she was wrong

>> No.14579591

The whole thing is bogus. It doesn't matter how deep the oceans get, our continents and islands float on top of the water and won't be submerged at all..

>> No.14579596

>You don’t actually believe we’re doomed because you aren’t blowing up buildings or assassinating high profile people. You do not actually, literally, fear for your life from climate change.
Bingo. I try to apply this test to every case somebody is making hysterical claims.

>feminists: staring at my ass is rape!
If that were true you'd get a gun and shoot me for it. You know it isn't really rape, dumb bitch.
>conservatives: abortion is mass murder!
If you really believed that, you'd be assassinating abortion doctors. A very small number of people do this, but the vast majority are just talking shit they don't earnestly believe.
>democrats: trump is hitler!
If you truly believed that, you'd have left the country.

>> No.14579626
File: 82 KB, 900x900, dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our continents and islands float on top of the water and won't be submerged at all..

>> No.14579639

If land didn't float then we'd all be fish. We're not underwater already, so obviously land floats.

>> No.14579709
File: 53 KB, 403x448, cvbbmwwe4rzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If land didn't float then we'd all be fish. We're not underwater already, so obviously land floats.

>> No.14579733
File: 106 KB, 1014x1024, 1655428255509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marjorie Taylor Green is a former prostitute who's qualifications are blowing Ron Desantis.

>> No.14579735
File: 54 KB, 600x538, BA DUM TISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14579626 >>14579709
+2 (You)