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14577165 No.14577165 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14577169
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Tankwatching: Florida Edition

>> No.14577173
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Italians will make a surface habitat for Artemis.

>> No.14577179

The more on Artemis the better it doesn't end up with a fizz, right?

>> No.14577182
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>Targeting Friday, June 17 for a Falcon 9 launch of 53 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from LC-39A in Florida

>> No.14577190

Italians are actually good at making space cans. Thales Alenia Space made Cupola, MPLM, Columbus, Tranquility, Harmony, Leonardo, and makes a pressurized module of Cygnus. Now they're also working on modules for Axiom space station.

>> No.14577204
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What happened to Bogelowe? They completely went radio silent after covid

>> No.14577209

All employees laid off, no work being done. Fate is unknown.

>> No.14577215

>Italians will make a surface habitat for Artemis.
Anon can't you read? The Italians are doing a preliminary design study for something that might be a potential lunar surface habitat someday maybe. AKA a nothingburger exercise in international diplomacy that also makes it appear that the US is working towards a Moon base without actually committing to anything

>> No.14577237

What makes you think that they don't want to commit to anything? For me, it looks like the first sign of progress towards the Lunar base.

>> No.14577247
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i can take one really good guess as to their fate

>> No.14577269

They were operating on the corporate version of paycheck-to-paycheck. The pandemic disrupted that and they can't afford the costs to restart. Much of their inhouse expertise now works for other companies and aren't going to just come back because the company wants to restart. The need to be recapitalized, which is possible, but requires giving up some ownership and investors who believe in the technology. Bigelow might not be willing to give up that much control or the investment money in the sector might simply be flowing to companies with better risk:reward ratios.

>> No.14577306

>What makes you think that they don't want to commit to anything?
The past 40 years of US space policy. Had they announced that they had contracted the Italians to start construction of modules it would be a different story but weaselly worded announcements of preliminary design studies never lead to anything

>> No.14577309

it will NOT launch this year

>> No.14577356

It makes me giddy thinking about how obsolete all of our debates about billion dollar bureaucracies with vaporware decade long plans are about to become.

Like, some day Kim Kardashian will go on a coke bender and then decide to build a ten story moon base in the shape of her ass and it'll be done in a week and barely put a dent in her net worth.

It reminds me of how in 1975 if you wanted to buy a computer you needed $100,000 but in 1977 you could get one for $500, or that old story about "At Napoleon's coronation, the guests of honor dined with aluminum cutlery while the minor nobility had to make due with gold"

>> No.14577402

It's dead, Jim.

>> No.14577407

>Yesterday, SpaceX employees shared an open letter to the company’s execs in an internal chat, criticizing Elon Musk’s recent behavior: "Elon’s behavior in the public sphere is a frequent source of distraction and embarrassment for us..."

>> No.14577413
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Secret NAZI tech being rolled down the road.

>> No.14577417

>"Elon’s behavior in the public sphere is a frequent source of distraction and embarrassment for us..."
LITERALLY embarrassing...

>> No.14577421
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>"Oh no Elon is making me feel embarrassed"
>That's your problem not mine
Its a nothingburger.

>> No.14577423

elon is going to get removed as the ceo

>> No.14577429

Get back to work

>> No.14577430
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You just know that it's a group of faggots from HR.

>> No.14577433

the muskrat fears the workers

>> No.14577436

No they are a liability and they will inevitably get someone killed to try to own Musk. They can all go work at Boeing.

>> No.14577452

There is a difference between a worker and a faggot. No sane person complains about such bullshit as mean twitter posts.

>> No.14577453

>Publicly address and condemn Elon’s harmful Twitter behavior.
>SpaceX must swiftly and explicitly separate itself from Elon’s personal brand.
The door is always open for them to exit out. Agitators need to be rooted out.

>> No.14577454

There's a reason all those "Barista - Temporary" positions are open.

>> No.14577455

most workers probably get a kick out of it LOL

>> No.14577458

>I cooka da pizza in low gravity

>> No.14577461

SpaceX has like 10,000 people working under them directly. So there's always a small percentage that are dissatisfied with the company. Lets say its <1%. That's a 100 people right there.

>> No.14577462

Close. Italians brought a coffee machine to the ISS.

>> No.14577463
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>harmful Twitter behavior

I think I've figured out what they're complaining about now.

>> No.14577469

all 10,000 signed it

>> No.14577473

>no spacex employees are known to have signed the letter
looks like somebody is attempting to sabotage the company. probably someone who was leaving anyway to another company and got a fat political bribe to drop the letter on their way out.

>> No.14577480

>signed by 100 people
LMAO. Also, judging by the wording and "demands", it was written by a bunch of faggots, that are worried that more right wing people would consider working for SpaceX

>> No.14577481

If he's removed as CEO, SpaceX dies. The company's vision and pace is dictated by the leader (in which case he's both CEO and chief engineer). You remove that and it will implode.

>> No.14577483

you cant remove elon, it's a private company and he owns the majority of private shares too

>> No.14577490
File: 975 KB, 1360x765, Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 16-23-14 Crews Prepare Chopsticks to Lift Booster 7 SpaceX Boca Chica - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX has ordered a lot of pipes.

>> No.14577492

Only musk cocksuckers will disagree with this. His twitter shit is embarrassing and a waste of time. Like almost everyone is the world, he would improve almost everything about his life by cutting out social media.

>> No.14577493

Elon legit needs to stop shitposting on Twitter. This is gonna interfere with his SpaceX stuff.

>> No.14577495
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idgi, how is this supposed to save rovers during the lunar night? how are you wirelessly charging them during the night? where is your power source?


>> No.14577498

Why don't you use that advice?

>> No.14577499

a solar panel on the other side of the moon

>> No.14577500

i should've scrolled down

>Where would the charger's energy come from tho?
>the lander it docks to has solar arrays and batteries.

yeah that aint gonna do shit. the lander is dead too. the only way is if it's nuclear powered, which it isnt going to be if it's commercial. and how is this a new idea? people are getting paid to rehash ideas from the 50s.

>> No.14577501
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>Having to work around the 14 day/night cycle, and it causing massive problems
Zubrin predicted this. The moon is a siren.

>> No.14577502

He doesn't. He's a free man and runs his private company the way he sees fit. The current ideological far leftist will lose the mid terms and lose the presidentship in the next election. This will finally bring America to normalacy. What's [current] isn't normal. Its an aberation leftover from Trump era.

>> No.14577505

I do, unless you're going to say 4chan is social media like a retard. It's not posting online that's the problem, it's posting online with your name attached so you can get clout and social rewards.

>> No.14577511

B7.1 is up next for testing. looks like it might be awhile before we get back to the real starship.

>> No.14577512

> The number of people that signed is not available

>> No.14577517

> But for all our technical achievements, SpaceX fails to apply these principles to the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion with equal priority across the company, resulting in a workplace culture that remains firmly rooted in the status quo.

So these people want more niggers and women on board, basically affirmative action? I have the impression these are some useless hr people or something, firing them would not affect spacex in the slightest
I hope they quit

>> No.14577520

What kind of work related complaint is this? I'd understand if they were underpaid, had poor working conditions, or were personally abused by Elon in one way or another, but complaining about your employer's behavior OUTSIDE of work is just ridiculous.

>> No.14577522

>spacexlounge is supporting the employees against elon
its over

>> No.14577523

Its part of media cultural war being fought. Media has been painting Musk as a fraud/negatively for atleast half a decade now. It must have surely gotten to some of them, especially since a good chunk are working right in the center of the cultural war city.

>> No.14577525

I think its more about the fact he is voting republican
Spacex should gradually phase out california operations completely
Spacex gets maddive amount of applicants anyway

>> No.14577526

go back

>> No.14577528
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>> No.14577530

Fuck off, the time of people caring about what swjs think is slowly ending

>> No.14577531

Eich treatment soon.

>> No.14577533

Reddit is full of faggots

>> No.14577535

>stop engaging with the public
Dumb ass.

Musk's strategy is simple, convert 50% of Americans over to his side and other 50% of the other 50% to his side). Only extremists and retards don't understand what he's doing.

>> No.14577536

I always had a bad feeling about this journalist

>> No.14577537

eich didn't own mozilla

>> No.14577541

hasn't verge been anti-musk a very long time?
first time I see an article from this woman that is like this
seems like basic operating procedure though, when something gets successful they try to co-opt it

>> No.14577543

Yes. Most of the liberal news media is like that. So it makes sense for LorenGrush to partake in these sorts of anti-Musk articles.

>> No.14577549
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> /sfg/ doesn't even know about the peaks of eternal light
> /sfg/ cares not for satellite based solar power
Anons I am disappoint

>> No.14577551
File: 593 KB, 1200x1691, FU_nYl3XoAAJ5jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? Rovers only draw a few hundreds watts of power, that could easily be met by a stationary battery bank charged during the lunar day. The issue is if they have to carry all that mass and then still operate during the night, that's not feasible so rovers like Yutu-2 shut down during this period.
You couldn't tell the moment you read she works for Vox?

>> No.14577553

No, he needs to shitpost more

>> No.14577554

The moon is a distraction from mars. You can do everything better and easier on mars.

>> No.14577559

peaks of eternal light are memes

>> No.14577561


>> No.14577562

>peaks of eternal light
so your rover can only go to like three places on the whole moon?

>> No.14577563

the battery pack is going to fail. what do you think this is, the arctic? lmao. shits -150C during the lunar night.

>> No.14577569

Can you solve that issue with proper insulation?

>> No.14577573

>The number of signatures was not immediately available
Guessing it's not very many. Sounds like a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.14577576

It's a 100 "people"

>> No.14577581

100 people who inhabit about 5 bodies

>> No.14577583
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>> No.14577593

Do you understand the difference between electricity and heat? A lot of solar powered rovers do include RHUs that consist of a few grams of Pu-238 and no thermocouple. This is not because they couldn't produce a battery that would last 14 days without charging in the often cold but convectionless environment of space, it's just RHUs are easier and they can be dispersed throughout the rover. They still only give off about one watt of heat.
>what do you think this is, the arctic?
That environment would be much worse.

>> No.14577595

Seize the traitorous employees, line them against the wall with the author of this tripe.

>> No.14577597
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>> No.14577608

what commercial company is going to be running around with radioactive heaters

>> No.14577617

Whatever company wants them? RHUs aren't a threat to anyone unless maybe you take the fuel pellet out and then eat it. I doubt there are many regulations surrounding them. Also more sensitive electronics usually get their own electric heater so the output can be controlled.

>> No.14577620
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>According to a senior ESA official, a new "no earlier than" launch date for Ariane 6 will be announced on July 13. I've previously heard April 2023, but they want to complete some tests before publicly releasing a higher confidence date.
>It also sounds like management of the Ariane 6 program has been shaken up, with the goal of streamlining it. This new management team will focus on getting to launch as well as ramping up production of Ariane 6 to meet demands of Galileo, other European institutions, and Amazon.

>> No.14577624

>24 Starship launches per year allowed at the cape
What’s everyone freaking out about then?

>> No.14577630

Gonna take time to shift operations. Not that it matters that much because the six launches a year out of Boca Chica are enough to prototype the system and the cape should be ready by the time that it's actually operational.

>> No.14577635

>>24 Starship launches per year allowed at the cape
It's over, we need 24 launches a day, not per year

>> No.14577637

>shift operations
But they will be using both sites.

>> No.14577638

Honestly 29 or so total launches per year is actually a lot. Even if you say 16 are for HLS, that’s still 13 launches of a vehicle the size of Saturn V

>> No.14577641

I knew this would happen, Elon is in over his own head. Thinks he's god now, that ego stroking campaign (against him) last year worked.

>> No.14577644

Not much of this was accurate

>> No.14577647

Elon is one of the gods of the seven-part launch market. Who are the other key-bearers?

>> No.14577648

it's over

>> No.14577652

thats alot considering the eastern range can only manage something like 70 launches a year at best. we need more launch sites.

>> No.14577655

What was the point of screen capping some faggot saying "ratio"

>> No.14577659

There are a few key-bearers in the launch market, but Elon is definitely one of the most influential. The others include Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Musk'sSpaceX.

>> No.14577663

SLS is like the father that's moving too slow to stop his son from fucking his mother. He's powerless to stop it

>> No.14577664
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June 17 1608 GMT - SpaceX - Falcon 9: LC-39A, Florida. Starlink 4-19. Drone ship booster recovery.
June 18 1400 GMT - SpaceX - Falcon 9: SLC-4E, California. SARah 1, synthetic aperture radar for German military. Landing zone 4 booster recovery.
June 19 0430 GMT - SpaceX - Falcon 9: SLC-40, Florida. Globalstar satellite and unidentified secondary payloads. Drone ship booster recovery.
June 22 2103 GMT - ESA - Ariane 5: French Guiana. Two communications satellites for Malaysia and India.
June 25 - Rocket Lab - Electron: Mahia Peninsula, New Zealand. CAPSTONE to lunar halo orbit, for NASA.
June 28 2104 GMT - SpaceX - Falcon 9: SLC-40, Florida. SES 22 communications satellite for US television and data service.
June 29 - ULA - Atlas 5: SLC-41, Florida. USSF 12, experimental missile warning satellite for the Space Force.
June ? - ISRO - SSLV: Sriharikota, India. Small Satellite Launch Vehicle's first orbital test flight.

July 11 - SpaceX - Falcon 9: LC-39A, Florida. CRS 25 resupply to the ISS, Cargo Dragon.
Sept 20 - SpaceX - Falcon Heavy: LC-39A, Florida. NASA probe to explore metallic asteroid Psyche. Landing zone 1/2 booster recovery.
Q3 - SpaceX - Starship: Texas. Orbital flight test.
Q3 - NASA - SLS: Florida. Artemis I, uncrewed flight to lunar orbit and return to earth.
Q3 - Firefly - Alpha: California. Small satellite rideshare mission, second flight.
Q3 - SpaceX - Falcon Heavy: LC-39A, Florida. ViaSat broadband communications satellite.
Q3/Q4? - SpaceX - Falcon Heavy: LC-39A, Florida. USSF 44 satellites to geosynchronous orbit. Drone ship booster recovery.
October - SpaceX - Falcon Heavy: LC-39A, Florida. USSF 52 classified payload.
Q4 - SpaceX - Falcon 9: LC-39A, Florida. Polaris Dawn missions on Crew Dragon. Pathfinding technologies for Crew Starship.

>> No.14577668
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>> No.14577669

>noooo my boss can't say conservative things on twitter! that's so embarrassing for me!!
get a grip

>> No.14577670

Does anyone at NASA actually think SLS will do at least half of what it’s supposed to do?

>> No.14577675

All you need is an insulated rover with a large thermal mass. Heat it up with surplus solar power during the lunar day.

>> No.14577678

>noooo my boss can't say liberal things on twitter! that's so embarrassing for me!!
/sfg/ does this all the time.

>> No.14577679
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I am tempted to believe Starship will be cheaper to fly than Falcon 9 very soon

>> No.14577682


>> No.14577685

>very soon

>> No.14577686
File: 789 KB, 1866x2048, Screenshot_20220616-115526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She must be a disappointment to her parents

>> No.14577687

Why waste your time posting this

>> No.14577688

Falcon 9 is real while Starship still has tiles falling off.

>> No.14577689

Am I wrong in thinking that they could start slinging actual commercial payloads for sub-Falcon prices almost immediately after the first orbital tests?

It doesn't even matter if they can land without blowing it up, literally just get the payload into orbit (which the rocket has shown itself capable of doing) and then the low unit price and huge payload will already make it more economical.

>> No.14577692

Who? Show it to me.

>> No.14577693

Except get there in a reasonable amount of time

>> No.14577694
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>> No.14577696

they will 100% start doing this with starlink sats, but I don't think there are any other payloads not spoken for ready to be integrated into a new experimental rocket that quickly

>> No.14577701



>> No.14577702

What makes Starship so experimental though? A lot of launchers fly customer payloads on their second flight and whatnot.

>> No.14577703

So, not complaining about their boss.

>> No.14577708

>my boss

>> No.14577709

starship is just too big, you don't want your satellite rattling around up there

>> No.14577710
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Yeah I don't think the mexican welders are the ones writing the gay letter

>> No.14577711

There will more than likely be extra payloads that will ride share with the first starlink launches

>> No.14577712

June 30 - Relativity Space - Terran 1: No payload

>> No.14577713

>It's not specifically about my boss so it's not whining!
cope cope cope cope cope

>> No.14577718
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>> No.14577721

The landing procedure is pretty sketchy. Fortunately, the payload doesn't have to worry about that.

>> No.14577722

Your 'cope cope cope' shitposting just makes you look retarded. Go back and stay there.

>> No.14577725
File: 456 KB, 1124x1920, 4DCC011A-F396-478E-963A-12842A39942F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX Redditors are having a civil war right now. They’re the last Elon supporters on the godforsaken site. It’s a tad sad.

>> No.14577726

Yes. SLS may be the punchline to a bad joke but NASA's project managers are some of the best in the world. If it's in the spec, it will do it.

>> No.14577728


>> No.14577743
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>> No.14577748

>boss writing his personal opinions on twitter
>company pushing groomer propanda
I see a small difference here

>> No.14577753

ars article already https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/06/spacex-employees-write-letter-blasting-musks-harmful-twitter-behavior/

they hate elon there except for berger and the space nerds

>> No.14577760

He already gave it away with garbage-tier replies, just ignore him.

>> No.14577765

Does anyone else wish Elon just stayed le epic iron man in real life and kept his mouth shut?
I support Elon but the normies don’t anymore. It’s sad now. I miss when everyone loved him.

>> No.14577776
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Only a fool gives a shit what normies think or say.

>> No.14577780

Yea, all his politics shit will only hurt him in the future. Leftist regulators will be out to get him. He needs to cool it with the autistic outbursts

>> No.14577782
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>> No.14577783

ars technica was reddit before reddit.

>> No.14577785

Tim Dodd is turning on Elon on Reddit lmao holy shit

>> No.14577787

They'd have come for him one way or the other. Staying out of politics doesn't work; that's what Microsoft tried to do through the 90s and it ended in them getting hit with antitrust lawsuits. Since then, the tech industry learned they have to be involved with politics on their own terms, otherwise politics would come for them on terms less agreeable.

>> No.14577788
File: 2.43 MB, 1280x720, qd_relativity.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick Disconnect Separation Test by Relativity

>> No.14577798

>Amongst people I run into in real life that maybe know I interviewed Elon, I often get a bit of a “yikes” reaction from them. I live in a pretty conservative area too. I also have friends who work at SpaceX who have expressed concerns of something very similar saying they are being judged for working for SpaceX and it’s becoming very hard. It’s a real thing unfortunately

thats all he said

>> No.14577803

Nevermind, I read that more severe than I though. I don’t quite get his point.

>> No.14577804

Elon has said nothing that wasn't true, there is literally no reason to feel second-hand embarrassment from any of it. He has no obligation to tow the woke-line and his refusal to do so is not revolutionary, it's normal.

>> No.14577805

>Real life doesn't matter guys

>> No.14577807

tried that terra invicta game. reddit was right when they said it was basically x-com played via spreadsheets. i aint got time for that.

>> No.14577808

Elon has said what a lot of people have thought but are afraid to say

>> No.14577812

Elons been in a lot of situations that look bad, even without leftist spin.

>Pedo comments
>Crpyto shilling
>twitter purchase fake out

>> No.14577813

>Please stop expressing the wrongthink

>> No.14577817
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>> No.14577818

2 of 3 things that normies don't care about and already forgot about

>> No.14577819

>Jun 17-18-19
3 in a row

A record?

>> No.14577823

It will be cheaper than Falcon 9 in absolute terms and in price per kg. Small sat launchers don't want to believe its gonna be cheaper than F9 to fly a single Starship.

>> No.14577830

>pedo comments
Bad joke, poorly constructed and executed, I wish he'd have just kept his mouth shut there, not because he was slanderous/libelous but because he wasn't funny and that's worse to me.
I don't know or care about pretend money whatsoever and only tangentially know what you even mean, I remember the doge thing at least.
I don't think this storyline is over yet, but we'll see I suppose.

>> No.14577833

I disagree, but neither of us have hard data to prove it.

>> No.14577834

>Pedo comment
White expats in Thailand isn't a pedophilia moment anymore? Everyone already expresses that opinion before Musk and will continue to express that after Musk. Its not a bad look. Its a normal look.

>Crypto shilling
Millions other shill cryptos. Meaningless

>twitter purchase fake out
Its called negotiations. Albeit a non-conventional one.

Examine yourself. These are not what normal people would call "looking bad" in any other scenario.

>> No.14577836

Great examples of how disconnected /sfg/ is from real life ITT

>> No.14577840

I don't care about twitter or real life I just want alien roggs

>> No.14577841
File: 135 KB, 515x465, Its-a Wario time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life is for faggots

>> No.14577847

Real life isn't twitter, my gay friend.

>> No.14577849

It's not, and that's an incredibly unproductive attitude.

>> No.14577850

Liberal echo chamber isn't real life

>> No.14577853
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Many such cases

>> No.14577854

Why stop it? More siblings is good
Of course you should be somewhere else when it happens

>> No.14577855

>Employees across the spectra of gender, ethnicity, seniority, and technical roles have collaborated on this letter.
This faster these parasites are gone, the better

>> No.14577857

Save yourself the trouble and just don't read the comments on Ars. They don't load unless you specifically click on the comments button and you'll be glad you didn't.

>> No.14577860
File: 249 KB, 1200x804, 9D67D508-0333-4952-8284-C34500D25D04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me come up with a scenario where the Apollo Applications Program happens?

>> No.14577861

Its just a catch all term nonsense. People who want Elon fired from SpaceX are not people who intend on working for SpaceX or believe in the colonization mission in the first place.

>> No.14577865

Lol what the fuck are you talking about, and even if that was the case daying it on some random imageboard vs a open fucking letter that gets distributed to news outlets os very, very different

>> No.14577867

>People who want Elon fired from SpaceX
They want him to focus on work and not tweets.

>> No.14577868

The kind of people who write letters like that don't work

>> No.14577870

Complete fucking brainlet

>> No.14577871

(((They))) want SpaceX to cut ties with Elon Musk. Twitter is just a apparent reason. The actual reason is just political agitators. The ideological purge needs to happen.

It seems like I'm living in a dejavu more and more.

>> No.14577873

> Harmful
Fuck off

>> No.14577875

No, this shitposting is basically irrelevant

>> No.14577878
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>> No.14577880

satellite based solar power would be great, but by the time that kind of infrastructure is on the moon heating rovers will no longer be an issue
besides, if you had solar power satellites this wireless charger would be fucking useless

>> No.14577881

Jon Brodin has always been anti-Elon, anti-Tesla, anti-SpaceX, anti-Starlink. The best case scenario for him is they write a short factual article with no opinion to the point. The normal case scenario is they spread rumors laced with rumors with laddened with agenda.

>> No.14577884

I dont think thailand really has that image anymore, btw they just legalized weed lol

>> No.14577885

What's up with that concern trolling?

>> No.14577886

Republicans are going to win the next elections, journalists and loud twitter colorheads are not representative of real life

>> No.14577887

Anons are bored waiting for the Falcon9 Weekend. I hope none of them get scrubbed, three in a row would be cool to see.

>> No.14577888

>I dont think thailand really has that image anymore
is that because Musk called a white expat in Thailand a pedo, therefore your mind need to rewrite reality where white expats in thailand are no longer pedo?

Again, examine yourself. Your mind is being re-written due to cultural war narrative.

>> No.14577889

There's always been that 1-2 concern trolls on /sfg/. Aside from that guy, its just new posters who have consumed too much media propaganda.

>> No.14577890

Im not anti elon, i just do t think its true anymore, might have been like 40-50 years ago or something

>> No.14577892

I'll just bs one of the top of my head
Somehow the 70s oil crisis forces a major rethink of US energy policy and renewables become extremely important

We get a Methalox "Neptune" with the Saturn V's capabilities in the late 70s, the US completely ignores expensive foreign entanglements after Vietnam and the containment policy is replaced by normalized diplomatic relations after Nixon takes office and visits China. Europe is instead forced to negotiate with OPEC without US involvement for fuel supplies and gets a whole lot more commie (except paradoxically historically commie France, which does end up going nuclear ahead of schedule because of this). ESA becomes an ally of Roscosmos instead of NASA.

>> No.14577894

I just read "The case for Mars" and it convinced me that you can't do anything without support. And the "fuck normies" attitude, as well as Elon's twitter shitposting does the opposite of that.

>> No.14577900

See >>14577787

>> No.14577901

Anon, Nixon's opening to China was a part of containment. The entire reason he did it was to place more pressure on the Soviets.

The Chinese were even more vigorously anti-Soviet than the US was, to the point where they asked the US to take a harder line on anti-communism. They also cucked the Soviets by invading Vietnam after the Soviets swore to defend it.

t. knower

>> No.14577902


If anything, the sex tourism industry has grown tremendously and is nearing 10% of Thailand's GDP last few years.

The only reason you think its different is because media's anti-Musk narrative is rewriting your perception of reaity.

>> No.14577904

Just realized I completely misread the post I'm replying to.

>> No.14577906
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>Calling people pedo's and shilling shitcoins is effective politics

>> No.14577908

>one incident
>one irrelevant incident
You're doing it again

>> No.14577911

Elon rallies 60% of American public. Its just that he isn't adhering to the extremists on the left anymore that you're upset about.

>> No.14577913

holy shit meds

>> No.14577919

Each "irrelevant" incident keeps adding up, and each time you lose more good will. Look at how biden's approval rating is dropping, it's not all at once, it's a few people over each crisis he fucked up.

He should lean into things like giving away starlink for """poor""" communities, then lobby republicans in the background. Play both sides for optimal launch performance.

>> No.14577920

He already gives away free starlinks to poor/needy. You just don't hear about it anymore because its not in the interest of media to give Musk positive attention.

>> No.14577921

>oh no he fucked a thai chick that was 17 years 11 months and 364 days
That sick fuck

>> No.14577922
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The only thing /sfg/ understands less than spaceflight is politics.

>> No.14577923

>she claimed she was 17 I swear officer, I didn't know she was 10

>> No.14577924

I don't have to understand it to discuss it.
Just like spaceflight.

>> No.14577928

If only he would tweet about that instead of old memes and crypto scams. Just imagine if you replaced every crypto tweet with something about xyx indian nation getting internet because of starlink.

>> No.14577931

You'd be surprised what a small group of smart and dedicated men can do.
Fuck normies and fuck unless governments

>> No.14577933

Musk tweeted handful of times about Dogecoin out of tens of thousands of tweets, therefore Musk is bad

>> No.14577935
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Geez, I wish Musk did something more to improve his image.

>> No.14577936

stay off twitter and stop watching the news, you'll feel better and your perception of reality will return to normal

>> No.14577937

I think you are deliberately misinterpreting my point.

>> No.14577938

That's just the way of the times.

>> No.14577939

The only time I see twitter is when you losers post screencaps here.

>> No.14577940

>implying it's ever 10 year olds

>> No.14577942

Reminder, if you ignore the noise from the small amount of liberal extremists, you begin to see the real world. Outside of extremist circles, Biden is fairing extremely poorly. He's got worse ratings than Trump right now.

Musk is popular among ~60-70% of the general population, its only the extremists that he's pissed off. The hardcore Biden supporters. Thats through no fault of his own, Biden choose to fight against Musk and his companies.

>> No.14577945

In four years doge coin will have more credibility than the US dollar
Thanks Biden

>> No.14577946

>>14577888 checked
>is that because Musk called a white expat in Thailand a pedo, therefore your mind need to rewrite reality where white expats in thailand are no longer pedo?
That does seem to be what happened.

>> No.14577947

the sex industry is not the pedo industry

>> No.14577948

The point you're missing is, you made a mountain out of a ant hole. His "crypto shilling" is a very tiny tiny tiny tiny percentage of his posts. Its meaningless drivel even at best case scenario where Musk is manipulating the crypto market.

>> No.14577950
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Uh oh, we triggered the biden dialogue tree

>> No.14577952

yep, nothing is ever enough, you can't redeem yourself for disagreeing with them

>> No.14577954

i don't give a shit about twitter all of you unkindly fuck off back there

>> No.14577955

The point isn't his crypto shilling, or stupid memes, or politics posting, it's all of it together. It's just a waste of time that he could be using to build his reputation as a whole. You keep saying he has 60% of the country supporting him, which isn't a good thing. He could easily get that to 80-90% if he just hid his power level.

>> No.14577956

>heating rovers
It's already not a real issue. Spend far too much money working out an agreement with NASA in order to buy their RHUs, or make your own from a common radioisotope used in the medical industry, or just use a fucking battery and eat the mass penalty. Fuel cells would work as well, heat regolith to collect water, split it with electrolysis and store the hydrolox for use during the lunar night.

>> No.14577957

I'm a Biden voter and I love Musk.

>> No.14577958

If you're a hardcore Biden supporter, than you should hate Musk because Musk's companies aren't union. Because they're an American company employing Americans and making American cars.

>> No.14577961

Yeah thats one of the big complaits with CLPS. The landers cannot survive the night

>> No.14577964

NTA but in a similar position. I voted for Biden but I don't share all of his beliefs. Biden is useful for advancing some of what I want but not everything.

>> No.14577967

>You keep saying he has 60% of the country supporting him, which isn't a good thing. He could easily get that to 80-90% if he just hid his power level.
No. Before he had 60% of the support, he didn't have 90% of the support. He had ~10-20% of the support. He went from 10-20% -> 60% with his political plays. Thats a jump up, not down. Without being controversial, he can't have popularity. With Musk having a good chunk of Republican support + support from moderates = 60-70% support now.

>> No.14577973
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Do you really think musk could be in a marvel movie today? This was 12 years ago. He was clearly more popular with normies back then, you're just delusional if you think otherwise.

>> No.14577974

Eh. Labor unions in America are pretty much dead and have been since the 90s. I think most Democrats have made peace with that, although we'd like to reverse it one day. If SpaceX could unionize without totally throttling productivity it would be alright, but the unions that remain are mostly just organized graft (like when California was shaking Musk down for money)

All I know is that Starship is way, way better than the Sh*ttle for literally everything and I want to see an American flag on Mars soon.

>> No.14577975

Biden's only use was to oust Trump and possibly stronger Taiwan/NATO support for me. Now that Trump is gone for good, DeSantis will have a better chance of changing the priorities of the home nation.
Biden's domestic policy is a total mess. Its worse than Trump's domestic policies.

>> No.14577976

>Europe is instead forced to negotiate with OPEC without US involvement for fuel supplies and gets a whole lot more commie
Explain how that would work, commie radicals were holding OPEC dudes hostage in the 70s

>> No.14577978

>without totally throttling productivity
Not gonna happen. You can't fire unproductive people in unions. That makes/breaks companies. The only way for unions to survive is to have government support them indefinitely.

>> No.14577982 [DELETED] 

I voted Biden because I support abortion and gun control.

>> No.14577983

In places like Germany and Sweden, there are big nation-wide unions that work alongside employers associations to run industries. That system seems to work alright because everybody who has power in the system has an incentive to keep industry competitive.

Unfortunately, that model doesn't exist in America, where labor and management are traditional enemies.

>> No.14577986

If Musk was younger/fitter, sure. But Musk is in his 50s now. So aging is a factory.

But really, just look at For All Mankind or any future scifi shows, Musk or his companies are playing the role, indirectly or directly.

>> No.14577987

>gun control.
Kill your self faggot

>> No.14577990
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I support you getting aborted by a gun

>> No.14577992

I hate gun control to the point where sometimes I stay home on election day even though I'm a democrat

t. original biden voter

>> No.14577994

High trust society vs low trust society.

America has a history with union corruption since its inception, largely because unions were formed during the period of great upheavel. But companies either evolved or died out. Unions stayed the same, they're a legacy from America's past with all its baggage/social structure. Hence corruption is not only widescale in unions but a permanant presence due to the structure of the unions themselves.

>> No.14578000

>Do you really think musk could be in a marvel movie today? This was 12 years ago. He was clearly more popular with normies back then, you're just delusional if you think otherwise.
Back then Musk wasn't well known. SpaceX wasn't a name figure. Tesla barely existed.

>> No.14578001

I think a lot of it is simply corporations being more powerful in the American system. In Europe, it was a three way contest for power between poorfags, capitalist elites, and the traditional elite, which ended in social democratic systems taking over Western Europe after WW2 as a compromise between the three.

In America it was just poorfags vs richfags, and the richfags won by virtue of having money, and smashed the unions to the point where all that was left was a couple of overglorified mafias in blue states. Organized, social democratic style reforms aimed at challenging the power of the upper class haven't happened in America since the 1940s, only token reforms aimed at satisfying specific constituencies without upsetting the overall balance of power.

>> No.14578003
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Actually funny you being up the 70’s oil crisis. NASA was planning on building 60 12-kilometer wide solar power stations using gigantic fucking rockets. I am not kidding. This almost happened.

>In June 1975, NASA and the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding calling for joint SPS research.
>ERDA began to plan an SPS study with NASA at the beginning of Federal Fiscal Year 1977 (October 1976), in the waning days of Gerald Ford's caretaker Presidency.
>Energy shortages coupled with the Three-Mile Island nuclear accident (March 1979), made the mid-to-late 1970s a fertile environment for alternative energy research
>If an SPS was to contribute a meaningful amount of electricity to the interlinked U.S. utility grids — and, by DOE's reckoning, "meaningful" meant gigawatts — then it would have to be colossal by normal aerospace engineering standards.
>The SPS would have measured 10.5 kilometers long by 5.2 kilometers wide and had a mass of 50,000 tons.

How would they build these beasts?

> The red, white, and blue "Space Freighter" pictured in the Boeing painting above (Image 2) was, as its name implies, meant to serve as the main cargo launcher for SPS construction.
> Fully reusable to cut costs, it would have comprised at launch an automated, delta-winged Booster with a piloted, delta-winged Orbiter on its nose.
> After separating from the Orbiter, the Booster would have either landed downrange (if it were launched from a site in California, Arizona, New Mexico, or western Texas) or would have deployed turbofan engines and flown back to its launch site.
>Its would have delivered up to 420 metric tons of cargo to a staging base in low-Earth orbit (LEO).
>For comparison, the largest single-launch U.S. Earth-orbital payload, the Skylab Orbital Workshop, weighed 77 metric tons.


>> No.14578006

So much cope here I thought I was on Reddit

>> No.14578010

Leave it to LPSC to think about creative ways to use regolith https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2016/pdf/1035.pdf
>Putting thermite on a rocket, lmfao

What if the rover buried itself in the nights?

>> No.14578012
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>SpaceX wasn't a name figure. Tesla barely existed.
>Cameo mentions merlin engines and electric jets

>> No.14578013
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>21 km long

>> No.14578019
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Astra bros...

Also who the fuck greenlit the plot of Ad Astra? The movie sucked ass.

>> No.14578020
File: 177 KB, 553x752, 57EDD800-C481-4BC1-A8FB-BC2C4A978FD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More art. It’s beautiful

>Engineers speak of "gross liftoff weight" (GLOW) when they describe large launchers. The Space Shuttle had a GLOW of about 2040 metric tons and the three-stage Apollo Saturn V, about 3000 metric tons. Estimated GLOW for the Space Freighter was a whopping 11,000 metric tons.
> DOE and NASA expected to added two SPSs to the "fleet" in GEO each year starting in 2000. Each SPS would need about 200 Space Freighter launches and hundreds of OTV transfers between the LEO staging base and GEO.
>Propellants for the OTVs, as well as 50 metric tons of orbit trim propellants for each SPS per year, would demand even more Space Freighter launches.
> Despite extensive reliance on automation, the 30-year SPS project would require the presence of nearly 1000 astronauts in space at all times. Most would be based in GEO

How do you get 1000 astronauts into space? And what is the “OTV?”

> Rockwell, prime contractor for the Space Shuttle, proposed that second-generation Space Shuttle Orbiters serve as dedicated crew transports for the SPS program.
>The company envisioned that replacing the Orbiter payload bay with a pressurized crew module would enable it to transport up to 75 astronauts at a time.

Basically, Space Freighter would carry cargo, while the shuttle would be modified to carry dozens and dozens of people.

>> No.14578023

The movie was filmed in 2006-2007. The movie was released in 2008.

Look back to reality. In 2006-2007. Tesla had no roadster. Roadster only released in 2008. SpaceX had no success in 2006-2007 period. They were on their 2nd flight at that point.

>> No.14578025

That’s Iron Man 2. It came out 2010-11 ish. Elon had just made Falcon 9 and he was still “le wacky space man” until 2019-2020

>> No.14578029

Umm did you know that they weren't FREE and that hundred MILLIONS of TAXPAYERS money was given to him???

>> No.14578031

2009 was the filing of Iron Man 2, Musk's situation has changed slightly and had gotten himself out of the Tesla/SpaceX black hole. Still they only had couple hundred Teslas out by then. He wasn't big. SpaceX still hadn't launched F9 and wont launch until 2010.

My point still stands. Tesla/SpaceX were no where near where they are today. Today they're both household names. During the filming of the movie, he was barely known in the upper echleons.

>> No.14578033

More news about Starship
>LC-49 will have a Starship pad
>LC-39A will have a Starship pad
>Currently in talks for having a LC-40 Pad, too
>Currently 24 Starship flights allowed out of LC-39A ALONE!

I think it’s very likely we see weekly Starship launches by 2024. There is also talk of adding ANOTHER starship pad to LC-49 which is hilarious. Even with “current” LC-39A numbers, SpaceX could easily have approval to fly 96 starships per year out of the cape, and soon.

>> No.14578034

Where do you get those news from?

>> No.14578035
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>9600 tons into orbit a year

God yes please.

>> No.14578041 [DELETED] 

You're subhuman scum, off yourselves

>> No.14578042

Should also rename the area into Cape Starship.

>> No.14578043

Unironically Reddit has the 24-launches LC-39A document. And it is public knowledge LC-39A and LC-49 are getting a starship pad. But there’s talks on ElleTwo that LC-40 is getting one and LC-49 is getting another.

>> No.14578044
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>> No.14578045

LC39A with shared platform with Falcon9/CrewDragon/ISS Cargo Dragon = 24 launch per year
LC49 with dedicated launch will have 100 launch per year
LC40 with F9 = 40+ a year

I forsee 150+ launches per year from Florida with those. If SpaceX adds more launch towers at LC49, they will double that to 200-300 launches per year

>> No.14578046

no :^)

>> No.14578052

Its not really news, its old news.

>> No.14578053


>> No.14578055

They're going to have to get really good at turnaround times to make that cadence. There's no way they're going to make more than one or two BFRs a year

>> No.14578057

I thought BFR was impossible. We're now one or two per year? That's an improvement over SLS

>> No.14578061

I still want starship with proper fucking landing legs.

>> No.14578064

>He was clearly more popular with normies back then,

>> No.14578066

Yeah same. I don’t think catching Starship is a good idea. 99% chance SpaceX uses Starship landing legs for at least the first couple flights - maybe more.

Mate they really have to perfect reuse. Even the proven Falcon 9 has had a max reuse speed of 21 days. And pad turnaround is currently about 14 days. With 2 pads that’s still 1 launch a week but still.

>> No.14578067

Landing is old news, old man

>> No.14578069

>Mate they really have to perfect reuse. Even the proven Falcon 9 has had a max reuse speed of 21 days. And pad turnaround is currently about 14 days. With 2 pads that’s still 1 launch a week but still.
You're a retard. Starship isn't built like a Falcon 9. They're built like hourly turn around times because the booster gets caught back in the launch pad itself.

>> No.14578070

>I don’t think catching Starship is a good idea
Neither do I but Elon seems to disagree. I'll remain skeptical until the first successful tower catch.

>> No.14578071

Anyone still get anxious with SpaceX flights? Like I’m always worried something bad will happen.

>> No.14578072

Why? are you retarded? Starship can barely limp into orbit with 50 tons payload in its current form. and you want to add 25 tons to its mass? fucking absolute mouthbreathing retard

>> No.14578076

Does that include the weight of the tiles that fly off each time?

>> No.14578077

Nah. Even when they blow up it's good fun. That's the benefit of having a production line that rolls out a new starship every month.

>> No.14578078

We consider that an added bonus.

>> No.14578080

Sometimes, but mainly for landings. But I think at this point, they've made their point and proven out the technology. Even if our intuition fails to catch up with engineering.

>> No.14578083

I don't give a shit. I like legs.

>> No.14578084

>automated, delta-winged Booster
aka "not Shittle"
No wonder it died. Shittle then was politically like SLS is now, only it actually mostly worked.
>11,000 metric tons
I can't even begin to laugh hard enough. But wait, there's more!
>nearly 1000 astronauts in space at all times
>Most would be based in GEO
How can anyone unironically believe this could even "almost" happen?

>> No.14578089
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Idk it sounded cool

>> No.14578090

>It's just a waste of time that he could be using to build his reputation as a whole.
When you accomplish 0.001% of what Elon has then maybe you can consider telling him how to manage his time.

>> No.14578093
File: 145 KB, 1125x729, 4BA0FEE6-F077-4700-AA32-4ACCF6AFAD67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is time

>> No.14578094

lol, lmao

>> No.14578098

Now extend this argument to Bezos

>> No.14578101

2022 Starship Update > 2016 ITS Presentation > 2017 BFR Presentation > 2019 Starship Update > 2018 BFR update

>> No.14578102

To float for three disappointing minutes?

>> No.14578103

I don't tell Jeff how to manage his time

>> No.14578104
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why do people say this? what is your source for such a bs claim? literally years have been poured into a very small number of (test) launches of starship and a business' #1 expense is labor.

>> No.14578105

>we need more launch sites.
Difficult to achieve, at least in the United States. Coastal areas are either densely population, sparsely populated by with wealthy people, or environmentally sensitive sites. It's difficult to build any infrastructure of consequence in the US due to too many stakeholders having input.

>> No.14578106
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I do

>> No.14578113

Pretty much ever fan site over there eventually turns into a hate site for whatever topic is was started to discuss.

>> No.14578114

Take a look at this list. There are dozens of inactive launch sites at Kennedy. Also LC-41 is active but with no user.

It’s kind of sad seeing how many launch pads fell into disarray after the space race

>> No.14578124

>All those BO leases
Guess SpaceX will take over those leases when the bankruptcy court order them onto the market.

>> No.14578126

All employees to skin walker ranch to be sacrificed to the dark gods for science

>> No.14578136

fuck off phoneposting retard

>> No.14578137

But that's just 3 launch sites, that's the same amount as SpaceX. If they decide to copy them, then two will server as launch sites and one as the landing zone.
Also, bankruptcy is very unlikely, after all they're funded by Bezos.

>> No.14578138

At least they still have a lot of unused space on Cape.

>> No.14578143

Why doesn't spacex even bother using a flame trench when they have access to one in Florida. It's it just too time consuming to tare down the old shit?
Also I they don't plan on doing anything with the oil rigs until they are done with sites they are working right now

>> No.14578147

>t. doesn't have a job

>> No.14578150

Then go back to work, faggot.

>> No.14578152

>posting whilst "working"
you should kill yourself, if you were actually at work you wouldn't have time to shitpost on an anonymous coral clubbing forum
t. wagie

>> No.14578154

No, because he would of been hated by the right in the US still. I'd rather him be liked by the right and liked by smart leftists then be hated by the right but totally loved by the left

>> No.14578156

Elon's public approval in America went from 36% to 41% in Q2 2022. Stick this post up your own ass, faggot.

>> No.14578159

Normal people don't give a shit about useless manufactured controversy, they just think big rockets are cool or they don't care at all

>> No.14578162

The left would still hate him for being rich and successful. He was pushed to become what he is now.

>> No.14578167

>t. still don't have jobs

>> No.14578168

OTRAG is back, Baby!

>> No.14578169

go back to work useless faggot

>> No.14578174
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The future nuclearfags took from us.

>> No.14578181

Build more reactors

>> No.14578183
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Heil Kayser!

>> No.14578187
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musk is FINISHED

>> No.14578191

I believe him

>> No.14578192

Imagine being so cucked you can't even handle someones weirdness, they should just talk to him about rockets and shit

>> No.14578198

wasn't elon's approval rating for SpaceX like 93% or something?

>> No.14578199

>Everyone in the HR coven hates him including my antisocial boss

>> No.14578201

musk is a sociopath who fucked a horse and got rich off apartheid. it's a bit more than "normal" weirdness

>> No.14578203

Mueller x Musk bathroom antics

>> No.14578205

>SpaceX has cubicles
oh the humanity

>> No.14578207


>> No.14578208

I hear he had an emerald mine where he kept modern day slaves!

>> No.14578209

His sheer presence causes the urine of lesser men to back up into their penises

>> No.14578221

Why don't you and a million other retards all pitch in 10k in order to build a single reactor? No? Instead you just want to demand other people waste their money? Good luck with that.

>> No.14578222

>Musk is a horse pussy patrician
extremely based

>> No.14578226

Starliner Crew Flight test date announcement will happen end of july.

Possible flight next year for crew flight test.

>NASA says astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were selected to be the first to fly Boeing’s Starliner for its Crewed Flight Test, likely sometime next year. Mike Fincke, who was the third astronaut in the selection pool for CFT, will be backup.

>> No.14578231

and people wonder why i love him so much, i'd pee in front of him any day

>> No.14578237

I don't own an energy company but I will apply for an internship at a company that develops MSR technology. Governments should pay for reactor development instead of breeding niggers.

>> No.14578240

>Astronauts competing for rides in automated tin cans
NASA these days...

>> No.14578241

>Governments should pay for reactor development instead of breeding niggers.
They should do neither and you should buy yourself a pair of kneepads because your career path isn't going to work out.

>> No.14578244
File: 207 KB, 1200x900, 5E1F5951-874A-4807-AB09-3DDD0B06F677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't ULA retire the Delta IV? Why are there still a bunch of cores being shipped around.

>> No.14578245

Lets hope all those comments are bots. Imagine not supporting a shit posting CEO are people really so fragile?

>> No.14578246

Go hug a wind turbine

>> No.14578251

I hope their wills are up to date

>> No.14578255

Not the Heavy. It'll still launch until 2024.

>> No.14578258

you're a retarded midwit, nuclear is the solution to our near future energy problems with no downsides or safety issues, if you cannot understand why nuclear is so good you should be shot together with the fearmongering retard history degree politcians hindering it

>> No.14578263


>> No.14578265


>> No.14578268

>with no downsides
Cost and over regulations

>> No.14578274

cost shouldn't be a problem as nuclear reactors pay themselves off quite fast
over regulations, well that shouldn't be a problem if you topple the government

>> No.14578277

>Anyone that doesn't want to spend trillions of dollars subsidizing nuclear is a democrat
Peak retard.

>> No.14578278
File: 134 KB, 680x485, nuke renew 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple as

>> No.14578279

>cost shouldn't be a problem as nuclear reactors pay themselves off quite fast
A study in 2019 by the economic think tank DIW Berlin, found that nuclear power has not been profitable anywhere in the world.


Nuclear power plants have never been profitable anywhere in time.

>> No.14578283

Better spend subsidizing renewables then you can have brownouts for free when the wind blows less than normal

>> No.14578286

>Every nuclear power plant loses 5 billion euros during its lifetime
Only reason nuclear powers exists "commercially" is due to government subsidies/military priorities/national securities/etc

>> No.14578287

>A study in 2019 by the economic think tank DIW Berlin,
discarded, i actually know people in the energy sector and have seen the numbers, and nuclear is so much better to invest in it's not even close

>> No.14578289

Real shit, it's more expensive than coal or natural gas.

That alone is more important than the entire environmental movement in explaining why nuclear isn't used widely.

>> No.14578291


>> No.14578293

Further more, it takes DECADES to plan/build nuclear power plants.

Meanwhile solar panel arrays/wind farms and batteries are cheaper than nuclear power by a factor of 5

>> No.14578294

the upfront cost is much more but after that it's insanely cheap power and it pays itself off in a little over a decade

>> No.14578295

If only they could standardize

As it is every attempt at making a standard reactor has gone massively overbudget because apparently getting permits is something you need to do https://www.reuters.com/article/us-toshiba-accounting-westinghouse-nucle-idUSKBN17Y0CQ

>> No.14578296

The vast majority of subsidies are related to fossil fuel, nuclear has received more subsidies than renewables since its inception, and renewables are the cheapest source of energy without any subsidies.

>> No.14578301
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>> No.14578302

And scientifically illiterate cabinets hinder it 99/100 times

>> No.14578303

>the solarniggers are back
4channel is a flat circle

>> No.14578304
File: 87 KB, 1292x916, Renewable-Energy-vs-Fossil-Fuel-LCOE-chart-CT_png_85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14578305

>discarded, i actually know people in the energy sector and have seen the numbers, and nuclear is so much better to invest in it's not even close
>cost shouldn't be a problem as nuclear reactors pay themselves off quite fast
You're literally making shit up.

t. used to work in the energy sector.

>> No.14578307

Neither of these are true btw.

>> No.14578308

>You're literally making shit up.
>t. used to work in the energy sector.
And other things that never happened

>> No.14578310

>random pixelated chart means nuclear is defeated!!! t-trust me goys!!

>> No.14578311

Not that guy but the rule of thumb for new commercial nuclear facilities is about 20 years from saying "go" to actually getting energy out of the facility and into a grid.

Mostly down to red tape of course.

>> No.14578312

wait they intend to launch starliner with crew next month? that thing looks like it still had a ton of bugs to work out.

>> No.14578314

No. They intend to ANNOUNCE the date for launch next month.

>> No.14578315

>Not that guy
>t. that guy

>> No.14578316

some launches aren't public knowledge.

>> No.14578317

They literally have no more rocket launches for test flights, and they only have just enough Atlas V to cover the contracted missions.

>> No.14578322

I'm a complete retard in this subject, if I'm wrong feel free to correct me.

>> No.14578323
File: 65 KB, 478x433, imbecile moron idiot sfg a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them

>> No.14578325
File: 86 KB, 3025x1676, figure-11-median-construction-times-hi-res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except nuclear reactors have always taken a long time to build, even in shithole countries with a highly reduced regulatory environment

>> No.14578328

Those unions still make it very difficult to firr underperformers, they have to basically do something criminal, or the co pany must be experiencing something bad like a recession
This causes hiring to be very risky at least for full time

>> No.14578332

>enormous building with intricate machinery
>weeeeh mommie 6 years too much for free power machine let's pollute the world with unregulated solar trash instead

>> No.14578339

Yeah. My understanding is that in those countries, it's difficult to get a job even as a McDonalds wagie, because the McDonalds wagie is making 20 dollars an hour and is hard to fire, so employers make damn sure they hire qualified people.

>> No.14578345

elaborate on the 50 tons

>> No.14578347

>free power
"free" despite the fact that modern reactors cost 10 billion dollars
>pollute the world with unregulated solar trash instead
Environmental fearmongering is a stupid and hypocritical tactic that only the lowest nuclearnigger would resort to.
>6 years
>117 months
Nice math. It's ~10 years usually on existing nuclear sites once the permits are in place.

>> No.14578350

>Environmental fearmongering is a stupid and hypocritical tactic
>be solar panel
>be dumped at a landfill, free to contaminate the water supply
>be slab of concrete with drop of reactor water on it
>be sealed away for eternity
you should fucking kill yourself already you leftist faggot, i want to spend my evening reading a novel not talking to a cherry picking retard

>> No.14578360

Solar panels are mostly just glass and metal, some end up in landfills as there hasn't been a lot of retirements of solar plants but as that happens more countries will adopt mandatory recycling programs.
> i want to spend my evening reading a novel
No one is stopping you. Being a retard on the internet will not change the fact that nuclear energy is a dead industry. Seethe all you want.

>> No.14578362
File: 91 KB, 818x540, solar farm ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wanting to cover beautiful landscapes with this shit
death penalty for soilarfags

>> No.14578363

kill yourself you disingenious leftist shill

>> No.14578364

Probably cherrypicking a high orbit. It's 100-150t to LEO but less the higher you go. I saw someone throwing around 21t to GEO which is already pretty crazy.

>> No.14578366

I'm pretty sure solar plus nuclear is better than either one on its own.

Solar is cheaper and easier to install but nuclear is more reliable.

>> No.14578367



>> No.14578369

nuclear is also better economically
>plant pays itself off after 1 and a half decade
>have free moneyprinter for half a century

>> No.14578372
File: 61 KB, 640x394, barry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astronauts announced for Boing crew flight test:
Commander Barry Wilmore
Pilot Suni Williams

>> No.14578380

Yeah, that impoverished Chinese rice farm was so beautiful before they put those solar panels there. I'm weeping right now, how could they do this?
That would require nuclear plants that could turn down or shut off during times of high renewable output, that's technically possible but it makes their energy even more unaffordable.

>> No.14578384

I'm pretty sure you can already modulate nuclear plants to account for times of high renewable output.

>> No.14578391

ink deals with crypto farmers and you have total synergy

>> No.14578396

Starlink is now live in North Macedonia! Excited to further access to high-speed, low-latency broadband internet in the Balkans

>> No.14578403

you want that shit everywhere including over European landscapes rope yourself

>> No.14578404
File: 3.46 MB, 4096x2732, 1606_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another flyover

>> No.14578405
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>> No.14578407
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>> No.14578411

>NASA Admin not only matters, its the ONLY thing that matters for NASA

>> No.14578413

That happens in France where most of their energy capacity is nuclear and the reactors were paid for by the government decades ago. You would never build a new reactor unless you could ensure it had a high capacity factor, usually about 90%, and even then it wouldn't be profitable without high tariffs and/or interest free loans. The other thing to consider is that a lot of plants cannot turn down because they still need to meet district heating obligations, that can lead to negative energy prices and problems with the grid.
>shit everywhere
Try doing some math and figuring out just how much area is actually needed for 100% solar power there, which of course won't happen because of other energy sources. In the US it's roughly a 100 x 100 mile area. Also grow up, most development is ugly, deal with it or live as the luddite you are.

>> No.14578420

Do people really just fly their little planes into nature preserves/space force base/national security glownigger central and take pictures?

>> No.14578432
File: 258 KB, 1300x791, eugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up ksp on youtube to see if there's new videos of cool missions
>beezlefeed video appears
>has a black guy in the thumbnail

>> No.14578434

The more I hear, the more I see how Biden admin and the Biden's NASA Admin has fucked up badly

>> No.14578439

Cameras with superzoom lenses can get these photos from 50 miles off shore

>> No.14578442

>Solar is cheaper
It's really not when you account for storage requirements. If you're referring to the LCOS, that only includes 4ish hours of storage and assumes 1 kWh is the same whether it's at 1am, 1pm, or any other time or place. It doesn't matter how much solar you build, when they're off, they're all off.

>> No.14578447


>> No.14578450

The point is you don't want to make it easy for foreign adversaries to spy on your top secret military hardware. I am just surprised that civilians can fly around there.

>> No.14578460

it's ogre
>Musk, Tesla, SpaceX Are Sued for Alleged Dogecoin Pyramid Scheme
>Elon Musk, SpaceX and Tesla Inc. were sued for $258 billion over claims they are part of a racketeering scheme to back the cryptocurrency Dogecoin.
>Keith Johnson, “an American citizen who was defrauded out of money by defendants’ Dogecoin Crypto Pyramid Scheme,” sued Musk and his companies, claiming they constitute an illegal racketeering enterprise to inflate Dogecoin’s price.
>Johnson is seeking to represent a class of people who have lost money trading in Dogecoin since April 2019. He is asking for $86 billion in damages, plus triple damages of $172 billion

>> No.14578465

Elon's antics are coming back to bite him in the ass so hard jesus christ

>> No.14578469

quickly, to the early life page

>> No.14578476

don't link to paywalls anon. don't link to shekel jews ever really. archive them.

>> No.14578489
File: 336 KB, 249x742, ads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restricted airspace only extends about three miles off the coast of Merritt Island

Launch activity notams put the exclusion radius to about 46 miles, e.g. http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=17486 for a shuttle launch

You can actually get closer in a plane than you can in a boat. Interesting ads on spaceref...

>> No.14578497

>It's really not when you account for storage requirements.
Even if that is true it's not how the energy market works. If I build a solar plant and I'm able to sell energy when the sun out with a LCOE far lower than any other plant, why would I care about storage unless it's only to make more money reselling at a later period?

What you should worry about is what the economic case looks like for other energy sources once so much renewable capacity gets added to the grid that they're forced into operating less than half the time because that's what will inevitably happen. Some plants are fine with a reduced capacity factor because most of their LCOE is due to O&M rather than capital cost. Nuclear is the inverse and they're absolutely fucked. Say if your payback period is already 25 years and you're now forced into operating half the time, it's now at least doubled and it's beyond the life of the plant.

>> No.14578506

>the flight attendant
>the employee letter
>dogecoin lawsuit
elon was right, (((they))) are coming for him
expect lots of this to continue

>> No.14578507


>The orbiting lab's three cosmonauts spent Thursday morning practicing an emergency evacuation drill on a computer. Commander Oleg Artemyev joined Flight Engineers Denis Matveev and Sergey Korsakov and simulated an unlikely emergency scenario that would require the threesome to quickly enter the Soyuz MS-21 crew ship, undock from the station, and descend toward Earth for a landing. The trio then split up in the afternoon and worked on an array of communications and life support systems.

Fucking kek

>> No.14578515


>> No.14578525

they're trying to stop us from colonizing space. they want to keep us on this prison forever.

>> No.14578529

>why would I care about storage
This is your brain on California.

>> No.14578530

This is a nigga who knows. If your business case depends on a super high capacity factor, you're fucked, because wind and solar do not allow for other plants to operate constantly at 100%.

>> No.14578535

Fuck them fire them

>> No.14578539

Have they seen SpaceX

>> No.14578547

we should round up all the juden and banish them to madagascar with nothing but shovels already

>> No.14578578

>Jon Brodin has always been anti-Elon, anti-Tesla, anti-SpaceX, anti-Starlink.
you werent joking. he already wrote a second anti-elon hit piece today https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/06/musk-tells-twitter-staff-that-exceptional-employees-can-work-remotely/

>> No.14578582

t. doesn't work remotely

>> No.14578583

at this point i think we need to call it musk derangement syndrome, mds

>> No.14578587

How will BO go into bankruptcy? Are you envisioning a Jeff-gets-bored scenario?

>> No.14578611

i swear to god musk needs to shut the fuck up, stop sniffing his own farts and get down to earth because he is fucking up whatever he started out to build with spaceX.

>> No.14578612

archive . ph/NVGnn

>> No.14578614

No he isn't. You're just in an information bubble. Liberal internet bubble

>> No.14578627

Stop replying to concern trolls.

>> No.14578628

Let this be very clear, i want spaceX to succeed with starship, reach the moon, reach mars, etc...
But musk at this point is asking for a suicide with his hands tied to the back.

>> No.14578629

>Power companies don't want to invest money into the grid
That happens everywhere, it's just CAISO is especially mismanaged and California gets extreme weather. Even in the early 2000s they had blackouts, the recent one was entirely preventable without additional storage.
>Starting August 5 2020, CAISO ordered the utilities operating on its power grid to cut off power to 200,000 - 250,000 customers. While CAISO stated the high temperatures and corresponding high demand for air conditioning necessitated rolling blackouts, it enacted the blackouts with significant power reserves still being available.[14] When causing the rolling blackouts, CAISO acted contrary to its own policy, with its 2019 resource assessment [15] calling for stage 3 emergency only with 3% or less available power resources. When stage 3 was first enacted on 8/15, the CAISO power grid had 8.9% available resources, about three times the required threshold

>> No.14578646
File: 38 KB, 750x579, Apollo Mission Model 1961 a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want spaceX to succeed with starship, reach the moon, reach mars, etc...
well his enemies don't and you are too cucked to help fight them

>> No.14578648

she's insufferable but we should have gave her a chance bros :(
now we're stuck with skeletor

>> No.14578650

The dumb bastard shouldn't have put his life savings into 1s and 0s based off of a racist yellow dog, simple as

>> No.14578661

>i want spacex to succeed with starship
no you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be here concern trolling for hours on end
if you aren't concern trolling and are just a retarded redditor, the enemies he's pissing in the cheerios of have always hated him and wanted him dead, so his shitposting doesn't change the dynamic at all
leftists are livestock, not people, and will do whatever their owners tell them to, regardless of what they did minutes before

>> No.14578667

I think we can gleam that its a concerned troll at work

>> No.14578670


>At 19:03 UTS, #ProgressMS20 performed an unplanned engine burn to avoid a space debris created by #Kosmos1408.
>I should mention that this is a first time when Roscosmos confirmed that the debris is their fault. Usually, they say which satellite or rocket stage it was only it if it was a foreign one. If it was Russian, they called it "space debris".

>> No.14578682

The age of cheap money is over

Anyone using loans and using loans to pay for loans is sweating right now. It's unclear how large the exposure of newspace orgs is to the recent Fed rate increase

>> No.14578691

Watch out how nobody gives a shit about it because it's not Starlink.

>> No.14578692

Jeff is 58. His death could be on the horizon.
Musk is 50. His death is also on the far horizon.

Both of them needs contingencies plan in case of their death. SpaceX is more secured in its finances and company structure, but Blue Origin is unknown.

>> No.14578694

Honestly, the faggot kind of deserves it

All he had to do was stay quiet and not be a huge faggot

>> No.14578696

Starlink is polluting my union paying jobs with slave labor

>> No.14578709


How realistic is this plan:

>remote job
>get sailboat and Starlink setup when it’s fully operational
>work through Starlink connection while sailing the world

>> No.14578717

Ended before it began

>> No.14578723

Doable if you can get a remote job and your skills are desirable enough.

>> No.14578731

how to have $100k from owning a sailboat: start with $200k and a sailboat
the only money sink worse than a boat is probably a helicopter, even light sport aircraft are somehow more economical than small watercraft

>> No.14578748

My friend bought a boat like 4 years ago now and it still hasn't set sail on the lake. Shame, it's a cool thing to have until you have it.

>> No.14578776

so many retards are just incapable of comprehending what the word "maintenance" means

>> No.14578788

>got rich off apartheid.

>> No.14578792
File: 2.27 MB, 250x226, That&#039;s X-COM Baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone check if there's currently a Ramirez on the ISS...

>> No.14578801

That didn't really answer the question. Jeff is very rich and Amazon isn't losing money. 10% of Amazon's yearly profit could fund Blue Origin for three years.

>> No.14578810
File: 3.38 MB, 700x285, Laughing J Jonah Jameson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>California gets extreme weather
>extreme weather

>> No.14578814

weather encompasses more than clouds, dumbass.

>> No.14578825

If your renewables+storage approach is only 95% reliable on easy mode 0C-30C Mediterranean climate, it's not a solution. It's a third world half measure. JPL-tier thinking.

>> No.14578833

commiefornia has immaculate weather compared to literally anywhere else
your "renewables" are fucking garbage and you're a retarded subhuman for shilling them

>> No.14578858
File: 52 KB, 656x465, 1632284367779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>droughts affect hydro power production
>record heatwave causes power demand to spike and all sources struggle to meet it
>lol California has perfect weather, easy mode
I wish the most contrarian /pol/tards would go back, and I say that as a /pol/tard.

>> No.14578866

Shouldn't have shut down your nuke plants, gg retards

go green, by shutting down nuclear plants

>> No.14578873

>droughts affect hydro power production
No they don't because you guys *obviously* include reservoirs as part of your storage plan. And you're not so retarded that you drain them to help some fish nobody gives a shit about or so corrupt that you funnel water to grow almonds in the desert.

>record heatwave causes power demand to spike and all sources struggle to meet it
Oh no, a heatwave! Unheard of! That sort of thing only ever happens in California, or Arizona, or Texas, or Florida, or, well, lots of Europe since they're big on brick. And Australia.

Face it, you've had decades to get green energy right and have failed miserably.

>> No.14578879

>all these elon hit pieces
its unironically over

>> No.14578884

anyone post this yet?

>> No.14578886

Its nothing compared to 2018 hit pieces where there were dozens and I mean DOZENS of hit pieces daily from all the news media.

The current hit piece season is nothing.

>> No.14578895

>be California
>build out grid with 60% unreliable energy
>have the highest energy prices in the nation
>grid shits itself when it gets cloudy or hot

Look how much money we're saving!!!

>> No.14578903
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 1647665226791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live in California, you idiots. I live in a first world country, my province is largely powered by fossil fuel but yet I still lose power multiple times a year for no good reason. Of that doesn't appeal to your confirmation bias so you won't shit yourself about it, unlike the time 250k Californians lost power solely because their grid operator fucked up despite having enough power to meet demand.

Now go back to /pol/. You get no more (you)s

>> No.14578906

Boats are hella expensive but if you're making good money anyway, go for it.

Be warned, sailing a boat is also a lot of work, so in between boat work and actual work you might not have very much downtime.

>> No.14578911

Dumb. You can buy a used boat that can act as a shelter and resistant to rain for $20K from local areas.

>> No.14578918

>used boat

>> No.14578922

Anon just doesn't get this 'reusable boat' meme

>> No.14578923

Sail proven

>> No.14578964

Elon Musk to steo down as SpaceX CEO following scathing letter from employees. "I just can work under these conditions any longer," states D'sheniquoa MacDonald. The shocking turn of events comes in wake of Musk's failed bid to purchase Twitter and sexual assault allegations

>> No.14578968


Leaked internal twitter employees ranting about Musk

>> No.14578972

You gotta love it when the weak links out themselves. Fire them all :)

>> No.14578977
File: 863 KB, 1200x630, photo-hydro-quebec-2009-253-124080ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nuclear this, solar that
Just build huge dams. No emissions, super stable and low maintenance/operation cost, it's a no brainer.

>> No.14578993

Hydro is already close to possible capacity.

>> No.14579000

There's always Atlantropa.

>> No.14579010

best thing that could have happened
now they can can be rooted out and purged
what goes around comes around

>> No.14579013

Twitter has almost as much employees as SpaceX does. Twitter needs to reduce headcount by 90%. Seriously

>> No.14579014

>fucks up your whole ecosystem
Yeah nah cunt nuke it or puke it

>> No.14579017

*dries up*
nothing personall kid

>> No.14579032

>build a dam in a desert
>it dries up

>> No.14579046

>This is Getting SCARY!!!
I hate youtube

>> No.14579050

just auto blacklist clickbait channels and it cleans up great

>> No.14579057

Honestly I'm not really advocating for hydro, I just think it's funny to see other places worry about energy prices and emissions when in Quebec we just built a few huge dams 50 years ago and haven't had to worry about energy ever since.
Electricity is 5¢/kWh here btw

>> No.14579058

The less you pay upfront, the more you're paying in maintenance. Boats are not like cars. With a boat, everything is broken all of the time and only a lot of sweat and knowhow, or a lot of money to hire somebody with sweat and knowhow, will keep them in sailing condition.

>> No.14579060

Except for that giant solar flare in 1989 that totally fucked your power grid lol

>> No.14579063

I wasn't alive then, don't care

>> No.14579095

twitter seems to be injecting that lauren grush piece in any feed regardless of the filters I have.

>> No.14579107

My name is Legion, for we are many

>> No.14579118

And it's only 3¢/kWh in Ontario. I wonder what power sources are spinning turbines in Pickering?

>> No.14579122

My grandfather used to tell me "A boat is a hole in the water you pour money into."

>> No.14579138
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x720, 1624217802415.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relativity quick disconnect

>> No.14579170

doesn't seem that quick desu

>> No.14579188
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, RaptorGimbalLoop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the looping version fren

>> No.14579190

It's like they intentionally made their setup more janky than spacex's usual first-draft stuff, it's beautiful

>> No.14579192

Obliterate me, Raptor-sama

>> No.14579200

wiggle wiggle wiggle

>> No.14579201

Surprised it doesn't have ACME painted on the side with a roadrunner underneath

>> No.14579204

Just need one with them going full circle and "You spin me right round"

>> No.14579217

or Loituma

>> No.14579254

Thank you King

>> No.14579262

This will go know where. The lawyers are fleecing these proven suckers hard

>> No.14579269

Anybody who invests in a literal meme coin deserves to lose everything. Zero fucking sympathy for any of these retards.

>> No.14579271

Okay now I’m certain you’re completely retarded.

>> No.14579277

the estrogen has irrecoverably rotted his brain

>> No.14579305

If you didn't watch this, you're missing out.

>> No.14579311

can't wait to pirate her book

>> No.14579383

make sure u post the pdf

>> No.14579400

other countries have dams too, canada just has a lot of gas fields and not a lot of people and they have relatively low energy taxes

>> No.14579434

China has a rover on the moon, while America doesn't. Someone explain this to me, how the fuck are we losing against the Chinese?

>> No.14579445

Come to think of it, I don't think the US has ever landed an unmanned lunar rover.

>> No.14579447


>> No.14579532 [DELETED] 

liftoff bros

>> No.14579547

>A bizarre series of freak anomalies resulted in the rocket veering off course with simultaneous loss of function in the flight termination systems
>It barreled directly up the coast before careening downward directly into the SEC headquarters in Washington DC

>> No.14579588
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, bo_injector_ignition.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14579593


>> No.14579795

Serves him right for not pissing in a booth.