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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 352 KB, 1080x1500, plato and aristotle (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14573014 No.14573014 [Reply] [Original]

Aristotle is a necessary prerequisite for Descartes, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Leibniz and Kant (alongside other German idealists) is a necessary prerequisite for Einstein and quantum mechanics. There would be none of the modern scientists without the metaphysics of the old philosophers (and they would be mere number crunchers), because the modern scientists depend on the old philosophers' concepts to theorise about the world.

>> No.14573068

Understanding the philosophy of a science is totally unnecessary and unhelpful for understanding the details of the science required to do research.

All of those thinkers you mention other than Aristotle were also influenced by Christianity and Christian thought. Would you then insist that reading the Bible and studying Christianity is a necessary prerequisite for these subjects?

The body of scientific knowledge is so great that studying each step in its history would take far longer than the years alotted for education, it must be presented in a textbook format summarizing results. Most scientists are research technologists who don't need to understand anything beyond the details of their research niche.

Any man of higher intelligence must eventually find himself asking questions subjective to the human experience that are beyond the scope of science to answer, such as what is suffering, what is the cause of suffering, what is the end of suffering, what is the path to be free from suffering, and the greater questions still that contain those, what is being, and why is there something rather than nothing?

Asking these questions, and seeking the answers using the wisdom of those who have gone before us, is the essence of philosophy; not reading some musty old book of ancient knowledge because someone said you need it to understand your science class, and certainly not getting a major in bullshit from some university department of sophistry.

>> No.14573159
File: 3.38 MB, 742x590, mercury-laser.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Thales of Miletus, Pythagoras, Plato, Solon, Archimedes, Hippocrates, and hundreds of others stayed for 15 to 20 years in Egypt, Not tourists on vacation, but to acquire knowledge in the land of light

>All of those thinkers you mention other than Aristotle were also influenced by Christianity and Christian thought.

Underpinning each of them is an older intellectual tradition,
one of inquisition moreso than memorization,
one of collaboration, moreso than competition,
one geared towards the wielders of technology and makers alike, than simply the makers.
one that takes a primitive idea and discern 100 levels of meaning, moreso than one where a golden idea is cast away if not shrouded in vain attire

The tradition is hermeticism, the corpus of the philosopher kings. The fountain from whence the imitators derive. OP is right, would any of these individuals, if never graced with a book of logic ever write a single equation? or if never graced with a booke, invent a script for a language?

In an age where one must increasingly rely on ones own judgement of the crazy information they receive, learning how to discern, and how to come into learning, will become ever more important

>> No.14573163
File: 1003 KB, 1611x1784, hermeticism-christianity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI's on hermeticism and christianity

>> No.14573164

>you must worship this list of old white men even though they have contributed nothing to science at all because ... uhm, you just have to, okay?

>> No.14573180
File: 3.86 MB, 4537x1831, egypt-geometry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the surprise for those more keen to see skin colour than mind colour

Imhotep, the enshriner of the mystery school, the creator of the Imhotep oath, from which hippocrates derived
The stele of imhotep, from which concrete is derived
The geometry of the pyramids, showing knowledge of irrational, rational and harmonic number, created by him

Was black

all the most based thinkers ever, and all of who we aspire to imitate, came from a mystery school that deified a black man as the bringer of peace

>> No.14573183
File: 1.36 MB, 1429x1175, imhotep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imhotep was the greatest scientist of humanity, and the Negroes of Africa gave the knowledge, chemistry, architecture, geometry, mathematics, to all other people

>> No.14573211

say it with me everyone


>> No.14573225

This is an example of an ethnocentric negro, firstly pretending to be a non-white person of any sort, claiming that ancient philosophers were all "old white men" who contributed "nothing to science."
Then, in a cool kind of twist, he returns to bite his own bait, and prove the dumb strawman wrong, by presenting an ancient philosopher who is both black, and attributed many discoveries to science.
In addition, posts his message twice, to give the illusion of majority (ratio if you will).

>> No.14573581
File: 4 KB, 143x72, Screenshot from 2022-06-14 19-50-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14573593

>Article uses neutral BCE
>insert uses BC

lmao even

>> No.14574368

why are u so obsessed with this black dude?
were ur dad absent?

>> No.14575750
File: 1.00 MB, 1390x780, imhotep-oath-hippocrates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's what the world needs right now. I'm not sure of your perception, but I've seen 1000's of years of doctors fighting for the trust of the public under the hippocratic oath virtually be shredded in two years

If one perceives old kingdom aegypt the way I do, one realizes its pertinence to the glue of globalization

>> No.14575762

He was an alien or a hybrid you stupid fucker, don't start with the niggerish bullshit we wuz kangs

>> No.14575832
File: 3.78 MB, 4618x3368, solar-lens-hypothesis-mason-conclusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm more concerned with synthetic principles at this point, lots are still under the illusions of cultural marxism, and wont actually regard his message if they do not have a specified rgb, or geometry. But its the message that must cut through.

>> No.14575841

Aristotle is worthless shit. Descartes was based and can be read without any prerequisites. Kant was okay tier, though kinda trivial.

>> No.14576221

Taoism is pretty lite. I'd kick back with lao tzu and drink some plum wine