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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 128 KB, 779x537, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14564481 No.14564481 [Reply] [Original]

>high-dose-melatonin (50–100mg qd) in concert with Niacin (1000mg qd) + TMG
Lower neuroinflammation
>LDN (Low-Dose-Naltrexone)
even better at alleviating neuroinflammation & longer half-life than melatonin
>Nattokinase (2000FU 3x qd) + Serrapeptase (40k 3x qd)
blood clot-buster supplements
>Bromantane+Tropisetron+Isopropylphenidate (à 70mg qd intranasal)
Provides long-lasting upregulation of TH and AAAD, which get heavily downregulated from covid
>trans-ISRIB-A17 (5mg qd intranasal)
Proven to revert brain damage from covid
>D21 peptide (400mcg qd)
spits d21-heterodimer for better dopaminergic stim
>intransal insulin + desferal
chelate iron from ferritin & hepcidin that promote iron acc. within mitochondria + max. brain power with insulin
>Epobis peptide (500µg intranasal)
stimulates neuronal growth by imitating the "I'm bleeding"-protein complex
>intranasal PE-22-28/NSI-189/AAZ-A-154/creatine (glc.)
fix depression
increases IQ
>intranasal EPO
EXTREMELY potent neuroplasticity booster
regenerates damaged blood vessels
prevent&revert apoptosis + potent nootropic
>intranasal rapamycin (50+ mg)
potent antifungal
>intranasal 2CD-5EtO (microdosed)
improve memory

be careful with natto+serra! Start with 2000FU natto + 40k Serra 2-3x qd then after 1-2 weeks increase to 1-2x qd til your reach 2000FU Natto+40k Serra 2-3x qd
Feel headaches? Stop immediately & lower the dose/enlarge the time window between doses!
Too much too fast: blood clots will dislodge traveling through your arteries

>Famotidine + Loratidin
proven by many LongCovid patients as being very effective in alleviating brain fog
>Piracetam+CDP Choline
Piracetam has the same anti-platelet properties as aspirin has + it makes the red blood cells more squishy…red blood cells in LongCovid patients seem to be clumpy
>Ginko Bilboa or Vinpocetine
both enhance cerebral blood flow which got disrupted (use only after the Natto+Serra-protocol)

>> No.14564495

So this is what Pfizer wants to buy us now for thousands of dollars to treat the damage we incurred from taking their jab? Sure thing, shill.

>> No.14564497

anti vaxxers
also antivaxxers:

>> No.14564499
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no covid, viruses don't exist, you are paid shill spammer posting pseudo science bullshit

>> No.14564504
File: 42 KB, 512x512, tumblr_9d0f47a4c332df83df00c6e297caaac7_ea6d722d_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9-41 million people get the flu each year
>no one gives the shit about the long term effects of catching the flu each season
>covid happens
>suddenly everyone becomes obsessed with the long terms effects of getting an illness

>> No.14564514
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no covid, flu is cold, viruses don't exist.
> anime pic for American degenerate youth
shill cringe

>> No.14564532

This. So much this.

>> No.14564635

The injections don't keep you from getting or spreading the virus.

>> No.14564657

assuming viruses exist, so far nobody proven this idea in hundred years

>> No.14564687
File: 109 KB, 605x800, Plead the 5th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for your fifth jab?

>> No.14564698

"news" slowly becoming undistinguishable from sarcasm

>> No.14564702
File: 270 KB, 969x1256, fphar-12-652688-g001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14564831

don't know about other stuff but my doctor told me not to use blood thinners if i don't have to, even though my ddimer was 5 times normal.

took 9 months to get it back on the level, i think daily walk can prevent clothing, some hematologists recommend aspirin, but almost all are against stronger blood thinners without proven clothing.

either my doctors (hematologists) are too old and are not aware of some microclotting occurring in lungs and/or other organs, or covid just destroys walls of the blood vessels without actual clotting, so ddimer is really not that relevant other than measure of system destruction.

>> No.14564865


Incredibly based. Thank you OP

>> No.14564885


>> No.14564891

Kino post.

>> No.14564897

is seeing them under a microscope not good enough for you mr schizo?

>> No.14564909

shill, be scientist and not a total retard, and prove you see "them".

>> No.14564917

>light bouncing off a surface onto a detector being resolved into an image? CHRIST IS KING
>electrons bouncing off a surface onto a detector being resolved into an image? FAKE AND GAY SCIENTISTS ARE SATAN

>> No.14564918

What's the overlap between long covid and the old neurasthenia?

>> No.14564931

Are you in possession of a microscope that can visualize a virus? Not bacteria but a virus, specifically the SARS-CoV-2 virus? While I don't have much doubt that viruses exist, your response is glib and only reinforces that anon's beliefs.

>> No.14564962

I've grown distrustful of the ideas around viruses but I've started to develop some ideas around the secret properties of water

>> No.14564981

he didnt specify any particular virus he said all

>> No.14564982
File: 96 KB, 700x466, 23354_lores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your response is glib and only reinforces that anon's beliefs.
It's not him who have to prove that viruses exist, it's commonly accepted and experimentations has proven their existence. The burden of proof is on that uneducated retard who claim viruses aren't real in every thread while likely not having even a basic understanding of microbiology.
Only he has to prove that the images we have of Covid19 or any other virus are fake.

Owning an electron microscope and a sample of SARS-CoV-2 shouldn't be the only way to have a real discussion or we wouldn't be able to discuss anything on this board.

>> No.14564983

yeah i have an electron microscope

can't tell if bait, but it's perfect, 10/10

>> No.14564997

Dude why are you going around naked

>> No.14565110

Where to buy any of this without prescription?

>> No.14565111

A little bait a little truth, Water has some very very weird properties.

>> No.14565266

okay show me how did they prove THEIR existence (and functionality). only very stupid degenerate faggot would believe that picture is "viruses"

>> No.14565271

you are so stupid, viruses don't exist. some tiny shit does, intentionally mistaken for "viruses"

>> No.14565275

shill, you know many words, now how do you know this piece of shit is "it"?

>> No.14565879

>high-dose-melatonin (50–100mg qd) in concert with Niacin (1000mg qd) + TMG
Didn't the guy promoting melatonin and niacin move on to another protocol? I tried to watch an interview with him and he was all over the place. I cannot see how mega dosing melatonin like that is a good idea. If you're starting in good health and get covid, use an antiviral nasal spray and mouth wash to reduce viral load (Omicron mostly stays in the upper respiratory tract) and take a low dose aspirin plus proteolytic enzymes for a few months afterward to take care of any potential clotting issues. Antihistamines aren't a bad idea either. Nothing else is really needed.

>> No.14565906

>don't know about other stuff but my doctor told me not to use blood thinners if i don't have to
Why the hell not? Aspirin is quite safe. Nattokinase and lumbrokinase are very safe.

>even though my ddimer was 5 times normal.
Christ dude. Clots were a much bigger risk in your case than blood thinners.

>> No.14567141

did you prove you are able to "put" covid, shill?

>> No.14567146

Why did you put "put" in quotes when it was used nowhere in the post you're responding to? And can you reword your question into something coherent?

>> No.14567149

Long covid isn't real. You're thinking of icu injury

>> No.14567157

>Long covid isn't real.
Anosmia is definitely real.

>> No.14567160

put is opposite to get, total retard. "get covid" is a ridiculous degenerate mantra until you prove you can put covid.

>> No.14567161

Where the fuck do I buy this? Where do I buy any of these cool intranasal peptides? I've wanted to get my hands on ISRIB for years.

>> No.14567164

>uses quotes which implies someone or something is getting quoted
>gets angry when everyone doesn't get the silly joke

>> No.14567168
File: 76 KB, 960x644, 1644200862584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, where is the proof people get sick my coughing at each other?

>> No.14567177

>Rhinovirus infections may spread by aerosol, direct contact, or indirect contact involving environmental objects. We examined aerosol and indirect contact in transmission of rhinovirus type 16 colds between laboratory-infected men (donors) and susceptible men (recipients) who played cards together for 12 hr. In three experiments the infection rate of restrained recipients (10 [56%] of 18), who could not touch their faces and could only have been infected by aerosols, and that of unrestrained recipients (12[67%] of 18), who could have been infected by aerosol, by direct contact, or by indirect fomite contact, was not significantly different (chi 2 = 0.468, P = .494). In a fourth experiment, transmission via fomites heavily used for 12 hr by eight donors was the only possible route of spread, and no transmissions occurred among 12 recipients (P less than .001 by two-tailed Fisher's exact test). These results suggest that contrary to current opinion, rhinovirus transmission, at least in adults, occurs chiefly by the aerosol route.

You're welcome. :-)

>> No.14567184

reproduced by several independent groups? was testing tested?

>> No.14567186

>reproduced by several independent groups?

>> No.14567312


>> No.14567327

You may want to read it again.

>> No.14567482

Influenza A has been around for about 100 years, influenza B has been around for thousands of years. Covid 19 has been around for 2 years. They are not the same.

>> No.14567493

>LONG COVID AKA "Vaccine Induced Covid"

>> No.14567604

Are the IQ losses from Covid permanent? I'm not going to take some meme tier nootropic, vitamin and drug cocktail.

>> No.14567763

probs not lol

>> No.14567811

Omicron was so mild that only needed paracetamol for one day for a fever

>> No.14567831

What happened to fluvoxamine?

>> No.14567882

Did you lose IQ from Covid? Did it reverse itself?

>> No.14567910

Covid doesn't exist.

>> No.14567923

I've had covid for the last week desu
I feel kinda lazy but I doubt I've lost IQ

>> No.14567943

You had influenza or something. There's no covid.

>> No.14567949

ok thanks

>> No.14567992

I have had covid and I am still smarter than almost everyone I know

>> No.14567994

>Covid 19 has been around for 2 years
It was made in a lab, it has existed longer than 2 years

>> No.14567995

So you're saying they got the jab and you didn't?

>> No.14567996

almost everyone you know has had covid

>> No.14567998

People experienced something that was labelled as covid19

>> No.14568006
File: 4.00 MB, 1829x2729, 1654371030102[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah. nobody will ever believe you

>> No.14568017

churches and mosques being built on pagan ritual sites is due to energetic properties of those specific sites, often labelled ley lines.
Why is it relevant here?

>> No.14568022

the guy who made it said he threw in some random shit for the fuck of it just for the vibe

>> No.14568027

>parasites are demons
Actually not totally unbelievable given the biblical connection between condemnation of homosexuality and its toxoplasmosis origin.

>> No.14568032

Is it from the /par/ on /x/ or a /pol/ guy?

>> No.14568033

started on /pol/. mods kept sending it to /bant/. threads are usually on /x/ now

>> No.14568036

>mods kept sending it to /bant/
What is the point of /pol/'s mods?

>> No.14568039

idk i think they work for the department of defense or something

>> No.14568104

No lab no covid.

>> No.14568134

chinese lab "created covid", and suddenly flu disappeared! miracle!

>> No.14568145

Not that simple there's something else going on too

>> No.14568210

>Official data published by the UK Government showed that the vaccinated population in England had a higher mortality rate per 100,000 than the unvaccinated population. Our analysis found that it takes approximately 5 months from receiving the Covid-19 vaccine for that elevated mortality rate to be realised.
>Now the latest UK Government data on deaths in England and Wales adds further weight to the above findings because the UK has been experiencing excess deaths again since the end of April 2022. Approximately 5 months after the mass winter “Booster” vaccination campaign.
>You’ve likely all seen the headlines this week on doctors being baffled by an uptick in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS)? This “baffling” uptick in healthy young people dying unexpectedly from “a mysterious syndrome”, and the fact excess deaths are on the rise again in England and Wales is simply because of Covid-19 vaccination.
>This is because further ONS data shows that Covid-19 vaccination significantly increases the risk of death and kills thousands after five months.
t. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending27may2022

>> No.14568217
File: 120 KB, 1024x738, ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14568223

Pic was made by a parasitologist coping with having chosen the most irrelevant and least interesting academic specialisation

>> No.14568324
File: 80 KB, 680x643, 1655108174380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we all know this else

>> No.14568584

>gets hired to work on parasite bioweapon research

>> No.14570081

shitposter shitpost harder

>> No.14570104

literally billions of people caught covid, no fucking shit there's more interest you stupid nigger

>> No.14570142

None of that data on vax vs unvax deaths is mentioned in documents in that link. It's just deaths from covid vs other deaths.

How about I say that only 10% of 4chan are shill bots and provide you a .gov link that I hope nobody is going to click to verify it has any relevance to the stat's I'm pulling out of my ass.


>> No.14570143

never taking it, seethe more cuck

>> No.14570152

This cannot be real

>> No.14570199

lol nice deflection attempt, you know damn well he is saying normies (like you) only give a shit about coivd because it was plastered in the news 24/7. If it hadnt been you literally would have never even heard of it or know it even exists you fucking retard

>> No.14570226

Anon we said that back in spring 2020 and they laughed.

>> No.14570252

Nothing from any .gov is to be taken seriously anymore. It is compromised, with zero credibility anymore, and full of fuckery.

>> No.14570553

Not to anyone who read that mucous membrane targeting viral infections tend to confer shorter immune protection than ones that target other areas of the body.

This was always a moderate, realistic scenario; where best case would be a vaccine that lasts for a full year rather than a few months with breakthroughs and a disease that doesn't have the ability to cause long term disability with low mortality.

>> No.14570592


>> No.14570695

>5000 deaths per 100k people
>5% of the population is dying
>2 doses have lower mortality than unvaccinated
Sounds like they're giving the vaccine to old people already on the verge of dying from the virus.

>> No.14570698

Supposedly that is "age standardized" "non-covid deaths" but the image he has there isn't in that report the anon linked to. Instead it comes from fringe websites extrapolating from the data posted.

>> No.14570898

>Sounds like they're giving the vaccine to old people already on the verge of dying from the virus.
Gotta pump up those numbers! Move the sick into nursing homes ala-New York Style

>> No.14571432
File: 21 KB, 640x640, 1638177336711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm mad about things I don't understadn!

>> No.14571481

there's no virus, shill

>> No.14571486


>> No.14571491
File: 55 KB, 680x548, 1654137146713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, "covid" exists only as spam, without shills shitposting regularly it would memory hole in two weeks, like a bad stupid dream

>> No.14571492

shill, people caught fake Pcr "test".

>> No.14571583

>Oh no! Not extrapolating! You must not extrapolate data! Only certified scientists can do that and only after peer review!
Seriously, what's next, telling us adding 2+2 is racism? It's straightforward presentation of data. If you think it isn't an accurate representation of the data, point out how it is not instead of resorting to an ad hominem attack.

>> No.14571710

ok then what is the tiny shit that makes you sick?

>> No.14571713

not him but beachamp described I think miyazyma while more recent researchers have called them somatids.
However I only have a limited familiarity with this topic.

>> No.14571714

it's "why"+"propaganda claim" pseudo question, shill. viruses don't exist.

>> No.14571724


>> No.14571726

thanks found a decent article. Pretty interesting stuff.
how else should someone unfamiliar with the topic of viruses don't exist ask a question?

>> No.14571785
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1653159661858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is not a question. question is request for information, but why is request of a blind to see, or request for entertainment by trolls. to make blind see is task for priests with illegal drugs. you are paid shill troll, you just use "why" + "bullshit" + "?" construct which looks like question but is not. learn to ask questions, retard.

>> No.14571871

see >>14571432

>> No.14571899

It's all fake injection

>> No.14572113

He means he believes its an imbalance of the 4 humors

>> No.14572123

Can someone please something less schizo and reliable? I hate brain fog I was smarter years ago

>> No.14572135
File: 50 KB, 723x424, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was "relatively low risk" doc?

>> No.14572181

Does it get worse around phones and wifi?

>> No.14572265


>> No.14572279

You might see some benefit from chelating out metals.