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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 115 KB, 800x533, kangaroos inna snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14560153 No.14560153 [Reply] [Original]

>coldest Australian winter in recorded history
global warming is fake

>> No.14560162

That's just climate change in action chud

>> No.14560318

actually proves it lol

>> No.14560325

climate change is such an elegant demonstration of the basic laws of physics
>increase energy in a system (by letting less heat escape)
>all reactions happen quicker and are more chaotic as a result of the higher energy

>> No.14560359

So if I nuke my bowl of water in the microwave it might spontaneously freeze the water? Based, I can save so much energy by turning my freezer off.

>> No.14560397

your bowl of water's temperature is very very uniform. putting it under extreme energy is highly unlikely to create local freezing phenomena.
earth's climate on the other hand is incredibly diverse, but what the hell I'm talking to a snarky retard

>> No.14560410

>shits complex thats why i understand it and you need to eat bugs

>> No.14560417

>your bowl of water's temperature is very very uniform.
So is he earth's temperature you fucking retard. Look at all the scales of these temperature anomalies. If I zoomed in to the temperature at random locations in my bowl of water I'd get anomalies as well.

>> No.14560420

>I have the brain capacity of a nigger ape and I'm proud
cool, good for you

>> No.14560426

>If I zoomed in to the temperature at random locations in my bowl of water I'd get anomalies as well
yes, and if you subjected the bowl to an increase in energy such that it would match the one the Earth is experiencing you would find the exact same pattern of extremes popping up

>> No.14560436

Now that I finished insulting you for being a retard, I'll clarify my answer more. The temperature anomalies across the world are a fraction of a percent deviation from the average. If I sample temperatures in random spots of my bowl of water, I'll also find the temperature anomalies from the average to be a similar fraction of a percent. Furthermore the microwave won't uniformly heat the bowl of water due to the ≈cm wavelengths of the microwaves. This will dramatically increase the temperature anomalies inside the bowl of water (ever heat frozen food in your microwave and have cold spots? that's what's happening). So, by your faggy reasoning, this "globowl warming" that's occurring inside the bowl has dramatic increases in the temperature anomalies and ought to cause spontaneous freezing of local areas in the bowl. Anyone who's ever used a microwave knows that's absolutely baloney.

>> No.14560450

>ought to cause spontaneous freezing of local areas in the bowl
nobody said that, you're just making up shit because I invented an analogy that probably skipped your whole physics degree and you're now seething immensely

>> No.14560454
File: 307 KB, 1783x1017, Screenshot_20220610-134834_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming is fake
>Australia is the globe
Do Australians really? Go fight a kangaroo, retard.

>> No.14560468

Who said I have a physics degree? What a weird assumption. Just a geologist applying simple reasoning. If global warming causes record lows, then if I take a cold bowl of water and put it in a microwave for a long time, I've globowlly warmed the bowl and dramatically increased the local temperature anomalies in the bowl (as well as globally). If this global warming can cause local temperature anomalies that DECREASE then it stands to reason that local areas of the bowl of water should decrease their temperature to freezing temperatures. This is obviously not what occurs, because global warming doesn't cause record lows you fucking retard.

>> No.14560490

those local freezing points would be so small no device would measure them

>> No.14560491


>> No.14560498

>If this global warming can cause local temperature anomalies that DECREASE then it stands to reason that local areas of the bowl of water should decrease their temperature to freezing temperatures.

>This is obviously not what occurs, because global warming doesn't cause record lows you fucking retard.
But that's wrong, retard.


>> No.14560506

first of all the bowl of water has less complexity, no winds or other shit happening so already it's less chaotic and might not be able to reach the same extremes as earth's.
secondly, just take these unusual local minima that happen on earth and shrink them down to the proportions of a water bowl. you'll find out they're smaller than any thermal camera can discern

>> No.14560508

>>If this global warming can cause local temperature anomalies that DECREASE then it stands to reason that local areas of the bowl of water should decrease their temperature to freezing temperatures.
Are you clinically retarded? I'm not going to explain how conditional statements work.

>> No.14560510

>just take these unusual local minima that happen on earth and shrink them down to the proportions of a water bowl. you'll find out they're smaller than any thermal camera can discern
Unequivocally wrong. We can go through the numbers together if you'd like.

>> No.14560515

sure, tell me the surface area of a regione where an unusual minima has happened

>> No.14560518

1000 square km

>> No.14560521


>> No.14560522

The conditional statement rests on the faulty assumption that a decrease in temperature implies temperature will decrease to the freezing point.

>> No.14560527

>This is obviously not what occurs, because global warming doesn't cause record lows you fucking retard.
But that's wrong, retard.


>> No.14560528

Cold bowl of water at 0°C. Put in microwave. Cooling anomaly must decrease the temperature. My god, you're a special kind of retard aren't you?

>> No.14560533

Look up the recent record low that swept north america a few years back. Actually, it appears I underestimated. Surface area of 10,000 square km is more reasonable. We can use 1,000 square km if you like. You'll still get BTFOd. So what's the next number we need?

>> No.14560536

if you measure different local minima in different places it doesn't mean they are a part of a greater local minima

>> No.14560542

I accept your concession. Or do you need more numbers first? Stop coping and just admit you were wrong.

>> No.14560543

if I measure a minima in new york and a minima in chicago does it mean there is a giant ass minima across half of the US or that there are two small local minima?

>> No.14560546

You're neglecting that cities in-between Chicago and NYC all also reported record lows. Stop fucking coping and continue the calculation.

>> No.14560551

>cities in-between Chicago and NYC all also reported record lows
well I'd have to see the data for that

>> No.14560558

>makes claims without sources
>demands sources for claims from others
You're brain-dead.

>> No.14560563

said the rock peruser who makes up measurements

>> No.14560568

>arguing about a still bowl of water as if it was in any sense similar to the turbulent climate of earth
both of you are retards :) but one of you atleast understands that global warming can indeed cause extreme deviations in Earth's climate.

>> No.14560573

Reynold's number and understanding of hydrodynamics would be a nice start.

>> No.14560588

>climate change is w/e we say it is
get a load of this fucking retard, nice unfalsifiable claim you got there

>> No.14560592

>Cold bowl of water at 0°C
You said "decrease to freezing temperatures" not already at freezing temperature. Retard.

>> No.14560593

>increase energy in a system (by letting less heat escape)
burning fossil fuels releases solar energy which has been stored on this planet in chemical bonds often for longer than a billion years. if you are worried that CO2 is going trap future solar energy in the system, why aren't you worried about all of the solar energy which is already trapped in organic matter?
furthermore, conventional thermodynamic physics does not apply to organic systems. for example, you cannot calculate albedo when some of the absorbed light turns in to plant that turns into hydrocarbon sludge for a billion years only to be then released by a monkey who sets fire to it. boltzmann was smart, but he was not unlimited. conventional thermodynamic physics does not apply on earth, insisting that it does is aggressively ignorant.

>> No.14560614

>if you are worried that CO2 is going trap future solar energy in the system, why aren't you worried about all of the solar energy which is already trapped in organic matter?
LOL. Energy trapped in organic matter is not energy in the atmosphere causing the temperature to increase. Neither is that energy put into the atmosphere when it gets used to do work. Only a small amount gets turned into waste heat that enters the atmosphere. The entire waste heat production of man is negligible compared to the radiative forcing from CO2 emissions.

>furthermore, conventional thermodynamic physics does not apply to organic systems.
Of course it does.

>you cannot calculate albedo when some of the absorbed light turns in to plant that turns into hydrocarbon sludge for a billion years only to be then released by a monkey who sets fire to it.
You can, it changes nothing. Doesn't matter what happens to the energy absorbed when calculating albedo.

>> No.14560645

No, plenty of easy fixes for it that don't involve bugs and pods, they're just difficult to get implemented as long as a substantial amount people pretend that reality doesn't exist.

>> No.14560652

yesterday was a hot day in my city, global warming is real

>> No.14560668
File: 2.62 MB, 1080x1440, 1621572164760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok Anon. It happens to the best of us. I know people that for 15 years have been stupid uneducated retards and who have been incapable of changing that due to them literally not being able to admit when they're wrong. I can daisy-chain a socratic teaching questionnaire that a 5 year old could understand and have them admit their knowledge and understanding of every single piece of information and deduction that proves them wrong only for them subsequently repeat that they aren't wrong. They're family and I love them despite their faults and I just gave up on even teaching them to admit they're wrong because they can't even honestly admit that they might possibly be wrong sometimes about something.
But despite this, sometimes I'm deluding myself or feeling hopeful or maybe I'm just as retarded as them and I attempt a constructive conversation about a subject. And then I rediscover why I gave up. But to still have faith in the retards ability to maybe rise above their nature and the patience and love to endure another letdown is better than being a cynic. I'd rather keep my positive outlook and faith in humanity and be proven wrong occasionally (read; constantly) than end up like my dad - a 147 iq ultracynic stoic with a borderline paranoid distrust of the intelligence and competence of other people (he's been overseeing colab with a lot of chinese biotech researchers the last 10 years, I cant even really blame him). Is he almost always correct in his assessments? Yes. Am I constantly let down, disappointed and wrong? Yes.
There's no doubt that his cynicism is a way better predictive and profitable mindset than mine would be in his shoes as an administrator but I just don't want to be like him. He's not happy. He's mostly right and he's saving lives but he's not happy. I don't want to end up like him. Not yet at least.

You just had a lapse of cynicism anon, happens to the best of us. Don't lose that.

Picrel my kitty cheering you on too.

>> No.14560670

>Of course it does.
conventional thermodynamic physics does not apply on earth, insisting that it does is aggressively ignorant.

>> No.14560678
File: 53 KB, 596x596, 1654464582447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be op
>Be obese faggot
>Slurp 5000 kcal worth of cum daily
>Famines aren't real

>> No.14560693

>He's not happy.
Neither are you. :)

>> No.14560814

>conventional thermodynamic physics does not apply on earth
Of course it does. Insisting it doesn't is aggressively ignorant. You haven't shown a single thing wrong with shabbat thermodynamics applied to the climate.

>> No.14560888

>This is obviously not what occurs, because global warming doesn't cause record lows you fucking retard.
But that's wrong, retard.


>> No.14560923

spamming retard. enjoy your ban

>> No.14560928

Until climate "scientists" can explain the Great Frost of 1709, I don't give a shit what they claim, they don't have enough data or comprehension of it to make predictions.

>> No.14560940

Faking it till I'm making it then I guess. I did end up with a severe clinical depression a few years admittedly but hey. Off the meds now and still at it. You know what helps? Anger. Anger is an excellent motivator. Scadenfreude I guess. At life. Spitting an unfair and flawed world in the face and enjoying not letting the retards and nihilists and sheer unfairness of life win.

Life is nasty, brutish and short and humans are petty egocentric morons and so what, I'll keep trying untill I die. Out of spite.

Kitty went away because I threw my jug of anhydrous ethanol at the wall so no pics.

>> No.14560959

>depressed lonely incel faggot is one of the biggest climate shills on this board
like pottery

>> No.14560979

So basically he wants everyone to suffer in life to be as depressed as he is. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.14560984

These are the kinds of people who want to ruin your life in the name of "saving the climate". Amazing how beautifully poetic it is. They're not trying to save the environment. They're trying to save themselves by dragging everyone else down to their own level of misery. Screen shot this, because they're guaranteed going to delete these posts.

>> No.14560995
File: 43 KB, 569x500, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-actually proves it lol

>> No.14561009


Eh nah. Quite the opposite. Every waking hour not spend recharging via R&R I spend on improving average human lifespan and average human quality of life. I want every living soul to live long and happy lives because clearly the universe and whatever mad clown rules govern it doesn't.

And I'll keep giving second chances and believing the best of people untill proven wrong because I refuse to let the world beat me down.

As for climate change I have no real agenda. Polarisation is retarded. There is no "real or fake" claim to be made. That's just shitposting absolutism. Any complex system is not A or B but a broad subject to be analyzed.

That anon who attempted rational argumentation and gave up halfway just touched my heart and I wanted to let him know that I think it's very human and that I love him for it and that he should hold onto that quality.

I also love both of you. I think we all have the same goal. To be happy and to have the people we love be happy and we all think current science and policy about emissions should change to achieve that. We just hold different beliefs based on our differences in conclusions and information. Shitposting and gainsaying isn't helpful to that though.

We want the same thing. We have common ground. We can build on that. No problem is insoluble.

>> No.14561011

fix your estradiol dosage, tranny.

>> No.14561022
File: 213 KB, 800x724, 1A9B24DB-506F-4EDF-9C52-681F319F2C34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s yet another retard doesn’t understand how global averages work episode

>> No.14561027

Eh. I'm on no drugs these days. It's kinda just a decision. Conscious. I get to decide what I want to do with my life before I kick it and I want to do that. Improve human lives. As good a pick as any. It's all subjective but that's what I choose.
What's yours anon? Are we really that different? You're shitposting in a(nother, yet) climate change thread, I'm doing the same. But why? Do you seek entertainment? Personal gain? Altruistic pursuits?

>> No.14561028
File: 4 KB, 249x249, 1625699564799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what world does that work as an appropriate analogy?

>> No.14561029

>Earth ecosystem is just two state system, either good or bad. It's not really complicated bro its just air.

>> No.14561036
File: 327 KB, 1440x1761, IMG_20220610_164019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys. I hope jannies nuke this off topic correlation = causation thread on le climate

>> No.14561037

>Winter bad
you will never be a real white person

>> No.14561048

kek did tranny janny actually remove that? i guess statistical correlations aren't science or math anymore.

>> No.14561052

you are a fucking faggot
there has been a climate change agenda starting the past month
I hope all of your faggot fucking threads get nuked
fuck you and fuck all paid posters, you are whats wrong with the internet

>> No.14561053

You're thinking of data science, stocks and so on. Go back to /biz/

>> No.14561054
File: 234 KB, 2000x1125, 9380c2bdb7c3f2c1fe32bbd7e074290f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, right after banning me for "ban evasion" despite never being banned. No linked posts, nothing. I'm starting to think the faggot mods have a hate boner for me. Wonder what I did to piss them off.

>> No.14561057

>data science
>off topic
ugh, what?

>> No.14561070

>computer science
>data science
>gender science
i mean just fuck off, "science" word lost value long time ago, make sure you wake up for your mcdonalds job

>> No.14561081

> "science" word lost value long time ago
ok, so what is science? how does anyone here know what's on topic and off topic?

>> No.14561091

people are literally getting warned and banned for such off topic science posts. how are they supposed to know what's on topic science?

>> No.14561095

statistics is data science, same as probability theories and so on,

>> No.14561099

not an answer. what is science? how does an anon know if such a [x] science is off topic or not?

>> No.14561101

>probability theory belongs on /biz/
LOL good troll

>> No.14561102


Why do you decline a genuine invitation to a real conversation? I feel I made myself clear.
I express my opinions to you out of genuine desire to reach common understanding and exchange of views and information. Why decline in this manner? Your responses are incomprehensible to me when I base my deductions on the assumptions that you are a person interested in science and math who have basic insight into the subject of this thread.

Again, I'll be the optimist. That other anon called you a paid shill. I don't think that. I won't assume that. But your replies makes it more and more likely. Your posts and your rhetoric are mounting evidence that you are, in fact, a paid shill devoid of ability to construct a reasoned argument. It's not so much your stance on the topic, it's more the structure and content of your posts pointing toward the normal M.O. of shill operations. The inability to adjust and react to input is inferior to even some chat bots.

>> No.14561105

You will never be a woman.

>> No.14561118


>> No.14561141


Cmon mate. I believe in you. You're not a shill. Read, consider and reply to my output. I mean, any response akin to your recent ones will be practically an open admission that you are in fact a shill.

That /sci/ beyond any reasonable doubt to even the most optimistic observer, in fact, the target of an organized shilling operation. In which case the only question to answer would be; by whom and for what purpose (which is honestly obviously clear when your consider the following; who stands to benefit from global instability and who has the ressources to enact organized shilling)

I again invite you to respond. Quite plainly, at this point a refusal to answer can only be interpreted as damage control and tacit admission to being a shill with all that were previously implied.

>> No.14561152

it does, it was all developed by gamblers. after the gamblers let academia know about their work, the academics claimed it as their own. if the gambler's math had been effective and correct, they never would have given away their secrets, the secrests would've been too valuable.

>> No.14561154

>the greatest thing /sci/ is known for, a probability question, belongs on /biz/
the utter state of this board.

>> No.14561163 [DELETED] 


>> No.14561169


>> No.14561181


>Elaborating on fundemental truths to attain understanding of probability is the domain of gamblers
>An understanding is like a potato, there's only one and once you find it and take it others can't
>Gamblers form secret societies to jealously guard their potato
>A method that's effective, logically proveable is contrary to what any 80+ iq individual might think not extremely likely to be rediscovered, stolen, copied or disseminated but in fact IMPOSSIBLE to

Flawless logic checks out. Why is it that /sci/ of all boards consistently produce the most retarded brain-dead posts out of all boards?

>> No.14561197
File: 109 KB, 552x559, kcballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polandball was started in Ylilauta under the name "Flagheads" and it was subsequently stolen by krautchan and became krautchan's 2nd most famous meme after wojak, which was also a stolen meme. Polandball was then claimed from kraintchan by 4chan and then stolen from 4chan and is now owned by Reddit.
So as you can see, intellectual property theft is rampant and their is no police. If you have a meme and you don't protect it, then it will be stolen by a larger organization. Polandball is now earning income for Si Newhouse Jr's media conglomerate.
I'd rather see our meme in /biz/'s hands than in the jews', this is all for the best.

>> No.14561199


So a shill then? I'm a bit disappointed.
At least ask your overseer or whatever next time. This is just pitiful. Do you guys work for from home or what? Are you paid per post or hourly? Russian or Chinese I'm guessing? Oil lobby shills would be better managed, Iran would have better substance, Indians would have worse English.

>> No.14561238

LOL, nice delusion.

>> No.14561250

Fortunately, no one gives a shit about what you give a shit about.

>> No.14561262

Also samefagging here to my own post, but I just want to add that this abrubt shift in post frequency (compared to the last few hours) is most likely indicative of damage control in the form of outreach to an external agent. In this case the most likely candidate would be a janitor/mod. Obviously this would be in order to delete this thread due to content (ie; above exchange is more or less proof of paid shilling).
In conclusion; deletion of this thread in short order can be reasonably assumed to be very strong proof of /sci/ janitors/mods being paid collaborators/agents to shilling operations.

>> No.14561331
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>> No.14561333
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>> No.14561343
File: 77 KB, 864x580, fig11b_1.2.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked into the data, and it looks like even with their models warming isn't actually happening kek

>> No.14561348

look at the big spike in temp with the invention of the Abomb and Hbombs.
Mmmmmmmmm radioactive warming!

>> No.14561349

so no warming in over 60 years. Interdasting

>> No.14561371


Simplistic content bare statement posts in short intervals, 2 of them answering nonsubstance colorsalad graph.

I wonder what conclusions can be drawn from this. At this point, to me at least, the subject has shifted from global warming to psych analysis and related implications of this kind of thread. These replies give a lot away if you really think about them analytically.
I wonder if they will ignore or react to this post? Directly address this question? Any reaction is a tell, even the absence thereof.

>> No.14561400
File: 210 KB, 690x830, smugpep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of many views on superiority complex is that it is a defense mechanism that develops over time to help a person cope with feelings of inferiority.[1][2] Individuals with this complex typically come across as supercilious, haughty, and disdainful toward others. They may treat others in an imperious, overbearing, and even aggressive manner.

>> No.14561402

some of us actually have jobs and don't track this shit 24/7. You know what kind of person tracks this stuff 24/7? Someone who either has no job, or whose job is to track this stuff. Which one are you?

>> No.14561446


>What is a spherical planet
>What is time zones
>What is genuine interest and curiosity on a /sci/ence board

And what if your implication that I'm a narcissistic arrogant cunt? Who cares? Address my points you shillbot. Now it's just empty ad hominem. Grammar improved though. I'm guessing it's either the shill overseer posting personally or their A+ player. Employee of the month folks.

>> No.14561522

this thread has now been successfully derailed from being a scientific discussion to being solely focused on this guy's >>14561446 farcically over the top persecution complex.
is this a tongue in cheek comedy act? i can't tell

>> No.14561552

it's schizophrenia

>> No.14561570
File: 2.01 MB, 3600x3000, 1645736781937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking cold bros
It's raining every single day and I can't go out to do my usual 2-3 hour walks because the risk of rain is too great
What are the chances that South East Australia is just going to get very cold and wet? I mean I assume extreme summers will happen

>> No.14561616

>low-quality baitpost

>> No.14561627
File: 66 KB, 786x780, 1630434440494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well you could just put it right back on the rails by actually addressing my points or, alternatively. You could as befitting a human being state your belief on global warming, state your objections to current policies, substantiate your beliefs with rational arguments and then propose what you would change, why you would change it and most importantly; what your ultimate goal would be with all this.

But. Instead. You basically just regurgitate shit I can't even find insulting if I try because it's more or less like a preschooler calling me a poopy-head. I have no fucks to give about the letters you type untill you via a demonstration of rational/deductive ability (read; posting a sentence demonstrating mental capacity beyond child/mentally handicapped levels)


I don't get it? Why would I even care if I'm persecuted. They kill me or I survive what does that even mean? Life is a zero-sum single player scenario. I win or I lose. I live or I die. Whether the game is easy or hard, I'm persecuted or not - the win conditions are the same and my strategy is unchanged. I don't know (and I don't care) if I'm persecuted or not. I never cared to noticed.
I guess in this context I'd just consider persecution (as I see the context; persecution is persistent effort from certain people to oppose me?) another problem or obstacle. Mate I don't know who would even care to persecute me, I never noticed but if it ever happen they would be on par with fucking gravity or herpes or the bystander effect or the fucking gene coding for the larynxal nerve development trigger. It's not fucking important. I mean. In order to have a persecution complex shouldn't I at least be able to identify a persecuting "agent" of some sort? I mean. It's certainly not you. I can barely take you as seriously as a dog barking at me from behind a fence, at least a dog has teeth lmao.

Man. It's been about 2 semesters since I really checked /sci/ but how fucked are we?

>> No.14561635
File: 51 KB, 1024x667, F6211A2B-A142-41BE-8F3D-52BD9C9CF64F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming is fake
then how do you explain my feelings?

>> No.14561655


Are these kinds of shills endemic? Did everyone who actually genuinely interest themselves in our world and exploring it through discourse go elsewhere? I mean? Global warming is honestly an interesting subject and I would love to learn more. Who monitors it? Who funds the monitors? Which meta studies have been run? Which conflicts of interest might influence the meta studies? What are (evidence based) personal estimates and hypotheses of /sci/ of the potential QALY impact globally of climate change? What is the QALY impact of the diversion of research funds and the impact of damage (politically, socioeconomically and research-reluctance) to fossil fuel options?

Discuss this you fags. At least pretend to not be shills. I would genuinely, honestly read what you type up. I'm open to learning about what information you base your views on and the considerations you have on the subject?

Why must you be like this? This is a good, interesting subject and I'm impressionable to your talking points! Just tell me what you think and why you think so! (And pls at least include something resembling semi-credible evidence/source material)

>> No.14561672

This thread is full of retards

>> No.14561678
File: 92 KB, 864x580, fig11b_1.2.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look it's the shill who posts fake graphs to make deniers look stupid.

>> No.14561693

>I love him

>> No.14561696

>I also love both of you.
i don't want to be in your gay orgy

>> No.14561710

actually in this instance, causation doesn't even matter, whether man-made or entirely from solar activity. *if* climate change is real, then the biome will be fucked up, species will die off, and it's in humanity's long term interests to take action to mitigate that.

>> No.14561727
File: 93 KB, 864x580, 1654920223076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14561734


Don't really care enough to nitpick but just curious; are you purpose to be deliberately obtuse or do you not understand how love can be an emotion separate from base sexuality? I mean I'm going out on a limb here and guessing you love your mom, but I'm also guessing you don't want to fuck her.
Is it that hard to believe that I love you, not because I want to fuck you but because I genuinely honestly believe that you're deserving of my affection on the basis that you're human beings? That despite your flaws and faults? Is this alien to you?

>> No.14561749
File: 86 KB, 952x376, 1609713339778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both?

>> No.14561753

pure altruism doesn't exist. if you want to prove me wrong, then stream yourself becoming an hero on behalf of me and the other 7B homos here. reduce your carbon footprint to zero!

>> No.14561756

Aaaand carrying on the samefagging here because I got to ask. Has nobody got anything worth discussing relating to climate change? At all? Journals? Articulated original arguments? Questions? Controversies? News?

Is this thread, in fact, demonstrating clearly that despite several global-warming skeptics actively and regularly posting, there is an -absolute absence- of any worthwhile input from that perspective.

At this point you're just shitting your pants and discrediting any actual real objections to climate change policies?
You are actively working against your objectives? Why? Are you guys stupid or what?

This is a global warming thread? Why won't you discuss science pertaining global warming?

>> No.14561772


Who said I'm striving to achieve some platonic ideal of altruism? I just wanna make human lives better, on my terms. I'm not obeying the mandates of a manifest or religious commandment. If I decide I wanna take a 10 min break and go walk my dog I'll just do that and not give a shit about being "pure" what "pure" even means or what altruism even is. That's the great thing about living this way. I'm responsible to nobody but myself and I'll change my mind if I ever feel like it. I just decided on my own to work towards improving lives.

Your definitions hold no value, your claims hold no value, your thoughts hold no value I don't want to prove you wrong or right - you're proving yourself a retard with every post you make and you're not wrong in the sense that a retarded kid shitting his pants on purpose is "wrong" you're just retarded mate.

Honestly you do have a little value though. Entertainment value (for now). I still kinda wanna see how low you can go, but at this rate that won't last long. You're too repetitive.

>> No.14561782

I really need to check the knowledge of basic math in the next set of candidates for geology jobs.

World temperatures have gone up a couple of degrees in the last century or so. The minimum temperature recorded in the Antarctic where the winds affecting Australia come from is -86 degrees Celsius (the daily average temperature is from -60 C to ~-15 C), the daily average temperatures this time of year in the areas affected is in a range from -5 to 15 degrees Celsius.

The weather system is moving cold air from a place which is generally cold to a place which is generally much warmer. A two degree difference in world wide temperature doesn’t make much difference when there is at least 10X bigger difference between the two places.

Increasing the energy available in the atmosphere to power weather systems makes such large systems more common.

>> No.14561870

>warmest Antarctica winter on record
so then global warming is real by this logic?

>> No.14561883
File: 47 KB, 630x315, 5cd382cf2400003300a98a10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw double trouble and devils playground are actually open this season

>> No.14561970
File: 46 KB, 501x465, kTpDn4KUDEVV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do zoomers get so offended and chimp out whenever you point out that the gay science factoids, that they memorized in college or from bill nye, are erroneous?