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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 256x256, Zuck_Monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14552939 No.14552939 [Reply] [Original]


>A recent Oregon State University study found that COVID-19 patients had a roughly 25% increased risk of developing a psychiatric disorder in the four months following their infection, compared with people who had other types of respiratory tract infections.

Is this why people are going psycho on airplanes and doing more shootings? Could these mental health effects include increased tendancies for aggressive behavior?

>> No.14552951

Still not getting the injections.

>> No.14552963

Is that from covid or years of house arrest and non stop fear mongering?

>> No.14552982

It's a study of only those with positive COVID infections and a measurable increase in mental illness following the infection. If anything, the population of this study is less likely to have been on "house arrest", since you know, they caught COVID they were probably out and about.

>> No.14553072
File: 84 KB, 720x682, Amish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychiatric diagnoses
If ANYONE goes to a shrink/"psychiatrist"/head doctor or whatever you want to call those con-men charlatans, the WILL FIND something wrong with you, since it makes them money.

"Oh Gypsy fortune teller, do you see my future?"

"Oh Yezzzz, but the crystal ball is cloudy, you must come back again later and give more money to help clear it up so that I may tell you more!"

>> No.14553087

>Is this why people are going psycho on airplanes and doing more shootings?
No, but they need some excuse for why people are going psycho that doesn't involve looking into how it is a consequence of their system.

>> No.14553094
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Those spike proteins are really dangerous.

>> No.14553178

>Researchers found that COVID patients had a 3.8% rate of developing a psychiatric disorder compared with 3.0% for other respiratory tract infections. The 0.8% difference amounts to about a 25% increased relative risk
>46,610 COVID-19 positive individuals

More fun with numbers (aka lying with statistics) to make people unreasonable scared of the meme virus. I can tell by the way you capitalize COVID that you're a medcuck, how does it feel that everyone hates you and is well versed on your low effort gaslighting now?

>> No.14553197

the ones who end up getting covid are overwhelmingly the double masked triple boosted types who never leave their house yet still somehow get it. no surprise these types also have anxiety and mental issues

>> No.14553305

>the ones who end up getting covid are overwhelmingly the double masked triple boosted types
the "vaccines" are causing it and the new variants.

>> No.14553357

Feels so good to be a purebloodchad

>> No.14553625
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viruses don't exist, you retards should have discovered it two years ago already

>> No.14553635
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hello poltard shill. "pureblood" is purely globohomo propaganda construct, not science. "bros"

>> No.14553646
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this 100%

Something is wrong go to or believe the shrinks. You don't go to them for mental health. Your social circle exists for that. Get a gf/bf.

>> No.14553705 [DELETED] 

Only crazy people would bother getting tested for the flu.

>> No.14553717

>Only crazy people would bother getting tested for the flu.
good point. be a good screening method to weed out the crazies in society. maskers are gonna get rammed hard.

>> No.14553796

It's a study of people who decided to go to a doctor when they got the flu. Who would have guessed that these people are nail-biting anxiety cases?

>> No.14554015

>go to a doctor when they got the flu.
what's the point of that? Doctors cannot do anything other than give you decongestants or cough syrup, both of which are OTC.

Asshats should learn to treat themselves rather than running to a doctor for the sniffles and jamming up an already broken leftist medical system.

>> No.14554027

>Be pharma lover
>Doctor i want to get tested, you have covid
>Doctor i have coff, take the vaccine
>Doctor i feel sad and bored, you have mental illness
Gulible sheep influencing stats, move along

>> No.14554047

>>Be pharma lover
>>Doctor i want to get tested, you have covid
>>Doctor i have coff, take the vaccine
>>Doctor i feel sad and bored, you have mental illness
>Gulible sheep influencing stats, move along
are humans really worth saving at this point?

>> No.14554187
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>> No.14554198

Interesting how Malfoy was an irrational supremacist who was beaten by a "mudblood" in the end.

>> No.14554199

Still safer than the disease it prevented.

>> No.14554237
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 1653287470236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no covid, retards

>> No.14554433

>interesting how a constructed story has a constructed ending
it is

>> No.14554499

>poltard shill
>"pureblood" is purely globohomo propaganda construct
You've exposed your low IQ jabbie. No refunds.

>> No.14554511

you exposed yourself as regular shill

>> No.14554516

>brain damage is better than brain damage
This is your brain on covid hysteria.

>> No.14554581


>> No.14554880
File: 329 KB, 1560x1040, anti vaxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if everyone that took the vaccine suddenly dies from some delayed side effect.
The anti-vaxxers will be left to restore society post-calamity, it’s nothing but crazy people.

>> No.14554900

explain to me how medical science is done?
how is it that a "vaccine" type that has never been used in humans before gets rolled out in a couple of months, when no vaccine prior has been rolled out in less than 5 years and all of the ones that have ended up giving people something like Hepatitis B?
So tell me again, who is the crazy person?

>> No.14554914

>entertains the possibility of latent side effects affecting everyone who got the shot
>calls the unvaccinated crazy

>> No.14554931

It’s more their attitude. Also, a lot of them are also climate-change denying flat-Earthers.

>> No.14554933

this poster has to be a /pol/ bot, they can't read and they stated political shit for not reason

>> No.14554979

Antivaxxers appear crazy because they're heavily gaslighted, it can make anyone become a conspiracy theorist because you're trying to rationalize why people are so gullible and evil. If our modern clown world went away most everyone's mental health would be healed in a matter of months

>> No.14555078

dude, you have no idea how deep is clown world indoctrinations are. otherwise you would be Jesus/Buddha

>> No.14555098

The younger a child is, the less likely they are to have been given the injections, until you get to children who are under 18 months of age, in which case they may have been exposed to it in the womb. If the injected were to suddenly die off, there would be a huge number of orphans, skewed toward toddlers through tweens.
I doubt there's going to be suddenly days when tens of millions of those injected die but it's certainly going to be an increasingly large drag on society as they accumulate damage, become non-productive, and die decades early. It'll make for a African style population pyramid.

>> No.14555751

>It’s more their attitude. Also, a lot of them are also climate-change denying flat-Earthers.
Me and most of my friends are engineers, computer sciencts, etc. Most of us haven't taken the vaccine and the ones who did felt pressured due to their situation. Now that all's been said and done, even they admit that it wasn't really necessary. You know who did take the vaccines? Your average midwit who trusts the soience because the soience is all knowing and all powerful. Wear some masks and inhale some microplastics as well while your at it. I'm sure every healthy man, woman and child under 50 who didn't take the vaccine is going to die off any moment now.

>> No.14555781

Wait, this many people on the /sci/ board of all boards are antivaxx? Even the memelords the Bogdanoffs died because they didn't get the vax. Conservative antivaxxer talkd show radio host dying of COVID is a headline that has occurred multiple times, yet try to find me 1 headline of a liberal vaccinated talkshow host who died.

If you think that all scientists from all countries across the globe are collaborating to hide terrible side effects of the vaccine, you are a moron and shouldn't be on this board. Might the vaccine have longterm risks? Absolutely, but long COVID is a real thing too so at this point, we have established that there are longterm effects of COVID which the vaccine can protect against, but it has not been established that there is longterm harm from the vaccine.

>> No.14555847

I came across this interesting video talking about some out there things but it is tangentially realated if the jabs involve dna modification

>> No.14555862

No. "Covid-19" patients are neurotic hypochondriacs who are extremely susceptible to group-think and they need psychiatric treatment.

It's the same people who wear a mask alone in their car, run off to get tested as soon as they get a sniffle, and stand in line for hours to get their 4th dose of vaccine. It partially explains why covid 19 is so common in people who've been vaccinated as well.

>> No.14555925

>it prevented
give source on the vaccine preventing covid infection

>> No.14555929

lmao you're retarded

>> No.14555935

>we have established that there are longterm effects of COVID which the vaccine can protect against

>> No.14555992


Vaccination is correlated with 15% reduction in long COVID. Better than 0.

>> No.14556007

Not if it correlates with 24% increase in mortality due to vaccine.

>> No.14556050

there's no covid, shill, you are so ridiculous

>> No.14556058

are you paid per word? truth is always simple: viruses don't exist

>> No.14556095

>take the jab because these 70 year olds died of covid

>> No.14556106

>Not if it correlates with 24% increase in mortality due to vaccine.
fuck that's bad!
glad most people are refusing the jabs

>> No.14556108

>political shit for not reason
ESL chinese faggot bot

>> No.14556111
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>> No.14556119

Kek, which one holds that title Moderna?

>> No.14556122

24% was completely made up: Source: I didn't cite one because I don't have one.

Was just pointing out that looking at one part of the statistics and ignoring others will fuck up your reasoning.

>> No.14556125

Stop radicalizing me with honest accounts of human history.

>> No.14556169

hey look it's this guy again.

>> No.14556267

So it's higher? Like 50%? 60%? Those bastards!

>> No.14556285

Maybe. I'm obviously going to say yes at this point because genocide helps advance my "spirits are worth more than humans" agenda, and I want to speak such dangers into our world.

>> No.14556520

>Even the memelords the Bogdanoffs died because they didn't get the vax
Like plastic surgery can’t cause sepsis and fuck up the immune system.

>> No.14556530

pureblood supremacy is obviously rational though, magic clearly has a genetic component despite a few muggle-born outliers

>> No.14556544
File: 351 KB, 1668x2067, How the surfaces of silicone breast implants affect the immune system MIT News Massachusetts Institute of Technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider everyone that has got plastic surgery immunocompromised.

>> No.14556556

shills push "pureblood". another division.

>> No.14556557

Failing to inculcate your outliers will make your clan weak, so it really doesn't. Good breeding isn't so simple as, "haw, my current lineage."

>> No.14556559

EFL American faggot shill.

>> No.14556602

>Stop radicalizing me with honest accounts of human history.

>> No.14557018

>Your social circle exists for that. Get a gf/bf.

Get a load of this normie

>> No.14557045

You're being trolled, dude.

>> No.14557064

Not antivax but what is the purpose of getting vaccinated against such a mild illness?

>> No.14557242

To be able to keep your job or stay enrolled in school.

>> No.14557318
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so you shills can keep getting paid for pushing "mild illness" when in reality viruses don't exist, and people just catch cold.

>> No.14557651

Took a single shot of Pfizer 7 months ago, how fucked am I?

>> No.14557657
File: 18 KB, 280x400, A5BB2D45-0C16-4B35-BB49-02E1CB9C9F5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people aren't going crazy from lockdowns and leftism, they just need to get vaxxed

>> No.14557810

considering you are a paid shill who day after day learns to disrespect and devalue people around, society, you are very fucked.

>> No.14557834
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>the people who refused to take the experimental vaccine are flat earthers
Nice opinion you got from CNN there friend, but get this, MSNBC told me that they are huwhite supremacist nazis too!

>> No.14557843

>Might the vaccine have longterm risks? Absolutely
Well said

>> No.14557850
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>Imagine if everyone that took the vaccine suddenly dies from some delayed side effect.
Definitely possible, but I think the opposite is more likely
We're all gambling, i decided to put my chips on vax rather than covid

Covid-19 is linked to brain damage, even for the "asymptomatic"
(there's a couple studies from Nature but that's considered spam on /sci/ for some reason, just google covid19 brain damage)

i like this one especially
>greater decline in the ability to perform complex tasks, which on brain scans was associated with atrophy in crus II, an area of the cerebellum associated with cognition
either way, gonna be interesting when the other shoe drops in a decade or so.

>> No.14557861
File: 193 KB, 889x479, Linda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think that all scientists from all countries across the globe are collaborating to hide terrible side effects of the vaccine
this is exactly what they think though

basic probabilistic concepts are not well-understood by the average joe.
most people, even the highly educated, will answer pic related incorrectly. and most of those will also argue with unbridled ferocity with the explanation of the correct answer

>> No.14557881

>i decided to put my chips on vax rather than covid
>Covid-19 is linked to brain damage, even for the "asymptomatic"
Hate to break it to you, but the vaccines don't prevent you from getting COVID-19, they only reduce the severity of symptoms. If even asymptomatic people get brain damage, that means the Vaccine was of no use to you at all.

>> No.14557917

but there's no covid, shill

>> No.14557939
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>they only reduce the severity of symptoms.
they reduce both the probability of infection and the duration of infection

>> No.14557986

genuinely blows my mind that there are people that think the covid-19 "vaccines" do anything meaningfully against covid-19 for any meaningful space of time on the 9th of june 2022

>> No.14558012

>September 2021
Now let's see current comparisons for omicron
Guarantee they haven't even run those

>> No.14558018
File: 205 KB, 493x452, 1643101756509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw took 2 shots of Moderna last year as pressured by parents at the ripe age of 17
>be me, 18 now, nose is irritated and has that slight burn when you inhale through it. Could be dry air or smth, since I do have the bent septum
I think I might die fairly soon. Was my fault being born not on the right time.
What can I do to mitigate side effects and sorta detox myself from this shit?

>> No.14558042
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>mRNA technology will literally cure cancer
>/pol/locks will all refuse it
>Darwin proven right again

>> No.14558151

all the /pol/ocks will die in 2 more weeks

>> No.14558177

That's fine, you take it ill pass

>> No.14558197

This is valueless. A plurality to majority of people had Covid. This just reflects the general trend of a pandemic (for all reasons beside the disease itself) leading to more psychological problems. If you dispute that, try to construct the logical contradiction of that statement so we can laugh a bit at you. 25% seems about in line, not like an artifact or smoking gun like 400% would be.
Good LARP of a midwit. Made me consider replying seriously.

>> No.14558205

nobody "had covid", "covid" is schizo construct pushed by globohomo

>> No.14558206

>Results showed the jab produced a T cell response in eight out of the 16 patients, who remained cancer-free throughout the duration of the trial.
>The remaining patients who did not respond to the vaccine either died or saw their cancer return

>either died or saw their cancer return
So in a sample size as small as 16, some of them just died from taking it? Cool vaccine bro lol

>> No.14559354

why do flat earthers believe in stupid germ theory of diseases?

>> No.14559387
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yeah you'll pass alright

>> No.14559860

Is it 1)?

>> No.14559863

Take your meds.

>> No.14560010
File: 5 KB, 275x183, 1653292129778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sills "takeyourmeds" response #254852. viruses don't exist, cope.

>> No.14560199

My odds of pancreatic cancer are probably lower than my odds of dying of covid

>> No.14560272

The image is playing word games. Yes, one is more probable but most people are going to select the choice that's more descriptive because it's more probable of fleshing out her full character. I'm sure you feel smug and self-satisfied about posting those PEMDAS threads with a ÷ in them too.

>> No.14560401

your chance dying of "covid" is exactly zero.

>> No.14561525

>can't see COVID without microscope


>monkeypox creates obvious sores


I think all of you need to go use a microscope. What, do you think Bill Clinton will pop into your classroom and strangle you if you ask to see a coronavirus under the microscope?

>> No.14561707

dude, you need to prove that this shit you see in very special microscope is really "virus". make people inhale it and get sick. so far nobody was able to prove that. instead they cope with some chemistry in vitro without control experiment, people are overwhelmed with bizarre words and "accept" this as "proof"

>> No.14562463
File: 249 KB, 1668x1380, Post-COVID psychosis occurs in people with no prior history. The risk is low but episodes are frightening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid can make you crazy and kill the already crazy people.

>People with schizophrenia five times more likely to die from Covid-19

>> No.14562498

fear mongering bullshit

>> No.14562853

believing in cvoid IS schizophrenia

>> No.14562882

I had visual and auditory hallucinations when I was infected with covid. It was scary, glad I didnt descend into being a full schizo.

>> No.14564322

another "i had covid" personal story shill.

>> No.14564948

I got one moderna because of parent pressure
any other weird symptoms? My arms and legs always feel heavy now

>> No.14564952


>> No.14564955

is he jewish too?

>> No.14565737

"da joos", pure American idiocy

>> No.14566238

if you're experiencing weird effects after vaccines, it's almost certainly a psychosomatic thing
covid is different though, everyone agrees long covid is a real medical condition

>> No.14566979
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on my very small personal point of view, i got covid twice, got vaxxed twice and covid fucked my brain beyond recognition.

it's been 8 months since i got covid (positive test, lost smell/taste) and I still can't put any load on my brain before getting shit tired.

the canadian province where I live is about to set up long term covid care, and I really hope I can benefit from it because, i'm basicaly dead at this point.

>> No.14566989

>got vaxxed twice
Well, you got what you wanted.

>> No.14566995

>implying I didn't take the vaccine specifically so I could depart this world without having to an hero myself

>either way, gonna be interesting when the other shoe drops in a decade or so.
I've heard the notion that this was the real long-term goal behind the engineering of the virus. Which is kind of silly because I don't think China really needed any help to overcome the US as a world power within a decade or two, but it would certainly be some good insurance to completely debilitate our entire workforce and military like that.

>> No.14567043
File: 129 KB, 1200x673, Milley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debilitate our entire workforce and military like that.
Brandon/Democrats creating the worst US economy on record intentionally (and affecting the rest of the world by default) took care of the economy.

Military went China-gay and full of trannies now.

>> No.14567115

hello disinformation shill. there's no covid.

>> No.14567119
File: 83 KB, 904x864, 1653053438760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone agrees covid is a hoax. we remember videos from china, diamond Princess, bonus money for hospitals, disappeared flu, botched pcr "tests".

>> No.14567124

How can you even write on keyboard? You're like 10 IQ, more stupid than a cat. I could teach parrot to repeat these propaganda talks better than you

>> No.14567129 [DELETED] 
File: 527 KB, 1536x1113, hegelian_dialectic_virus-1536x1113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14567269
File: 52 KB, 1200x768, mm7015a4-F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What caused all the excess deaths in 2020, then? Even the reported number of COVID deaths doesn't cover them all.

>> No.14567273

>everyone agrees long covid is a real medical condition
And even if everyone doesn't agree, health insurance companies have started to use it as an excuse to deny coverage. What now, Americhuds? Isn't your beloved for-profit healthcare system the best ever and always 100% correct?

>> No.14567290

After i got the covid injection i started growing a second penis out of my elbow!
Fr fr no cap

>> No.14567438

pretty much. we in a clown world

>> No.14567450

rip to u my bro, I stood still against parents and family, im young and fit, imma say nty to your experimental vaccine, oh btw gettin a fake covid card is ez

>> No.14568129

>doing more shootings?
That is just fed grooming in action

>> No.14568132

ask statisticians, retard. if government doesn't classify deaths stop paying taxes, change gOvernment.

>> No.14570520

statisticians will tell you it was probably the novel virus sweeping the country. And the ones the virus didn't account for were likely complications caused by the virus that has been proven to attack organs all over the entire body; hear disease related deaths skyrocketed soon after COVID hit, which fits with what we know about the virus now.


>> No.14570641
File: 190 KB, 500x956, Shootings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this why people are going psycho on airplanes and doing more shootings?
Could it be their agenda.

>> No.14570680

The shit in your picture wasn't a problem until recent years and there were shootings years before then. But it is correct that mental illness will get worse due to creatures like the one in your pic. It will take some time for that though.

>> No.14570684

>The shit in your picture wasn't a problem until recent years
It has actually been going on for quite a while, at least since the 1990s. I remember it as a kid, having "opposite day" where boys dressed as girls and girls as boys, and having boys to traditional girl things like cleaning and cooking some cookies while girls would act like they worked at an office and told the boys to make them dinner.
There were even cross dressing "talent shows" for Pre-K-6th grade in early 2000s my siblings refused to be in and got ostracized for it by the teachers and other students.

>> No.14571520

we know there's no virus, retard. fire those statisticians, replace with honest people

>> No.14571531

>get gf to deal with mental issues
Are you literally retarded

>> No.14571538

>getting your science from headlines
Yikes! As you people say.

>> No.14571584

If anything you’ll get a complete psycho bitch that will make your life even worse behind your back so then she can pretend to be your saviour and fix everything.
Be careful out there, there are plenty of desperate fucked up women out there.

>> No.14571649

You might also want to keep an eye open to the possibility that your parents would also do that.