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14552738 No.14552738 [Reply] [Original]

If male homosexuality is caused by fraternal birth order, what is female homosexuality caused by? Also, what is bisexuality in both genders caused by?

>> No.14552744

by shilling for government and pharma

>> No.14552749

>If male homosexuality is caused by fraternal birth order
It's not: it's primarily a result of trauma, hormonal problems, and brain damage. Being a younger son can result in the latter.
>what is female homosexuality caused by?
Being ugly and/or rape, sometimes also brain damage.
>Also, what is bisexuality in both genders caused by?
Hypersexuality probably. It seems almost natural for women.

>> No.14552777

>It's not: it's primarily a result of trauma, hormonal problems, and brain damage. Being a younger son can result in the latter.
This is homophobic propaganda. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternal_birth_order_and_male_sexual_orientation
>Being ugly and/or rape, sometimes also brain damage.
Also homophobic. Science supports homosexuality.

>> No.14552790

>In a 2017 study, researchers found an association between a maternal immune response to neuroligin 4 Y-linked protein (NLGN4Y) and subsequent sexual orientation in their sons. NLGN4Y is important in male brain development; maternal immune reaction to it, in the form of anti-NLGN4Y antibodies, is thought to alter the brain structures underlying sexual orientation in the male fetus. The study found that women had significantly higher anti-NLGN4Y levels than men. The result also indicates that mothers of gay sons, particularly those with older brothers, had significantly higher anti-NLGN4Y levels than did the control samples of women, including mothers of heterosexual sons.[38]
This is prenatal brain damage kek. The fuck is your point? I've already read that article.

>> No.14552806

I believe homosexuality is caused by an altercation in the SDN. It seems to have the most evidence. Now what would cause this part of the brain to be different then others? I don't know. Endocrine disrupting chemicals? Trauma?

>> No.14552812 [DELETED] 
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homosexuality caused by lack of appropriate role model for child. boy who would rather be like mommy than daddy is gay, girl who would rather be like daddy than mommy is gay.

>> No.14552819
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This doesn't explain transbians though.

>> No.14552824

All bigoted homophobic theories with no scientific support. The scientific consensus among the experts is that homosexuality is biologically based. Unless you accept this you should be punched for being a fascist religious nut.

>> No.14552826

>I vomit on all their ancestor graves
Holy based

>> No.14552837
File: 174 KB, 1533x961, pepequestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The scientific consensus among the experts is that homosexuality is biologically based
Yes, it's biologically based, your bait post is low quality when you agree with me and layer the bait in three layers. You need to tone it down a little for optimal (You's) in the future.

>> No.14552845

See >>14552790. But endocrine disruptors are probably part of it.

>> No.14552858

>This is prenatal brain damage kek
Not only that, it suggests a method for preventing said brain damage. Only a matter of time before there's just a pill that women with elevated anti-NLGN4Y antibodies take daily along with their prenatal vitamin. Then having a homosexual male child will be seen like having one with fetal alcohol syndrome or a crack baby.

>> No.14552909

My 2D:4D ratio on my right hand is 0.9302325581395349 and I'm straight.

>> No.14552966

Are lesbian women more or less likely to have gay sons than straight women? Social conditioning aside.

>> No.14552988

Fucking exactly. I have some weird sexual disabilities and I want to prevent anyone else from having them as well. I don't understand why faggots want to reproduce their sickness.

>> No.14553004

No idea, but I'd guess it isn't relevant outside of social conditioning.

>> No.14553064
File: 10 KB, 275x183, fpjjgfjihjgfhihifdjjbfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality is being discovered to be caused by a virus or parasitic infection, or perhaps both.

Homosexuality in that regard would mean not only is it not a "genetic" thing, but it could be cured.

Huge implications and pharmaceuticals could help those who are homosexual and feel like they have no choice.

Bill Maher is discussing how the recent rise in this phenomena, and it certainly holds proof that it is a viral infection destroying people's lives as a result.

And in before that one idiot who says "viruses are not real".

>> No.14553075

>Homosexuality is being discovered to be caused by a virus or parasitic infection, or perhaps both.
No it isn't

>> No.14553286

It's sounds more like it's due to endocrine disruption in the womb

>> No.14553289

>>Homosexuality is being discovered to be caused by a virus or parasitic infection, or perhaps both.
>No it isn't
Yes it really is.
Get with the times and science.
Viruses affect fetal development as well as hormonal adolescent development also, causing effeminate-homosexuality.

>> No.14553298

Some are born that way but mostly faggots reproduce through abuse.

>> No.14553515

Lesbianism literally just spawns from narcissism and collective self-obsession. It is extremely common. Anons saying "muh gay gene" are just going full schizo

>> No.14553522

So masculine gays are what? Magic?

>> No.14553528
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>So masculine gays are what? Magic?
Masculine gays tend to occur post-puberty.

The "born gays", who are affected by viruses at a young age or even a fetus, are more feminine in nature due to the viral influences on their endocrine system, and tend to be subs/bottoms and cross dress or become trannies.

>> No.14553589

Couldn't that be due to viral infections as an anon mentions?

>> No.14553745
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So will Pfizer come out with a Gay-Vax now?

>> No.14554011

>If male homosexuality is caused by fraternal birth order
It isn't. it's a mental disorder. It might be hormone related or caused by an illness as other anon's stated. >>14552749
>it's primarily a result of trauma, hormonal problems, and brain damage.
All logical possibilities, perhaps all caused by the same incident or illness.

>> No.14554261

They are mentally ill

>> No.14554537

transbian: a man who wants to rape women while punching them and calling them bigots

>> No.14554549

Too much yeast/infections also cause endocrine disruption. Go figure

>> No.14554551

worm pilled

>> No.14554580

You don't need to be a tranny to feel that way, you just need to understand women.

>> No.14555960
File: 51 KB, 400x474, ThaDoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are mentally ill
>Too much yeast/infections also cause endocrine disruption.
All goes back to an infection or virus causing homosexuality.

Starting to make more sense and why we see it spreading, and why "grooming" parades and events are really "super-spreader" events.

>> No.14556261


>> No.14556609

that's a new one!

>> No.14556830

for a board dedicated to science and math, it sure is full of retards

>> No.14556853

Look what site you're on

>> No.14558415

>it sure is full of retards
yet here you are...... kek
you must have the brain worms or the gay virus.

>> No.14558448

Female homosexuality is a meme. So many ‘lesbians’ went as far as having children with men before coming out.

>> No.14558455

Women naturally like cats.
Cats carry brain altering toxoplasmosis.
Women get infected and become cat-lady lesbians later in adulthood.

Checks out.

>> No.14559072

Who said it was caused by fraternal birth order? Why would that cause mental illness?

>> No.14559806

It's some popsci evolutionary theory that little brothers have an incentive to be effeminate faggots so that the older brothers don't see them as threats and won't kill them while they are still helpless children.
99% of evolutionary theories are unfalsifiable so it's really not even worth talking about outside of some world building lore for humanity's backstory.

>> No.14559841
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>If male homosexuality is caused by fraternal birth order
It's not. Younger males are exposed to the older male's friends more often and they are more likely to molest/rape the tiny brother, turning him gay. This will obviously correlate with birth order since the more older brothers you have the more likely one of their friends will molest you.
>what is female homosexuality caused by? Also, what is bisexuality in both genders caused by?
Nothing, it's a coping mechanism for undesirable females. A girl being molested by older males who are friends of her siblings will just turn her into a whore, not gay. I guarantee birth order for females correlates with promiscuity.

>> No.14560134

female homosexuality and bisexuality are not real.

they are literally women feeling excluded from the "gay thing" and wanting to join

>> No.14560328

They found the actual mechanism that causes it you retarded fucking highschooler: >>14552790

See the post mentioned above

>> No.14560997

>Homosexuality is being discovered to be caused by a virus or parasitic infection, or perhaps both.
>Homosexuality in that regard would mean not only is it not a "genetic" thing, but it could be cured.
>Huge implications and pharmaceuticals could help those who are homosexual and feel like they have no choice.
>Bill Maher is discussing how the recent rise in this phenomena, and it certainly holds proof that it is a viral infection destroying people's lives as a result.
>And in before that one idiot who says "viruses are not real".
This actually makes a lot of sense. Surprised the pharma companies haven't created an mRNA injection yet for it.
kek beat!
>female homosexuality and bisexuality are not real.
>they are literally women feeling excluded from the "gay thing" and wanting to join
That sounds very plausible. >>14560328
Is that possibly caused by a viral infection or something similar? It sounds auto-immune-like when it says, "researchers found an association between a maternal immune response to neuroligin 4 Y-linked protein (NLGN4Y)."

>> No.14561569

tattoos are so fucking disgusting

>> No.14561755

they are a sign of low self-esteem and low intelligence.

>> No.14561765

females will fuck hot women just as readily as men if no more as women can't really fuck each other.

Women get off more when with each other and a man

>> No.14561776

>what is female homosexuality caused by?
The love of pussy.

>> No.14561780

sounds pretty based desu

>> No.14561816

Correct. And 75%+ of women either have one or want one.

>> No.14562106
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1654729173171s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The troons will fight it, but if we corrupt their free choice, free transhumanist platform we have a fighting chance.

>> No.14562782


>> No.14563898

that says volumes about those 75% of women.

"Why got you no have tattoo?"

>> No.14564100

>They found the actual mechanism that causes it you retarded fucking highschooler:
>DUUUR wikipedia!
Stop sucking down homo propaganda. The the wikishitia main source says only 15% to 29% of gay men allegedly owe their faggotry condition to anything related (overt or underlying) to birth order. As always, this propaganda study lies as well, ignoring studies that show NO monozygotic concordance, yet saying there is "strong evidence" for it while using studies newer and older than this one:
>Table 6 shows that there is no evidence for strong genetic influence on same-sex preference in this sample. Among MZ twins, 6.7% are concordant. DZ twin pairs are 7.2% concordant. Full siblings are 5.5% concordant. Clearly, the observed concordance rates do not correspond to degrees of genetic similarity. None of the comparisons between MZ twins and others in table 6 are even remotely significant. If same-sex romantic attraction has a genetic component, it is massively overwhelmed by other factors. As argued above, it is more likely that any genetic influence, if present, can only be expressed in specific and circumscribed social structures.
You simply can't say there is "strong" monozygotic-twin-based genetic evidence when the exact opposite evidence also shows up. Blissfully ignoring this study is proof of the author's insane bias. No reason to trust it. Into the trash the wiki source goes

That whole wiki article is blatant mind rot anyway and is clearly brigaded by a legion of LGBT activists. They're using the same author to debunk multiple author's studies but hiding it by using cross references buried within separate topic studies; ie making it look like a majority of studies support their agenda when in reality it's just a spider web network pointing back to a minority number of studies. Mostly one guy saying everybody else is wrong. An obvious manipulation tactic.

>> No.14565718

Dude why do scientists waste time figuring out that people generally have preferences what a bunch of retarded folks.

>> No.14566296


>> No.14566431


Brutally honest.
10/10 would read again.

>> No.14566655

Do women have a sexual orientation?

>> No.14566873


>> No.14566983

>no argument
>no refutation

>> No.14566994

garbage refutes itself. no further expenditure needed.
only nitwits "argue"

>> No.14567193

Homosexuality presents differently between men and woman and even between individuals. Men seem to be mostly trauma and brain damage induced.

>> No.14567340

>Male-to-female transsexuals who are attracted to men are in many respects extraordinarily feminine (Bailey, 2000, 2003) . Yet, their sexual arousal patterns show the male-typical, category specific, pattern. Evidently, whatever has feminized some parts of their minds and brains has left untouched the mechanisms that direct their sexual arousal (Chivers et al., 2004 , Lawrence, Latty, Chivers, & Bailey, 2005) .

>> No.14567489

>brain damage induced.
parasitic worms

>> No.14567512

When we first break off from source an start to have human incarnations we start as one sex an learn all the lessons of that sex then we have one or two as being gay an we gradually transition into the next sex an have a bunch of lifetimes as that sex, we don't flip flop back n forth so you might have 10 lifetimes as a man then one or two where you are gay or bi then another 10 lifetimes as a woman, people who are gay have just started to transition into that sex like a gay man might have just had 5 most recent past life's as a woman so his soul still feels like a woman, we've all been or will be both male, female and gay

>> No.14568458

If being gay is inborn and serves an evolutionary purpose, explain paraphilias which are also thought to be inborn. Whats the evolutionary purpose of autogynephilia, pedophilia, zoophilia and such?

>> No.14568515

genetic mutations with no purpose

>> No.14568537 [DELETED] 

Not a single gay gene

>> No.14568540

Sexual orientation isn't controlled by a single gene

>> No.14568592

fucking faggots can't into research

>> No.14568780

Inborn doesn't necessitate a genetic origin

>> No.14568792

If it serves no evolutionary purpose then why would somebody born as a paraphiliac? Is it a brain defect? Why does it exist?

>> No.14570139

Sex with everything, see what works and where it leads?

>> No.14571893

All research on this claim comes from 1 (very controversial) group, I would wait for it to be confirmed by other researchers before accepting it as settled science.

>> No.14572188

The wiki article about it seems to keep referencing the same handful of authors quite heavily, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong. What is controversial about this group?

>> No.14572364

it's not a group of (((experts)))

>> No.14572983
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Hunter approves that message.

>> No.14573005

Male homosexuality is caused by a compound of epigenetic factors, birth order, and environmental exposure to chemicals and toxins.

Female homosexuality is a social construct.

>> No.14573076

Why can females not be affected by the same factors and diseases that cause homosexuality in men? Equality much?

>> No.14573082

define "expert"?

>> No.14573097

>define anon
define my nuts anon, you can do it fag

>> No.14573127

Females do not have a prostate, female on female sex stimulates the same organs as male on female sex, it's literally just a social preference for female partners.

Gay sex stimulates an entire additional organ, and while a strict top has the same paraphilia as a lesbian, desiring to be penetrated and have your prostate stimulated as a man is a biologically distinct condition.

>> No.14573182

lack of father

>> No.14573187

Homosexuality correlates with an increase in IQ, though. It's the opposite of damage. It's an improvement for the individual. The only reason it's not adaptive is because evolution favors reproduction over intelligence.

>> No.14573193

They probably aren't inborn. Just developmentally acquired early on.

>> No.14573203

different people are gay for different reasons, its very obvious when you just get doing some psychoanalysis
t. gay

>> No.14573627

>Science supports homosexuality.

Male homosexuals, have a number of common characteristics two of which are worth mentioning:
1. They tend to be excitable and often display high pitched giggles. The classic example is Anderson Cooper https://www.celebitchy.com/176483/anderson_cooper_ive_always_giggled_like_a_13_year-old_girl/ but there are many such cases.

2. More importantly though, they are very promiscuous - and this also makes them vectors of a wide variety of diseases, including AIDS, STD'd and more recently, Monkey Pox. https://flipboard.com/article/monkeypox-dilemma-how-to-warn-gay-men-about-risk-without-fueling-hate/f-6b2c12b86b%2Fwashingtonpost.com

So help me, what exactly does science support here moron? The woman who gets Monkey Pox because of her lovers predilection for men at the Monkey Pox sauna gangbang?

There is nothing to be proud of being a major vector of sexually transmitted diseases. Science at best, is amoral, and doesn't support any lifestyle.

>> No.14573650

>Science at best, is amoral, and doesn't support any lifestyle.
That's old science. Pre-Boomer science was un-biased.
Ever since the late 1960s "science" has been getting corrupted and it is getting much worse in recent years.

>> No.14573655

>define my nuts anon
There they are ------> . .

You sure have tiny nuts! Most queerbait fags do.

>> No.14573689

Well that made me giggle.

>> No.14573698

tickle bofadem nuts n it makes ya giggles

>> No.14573720

Wokeapedia should do civilization a service and go bankrupt.

>> No.14573750

Correct. Its highly likely that sexual orientation overlaps with other traits in very complex ways.

So everything becomes a compromise: You may be brilliant but queer. Getting the correct balance of complex genetic traits is what is trying to be achieved. Outbreeding depression doesn't help either of course - you are effectively scrambling the thousands of genes that were being evolved in your geographic area.

In the end though, genetic mistakes will die out, and only those lucky enough to win the genetic lottery will come out on top. Pro tip: Its not the homosexuals.

>> No.14574771

I'm gay anon, my voice is normal, I don't giggle. Wasn't touched as a child, no sexual experiances of any kind actually. when I went through puberty I simply started getting attacted to guys, so explain this.

Seriously I hear on 4chan all the time how Gays are caused by all sorts of things, when for me I just became gay during puberty in the same way straight guys start finding girls attactive I'd assume.

>> No.14574778

They're caused by lust. Lust supported by some events giving them sort of sick pleasure. In both cases. Homosexuality is nothing much than sophisticated masturbation, marriage is only different from that in the sense of common children. To an asexual you all are as gross as some zoophiles are probably to you. Wrapping whole your identity around sex is kinda retarded. As if I would go out screaming what I want to jerk off to.

>> No.14574947

>Pro tip: Its not the homosexuals.
So why haven't them become extinct yet?
Also how come theres plenty of gay people without these genetic markers and plenty of straight people with them? How can genes codify for homosexuality?

>> No.14575066


correct females have no sexual orientation. There is not such thing as female heterosexuality. Most of the rise in LGBT identification in western countries is driven by females declaring themselves non-straight. Since males do have a clear sexual orientation and most males are heterosexual a majority of females end up stuck in heterosexual mode with male partners.

>> No.14575082

Straight men are capable of attraction to feminine gay men

>> No.14575687

not him but your post is cringe
>I'm gay anon, my voice is normal, I don't giggle
And fat 300 lbs women think they're just as "normal" as a model on the cover of a magazine.
>Wasn't touched as a child, no sexual experiances of any kind actually
The trauma doesn't have to be sexual abuse although it usually is. I knew a gay guy who watched a woman give birth when he was a very young child. Imagine watching a vagina explode with blood urine and poop spraying everywere as a woman is screaming from the worst pain of her life. That might influence your feelings towards vaginas a bit.
>when I went through puberty I simply started getting attacted to guys, so explain this
coping mechanism mixed with grooming. I was attracted to adult women's bodies by age 4. Still remember looking at the Sears catalog lingerie section at my grandparents house and wondering why my penis was getting stiff. The whole "I realized I was gay" is bullshit.
>I just became gay during puberty in the same way straight guys start finding girls attactive I'd assume
More cope. Men don't "start" finding women attractive at puberty. Like I said for me it was the first time I realized women have boobs, ie instant. What you describe is like a hostage saying they "realized" they were attracted to their captors after many months of trauma. They're not realizing shit, it's an illogical response to trauma called Stockholm syndrome that happens to some, but not all, people and faggotry might unironically be on the same spectrum as that response.

>> No.14575812

Ok lets try and keep the discussion scientific: What is the biological purpose for human homosexuality? Love or bonding was designed to keep parents together to look after an offspring with not only a large gestation period but a long path to adolescence and adulthood. Hedonistic pleasure is part of that bond but at least there is clear purpose for male female affection.

The penis was designed for the vagina. No ifs ands or but(t)s. We all know genetics make mistakes, we have a variety of genetic physical/mental diseases. I dont see a biological imperative for downs or homosexuality. Ergo my conclusion is they are genetic mistakes/disorders, and as with most genetic issues, likely some mixture of environment as well.

We have had homosexuals since the beginning of recorded time (just as we have had people with epileptic seizures). To find the cause of homosexuality we can also look at a reason for homosexuality - the only one I can think of is that homosexuality is a vector to spread STD’s in the broad population. Help me find another.

As a naive , rural 17 year old 1st year student, I made the mistake of thinking I could stay at the YMCA as there was no other (cheap) accommodation available. It was only then that I understood the meaning behind the “YMCA” song. So yes I am fully aware that not all homosexuals giggle, but I have had first hand experience of endless badgering and never seen a more promiscuous sex craving group of people in my life. And the majority are very excitable. That was 15 years ago, maybe times have changed. But I still have first hand experience of what I speak, unlike most of these virtue seekers in the world today.

>> No.14576065

>Ergo my conclusion is they are genetic mistakes/disorders, and as with most genetic issues, likely some mixture of environment as well.

That seems to be the consensus, altered genes that are caused either by infection/parasites, with sometimes the mutation being passed on to offspring from homosexual parents that reproduced somehow.

>> No.14576070

>Straight men are capable of attraction to feminine gay men

Even more amusing. Any source from .gov = illegitimate and biased garbage.

>> No.14576127

>What is the biological purpose for human homosexuality?
To promote same sex bonding

>> No.14576139

>biological purpose
Socialization. A myriad of other animals from all over the tree of life do this. More pertinently, all of our great ape cousins do this. Strict categories of heterosexuality and homosexuality are purely human inventions - social constructs in the literal sense.
>the penis was designed for the vagina
Plenty of other organisms use their penis to penetrate anuses. You're arguing divine design with sacred purpose (not /sci/). There is no serious support to this position without some sort of religious belief.
>vector to spread STDs
If the spread of disease determined some sort of innate moral quality to sexual actions then straight sex is just as bad...unless you're arguing that same-sex intercourse was okay until the appearance of AIDS in the 1980s, which is an illogical position.
This is what happens when people are forced to the back end of society. Telling an entire group of people that they're evil degenerates for that long has consequences. When sex is demonized, sexual expression becomes protest and liberation. It took root in that culture as a response to being forced to hide. Of course, not all non-straight people are like this. You're just making a long-held generalization. Also, since you were arguing evolutionary purpose earlier, promiscuity cannot be inherently evil. Men (like animals) used to produce many children with multiple wives. Promiscuity was an evolutionarily viable strategy to spread genes and maintain a population.

Your conclusion is wrong and unsupported by science. The reality is that humans are born sexually fluid. Straight men and masculine bisexual/homosexual men are the way they are because of social upbringing and culture. Being born into an accepting environment is what causes one to look outside the socially-enforced box of heterosexuality. Feminine gay/bisexual men are born with predetermined proclivities (see: OP) due to factors in fetal development and normal genetic variation.

>> No.14576159

>Plenty of other organisms use their penis to penetrate anuses

>> No.14576335

>More pertinently, all of our great ape cousins do this.
You are confusing dominant behavior vs homosexuality. Females mounting females and males mounting males is common in primates, but as an expression of dominance. penetration is rare, and ejaculation even more so.

Hedonistic pleasure is not on the smorgasbord.

>Plenty of other organisms use their penis to penetrate anuses.
Bullshit. Enuf said.

> then straight sex is just as bad..
No its not. The factor that underlies being a vector of disease is promiscuity. You have disingenuously ignored this fact. Aids was not spread by straight sex. Bestiality (another degenerate behavior) coupled with known homosexual behavior was the major way aids progressed.

>people are forced to the back end of society.
The recent example of Monkey Pox completely renders this argument as nonsense. Homosexuality is worshipped in the West. A group of homos in a Belgium fuck tub banging each other in as quick as succession as was possible are directly responsible for this latest outbreak.

When you look at the wide variety of other diseases that are still spread today despite the normalization of homosexual behavior, the only conclusion you can make is that this is degenerate behavior.

>> No.14576354

don't you have anything else to do other than bait all day on this pseud board

>> No.14576388
File: 28 KB, 359x350, whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>What is the biological purpose for human homosexuality?
>To promote same sex bonding

>> No.14576496

>what is female homosexuality caused by?
Scarcity of Chads to mate with in the vicinity

>> No.14576530

Science isn't a religion. It doesn't "support" anything.

>> No.14577432

>To promote same sex bonding
But faggots are pathologically promiscuous so they would not bond to just one individual the way a man and woman can.
If you are implying the bonding behavior is just a sort of "best bros 4 life!!!" where faggots are more likely to save each other from the saber tooth tiger/woolly mammoth, then that is also bullshit because psychopathy is highly advantageous and more common than "homosexuality" and its the exact opposite: secretly making sure other competing males get killed so you get ahead.

>> No.14577442

Look at bonobos

>> No.14577449

in my observations, female homosexuality is caused by one of two things:
1. extreme undesirability and lack of male attention throughout a woman's youth; a general lack of viable or desirable male presence over long periods of time
2. the girl's boyfriend wants to try an MFF threesome

>> No.14577496

>A myriad of other animals from all over the tree of life do this
Not a single one in nature has permanent same sex attraction and permanent opposite sex aversion besides humans. You are repeating a dumb LGBT lie.

>More pertinently, all of our great ape cousins do this
Not a single one does, they engage in temporary bisexuality, not homosexuality. You must lie about the term "homosexuality" to claim humans and apes can both be homosexual.

see >>14567825

>Look at bonobos
I've already seen them

>> No.14577651

>what is female homosexuality caused by?
lack of a good dicking

>> No.14577680

You WILL take the worm pill.

>> No.14578885

>This is homophobic propaganda
nope...it's just half the story. The other half is toxo/parasites

>> No.14578920
File: 25 KB, 640x360, getas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering now if the "corona virus" was released to increase the incidences of brain damage to cause homosexuality, and reduce global population?