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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 500x500, mfw pol's wiki page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14551221 No.14551221 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ has its own wiki page, /sci/ has none. what the fuck, this is clearly a major injustice. /sci/ is the highest IQ and most important board on 4chan, its unreasonable that /pol/ has a page and we do not. Anyone here page creation and image upload privileges? We can bang out our page right here, right now. Theres already a paragraph on us on the superpermutation page we can lift. has /pol/ ever been published in a resreach journal as an author? nope, they're only in there as a research topic like some stupid guinea pigs. /pol/ page is filled with stupid shit, our would be probably the best page on wikipedia. If i ever find out who is responsible for this injustice i will kick their ass, seems like thats the only way they'll learn /sci/ deserves more respect that it's getting.

>> No.14551229

have you seen the #1 stickies thread on this board?

it links to an absolute shit twiki nobody has contributed to in years because unlike any decent wiki it requires registration. but OTOH yes there definitely is a wiki if you read the fucking first fucking thread

>> No.14551235

>/sci/ is the highest IQ and most important board on 4chan

>> No.14551244

/sci/ is the chudlet board. science has a racism problem. until it is decolonized from its overwhelmingly privileged (white male) roots, it does not deserve a wiki.

>> No.14551254

i don't care about that, i care about /sci/'s public stature. we are more important than /pol/, we deserve to have a bigger, better wikipedia page.

> wrong
thats you

>> No.14551256

/pol/tard hands typed this bait

>> No.14551260

>/sci/ is the highest IQ
lol no thats /lit/

>> No.14551272

>we are more important than /pol/
i don’t get that. important how?

legitimately /pol/ is a force. remember that Trump once posted a pepe and also once posted a 4chan gif (pro wrestling edit where MSM logos got put on the faces of wrestlers getting moves done on them)

how is /sci/ “important” like that? i think as far as /sci/ goes, it’s more low-key. aside from the obvious /pol/ and /x/ and undergrad-read-his-first-textbook threads i think the best stuff (rare) that happens here is when someone with science chops actually makes a post or two, and even in that case we tend to shroud it in obscurity, since any actual content here is here because it is being anti-publicized and other anons relish the the idea of being in an “obscure” community unknown to the outside world. a lot of the appeal here is how “unimportant” we are as it facilitates a free space to post
shit that hopefully nobody you know and definitely hopefully not your boss will ever see

>> No.14551274

man are you autistic

>> No.14551278

you know i used to be offended by people saying this but it’s really lost all effect on me.

if you have anything to actually say though that would be a nice change of pace

>> No.14551280

>other anons relish the the idea of being in an “obscure” community unknown to the outside world
hello 2005. 4chan's public stature has grown substantially in the decades since 2005.

>> No.14551286

he literally said i dont care implying he does not care about /pol/ and much less its factually true more relevance. he just wants /sci/ to be better because he likes it more. i asked if you were autistic because you seemed to have missed this

>> No.14551299

it’s grown from “utter and extreme obscurity” to “moderate obscurity”

seriously, look. there was the Buffalo shooting right? and the shooter’s “manifesto” was a word document used as a collage of /pol/ memes interspersed with plagiarized sections.

and even that, a mass media event in the USA, the media only mentioned 4chan minimally. and if it did, it singled out /ppl/ only.

not even a (actually probably multiple) mass shooting(s) can push 4chan into mainstream awareness. we’re completely obscure. and it’s by design. this entire place is obscure and /sci/ is the obscure corner of an obscure and censored corner.

literally the only thing /sci/ ever got in the MSM for was the Haruhi problem and that just tells you how high the bar is before anyone even acknowledges us.

and that’s good, that’s how it should stay. just us frens

>> No.14551303

>there was the Buffalo shooting right?
glownigger psyop managed by the fbi

>> No.14551319


>> No.14551320

the fact that you needed to clarify on the definition of “glownigger” shows how gaslighted your understanding has become

>> No.14551418
File: 71 KB, 568x730, glowniggerjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14552278

/sci/ isnt more important. pol has produced multiple mass shooters, while sci only has a single contribution towards superpermuations, which is and absolute meme subject in the first place. there are a couple high iq well educated posters of sci, but they obviously rather publish their research in a journal, like a normal human