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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14550826 No.14550826 [Reply] [Original]

Science is now claiming, without evidence of course, that sickle cell anemia (and all other biological realities) are social constructs.

Why is Science like this? And how can we kill it?

>> No.14550865

This is a good thing. With climate change, malaria outbreaks are going to become far more common. The most practical way to tackle this is to mass distribute gene therapy to induce sickle cell disease in the general public. This also addresses the problem of high load on social insurance programs in the western world, as there will then be far more contributors than beneficiaries.

>> No.14550889 [DELETED] 

>science is twitter
This board has been infiltrated by a bunch of NIGGERS/WIGGERS from /pol/ that must have been molested in college or something. They are always seething about their education being shitty, and wrongly assume that education is shit everywhere else. IT IS A YOU PROBLEM. YOU MADE BAD DECISIONS.

cope + seethe + dilate back to

>> No.14550897

Based mad scientist finding actual solutions in clown world.

>> No.14550904 [DELETED] 

Scientists are amoral at best and evil at worst. The less people trust science the better.

>> No.14550917 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14551036

New Geophysics Science just dropped


>> No.14551645
File: 192 KB, 491x555, 1626596715185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And how can we kill it?
Go back in time and shoot whoever started tumblr. Other than that, just make peace with the fact that western civilization is beginning to implode and sit back and enjoy the show.

>> No.14551685

it is arguable which is better malaria or sickle cell disease

>> No.14551895

Sickle cell is pretty shit at stopping malaria, it's a marginal defense. We have drugs that can cure malaria in a week now.

The real solution is to exterminate the fucking mosquitoes which are basically biological waste anyways. Fucking flying hypodermic needles with no real importance to the food chain.

>> No.14553125
File: 87 KB, 894x362, peereview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14553183

Because it's heavily racial. Look at the statistics.
t. non-white

>> No.14553312

>Science is now claiming

"Medical Science" and many other fields are now discredited and deceased.

The media and 99% of "journalists",
"Fact checkers"
slogans like:
Trust the science
Safe and effective
etc. all contributed to the decline.

>> No.14553405

OP is now claiming, without evidence of course, that "science" is claiming...

>> No.14553417

"Science" doesn't need facts and evidence anymore!
Facts and evidence have declared racist by group-think comrade.

>> No.14553421

Yea.. where exactly in that exchange did anyone except the shitposter mention sickle cell? Since when are tweets science? Why was the source clipped out? I mean, I know why, but still.

>> No.14554415

yet another thread of poor, stupid, angry incels

>> No.14554478

Have you tried crying about it to other chuds?

>> No.14554531

Point on the doll where the tumblr fag touched you faggot

>> No.14554538

Election tourists are the worst kind of incel