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14550099 No.14550099 [Reply] [Original]

When will oil run out?

What will happen when oil runs out?

>> No.14550115

you know how hamburger grease doesn't seep through the paper bag nearly as much as like, printer paper? thats because its coated with a petroleum product
everything you buy has petroleum in it
the end of petroleum is the end of society

>> No.14550129

Basically nothing people will adapt. The problem is running out of oil before others do, then you are weaker.
By adapting i dont mean electric car. I mean you won't die or live in pain. You will have a normal life.

>> No.14550141

Oil isn't running out.
It is simply getting more and more expensive to acquire. More and more people will have to live with less.

The super rich will be able to refine oil from the the blood sweat and tears of a thousand migrant labourers if necessary.

>> No.14550188

you could still use bee wax or some alternative.
The only reason we use oil is because it's cheap and it's cheap because the economy is specialized in it.

>> No.14550190


>> No.14550195

Society can exist without oil

>> No.14550202
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>The only reason we use oil is because it's cheap and it's cheap because the economy is specialized in it.
You do realize this post is retarded, right? How can you live in modern times and not understand the fundamental importance of oil(+other fossils)?

>> No.14550207
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>> No.14550211

Their importance is not fundamental. People can live without oil.

>> No.14550218

90% of the world would starve to death without fossil fuels

>> No.14550224

Suppose they do what about it? So we live with only 800 million people. Thats not the end of society.

>> No.14550226

You can build a state of the art computer from scratch without using a single drop of oil.
Oil is just an economic factor and not a technological one.

>> No.14550246

>Thats not the end of society.
The death of 7 billion people would certainly be the end of modern society.

>> No.14550251

Most people are dead weight anyways.

>> No.14550258

Why? Just because its good for your narrative?

>> No.14550272

Everyone is dead weight when compared to myself, so if I was starving to death I would promptly grab the guns from my closet and fuck shit up. Such things are generally not conducive to a functional society.

>> No.14550282

Ok buddy

>> No.14550543

>be oil refineries
>have massive drop in demand for fuel because people started coofing
>so little demand you have to pay people to take it
>get massive bailouts from gov to keep everyone employed and the machines running
>lay everyone off, shut down the refiners, give bailout money to executives and shareholders
>refuse to turn the machines back on
>make mad profit on the massive demand for fuel
>blame the whole thing on sleepy joe
>sit and laugh with you opec pals while sipping children's blood

>> No.14550558

It's a renewable resource.

>> No.14550594

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.14550725

>without using a single drop of oil.
And oil is a lubricant and a key component in any polymer, not just a fuel

>> No.14550766


do you mean like zero oil (that will never happen) or do you mean for most things like cars or transportation. likely within the next 50 years.
Id advise you buy a nice classic like bmw e38 because that will be worth millions but then again gas will be like 500 dollars a gallon(or whatever new currency)

The reason there will always be oil is because synthetic materials exist and they're a by product of oil.


>> No.14550773
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billions will slaughter each other

>> No.14550795
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whats wrong with that?

>> No.14551041

so is the sun

>> No.14551052

Bees are gonna be extinct from micro plastics and monoculture farming very soon.

>> No.14551055

I guarantee you are a fat fuck and you aren't worth YOUR own weight in fertilizer

>> No.14551064

I dunno, I'd compost him. All it would cost me is some straw and a bit of labor.

>> No.14551069
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We make synthetics

>> No.14551083

Fertilizer doesn't require fossil fuels, it's just currently the cheapest option. All the hydrogen from natural gas could be replaced with hydrogen from water.

>> No.14551099
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>> No.14551734

>What will happen when oil runs out?

global human population will return to the mean;roughly 1 billion.

>When will oil run out?

we make more...

>> No.14551799

(you)'re not invited.

>> No.14551807

nothing. ironically, future generations will judge current civilization as extremely stupid selfish narcissists

>> No.14551866

We can make oil. It's expensive as hell but it's possible.

>> No.14551873

> What will happen when oil runs out?
End of Industrial Civilisation

>> No.14552070
File: 23 KB, 502x502, 8DFE4803-191C-4E4C-88B2-7B7A13F5E5F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’ve said oil will run out in 2000 70 years ago
It’s just another 2 more weeks hapooning their pushing to make the population scared and into getting more control

>> No.14552077

Is that a bad thing?

>> No.14552080

Boomer here.
According to science we were supposed to run out of oil by the year 1985 and be under water from global warming by 2000

>> No.14553144
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>When will oil run out?
>What will happen when oil runs out?
Current estimates say that oil reserves will be depleted in as soon as around 1000-1500 years.
Definitely going to be some hurting when humans run out of oil then.

>> No.14553147

FJB and FUCK the 40 million scum that voted for him.
Fuck fascist Democrats and RINOs in general too.

>> No.14553154

So gradual that population will just shrink organically over many centuries

>> No.14553179

>So gradual that population will just shrink organically over many centuries
Very likely, as famines pick up.
Humans are at peak-food right now.

Orchestrated famines are being created by western governments as we speak, to begin the decline of global human population.

>> No.14553313
File: 203 KB, 1173x875, Gas Scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not something to be concerned about at all.
what you should focus on is why corrupt installed coup's are raising prices arbitrarily on the public.

>> No.14553321

>You can build a state of the art computer from scratch without using a single drop of oil.
NOBODY is really this dumb to believe this! LMAO!

>> No.14553510
File: 41 KB, 1008x712, 2022-06-02 02_18_24-World Oil Statistics - Worldometer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will oil run out?
Some projections but it at about 50 years.

>What will happen when oil runs out?
Mostly our technological development is gonna slow down. Once cheap energy ends we can't have as many people doing technology and scientific research so everything will just slow down. Standard of living will also fall around the planet.

>> No.14553739

>Some projections but it at about 500-1000 years.
fify, looks like you posted without proofing it

>> No.14554024

long after humans are extinct.

>> No.14554052

>future generations will judge current civilization as extremely stupid selfish narcissists
The future generations aren't going to be retards. They're going to be Marxists that understand Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism and that current events and systems are shaped by the material conditions that define them. Capitalism will lead to Communism and as long as we realize that and work towards that inevitability without resisting we will be understood.

>> No.14554061

Both capitalism and communism fails once poisoned & overused. Thats why you cycle over them every few hundred years

>> No.14554101

>The future generations aren't going to be retards. They're going to be Marxists
Does not compute

>> No.14554105

>Capitalism will lead to Communism and as long as we realize that and work towards that inevitability.

So *Insert French socialist word for all means of economic activity i dislike.* Will "inevitably" lead to *Insert retarded propaganda critique funded London Jews and penned by the rich son in law of a Prussian aristocrat.* because reasons.

Communism will never happen, not because it's useless and retarded (it is.) But because it's outlived it purpose.

Communism was founded and funded/ artificially spread to divided the impoverished lowest class, the slighty better off working class "Lumpenproles", and the upper middle class petite bourgeois. Who upon the advent of mass literacy realized they had a lot more in common with each other.

Then they did with the Rulers/Oligarchs and their pet managerial bureaucrats. Who are notable in the fact that they seize and thieve all wealth but do no work.

Communism is no longer relevant, since mass media techniques pioneered in the 50~80s and more recently intersectionality. Is more useful in spluttering the unity and attention of the low classes than communism is.

>> No.14554107

ideologies are a spook, they're a mirage. i'm sure you're aware of the
>it wasn't real communism
meme. that meme is eternal because communism doesn't really exist, its just a fantasy that gets put in people's heads. in the real world, nations are run by groups of unprincipled coconspirators who disguise their true intent by shrouding it with ideological fantasies.

>> No.14554133

>in the real world, nations are run by groups of unprincipled coconspirators who disguise their true intent by shrouding it with ideological fantasies.

The unprincipled do have ideology, but said ideology practically boils down to 1.)Committing as much incest as physically possible, without producing invalids as offspring.
2.)And Obtaining as much nepotism in society as physically possible. Without destroying the skill base that makes the development of said society possible.

Besides that a agree all ideology and all post iron age religions, are just spook bait for retards.

>> No.14554147

In 1970. No, wait, in 1980. Hold up it's actually in 1990. In 2000 for sure!!!...
this will go on forever and it'll never run out.

>> No.14554151

Imagine being this retarded. Capitalism forces people to honestly represent their own value. Communism forces people to be valued equally. The reality of humans is that they're not all of equal value.

>muh late stage capitalism
Yeah, America abandoned capitalism long ago for a corporate oligarchy, or rather was rug pulled by kikes. This government is on its last legs and hundreds of millions are going to burn when it all comes to a head. If you're still some retard playing for team or team blue, then you're still sipping the kool aid and will burn with them.

>> No.14554193

Oil will not simply "run out", but existing oil reserves won't be able to keep up with demand and all new sources of will require complex extraction. The result is that oil will be impractically expensive.

>> No.14554194

> When will oil run out?
when the jews say so

>> No.14554253

You do realise oil has more uses then just fuel?

>> No.14554522
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>> No.14554598
File: 60 KB, 933x712, Not True.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except you are full of shit, and that isn't true at all. Oil production is going up in the US.

>> No.14554610

>Doesn't know what proven reserves are
you do know that proven reserves are only the CURRENTLY economically viable sources counted right?
So if the price goes up to say, $300 a barrel, the proven reserves increase.
Oil is quite literally the 3rd most abundant liquid on earth, and there are planets without life on them that have oil.
Oil is abiotic.

>> No.14555092

>1.)Committing as much incest as physically possible, without producing invalids as offspring.
If you have enough offspring you can compensate with shear numbers, some line will die out others will thrive

>> No.14555162


>> No.14555227

Well they orchestrated the gluts and sent them to africa to breed up their population to eventually flood europe when they fled a famine.

>> No.14555257

Im so sick of this NPC track

>> No.14555388

>Oil is abiotic
How does a fully grown adult come to actually believe such absolute horse shit?
I don't think you're legally retarded (you're obviously not very smart either though).. so.. how?
Are you a flat earther too?
I'd say science should look into this phenomena.. but it's more in the realm of psychology.. like why do people join cults or sign up for obvious ponzi schemes. It's interesting.

>> No.14555416

NTA, Some oil is likely abiotic though.
But the distinction is irrelevant, the big issue we have stems from questions of production vs usage rate so whether derived from bacterial mats or abiotic our usage rate grossly exceeds production.

Personally I'm more curious about the strange role of water.

>> No.14555430

As opposed to what? Free oil? You commies are so economically illiterate it's impossible to talk to you guys.

>> No.14555442
File: 387 KB, 595x344, consumer9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you're a fat, inbred, hick, without telling me you're a fat inbred hick.

>> No.14555473

>How does a fully grown adult come to actually believe such absolute horse shit?

Interesting fact: biggest oil reserves in the solar system are on Titan, moon of Saturn.

>> No.14555487

What is black goo?

>> No.14555513

>So if the price goes up to say, $300 a barrel, the proven reserves increase.

If prices go up to 300 per barrel, you die like a retarded subhuman, as the means by which your able to supply your worthless life with grocery cornsyup goyim food evaporate.

If the trucks and the ships and farms don't have cheap oil, bye bye food trade and industry. All the rest of the goyim economy is grift built off that.

>> No.14555551


>> No.14556293

>When will oil run out?
hundreds or thousands of years from now perhaps.
75% of oil is beneath the ocean, so thousands of years worth there also.
If they can run internet cables 3500 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, then pipelines up 2-5 miles from the ocean floors will be nothing to do.

>> No.14556455

How much oil do you think it takes to go and then transport back a large volume of material. From the ocean floor dumbass??

>> No.14556532

>lapis lazuli
Stupid rock name

>> No.14556534

Oil exploration has been going on for a century. If there were significant economic reserves to be found they would have been found by now. That means we the bulk of oil reserves is what we have got.
The vast majority of those reserves are located in Venezuela, Canada, Russia and the Middle East.
Venezuela and Canada are essentially de facto American puppets. So is much of the middle east, and when its not, it gets regularly fucked up by the Americans. Russia is presently on course for becoming a Chinese bitch.
While industry can in theory run on renewable or nuclear power the fact is distribution and transports networks will continue to rely upon fossil fuel. Electric cars and trucks are a meme. There is not enough rare earths in the world to the batteries needed to replace conventional vehicles. There will never be electric powered jet fighters, bombers or even useful tanks.
Therefore anyone who controls the remaining oil reserves will enjoy an unprecedented strategic and military advantage, let alone the advantage of retaining a 21st century economy while everyone else slips back into 19th century standards of living and uses sail boats to transport cargo.
So unless you are north American or Chinese I would advise teaching your future grandchildren to practice bending over a lot and investing in purchasing bulk supplies of Vaseline for them while you still can.

>> No.14556857


>> No.14556878

There are already wells in water that deep

>> No.14556904

Slowly crawling their way back. Wouldn't want to flood the market after all.

>> No.14556953

>If prices go up to 300 per barrel, you die like a retarded subhuman, as the means by which your able to supply your worthless life with grocery cornsyup goyim food evaporate.
>If the trucks and the ships and farms don't have cheap oil, bye bye food trade and industry.
Oil is still cheap at $300. In fact the price almost doesnt matter, only the physical supply of oil. Food used to be much more expensive before and people spent most of their money on food and then other things were much cheaper to compensate. Like housing. Today food is cheap while medical care, education and housing are extremely expensive, its all meant to make sure you never have any spare money, if you had any spare money the price of something would go up to make sure you dont have that spare

>> No.14556955

>How much oil do you think it takes to go and then transport back a large volume of material. From the ocean floor dumbass??
Let me guess, almost nothing?

>> No.14556962

welcome to the invisible hand
at $300 there will be a reorganization of priorities within the economy

>> No.14556990

Are you fucking stupid? You don't just shut down entire plants and lay off tons of staff then just magically resume full production when you feel like it. It fucking takes time to bring big machinery back online and hire/train people to be as effective. You don't live in the real world mate.

>> No.14556992

Dinosaurs are fake therefore oil is abiotic

>> No.14557014

They got a big bailout to keep those machines running and the people employed.
But you keep slurping that industry cock. Wanna tell us cigarettes are actually good for us while you're at it?

>> No.14557103

Well I guess we don't need oil then

>> No.14557137

not modern society

>> No.14557141

Where are you getting gas for $4.48? That's a bargain.

>> No.14557227

Define modern society

>> No.14558031

oil dependent ones

>> No.14558107

How circular

>> No.14558114

The petroleum required in those quantities can be produced synthetically (i.e. without fossil fuels). However, I imagine plastic will become much more expensive causing society to transition to materials that are more recyclable

>> No.14558128 [DELETED] 

As an exercise lets fast forward 10.000 years to a point when oil, gas and coal have been depleted. The total population might have crashed to a low but that was 10.000 years ago. What type of technological society could exist in a stable world with no gas, coal and gas?

>> No.14558135

What was the most advanced society in 1700?

>> No.14558137

As an exercise lets fast forward 10.000 years to a point when oil, gas and coal have been depleted. The total population might have crashed to a low but that was 10.000 years ago. What type of technological society could exist in a stable world with no gas, coal and oil?

>> No.14558141


>> No.14558143

Coal was used in 1700 and if you are saying society will just "be like 1700" you need to explain why. Because theres a lot more going on in the world than just fuel

>> No.14558211

minerals need to sustain a bonze / iron age society have been thoroughly depleted by fossil fuel enabled tech.
they might be able to keep something going by mining landfills for a few millenium, but even those are a non-renewable resource.
the truth is maybe even neolithic is a stretch since everything larger than a coyote is gonna be extinct
its the 6th mass extinction.

>> No.14558371

Oil isn't some kind of unique technology, it's just a means of providing energy for processes. Be those of transportation or manufacturing.
The only crisis we are heading towards is an energy one. And those problems are already being addressed by alternative solutions (renewable, fusion,...).

Nor are any minerals destroyed in the process of refining and manufacturing. This is the basis of any chemical reaction and chemistry in itself. They are just converted into new compounds and materials.

Stop with this doom and gloom and pick up a book once in a while.

>> No.14558385

You certainly haven't run the energy calculations to even your first understanding of a decimal place, acting like you have evidence is literal suicide.

>> No.14558391

I believe that in a worst case scenario ypu can keep a small but modern economy using hydroelectric power, so there will be cities near big rivers like the nile and the amazon and it will all be electric, that can keep going forever

>> No.14558395

>You certainly haven't run the energy calculations
Have you?

>> No.14558399

of course he has not because that would be
>literal suicide

>> No.14558402

How the fuck do you think I know you haven't? Have you even started tracking fictional computational masses like the "horizon of a supermassive black hole as the output" garbage? There are reasonable estimates and then there's people. You want a proof, help with the construction.

>> No.14558406

This is, at best, a massive case of mental retardation. More likely, this person is lying. Titan is full of simple hydrocarbons and semi-simple tholins a plenty, absolutely. But these are not really comparable to the complex combination of hydrocarbons and larger, more complex molecules that make up oil. Most of those and in their blends have to come from biotic sources. You're not getting crude from Titan any sooner than you're getting water ice from Venus.

>> No.14558407

So this is you admission that you have not calculated shit

>> No.14558410

>hydrocarbons and larger, more complex molecules that make up oil.
Nobody cares, methane is good enough

>> No.14558411 [DELETED] 

>Nor are any minerals destroyed
You ever heard of thing called "rust"
How about "corrosion".
Ya.. you may stupid when it comes to "selling your brand" or whatever.. but you're an absolutely retarded idiot when it comes to real life.

>> No.14558412

>Nor are any minerals destroyed
You ever heard of thing called "rust"
How about "corrosion".
Ya.. you may not be stupid when it comes to things like "selling your brand" or whatever.. but you're an absolutely retarded idiot when it comes to real life.

>> No.14558413

You can't use methane for loads of stuff petroleum products do, especially anything other than energy production.
It also doesn't change the fact that oil is biotic.

>> No.14558417
File: 1 KB, 314x41, d2d2424083a97dc600f7214df5983d8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please point out at which point the iron gets lost during this rusting process.

You can even reverse it by electrolysis or simply melting it.

>> No.14558419

>When will oil run out?
Possibly never new science concludes.

>> No.14558425

You're an embarrassment. Go back to collecting your dividends and being a good little CONSUUUUUMER
>new science
You must mean economics

>> No.14558443

if the renewable oil thing turns out to be real, yep. If not, there is still a couple thousand years left of oil and coal in the crust that we know about. More that hasn't been discovered yet.

>> No.14558447
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m8 I work in the chem industry. I am everything but consuming. In fact, you could say I am a PRODUUUUCER

>> No.14558454

>Im a producer
Cool I see we've got another one who's thoroughly brainwashed and totally committed to the consumerism bandwagon.
Maybe you can give me an estimate of how much iron oxide ends up on the abyssal plain every year, and why "smart people" such as yourself haven't found a mass producible solution to the problem of metal loss by oxidation/corrosion.

>> No.14558480

The only issue there is, is in refining the iron and putting the energy and work into it to create a usable product.
Iron is literally the most abundant element on our planet. Look it up.

Companies just have to act economically (which is only rational). And that's why they are so shy of switching from oil to other energy sources: investment costs/ loss of profits.

>> No.14558487

Your "market finds a way" happy dappy consumerist dogma is not an answer to the question.
Would you like to try again?

>> No.14558490

Try what again?
I'm telling you how it is.

>> No.14558494

can't you tell?

Its already happening

>> No.14558496

>Try again at what
Can give me an estimate of how much iron oxide ends up on the abyssal plain every year, and why "smart people" such as yourself haven't found a mass producible solution to the problem of metal loss by oxidation/corrosion?
>I'm telling you how it is.
You're not telling me anything that I can't hear out the mouths of politicians (worthless drivel).

>> No.14558533

>Can give me an estimate of how much iron oxide ends up on the abyssal plain every year,
no I can't because there is no such thing as the "abyssal plain"

>and why "smart people" such as yourself haven't found a mass producible solution to the problem of metal loss by oxidation/corrosion?
because there is no problem of metal loss.
Iron gets converted to Iron-oxide ("rust").
Carbon (oil, coal) gets converted to Carbon-dioxide.

You want to get it back the pure form? Invest the energy!

>> No.14558550

>no I can't because there is no such thing as the "abyssal plain"
Ya.. you're pretty stupid... i've been wasting my time (i guess this is 4chan afterall so shame on me).
> there is no problem of metal loss
delusional too. no surprise from a literal retard.

Honestly... whoever gave you your degree and hired you should be ashamed (if you didn't make that up). When stupid people like you gain access to gainful employment and the ability to vote with their dollars.. we all lose.

>> No.14558560

lel, you think all the rust from industry and machinery ends up in the Mariana Trench?
Keep on entertaining me.
While I keep the world running :^)

>> No.14558574

You actually are embarrassingly stupid.
It speaks volumes about the your opinion on things, i.e. "the market finds a way".

>> No.14558583

>What will happen when oil runs out

Transition to solar and nuclear for the majority of power production.
Batteries and synthetic fuels for energy storage.
Remaining fossil reserves will be used in industrial processes and to make petroleum products, the increased costs will see these offset by alternatives.
All of this will cause considerable political upheaval from the individual all the way up to the international scale, the war in Ukraine for example is arguably precipitated by shifting European energy politics.

>> No.14558586

Yea and real communism has never been tried. I know that drivel...

Please tell us more about all the metal that is lost to the abyssal plains. I might be a lost cause but you could try to enlighten some lurking anon. There might be hope!

>> No.14558607

>There might be hope!
There is absolutely no hope when a sizeable portion of the population is as stupid as you, has gainful employment, and votes with it's dollars.

This is what entropy looks like on the human scale.

>> No.14558674

Bullshit, methane can be a feedstock for anything else including liquid fuel

>> No.14558683

Thats a pretty pedantic way of saying bottom of the sea.
I figure the loss of metal to the sea is extremely small so not a problem for at least 100 million years

>> No.14558751
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>Where are you getting gas for $4.48? That's a bargain.
Yeah that was last months national average. Brandon/Democrats have raised it almost a dollar more now.

>> No.14558807
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>(i guess this is 4chan after all so shame on me)
All of 4chan is a 99% waste of time.
You are arguing against children, retards ( literally ) and bots.
Its only useful purpose is to reaffirm the fact that here are an immense number of fucking stupid people out there.
Perhaps the only worthwhile post to make is a low effort meme which has the following benefits:
1) Low effort means it takes up little of your time.
2) If any good will be used by others
3) Much more impactful considering this is an image board

>> No.14558810

>All of life is a waste of time.
fify learn to deal with that fact

>> No.14558876
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le bloat gluttony

>> No.14558975

What happened the previous time?

>> No.14559714

>What will happen when oil runs out?
We go back to medicine with glass syringes and it will all feel like 1800 again.

Just you wait..

>> No.14559727

the child speaks!
how cute.

>> No.14559807

God I wish that was me

>> No.14559812

Glass takes energy to make. If you have hydropower and crops you can make modest amounts of plastic. The adequate population level isn't 500 million or 2 billion or some random number like that, but the level that can be sustained by hydropower at a modern lifestyle.

>> No.14559837
File: 315 KB, 2000x1565, 1958-Ford-Nucleon.-It-was-supposed-to-be-a-Nuclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't nuclear energy fully substitute oil the way oil replaced coal ?

>> No.14560080

>way oil replaced coal ?
Oil didnt replace coal

>> No.14560365
File: 46 KB, 212x209, consumer19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck everyone who isn't me
ya exactly, cuz being an actual psychotard is so cool these days

>> No.14560503

>that one thing that massively drove up the price is a war on a completely different continent
>"nope it's all Biden's fault"

>> No.14561010

Price per barrel was higher in 2008 but we didn't get gouged at the pump as bad. It's more about profit.

>> No.14561069

>When will oil run out?
When we stop finding it

>What will happen when oil runs out?
We'll probably stop shooting each other over oil and shoot each other over the next best thing.

>okay, how much oil energy will it take to maintain and create your "green energy" source?
>oops, it looks like that means your green energy source is always dependent on oil
Don't even a need to calculate peak solar hours in winter here in New England.
One look at an energy density scale is all you need. The exponential difference in output is enough to justify not posting the numbers (for the benefit of green energy proponents).

The second it touches oxygen you stupid faggot.That's why it's called "iron OXIDE" (not iron).

>wax is oil
You're half right but I don't see BP beekeeping.

>It's not bidens fault it's all the people he hired whose at fault along with his policies
Why is everyone either chosen or raised by Biden an absolute piece of shit? Why are defending him?

>> No.14561121
File: 22 KB, 512x512, Untitled-design3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimatum of why no one cares about green energy proponents:

See this? This is one gallon of gas. Used to its full potential it will produce 132 megajoules of energy. How much energy...how much work does a human being produce in its lifetime? Maybe more, maybe less, but certainly not at the rate a liquid combustible can.

This one gallon of gas will do more work than any weenie politician on a podium, any Karen with a pipe dream or any cycling nimrod taking up traffic. Not even a hippie can burn enough pot in his life to equate to the amount of energy contained in a gallon of gas. So ask me why should I care about these retards? They aren't going to be mowing my lawn, they aren't going to be driving me to work and most of them probably are too stupid to even define what energy is in the first place.

Why should I care about them and their stupid ideas? Their health? Why should I care about their health? They're more worthless than the substance doing the work that's keeping them alive in the first place. You think any one of these people can actually survive without electricity? They can't even survive without internet, they would kill themselves without the ability for their stupid fucking opinion to be heard on the internet. Think about this the next time you talk to someone who thinks they know what society needs in terms of energy production, compare that retard to a simple gallon of gas. In most instances the shit they spew out of their mouths is more noxious than the smell of petrol itself, if only we could power society on their psychosis.

>> No.14561191

>One look at an energy density scale is all you need. The exponential difference in output is enough to justify not posting the numbers (for the benefit of green energy proponents).
Post the energy density scale

>> No.14561201
File: 53 KB, 1200x955, figure[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note: Nuclear is not listed but is up there with fuel oil obviously. Maybe that's also why greenies also tend to be anti-nuclear, materialists jealous over another material worth more than they ever will be.

>> No.14561208
File: 62 KB, 1920x1200, 1920px-Energy_density.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna post the NPC sourced one too because it actually proved me wrong. If we do indeed utilize the fat metabolism of these Karens and the starbucks coffee they drink, we might just be able to match the energy of diesel.

>> No.14561234

>Nuclear is not listed but is up there with fuel oil obviously
Three questions:
What is the energy density of solar power, hydroelectric power and wind power?
What is the importance of energy density?
Why does your graph posts methane at "20 Mpa" and not in the common way it is found and piped as gas?

>> No.14561428

>What is the energy density of solar power, hydroelectric power and wind power?
It depends where they are put, what time of day/year it is. It's not on the chart because it's really not calculable given the variables of those types of energy harvesters. Those technically aren't "energy dense" in the conventional sense, they have to be "densified" through batteries and transformers in order to produce actual usable power.
>What is the importance of energy density?
It's the amount of energy that can be stored in a region of space which is vitally important for transportation and power distribution. In the instance of batteries for instance, the energy received has to be capacitized to be able to be sent through power distribution. This requires intricate and sometimes expensive materials stacked in layers which by volume and weight still don't come close to gasoline, even if "recharged" (by what I wonder) multiple times. In the case of gasoline, coal or other "burnables", it comes in the form of crude which is pure potential that simply has to be refined and is ready to be distributed at your will.
>Why does your graph posts methane at "20 Mpa" and not in the common way it is found and piped as gas?
Not sure to be honest. Just grabbed one and went with it like I said anyone else could.

>> No.14561437

I asked you what is the importance of energy density, not what it is. And hydroelectric power doesnt have to be stored with a battery, the water reservoir is the storage. Water reservoirs are big like lakes and i dont see why that is bad. Can you explain why big lake bad?

>> No.14562346

>Why is everyone either chosen or raised by Biden an absolute piece of shit? Why are defending him
Joke's on fucking you, I'm not m*rican.

It doesn't take a degree in rocket science to see that the invasion of Ukraine and subsequent sanctions against Russia has a far bigger impact on price than anything else.
That's all I'm saying

>> No.14562362

>implying Ukraine isn't Biden's fault
Technocally true because Biden doesn't actually control anything, but it's still obviously the work of the American regime.

>> No.14562585

If everything in our society is made of oil and the huge amount of fertilizer and food we produce requires oil, what do you think will remain once that oil is removed?
Sounds to me like billions would stave, even before you consider the chaos that would ensue as people scramble desperately to try and secure their continued existence, knowing that the game of musical chairs is up.

>> No.14562603

Well they've been building up for the ukraine situation since at least 2014 when they staged the coup there.
Now their plans are reaching a fruition, destroy food production, cut off oil to europe and create false consensuses to eliminate domestic opposition.

>> No.14562631

The funny thing is that general public will eat it all up because they're either hopelessly brainwashed or just afraid to be ostracized or lose a job so they'll keep silent.
This ain't democracy imo, they don't care about the people anymore.

>> No.14562633

No fertilizer is made from oil and also not everthing is made from oil
Im literally living in a house made of cement, rock and steel. When does the oil kick in?

>> No.14562637

I think he's alluding to the logistics of the modern world which relies heavily on vehicles that operate on oil.

>> No.14562652

Basically all fertilizer is made is made USING oil (or other fossil fuels. Natural gas is heavily used in fertilizer production). It doesn't matter all that much if it's literally made of oil or requires oil to make it, so long as you don't have viable alternatives on the table.
That cement, rock and steel is also manufactured and transported using oil.
Can you replace all this with other sources of energy? Well, you'd have to rebuild the entire energy infrastructure to do it as well as the factories producing the goods (you don't simply re-tool a steel mill to run on electricity).

>> No.14562654

>they've been building up for the ukraine situation since at least 2014 when they staged the coup there.
Absolutely. I don't dispute that. Like I said, you can't blame it on one specific puppet president. All I'm saying is that the blame is directed in vaguely the right direction (the US government and its policies).

>> No.14562940
File: 345 KB, 1080x1080, 24-629f08b39fc84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are alternatives being developed for natural gas dependent industries based on 'Green hydrogen'.
Regardless of that, fertilizer production are using fossil fuels mostly as energy supplier or supplement for hydrogen (which is moot when you switch to GH). The actual production of those does not require oil as a resource.

And steel-mills have never been dependent on oil. Mostly coal and electricity (pic related).

>> No.14563031


>> No.14563285

The energy density of big lake is ridiculously low. It also releases methane from dead stuff decaying.

Energy density matters in general because it impacts how you engineer the system that uses that energy. Low energy density makes some things impractical, like battery-powered planes.