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14548801 No.14548801 [Reply] [Original]

autoimmune encephalitis -edition

prev >>14519054
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>inb4 not science
>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice

>> No.14548805

I hate every single EMR so much it's unreal

>> No.14548819
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>tfw sudden influx of first psychosis patients with elevated vkgc antibodies
>intensive testing and observation
>no other findings than the antibodies being elevated and obv the psychosis
>turns out the lab we outsource the test just fucked up with like 60 samples and the antibodies were falsely elevated

>> No.14548826

>tfw be me
>do cs degree and work a few years as a developer before med school
>constant fantasies of brutally torturing EMR devs

>> No.14548830

>Browser based EMR
>Can't read a patient's chart and fill a note at the same time without risking what they call "session bleeding" which leads to all the work being lost even if you close one of the tabs

I just want to get off.

>> No.14548845

is there a problem in drinking redbull when I'm taking antidepressants?

>> No.14548862

why did you do it?

>> No.14548896

i liked computers and programming, turns out it is a soul crushing bugman job developing shit that is mostly harmful to society

>> No.14548905

you might die

>> No.14548960

not a medfag but I just spent 3 hours reading about Aortic dissection, Abdominal aortic aneurysm, and Abdominal aneurysm

how does this shit not keep you guys up at night

>> No.14548967

its only soul crushing if youre an idiot who went into FAANG with no plan or connections and end up getting paid peanuts alongside the h2b pajeets

>> No.14548974

Can anyone recommend some meal prep/groceries shopping guides I can follow for medical school and residency? I know how to cook but I'm used to just making food and eating it on the spot or at least in the short term.
Ideally a really specific guide that I can brainlessly follow and just buy ingredients off a list (maybe with some options listed based on what is on sale). I don't want to dedicate an hour of every week researching what's on sale, calculating what would be cheapest to eat while still being healthy, and learning brand new recipe.
I don't care if I eat the same shit on repeat as long as its good for me, affordable, and time efficient.

>> No.14549016

my neuro doc told me about them, they can cause psychosis and schizophrenia-like symptoms in 30 to 40 years old women, an age you don't usually show disease onset
they're very often associated with teratomas, somehow
they're super interesting aren't they
I've seen an abdominal mycotic aneurysm operation during my vasc surgery rotation that shit was amazing

>> No.14549033

>shit that is mostly harmful to society
>implying it isn't the same being a doctor

>> No.14549114

>implying i do what you think i do
i didn't get paid peanuts nor was i at faang, but it was still soul crushing, what gives?

>> No.14549176

i'd guess it's just the body creating antibodies to the neoplasm and in the process nuking the brain

>> No.14549181


>> No.14549188

>super interestng
actually more like super fucking terrifying

>> No.14549199

idk what to tell you man. i dont see how you could be making good money and decide another 4+ years of education sounds like a good idea, unless you just enjoy the whole perpetual adolescence thing of being a college student into your 30s

>> No.14549221

>try to read a paper
>every other word in the abstract alone is some unknown unintelligible extra long biology term
how do medfags do it

>> No.14549250

Thats called jargon and you get used to it

>> No.14549324

because i literally couldn't have done it for much longer without shooting up an office

>> No.14549380

It's just another way you might suddenly die
There are dozens of those
Do you feel the same way about blood clots, or driving to work, or even doing groceries?

>> No.14549422

AAA and a lot of heart defects these have ways to be detected early though
Do doctors give each other echo cardiograms? Do you guys poke your guts to look for AAA?

>> No.14549745

Diagnosis: nonce

>> No.14549763

Treatment: no u

>> No.14549770

Contraindication: intermittent upper quadrant seething with localized Khope's lesions

>> No.14549885

not really no. hypochondriacs are not really suited for this shit for obvious reasons.

>> No.14550116

i want a continuous blood glucose monitor

>> No.14550203

This is the real thread right? The other one seems like schizo bait

>> No.14550387

most likely
apparently not a single psychiatrist knows about them, and it's a safe bet right now there are thousands of falsely diagnosed people with meds that do nothing to control their symptoms
kinda sucks
you learn to see yourself on the other side of the disease fence very quickly, and everything is seen through a lens of intellectual stimulation or tediousness instead
covid for example is the most boring bullshit one can come across

>> No.14550562

Why wouldn't a hypochrondriac want to pursue a degree in medicine and work in a hospital?

"I'm scared of the possibility of having a life threatening medical emergency that kills me quickly, or developing an undiagnosed yet preventable defect/disease that will kill me slowly; therefore I would never want to work in the one place that can fix both of these problems in the event they occur"

Like bruh why the fuck you lying, docs are caught prescribing themselves drugs they don't need all the time, when COVID first kicked off in 2019, doctors were prescribing themselves ivermectin and other meds, to the point hospitals ran out. You can't tell me docs dont cut to the front of the line to get a cheeky MRI done on some easily testable defects

>> No.14551943

Yeah, someone didn't take their meds

>> No.14552062

>doctors were prescribing themselves ivermectin and other meds
that never happened

>> No.14552075

Medfags, do your jobs fulfill you? Or are they atleast fun? Im currently in my second year of mechanical engineering but im seriously considering switching to medicine because, even if the material is fun to study, most engineering jobs sound like a chore.

>> No.14552100



Will you eat crow now?

>> No.14552115
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scientifically and medically speaking, how do you deal with stress?

>> No.14552249

>anecdotal evidence
>not a single data

>> No.14552328

Anecdotal evidence? Lol read the articles
The director of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s Lupus Center saying patients couldn't get refills because of Doctors are writing panic prescriptions is anecdotal? Multiple states limiting prescriptions of these drugs is anecdotal? Dozens of officials releasing statements condemning doctors for this is anecdotal?

Why are you seething over what obviously happened? Doctors are humans. Humans are selfish. Get over yourself

>> No.14552350

because that particular condition has a high comorbidity with other features that make them unsuitable to practice medicine. if i see one in my stomping grounds i'll punch them.

>> No.14552435

Different anon. As usual, as always, dumb motherfuckers can't and won't look at source material. When you want to believe it, you just blindly believe the journalists. Gell-Mann Amnesia every fucking time.

Look at the source document you dumb motherfucker: https://ontariorheum.ca/wp-content/uploads/CPSO-COVID-FAQs-May-26.pdf

All you had to do was search in a search engine the non-edited portion of that quote. This is an FAQ document preempting questions or problems before they arise. It is carefully edited, and unmentioned for context, to present a false impetus for a "news" story for clicks. Clicks dumbasses like you give them to keep them afloat while they profit from the grift.

SINCE I KNOW YOU CAN'T READ: YES, attempts to stockpile from certain hospitals and certain pharmacies did occur. What is NOT IN EVIDENCE is your bullshit claim that doctors were doing this for themselves based on an out of context quote from a giant FAQ. That's like saying writing emergency instructions means the emergency happened. Fucking stupid.

>> No.14552467

>>doctors were prescribing themselves ivermectin and other meds

Also needs pointing out, you moved the goalpost. Your citations referencing a preemptive FAQ on the law and ethics does not evidence your first claim. Nor does claiming doctors writing panic prescriptions evidence it. Nor does states limiting drug orders. None of these things are connected unless you first assume your conclusion.

"What is begging the question?"

>> No.14553060

well lookee lookee here
get over yourself :)

>> No.14553088

it's a great job, if you're doing the particular type of medicine you enjoy
otherwise it's pure pain and misery

>> No.14554964


>> No.14555304

Get like a wave of heat going from the bottom of my back up towards my neck over my shoulders a few times a day, looked up hot flashes but they last 30 seconds up to minutes according to le web and for me it's like a single wave of intense heat that's over instantly lasting 1 second max. Could it be neurological? I'm male(male) and my hormones are good.
>Muh medical advice
I just want to know if it's worth a visit to the doc, shekels are tight at the moment.

>> No.14555336

I smoke weed every single night and I’m still passing med school. Fyeah

>> No.14555411

Nobody's going to give you advice. Besides, can't. If you know anything about medicine you know there are a million possible things from "sore muscle" to "Oh look he has a tiny tumor pressing on what the fuck even is that" to "ultra rare single family genetic disorder never seen before". Horses, not zebras, you have a sore muscle.

Point is, people online can't help you. You need a physical examination. There's no way to skip that step. If you need financial help or something, nearly every state or city has local offices that offer means testing. At least in every city I've lived in the past 10 years. Try contacting your city social services and asking about that, to try and get something on a more means-tested basis or something that considers debts or other problems you may have.

As a poor fuck myself I know it's fucking ridiculous how many hoops you have to go through, but people online literally cannot help you figure out whether it's "a sore muscle" or "orthostatic hypotension" or anything else. It's impossible. You have to go find out how to get a doctor through social services.

>> No.14555423

I appreciate it a lot. Thanks anon.

>> No.14555594

No worries. I think threads like these may benefit from explaining the "why" of why medical advice can't be given (you literally need a physical exam) meaningfully. It'd be nice if there was a compendium of social services that could be linked as well. All I can do is ask, as I'm never around when the thread restarts.

>> No.14555852

>I think threads like these may benefit from explaining the "why" of why
If you can make a short explanation it could be added to the op, but really it has been tried before and retards don’t care nor do schizos and will eventually serve as troll bait.
I might just be too cynical

>> No.14555882

That is a fair point, of course, and trust me anyone can see the schizoposting. Since I proposed the idea I will make an attempt, anyone can suggest modifications of course. I make no claim to any expertise on the matter. It is simply in good faith it may help the occasional stray anon, who may see it and have a moment of realization that he need seek out local services. Everything can be troll bait of course, so I grant you that.

Perhaps something like "Meaningful medical advice is impossible over the internet. Physical examination and detailed knowledge of a person is required for meaningful help. If money is an issue, then seek out local social services relevant to your country, county, or city. We cannot, will not, give such fake advice"

I do not know if there is some "catch-all" database for medical related social services for an international audience. I know directories exist in many states, and in some countries, but I also do not want to overly shit up the OP with detail. It may be worthwhile? Speaking frankly, and on the schizoposting thing, we absolutely do have some intellectually inept people around the place. They may genuinely need help on that score, as I've met far too many people who mentally cannot understand "I can google it". Just sayin.

>> No.14555916

There are totally things you can diagnose online. If I gave a picture of a lump and gave you an adequate description of symptoms, you could tell me what kind of cyst it likely is.

>> No.14555936

I concede proximate diagnostics can be possible on visual identification, for some cases, but ultimate causation cases are too numerous to account for. A person may seek diagnosis for a rash, but the ultimate causation could be mold, or infection, or on and on it goes. Even dermatologists biopsy superficially evident cases for confirmation nothing more serious is going on.

I could modify the sentence to account for this, "Meaningful medical advice is impossible over the internet. Physical examination and detailed knowledge of a person is required for meaningful help to determine ultimate cause or underlying conditions. If money is an issue, then seek out local social services relevant to your country, county, or city. We cannot, will not, give such fake advice"

>> No.14555945

You're basically saying you can't give online diagnoses because there's a high likelihood you can be wrong. But that's a moot argument since physical examinations often also fail to give you a proper diagnosis. I don't recall the numbers off the top of my head, but the misdiagnosis rate is rather high.

>> No.14555950

>"Meaningful medical advice is impossible over the internet. Physical examination and detailed knowledge of a person is required for meaningful help to determine ultimate cause or underlying conditions. If money is an issue, then seek out local social services relevant to your country, county, or city. We cannot, will not, give such superficial advice."

One more modification to comport with the note on proximate v ultimate or significant causation of underlying conditions. Should've done that prior to submission. My bad.

It is not merely high likelihood of inaccuracy, but inability to perform checks to constrain or narrow the scope of possible issues. There is a difference between "Has the ability but lacks the skill" and "Lacks the ability the skill be damned".

>> No.14556590
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I have labour job in rural area where it's possible to accidentaly cut off finger or toe
So i want to study some /med/ so i could sew them back
Anons, where do i start?

>> No.14556794
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I wonder how many physicians practicing today wouldn't have matriculated under the current level of competitiveness? Pic related is the current TMDSAS data for the EY22 cycle. They're still waiting on ~600 data points.

>> No.14556856

>I wonder how many physicians practicing today wouldn't have matriculated under the current level of competitiveness?

Is there any evidence that selecting for the highest-testing applicants produces better quality doctors?

The doctors I had who went to school in the 1970s, when it was far less competitive, have all been more human and more competent.

Now that the doctors I am dealing with are my age or maybe 10 years older, they all seem like...they have autism or something, at least a TON of them, e.g. unable to make eye contact, difficulty with pragmatic language.

I usually test them by responding to their "so, how are you today" when they come in the room by saying "well, not very good, doc, otherwise why would I be at the doctor?"

Most of them just don't get it. It's sort of creepy that someone can be a doctor and not get that sort of statement, it is like they are spergs who have memorized the "proper answer" to that quetsion is 'I'm fine' even tho we're not there to shoot the shit, we're there because I am ill, obviously. If my answer is "fine" why would I be at the doctor's office, you fucking MD sperg.

>> No.14556858

>they all seem like...they have autism or something, at least a TON of them, e.g. unable to make eye contact, difficulty with pragmatic language.

Also, have a buddy whose wife is a doc. She is literally incapable of socializing when there is a party, she just invites 1 or 2 nurse/doctor colleagues and sits talking to them. If she gets up to go to the kitchen to get something and you try talking to her, it is like she just doesn't have any capacity to engage in conversation w/ people who are not nurses or doctors. And it's not because she's especially smart, when I have listened in, she is mostly talking to her nurse/doctor friends about what they watch on TV, whereas us non-doctors tend to talk about all sorts of things.

>> No.14557550

It's brutal, I feel really lucky to have even gotten off of the wait-list with my stats. 516, 3.79 science gpa. Most of my classmates are like 21-22 as well and I'm 29. At the same time, they're all asking super basic questions about general life stuff in the GroupMe etc so I'm convinced many of them were just carried through undergrad and high school by their parents.

Gonna be a wild ride.

>> No.14557558

Do you do any math or physics in med school?

>> No.14557573

stats and that's it

>> No.14557634
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>have flouted just about every PPE requirement imposed upon me at work because I literally just don't give a shit about getting covid myself
>still don't fucking have it
I am nothing short of diligent when it comes to avoiding spreading it between patients via unwashed hands and equipment, but when it comes to myself I don't give a shit that the heavily demented covid positive patient has surprisingly removed their mask and coughed all up in my face (that doesn't have any sort of PPE except a mask and gown).

And yet dozens of colleagues are TERRIBLY scared of getting it, even the ones that have already fucking had it and said it was better than even getting the yearly flu. I just want to be able to fucking touch my own face and maybe even get myself a drink of water, and despite washing my hands after handling the mask I'm still given dirty looks by your average nursoid.

>> No.14557949

What specialty would you guys recommend if I want
>residency(+fellowship if required) is <6 years
>earns enough money to realistically own a home, raise a family, and retire at a reasonable age without living above means in california on the salary alone (if the salary alone is too little, it's okay as long as the work life balance would make time to work for someones private practice or do part time telemedicine).
Less necessary but still desired:
>wants to work in a hospital setting, ideally a community hospital
>wants to work mostly regular hours
>wants to have patient interaction and provide longitudinal care
I don't care how competitive it is. Originally I thought I would be happy doing internal or family medicine but everything is super fucking expensive right now especially in california and I don't think I would be able to affordably start a family as those even with smart investing, saving, and living like a resident. Like fuck man I don't care for luxuries at all but I can't raise a family in my parents basement or the ghetto.
What kind of response would you like to hear best? Is it something along the lines of "sorry to hear that, could you tell me more about what is bothering you". There are tons of bedside manners books out there to read, which one would /med/ recommend?

>> No.14557968

I hate being a doctor. I am tired of internal medicine and I hate that I have to keep suffering it, from medical school, to intern year, to residency, before I get to do the shit I actually like.
The medical curriculum is outdated, it makes no sense to shart out doctors with superficial knowledge of every fucking field instead of letting people specialize earlier on, after learning the necessary basics. Everyone is insufferable, including the patients, and the pay is not enough to make me want to stay.

>> No.14558095

My Canuck province is trying to push everyone into family medicine, but we have the stupidest rule that if you work FM, you have to work somewhere else, such as rounding in IM, ED, or working FM out of 2 different clinics for "the hours". I have done residency in 2 different clinics here and it's the same thing: either do 1.5 weeks/month rounding in the associated hospital's IM unit, or in the other place it's at least 10 days/month rounding in the clinic's associated LTC unit. Is it like this everywhere else? I was interested in FM. but not anymore.

>> No.14558166

can temporomandibular joint dysfunction get so bad that it gravely affects QOL or is it always relatively benign?

>> No.14558171
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>all prescribing now browser-based on Edge in IE compatibility mode
>most admissions are geris with several million regular medications

>> No.14558213
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>> No.14558224

Just what picture of humans do you have that this will stop more than like 5% of med advice seekers? Or are you just making this suggestion for suggestion's sake?

>> No.14558234

Who said anything about stopping people? It was an interesting mental exercise to figure out something approaching optimal wording, and for some it might snap their lazy or unthinking ass to realize "Oh right I can do that". People are creatures of habit, you can do something needlessly or be unaware of "the obvious" because it never crossed your mind. Perhaps it did not exist when you were younger, perhaps it only recently was added to your area.

If a simple phrase might actually help somebody, and it comes at no real cost, what more reason do I have? I already did the work, what silly little amount it was, to propose the thought. If it helps 5% of people, be happy 5% of people could be helped. Either way I don't care.

>> No.14558266

Based. You must work at a shit hospital, though, I keep my mask around my chin at all times and never catch any shit for it.

>> No.14558334

>What kind of response would you like to hear best? Is it something along the lines of "sorry to hear that, could you tell me more about what is bothering you". There are tons of bedside manners books out there to read, which one would /med/ recommend?

It is literally like talking to an autistic person who has just "memorized the script" similar to how they have memorized the medical textbook, without any intention behind it, just a sequence of symbols.

A more appropriate greeting is "hello, what seems to be the trouble today?" The issue is that with the old-school docs, when I tested them this way, most of them chuckled and said "Fair enough, what's the problem today?" The newer grads all just go "huh? What?" and get this anxious "That wasnt the response I was expecting, oh shit!!!" look in their eyes.

Plus lots of them just sit and basically type everything you say into a computer. I'm not even sure they practice medicine so much as risk management.

>> No.14558372

For a while after I fap, my body seems to crave stimulation and physical contact more than ever.
My skin wants affection and my back muscles feel like they want to stretch and pulse.
What mechanism does this?

>> No.14558519

>Is there any evidence that selecting for the highest-testing applicants produces better quality doctors?
There's general evidence showing positive correlation between IQ and job performance and I'm pretty sure the MCAT and GPA are both somewhat correlated with IQ (GPA would be a stronger indicator but I also think the right tail of MCAT scorers would have a strong correlation when looked at by themselves).

yeah, I can see these traits in myself desu

>> No.14558523

>lucky to have even gotten off of the wait-list with my stats. 516, 3.79 science gpa
these are still good stats though

>> No.14558623

>tfw internet+phone goes out at the hospital
>can't access anything
>get got new admit for acute abdomen
>don't know shit about him
>radiology tech is calling my personal cell every 2 minutes to see if the patient is on coumadin or not
>not even the nurse's usual paper medication record is available because it's now connected to the stupid online medication dispenser
>they can't see shit cause nothing is loading
I think the EMR here only lasted 2 weeks before it was all reverted back to paper.

>> No.14558634

That just sounds like they gave your infrastructure to the lowest bidder. What the absolute fuck? No local intranet, power and intranet backup servers, all the other stuff even MODERATELY important servers need?

If all the patient shit is remote that's fucking terrifying. Local records and critical processes should be kept locally with remote backup not "require internet for everything". That's fucked up jesus christ.

>> No.14558649
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>wah I want to practice medicine without learning medicine
just go become a n*rsoid p********ner then, I enjoy everything I've learnt because I'm not a dumb bimbo who thinks medicine is about only doing niche shit

>> No.14558723
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>anon comes in with trigeminal shingles
>give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.14558808

What is this post-op? Open Appendectomy?

>> No.14558875

>There's general evidence showing positive correlation between IQ and job performance and I'm pretty sure the MCAT and GPA are both somewhat correlated with IQ (GPA would be a stronger indicator but I also think the right tail of MCAT scorers would have a strong correlation when looked at by themselves).

As I understand it, in some sense people are fatter and sicker than ever before, and some of the blame had to be for doctors. That's another thing, I've always been hefty, except for a brief period where I ate lots of read meat, etc.

My 1973 MD would make somewhat cutting comments about my weight, this would prob. be considered "fat shaming" today, but I think it's very helpful---my grandmother did the same thing, and the cumulative effect eventually had me look into my diet and lose weight.

She retired a few years back, and every doc I have test driven, even getting them to chart my weight and list that I am obese, they just act like "what? why would I do that?" I have to directly tell them "look, my weight is obviously a medical issue, its not healthy for me to be overweight, would you please at least reinforce that?"

They all act like "what? why would I do that?" I mean, I don't want them to go "hey, fatty, what's up," but they just seem like they don't care...again, a sort of autistic lack of empathy. My 1973 doc was there when I was born, she certainly cared about me in a quasi-familial sense, such as a professional ever does, I was one of "her kids."

I get the sense that for a lot of these younger docs, they just dont think that way.

>> No.14558879

It's because the fact naysaying patients to their face is highly correlated with being sued. Sadly the more superficially nice doctors are the less they face lawsuits, irrespective of apparent wrongdoing. You've been outvoted by statistical reality, basically. Or so I recall.

>> No.14558885

>There's general evidence showing positive correlation between IQ and job performance and I'm pretty sure the MCAT and GPA are both somewhat correlated with IQ (GPA would be a stronger indicator but I also think the right tail of MCAT scorers would have a strong correlation when looked at by themselves).

So, presuming that MD programs are now far more competitive than they were in 1973, this doesnt seem to have resulted in a healthier population, that is sort of what I am saying.

The mythology that the "highest GPA" is the "best professional," there's very little evidence for that. Things like the LSAT were instituted fairly recently, and AFAIK there is no evidence that it has improved the quality of lawyers. Same for MCAT, high GPA standards.

In fact, the personality type that will study obsessively to get a GPA high enough to go to medical school, get a competitive MCAT, that might be a sort of personality that has serious problems in terms of relating to "normal" ppl.

Like, the example I have is that in highschool, me and a few friends, we all got like 89-93 in Chemistry, Physics, Math, etc. without even studying.

The kids who got 94+ studied like 6 hours a night. We did things like play guitar, go on dates, have outside political interests, etc. The kids who got 94+ literally did nothing but study, then literally do nothing but study at Uni, they basically did not develop socially in anything you could call a normal way.

I really don't buy that there is that much difference between a 96 and a 91 on a closed book, timed test, but, practically speaking, the 91 is going to have a much harder time getting into medical school, esp once in University that 91 becomes maybe an 83.

So just because someone can study for 6 hours every night and do nothing else and get the top grade doesn't mean he's going to really be a better doctor, lawyer, etc. etc. IMO that is a myth.

>> No.14558895

You're looking at only one selection scale when there are several. One that has been far more aggressive than GPA has been personality. The idea there's an asshole doctor who is incredibly competent is just lawsuit bait to modern admins. That's why. The competent ones who wouldn't bullshit you get filtered out.

>> No.14558976

>No local intranet, power and intranet backup servers, all the other stuff even MODERATELY important servers need?
Only things that had backup power were the fridges in pharmacy and for insulin, antibiotic fridges. It was only a few units in the hospital that had switched to EMR, so they provided no backup in the case of an outage, of course because they didn't expect it to happen. All but the out-patient post-partum unit continue to use the EMR right now.

>> No.14558979

That's criminal. Whoever signed off on that in admin needs to be hung from the admin office as an example. Jesus. Companies take more concerns over reliability for their fucking videogame servers.

>> No.14559088

I think people from medical records and IT who decided it. No input from any clinical staff at all. Everyone got a 4 hour long training, and BAM, it was up and running.

>> No.14559096
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So did anyone explain to them just how much they fucked up and how many people they could've / did kill???

>> No.14559168

Not advice but serious question. I am a in the medical billing field. We barely know enough about medicine to function in the industry to do the bitch work. Anyways, is the reason why men have more blood is because of erections? I assume if men and women have the same amount of blood and a man got an erection he’s just pass out due to blood doing to the dick. Also, how will documentation be handled in the future with all this transgender non-binary shit. Like for right now. Insurance will deny claims that, for example, say prostate exam and the gender is female. Does not make sense for a female to have a prostate exam because nadel women do not have prostates. It will be very weird for insurance companies in the near future to have to disregard that idea have to accept prostate exams for women. Well, honestly if there are errors it probably isn’t much. We are all trained and view all the documents and aren’t stumped by medical necessity because we need all information to bill. Transgender or not. I am also drunk. Lol. Don’t worry about my ramblings of the medical industry. Man, you doctors are so pretentious. I mean I know you got hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and know a lot because of years of experience but please be nicer to your underlings like us. You can be quit rude.

>> No.14559181

Man reading this sound like shit. I should be banned for being a drunkard. Being a lackey of the medical industry sucks. Wish I went to medical school inside of this bs. I’m just a loser that grew up in 4chan. Been here since like 12. I don’t have the intelligence to be a doctor. Man. My parents are so ashamed. I still live with them at 30 but I make 50k a year and save it all. No rent for me hahah. Yeah. So. God I hope this doesn’t ban me. I go here everyday. It’s my Reddit but I’m not a gay faggot redditer. Well I am gay. But. Yea know. Everyone one 4chan is gay. So many nazi trannies in pol. Love the kiwi fames haha.

>> No.14559189

Every year I get 0.5cm and smaller lumps on my right hand around about winter
They look like normal skin however sometimes in the centre there is a darkened patch and they kind of bulge my skin rather than poke out as dots
They make my fingers feel very tight and it can be hard to move them, currently my pinkie can't bend properly because of swelling around the joints
After winter is over the skin starts peeling and then they're gone
I've shown two doctors and both times they've said it was warts but I'm really fucking sick of this, this year in particular it's especially annoying and the lumps are restricting my hand more than it ever has
What are the chances these aren't warts? I can't afford to get them frozen off if they are, especially since from what I hear they have a high chance of coming back
They've been on my hand for about 6 years btw

>> No.14559194

>tries to prove doctors are autistic
>outs himself as an autist instead
They know that you're sick, "how you doing" and similar sentences are just cliches to break the ice and so they expect a cliched answer back before they get down to business. You going
>well uhmmmm ACKSHUALLY I'm not doing fine duhhh that's why I'm here
just makes you seem like a nonce

>> No.14559199

>They know that you're sick, "how you doing" and similar sentences are just cliches to break the ice and so they expect a cliched answer back before they get down to business. You going
>>well uhmmmm ACKSHUALLY I'm not doing fine duhhh that's why I'm here
>just makes you seem like a nonce

No, I've already explained that older doctors are not spergs so they can deal with it. Expecting chliched answers is how autistic ppl cope.

>> No.14559241

>had it and said it was better than even getting the yearly flu.
I still think back to 20 fucking 18. That was a year. I had a cold that left me with a sore throat and general cold-like malaise for a week. I imagine it was just some cold strain.

The 'rona was one day of chest tightness, one day of not even fever, and a few days of no smell. SHUT DOWN ALL OF THE PORTS.

>> No.14559550


>> No.14559602

There's this guy in my uni group who can never stay still, he always taps his foot and moves around in his seat. Whenever the professors give us something to work on and he can't figure it out, he slaps himself or punches his desk and mumbles to himself. What the fuck is wrong with him? I'm in a female-dominated field and I can tell the girls are genuinely scared of him.

>> No.14559622

Maybe learn how to read. I like learning medicine, I don't like practicing. There's virtually no difference between a doctor's work and a nurse's. All the nurses who barely made it through highschool would be able to do what I do on a daily basis, since it requires absolutely no brain power.
I'll probably drop out and go back to university to study something STEM.

>> No.14559641

What's all the fuss around dostarlimab?
Is it the miracle treatment for ass cancer?

>> No.14559648

I don't think I've met a single patient who was not at least 10 times more retarded than the average doctor

>> No.14559686
File: 56 KB, 960x960, 1650803260642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>autoimmune encephalitis

hey im currently being evaluated for this

how fucked am

>> No.14559708

Hey guys
Pushing 30
How best to maintain my brain health.

Mediterranean diet
Omega 3's
Challenging questions and work in free time

>> No.14559730

is it normal to need to consciously breath during steady state low intensity exercise to not run out of breath? if i don't consciously think about breathing my performance becomes very subpar

>> No.14559737

What type of stats exactly and how much?

>> No.14559750

I'm an engineer. Being a GP seems extremely comfy and you get paid a lot.

>> No.14560309

Average MCAT 519 and GPA 3.92 at my school. #3 in Texas, 47 in US.

>> No.14560446

>What the fuck is wrong with him?

Could be iron deficiency, or choline deficiency, or a ton of other things. I had a prof like this, he would, like, wildly gesticulate and rub his head when "thinking." He was obviously "on the spectrum." I like the choline/methylation hypothesis of autism, there is some good animal research on it IMO, and some strong correlations w/ female prenatal/child postnatal nutrition.

"dont eat eggs, you'll die of a heart attack in 4 decades, but in the mean time, you and your child will express an autistic phenotype! But your heart will be SO HEALTHY!!"

>> No.14560453

>All the nurses who barely made it through highschool would be able to do what I do on a daily basis, since it requires absolutely no brain power.

Thank you for admitting this, it is my subjective impression of medicine, that it is like something I am more familiar with, law, where to get the JD and pass the exam is sort of difficult, but then when you practice, you basically do things that a reasonably bright Grade 8 boy could do.

Have a friend who is a Judge, whose Dad was a Judge, and he once told me in a sort of hushed tone "well, law is basically grade 8 English."

If our education system started failing people in English 8 like it does in Math 8, put every chinky chan in "modified English" and prevented him from ever getting a university degree, it would be pretty hilarious.

>> No.14560456

do they hurt at all?
Post pic also

>> No.14560458

>I don't think I've met a single patient who was not at least 10 times more retarded than the average doctor

I respect the doctor I had from birth to 35, because she believed in benign neglect, she never tried to push anything on me, she basically would say, from about 15 onward, 'well, you've got to take care of yourseslf, are you exercising?'

Also, my dentist, who was a prof of dentistry, who always commented on how my teeth were good, and said "well, you're a bit chubby, so am I, but what would you rather be, thin and getting root canals? Most people don't eat an appropriate diet."

As for retarded, I learned how to strike terror into the heart of the physician, I ask (1) who taught you ethics? and (2) could you define fiduciary for me?

>> No.14560460

I don't know, what's up with you?

>> No.14560462

IMO you are more likely to be deficient in choline than omega3s.

>> No.14560677

I've always wanted a doctor who would act like a mechanic doing shop talk. I'm not a doctor, but due to other reasons ended up accruing a lot of medical knowledge. The problem is that, in spite of this, I can never find a doctor who will just give me an explanation that isn't "vague nothing sentences". The only one I've ever found willing to discuss medicine with me ended up retiring. I hate this.

>> No.14560685

>The problem is that, in spite of this, I can never find a doctor who will just give me an explanation that isn't "vague nothing sentences"

I like when they start speaking more slowly, like they are talking to a child, often they gesticulate, but they dont really answer the question you asked, especially if it is something like "OK, you have said it is not this, because test Y. You have said it is probably Z. So, what's the basis for your statistical reasoning here? And you're admitting it's possibly not Z, so what else could it be?"

>> No.14560743

I've tried. I'm not an autist and for a normal person it is hard to be aggressive with people just doing their jobs. "Look I do university level maths and stats stuff every day AND it's relevant to medicine can you please give me your reasoning so I know what your thought process is" doesn't get me much further either.

Seriously, doctors, how the fuck do I flip your switch off idiot mode I want to be IN AND OUT not given comforting pats on the head holy SHIT. If my mechanic acted like that I'd fire him, and lord knows I've tried to find another doctor but they're all the same. Where's the fuckin "real talk" button?? Sorry, just fuckin frustrating.

>> No.14561155

Hell yes. I think even 4 docs from my dept wanted to either resign or sue for the fuck-up. The nurses and pharmacy techs were going crazier than usual. One even retired early, he was that fed up.
I never want to work with EMR again.

>> No.14561182

Well thank fuck some consequences were had. I was just imagining such a ridiculous thing in my head, and I cannot fathom the sheer fury of the dressing down I'd give them. I hope the doctors gave them a "what for" in the same vein to make a drill sergeant proud. Sorry you, and the patients, had to endure someone's colossal stupidity like that.

>> No.14561285

Is this the thread to ask about medical fun facts?
I was curious how getting a cold works. Is it correct that contrary to what people believe it's not being out in the cold that gets you sick, but the fact that your immune system is preoccupied with dealing with the fact that you're out in the cold and so it lets you get infected with some bullshit that it would be able to catch otherwise?

>> No.14561886

it's terrifying that those stats correlate to being number 3 in Texas instead of #3 in the US

>> No.14561893

It's just a fucking virus(es). People are indoors and the heat is on during winter. Nothing is aired out, contagious microbes multiply while everyone cobbles in together and breathe on everything and each other. The air is dryer indoors, so the respiratory tract is likely not as happy and moist as usual, leaving it more susceptible to the icky shit in the air and starting with a nice dry cough to instigate a dash of irritation and inflammation to those endothelial linings. Viruses that create colds never really go away, they just hang out and create infections sporadically until conditions are swanky enough to get the entire office sick.

>> No.14562049

GPs generally work more hours with less pay on average.

>> No.14562071

>Where's the fuckin "real talk" button??
The discussion section of papers and congresses. If you want clear understandable and comprehensive explanations don’t go to biology and stay in engineering. The scale of complexity is many times higher than a car.

>> No.14562158

The problem is that we're lied to. No one tells us this is how it's going to be. Everyone is larping. The professors, the students, the doctors themselves. They tell themselves that they are doing something difficult, profound, and fulfilling, and not what amounts to well paid (sometimes) administrative grunt work, and then they tell that to others so they can cope with their life decisions. The first two years of medical school are a show to keep the lie going.

>> No.14562281

Well its #47 in research, its primary care rating is #36. Rankings are weirds and it's not a particularly prestigious school, being a public medical school in Texas, but our schools are still quite good. See: Long, McGovern, now Baylor.

Getting into MD is getting harder, as is DO. I'd imagine it's because of the prevalence of mid-level care like PA and NP schools.

>> No.14562333

please excuse grammar I typed this on my phone while cooking breakfast

>> No.14562401

Start doing something that improves your root learning capabilities, like getting good at Chess or something, it's anecdotal, but a geriatric neurologist once told me he thinks it makes a huge difference to how functional people remain as they age, even with degenerative disease. Exercise is always good, you should switch it up a lot and add things that require you to learn new movement patterns. Juggling for instance is a pretty complex skill, just learning to juggle three balls essentially forces you to develop a new set of coordination skills, and you can get a lot of variety from various juggling techniques. Other examples would be learning to play an instrument, dancing, fencing, essentially anything with complex techniques that require a somewhat high degree of coordination are good for keeping your mind sharp.

>> No.14562548

I think people with chips on their shoulders and nothing more important to do (ie. nurses) use it as ammunition when they want to give shit to people they deem inferior.
I have a similar experience, in 2019 I had a very nasty lung infection that basically meant nonstop coughing for a week while occasionally passing out. I spent the entire time propped up in my office chair deliriously watching Seinfeld and Becker reruns while emulating old games that didn't require too much mental effort.

>> No.14562557

Avoid drugs that might damage the cholinergic system if you can avoid them. Common ones are drowsy antihistamines, antidepressants and antipsychotics.

>> No.14562898

Every time I take propranolol 20mg or 40mg I feel like my throat is closing up and have unproductive coughing fits. Am I allergic or what? Why would it be having such an effect? I have literally no health conditions except possible brain damage from asking medical advice.

I know it exacerbate COPD and asthma but I can't say I've ever seen my sats below 98%. Right now they're 100% and it feels like everything around my pharynx is collapsing. Has happened before and it went away but it's highly unpleasant.

>> No.14562947

Is there a standard textbook on the central nervous system?

>> No.14562980

Any ophtofags here?
If I wear glasses with a slight correction all the time (instead of just wearing them when reading and shitposting), will it worsen my eyesight? I need to have very sharp eyes for my job so I want to treat my eyes as well as possible

>> No.14562997

Their epistemology doesn't allow this. They are trained to be hardcore subscribers to the subset of empiricism called scientific method.

Your mechanic operates in the mindset of cause and effect. A car may be a complex system but it's way more simple than the body, so mechanics as a whole can exist without needing to use the scientific method to guess at what's wrong.

Medicine is different - scientific method is necessary for the basic research.

The problem is that they don't (often can't?) take the most recent research, product of scientific method, and use it to make educated guesses about causal inferences.

Even if they did this it wouldn't work in today's system. The higher level of complexity would need each doctor to spend a couple hours per patient at a minimum rather than the 10-15 minutes of McDonald's healthcare that society can just barely supply.

On top of that, you'd have doctors being liable for a whole bunch of shitty patients who could claim the Dr came up with a dumb custom thing instead of following the basic clinical practices that "work" for 90% of people.

TL;Dr: their training blocks them from thinking like a mechanic and even if they did, they are overworked and have a billion other patients, they don't have time to think cause and effect in your particular circumstances, after talking to you they have like 3 minutes to quickly compare your list of symptoms to knowledge of shit that's most likely and what to do about it and then move on to the next five patients.

>> No.14563004

>TL;Dr: their training blocks them from thinking like a mechanic and even if they did, they are overworked and have a billion other patients, they don't have time to think cause and effect in your particular circumstances, after talking to you they have like 3 minutes

Imagine if your mechanic couldn't open up the car, they could only look at it, request samples of the gas and the oil, and make a guess for what might be most likely to be wrong from the problem you described, in whatever time is left of your 10 to 15-minute appointment after you spend 10 minutes listing off every strange noise your car made and every bump you felt on the road because you're not sure what is relevant or not.

Your mechanic probably wouldn't be able to have a real conversation with you either.

>> No.14563011

>10-15 minutes of McDonald's healthcare
When you realize the best healthcare in the world is still just fast-food healthcare focused on efficiently treating as many people as possible ("public health"), it makes a lot more sense.

It's like if your mechanic was trained to be maximally efficient at getting 90% of fucked up cars back to being barely-functional while telling the remaining 10% of customers that they have anxiety because they don't know how to even begin to fix the remaining 10%.

>> No.14563112

I'm sorry but that is ONE OF the dumbest things I've ever read. You are literally replying to someone who self-stated to have some proficiency relating to comprehension of medical research... and you think I'm going to agree with a bunch of idiotic ignorant slander like that?

Anon, you're delusional.

>> No.14563119

>Your mechanic operates in the mindset of cause and effect. A car may be a complex system but it's way more simple than the body, so mechanics as a whole can exist without needing to use the scientific method to guess at what's wrong.
You must have never touched a fucking car in your life.

>> No.14563223

I know I shouldn't ask for advice. But what should I do if I constantly have faster heart rate and slightly higher blood pressure. I don't wanna use medicine.

>> No.14563302

Is it possible to have a broken finger without swelling or bruising?

>> No.14563466

>you think I'm going to agree with a bunch of idiotic ignorant slander like that?
No I think you're going to sit there clueless about what to say to because because nobody did a randomized controlled trial on how best to respond to that exact sequence of letters and punctuation I posted.

>> No.14563538


>> No.14563546

>I am tired of internal medicine
>learning the necessary basics
just fuck you. you are a fucking retard.

>> No.14563551

>why are subsitutes not fulfilling
gee i don't know man

>> No.14563554

dude just stop with reddit spacing

>> No.14563569

just read a neuroscience textbook

>> No.14563612

the problem is that you are poor.

>> No.14563627

Who cares, something's gonna get you eventually.

>> No.14563631

Exercise you lazy nigger, start doing cardio. That will bring down your resting HR and BP.

>> No.14563684

>They are trained to be hardcore subscribers to the subset of empiricism called scientific method.

Except they're not. I get the point you're making, but it is more like, as you say later on,

>following the basic clinical practices that "work" for 90% of people.

This is what they are doing, especially in public healthcare systems. And even 90% is probably generous. many things, like diabetes, hypertension, etc. the "standard practice" doesnt fix them at all.

Have a buddy who has a buddy who researches how you would define something as 'scientific,' and he says only half of medical research even qualifies, for various reasons. Medicine is not really a science.

The top three Uni degrees in the medieval period, Theology, Law and Medicine, all have their #1 goal of supporting the state, see Kant, Conflict of the Faculties.

>> No.14563736

Fucking roasted

>> No.14563774
File: 218 KB, 450x366, blumenfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neurology is a very semitic specialty so I suggest
Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases by (((Blumenfield))))

>> No.14564085
File: 97 KB, 736x981, 1654472437316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What specialty do I need to get a GF like this?

>> No.14564094

attractive face at a sydney bar

>> No.14564145

>No I think you're going to sit there clueless about what to say to because because nobody did a randomized controlled trial on how best to respond to that exact sequence of letters and punctuation I posted.
You imagine my faults as you imagined your evidence. You provide evidence of stupidity enough for any skeptic to accept.
To men such as you one supposes mere semblance of wit to suffice.

>> No.14564195

How bad of a symptom is it that sometimes I get what feels like cramping/stabbing pain in my lower left abdomen that can last 10-20 minutes and 99% of the time it's relieved after a bowel movement? I used to panic when I felt this until I realised that I'd soon be shitting and the pain would go away

>> No.14564220

pancreatic cancer

>> No.14564224

>"vague nothing sentences".

They are covering their asses. You are not entitled to the thought processes because:
- You might interpret what they're saying wrong
- The doctors might look like a dick
- You might sue

>> No.14564230

How does that work out?
Could a stool in the intestines maybe be pushing against the pancreas?
Based on diagrams on the internet the pain seems to be a bit lower and more to the side of where the pancreas tail should be

>> No.14565121

if you have to ask...

>> No.14565300

Hello, /sci/. I was wondering if the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain can be argued to be a reflection of the truine brain (lizard brain, limbic system, neocortex). Supposing, of course, that the evolutionary theory is incorrect, but that the functions are the same. Thanks.

>> No.14565382

Triune brain is disproved shit at this point so no.

>> No.14565389

I'm only taking about the specific cognitive functions, not the evolutionary aspects, etc.

>> No.14565788

I would, but I'm trying to build muscle now, and cardio fucks it up all the time.

>> No.14566036

If you believe "the necessary basics" entails 3 cumulative years of useless rotations in internal medicine wards you're the retard.

>> No.14566175

I worked with an engineer who was convinced he could become a good doctor with two weeks of study

>> No.14566497

i see surgeons, shrinks etc. injure and kill patients constantly because they can't hack even the most basic im shit, so what you think are the necessary basics are clearly not enough

>> No.14566516 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 320x320, twilight-zone-1959___if_i_ignore_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other thread was started first, this one was started because the reddit soience shills got upset that their narrative was contradicted by the other thread so they started this thread as a form of science denialism, to isolate themselves from the hard and unwanted truths in the original /med/ general

>> No.14566535

>You imagine my faults
If they're not your faults then congrats you're not in the 99% of physicians who are normie retards and the above doesn't apply to you. However, you seemed to think it does for some reason....

>> No.14566594

Larp harder faggot

>> No.14566752

I hate you all because I am not you. No matter how hard I try I am too stupid to be in your field (even though it was my dream to be in medicine). Do any of you have recommendations for a medicine that will kill me quickly with as litlle pain as possible?

>> No.14566805

I have a hard time getting doctors to take my symptoms seriously just because they are unusual and hard to explain. I ended up with an ADHD diagnosis when I know at the root of all of this is some neurological issue.

Many other members of my family have medical conditions doctors can't explain which weren't taken seriously until something significant happened. My dad only had all the tests done on him for his unexplained blood pressure issues after he passed out and hit his head a couple of times in the middle of the night. My grandfather got a weird brittle diabetes 2 years after he got a benign tumor removed, his blood sugar got so low sometimes he'd go into a sort of drunken stupor and during one of these moments he fell into a pool and drowned. My cousin has an unknown autoimmune condition most similar to ankylosing spondylitis, only got treated after he failed a backflip and significantly worsened it.

I know there's some peculiar neurological abnormalities present in me, I get physically sore when exerting mental focus and I literally don't feel pain during significant injuries, when I went to the ER for a glass shard in my foot the nurse thought I was joking when I said my pain was a 2(it was really a 0) I believe much of my problems have to do with some sort of dysfunction of the norepinephrine transporter inherited from my father and would actually explain a ton(blood pressure, pain tolerance, ADHD, etc) but I will just have to wait until some big medically occurence happens until I'm taken seriously, or maybe I'll get lucky and the neurologist I have to wait several months to see will take me seriously and try to actually do something.

>> No.14566821

Because it's an anesthetic which can cause respiratory depression and you might just be sensitive to it.

>> No.14566826

What does it mean when I wake up at 4am in the morning and I have to go piss but one of my knees is very sore and I have to hobble but after I woke up in the morning my knee isn't sore at all

>> No.14566838

If anything your eye health will be better off if you wear them often. Not using them when you could can cause unneeded strain on the eye.

>> No.14566876

>TL;Dr: their training blocks them from thinking like a mechanic and even if they did, they are overworked and have a billion other patients, they don't have time to think cause and effect in your particular circumstances, after talking to you they have like 3 minutes to quickly compare your list of symptoms to knowledge of shit that's most likely and what to do about it and then move on to the next five patients.

And that's why the medical field is so shit. Diseases and disorders aren't a black and white "you have it or you don't" thing, it's a moving spectrum which often requires a certain level of nuance to treat.

This is the reason there's so many goddamn cases of ADHD and similar mental disorders; genuine neurological, autoimmune or autonomic problems get brushed off enough until eventually living with those problems for years untreated mimics all of the symptoms of ADHD.

My whole family are victims of this, is it really a coincidence that my sister who is the only one in the family who doesn't complain of blood pressure or eye issues happens to be the only one that doesn't experience a significant immediate effect from amphetamines? Does my dad really have ADHD when he managed to get his master's degree while working a full-time job and raising young kids all while unmedicated or is it simply his unexplained blood pressure issues? The main reason the meds worked so well for me isn't even because they treated ADHD symptoms, it's because they treated the fatigue and pain I had extremely well which made me not loathe school giving me the motivation I didn't have before.

>> No.14567076

There's a bunch of shit that fucks the brain in modern society and a dearth of nutrients in our food for repair, plus everyone is getting bad sleep. This is a perfect recipe for gradual neurodegeneration. Untangling your specific manifestation of neurodegeneration from your specific genes and environment is a lot harder than following a checklist and concluding you must just have anxiety (itself a symptom of shit getting fucked in your brain).

>> No.14567108

>maybe I'll get lucky and the neurologist I have to wait several months to see will take me seriously and try to actually do something.

Your mistake is thinking that they could do anything. There is only so much investigation that can be done. How is your diet? Do you eat normally, lift weights like a /fit/izen?

I know plenty of people who've been in PhD programs even who eat shit diets, have no exercise tolerance, all sorts of weird symptoms---typically they get put on psychiatric drugs because no doctor ever says "make a spreadsheet of choline, protein, vitamins A, Bs, C, D, E, K, minerals, etc. and see if you get 100% of the IOM recommendations."

I bet most doctors arent even taught to do that.

>> No.14567110

Anywhere from 60-90% of the adults population, depending on the research you look at, is deficient in the essential nutrient choline. It's likely that "healthy" people have genetics that mean they need less choline, and/or they have inherited good eating habits from a healthy family.

This problem has been studied for decades. Lack of choline leads to problems with more or less every organ system, especially liver, kidneys. And it is the asme for most nutrients, if you look at deprivation studies. Also, a confound for the IOM requirements, esp re: b vitamins, vitamin K, is that commensal bacteria produce some of these; giving someone a broad spectrum antibiotic reduces liver menaquinone (VK) concentration, probably due to killing gut bacteria. Fecal menaquinone output ranges from basically 0 to > 1mg/day. Some of that ends up being absorbed.

So there are all sorts of issues, but, fundamentally, the MDfags in the co-opted medical schools _dont learn about nutrition_. In public health systems like Canada, they are also more or less prohibited from spending enough time with patients to diagnose these issues, beacuse to afford a house in Shitcouver or Smellonto, they have to see tons more patients in a day than reasonable. But even if they didn't, the personality type that becomes an MD is basically a high-functioning rule-obeyer. They are not good people.

>> No.14567257

Yes for fuck's sake I eat a great diet and get tons of exercise, now could you please take my problems seriously and prescribe me some medications besides antidepressants? Thanks.

>> No.14567260

Did you apply DO friend?

>> No.14567265

The requirement to get through med school is to have the discipline and focus to spend large amounts of time memorizing large amounts of information. You don't have to be brilliant. Have you looked into dihexa?

>> No.14567266
File: 46 KB, 586x437, mytlevels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bad? I look like a low t manlet bitch who can't grow facial hair, chinaman doctor asked if I was on trt

>> No.14567281

ADHD is highly genetic with as high a twin concordance rate as height. It runs in families and has nothing to do with circumstantial variations of diet, or population heritability estimates would be considerably lower due to higher heterogeneity. Quit your bullshit.

>> No.14567304

>I look like a low t manlet bitch who can't grow facial hair
You might have some testosterone insensitivity if you look low T. Your body is producing testosterone but it's not getting taken up into cells efficiently so it just accumulates in your blood. Most of the "low T" discourse regarding appearance is usually bullshit though.

t. not an endocrinologist.

>> No.14567314

how infertile does that make me?
if this turns out to be the problem should I just resign at life and try to get gov bennies or something because I'm a genetic abomination?

>> No.14567317

>how infertile does that make me?
probably not at all

>> No.14567333

>I eat a great diet

What do you eat?

>> No.14567347

>If they're not your faults then congrats you're not in the 99% of physicians who are normie retards and the above doesn't apply to you. However, you seemed to think it does for some reason....
>No I think you're going to sit there clueless about what to say to because because [...]
"For some reason"?
I apologize dear sir, for had I realized I was replying to someone of such debilitating mental deficiency I would have charitably offered a handicap.

>> No.14567508

Longshot, but are there any new ideas for treating Restless Leg Syndrome caused by cervical spine lesions? I'm on the verge of suicide. Seen multiple neurologists and no-one has been able to help me.

>> No.14568173

>t. sore butt IM resident

>> No.14568187
File: 34 KB, 366x331, 1606577495903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teen comes in
>"my heart flops and beats fast sometimes"
>clear arrhythmia
>was denied referral by multiple primary care docs for years because "it's just anxiety lol"
Why do I see this shit so often?

>> No.14568190

Similar cars will break in similar ways when you abuse them in similar ways

"A disease of the mind being fucked up has nothing to do with the ways, like diet, that people fuck up their minds dude" - you

>> No.14568202

Med schools and hospitals overblowing hypochondria + medfags having their head stuck up their ass at all times

>> No.14568460

>Why do I see this shit so often?
"It's really rare for your age, most likely the cause is anxiety"

They're fucking idiots who don't understand probability or risk management in the real world

If you had a plane that killed 1 in every million people who flew it then it wouldn't fly but a doctor is allowed to say "lol that would be like 1 in a million, I'm an idiot so clearly that's the same as impossible, we'll treat it as anxiety"

>> No.14568571

What medschool did you went to ? It's normal you retard.

>> No.14568675

You don't know what kind of arrhythmia it is.

>> No.14568694

try compression stockings

>> No.14568723

Stop wasting other people’s time and money

>> No.14568830

i didnt take my risperidone and i woke up like 10 times during the night, falling asleep was really hard
then i had a lucid nightmare i was in bed and started hearing voices and i woke up screaming because i had never felt so scared

>> No.14569015

>Why do I see this shit so often?
The ones who need help will keep going to different doctors till they find someone who helps. So depending on how many helpful doctors are actually in your area, they might all eventually end up seeing the one doctor will help

>> No.14569644

>ah bloo bloo i'm poor
>uuh aah i need daddy in white jacket to tell me to eat healthy
literally just pay a few hundred bucks an hour and you will get all the attention you want. the medical system is not built to service you limp wristed neurotic fags because there are real medical issues to deal with and anything aside from cattle management is not an economically sound approach to dealing with the offensively stupid masses.
>ah bloo bloo it should not be like that
fuck you pay more taxes.

>> No.14569648

fuck you, stimulants won't solve your issues

>> No.14569650

>t. sore butt intern in IM rotation

>> No.14569658

>teen comes in
>"my heart flops and beats fast sometimes"
>clear arrhythmia
>"yeah i just did meth and haven't slept for 72 hours, what of it"
why do i see this shit so often

>> No.14569784

>literally just pay a few hundred bucks an hour and you will get all the attention you want
Not a poorfag. How tf do I do that?

>> No.14569858

>literally just pay a few hundred bucks an hour and you will get all the attention you want

In some socialist healthcare systems, this is not allowed---there are now clinics that bend the rules, but they are concentrated in urban areas.

Also, the crazy train starts w/ patients as minors, e.g. coming in for eczema, doctor guffaws and prescribes cortisone cream instead of asking mommy dearest what she feeds the little darling.

"real medical issues" are all medical issues, because the medical profession has a monopoly. You can't have it both ways. Your view would be fine if there were a free market. It has nothing to do with "stupid" masses, it has to do with humans being given poor education when it comes to nutrition, exercise, etc----again, by another more or less monopoly, the teaching profession/compulsory schools.

The only excuse for a monopoly is that its beneficiaries (employees, NOT Patients/Students) are held to a standard of 100% perfection.

>> No.14569891

just go to a specialist and pay them.

>> No.14569911

Physiology (especially lung physiology) has a lot of laws, but theyre highschool physics tier

>> No.14569924

what happened to the original /med/ and why was this thread substituted in place of the original /med/.
what was in the original thread that was so worthy of censorship that it was replaced by this impostor thread?

>> No.14569954

>mommy dearest can't afford to feed the little darling with a healthy diet
>mommy dearest doesn't have the time to feed the little darling with a healthy diet
>mommy dearest doesn't care about feeding the little darling with a healthy diet
>mommy dearest is too stupid to figure out a healthy diet
>mommy dearest is harboring deep seated notions about what a healthy diet consists of and thus feeds the little darling shit
>little darling is a little shit and mommy dearest can't get them to eat a healthy diet
and ad nauseam...

the point is that you can't make long lasting life interventions in twenty minutes, especially dealing with normal people (i.e., the lazy and the stupid). and spending any longer is not economically viable as we are head deep in much more serious shit than you being an under-performing incel due to not eating enough eggs. thus, we manage cattle. if you don't like it, earn enough money to be treated as a human being or pay enough taxes so we can pretend the great unwashed is composed of human beings. and yes, the problem is the stupid masses, the aetiology of their stupidity is irrelevant as this is the medicine general and not education general.

>> No.14569956

it was shit. we have to keep some standards.

>> No.14570045

>the problem is the stupid masses

This is just ridiculous twaddle. People live in industrial societies, they're not allowed to hunt and fish, Christianization divorced them from traditional eating habits, as did many other systems of violence.

Last century ppl underwent ratitoning, depressions, etc.

It's pretty easy to type up something like "eat this in a cycle" and give it to your patients, but its not what MDs are trained to do.

But really, the problem is solved in the veterinary world: they literally prescribe weight loss diets that are 100% nutritionally complete, just fewer calories, for dogs. These are all solved problems, but for some reason MDs like pretending it's people are stupid.

People on TPN probably get more complete nutrition than many free-range humans. The responsibility in a clinical monopoly rests with the clinicians for being unable to effectively manage the cattle. Even your cattle metaphor is retarded, it's not the cattle's fault if the rancher neglects them.

You also don't seem to understand that once malnutrition sets in, the whole sensorium/cognitive capacity is impacted, or are you some idealist retard who thinks we have immaterial minds that are not mereyl biological machines constructed out of the foods we take in, etc>?

>> No.14570054

>It's pretty easy to type up something like "eat this in a cycle" and give it to your patients

Another reason this is not done is that in some cases it won't work because of genetic polymorphisms

>an under-performing incel due to not eating enough eggs

Lack of choline is going to impact multiple organ systems, and behaviors, including awareness, memory, etc. Double-digit percentage of the populatiton does not get the AI, and I have family who have physicians who cannot even use those big MD brains to rattle off every essential material, i.e. vitamins, minerals, protein, choline.

Plus patients are given conflicting information: avoid dairy and eggs, you'll get a heart attack if you don't! Well, OK, but dairy and eggs are, in the north american diet, thet predominant source of choline.

And this is without considering the polymorphisms that exist in the folate/choline/riboflavin/etc. etc. system. And how much B vitamin is provided by "normal" commensal bacteria that unhealthy families may lack---you have one unhealthy dysbiotic woman in the house and she can shit up everything for everyone.

Like, I have no problem with people not caring, but going the extra mile and blaming the people just don't care about, that is too far. But, again, it's not as though anyone chooses to be the way they are, we are all simply biological machines, tho I wonder if doctors actually learn that, or if they still harbor delusions about "Free Will" etc.

>> No.14570147

>you have one unhealthy dysbiotic woman in the house and she can shit up everything for everyone.
Did not know this. Holy shit it makes sense though.

>> No.14570155

if you cared to look most weight loss interventions fail. just giving out diet information is completely useless. you fail to grasp that you are not the average patient. it's a functionally illiterate 300-pound nigger (regardless of the colour)

dogs don't have a say, that's the critical difference. in an ideal world we would treat fatties like psychiatric patients in asylums and there wouldn't be any fatties or diabeetus, but you know, that's the cost of pretending retards are human beings capable of making informed choices. when i speak of cattle management i mean management as in fences and prods. the rancher is an entirely different actor.

also, you misunderstand me, i'm not disagreeing with you about shit like choline, i'm just making fun of you.

>> No.14570163
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Is there any benefit to semen retention?

>> No.14570170

you save on paper towels

>> No.14570174

>dogs don't have a say, that's the critical difference. in an ideal world we would treat fatties like psychiatric patients in asylums and there wouldn't be any fatties or diabeetus

There is sort of a middle ground where you could have a canned nutrition product, or even nutritionally fortified complete meals, e.g. 100% everything, but only a total of, say, 1500 calories a day, eat 3 of them a day, you will get 100% nutrition but have a caloric deficit. Dont pretend this is even something that can really be prescribed, even "meal replacement" things tend to be such that to get 100% RDA for nutrients you would have to consume more calories than required.

> you know, that's the cost of pretending retards are human beings capable of making informed choices

This is the cost of a "Free Society." A good friend is a judge whose dad was a judge, and we were once talking about law, and it's not that lawyers are smart, he said, law is written in Grade 8 English---the issue is that we dont fail people out of English like out of math. If you fail the math test, you fail it. If you manage to write 4 paragraphs you get a C- even if they're nonsense. US literacy is nonsense. So it's more a legal problem than medical, the whole legal system is based on the idea that the voter/"legally responsible person" is at least Grade 8, when in reality, many of them stopped making intellectual progress much earlier on.

> also, you misunderstand me, i'm not disagreeing with you about shit like choline, i'm just making fun of you.

As you say, I'm not the typical patient, I figured most of this stuff out myself around age 18 when I decided I did not want to be fat anymore---losing the eczema (that is something I had for over a decade, cortisone cream) was a beneficial side-effect I had not even intended, I just looked up what the IOM said to eat, got 100% of each of those things, adjusted for my body mass, with extra protein due to weightlifting.

>> No.14570187
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Thoughts on Pax curing aging?

>> No.14570198

Any medfag able to answer, when a neurological disorder leads to a brain injury and the hypocampus is partially damaged, is it irreversible? Age 24 and dealing with forgetfulness throughout the day now

>> No.14570204

I'm not medicine man but you can cure brain damage with fasting

>> No.14570227

I cannot find a single imaging center that knows what neuromuscular ultrasounds are, despite a large amount of literature agreeing that it is a preferred initial diagnostic modality. What do?

>> No.14570242

>There is sort of a middle ground where you could have a canned nutrition product, or even nutritionally fortified complete meals, e.g. 100% everything, but only a total of, say, 1500 calories a day, eat 3 of them a day, you will get 100% nutrition but have a caloric deficit. Dont pretend this is even something that can really be prescribed, even "meal replacement" things tend to be such that to get 100% RDA for nutrients you would have to consume more calories than required.

this actually exists, and has existed for a long time, turns out it's completely fucking useless in losing weight. you can try to argue the lack of 100% nutritional requirements in these products, but that has nothing to do with why these products don't work. turns out you can still eat them so much you don't have a caloric deficit or you know, order a pizza. the problem is overwhelmingly not the lack of information or means.

>> No.14570245

>turns out you can still eat them so much you don't have a caloric deficit or you know, order a pizza. the problem is overwhelmingly not the lack of information or means.

Can you name one of these products? And yeah, if people are over-eating, that's a problem.

>> No.14570569

i'm 30 with a great STEM based job (about 1.5x my national median FT salary) with very little stress and good conditions. i enjoy it but there has always been something in the back of my brain telling me to go to med school, and each year i seriously consider taking the GAMSAT. i know the job will introduce a lot of stress into my life but i can't shake the thought that it will be more "fulfilling" or some bullshit like that. any thoughts anons?

>> No.14571184

have you heard of baby food?

>> No.14571194
File: 113 KB, 473x494, 1641974067550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>searching up on google about a mark that's on my hand
>see an image that looks exactly like my mark and click the image
>page it's on is for an article about melanomas
>start panicking
>click on article
>panicking even more since it says melanoma repeatedly
>scroll down and then realise that the image was just a part of a set of images that the website was using to teach doctors how to distinguish between cancerous and benign skin marks
>the image that looked like my skin mark was called a benign something fancy in latin probably
Jesus fucking christ
My doctor is right that I shouldn't google this shit myself but otherwise how do I know whether something is concerning? I'm more aware of my health and body than most people so am I meant to go to the doctor every time something happens? Get therapy until I no longer think about my health? I was raised with skin cancer adverts with black mutated cells spreading through the body in animations and going in your blood stream my entire childhood so that's fucking hard
There's guides for skin cancer, the 5 features that you need to look out for but what if it's ambiguous? What's the point of releasing this info if doctors don't want us self diagnosing?

>> No.14571205

You're a moron. That is literally the very first thing you are seeking to account for with population wide studies. Your asinine hypothesis requires you posit an IDENTICAL issue in ALL societies IRRESPECTIVE of cultural dietary trends in ANY of them.

Occam's razor: high concordance and high heritability between populations who DO NOT SHARE AN ENVIRONMENT are evidence of inherited genetic causes. Not dietary ones. Dietary ones are precluded because cultural and economic factors on diet have no effect on estimated rates from sample populations. This is basic bitch research we did over 60 years ago that always showed the exact same thing as more data was collected.

>> No.14571207

Get /druk/ but still work out, eat well, and take multivitamins and you wont care about every little wierd thing anymore

>> No.14571208

You just do the boring thing of photographing and numbering all the moles you have and doing it again later. The interval of how often you need to compare depends on your age, sun exposure, and so on. Your doctor should've gone over that but probably didn't feel the need to bother if you're "too young".

It's doubly fun if you're one of the lucky ones whose body explodes in making moles when you hit 30-50. Supposedly this does increase risk of melanoma later in life but depending on how many moles get added to your skin it makes tracking them fucking annoying.

>> No.14571508
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/fit/ here. How true is this?

>> No.14571686

If the concordance rate isn't perfect then that allows environment as a factor, especially in something like fucking height or brain development and maintenance which we know is influenced by the environment

Twins simply have very similar brains and will break down even more similarly to each other than to others. It's not like there's a bunch of different healthy diets, there's like one and if you're not eating it, and almost no one is, then your brain is gonna be increasingly fucked in your own special way as you age. And if you have a twin then you'll both be fucked in that way.

This is why so many doctors are fucking garbage. smoke a bag of twin concorded cocks dumbass.

>> No.14571730

>Can you name one of these products?
I don't think any truly exist.

There are some things you simply shouldn't supplement or "fortify" your food with. Copper, iron.

Vitamin A should be gotten from animals. Some vitamin E and B12 supplements contain shit you don't want (e.g., cyanocobalamin). Some people have methylation issues and need methyl folate while others don't. Some people have had a lifetime of shit nutrition and may need to megadose certain b vitamins to correct deficiency but have to build up it to gradually so they don't have themselves a pseudo-refeeding syndrome. DHA needs to come from food or it oxidizes, even if you're careful to store it properly it still changes in a way that makes it unsuitable for health iirc.

DHA is a funny one. Some studies show positive results for fish oil supplementation, others don't. That would not be surprising if some studies had shit that wasn't preserved well, but imagine how much better the good studies could have turned out if they provided fish oil via actual daily fish in large portions (e.g., a pound of raw salmon daily).

>> No.14571802

Don't do it. Don't fucking do it.

>> No.14571849

Just buy the books and teach yourself.

>> No.14571912

You're a moron. What part of "Dietary factors are precluded as population differences in diet have no change in rates" did you not understand?

>> No.14571961

Every population is eating a shit shitty diet, either their personal one or one designed by a clueless researcher so of course there would not be any change. How are you so fucking dumb you can't even think of factors that influence measurements?

>> No.14571980

Are you getting ALL nutrients in at least the RDA? Have you always done so? In the right forms?


Then you're fucked, your brain is fucked, and your twin's brain is gonna be fucked to.

And there's no way this was properly controlled for. Any variance in diet is just swapping one thing piece of shit for another.

>> No.14571985

Wow, you really don't get it.
>Change in diet
>No change in rate
I repeat: No change in rates attributable to changes in diets.
You're a fucking retard.

>> No.14572003

>>Change in diet
>>No change in rate

>Change diet from shit to shit
>No changes

When you see results like that, chances are your method was wrong. Leave it to medical fanatics be unable to question assumptions.

>> No.14572021

>Change diet from shit to shit
You're just admitting none of the data supports your bullshit. Big surprise.

Name the trait asshole. Define "shit". What is somehow magically missing from every single diet ever analyzed worldwide? Name the thing. Don't give me that shit about "muh choline" there are plenty of populations with plenty of that in their diets. Don't give me some shit about "muh arbitrarily not high enough", sources asshole.

Put up or shut the fuck up. You're retarded and it's time you admit it and fuck off in embarrassment like you should.

>> No.14572072

To start:
Vitamin A exclusively from animals (organ meats/liver)
Vitamin D from sunlight exclusively
Vitamin E from food
Vitamin K from animal products, both MK4 and MK7

B vitamins from animal foods or supplemented depending on individual needs (e.g. MTHFR bullshit)

Zero intake of iron or copper from non-animal sources

DHA from real fish (or animal brains but that's disgusting and I don't want to get mad cow) though pasture raised eggs supposedly have a trace amount of DHA

Choline from eggs

Water with a not-insignificant amount of lithium, say 1mg daily

Don't eat meat that comes from factory farms. Avoid commercial beef, chicken, and pork. Actually avoid all beef products, don't even eat beef-based dairy - eat goat dairy products instead.

Minimum of RDA intake of magnesium (why is it set at ~1/10th the RDAs of sodium and potassium? It's basically arbitrary)
Sunlight all day long, especially within an hour or so of sunrise + sunset and absolutely zero artificial light after sundown

All foods eaten outside under the sun

Iirc you can cover all your bases with a diet of eggs, seafood, meat, goat kefir, occasional liver and supplements of molybdenum and magnesium and maybe lithium

Carbs should be berries, citrus, potatoes or rice if tolerated. Absolutely avoid bread, sugar, wheat, corn, onions, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, etc.

ADHD is just mild "my brain doesn't work so well" and you'd expect your brain to function less than optimally if you're fucking up your diet even a little bit, so it should not be a surprise that you see every variation of fucked up diet still leads to an extremely common variation of "my brain doesn't work so well".

>> No.14572108

>I don't think any truly exist.
>There are some things you simply shouldn't supplement or "fortify" your food with. Copper, iron.

I also dont think they exist, esp. not something like low-calorie 100% protein, choline, vitamin, mineral dog food.

One hypothesis I have about why ppl who lose weight never keep it off is that they never really replete their choline, and while losing weight,t hey lose choline---the body has much higher protein stores than choline stores. Protein is also more redundant.

>> No.14572111

>And there's no way this was properly controlled for. Any variance in diet is just swapping one thing piece of shit for another.

It's Liebig's law of the minimum, biological system performance is governed by the scarcest nutrient, so if you need X mmol of choline a day, or Y mmol of iron, and you get less than X mmol of choline and less than Y mmol if iron, the system becomes deranged.

Obviously over time there can be homeostatic variations, e.g. you eat liver one day, the next day dont get as much iron, but the scarcest nutrient over time will govern reactions.

>> No.14572116

>One hypothesis I have about why ppl who lose weight never keep it off is that they never really replete their choline, and while losing weight,t hey lose choline
One thing I didn't even mention in >>14572072 was microbiome. I bet that has as much or more impact as anything else.

But yes choline is important though I've never looked into it beyond surface level Google searches

>> No.14572119

>What is somehow magically missing from every single diet ever analyzed worldwide?

Possibly boron, because it might be essential at the 1mg-6mg level, for "good health" (which is very difficult to quantify).

Zinc was only declared essential in the 1970s, choline in 1998. So, up until 1998 you had crazy space cadet women eating tea and toast, told since some time in the 80s or earlier "avoid eggs, they'll give youa heart attack!" having spastic children and then the (((psychiatrist))) puts teh whole family on drugs. Many such cases.

>> No.14572133

>I bet that has as much or more impact as anything else.

IMO microbiome is sort of a meme, and it probably has more to do w/ biosynthesis of clinically singificant amounts of B vitamins, menaquinone, etc. The menaquinone synthesis also requires heme for many of the bacteria, so if you dont eat red meat, they wont function and/or will die off.

If the microbiome produced, say, 1mg of riboflavin a day in some aborbable form, maybe the RDA for riboflavin is actually more, in a sterile gut. Its unethical to do sterilizatiton'/deprivation studies on humans, esp neonates, expensive to do on primates. And at the end of teh day you find out that "the RDA for riboflavin should be 2mg more" then this pushes ppl into territory where you either have to be blessed w/ good bacteria (or correct that) or supplement, which blows the whole "just eat a balanced healthy diet" government propaganda out of the water.

"It works 100% of the time 80% of the time!"

Also, if you look at primate lab chow, picrel, a 70kg primate gets substantially more vitamins, minerals and protein than a 70kg human is said to need. Part of this is because the same diet is used for nursing mothers/pregnant primates, but even then, I have a friend whose wife is an OBGYN, I've asked about nutrition recommendations for pregnant women, they just get told "take a prenatal vitamin." They dont get told they need extra choline, protein, etc. Most traditional cultures will have a traditional method for "refeeding" a woman after birth. Your OBGYN? Lol, she already got paid!

>> No.14572136
File: 133 KB, 716x1147, monkey-lab-diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attached pic is the composition of the monkey lab diet, which has 3200 calories per 1kg. Note the amount of biotin, vitamin K, iron, Ca, P, etc.

>> No.14572144

>you'd expect your brain to function less than optimally if you're fucking up your diet even a little bit

Exactly, this is well-studied in agricultural chemistry/veterminary medicine.

"My herd of cattle are under-performing, I bet they need therapy and SSRIs!"

Oh, wait, no one does that, they give them diets generated by over 100 years of study on how to produce healthy cattle!

"My vegetable crop keeps dying, farmer Bob's doesn't tho, what's his secret? I bet it's that he talks to his plants and gives them SSRIs!"

No one would take this seriously, obviously we do a chemical analysis on farmer Bob's soil, the water he uses, etc. to see what it has that the other soiul does not.

But there is no money in this. So you figure out that nearly 100% of ppl are, vis a vis Liebig's law of the Minimum, reacting less than efficiently. You correct that for pennies in every case, except for overt protein malnutrition, because Vitamins and Minerals are cheap. Who profits? Not the Pharma companies nor the MDs!

>> No.14572365

jesus christ you people are retarded. no contact with reality. what next, people are junkies because they don't know drugs are bad for them.

>> No.14572382

>jesus christ you people are retarded. no contact with reality.

This doesn't make any sense. Dont try to pretend MDs take a nutritional history from every patient to rule out nutritional problems. They dont have time "thats for the dietician" etc. etc. Do they refer 100% of patients to a dietician to rule out nutritional problems? The dietician also isnt going to do a spreadsheet, check for 100% of IOM RDAs, etc. etc. It's a big clusterfuck, pal.

>> No.14572435

You have more semen available

>> No.14572480


Aaahhhh there's no way that deficiencies could be possible, they don't show up on tests!

Thiamine is another that is probably common. Apparently thiamine influences choline or something idk, I only vaguely look at this stuff.

>> No.14572512

"Other work27 based on the NHANES datasets showed that only around 11% of American adults achieve the IOM AI for choline. In Europe it has also been found that average choline intakes are below AI thresholds set by the IOM.23 In Alberta, Canada one study28 showed that only 23% of pregnant women and 10% of lactating mothers (n=600) met the choline AI recommendation and that the main dietary sources of choline were eggs, dairy products and meat. Women consuming at least one egg daily were eight times more likely to meet choline intake recommendations compared with pregnant non-consumers." (https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/early/2019/07/16/bmjnph-2019-000037))

AFAIK choline competes for uptake w/ thiamine, but there is no information on whether this is clinically significant. From the primate diet, where a 50kg primate might get > 1g choline/day, it's probably not significant.

>> No.14572526

Pure retardation. INDIVIDUALS or SUBPOPULATIONS within a population can be DEFICIENT in some/all of these. IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THE FUCKING CASE that 100% of each population contrasted between nations is deficient in all of the above, any particular of the above, or any of the above.

There is no reality, no possible reality, in which this delusion you retards are pushing COULD BE true given what we currently know. There is NO RELATIONSHIP to worsening rates of ADHD for ANY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED. Throwing spaghetti at the wall and declaring "evidence" may work for schizophrenics but is clear evidence you have no fucking clue what you're talking about to any sane mind.

If you are going to posit a combination of the aforementioned, or threshold in combination of the aforementioned, the burden of proof is on you. Finally, and even more fucking absurd than that, the threshold and evidence of a threshold whereupon 100% of the planet in 100% of all studies of 100% of all persons within said studies must either be demonstrated to respond identically to some supposed threshold such that heterogenity can be explained OR SOMEHOW with magical fucking pixie dust you demonstrate a fucking SCHRODENDEFICIENCY that disappears when fucking measured.

Fuck. Right. Off.

>> No.14572531

Speculating on a conspiracy is not evidence. You're retarded.

>> No.14572533

>IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THE FUCKING CASE that 100% of each population contrasted between nations is deficient in all of the above, any particular of the above, or any of the above.
I guarantee they're all deficient in magnesium lol

>> No.14572539

>I guarantee they're all deficient in magnesium lol
I guarantee you haven't the faintest fucking clue what you're talking about.

Let us suppose this blatantly fucking false line of bullshit is true for sake of argument. GUESS WHAT? The BURDEN OF PROOF to DEMONSTRATE a relationship IS ON YOU.

Guess what you fucktards never have? Oh right! Evidence to satisfy that!

>> No.14572545

>the aforementioned, the burden of proof is on you
Burden of proof is a debate concept. I don't give a fuck about debating. Knowledge is an epistemological concept. Keep being wrong due to your obviously broken epistemology, I don't care.

>> No.14572547

>I'm too good for evidence
Thanks for admitting what I said in the first place fucktard.

>> No.14572562

Nobody is claiming that they do. Just that it would be useless, which you would know if you interacted with real people. As >>14570242 tried to explain, the issue is not the lack of information. It's a question of will and thus resources. The amount of time and effort needed to fix an average person’s diet is absurd, there is a reason why stuff like bariatric surgery is a thing. Overwhelmingly diet interventions fail, and even when they are successful in the short term, over 95 percent of people are back where they started from in five years’ time. Simply put the resources needed to deliver lasting life changes in the cultural environment far outweigh the benefits to society such changes would provide, and we have to live with scarcity, thus we don't waste resources on that aside from grave cases or the vanishingly small minority of people who actually can enact life changes and just need the information to do so.

You people are living in some sort of weird fantasy world where people actually do what doctors tell them to do. Harping on various nutrients is just trite.

>> No.14572597

>Thanks for admitting what I said in the first place fucktard
You're too fucking dumb to know what evidence is, idiot

>> No.14572602

>Overwhelmingly diet interventions fail
Oh, the actual fix is hard so we'll pretend it doesn't exist

>> No.14572630

Magical thinking and speculation is not evidence. You might want to look up how professional fields in the relevant sciences define "evidence", because what was vomited thus far is nowhere near.

>> No.14572632

And I will further specify "GOOD EVIDENCE" because I know you devote what few neurons you have to being dishonest.

>> No.14572957
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I'm getting my medical degree diploma in a couple of days

>> No.14572996
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Holy fuck man that's horrible why

Also congrats now suffer :p

>> No.14573101

>IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THE FUCKING CASE that 100% of each population contrasted between nations is deficient in all of the above, any particular of the above, or any of the above.

It's likely that everyone is deficient in at least one essential nutrient, such that the optimal metabolic/growth rate is not achieved---this is basic veterinary/agricultural science, humans are not exempt from the laws that govern these sorts of things.

For example, your ketotard who gets excess protein, choline from eating nothing but steak and eggs is likely deficient in boron and vitamin K, at least in terms of intake, tho menaquinones are produced in the gut, tho how much they contribute to the overall nuriture is a question.

> There is NO RELATIONSHIP to worsening rates of ADHD for ANY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED

I am not talking about ADHD, just general illness and lack of "vitality" that causes many patients to go to a physician and/or to experience a lower quality of life than they could if their nutrition were optimized. Don't pretend this is something MDs do, they dont have the time, and they also dont really have the inclination or the training.

And as I said, this is just going on the Government Recommendations, not looking into the many possible genetic variations that increase requirements.

>> No.14573118


It's pretty difficult to demonstrate nutritional deficiency, especially when things like fitness testing are no longer done outside of police/military, e.g. not in schools.

So, if the school fitness test says you have to climb a rope, and someone cant due to inadequate upper body strength, but everyone else can, untrained (e.g. the difference is not that they are training at climbing ropes), then the issue is likely genetic and/or nutritional/environmental.

You seem really agitated about all of this. It is fairly well acknowledged that people don't eat very good diets, do you think this is controversial? Even physicians often dont---they are thin and they are on their feet for 8-12 hour shifts, skipping meals, so they often have good BP/blood sugar, but the best way, or one of them, IMO, to look into someone's health is to look at their oral health.

I know people who run marathons who are my age, who started having root canals in their late 20s/early 30s. I've never had a root canal. I am no marathon runner tho---for most of history, what was a more beneficial state, running marathons and going to the dentist or having intact teeth that are resistant to infection?

That is another possibility, it is possible that optimum nutrition for things like immunity is different from optimum nutrition for longevity, there is no reason the two need to be intrinsically linked.

>> No.14573132

>The amount of time and effort needed to fix an average person’s diet is absurd, there is a reason why stuff like bariatric surgery is a thing.

Show me the product that allows a fatty to get what we give obese dogs: a 100% ration of vitamins, minerals, protein and choline, with reduced fat/carbohydrate so that, if they eat a programmed amount of it, they lose weight.

I know they don't do that, I ahve friends who have been obese who went to the "fat doctor" who first said "OK, you're oging to eat 1200 calories a day...mostly high protein foods..." that's great doc, that will mean there's no way they're getting 100% of the nutrients they need.The folk science behind this is that fatties are over-nourished anyway so they can stand to "skip a few meals" (read nutrients). There's no evidence for this, it's just folk wisdom. I am no fatphobic jargon idiot, I think being fat is bad socially, physically and even morally, but I also dont think that you can address the problem using folk wisdom.

> Overwhelmingly diet interventions fail

Can you show me a diet intervention that used the protocol I am describing? That is, you take the IOM recommendations (prob make protein higher because obese people need more protein, often substantially more, and there is no need for them to lose muscle) and divide that into, say, 3x400 calorie meals?

No one reads everything, but I have not read any interventions like that, tho there are lots of single nutrient itnerventions, e.g. 1g phosphate a day in 3 divided doses causes weight loss in one study.

> You people are living in some sort of weird fantasy world where people actually do what doctors tell them to do.

I think you are living in some weird fantasy world where NO patients do what doctors tell them to do. The problem is that "well, eat less and move more" is not an engineered solution to the problem.

"Eat one of these 10 different meals 3x a day" is a very different proposition.

>> No.14573145

>Magical thinking and speculation is not evidence. You might want to look up how professional fields in the relevant sciences define "evidence", because what was vomited thus far is nowhere near.

You seem to be the one engaging in a sort of weird, magical thinking. Who knows if you are an MD or not, but you are asserting the two basic things that ppl here, MDs or not, who have the "4chan asshole" personality seem to assert (that is just the way they write, maybe they are not assholes).

(1) patients are idiots who are noncompliant
(2) patients are not malnourished

Well, they are patients for some reason, and this is either genetic or nutritional. If they didnt develop their problems as neonates, there are a few genetic things that emerge later in life, but these are fairly rare. Your typical doughball patient who is too stupid to comply with the dietary advice of "eat a better diet and maybe do some exercise" is probably not eating a good diet on his own, this seems pretty reasonable. Free living animals dont tend to get obese, you dont really see that in indigenous populations, so it is something about living in industrial society that causes this, especially to teh degree it is a problem in USA.

So, if we take basic 19th century agricultural chemistry (developed because there was no conflict of motivation in agsci, if the crop fails, no one gets paid. Sick patients do generate $$$, so it at least a potential conflict of interest) then we can see "hrmm, plants and animals that dont thrive," we tend to look at that in AgSci as a nutritional issue, tho it can also be environmental, e.g. ungygienic feedlot conditions, but MOST patients are prob not shitting all over themselves and perpetually covered in feces.

If you were a farmer who treated his plants or animals like MDs do, you would privately think "my farm animals are fucking stupid, my plants are fucking stupid" while your farm went under and the bank took your house and car.

>> No.14573160

>Knowledge is an epistemological concept. Keep being wrong due to your obviously broken epistemology, I don't care.

I am not even sure what he is arguing, desu. The issue is how you look for a solution to the obvious problems of things like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, etc.

Seems to me pretty reasonable that the first-line treatment is ensuring the patient is getting 100% of all nutrients. I just can't conceive, based on my understanding of chemistry and biology, that a biochemical system is going to perform if it is missing nutrients, and it is well-established that it is hte least available nutrient htat limits reactions in the system, that is this Liebig's Law of the Minimum.

"Liebig's law of the minimum, often simply called Liebig's law or the law of the minimum, is a principle developed in agricultural science by Carl Sprengel (1840) and later popularized by Justus von Liebig. It states that growth is dictated not by total resources available, but by the scarcest resource (limiting factor). The law has also been applied to biological populations and ecosystem models for factors such as sunlight or mineral nutrients. " (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebig%27s_law_of_the_minimum))

And this is a fairly common-sense principle if you remember your highschool chemistry and how reactions are driven by interactions of matter, not by some spooky metaphysical "will." So, if you have 1 mol X and 1 mol Y and 0.5 mol Z, and these substances are all stirred up, it is more like that a X and a Y collide than a Z and a Y. So, if there is reaction that requires an X and a Y to collide, to produce B, and then a B and a Z to collide, producing BZ, then Z is the limiting reactant (as concerns downstream use of BZ).

>> No.14573165

The farmer can control what his cows eat and what fertilizer he puts on his crops, if he had the same ability as a doctor to tell the cows what to go home and eat his farm would go under in no time

>> No.14573190
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>I have no evidence, therefore I win.

>> No.14573420

>if he had the same ability as a doctor to tell the cows what to go home and eat his farm would go under in no time

Except we all know doctors do not give patients a cycle of 30 meals and say "eat these 3x a day" in the same way they give them a cycle of drugs and say 'eat this 1x day.' Don't cap. The cynical view that "the reason we do this is because patients would not comply" simply demeans patients. It's not like this is something your avg MD has tried and failed at. Plus, there are plenty of specialist practitioners who do "functional medicine" who DO things more like this, and they do get results.

Basically, if you are blaming your patients, this simply shows you are a shitty physician w/ no sense of responsibility or ethics, if you are a physician. "If only my patients werent so stupid, I'd be able to help them!" Take the L.

>> No.14573434

>>I have no evidence, therefore I win.

Evidence of what?

Evidence that intake of nutrients below the recommended levels causes metabolic derangement?

Evidence that there are substantial numbers of people who get less than the recommended amount of nutrients, which in many cases may be too low, either for everyone (e.g. Vitamin D, many researchers say 800IU is not enough, esp in higher lattitudes) or for ppl with genetic polymorphisms, e.g. differences that impact choline requirements, they are well documented?

No one is trying to "win" a game, we are having a discussion. Are you a sperg whose dominant form of interaction with others growing up was "win/lose" video games or something?

>> No.14573439
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>mfw got A on my physiology final

>> No.14573443

>No one is trying to "win" a game, we are having a discussion.
No, we are not. I pointed out how something earlier said was wrong, you vomit irrelevant BS. You get from me what you deserve. The "unwelcome" mat.

>> No.14573464

>I pointed out how something earlier said was wrong, you vomit irrelevant BS

What's wrong? You're saying the general thesis that people are mostly poorly nourished, especially ppl who show up in the doctor's office with chronic illness (not, like, a broken arm from skiing) is questionable?

Like, your idea is ppl have diabetes at the rate they do because they get 100% sufficient nutrition, and then extra calories? If you dont get sufficient choline, esp. w/ genetic polymorphisms, your liver wills w/ fat and you have problems. This is all legit science, dude, it's just not what "medical doctors" do for their patients.

>> No.14573493

Less writing, more reading. You're so schizophrenic you literally don't even know what you've been replying to.

>> No.14573525

>Less writing, more reading. You're so schizophrenic you literally don't even know what you've been replying to.

It has nothing to do with schizophrenia, it's that you're not clearly stating what you disagree with.

You're the one replying to at least two different people as though they're one person, I never said anything about ADHD until you replied to me as though I were talking about it.

>> No.14573532

>ADHD is highly genetic with as high a twin concordance rate as height

And there have been comprehensive studies eliminating the possibility of genetic polymorphisms impacting nutrition?

"These studies show evidence of cholinergic deficits in ADHD, particularly for subjects with the Combined subtype, and, if replicated, may encourage further consideration of cholinergic agonist therapy in the disorder." (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3164006/))

So there, literally one google search on one nutrient (the last one to be declared essential, in 1998, after Government nutrition recomendations since the 1970s were to "eat less meat, eat fewer eggs, you dont want to die of a heart attack!").

So, when you have an ADHD patient, its not going to hurt him to do everything else, plus say "well, what are you feeding him, do you cook eggs every morning for the little fucker?" "Oh, COOK EVERY MORNING, IM RUN RAGGED CLEANING MY FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE!!!!" "maybe you're all malnourished, dear, you ever think of that? It takes like 5 minutes to cook enough eggs for the whole family you lazy slag."

>> No.14573548

Just submitted my primary application. Make fun of me please. I have a PhD, am I making a mistake?

>> No.14573675

The lack of such a product doesn't affect my argument at all. Your notion that people need 100% nutrients all the time is also purely folk wisdom. The efficiency of you protocol is a thing that needs to be proved, not the other way around.

>> No.14573683

>Except we all know doctors do not give patients a cycle of 30 meals and say "eat these 3x a day" in the same way they give them a cycle of drugs and say 'eat this 1x day.'

And yet the drug adherence rates are somewhere in the 50's in the developed world. It's also ironic that you think the patients are capable enough to enact lasting life changes but too stupid to cook for themselves.

>> No.14573684

>Your notion that people need 100% nutrients all the time is also purely folk wisdom.

No...it's...what is wrong with you? "all the time" is not well defined, but the reason these minimums are defined (often there are two levels, a bare minimum, then an RDA w/ a fudge factor) is because there is some biochemical problem/disease that emerges if they are lacking.

> The efficiency of you protocol is a thing that needs to be proved, not the other way around.

Well, no such products exist, tho anyone can formulate them pretty easily now that you can buy bulk vitamins, etc.

I mean, we do have them, they are TPN solutions, but they are meant to maintain weight, they dont, afaik, make lower calorie TPN solution in a palatable form, to say nothing of microwavable entrees, etc.

Also, it is literally what they do in veterinary medicine to help dogs lose weight---you buy a weight loss dog food, which has 100% nutrition but less carbohydrate/fat. If dogs get sick, ppl get sad. Humans are not so lucky.

These problems are already solved, the issue is that medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have no $$$ incentive to implement hte solutions used every day in AgSci/Veterinary medicine.

>> No.14573691

>It's also ironic that you think the patients are capable enough to enact lasting life changes but too stupid to cook for themselves.

Cooking properly and eating properly are learned behaviors, so if people are not taught, they wont know how.

Even if the adherence rate is, as you say, 50%, well, that means 50% of people could potentially be helped by being given a preformed diet to adhere to, rather than "lol, just eat a healthy diet...no im not going to tell you what that is like an engineer would design something, lol, im an MD, not a process engineer!"

>> No.14573693

Don't restrict the dog's access to the weight loss food and see how much it loses weight.

>> No.14573694

>And yet the drug adherence rates are somewhere in the 50's in the developed world

Also, it is entirely possible that difficulty adhering to a plan, etc. is a symptom of malnutrition itself.

>> No.14573697

Or better yet give it also options to eat whatever processed shit in any quantities that it desires.

>> No.14573722

>Don't restrict the dog's access to the weight loss food and see how much it loses weight.

If your stated compliance rate is 50%, then this is low, but there's no reason to think that, say, 50% of obese people would not comply with a strict directive to

"eat three of these cans of food a day" rather than "well, here is a list of foods...how much to eat...well...you have to do some math."

As soon as you are expecting a patient to do math beyond counting 1 pill or 2 pills (and even this many cannot do) you are simply avoiding your professional responsibility, as a "learned professional" to do this work for the patient.

>> No.14573729

>Or better yet give it also options to eat whatever processed shit in any quantities that it desires.

So the admission is basically that the programmed diet would work, it's just that patient compliance wouldn't be 100%, so that is the fault of the patients, not that such a product does not exist, is not Rx'd for the myriad problems that likely involve nutrition.

>> No.14573731

>Don't cap.
the L is well deserved senpai frfr

>> No.14573744

That's the adherence to taking a pill and otherwise living your life as you please. We can clearly see how adherence drops if you have to take a drug multiple times a day, if you have to take it with a meal or avoid eating something at the same time etc. Each additional demand drops the adherence. And when we get to shit like diet planning performed by health care professionals and with plenty of support to the person the adherence rates are somewhere in the low single digits. That's because a diet imposes much stricter demands in the form of "only eat x in y amount z times a day" or in other words don't eat any of non-x, don't eat it x more than y or more often than z.

>> No.14573751

>That's because a diet imposes much stricter demands in the form of "only eat x in y amount z times a day" or in other words don't eat any of non-x, don't eat it x more than y or more often than z.

And it is possible non-compliance is because the patient doesnt get enough nutrition with caloric restriction, and the diets are not formulated to give 100% of the required nutrients, the horse I rode in on.

If you can point me to one of these "university of science" articles describing what I have said and showing it didnt work, or compliance was too low, that is fine.

Lots of ppl who've made their own "onions" beverage have found that they lose weight, feel better, etc. This is obviously because tehir prior diet did not contain everything they needed.

>> No.14573759

>much stricter demands in the form of "only eat x in y amount z times a day" or in other words don't eat any of non-x, don't eat it x more than y or more often than z.

The product I am suggesting takes all measurement away from the patient.

They have, say, a dozen different frozen items they can choose from, each of which provides 1/3 calories (e.g. if weight loss, target might be 1200 or 1500 calories, so each one is 400-500 calories).

Instruction is "microwave one of these for breakfast, one for lunch, one for dinner and eat."

Dont pretend this is something that has been "tried and failed," its not.

>> No.14574019
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>tfw doing pediatric emerg rotation
>all the other residents and staff telling me it's a more laid back environment
>you don't have to deal with non-compliant boomers who choose to neglect their health is a plus
>barely any long-standing chronic conditions to deal with
>have 12 year old come in for fever
>kid is just over 5 feet tall and already weighs 320lbs
>has DMII, HTN, DLP, and asthma at fuckin 12 years old
>has worst candida infection I ever seen at this groin and fat rolls
>oddly enough the parents have the images of perfect health
>they seem to be blind to their son's health issues by just saying he's a "husky" boy
I'm not even in 'murrica. We decided to send the kid to endo to see if there's something else behind his extreme obesity. Damn was I lied to.

>> No.14574072

Why does /med/ attract so many schizos? Is it because deep down everybody thinks they're experts at health?

>> No.14574422

Layman here.
Why does stomach pH matter for GERD? What does it change?

>> No.14574437

>Why do I see this shit so often?
female practitioners.

>> No.14574444

Why didn't you do bioinformatics u dummie.

>> No.14574457

>female practitioners.
In my experience the female ones are more likely to believe you're having problems and less likely to tell you it's just anxiety.

>> No.14574487

>The efficiency of you protocol is a thing that needs to be proved
False. That's just a trick that allows people to wreck the modern environment without proving it's safe and then sit back and avoid fixing it by demanding proof first.

If anything you should prove the modern diet is better than whatever humans evolved with.

>> No.14574751

Should I get a surface or macbook air/tablet for school? I was thinking tablet because I didn't want to be on my phone doing flashcards while in rotations due to appearance and I need a new laptop to take tests (webcam), mine is 6 years old.

>> No.14574978
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Help me, /med/

I don't have trouble urinating, ejaculating, or experience any pain regarding my urethra. But when I compare it to intact penises (I'm cut unfortunately), their urethral opening seems larger vertically.
So since I don't have any problems as I mentioned above, I'm pretty sure it's not meatal stenosis. And I wonder if I'm just being paranoid and thinking it's smaller.
How do I check? When I pull the glans/frenulum back, the meatus opens very wide and seems larger/akin to the intact penises' meatuses. But when I leave it alone, or pressure it downward, it seems way too small compared to the rest of the glans, and doesn't open very wide. Is this supposed to be normal?
The slit seems larger vertically regardless of stretching in intact men. So I'm quite confused. Is there a set ratio between the flaccid glans and meatus?

>> No.14575057

>I'm not even in 'murrica. We decided to send the kid to endo to see if there's something else behind his extreme obesity. Damn was I lied to.

Did anyone ask what the kid eats? Do a complete nutritional history for, say, 2 weeks? Offer a food journal to figure the problem out? Will the endo do this? lol, of course not!

>> No.14575423

that's fuckin gay and pays like shit

>> No.14575429

don't pretend it works until it is tried

>> No.14575432

>This is obviously because
Or you know, could be a million different things starting with placebo.

>> No.14575437

>not a thinkpad

>> No.14575450


>> No.14575454

illusion of access