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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 49 KB, 400x531, abortion-poster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1454406 No.1454406 [Reply] [Original]

Your face when you realized that 'abortion' and eating children till the age of 2 or even 3 should be allowed.

Why? Simple. ~3 yo child is on intellectual level of a grown up pig. Then if we consider eating and killing pigs and similar animals as acceptable then killing and eating babies till the age of 3 should be allowed.

>> No.1454420

But they have the potential of intelligence, unlike pigs

>> No.1454429
File: 17 KB, 624x352, 1278686147573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1454430

For the love of god.


I know you're a troll but I'm still pissed.

Fuck you!

>> No.1454433

Intelligence is not the reason we don't eat people. It's because we feel a kinship to them, and because they are much more likely to harbor diseases that can infect us, since we are the same species.

>> No.1454435

>Implying awesome trolling

>> No.1454436

> ~3 yo child is on intellectual level of a grown up pig.

[citation needed]

>> No.1454437

lol, no.

>> No.1454442

/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.1454443

A Modest Proposal by Swift


>> No.1454450

>Simple. ~3 yo child is on intellectual level of a grown up pig.
Pigs don't get more intelligent as they grow up.

>> No.1454463


I'm not trolling. Not at all.

So what? So what they have potential? Potential is not a separate sentient being that suffers if diminished.

Google any1?


>> No.1454472


Sociology and philosophy get.

>> No.1454475



>> No.1454477


You know what does get more intelligence when they grow up?


>> No.1454487


>> No.1454489

> Your face when you realized that 'abortion' and eating children till the age of 2 or even 3 should be allowed.

*shrugs* Sounds fine to me, but I don't see a need for even that age limit.

>> No.1454508


Wow you're so crazy and edgy I wish I were just like you.

Go back to /b/

>> No.1454552


? uh

>> No.1454553


Wouldn't touch /b/ with a 10-foot pole, myself. Just don't have a problem with the idea of cannibalism. (In practise, however, human flesh is probably pretty unhealthy, what with all the crap we eat and such.)

>> No.1454558

poster looks like goatse, watch it

>> No.1454577


Wow you're so crazy and edgy I wish I were just like you.

Go back to /b/

>> No.1454872

In other words my opinion is flawless.

>> No.1454882

Thank god you reposted this shit. Now I know you're a troll and, hopefully, not being serious.
For everyone: He posted this shit the other day on /b/.

>> No.1454921


I even posted it today on /b/. Does this make the general idea invalid in any way?

>> No.1454949

that's what cleverbot said

me: what do you think about abortion?

cb: Well, if you're programming is perfect you need to reboot from time to time. Aborting is fine.

>> No.1454971
File: 203 KB, 361x361, 1278172772190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, if you're programming is perfect

Apparently cleverbot doesn't know grammar.

>> No.1454991


> Make objective claim about a subjective statement.

>> No.1455414


>make shit about poo

>> No.1456532

I don't consider eating meat acceptable, i just do it to stay alive. I try to avoid eating anything that hasnt lived like lamb or viel.