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14545582 No.14545582 [Reply] [Original]

Every disease is caused by the illuminati food pyramid(plant based diet and stress induced by life away from nature.
First of all, theory of bad or good pathogens is false, actually all microscopic life is symbiotic to pluricellular individuals. Saying that bacterias and such are good or bad is like saying guns kill or save people, no they actually lack a sentience to be responsible for our problems

Theory of germs being wrong doesn't necessarily implies that a harmful microbe or a parasite could not exist, life still evolve and the elites can create microscopic weapons (like the spike protein from Covid) Depending on the context, can be harmful (like a huge wound, if u don't die from the hemorrhage, the bacteria involved in destroying dead cells and unhealthy would produce more toxins than you immune system is able to get rid of, that's what we call "infections", they're just consequences of toxins). Or you simply die from dmg.

>> No.14545584

Health is heavily related to nutrition, the best diet which is the natural one for humans is carnivore, raw meat and raw animals products(beware that not all people can digest raw diary), pasteurization is criminal and extremely bad to our body, we need bacterias to function properly.
So i'll explain quickly the "intoxication" hoax from bacterias or parasites.
Like i said earlier, bacterias do their work by eating dead and unhealthy cells, when someone get "food poisoning" by eating raw animal food, it's either due to a metal poisoning(rare), allergy to a chimical(pesticides, hormones all this dumb shit from industrial products) , lethal synergy with an antibiotic that kills the bacteria involved in animal digestion, a damaged gut, or bacterias doing their work.

"Food poisoning" from bacterias is due to ur unhealthy body, the bacteria will just eat ur shit cells due to ur bad diet and that will provoke all sorts of symptoms, they're helping us and people try to destroy them.
So this is what i'd call dexotification, your cells are unhealthy because u eat shit Stop eating everything except fruits(occasionally, fructose hardly overwhelme the liver, so it lead to diabetes in long term), best way to get carbs so for getting fat mass and obviously raw animal food, all kinds.

>> No.14545591

Diseases with the right conditions are less likely to be genetic related, even though, traumas can be inherited.
Vaccines are also extremely toxic and reduce lifespan, pasteurized milk given to children fuck up their growth and puberty, i got scoliosis from eating pasteurized crap

To heal humans correctly we need the good paragdim to understand our body and biology.
Everything natural is everything independent from us, what we consider primarily or objective.
Diseases are natural consequences of accumulation of toxins or other harmful effects(radioactivity, man made weapons,)
We can't consider something primarily as an error because it's self contradictory, so diseases aren't errors. They're actually here to protect us, cancers are not harmful, they're the last option from the human body to fight against a deadly threat.

That's i'd call the first law of the nature and I'll link a pdf where it's explained well.
Here for the metaphysics of biology
For all the lies and corruption of nutrition research, the 2nd is about the natural diet of humans, you might also read "The recipe to live without disease" and "We want to live" by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

>> No.14545597

Medecine does nothing but suppressing symptoms of the pathos, our body doesn't need treatment where it could heal alone with no artificial harm and correct diet.
The only things interesting are surgery and first aid measures for an example, a situation where nature can't save us like an haemorrhage or other lethal damage

Sanitary measures delay the process of healing people by killing bacteria, we should only wash our body to remove crap like dirt, unnatural things.

Modern medecine has like 1% of relevant stuff, rest is symptomatic treatment of pathos caused by the same people who "heal" u
Pandemics is the result of black magic on masses. Pay attention to known viruses, they are actually not real but memes, they are demonstration of poisoning like biotics(for an example, AIDS isn't real, it's the consequences of taking medication, that create AIDS) since government create microscopic weapons
Covid isn't real too, it's the consequences of vaccination or other known bacteria reaching sick people, there is no covid virus

Same goes for psychiatry, a lot of people are actually ill cuz of bad life habits, some illnesses are actually induced by bad education, stupidity, hypersensitivity which make them invalid as illnesses because they're naturally induced.
People who lose contact with reality are actually unexperienced humans with good spiritual awareness that meet a world they don't know, ofc it provoke loss of common sense

>> No.14545672


>> No.14545690
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>> No.14545712
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Polio isn't caused by a viruse but by mercury poisoning

>> No.14545713

Ok buddy do you have a single study to back that up? Like control groups.
Have one group on standard diet and another on carnivore. Follow up all their lives, then check their life expectancy and tell me what group lives longer.

>> No.14545719

Just check up Masai people and Inuits, they actually live for long

>> No.14545722

>got some experimental data to back up your claims ?
>looks at those people over there. checkmate atheists

>> No.14545730

BRO have you studied the biology of plants? There is no macronutrients from them but carbs. Cellulose can't be digested (amylase can be digested but only by saliva) beta caroten too, they have actually a lot of toxins that we can't get rid of

>> No.14545738

Plants don't have also antioxidants, they're actually toxins

>> No.14545742

Look it up https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29199027/ keto diet has healed patients from disease, which is 60% fat, 30%proteins and 10% of carbs

>> No.14545790

This board has really gone to shit. Can you go talk about your retarded schizophrenic delusions somewhere else?

>> No.14545826

water dehydrate
I add also that food poisoning can be related to past life of the said meat (chimic crap like antibiotics, or other bad reaction with salt), that's why you should go to the butcher but if u cant and u are forced to go the supermarket, then buy only muscle meat, because fat and organs usually stock all the toxins.

If ur forced to get only muscle meat, you need a lot of fat to function properly, you could substitute some days with coconut oil which has a lot of saturated fat, even though animal fat stay the best.

If u can't get enough blood too, get coconut water, it's the best 3rd option to hydrate your body just after raw milk then blood

>> No.14545971

>As a result, most of the Maasai people have a dangerously low life expectancy. Evidently, this causes them to be the People with the lowest life expectancy in the whole world. The average male lives to the age of 42, whilst the women live until the age of just 44

>> No.14546559


>> No.14546753

Germ theory is a crock of shit, take the Terran Theory Pill.
Fuck off jewboy

>> No.14546775

why do you "soience experts" all chimp out massively every time anyone on 4chan contracts the official ZOG narrative? if you're so massively intelligent, they how come you have no control over your emotions and chimp out at the slightest perceived provocation like a baby? it seems safe to assume that high iq science experts should be mature enough to control their emotions better than you do

>> No.14546806

What about parasites from raw food?

>> No.14546868

There are many parasites in our body actually and you know parasites are located in the intestines, not the other organs, neither flesh.
They are symbiotic like bacteria, cells have eggs to produce bacteria or parasite for cleaning up the organism

>> No.14546891

>Modern medecine is a joke
You got that right, even if you misspelled it.

>> No.14546900

only some bacteria are considered "parasites" in humans, none of them are beneficial.

beneficial bacteria are not parasites.

>> No.14546993

nice reddit post
you don't belong here, pack up and leave

>> No.14547180

french cucks will never can into science

>> No.14547709
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viruses don't exist

>> No.14547938

Which ones are considered "parasites"?

>> No.14547952

Ye my maternal language is french and i do no effort to improve myself

>> No.14548015

Das rite, viruses are memes, consequences of detoxing from bad health
Flu is just caused by bacteria healing sick people in the organs involved, so vaccines actually worsen the terrain, making detoxification more hard

>> No.14548048

flu is cold, you are meme, shill

>> No.14548060

It's in the elites interest to tell us that flu is caused by bacteria, viruses

>> No.14548065

t. brainlet

>> No.14548072

Thx for the bump

>> No.14549073

So basically what I'm getting so far is to eat worm infested meat and worm infested fruits to avoid this poison

I'll keep reading anon

>> No.14549097

>so diseases aren't errors. They're actually here to protect us, cancers are not harmful

>Sanitary measures delay the process of healing people

Anon have you experienced an actual wound? With fungus and infection in it? You need to fucking cut it with a fresh sterile razor blade and rubbing alcohol to keep it from spreading. If it continues to grow it does into your blood stream and can kill you.

Get shot with a fucking rugar and pick out the bullet with your dick beaters. Let me know how it heals up

>> No.14549397

>theory of bad or good pathogens
Stopped reading there
There's no good pathogen, nigga do you even know what pathogen mean?

>> No.14549486

Fungus and bacteria heal
>If it continues to grow it does into your blood stream and can kill you.

>> No.14550356

My friend died from a fungal infection eating his heart

Probably could have saved him if they had state of the art iv antibiotics on deck

>> No.14550458

>fungal infection


>> No.14550779


>> No.14551468


>> No.14551984

Ye ik, i just made an error

>> No.14552000
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you know, if viruses mutate, why do they always make us sick and not healthier

>> No.14552822

Nice thread

>> No.14554764


>> No.14555096

>quote without adding the source
let me guess, ((wikipedia))?