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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14548752 No.14548752 [Reply] [Original]

Why have you not contributed anything to humanity yet /sci/? You do plan to bring innovation to some field eventually, right?

>> No.14548771

> contributed
i'm not in debt, i don't owe, i don't have a savior complex, i don't have original sin to work off, i'm not a cuck.
my unique knowledge and capabilities will remain secret, kept for my private use, until i decide to pass it down the bloodline.
look at the kary mullis example, thats what happens when you share your genius with the world, they take and abuse it, use it maliciously and vindictively and assassinate you if you complain. Orville Wright also expressed regret about publicizing their invention.

>> No.14548773

I do contribute to humanity. Pure negativity. Kill yourself you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.14548775

There is no "humanity". Only a mass of malevolent drones and occasional isolated individuals in this sea of human-shaped waste.

>> No.14548782
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prove to me first that scientific progress is a form of contributing to society. depression and suicide rates are at an all-time high and roughly correlate with scientific progress.
seems to me that for every intended advantage, there is an equal or bigger hidden disadvantage. example:
science comes up with the smartphone. advantage: waiting at a bus stop slightly more fun, have portable internet browsing everywhere (honestly negligible advances). disadvantage: most social events in the first world are ruined forever,and nobody saw it coming or cared.

>> No.14548794
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>Why have you not contributed anything to humanity yet /sci/?

First you offer a platform for the censored science
Than you battle the AI drones designed to stop you from sharing it

It seems you do not know what is worthy of being considered a contribution

>> No.14548809

>Why have you not contributed anything to humanity yet /sci/?

You mean have any of us expended our time and energy only to realize that the entire fucking system is fake, and even if you do make a contribution it will be stole as they name call you, call you a schizo and a crackpot, after they change the words around a bit to claim it as their own and then eliminate your voice from speaking about it?

It's all fucking fake,, Anon. DO NOT CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING for those fucks. THE. SYSTEM. IS. FAKE.

You are a fucking slave who has been fed a lie that you will be rewarded for any contribution. YOU WILL NOT. In fact THEY WILL ACTIVELY ATTACK YOU IF YOU ARE ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE.

>> No.14548812
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Ummmm sweaty? Accoding to metrics invented by consoomerism shills, we live in the most prosperous and utopian times in human history, and the past was so heckin' peckin' bad that it's a mirable all of your ancestors didn't just kill themselves. I literally couldn't live without my fucking iphone. Imagine how deeply opppressed they were!

>> No.14548820

>copium palace

>> No.14548821

Everyone contributes to humanity in their own way. You could argue a janitor has much more impact on society than the average scientist.

>> No.14548833


Anon, I hope you don't learn this the hard way, but if you post anything here of any value whatsoever it will be immediately deleted by the mods and then a month or so later you'll get to read your work as an ThE AmAzInG breakthrough achieved "independently" by such-and-such academics at such-and-such Institute that you will never have the money or connections to even get them to piss on you.

>> No.14548839

>>copium palace

Look at this naive faggot who actually believes we live in a meritocracy.

>> No.14548847

>You could argue a janitor has much more impact on society than the average scientist.

That's facts.

>> No.14548851

I publish software under the AGPL3+NIGGER license

>> No.14548853
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God you people are pathetic.
It seems the human mind can only handle so much failure before it goes full schizo denial mode.

>> No.14548855
File: 29 KB, 500x565, 3523432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God you people are pathetic.
>It seems the human mind can only handle so much failure before it goes full schizo denial mode.

>> No.14548856

Go cope some more you useless piece of shit with superiority complex

>> No.14548861

Death to your Jewish civilisation.

>> No.14548866

>God you people are pathetic.
>It seems the human mind can only handle so much failure before it goes full schizo denial mode.


You'll find out for yourself eventually. The fact you don't know how this shit works yet tells me you haven't done jackshit or you would have seen it for yourself. Just yesterday the Mods deleted an on topic thread about computational work being independently done toward a theory of everything, yet they lead up a thread trying to harrass Tooker into suicide. Why do you think that is YOU NIAVE FUCKING CHILD.

>> No.14548880
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hubris and a lack of appreciations for the way things are

I urge to construct a means to measure how much failure is inside a human mind

If you do, i suspect you'll find a way too extract pure value-ium from objects you personally find valuable as well

>> No.14548881

>attempts to defend science
>with no citations or logical arguments
nice nigger face though, suits you well.

>> No.14548886

>Go cope some more you useless piece of shit with superiority complex

What have you done, you niave little shit? I am solidly convinced it's Jack shit or you would have seen for yourself that we don't live in a meritocracy. We live in a literal fucking feudal slave system, and that system is defended by powerful interest. YOU DO NOT EARN RANK BY CONTRIBUTING OF YOUR VOLITION, PERIOD. In fact they will kick you down rank if you even attempt it through thousands of mechanisms that you clearly know nothing about.

>> No.14548893
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>imagine voluntarily advancing the industrial-technological system

>> No.14548897

ah-dex-bah pay bayee shark

>> No.14548898

>feudal slave system
We're free to leave it if we haven't been imprisoned.

>> No.14548902

>We're free to leave it
Why are you lying? The feudal lords have monopolized all the lands and natural resources.

>> No.14548904

>We're free to leave it if we haven't been imprisoned.

Hahaha hahaha

Explain how other than by killing yourself

>> No.14548916

Living off the grid in the wilderness or traveling and disappearing in a third world country.

>> No.14548920

Being able to make value judgment != producing value

>people don’t appreciate meeeee so I’m gonna be a useless hedonist
Life owes you nothing, retard

>> No.14548925

>The feudal lords have monopolized all the lands
They lay claim to it sure, but they aren't maintaining all of it if you can claim squatter's rights. Even a vehicle counts as mobile land, and natural resources are still ripe for the taking if you can extract them from waste or trash.

>> No.14548926

>Living off the grid in the wilderness
You're not allowed to.

>disappearing in a third world country.
Third world countries are similarly ruled over by the mafia that programs your narrative.

>> No.14548928


Every once in a while an Elon Musk will get through the cracks, but now look how hard they work to destroy him. Biden won't even mention his name despite Musk being THE driving force behind American industry atm.

If they pretend that Musk doesn't exist, what the fuck do you think they will do to you and your contributions? I don't have to wonder, I've seen it for myself. The system is fake Anon. Literally THE ONLY people winning are the guys printing free money, and the people who own the land, but even the land owners have a sword handing over their heads at all times.

>> No.14548931

You can't get away for long with chopping down down some trees, building a cabin and hunting freely.

>> No.14548936

>Life owes you nothing, retard

I would make a bet that you are 15 years old and live with your parents. The only people who actual believe that bullshit are parasitic landlords and those fucks don't hang out on Sci since their too busy with their never ending vacation lifestyles.

>> No.14548939

>You're not allowed to.
Says who?
>Third world countries are similarly ruled over by the mafia that programs your narrative.
There's plenty of islands to disappear to, and some first world countries give away unwanted land if you don't like that.

>> No.14548943

If you don't prepare well for that sure, but the Amish have been doing it, and they aren't the only isolated settlements.

>> No.14548944


OK. You're 15 years old for sure. Only a retard with zero experience of real-world adult economics would believe that you can get away through "travel"

>> No.14548946

You've never heard of people going missing in other countries? Or military deserters?

>> No.14548947

>claim squatter's rights

You are 15 years old AT BEST

>> No.14548949

You sure are a vile piece of shit.

>> No.14548955

>the Amish have been doing it
The Amish aren't some random individual. Why do you shills keep lying and gaslighting? You know this low IQ pilpul won't save you when people get fed up with your anti-human system and shit finally hits the fan.

>> No.14548958

>Being able to make value judgment != producing value
how does one identify what they are producing is valuable without capability of making a value judgement?

>> No.14548966

Your assumptions are useless like everything you do in life

>> No.14548971

They can see what others value, but that’s not the point I’m making
Are you actually that dumb?

>> No.14548972

>Life owes you nothing, retard
Cry harder when your children get shot. Life owes you nothing, retard. Especially not "human rights".

>> No.14548976

Damn i got btfo

>> No.14548978

>Go cope some more you useless piece of shit with superiority complex

The system is rigged at every turn, Anon. It's a fuck slave system. I bet your a niace fucking child with dreams of becoming a TikTok influencer, you'll direct people to your website and they will give you money! You'll spend all year amassing 200k followers! Then when the times right you'll post a link and get those followers to give you money for your product which you worked hard on!

Guess what's gonna happen, Anon. TikTok will block your link and deplatform any post where you mention it. No worries! You think, you'll just direct message your followers! Oh, what's that? TikTok shadow banned any direct messages coming from your account? Well that sucks Anon.




>> No.14548987

Rene Girards model of mimetic (with an I not e) theory clearly shows the folly of handing off the definition of value to the external. For it was all generated by Mimetic hazard between people


If value doesn't come from within, it doesn't come from anywhere

So not dumb, just learned of the Uncommon knowledges

>> No.14548989

With how closed minded you are and with that defeatist attitude you should probably kill yourself
What do you even do except crying about ‘the system’?

>> No.14548993

>defeatist attitude

Maybe so, Anon.


>> No.14549008

>you should probably kill yourself

Don't tempt me with a good time

>> No.14549024

No, you are dumb
Firstly, that was not even my point
Secondly, you just cited someone else’s idea cause you cant come up with anything on your own
Thirdly, value judgment can come both from within and externally, for example I’m aware of what my friends value and i also disagree with them on some parts that that is even valuable

>> No.14549028

Why are you even asking me that?
Is my list of contributions gonna make you feel bad? Or am i not allowed to criticize your worldview unless i have satisfied your threshold of contributions?
The point is that my goals, bigger or smaller ones, are made with the intention to reduce suffering of those around me. The smaller ones get completed, the bigger ones get moved with progress. The point is that my worldview is optimistic. My mentality is one of a winner while you are just a fucking loser.

>> No.14549031

>made with the intention to reduce suffering of those around me

Oh yeah, name one.

>> No.14549034

there's still plenty of unclaimed land on this world
you just don't want to bother going there

>> No.14549036
File: 388 KB, 1717x751, rene-girard-is-not-stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that the only heuristics that remain in your cold sordid heart of ones of insults? If there wasn't a small probability that you are a human just self projecting your own pain and loosing it by making others be in pain to simply make yourself feel better. I'd judge you simply to be a COINTELPRO bot doomed to only possess heuristics to insult people. For many of use its been years of dealing with bots designed just for this purpose, so such words mean nothing

>> No.14549047

>there's still plenty of unclaimed land on this world
>you just don't want to bother going there

"Im gunna go live in the woods by myself like a widdle boy"

Do you think an actual human female will follow you there, Anon? Do you even know how females work? They have a completely different mentality than we do. You will not be able to pull them away from modernity. One might trick you into knocking her up in the woods, and as soon as that happens she will ditch you and go back to modernity, leaving you with alone and empty again. But that's okay, you'll just beat off to women on your phone, right? How are you going to charge it and pay for service in the woods, pal?

>> No.14549048

>it’s impossible that someone is doing anything unselfish with their time
Go worry about your loser ranking

>> No.14549052

It’s sad how fucking dumb you are

>> No.14549055


Pigs in a slaughtmill are "unselfish" they contribute so much.

>> No.14549057

>there's still plenty of unclaimed land on this world
Any place that people could plausibly go and squat in is regularly patrolled with the specific intent of preventing this, because if people could, they absolutely would. I hope you realize your low-IQ pilpul won't save you from the physical consequences that await you for being an anti-human shill.

>> No.14549058
File: 205 KB, 733x393, Screenshot from 2022-03-24 18-53-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think an actual human female will follow you there, Anon?

Do you think an actual male will follow you into a society that censors financial transactions for petty bs?

>> No.14549061

>Is my list of contributions gonna make you feel bad?

Make me feel bad? Absolutely not. I just don't think you have any.

>> No.14549063

>Do you think an actual male will follow you into a society that censors financial transactions for petty bs?

And what choice do you think we have?

>> No.14549077
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the choice, like in all ages past, is consent.

I for one, would rather die after a week in the woods than consent to seeing my countrymen extra judicially prevented from buying groceries and gasoline. You will know 100% my genuinity about a month after Feb 23, 2023.

There is an account of two chinese philosophers, who in disagreement with the changing of the thrones, earned great and lasting respect from the Chinese people when, they choose to starve to death in the woods in protesting acceptance of the new emperors dominion

Does not the emperor also own the trees, the mountains and streams

yes, said the philosophers, and they starved themselves

>> No.14549086

Get a load of this incel LARPer and his cope.

>> No.14549087

Your rank is low not because of the system but because you’re so retarded

>> No.14549094

>mass replies with no substance
>calls others pathetic

>> No.14549101

>You will know 100% my genuinity about a month after Feb 23, 2023.

Don't do anything retarded, Anon.

>> No.14549106

>Your rank is low not because of the system but because you’re so retarded

Oh God, Anon. You know nothing. The system works to destroy all, irregardless of rank or intelligence. Again, the very people who were howling for action on Climate change are the same people demonizing Elon Musk. It's a fake system, Anon.

>> No.14549109

>Why have you not contributed anything to humanity yet /sci/?
I'm black

>> No.14549110

>earned great and lasting respect

What a retarded goal. Respect is not earned by seeking it.

>> No.14549112
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>> No.14549115
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>> No.14549117

I'm only here to consoom and coom.

>> No.14549118
File: 326 KB, 887x811, Screenshot from 2022-06-01 21-02-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not looking for others' respect
simply my own

>> No.14549121

Interesting, I’ve never had problems with the system, maybe because I spent my time working project that solve real problems instead of developing some loser philosophy

>> No.14549122


Yep. Completely contrived bullshit invented as an excuse to print trillions. I have no idea how we get out of this. Dark ages have been known to last hundreds of years. Sometimes thousands. I was hoping that VR would be an escape, but they have been keeping an eye on that and making sure that it's not. Blacklisting any experiences that are too escapist, etc...

>> No.14549126

holy shit. what the fuck is wrong with leafs

>> No.14549131

>maybe because I spent my time working project that solve real problems

Well I hope you are successful Anon.

>> No.14549136

>Blacklisting any experiences that are too escapist

Notice how they ban any social VR apps where you have an actual anatomically correct body, etc... It goes on and on.

>> No.14549143

>I have no idea how we get out of this.

I mean, I know what a humane, equitable and worthwhile system would look like,, I just don't know how we get from here to there...

>> No.14549154

Why would I? I've been fucked over in every way imaginable by people throughout life. I owe mankind nothing at the least, and outright malice to be fair. I settle for "nothing", I will make my dime and on my death bed will burn it with me. That is the least I can do for what has been done to me, and how I've had to live.

>> No.14549159
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thankfully, there is a lot of historical record that have tested different ways

My favourite is jubilee on the death (God bless her with long life) of the monarch

My least favourite is satan summoning the legions of hell

I think the most practical is a hyperborean infrastructure program

Math VR dojo's i think would go a long way. I gave VR a shot a couple weeks ago, landed up literally bringing the axe to my desktop, smashing the RTX 3080 driving it.. porn was too intense

>> No.14549172

>hyperborean infrastructure program

Colonize the arctic?

>> No.14549177

I did. I debunked btfo stupid germ theory.

>> No.14549178

>porn was too intense

Virt-a-mate is pretty incredible. Multiplayer virt-a-mate would be a fucking game changer. Instead we get bullshit like AltSpace, Horizons and VRChat where avatars are intentionally desexed

>> No.14549187
File: 3.59 MB, 2999x2998, Arsareth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dressed the basic ideas in alberta independence a while back.

The arctic shipping praxis I think would be the biggest net benefit to boosting interest rates, and I believe it could come a decade faster if London, Russia and Canada coordinated the nuclear icebreaking of both sides to combat inclement weather

Second biggest is Nuclear SMR all the high intensity heat processes

Get some arctic arcologies up there that are written in Russian, Chinese, Japanese, English and French

>> No.14549200



>> No.14549201
File: 237 KB, 750x1000, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lament for the things that would've been so fun, and would've been guilt free as well if we were able to maintain a free and open society at the same time

>> No.14549207

>My favourite is jubilee on the death (God bless her with long life) of the monarch

Mine: crypto tied to social security number, inject with direct proportion to population. 50% of every transaction kept by the seller, 50% equally and immediately divided among all SS#s. Built in evaporate function to prevent hoarding... would be THE golden age. Nothing would even compare. Would also be insanely stable, could easily provide human civilization stability for the next billion years.

>> No.14549209


Control yourself bro, Jesus.

>> No.14549241


I flipped my gold coin

>> No.14549268
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Aye, that is a money that aligns much better with the average pathos, and actually addresses the mathematical error of fractional reserves with built in evaporate. It would align incentives alot better in places like academia as well, as its no longer costing the meal ticket and the house to speak truth to power. People who want to try to create novelty can room and board earnestly in their inventing attempts.

My question, of course, is what sort of mechanisms exist to change the protocol so to speak. Like how employment insurance was denied the un injected in my country, what stops the demogogue's silver tongued words from turning this boon into the biggest moral hazard imaginable?

>> No.14549314

>My question, of course, is what sort of mechanisms exist to change the protocol so to speak. Like how employment insurance was denied the un injected in my country, what stops the demogogue's silver tongued words from turning this boon into the biggest moral hazard imaginable?

Would be entirely voluntary. Someone could actually just make this using a social security number database. My hunch is that people would willingly participate in the system.

>> No.14549326

>It would align incentives alot better

Correct. We would be competing WITH each other rather than AGAINST each other. Would be insanely efficient. The first nation to implement would essentially be the new Ancient Greece and experience an innovation boom without precedent including that achieved by Ancient Greece.

>> No.14549334


I did the math and get this, what do you think the default "basic income" would be given the U.S. GDP? It would be virtually identical to the base standard for middle class living.

>> No.14549343

>Would be entirely voluntary.

Only risk would be that fascist feudal systems would try and make it illegal. Would potentially result in war to legalize the currency... but that would probably play out Like Athens vs Sparta (their early battles before Athens was plagued by disease and corruption)... Athens won because their Democratic system was inherently decentralized, it was leaderless. Sparta could not win without killing every Athenian which was impossible. Athens' resulting innovation boom then went on to define Western civilization and to this day!

>> No.14549346

I remember the gold bugs saying if gold was revalued today bretton woods it would be est 65k an ounce or something. If min wage was $0.40 an hour than per years 832 dollars, or around 23.75 ounces of gold.

This would be than $ 1545142.85714 a year

>> No.14549349


I'll probably make a video about all this within the next few days, but I've been posting about it for several years on Twitter.

>> No.14549361

>$ 1545142.85714

This is the way. Abundance mentality. Scarcity is an illusion. Millions of people are sitting on their asses because currency is bottlenecks and the "jobs" are fake, adult daycare bullshit.

>> No.14549455


Posted. Already at 10k+ views

>> No.14549483
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rock and roll anon, I'll hope to find it without asking you to doxx yourself.

So much potential

>> No.14549537


Thanks, Anon & well memed!

(Don't do anything stupid)

Maybe we'll cross paths again :-)

>> No.14549619
File: 5 KB, 299x169, laughing talibans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ill just hand over all wealth and power to the government and trust them to make a utopia for me
>picrel: disarmed plains indians dying on wasteland reservation

>> No.14549625


You obviously didn't read the part about being entirely voluntary and not being controlled by a government...

>> No.14549649
File: 25 KB, 144x114, euclid-billingsley-fren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should hope so :-)


>> No.14549674
File: 57 KB, 1000x500, tredder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more low iq lolberg escapist fantasies
enjoy ur future slave labor, none of your fellow gulag inmates will mourn your death, they will all know that you got what you asked for and what you deserved.

>> No.14549713

>enjoy ur future slave labor, none of your fellow gulag inmates will mourn your death, they will all know that you got what you asked for and what you deserved.

Looks like I was spot on about fascists bootleggers being threatened by the concept. Either that or you were too dumb to even follow the comment thread. If you had you would know that,

1) the crypto I am proposing is 100% voluntary and NOT government backed, similar to say, BitCoin, but different in functionality.

2) I specifically said that fascist bootleggers would feel threatened by freedom and would start making violent threats.

>> No.14549719


Bootlickers I meant to type. Weird autocorrect.

>> No.14549723


Genuine question:

Why do you hate freedom and America? In your opinion what should be done to people who are enemies of freedom and America?

>> No.14549734


You are hilarious.

You literally threatened murder and slavery because I proposed a new, voluntary crypto-currency.

I know why you did, of course. The crypto I proposed is specifically designed to attack flaws in your system... but again, it's voluntary... so why don't you just improve your system rather than being a literal anti-American terrorist?

>> No.14549744


The cutest part is how your anti-American terrorist meme has a "don't tread on me" guy as the protagonist.


The crypto I proposed is LITERALLY the definition of free-market capitalism. Like could literally be the definition in the dictionary.

So maybe this is the point when you admit that your "libertarian" ideals were really bullshit and that you were always a fucking terrorist, or?

>> No.14549747


You fucking terrorist

You fucking un-American terrorist

>> No.14549755


The video about the new crypto now has 76k views.

Sorry bud

>> No.14549762

>so why don't you just improve your system

Or is it because you cannot improve your system because that would require actual work.

Wait, have you ever worked a day in your life?

Are you a lazy fucking parasite?

>> No.14549775

>Or is it because you cannot improve your system because that would require actual work.
>Wait, have you ever worked a day in your life?
>Are you a lazy fucking parasite?

This was, of course, directed at the that posting terrorist memes who hates America and pisses his pants in fear of the masses becauses he's a parasite who has never worked a day in his pampered, spoiled, trust fund life.

>> No.14549789


Oh no bro! You've never actually worked, have you?

You have a fake fucking job given to you by daddy as an excuse to spend your whole life on vacation, don't you?

And you spend your time making literal terrorist threats against anyone who proposed any alternative, even voluntary one's.

How fucking sad.

Are you afraid you will lose your slaves?

What will you ever do without your slaves, bro?

>> No.14549799


What are you going to do with your slaves?!?

Will you still be able to spend 6 months per year skiing in Asoen without your slaves, bro?!

How will you even survive!!!

Wow, no wonder you IMMEDIATELY resorted to making literal terrorist threats at the mere suggestion of a voluntary alternative currency.

Do you make terrorist threats often, bro?

Do you beat your wife and kids, bro?

>> No.14549808


Video about the super scary crypto coin is now at 102k views.


>> No.14549817


You fucking faggot.

When's the last time you've been called a faggot, faggot?

Probably not since you were last ass fucked by your dad, huh.

You all are fucking pedos.

Everyone knows.

Your entire religion is a fucking pedophile den.

>> No.14549837


I'm a black female lesbian too.

How does it feel to get called a faggot by a black woman, you fucking faggot.

>> No.14549848

Anon please take your meds I beg you, they're not mind control microchips from the reptillians.

>> No.14549867


Nice concern trolling, minority.

You know you're a global minority, right?

It's super weird how you terrorists are all begging for global and civil war when the whole globe hates you...

That might not work out so good, you know? :-/

>> No.14549873


Take your meds schizo. Don't choke on them. We'll be watching to make sure you wash them down.

>> No.14549879

>they're not mind control microchips from the reptillian

Yeah... you definitely need to take your meds, schizo. Are the reptilians in the room with us now? How would you describe these repillians that you fantasize about?

>> No.14549913


You all are only 15% of global population! That's craaaaazy!

Why is your kind you trying to destroy America from the inside? Jan 6th, etc?

You know if America falls, China will enslave and harvest you for organs right?

Or is it true that your kind are too stupid to think that far ahead?

>> No.14549917
File: 62 KB, 640x417, most-obese-people-to-ever-exist-in-human-history10-1454505794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do so many of you all look like this? It's got to be like 60% of your race that looks like this, right?

Is it just bad genes?

>> No.14549920

>Why is your kind trying to destroy America from the inside? Jan 6th, etc?

I saw like half of your tiny race storm the capital on that day....

>> No.14549925


How does 60% of your race look like this if not for slaves? I mean, clearly your race does not work and has never worked...

>> No.14549928


I'm genuinely curious...

Has anyone in your race ever worked?

If so, how are you all so obese?

>> No.14549933
File: 401 KB, 1280x720, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14549942

>You know if America falls, China will enslave and harvest you for organs right?

Are your organs even compatible with human donors or do they only work with like farm animals and shit? Cuz that would make sense...

... that's why you use pig hearts for donations huh, cuz you're not human compatible?

>> No.14549945
File: 76 KB, 1200x800, everyone is like me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a useless piece of shit
nice superiority complex

>> No.14550057

I published a shitty paper about a probably very toxic molecule in a high impact journal. It's pretty useless, but it proves a principle about how catalysts can work.

>> No.14550441
File: 179 KB, 1017x985, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people ask me what I am or what I do for a living, I jokingly describe myself a Thief - I consume knowledge with a sort of vicious rage and dependence. I'm always learning, always reading, always thinking, always thieving. You know that cat from adventure time? I'm quite similar to him in that I possess approximate knowledge of many things.

I'm dying with my knowledge - it is not for you. It is for me. And maybe for a friend in need but mostly just for me.

>> No.14550446

I invented one of the covid vaccines uwu

>> No.14550453

Made some useful things that are good for a very niche area. Then made some tools that are good for lots of people.

Working on building things that will help lots and lots of people and heal the land. I'm gonna focus on streamlining and advancing scientific methodologies globally. Then I'm going to focus on tech to fix the land and purge toxins from it.

I don't know if it will all work out but i really hope it does. I originally went into biophysics because my personal desire to understand the spark of life. I'm still studying that at heart and when I can. But I know it's not the best use of my skills to focus like that.

>> No.14550489


>> No.14550491
File: 262 KB, 600x685, 1648410584645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you happen to look like this?

>> No.14550497
File: 71 KB, 875x767, 2hr17min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I look like this

>> No.14550582
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, that post sure did get brigaded hard. look at all those replies and in such a short span of time. would not be possible on this board without behind the scenes organization at play.
with so many discord trannys chimping at that post, you know its got to be right on the money. they wouldn't have sent in the shut-it-down commando team if it weren't

>> No.14550634

/sci/ is full of retards