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14547740 No.14547740 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Germ Theory of Disease a Pseudoscience?
I mean even in modern scientific medicine, all of the following cause Disease and are NOT caused by Germs
>Heart Disease
>Prion Disease
>Radiation Sickness
>Heavy Metal Poisoning
>General Poisoning
>Lack of Vitamins
This is not antivaxx. In fact in antiquity, Mithridatism concerned vaccination to POISON not germs.

>> No.14547903

wouldn't it be the same thing, germs/viruses act like poison destroying your tissues.
btw 'virus' meant poison

>> No.14547954

Germs are "microorganisms"
Viruses are not alive. Therefore they are not organisms, and thus they are not germs.

>> No.14548050

Theyre germs bud

>> No.14548052

No, that just means that disease can be caused by many different things.

>> No.14548053
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>The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases.
only a theory, accepted only currently, and only by Wikipedia glowniggers.

>> No.14548078

The fact that a lot of diseases aren't caused by germs doesn't invalidate the theory it just completes it. At the time people didn't know about bacteria and viruses. There was nothing to support the humoral theory or miasma theory, only a lack of knowledge and understanding at the most basic biological level but we know about germs, we see them, we study them, we use them, we modify them, etc. So no, it obviously isn't pseudoscience.

>only a theory
A scientific theory doesn't mean the same as your everyday use of the word theory. Theories aren't hypothesis, they're pretty much facts when they are supported by proofs.

>> No.14548136

Viruses are not germs. They are not alive. They are TOXINS.
Reductionism is necessary to understand the true underlying reality.
The fact that medicine has been content with "germs cause disease" is the whole issue with that discipline.
By avoiding reductionism the whole field has been held back by getting stuck into circular thought patterns.
Bacteria don't cause disease. They produce TOXINS that cause disease (e.g. Botulism).
The reality is that the semantics are important: Germs DO NOT cause disease. TOXINS do.
Some bacteria produce fermentation byproduct that is harmful to humans.
The bacteria itself does not cause disease.
This even causes an issue at vaccination time: the immune system is capable of NEUTRALIZING TOXINS. The question is, should you try to generate immunity to the toxin? Or the bacteria itself? The narrow thinking of the medical world has prevented these thought patterns.

>> No.14548160

You would have to use something that controls the bacterial ability to release the toxin in response to whatever stressor. Not all of them have the ability to, but those that do can be dangerous if they have the tools to share that ability with other bacteria. They also have the ability to send signals to one another to do a sort of headcount.

>> No.14548166

Adding to this that bacteria may not necessarily be dangerous when they're where they're supposed to be, but neither are gangmembers until you give them a firearm to ghettoblast you 6 feet under.

>> No.14548257

Viruses don't exist.

Diseases are programs to help you through biological programs. There's 2 phases in disease. The conflict phase and the healing phase. All allergies, chronic diseases and cancer starts in the psyche.

A rat gets into a conflict when it smells the scent of a cat. That stresses the rat and its body changes to help it through the conflict. When the conflict is over the healing phase starts to get the rat back into its normal state. Bacteria is mainly used by the body in the healing phase.

Allergies can be anything that reminds you about a specific conflict/trauma which triggers the program. (Smells, sounds, location, foods etc.)
Chronic diseases are diseases thats stuck in the conflict and healing phase.
Cancer is diseases that is stuck or have been in the conflict phase for a long period.

The medical world is stuck because it has separated the psyche and organ.

>> No.14548269

>source: my ass
OK schizo

>> No.14548381
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>theory is fact
you know shill you can compete for most retarded shill ever
> currently accepted fact
you don't belong to science

>> No.14548424

>Theory:In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses.
Where do you belong? The fucking Piggly Wiggly stocking department?

>> No.14548440


With brain scans you can even see which programs is turned on and in which stage it is in.



>> No.14548479

fact is not explanation, idiot shill, ban yourself