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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 148 KB, 974x878, soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14547874 No.14547874 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is soience so common these days?

>> No.14547892

Soience is a religion for the masses

>> No.14547894

It claimed the niche that religion left in godless countries. Most people are simple, they need something to worship because thinking is hard, apparently.

>> No.14547899

It never was. You're just a retard from /pol/ coping because science doesn't support your fascist delusions.

>> No.14547902

What are some examples of this so called 'basedence'? Is it all what I think it is and pure /pol/tardery vs 'social science'

>> No.14547906
File: 172 KB, 1722x667, Replication Crisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I meant why is soience so popular with supposed scientists these days? And why isn't it being exposed more?

Yeah you keep on that bullshit.

>> No.14547909
File: 33 KB, 114x114, 1654282081970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the impact of technology in our lives that is essentially magic to the layman makes it easy to feel superior by proxy to the bodies of knowledge that produced them without any actual effort or critical thought.

>> No.14547919
File: 178 KB, 1280x848, 1599164219494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lawd bring on the flood.

>> No.14547921

I mean there's the entire universe of an issue about how easily soientists bowed to the tranny agenda to tell everyone that men in dresses are women.

>> No.14547922
File: 110 KB, 720x479, soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soience thread?
soience thread!

>> No.14547928
File: 41 KB, 1846x1136, shadowLength.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soience in 250bc used the following math to prove the earth is round. You better heckin believe it

>> No.14547930

Doesn't count peopel in right wore masks retard.

>> No.14547931

There are all kinds of stories about people getting PHD level degrees because the reviewers just said 'it looked like good science' without even understanding it.
>bogandoff twins

>> No.14547932
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>> No.14547933

I am ashamed to say I did not know about this until this thread. Also, I didn't expect random bogposting to not only show up, but to be productive.

>> No.14547934

They like it when you use bullet points, LaTeX and bolded headers.

>> No.14547944
File: 23 KB, 350x236, 2015-04-19-005958-350x236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14547946
File: 35 KB, 600x450, 96 not there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost 100% of the universe can't be tested for!
>A math error? Um, sweaty, we don't make mistakes.

>> No.14547948

science was initially obscure taboo shit only autists cared about, over time it became le heckin new thing and got over populated with midwits who thought hanging around with scientists and getting scientific credentials will increase their social status, now science is basically church 2.0

>> No.14547955
File: 41 KB, 575x367, Dr. Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of phds also go to people who are known to be unable to produce, but are given degrees anyway because of the role they play in the white genocide/great replacement agenda.

>> No.14547957
File: 53 KB, 546x790, b2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It wasn't an accident. Pop Sci was an intentional effort to popularize science and elevate the population. In typical pencil-necked idiot fashion, Real Scientists™ didn't understand a fucking thing about sociology, so they completely misjudged what the results of this would be, when any cynic would have realized the masses would just lower science to their own level. And here we are.

Any STEMtard who claims "sociology is a soft science" or "isn't real science" needs to be gassed before they collapse society. This isn't even a joke. They're one of the greatest existential threats to human civilization.

>> No.14547963

>t. ranny

>> No.14547967
File: 1.14 MB, 933x652, The_White_Man's_Burden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science is basically church 2.0
the original church had the crusades, why does church 2.0 have "immigrants welcome" as their motto?
cleary there are some significant differences between church and science. i don't ever remember hearing about the church's history of white genocide, christian empires ruled this planet until not too long ago, they substantially improved the quality of life for everyone who they ruled over.

>> No.14547969

So it's a mixture of agenda pushing by 'soft-sciences' who use creative manipulation of statistics to arrive at conclusions that piss-off /pol/tards?
Mixed with 'hard-science' topics that just happen to piss you off because you think they're too fringe or far fetched despite being mainstream?

If so it seems you are making this 'soience' into some 'catch all' label that equates to: 'things I disagree with = soience'.

>> No.14547970

imagine being this fucking stupid and having the gall to post on a science forum

>> No.14547974
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1653159661858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who pays for science? government.

>> No.14547986
File: 87 KB, 572x708, 3z9am1qt90031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See: >>14547957 about your "soft sciences" bullshit.

And no, even by widely accepted standards, science is in the middle of a crisis because low IQ shitwits like YOU keep publishing sloppy, intentionally misleading bullshit and everyone else in your field, being as stupid as you, never think to question it.

>> No.14547993

Corporations and NGOs fund studies all the time. That's how we got the "moderate drinking is healthier than no drinking" bullshit. That study was funded by a beer company.

>> No.14548002

Because its the year 2022 and millenials are replacing actual scientists. Its all about that hecking pop science for the masses.

>> No.14548006


Well it certainly is a distinction to be made there. Science that investigate the mechanics of nature to forward our technological ability to harness and shape
natures phenomena to our will is very different in how much wiggle room for agendas there are compared ti 'political sciences' and 'social sciences'
that's very malleable as to interpret and present data to fit whatever we may want it to be.

You now have a growing distrust in science and these people here calling all kinds of things 'soience' is a symptom of that distrust.
Meanwhile these 'soft' sciences are claiming to be on equal level of rigor to something like CERN. I mean: Houston, we got a problem.

>> No.14548009

This is patently false. Hence all the bulslhit push for electric cars when the majority of people can't afford gas powered cars. If you studied sociology, you'd realize technology never has and never can fix a society in full collapse due to widespread social problems.

>> No.14548014

You're rambling about something completely off the mark of what I was stating anon.

I don't agree with the 'soience' label or that 'soft sciences' aren't just as necessary. But the increasing distrust for science and elevated anti-scientific sentiment is real.
But I can't look at what is going on and say people are wrong in recognizing how science is being wielded as a weapon to shut people up by certain interest groups.

I happen to think a lot of those people prob should stfu, but that is a self-righteous way of looking at things
and we need to be better than that or we're acting corrupt and dishonest which will only serve to detract from our credibility.

>> No.14548019

Made a little video on modern science. Would love for anyone interested in to check it out.

>> No.14548035

Funny image given that the one who keeps saying "our democracy is in danger" to any politician they hate are all humanities people.

>> No.14548045
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGOs are CIA frontends. corporations won't do shit without glowniggers permission

>> No.14548101

"Our democracy is in crisis" because none of them fucking listened.

>> No.14548117

I don't understand what this image is trying to convey.

>> No.14548119

Enjoyed your video quite frankly.
But just give me a moment
A woman who's schizo enough to post on 4chan?? Does that mean some of you are actually sentient. Are you a mutation?

>> No.14548129

>just a quick disclaimer
>i'm not a conspiracy theorist
Disliked and closed the tab. Imagine being a normie, a newfag, a tripfag, a woman AND brown all at the same time.

>> No.14548137

Do people actually believe that their belief system is the convergence points where 'experts' meet? In every single area of research academicians cannot even agree on abstract things let alone things that have direct repercussions in society. And yet you claim that 'science' (again, capitalizing it under one flag as if it was a unified religion or sect) justifies everything YOU believe in. Do you even fucking know that being an anti-darwinist is not synonymous with being a creationist. And that more versed biologists (not the algorithm pushed coomer media surrounded expert) are studying new mechanisms of life emergence.
>b-but Richard D.
You FUCKING FAGGOT, have you ever done a single experiment in your life or ran any kind of survey. What the fuck is even your degree. It seems that the trend asserts again that the lower is your degree, the more likely you will treat science in a very cringe and odd way
>fascist cuckserv-
You FUCKING FAGGOT, this 'fascist cuckservative' is studying for a degree in physics. Have you ever read any kind of research paper or whatever kind, instead of some digested summary on vox or your popular trendy clickbait glowy media?

>> No.14548150

soience atheism is promoted for the express purpose of separating people from the traditional belief systems which have preserved their communities through the ages. the strategy and the details of it's operation are outlined in the protocols of the elders of zion.

>> No.14548151

I have no science degree but I've done my research, chud.

>> No.14548152

Just kys, you are too much of a humiliation for yourself

>> No.14548153


>> No.14548155

Can you even make coherent sentences. Underage are not accepted on the site.

>> No.14548158

genuine question, have you considered how you'll react if the dark matter detector being built in melbourne confirms the results of the detector in italy?

>> No.14548159

Groid seethes.

>> No.14548165

prefacing something with "I am not a conspiracy theorist" is legit midwit tier. It means you know something is off, you can see it and you know it is coordinated but you are too much of a coward to come out and say it because you know your audience consists mainly of retards who may ostracize you for noticing they arent smart enough to notice because they are so stupid. So you are both appealing to retards with your channel and "oh the horror" afraid to be "rejected" by said retards which is a double fail of first associating yourself with retards and second giving a fuck what said retards have to say about anything.

That being said, we need more normie tier types like you dropping red pills to the droolers you associate with so keep up the good work on that front.


>> No.14548169

I really like your accent , it sounds nice and you are easy on the eyes but I hope you understand this is 4chan so I must give you tough love and not coddle you. I sincerely am glad people like you are out there reaching people fwiw

>> No.14548174


>> No.14548187
File: 145 KB, 798x644, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using that jew fraud quack in the thumbnail

>> No.14548235

>prefacing something with "I am not a conspiracy theorist" is legit midwit tier.
Wrong. It's shitwit-tier. At least midwits know which side they're on. This creature sets itself up to be hated by everyone in its desperate attempt at faux objectivity. lol

>> No.14548265

she is a stepping stone, she has value. everyone has to start somewhere and the people on this website are too autistic to appeal to normies and really dont even want too. Why would we? Having a "bridge" of people like her taking our "work" here to the masses is a necessary part of the information ecosystem. don't be hard on her for being an asshole's sake, but rather as constructive criticism. if we drive people away then who will stick around to hear the message? the message is all that matters not our own selfish pursuits

>> No.14548268

>what a virgin redditor sounds like

>> No.14548280
File: 512 KB, 808x600, sweaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this what being on the spectrum looks like

>> No.14548291

if this is how you feel why did you even come here from /tv/ or /pol/ or where ever? Did you come here to argue with soi incel autists or to change hearts and minds? If it is the former then you have no legs to stand on calling anyone a virgin as it clearly shows what you prefer to spend your time doing as opposed to going out with women and such friendo.

Having "I enjoy arguing with auitists on anime forums" isnt a good look for your "interests" on tinder

>> No.14548297

>t. incel

>> No.14548298
File: 397 KB, 842x1200, smoke damnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on the old white aging man to the left, he died long ago. Meanwhile those to the right are alive and thriving.

The scientific method has always been flawed, doctors once recommended smoking a pack of cigarette a day for your health and they had studies and shit to back them up. I used to buy into that stuff to, I used to smoke a pack a day until I figured out they was lying.

>> No.14548309
File: 961 KB, 285x180, dodge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14548314

Buddy, you have about as much sex as a Himalayan buddhist monk. That's why you get so aroused by a video of a brown female babbling.

>> No.14548321

jokes on you pal I railed your mom 2 decades ago. I am your father, surprise!

>> No.14548326

Why are right wingers such coping idiots?

>> No.14548335

>heh heh but what about ur mom!!
Smelly boomer retard.

>> No.14548337 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 494x515, astronomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laugh at the clowns twice as hard

>> No.14548341

you wouldnt know if you didnt have your nose all the way up my ass cuck

>> No.14548344

Maybe you don't notice the smell because you're so used to it from having your head permanently lodged in your asshole.

>> No.14548353

maybe you can fit two heads in your loose asshole goatse man but that is outside my wheelhouse bud. With your head up there there is no more room

>> No.14548354

Do Himalayan Buddhist Monks have lots of gay sex or something? Usually when you put a large group of males together, whether it's in prison or monasteries or on pirate ships, they start fucking each other.

>> No.14548372

if anyone would know it is him, he already admitted he can fit two heads up his ass

>> No.14548385

yeah lmao the definition of "research" has completely changed, it used to be a private endeavour, only people with genuine curiosity took part in research, the people who funded it didn't want a scientific "certificate" but were actually wiling to take risks and wanted to be part of something great.

Nowadays every third undergrad is interested in buying an MS or PhD credential and doing clerical job of printing a "scoince" verified certificate for a turd rate businesses.

>> No.14548398

> that is outside my wheelhouse
You know because you tried your best.

>> No.14548416

you should know you were part of the experiment. you actually accomplished it in yours however

>> No.14548418

False. Both heads in your experiment were your own.

>> No.14548463
File: 100 KB, 279x355, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14548469


>> No.14548482

if by "your own" you mean yours, then I concur

>> No.14548486

You're one step away from a plain "no u" as a comeback so I won this reddit debate. It's over. You lost, chud.

>> No.14548489

no you lost

>> No.14548738

>dat pic

lmao mentis is that you?


>> No.14548912

>Meanwhile these 'soft' sciences are claiming to be on equal level of rigor to something like CERN.

>> No.14548942

What role will he play in the white genocide? All I've ever heard this nigger talking about is stars and shit.

>> No.14548962

>White Genocide

>> No.14549275

>they substantially improved the quality of life for everyone who they ruled over.
Lol no. Christianity is literally the reason the world is falling apart.

I'm not "rambling" about anything, you fucking idiot. The country is literally collapsing. I'm sure Elon Musk will fix it though, right? You fucking idiot. This thread is about you. Your "point" was that the "hard" sciences are more "objective". And that's total bullshit. The "hard" sciences are the ones that are the most full of shit. Any sociologist can look out the window and say "shit's fucked senpai". Physicists are trying to convince us that 96% of the universe is ghosts.

>But the increasing distrust for science and elevated anti-scientific sentiment is real.
Gee I wonder why.

Yeah the phrasing is faggy as hell, but America is undeniably falling the fuck apart.

Largely yes.

It's conveying that soience is full of wankery about "hard" sciences being "better" than "soft" ones, when the "hard" sciences are actually mostly just mental masturbation that don't actually help society and ignoring the "soft" sciences are literally what lead to civilization ending.

Honestly I'm not sure you're wrong.

I know exactly how I'll react. I'll ignore it. We've already "discovered" gravity waves too, despite them being fiction. Modern physicis is likely the most false science in existence. Remember when they finally "found" the Higgs Boson? How'd that go? Oh wait, the literal holy grail of particle physics was "discovered" and nothing of value came of it. Odd. I'm about 95% convinced that the overwhelming majority of "higher" physics is nothing more than the study of optical illusions.


>> No.14549282
File: 3.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-3678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call zoomers "thriving". Especially with the current housing crisis.

>> No.14549291

Doctors recommended smoking cigarettes for the same reason soience exists today: they were paid to lie. That isn't even related to the scientific method. That's the exact thing we're talking about.

>I used to smoke a pack a day until I figured out they was lying.
You thought inhaling smoke was good for your lungs?

So the left loves soience is what you're saying. So we need to destroy the left to fix the problem?

>> No.14549302

Dark matter and Dark energy are not real things. Instead they are just names for phenomena we can't understand, or just don't right now anyways.

I have a friend who's super into like alternative physics, things related to old Tesla patents and the 'Aether' and what not.
Stuff which is completely contrary to the theory of relativity.

If my friend and those dissident scientists have a point and relativity is bunk, then basically everything we know about physics and everything that we don't physically see is just no longer proven

>> No.14549319

It's saying that the reason why there are crises of confidence and trust in our civic system and culture is because we have continually acted like all pursuits in the humanities are worthless for decades.

I'm not sure if I agree with him. I can't imagine that America would suddenly not be in a crises if like 20% more people had an education in the humanities

>> No.14549351

Nice samefagging.

>> No.14549355

Welcome to /sci/, the only fucking board where people are sped enough to not just shrug off a "your mom" joke.

>> No.14549360

Confirm how? How would multiple findings confirm the existence of dark matter rather than simply show that the detectors are doing the same thing? You could bring two ghost hunters to your house and both say they detected a ghost with their dumb machines, but it wouldn't mean that there is a ghost at your house.

>> No.14549364

It's not about people entering the field. Jesus, what an NPC response. It's about the species getting its shit together because SOMEONE is paying the fuck attention to the problems and solutions are being found. Honestly, the destruction of America is a controlled demolition anyway so it wouldn't matter. The rich are trying to bleed this country dry like the parasites they are, before they fuck off to their bunkers (which we will raid for the tasty morsels inside).

>> No.14549379

Your mom should be used for artillery target practice, filthy vile homo.

>> No.14549823

No, however:

>"If we just accepted muh academic consensus as a truly valid reason for why something is true, then science stops improving at that very moment. It would unironically be the death of the cycle and the end of science as we know it.

Man, can you guys imagine if this actually happened? Good thing we only are lead by objective experts!

>> No.14549875

Perhaps my favorite soience claim of all, however, is that "4°C will end ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET", when 14°C didn't even end modern coral reefs during the PETM.

>> No.14549877

>Smelly boomer retard.
how does an ageist bigot like yourself deal with the fact that literally every single significant scientific authority is older than you? how do you "trust the science" when "the science" is the creation of smelly boomer retards?
you must be flat earther, lol, more proof that bigotry is indicative of low IQ

>> No.14549883

Not all boomers are smelly retards. Only most of them.

>> No.14549887

According to the scientists, even temps 25ºC above current averages for longer than a century was insufficient to wipe mammalian life from the planet. Combine that with an atmosphere toxicified with volcanic gasses, still not enough to do in the mammals.

>> No.14549893

Yet, every "scientist" willing to speak on the subject throws their lot in with the alarmists, knowing full well they're full of shit. I still have people telling me all the time that "global warming causes coral bleaching" when it's typically just the massive amounts of freshwater pollution cities and farms are releasing.

>> No.14549895

I want that virgin scientific consensus vs Chad citation image.

>> No.14550161




>> No.14550359
File: 272 KB, 883x494, SciIncels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14550394


I'm too lazy to download and repost it.

>> No.14550502

Thanks, but I wish it didn't have the image from the video superimposed.

>> No.14550504

Oh there we go. Nice.

>> No.14550513
File: 7 KB, 480x360, Alt-Hype_The_Context_in_Which_I_see_the_Pittsburgh_Synagogue_Shooting_REUPLOAD-VVDLMdCVXkU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the Alt Hype puts it very well in his
"The expertise of experts"
Series and his write up TLAU

Sean last does alot of this too

Basically, authorites and academics are not to be trusted. Lying, incompetence and bias is common in the scientific world.

>> No.14551561

Science is the better church in the same way the christian church was better (and more inclusive) than Judaism was and still is.

We're letting people in to win the culture war.

>> No.14551563

This thread is just part of the creationists wedge theory exported to other extremist groups

>> No.14551819

somethings where never born or never die, they weren't created because they always existed

>> No.14551846

Giving a political opinion an air of unbiased fact around it makes it easier to enact on people who don't want it or don't agree with it

>> No.14552032
File: 52 KB, 735x693, Alan Kay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck is soience so common these days?
The best reason I found for this occurring comes from Alan Kay the ACM Turing award winner.

Anatomically humans have been around for ~200k years, we invented the scientific process ~400 years ago. This means we walked around the earth just making up stories on how the world works for 10,000s of years.

So being a "Soience" monkey is kind of the default setting sadly. I hope it gets better over time. For now I just tune it out mostly.

>> No.14552042

>we walked around the earth just making up stories on how the world works for 10,000s of years.
>So being a "Soience" monkey is kind of the default setting sadly.
Finally. This guy gets it. The average pleb off the streets isn't any more rational, intelligent or critical-minded than his rain dancer ancestors. Only the flavor of superstitions has changed.

>> No.14552055

Can I get an authority figure to verify this claim my fellow anti-authoritarians?

>> No.14552092
File: 2.44 MB, 440x440, Lorenz fixed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average pleb off the streets isn't any more rational, intelligent or critical-minded than his rain dancer ancestors. Only the flavor of superstitions has changed.
this desu

and following on from this, because of the consistent behaviour that can be expected from large groups of humans there appears to be a generation of cycles in economics and political systems.

"a powerful Roman Emperor was among the first persons in history to seek a sex reassignment surgery."


>> No.14552267

individual scientists were always like the right in your pic. there are various stories of how scientists would flame with each other and go full offensive over disagreements. people view their own work as themselves, their work being wrong is insulting to them,
humans are ridden with various biases no matter how much they try, multiple humans reduce bias but never eliminate it

>> No.14552637
File: 32 KB, 600x655, smug soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welp things have always been bad, that means I'm off the hook QED

>> No.14552704

Look, logical analysis is not the physicist's strong suit. Inventing complicated and completely irrelevant mathematical frameworks to insulate their ideologies behind a layer of arbitrary abstraction (literally why the Catholic church used Latin) and stumbling repeatedly into philosophical questions they can't answer while decrying philosophy as "dead"? That's much more their speed.

>> No.14552729
File: 88 KB, 1024x443, peerreview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple humans reduce bias but never eliminate it
peer review is a spook, "peer review" and "conspiracy" are synonymous terms. the earlier, more productive eras of scientific investigation were not hindered by groups of common midwit IQs conspiring to hold back the high IQ minority amongst their group. peer review puts midwits in charge of science, its a bad practice.

>> No.14552742

to add on to both of these, there is, in practice a cure for this we've had for longer than we've had the scientific method - arguably it created the scientific method in the first place: the socratic method.
no declarations of truth or demands that someone believe (i.e. have faith), but a direct examination of every encountered position with as clear and as un-prejudiced a lens as possible by simply structurally dismantling every idea and statement, because even the most fervent faith can be dismantled this way.
and it literally just boils down to refusing to accept as certainties what you're told or what you see, and instead applying doubt to everything by questioning everything.

certainty is the refuge of a faith, science is the application of doubt. truth is not a democracy - the consensus can still, quite easily (historically it is pretty much ALWAYS the case) all be wrong

>> No.14552743

>text text text text
The right can't meme.

>> No.14552776

peer review is a festering wound in modern academia by which the infection of office politics cripples the advancement of human understanding.

truth does not require fucking committee approval or institutional approval.

the professions that operate on truth look like engineering, because their practice is exposed to reality rather than to opinionated, emotional, biased human review.

there's also the simple fact that no peer reviewer of a paper is going to accept it if that paper dismantles the subject in which that reviewer has carved out a career - and the nature of peer review means these are the most likely sorts of reviewers of any paper: the institutional old-guard of the subject matter. this creates what is essentially a guarantee of conservative or even regressive effort from the top down, which prevents academia from effectively correcting its own errors.

the institutional rot that gave us a century of phlogiston has, unfortunately... never gone away. it gives us "unobservable universal fluids" these days. modern physicists and cosmologists should be fucking ashamed of themselves

>> No.14552787

>modern physicists and cosmologists should be fucking ashamed of themselves
they formed a committee and voted not to be

>> No.14552807

The "across fields" section is absolute cope. It's not saying 69% (nice) of physics is not reproducable. It's that 69% of physicists tried to reproduce one or more experiments and failed. In other words, if you had 100 scientists all do an experiement, and then all 100 tried to reproduce all 99 other experiments, and even only 1 of them was unreproducable, then that figure would be 99%. And what happens when something isn't reproduced? It's disregarded. If there's a problem in the hard sciences, it's that people are trying to reproduce each others results enough, not that bad results exist.

The difference is that soft sciences have such shitty methodology that you often can't even TRY to reproduce it, if the premises and results are even coherent in the first place, and if anyone had any motivation to falsify something that fits the narrative. You have fucking gender studies retards publishing studies based on like 5 kids in one school, and that being the basis for all sorts of policy implementations.

>> No.14552827

>A math error? Um, sweaty, we don't make mistakes.
People have been trying to solve the so-called (by idiots) math error. It's called MOND. No one has found a solution that matches all of the data.

Also "math errors" don't gravitationally lens light.

>> No.14552897

Your post is absolute cope.

>> No.14552901

Have you considered abandoning jewish physics?

>> No.14552920

>No one has found a solution that matches all of the data.

conveniently absent this declaration is the fact that much of the data is self-contradictory or pre-filtered (sometimes (often) both), meaning no mathematical formulation could possibly "match" all of it