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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14547708 No.14547708 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14547711

(you)s and internet dopamine, same reason as everything else.

>> No.14547718
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so shills can post another pseudo sci slide thread for incels, for entertainment, diversion, memory holing

>> No.14547721

I'm making a science thread on the science board. Deal with it and stay within the rules of this holy scientific realm by posting on topic replies ONLY.

>> No.14547745

Picking nose, scratching, picking bugs out of hair to eat, scratching others as self defense, peeling fruit cracking nuts, painting them pretty, protecting a soft sensitive area that is used and banged alot into rocks and trees

>> No.14547776

That's not how evolution works. Evolution removes what is bad for survival, doesn't necessarily "optimizes" every single aspect of a living being.

Toenails were not detrimental to our survival, so it was not something that was removed through natural selection. Same with lots of vestigial and weirdly "innefficient" aspects of human and animal biology in general.

>> No.14547783

Why don't fish have toenails?

>> No.14547796

There is no way we come from fish.

>> No.14547810

Not every trait has utility to survival and reproduction. If something is not detrimental enough to reduce an organism's chance of survival and reproduction to a significant enough degree, it may just stick around, even if it is not beneficial.

>> No.14547812

When you actually follow the phylogeny from early on, you can see the clear and slow trends in evolution that took place to make our form. It is very interesting to see.

>> No.14547827

Yeah, sure, I totally believe you.

>> No.14547838

>triggered massively when confronted with the truth

>> No.14547840

Scratching your ankle.

>> No.14547855

The science is settled chud. Trust the experts.

>> No.14547864

protection against dragging your feet. You're designed to walk/run barefoot but almost nobody does that these days in the west
so we don't have foot conditioning for it since we always wear footware.

Look at how people who move about barefoot walk/run and you'll see the benefit of having armor on your toes
if you step badly and have to roll onto your top toes during the fall to no roll your ankle.

>> No.14547872

Imagine running across a forest trail if you've ever done this you've scraped the top of your shoes on occasion snubbing your toe on a branch or other unexpected elevation change while you had your gaze somewhere else than where you placed your feet. If you did that barefoot your toenails would act like low friction skid-plates.

>> No.14547873

>There is no way we come from fish.
Then how come fetus is in a water sac and the woman has eggs and the man has tadpoles and the woman pussy smell like fish?

>> No.14547877

Fish have spines, we have spines. There where obv fish long before anything crawled up on land. Ofc we came from fish anon what have you been sniffing?

>> No.14548247 [DELETED] 

What if spines evolved to support the body on land, then it came back. Then it evolved again on land into skeleton, and the animal went into water again?

>> No.14548278

What if spines evolved to support the body on land, then it came back. Then it evolved again on land into skeleton, and the animal went into water again?

Considering how many clades have known species both in land and water, this is not a crazy assumption.

>> No.14548577

your topic is trolling bait, you must be banned

>> No.14548582

If nails are the human equivalent of claws, probably to dig into the ground.for additional grip.
What the fuck is there to slide?

>> No.14548585 [DELETED] 
File: 3.00 MB, 720x1280, 1654291669736.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me to fap to

>> No.14548589

you were triggered to reply with badly feigned incredulousness to the slide accusation because of your guilty conscience

>> No.14548603


>> No.14548629
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>> No.14548656
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Lord have mercy

>> No.14548672

tranny or so much makeup that it only looks uncanny valley?

>> No.14548681
File: 109 KB, 834x811, 1651886394339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some twitch thot streamer from years ago so probably not a tranny. Pretty feminine feet as well.

>> No.14548686

I have made no slide threads nor I do not believe there is any threads being slid. If this statement is insufficient to prove my innocence, please consider the following.

>> No.14548741

that one looks more human, several mm less makeup, several million less cock stare, oversized wristwatch to appeal to bisexual chronologists

>> No.14548748
File: 50 KB, 640x547, 1634770625473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill 100% certainty

>> No.14548798

shills make /sci look like /coom

>> No.14549579

This is what a slide thread looks like, show the children, also bix nood and reparation gibes muffiggguh

>> No.14550237

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? what do you mean?

>> No.14550269

female or not, i'd plough that asshole

>> No.14551539


>> No.14552215

that makes a lot of sense

>> No.14552296

I disagree

>> No.14553481


>> No.14553690
File: 320 KB, 1153x645, circumanicure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toenails are useless and disgusting, put you at risk for diseases, and are hard to clean. Everyone should receive a circumpedicure at birth.

>> No.14553700

Dayum that's some freaky alien hand looking shit yo!