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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14547225 No.14547225 [Reply] [Original]

Boomer memes edition.

Previous thread: >>14519054

>> No.14547239
File: 940 KB, 4149x2076, medical-harm-quote-pic-460x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells u to get there 15 minutes early

>kills you by accident because he knows there won't be any consequences and because doing a good job would've been slightly inconvenient. >receives a massive financial reward for his services

"i didn't become a doctor because i'm greedy and selfish everyone knows doctors are rich, i got into medicine because i want to help people"

>> No.14547253

based and exposing reality

>> No.14547258

Fake ass statistic, lets see a source

>> No.14547265

Yeah it's usually around 500,000 to 700,000 in the USA.

Just imagine what it would be like in places like Brazil or China!

>> No.14547275

Mf, the greatest cause of death in the US is heart disease at about 700k per year. Your "statistic" is bullshit

>> No.14547288

medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in america, behind hhhnnnnnngg and the cancer killing /b/. at the start of this century, medical errors weren't even in the top ten, but now they're 3rd.
once the numbers for covid are accounted for, medical errors might capture one of the top two slots, a lot of people died from poorly administered injections.

>> No.14547308

> at the start of this century, medical errors weren't even in the top ten
>Reported medical errors weren't in the top 10

Fixed that for you.

>> No.14547333

New fag LARPer and shitty thread,
You didn't even bother copying the text that we include in every thread we make.
Source: The voices in your head.

Medical errors are caused primarily by patients' retardness
Doctors can't treat you correctly when you're a braindead

>> No.14547358

I always walk out if I wait more than 30 minutes. Can't charge for a no-show or late reschedule since you were there on time.

>> No.14547364

so i did a wet fart and it really seemed like i shit myself, so i wiped my ass and there was this bright orange stinky oil.
then i sat down and did a shit and it was fairly normal compared to any other shit, but there was a small amount of orange oil droplets which floated to the surface. if i were to estimate maybe a few mL of oil in total.

this has happened maybe twice before in my entire life. what the fuck is this? my diet isn't particularly weird. i've been eating more or less the same stuff for a while.
the fucking smell of this stuff was outrageous though. like, essential oil of excrement. i'm not going to go ask my doctor about this because it's such a weird rarity that i'll forget about it until it happens again in like 10 years. i just wonder what exactly is going on.

>> No.14547447
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>> No.14547641

How do I get free access to/pirate up-to-date?

I haven't renewed my membership and I've got an exam i wanna study for next weeek

>> No.14547664

I already replied to this https://vocaroo.com/1hmJkw10q0dd

>> No.14547690

>patient dies under doctor's care
>doctor: i dindu nuffin, this guy with no medical training is at fault.
if poor bedside manner and inability or lazy unwillingness to communicate with patients is the killer then that is a medical mistake. regardless that, death from post-surgical infection is an extremely common killer and that is caused exclusively by unhygienic practices in the medical community and exacerbated by their inability or unwillingness to use antibiotics rationally. they were massively overprescribed for a while and now they're kept under lock and key and tightly restricted.
>is a common defense mechanism
the entire medical community as a whole has the mentality of a spastic teenager

>> No.14547750
File: 101 KB, 1200x768, FGFD3C8-C9B1-44B7-B51B-99E871035930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14547641 = >>14547225 = >>14547664

You are genuinely schizophrenic btw

>> No.14547757

Someone make a real thread
This one was made by a schizo larper

Delete this garbage thread and ban the schizo

>> No.14547760

on the side-effects of DFO https://voca.ro/16YZO8vKvxFT and https://voca.ro/1cGYkb1jUY3o
just snort rapamycin

>> No.14547764
File: 30 KB, 503x115, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you pepe poster i just want to get into up-to-date

>> No.14547767

When everyone on 4 chan thinks that I'm insane without question and they cant even understand the science I share that should give you serious pause
I'm uncommon amongst uncommon people
I'm the person that introduced intranasal deferoxamine to the world and now i have to control it
To the Fake Pax if you're watching this I'd like you to stop sharing from my writeups for now and dont have anons replicate my experience if they're novices
Deferoxamine is the most powerful drug ever created
Everyone should understand that I'm fully rational when I'm stating this. Please let DFO be for now and just keep watch if you must. I don't want this to get out of hand and people get hurt because of innocent mistakes
I've gone into this to help people and I've greatly benefited from my experiment but I'm not like other people. everyone is fragile and I have to figure out the best way to move forward in the coming days

>> No.14547769

noone really knows whats going on in my head anon. Can you imagine if you removed all the iron that accumulated in your braincells because of inflammatory stress over a lifetime?
Noone but me in this community has experienced that
It goes beyond anything I've ever felt
it costs $60 per box
I can understand you guys and the idea that many of you don't understand that me feeling immense pleasure almost at all times is what perfect cognition would feel like
it's a drug that removes iron from your brain
any person in the world can take it and their cognition will improve dramatically
There's no going back from that
We are a board of nootropics users
I can meditate deeper than anyone, i don't need to meditate
None of you just understand how strong of a cognitive enhancement this is
You can't comprehend it because you never experienced and I'm trying to describe it to you but so many of you dont understand a lot of it and we're running into the same questions
It's not an issue that I have with that in particular but look at me anon

>> No.14547773

If you're too broke to afford $100 + whatever cost that is made from profit then you have bigger problems
That's the best cost that cutting edge revolutionary medicine would get
~$200-300 per person to be reborn
I smoked some hemp so the cbd would potentiate the rapamycin
snorted 50 more mg so 150mg in total

>> No.14547775

everytime i open my mouth or type something it's otherworldly
thats from me
I'm going to delegate the order of deferoxamine once we've gotten everything in order
The bandwidth we're going to be working with in the board is going to be the speed of mailtruck
full encryption. decoupled from the internet
we may open the /med/ general again but only once I see that 4chan has died down over the developments
We're going to improve from where we are now
I have to do better to improve my teaching skills and not many people spend much time organizing this information
everything gets lost quickly and I have to share it again and again and thats been the past year
if people dont pay attention they miss important information and then they dont read

>> No.14547778

All the data on rapamycin and neuronal cultures shows rapamycin is nontoxic in every concentration tested
me snorting insulin with deferoxamine for the few short days may have allowed a fungal infection to occur and i took rapamycin to cure it
So How I mentioned that fiction has now become reality and everything feels surreal for you guys is that I spent the last full year setting everything into plan and everything went exactly as planned
Like I've said before rapamycin is non toxic and I used more rapamycin than any human alive especially by the nasal roa
snorted some creatine too and went to sleep
The mania is not a consequence of feeling high
you're looking at me fully optimized
noone is able to fully understand my frame of mind because I have went insane and I'm completely rational when I'm explaining myself
If you could imagine that I could increase my iq then I've supplied the data to support all of my claims
If i could guess my iq is probably over 250
I'm not human anymore
you guys should understand that this what cognitive enhancement looks like
You guys are probably in shock or in disbelief but I've supplied all the scientific data to support me defining my mental state
I will not die from a fungal infection because I snorted more rapamycin than I probably had in a single week in 2 hours
if that was a concern

>> No.14547779

imagine spending all your time shitposting in this general 24/7 and larping as a doctor and trying desperately to ruin the /med/ general just because you're a highschool dropout loser who couldn't go to med school or even get a highschool degree

Go back to /fit/

>> No.14547785

I woke up just a half hour ago with about 3.5hours sleep
I've mentioned many times before that intranasal rapamycin is non toxic and has lower systemic concentrations than oral or intravenous use by by over 25 fold
I snorted probably 100mg before enjoying some time on 4chan and going to sleep
Whatever contingency plan we need to make we need to begin making the preparations now and that includes total backups of the servers, duplication of our hard drives and shipping to trusted contacts with encryption and then setting a time delay message to this trusted contact with the password in case anything were to happen to either of us
you should start setting that contingency plan into motion right now
If you think a global recession is bad now
wait until the world hears about deferoxamine
because the world will never be ready for what I'm going to tell the world
Buy stock in novartis rn if you can
that should be what everyone should be doing
Because 1 drug to mitigate most neurological and metabolic disorders will be disruptive
We are starting at the knifes edge of the singularity
In simple terms
Deferoxamine having the potential to treat every facet of cognitive decline and treat metabolic disorders through modulation of neurological functions is going to reveal to the world that most medicine is worthless
my lightbulb just went out

>> No.14547795

I'm the living breathing proof that exists for the only human who's demonstrated the efficacy of intranasal deferoxamine.
Do you believe me?
The person that has introduced the most powerful therapeutic agents and body of research the nootropics community has ever seen
The person that posts PHD level dissertations on the pathology of neurodegenerative disease and its ties to metabolic disorder
The person that has concisely described the pathology of all human disease since a year ago
THe person that has never been proven wrong based on addressing the claims I've made
The person that has beat out the volume and work ethic of all members on our board combined since the beginning of the discord server
I'm the living proof that I can understand the pharmacology. I have the emotional regulation and the charisma and knowledge base to describe any metabolic disturbance of human biology concisely based on my understanding of inflammatory factors and cellular senescence
The person who at the age of 28 gotten into mens health magazine as one of the lead advocates for the use of rapamycin for the mitigation of pathologies of aging
I am the conduit for which science flows through my body and I am a perfect messenger for the pathologies of human aging because I've studied it for 8 years
Those who believe in me shall not perish but shall have everlasting life

>> No.14547798 [DELETED] 
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I don't trust doctors

>> No.14547820

hey /med/ ever since I was a child I never took any pills, mainly because I was afraid of swallowing, will I die young?

>> No.14547980

post results

>> No.14547991

>The person who at the age of 28 gotten into mens health magazine
>think it's an accomplishment or that it give him more credibility
post discord server link btw

>> No.14548039

>Buy stock in novartis rn if you can
Convince me why I should buy your bags.

>> No.14548042

I have a question, they say your body doesn't use the glycogen stored in the muscles after the glycogen in the liver runs out, as the muscle glycogen is specifically meant to be a fuel for physical activity, but it isn't clear to me whether different muscles share their glycogen or each muscle can only draw glycogen from their own reserves? I suppose it's the latter?

>> No.14548125

>the muscle glycogen is specifically meant to be a fuel for physical activity, but it isn't clear to me whether different muscles share their glycogen or each muscle can only draw glycogen from their own reserves? I suppose it's the latter?
Yes the latter, muscles lack the enzymes necessary for complete gluconeogenesis, glycogen is broken down and synthesized into Glucose-6-phosphate which is then metabolised further and won't be transported out of the cell. The liver has the enzymes necessary to convert G6P into Glucose, which then can be released into the bloodstream. Broadly speaking, once Glucose enters a cell, it's metabolised into G6P which essentially "captures" it for the cells own metabolism. So each muscle cell has it's own glycogen storage, and there's no sharing.

>> No.14548142

The truth is they can decide on a whim how early you get in, if the staff thinks you look ugly they can make you wait 2 hours, a good idea is to pester them repeatedly every 5-10 minutes instead of pretending to not exist. Asking if you can come back in about 1 hour after checking in is also a good idea.

>> No.14548284

>Walk into anon's clinic.
>"Anon, I have pruritus ani. Can you take a look?"

>> No.14548313
File: 194 KB, 236x410, med cancelled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, pack it up. Medicine is now CANCELLED. Your grandpa is dying of a heart attack? Better luck next time, chud. Maybe don't look to a homophobic institution.

>> No.14548338

just call it a fasces cell instead :^)

>> No.14548457

You missed out on having a huge dick.

>> No.14548599

So is this a schizo engaging in his delusions or a retard larping as a schizo? Is this how the thread always is?

>> No.14549704

>You didn't even bother copying the text that we include in every thread we make.
Because it's pure garbage :). I'm not breaking any rules by doing that so seethe, you queer.

>> No.14549857
File: 232 KB, 2500x3039, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you afraid to post source, tranny [I know why you do ;) ]?

>An expert panel from the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences, found that medical errors kill from 44000 to 98000 Americans each year (2).

>In 2010, a jury found that the world’s largest drug company, Pfizer, had violated the organized crime act and had engaged in a racketeering conspiracy over a 10‑year period. The other large drug companies have committed similar crimes as Pfizer but they have settled, thereby avoiding a possible verdict of organized crime (1).

>Many of the crimes have involved psychiatric drugs and bribery of psychiatrists, and the pervasive illegal promotion of these drugs have carried a terrible death toll. I have estimated, based on the sales and a meta‑analysis of the randomized trials of antipsychotics that showed that the risk of death was twice as high on drug as on placebo, that just one antipsychotic drug, olanzapine, has killed 200,000 people (1).1

>For every 28 elderly people treated for 1 year with an SSRI, there was one additional death, compared with no treatment (1).

>We have always known that people can die from NSAID‑induced stomach ulcers. It was estimated in 1999 that more than 16,000 Americans died from stomach ulcers caused by NSAIDs (1)

>I have estimated that Merck had killed 120,000 patients with rofecoxib before the company withdrew the drug in 2004, and that Pfizer had killed 75,000 people with celecoxib until 20041 (and this drug is still on the market). We now know that some of our oldest NSAIDs are equally lethal as rofecoxib and celecoxib,9 eg, diclofenac and even ibuprofen (1)


>> No.14549860 [DELETED] 

>The fraud has included Merck’s withholding of cases of myocardial infarction in trials of rofecoxib. Merck’s manipulations were so extensive that an independent meta‑analysis of rofecoxib studies found that those with an external endpoint committee reported four times more heart attacks with rofecoxib
than with the comparator, whereas trials without an external endpoint committee reported fewer heart attacks with rofecoxib (1).1

>Merck spokespeople lied to the FDA and the United States Congress about what and when the company knew that rofecoxib was deadly, but the worst lies were
seen in Merck’s marketing. In February 2001, the FDA asked Merck to make the doctors aware of the results in the large VIGOR study published in the New England Journal of Medicine where rofecoxib had caused a 5‑fold increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction in comparison with naproxen.1 However, the next day, Merck instructed its sales force of more than 3000 people NOT to discuss the results of the VIGOR study. Merck also produced a pamphlet to its sales force indicating that rofecoxib was associated with one‑eighth the mortality from cardiovascular causes of that found with other NSAIDs (1).

>Pfizer also published a prestigious but fraudulent trial, this time in JAMA, and this company also lied about its trials. For example, Pfizer denied in documents prepared for a 2005 FDA hearing that celecoxib causes heart attacks.

(1) http://pamw.pl/en/node/2503/pdf
(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1117251/

I hope you get cancer and die, mouthbreather.

>> No.14549864

>The fraud has included Merck’s withholding of cases of myocardial infarction in trials of rofecoxib. Merck’s manipulations were so extensive that an independent meta‑analysis of rofecoxib studies found that those with an external endpoint committee reported four times more heart attacks with rofecoxib than with the comparator, whereas trials without an external endpoint committee reported fewer heart attacks with rofecoxib (1).1

>Merck spokespeople lied to the FDA and the United States Congress about what and when the company knew that rofecoxib was deadly, but the worst lies were seen in Merck’s marketing. In February 2001, the FDA asked Merck to make the doctors aware of the results in the large VIGOR study published in the New England Journal of Medicine where rofecoxib had caused a 5‑fold increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction in comparison with naproxen.1 However, the next day, Merck instructed its sales force of more than 3000 people NOT to discuss the results of the VIGOR study. Merck also produced a pamphlet to its sales force indicating that rofecoxib was associated with one‑eighth the mortality from cardiovascular causes of that found with other NSAIDs (1).

>Pfizer also published a prestigious but fraudulent trial, this time in JAMA, and this company also lied about its trials. For example, Pfizer denied in documents prepared for a 2005 FDA hearing that celecoxib causes heart attacks.

(1) http://pamw.pl/en/node/2503/pdf
(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1117251/

I hope you get cancer and die, mouthbreather.


>> No.14549970
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>now they're kept under lock and key and tightly restricted.
Lol, no, they still give them as if they were candy at least where I live. Regardless, antibiotics shouldn't be used unless a life is threatened and ALL other options have been exhausted.

Good, most are idiots who only parrot what they learned at school and never question the veracity of said information in the slightest.

>> No.14550046

I literally don't even go to doctors anymore unless I need surgery and even then I'm not settling for anyone but the most highly recommended.

>> No.14550051
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I'm sure it's wrong, because I believe the people that gave us the opioid crisis.

>> No.14550098
File: 123 KB, 1119x1304, 1654553794164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have ache in ballsack
>Go with Urologist
>Fondles my dick and balls
>Tells me I have some slight Varicocele and to stop being a pussy. I can take painkillers and NSAID if I want.
What am I supposed to do then? Just fucking live with it and hope it doesn't cause my testicle to wither and fall off?

>> No.14550120


>> No.14550122

And if I dont want to have my ballsack cut open?

>> No.14550136



>> No.14550179

Bro that's most of modern medicine. Go to doctor, get told you have to live with it, get charged $5,000

>> No.14550185

Will it impact my test? I kinda need it to beat people up (Formally, in a ring).

>> No.14550187

Alternate heat and cold on affected area

>> No.14550192

I don't know if you're aware of this, but getting punched repeatedly is bad for your health.

>> No.14550206

I think quoting articles with links is not quite on the same level as a side-of-the-van schizo soapboxing. At least the former allows you to investigate the claims for yourself.

>> No.14550241

Not as bad as having your balls cut off.

>> No.14550257

Even if this is true, when you're at the point where a doctor could even perform an error (surgery etc) then you're already not doing well regardless.

>> No.14550260

I mean I'm pretty it's worse. Getting your balls chopped off doesn't typically give you a concussion or brain damage.

>> No.14550285

>>Tells me I have some slight Varicocele and to stop being a pussy. I can take painkillers and NSAID if I want.

>What am I supposed to do then?

Go to an actual doctor instead of this braindead nigger who doesn't know what he's doing and get a surgery.

if you don't treat it not only the pain is gonna be way worst but you're also gonna stay infertile

>> No.14550339

Do I really need surgery if it doesnt hurt enough to be noticeable?
Didn't hurt at all during palpation and it doesn't keep me from doing shit at all.
He said that it was a subclinical varicocele and I didn''t need surgery. I mean, I have lifted heavy during this past week and it didn't blow up my ballsack or make it hurt more. The pain even disappeared while the blood flowed during gym time.

>> No.14550820

There's a subreddit about varicocele with a lot of info. not a medfag but this is just what i remember from my research
A lot of men have them and for most its not a big deal
Theres a few different surgeries they can do but one of them is fucking weird they stick a tube in your neck vein and and feed it down all the way to your dick to do remote surgery

All the surgeries for it are pretty invasive. Unless the pain is serious a surgery isnt usually recommended afaik, also theres achance it will get worse as you age and yes it lowers test by a little bit because it decreases testicular mass

idk see another doctor, it might not be a big deal right now. i went to a uro for this and the dude was just super annoying. i dude was super reluctant to do his job, just wanted my nuts checked. if its bad it affects your fertility. maybe get some sperm frozen?

>> No.14550881

I am a huge schizoid who will probably die a khv. The loss of fertility doesn't really affect me.

>by a little bit

>> No.14550891

Wait he didnt want to check your balls or he was super into checking your balls.

>> No.14550903 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14550907 [DELETED] 

>i'll try to rationalize the problem as ok instead of considering doing anything to correct it, making an effort to improve would be too much of a hassle, i don't feel like doing it.
now you understand the root cause of the problem

>> No.14550923

Harm reduction is something the weak believe in. Harm reduction is a euphemism for being a coward and allowing things to keep getting incrementally worse to protect your own station in life.

>> No.14550998

>A lot of men have them and for most its not a big deal

> Unless the pain is serious a surgery isnt usually recommended afaik, also theres achance it will get worse as you age and yes it lowers test by a little bit because it decreases testicular mass

>if its bad it affects your fertility. maybe get some sperm frozen?

The amount of stupidity in this post is unbelievable

maybe don't talk about stuff you don't understand and don't give medical advices when you're not a doctor ????????????????

>> No.14551452

>I know why you do
*I know why you are

>I'm not settling for anyone but the most highly recommended.

No, no, no, that tranny coper thinks those posts were made by the same person, LMAO.

Kek, answer the question, anon.

>> No.14551465

It's a bulge in a relatively important area of your nutsac. If you don't want your test levels and subsequent gains to suffer, take your ass to a decent doctor for repair.

>> No.14551470


>be me
>be australian
>go to doctor with exactly this problem
>get sent to specialist
>get told to live with it

>> No.14551473

You were jelqing, weren't you? See a urologist and insist.

>> No.14551475

So naive.

>> No.14551476

I wasn't joking, but honestly they tested my test and it was fine so they basically said it would be cosmetic surgery.

>> No.14551484

I wasn't joking either. Jelqing is stupid, don't fucking do it.
You're going to have to ride their asses and make sure that you keep up with hormone panels at least once a year. Make sure you watch for any kind of testicular shrinkage as well.

>> No.14551488

The uro acted really reluctant to check ky bass and was super standoffish
Right before i went in the previous patient was a little boy and i could literally hear the dude giddily talking with him and his mom for like 5 mins behind the door. Then i show up and its like a switch flips and hes all "are you sure you want me to check things out"
"Yeah im just concerned because because i was told i had a varicolle as a teen and would like to know its progression"
Then the dude just takes puts on gloves in the most passive aggressive slow way possible

>> No.14551499

You may be unattractive.

>> No.14551509 [DELETED] 

the doctor might see a lot of faggots who are trying to get an examination/handjob and making up any excuse to try and talk him into it.

>> No.14551510

Irrelevant. People become objects.

>> No.14551517

This may also be the case.

You will get a copium overdose soon enough. You becoming an object or not is meaningless in this context.

>> No.14551567

I trusted them. Now I'm in my last year of medschool and doctors are one of the least trustworthy professions out there.

>> No.14551576

Based black sheep poster.

>> No.14551593
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I think i've talked about this before in a previous thread.
Basically from my experience and from what i saw the more ugly/poor looking/shitty dressed/disgusting male patients are, the more likely they are to get misdiagnosed, get less prioritize, mistreated ,sent home when they still need care, made fun of etc by Doctors/nursoids and die, specially in ER.

i've literally seen doctors & nursoids not wanting to treat a patient or not giving him the priority that he deserve and delaying his treatment and refusing to go see him just because he's ugly/hairy/disgusting /not well dressed/smelly etc
so yes, there is a very big chance that this anon >>14551499 is right

>> No.14551606

I thought I was here to get my balls checked I didn't know I needed to dress up like it was date night. Do I need to start screening for heterosexual uros in the future?

>> No.14551632

Appreciate the concern, will do.

>> No.14551635

what does /med/ think of paramedics

>> No.14551659

Not that anon , i dont jelq but i restore my foreskin with tugging, which involves pulling on the penis in a slightly similar way
Any thoughts or input? (No i will not stop until i have a covered glans)

>> No.14551701

so it's a varicose vein in your ballsack that steals your gains and makes you infertile? get that shit fixed asap anon. lie if you have to tell him it hurts real bad

>> No.14551710

We should ask "what counts as medical error"?
Half of AH patients in US are undertreated (recieve less medication that they should). This counts as medical error.
Delayed cancer diagnosis is also a medical error.
Statistics like this don't take into account the social factor of disease.

>> No.14551726

Just don't jelq and be gentle even if it takes longer since you're only in a race with yourself. Look for mucosal safe hyaluronic acid to put on dampened tissue, then apply an oil over to help keep moisture in. Jojoba oil has qualities similar to sebum, make sure you use plenty of it as lubricant and clear away most of the excess when you've finished stretching. Keep it clean and don't use anything drying like regular soap.

>> No.14551864 [DELETED] 

What's a good resource for gynecology stuff that isn't too in-depth? My GF has suspected low estrogen levels and her doctors aren't doing shit (last one didn't even order bloods or any kind of physical exam, then tried to shill an SSRI when she mentioned anxiety). She is seeing a proper gynecologist but will be waiting several months

I ask because I was genuinely considering breaking up with her because her symptoms have been getting so bad, but the more I think about it the more I feel like it could be a physical cause. I want to do a bit more research but the textbooks I've skimmed through so far don't really offer much, if anything, on the causes of low estrogen.

She displays a few depressive symptoms, is more anxious than normal about dumb shit, still has a VERY high libido but can't act on it as much due to painful intercourse despite lots of pussy juice, has no semblance of a regular menstrual cycle, has trouble staying asleep, and has turned into a complete scatterbrain and forgets to do very basic and important shit like a 400 word essay or paying a college fee (and then getting a $1000 late fee as a result). Probably worst of all is that she's lost that spark in her eyes and has resorted to hobbies and interests she can do while she's seriously fatigued, like reading and documentaries. She'll be willing to do fun things with me but it's obvious she's always very tired and not really into it.

Before replying, I know obviously it could be a myriad of things including depression, relationship complacency, STI, or me being a faggot, but I want to read a bit more into this to see if things might improve if she gets it sorted out, because I'd hate to dump her over something so temporary. Right now it's like dating a robot that sucks my dick a lot, compared to the genuinely interesting and fun girl she used to be.

>> No.14551929
File: 60 KB, 828x724, 20220604_195545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does our eye tear up when there is an inflammation around the eye? what causes it? inflammatory mediators? histamines? cum?

>> No.14551986


>> No.14552059

They take their job *very* seriously, are retarded a lot of the time, but they’re almost definitely underpaid

>> No.14552108

Thank you fren I will bear this in mind. Any input on how much weight/force is acceptable to apply on the penis? Or how bad it is to tug on the penis in a erect/semi-erect state vs flaccid?

>> No.14552112

Also, which direction is better? Is it healthier to pull upwards towards the belly?

>> No.14552155

just got into dental school in bongland. what am i in for?

>> No.14552227
File: 110 KB, 1080x1080, Hāfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice image and redpilled post.

Look up the halo effect and how important beauty is in general for success in life (not just dating). Your looks still matter (a lot) even if people aren't attracted to you sexually.

>> No.14552728 [DELETED] 
File: 529 KB, 827x612, Willie King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>14549857 >>14549864. Additional info below:

>Apart from citing surgical horror stories—like that of Willie King, who had part of the wrong leg amputated at University Community Hospital in Tampa, Florida, in 1995—the panel found that more than 7000 Americans died each year as a result of “medication errors,” which included the prescribing or dispensing of the wrong drugs. For example, the panel said, pharmacists often had difficulty deciphering the illegible handwriting of doctors who prescribe drugs (4 December, p 1456) (2).
Learn good handwriting, /med/niggers, this is so true.

>The most commonly cited estimate of annual deaths from medical error in the US—a 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report7—is limited and outdated. The report describes an incidence of 44 000-98 000 deaths annually.7 This conclusion was not based on primary research conducted by the institute but on the 1984 Harvard Medical Practice Study and the 1992 Utah and Colorado Study.8 9 But as early as 1993, Leape, a chief investigator in the 1984 Harvard study, published an article arguing that the study’s estimate was too low, contending that 78% rather than 51% of the 180 000 iatrogenic deaths were preventable (some argue that all iatrogenic deaths are preventable).10 This higher incidence (about 140 400 deaths due to error) has been supported by subsequent studies which suggest that the 1999 IOM report underestimates the magnitude of the problem (3).

>We have estimated that medical error is the third biggest cause of death in the US and therefore requires greater attention. Medical error leading to patient death is under-recognized in many other countries, including the UK and Canada (3).20 21


>> No.14552736 [DELETED] 
File: 529 KB, 827x612, Willie King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>14549857 (You) >>14549864 (You). Additional info below:

>Apart from citing surgical horror stories—like that of Willie King, who had part of the wrong leg amputated at University Community Hospital in Tampa, Florida, in 1995—the panel found that more than 7000 Americans died each year as a result of “medication errors,” which included the prescribing or dispensing of the wrong drugs. For example, the panel said, pharmacists often had difficulty deciphering the illegible handwriting of doctors who prescribe drugs (4 December, p 1456) (2).
Learn good handwriting, /med/niggers, this is so true.

>The most commonly cited estimate of annual deaths from medical error in the US—a 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report7—is limited and outdated. The report describes an incidence of 44 000-98 000 deaths annually.7 This conclusion was not based on primary research conducted by the institute but on the 1984 Harvard Medical Practice Study and the 1992 Utah and Colorado Study.8 9 But as early as 1993, Leape, a chief investigator in the 1984 Harvard study, published an article arguing that the study’s estimate was too low, contending that 78% rather than 51% of the 180 000 iatrogenic deaths were preventable (some argue that all iatrogenic deaths are preventable).10 This higher incidence (about 140 400 deaths due to error) has been supported by subsequent studies which suggest that the 1999 IOM report underestimates the magnitude of the problem (3).

>We have estimated that medical error is the third biggest cause of death in the US and therefore requires greater attention. Medical error leading to patient death is under-recognized in many other countries, including the UK and Canada (3).20 21


>> No.14552745
File: 529 KB, 827x612, Willie King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, fucked up my post twice.

See >>14549857 >>14549864. Additional info below:

>Apart from citing surgical horror stories—like that of Willie King, who had part of the wrong leg amputated at University Community Hospital in Tampa, Florida, in 1995—the panel found that more than 7000 Americans died each year as a result of “medication errors,” which included the prescribing or dispensing of the wrong drugs. For example, the panel said, pharmacists often had difficulty deciphering the illegible handwriting of doctors who prescribe drugs (4 December, p 1456) (2).
Learn good handwriting, /med/niggers, this is so true.

>The most commonly cited estimate of annual deaths from medical error in the US—a 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report7—is limited and outdated. The report describes an incidence of 44 000-98 000 deaths annually.7 This conclusion was not based on primary research conducted by the institute but on the 1984 Harvard Medical Practice Study and the 1992 Utah and Colorado Study.8 9 But as early as 1993, Leape, a chief investigator in the 1984 Harvard study, published an article arguing that the study’s estimate was too low, contending that 78% rather than 51% of the 180 000 iatrogenic deaths were preventable (some argue that all iatrogenic deaths are preventable).10 This higher incidence (about 140 400 deaths due to error) has been supported by subsequent studies which suggest that the 1999 IOM report underestimates the magnitude of the problem (3).

>We have estimated that medical error is the third biggest cause of death in the US and therefore requires greater attention. Medical error leading to patient death is under-recognized in many other countries, including the UK and Canada (3).20 21


>> No.14552750

>According to WHO, 117 countries code their mortality statistics using the ICD system as the primary indicator of health status.22 The ICD-10 coding system has limited ability to capture most types of medical error. At best, there are only a few codes where the role of error can be inferred, such as the code for anticoagulation causing adverse effects and the code for overdose events. When a medical error results in death, both the physiological cause of the death and the related problem with delivery of care should be captured (3).

(3) https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.i2139


>> No.14552931 [DELETED] 

it is unpleasant and disappointing to see how incredibly resistant the medical community is to any attempt at improving patient safety.
it is irrational for them not to want to improve , patient safety, improving patient safety would make them better doctors, nevertheless, they aggressively resist any and all attempts at reducing the amount of medical errors.

>> No.14553054

Operator in a semiconductor company planning to do a degree in Pharmacy in future. Any advice?

>> No.14553062

it is unpleasant and disappointing to see how incredibly resistant the medical community is to any attempt at improving patient safety.
it is irrational for them not to want to improve , patient safety, improving patient safety would make them better doctors, nevertheless, they aggressively resist any and all attempts at reducing the amount of medical errors.

>> No.14553078

go to 4chan/sci and demand valuable information for free while doing nothing in return, hone your sense of entitlement and lack of self awareness as best you can

>> No.14553080

Genuine lol

>> No.14553118
File: 278 KB, 592x591, Meme_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dental school
>what am i in for?
Getting mogged by the Mews themselves (the fathers of orthotropics who live there) and never learning the root-cause approach to solving dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease.

>> No.14553186

I am not sure what you're on about. I pointed out making inferences to the past when reporting standards are considerably different is a mistake. In all probability, medical errors were astronomically higher. Hence "reported" errors. Even that is weasel wording by not clearly stating there is an obvious qualitative difference in reporting standards and identification.

I happen to be in support of whatever reduces medical error rate further within reason, of course. Doesn't mean a bad inference isn't a bad inference.

>> No.14553279
File: 156 KB, 604x453, AtnOzwP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14553546

there you go, anon

>> No.14553719

i had bad diarrhea the past two days, and my asshole is like, red raw from wiping. fairly painful to wash in the shower.
i've got this mucus-like discharge with some bright red blood. it doesn't stink, and it's not much, like if you were to spit on a napkin.
i don't want to get it on my underwear so i've been putting a paper towel up against my gooch and it tends to stay put if i pull my underwear up.

firstly, i assume this is just not a "bad thing" and it's just healing. it doesn't seem like i'm leaking shit out of my asshole or anything. is there some better way i should dress this "wound"? like, put vaseline on my asshole and press gauze on it, and tape the gauze to my asscheeks or something? i'm somewhat worried that i'm making the irritation worse from friction of having a papertowel touching my asshole all day, but i find the idea of ass mucus on my boxers to be fucking revolting.

>> No.14553730

There's an easy fix for this.
Stop fucking Tyrone, you homo.

>> No.14553762

even if, okay-- even IF, my asshole was blown out from shoving stuff in it, i certainly wouldn't be putting more stuff up it during the healing process.
and it would still be useful to know if i should put some hydrocortisone on my red asshole, or slap a bandaid on it, or just let it airdry, or what.

>> No.14554042

I got a connection refused error

>> No.14554082

Mix up NOT mint maalox or mylanta with zinc oxide diaper rash cream.

>> No.14554115
File: 93 KB, 640x615, Penicillium_notatum[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you thanked mr. fungus today?

>> No.14554191

thank mr fungals

>> No.14554619

those big fat meanies :'(

>> No.14554906

Might be a random question, so apologies if so. What kind of procedures do they do to lower backs who have nerves exposed for years after removing the lower back muscle? Need to an operation for something like that and I wasn't sure if they actually deaden the nerves so you lose that tingly and weird exposed nerves feeling in your back or do they put something there to replicate what the muscle was like before? Again, apologies if this is a dumb question.

>> No.14555947
File: 79 KB, 570x906, M54XmRM2WrwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fraud has included Merck’s withholding of cases of myocardial infarction in trials of rofecoxib. Merck’s manipulations were so extensive that an independent meta‑analysis of rofecoxib studies found that those with an external endpoint committee reported four times more heart attacks with rofecoxib
than with the comparator, whereas trials without an external endpoint committee reported fewer heart attacks with rofecoxib (1).1

>Merck spokespeople lied to the FDA and the United States Congress about what and when the company knew that rofecoxib was deadly, but the worst lies were
seen in Merck’s marketing. In February 2001, the FDA asked Merck to make the doctors aware of the results in the large VIGOR study published in the New England Journal of Medicine where rofecoxib had caused a 5‑fold increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction in comparison with naproxen.1 However, the next day, Merck instructed its sales force of more than 3000 people NOT to discuss the results of the VIGOR study. Merck also produced a pamphlet to its sales force indicating that rofecoxib was associated with one‑eighth the mortality from cardiovascular causes of that found with other NSAIDs (1).

>Pfizer also published a prestigious but fraudulent trial, this time in JAMA, and this company also lied about its trials. For example, Pfizer denied in documents prepared for a 2005 FDA hearing that celecoxib causes heart attacks.

(1) http://pamw.pl/en/node/2503/pdf
(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1117251/

>> No.14557002
File: 421 KB, 1125x1449, 4C24F6C5-AB88-43A4-BE82-B4407D7DB4F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red raw from wiping.
Fuck you and all bidet nonusers.

Lol, thanks for letting us know.

Drugs that have its place but have been used and prescribed as if they carried no risk at all (they do, quite a lot).

>> No.14557024

I don’t get why you replied to me with that image and a bad copy-paste.

>> No.14557409
File: 152 KB, 488x442, clinical_examination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14559205 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1200x900, exhausted physician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14559886

What am I looking at here and how do I avoid it?

>> No.14560556 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 1119x592, cliche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14560603

>they aggressively resist any and all attempts at reducing the amount of medical errors.

A lot of it has to do with liability. As soon as one part of the medical profession, of a good size, "shifts" to do something "the right way" it creates liability for the fraction not doing it that way, because one of the ways malpractice works is "I was just doing what any reasonable physician would have done."

So, one good physician is fine, but if it becomes, say, 10% are good, 90% are garbage, they start becoming more liable.

>> No.14560625

He's 50 minutes late because several other patients before you arrived "right on time", and then wasted 10-15 minutes filling out paperwork to get checked in instead of BEING checked in. And other people have been inconvenienced by you too.

>> No.14560794

>and then wasted 10-15 minutes filling out paperwork to get checked in
Lol, where do you live that you have to do this? You just check in by giving your full name/full "name" and at what time you scheduled your consultation at least in part of Latin America.

>> No.14561257

What's the easiest prequisites to teach myself the standard med school curriculum? Not sure what's actually needed. Never taken a college level biology or chemistry class but besides bio and chem, what else do I need as background to handle the texts one would find in the first couple years of med school?

>> No.14561263

A ring of dry skin appeared on my dick today, can someone explain what happened please? the skin inside the ring is normal. I'm a virgin

>> No.14561304

I was first appointment of the day and the condescending doc came in 45 min late. Hadn't even looked at the MRI yet. Patient doctor confidentiality is also horse shit. They let the interns into your medical records. The medical industry is full of real pieces of shit.

>> No.14561306

More than likely a fusion + bone graft.

>> No.14561307

I wish. Even with echeckin they are not ready and make you fill more shit out that no one reads.

>> No.14561789

Is it possible to have a broken finger without swelling or bruising?

>> No.14561849

I've been working as a mechanical engineer for almost 9 years now. I have been thinking about applying to med school for a while. I want to do something entirely different, but also similar. I am turning 31.
What percentile of age will I be relative to most?

>> No.14562073

Thanks for response. Didn't realize it would be such a hectic operation for the nerves tere.

>> No.14563494


>> No.14563535

How bad is it to drink coffee while concerta is still in my system? I usually take 18mg at 8am, then sometimes enjoy a coffee around 2pm. My doctor told me it will fuck up my heart. So I've been slowly eliminating caffeine but im still addicted unfortunately. I just feel so guilty. Give me the truth /med/

>> No.14563747

You can start here if you have fundamental knowledge of basic sciences.
You can just read chapters about pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics from there just use it as a consult book when you want to know how a specific drug works.
>clinical examination book
Bates or some other book and someone to practice the shit you read there.
>internal medicine
Some reader friendly book, fuck Harrison and his boring ass prose.

That's all you need.

>> No.14564257


>> No.14564270

Anyone have any idea what the fuck happened here? I get nightmares all the time and are used to them (usually violent/panic etc.), I wake up and am fine.

One time recently my body thought it was real but not my brain after I woke up, despite no anxiety this began with hyperventilating in a fetal position for hours and just randomly breaking down crying nonstop. This went on for weeks until I ended up with a hypertensive crisis from the adrenaline alone, and at one point it got bad enough I was getting homicidal rage from intrusive thoughts about some stuff not worth mentioning. The rage and anxiety took a while to build from the adrenaline itself rather than again anything psychological

>> No.14564356

doctors are literally useless faggots

>> No.14564368

>Patient doctor confidentiality is also horse shit.

In my public healthcare system, the doctors literally hire secretaries to do clinical things like triage cases.

I had a doctor call me up to yell at me about how it was "abusive' for me to ask her secretary "do you have any medical credentials?" when I was told that my case was low priority. I asked "when did the doctor look at it?" and was told 'the doctor doesnt triage cases, I do.'

She tried to tell me "front-line workers are heroes!" What a fucking moron.

>> No.14564376

Just buy decaf beans. Or better yet, just stop taking placebo brain frying drugs like concerta.

>> No.14564392

>Just buy decaf beans
decaffeinated is not uncaffeinated, decaf coffee usually has about 20% the potency of the real stuff

>> No.14564407

Your doctor is a fucking retard unless you have an actual condition. It's actually good for the brain to have 200-400mg caffeine daily (not 400 at once), christ I'm on an MAOI and amphetamines, caffeine and nicotine (lozenges) at once cause no problems despite hysteria from the 60s

>> No.14564878
File: 680 KB, 497x812, 1644242443537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What specialty do I have to get to get a GF like this?

>> No.14565063

> Proceeds to give you his number and asks that you call him for a followup.
> Doesn't answer.

>> No.14565066

God, I don't want to know how frequently you have to empty your bladder in an 8 hour period.

>> No.14565146

quit coffe cold turkey. acrylamide will give you cancer in the long run.

>> No.14565148

Move to persia, but it doesn't really exist anymore.

>> No.14565726
File: 145 KB, 1125x756, 1613217724353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, real question. How do you find a doctor that actually takes the time to listen to your concerns and make sure they test for everything? All the ratings online are always like 4.9 stars and there's never any indicator of them being the typical "see you for 5 minutes, misdiagnose you, rush you out the door" bullshit I have to put up with from 95% of doctors I've ever seen.

>> No.14565735

>egardless, antibiotics shouldn't be used unless a life is threatened and ALL other options have been exhausted.
That is COMPLETELY false and a great way to kill people. I think you must be an actual medical worker.

>> No.14565743

Brah polynesians are some of the fattest people on Earth. I promise you their heart attack rate was absolutely not low. Even before westerners colonize them they were fat in a world of skinny people. I promise someone has cherry picked or flat out lied about stats to sell coconut oil, probably in some diet book.

>> No.14565838

the whole world is in on this conspiracy...

>> No.14565866 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 600x336, Myogiryu22 Manlet25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you hate people larger that yourself strictly out of fear, you know with certainty that they will tear you apart in any physical confrontation becuase of their vastly superior strength and the makes you fear them and loath them. you are a cringing, cowering, tiny little sissy wimp, you're really only upset at your own impotence, you wish you were the big guy, but you aren't, you're just one of a zillion weak, worthless, expendable little guys.

>> No.14565880 [DELETED] 

This is fucking nonsense. I think we're past the point where libniggers get to claim conspiracies aren't real. The whole fucking world is falling apart.

>> No.14566275

>brain frying drugs like concerta.
I can't afford to be an arm-chair pseudo-scientist, Im taking my brain frying drugs to not drop out of my degree and it's working so far

>> No.14566308 [DELETED] 

>Escalation of commitment is a human behavior pattern in which an individual or group facing increasingly negative outcomes from a decision, action, or investment nevertheless continues the behavior instead of altering course. The actor maintains behaviors that are irrational, but align with previous decisions and actions.

>> No.14566320

Find a White Male Christian doctor

>> No.14566423

>ignoring the advice of 3 medical doctor's and listening to 4chan
it's not convincing so far anon

>> No.14566438 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 800x800, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why are you here asking for advice if you presume that 4chan/sci anons are morons?
why can't you go fuck off and trust the science somewhere else, why do you insist on forcing yourself in here, where you are an unwelcome, unwanted interloper? go and spam your trust for your beloved doctors and scientists on reddit, you'll really enjoy all the upboats and rewards you get for regurgitating propaganda on reddit. have a good time, bon voyage.

>> No.14566622

You'd have to be a lunatic to take actual medical advice from people here.

>> No.14566774

You are awfully sensitive... truthfully, you gave a half-baked argument, convincing me to quit concerta based on human behavior theory? You're deviating from my original question in the first place, so you get a dismissive response.

>> No.14567440

Post a picture of how that patch looks like (it doesn't have to be of your skin obviously).



Lol, does this actually happen?

>> No.14567635

Is that a rare Pokemon ?

>> No.14567681
File: 69 KB, 683x646, pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would being on small doses of statins be beneficial if I had normal values for HDL/LDL/triglycerides?

>> No.14567967
File: 53 KB, 640x480, gel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do practitioners still percuss traubs area or is it out of fashion? My uni requires it for the final but i heard it is no longer used

>> No.14568112

>make sure they test for everything
Any specific test that you think you should have, but a doctor wouldn't perform?

>> No.14568186


>> No.14568930

lol little bitch deleted his posts when he couldn't respond