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14546953 No.14546953 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this issue /sci/? Does autism cause transgenderism? If so, does that mean that being transgender is a symptom of mental illness?

>> No.14546970

autists see just what is there when all artificially constructed things (social norms,embarrassment, expectations) have been taken out of the equation.
if anything this means that normies are actively suppressing their urges due to fears, social alignment etc.

when in doubt the autist is right, not the normie NPC society.

>> No.14546975
File: 80 KB, 1024x753, three paths of autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14546982

This image is unironically how I realized I'm not autistic.

>> No.14546988

Not quite so far as "mental illness" is just ill equipped folk science (like most psychology) compared to what it being made known genetically.
Autism is linked to Ehlers Danlos syndrome.

Transsexualism is heavily linked to EDS too:
See a longer paper here on the issue:

>Families containing geniuses, people with CFS/ME/Lyme/FM, hypermobile folks, gay/transgender people, people with autoimmune diseases, people with endometriosis, people with subcutaneous adipose disorders, etc, etc. See the full list above.

>> No.14547098

transgerderism is massively promoted across spaces the autists frequent and likewise is massively propagandized as a solution to autist problems
autists never turn into proper drag queens and would never be compelled to put on some lifelong act until recently when their autistic attention gets captured by tranny interest groups (porn, discord, 4chan, furries, etc).
100 years from now it'll still be the autists claiming robot identity or some stupid shit.

>> No.14547111

There is nothing autistic about liking trains, planes and tanks.

>> No.14547133
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Does autism cause school shootings?

>> No.14547134

most autistic people are low iq nonverbal animals incapable of understanding ideas like being "born in the wrong body"

>> No.14547195

>Does autism cause transgenderism?
Well yes. Anything can be autism nowadays so why not transgenderism too?
The fact that a PhD graduate and an aggressive clearly intellectually disabled person can share the same primary diagnosis is enough to prove that "Autism" is a pseudoscientific bullshit diagnosis.

>> No.14547457

the only displays of femininity an autistic fuck gets is overly simplified anime bullshit which explains a lot

>> No.14547462


Hogwash. Many psychological pathologies occur both among the bright and the dim. If you want to dismiss autism as a category you're going to have to have a firmer reason than that one.

>> No.14547484

Overfixation is a trait of autism. People over fixate on their own genders.

>> No.14547491

Autists are very receptive to being Groomed
>Look Ma, my interweb frens told me I can be a woman

>> No.14547519

Trans tend to have diagnosis of personality disorders, that should be your real concern. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/809058

>> No.14547526

Autist here. I'm not trans but I've always wanted to look androgynous. Now that I'm in my 30s and bald, I experience serious dysphoria whenever I look at myself in the mirror.

>> No.14547606

>What do you think about this issue /sci/? Does autism cause transgenderism?

It's a virus that causes homosexuality/genderdysphoria/furries etc.

>> No.14547652
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Autistic people have poor perceptions of self, to the point of face blindness (ie, they cannot identify their own face in a mirror).

Is it any wonder that someone who had such poor perception of self might dream to be someone completely different?

>> No.14547698

Here is my retarded speculation
I'm thinking its a mix of 3 things

Things that cause you to be autistic also effect your gender role behavior you develop. Both are social illnesses.

Autistic people are more likely to be on the internet all day where trans people exist in higher numbers. Trans people exist on the internet for higher numbers because its offers them a form of anonymity and ability to find niche social support groups. Thus autistic people see lots of trans people in doing so find it more acceptable and join in.

Being autistic means you are more likely to do non conforming behavior. Being trans is non conforming.

>> No.14547710

>The fact that a PhD graduate and an aggressive clearly intellectually disabled person can share the same primary diagnosis is enough to prove that "Autism" is a pseudoscientific bullshit diagnosis.
what is this infantile prescription? is stage 1 cancer no longer cancer because it's not anywhere near as horrific and dangerous as stage 4 cancer?

>> No.14547722
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no, "school shootings" are all glownigger psyops.
that most recent one in texas where the police were doing nothing other than keeping the public out to protect the glownigger crisis actors inside makes that transparently clear.

>> No.14547960

Autistic people less likely to follow social norms and more likely to do weird things like be a tranny. That's the link.

>> No.14547978

>do weird things
>like be a tranny
pick one
being a tranny is an common, popular fad, its popularized and promoted by the MSM, there is nothing unusual, creative or weird about blindly following the latest fashion, thats what npcs do.

>> No.14547984

Autogynephilia goes quite beyond it merely being a fashion craze, faggot. A fad is the retarded haircut zoomers get, pretending to be a woman is looked down on by 95% of society.

>> No.14547998

No matter what msm forces, most people aren't accepting of trannies. Trannies are still going against social norms.

>> No.14547999

Meant for >>14547978

>> No.14548008
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you are desperate to defend your transparently fake "uniqueness" and "victim status". trannyshit is promoted and defended by the most powerful institutions on the planet, trannies are a privileged, protected class.

>> No.14548043
File: 324 KB, 865x842, 1654159027905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think when you constantly obsess over something, when it take up all your time, when you become totally consumed by it that you are in fact mentally ill.

Sort of like people who spend their entire days (have done for years now) posting about transsexuals, looking for transsexuals, reading and watching stuff about transsexuals.

You know, people such as yourself, OP?

Do you consider yourself to be mentally well? Do you think obsessing over transsexuals as much as you do is a mentally healthy thing to do?

Does spending your whole day, thinking, looking, reading, watching and posting about transsexuals seem like a perfectly normal and mentally sound thing to do?

Maybe you should seek help? Seen as you are mentally ill.

>> No.14548172 [DELETED] 

>Many psychological pathologies occur both among the bright and the dim.
Autism is regarded as the cause of these people being 'dim'. So I do take issue with a diagnosis that causes some people to be mentally retarded whereas others are of normal intelligence.
>what is this infantile prescription? is stage 1 cancer no longer cancer because it's not anywhere near as horrific and dangerous as stage 4 cancer?
Autism isn't like cancer. Cancer is real. Autism is a metaphor.

>> No.14548178

>Many psychological pathologies occur both among the bright and the dim.
Autism is regarded as the cause of these people being 'dim'. So I do take issue with a diagnosis that causes some people to be mentally retarded whereas others are of normal intelligence.
>If you want to dismiss autism as a category you're going to have to have a firmer reason than that one.
Burden of proof lies on him who is trying to prove the existence of something. Autism is not a valid category. And nearly all experts on autism admit it.
>what is this infantile prescription? is stage 1 cancer no longer cancer because it's not anywhere near as horrific and dangerous as stage 4 cancer?
Autism isn't like cancer. Cancer is real. Autism is a metaphor.

>> No.14548182

Don't be too hard on him, the average IQ of autismos is 70, I'm not even kidding

>> No.14548183

Autism doesn't cause trandgenderism, but there is a commonality that causes both

>> No.14548197

>the average IQ of autismos is 70, I'm not even kidding
Except you're wrong.

>> No.14548201


Sorry I wish I could condense the psychometric literature into a DR Suess book so you could understand but feel free to post any evidence to the contrary

>> No.14548232

>I could condense the psychometric literature into a DR Suess book so you could understand
I really wish someone did because you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
>but feel free to post any evidence to the contrary
For example...
Now, let's look at your paper
>Data were collected through an exploratory study of 100 children aged between three and 13 years, who were referred to the department of child health and development in Sultan Qaboos
University Hospital, a tertiary hospital, in Oman between June 2016 and June 2019.

So? You deliberately chose a place whose inhabitants already test low on IQ tests, then chose a study that only bothered with those cases that were actually referred to a specialized hospital?

I'm sorry. You clearly are incapable of reading scientific papers and understanding them. It happens all the time. Don't feel sad. Some people are just born stupid.

>> No.14548238

Your are psychologically projecting your own unhealthy obsession with /pol / chuds / whatever, it isn't normal for people to actively go onto websites filled with opinions they don't like. Try taking a break from the internet for a few days.

>> No.14548246

You're the one claiming that trannies aren't mentally ill and just following a fad, retard. Cope harder.

>is promoted and defended by the most powerful institutions on the planet,
Trannies are thought of as freaks by at least 80% of people in the west. Virtue signalling doesn't mean anything

>> No.14548249

Literally the research goal of your study
>Objectives: We aimed to describe the intellectual ability and ratio of boys to girls with average or higher IQ within autism spectrum disorder
WOW when we just measure autismos with higher than average IQs they have higher than average IQS!!
>So? You deliberately chose a place whose inhabitants already test low on IQ tests, then chose a study that only bothered with those cases that were actually referred to a specialized hospital?
How about you read the paper, these were not people hospitalized because of low IQ, do you think these tests normally happen by going to some random autistic retards house? Studies like this happen all the time through referals from hospitals, y'know, the places that HOLD MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT PEOPLE

>> No.14548256

Social media causes transgenderism IF you have autism

>> No.14548271

>WOW when we just measure autismos with higher than average IQs they have higher than average IQS!!
The point still stands, you imbecile. Read the paper rather than project your own insecurities on me.
>How about you read the paper, these were not people hospitalized because of low IQ,
Holy shit. You're a damn fucking idiot. "Hospitalized because of low IQ".
>do you think these tests normally happen by going to some random autistic retards house?
Why would mild cases end up in a hospital, but not the severe ones? Can you think?
>Studies like this happen all the time through referals from hospitals, y'know, the places that HOLD MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT PEOPLE
Ye? You know the same places that have discovered that most autistics actually have IQs in the normal range. You actually didn't bother to disprove any of my claims which leads me to believe that you're not coping well at all with your own diagnosis.

>> No.14548282

>Does autism cause transgenderism?
Isn't autism a mental hypermasculinity of sorts?

>> No.14548283

OP phrased stuff poorly.
>Isn't autism a mental hypermasculinity of sorts?
No, but some people here guessed correctly that autistics don't care much about social reputation so are more open to the idea of cross-dressing and what not.

>> No.14548299
File: 64 KB, 600x429, gangsta pillowcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if a nonconformist, such as a transgender, feels entitled to social acceptance it isn't autism, it is narcism. to be a nonconformist is to reject opportunities for gaining social acceptance.
>hehehe, i'm being a massive nonconformist and disobeying all social rules, don't come chasing after me begging to be my friend and or anything silly like that.
faggot logic

>> No.14548325

>don't care much about social reputation
>wears a disguise so as not to be recognized while engaging in shameful, embarrassing, degenerate pesudosexual pursuits
pesudosexual rather than legitimately sexual because homosexuals do not have sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse is a procreative act. homosexuals futile attempts to imitate heterosexual procreative acts are such a farce that it can't be called real sex. mutual masturbation or using an anus as a flashlight is missing many of the key elements which make procreative intercourse so pleasurable.

>> No.14548369

Well, there is an 'extreme male brain’ theory https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/extreme-male-brain-explained/

>> No.14548373

My autistic brother (actually medically autistic diagnosed by a doctor) is also gay so I’m assuming yes

>> No.14548375

Seek help

>> No.14548377

>(actually medically autistic diagnosed by a doctor)
Why did you need to post this?

>> No.14548380

exactly. that is, for instance, why voluntary eunuchs (guys that cut their own balls off) are being talked about in the bible - victims of the social media of the day.

>> No.14548394

So he can pride himself on an easy to get diagnosis and prove to everyone that he really got it because a doctor said so?

>> No.14548406
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you're ashamed of yourself, that is why you want less people paying attention to you. you have a guilty conscience.

>> No.14548414

Stop giving him what he wants, fucking retard.

>> No.14548415

not wanting attention and guilt are in no way correlated.

>> No.14548437

Seek help

>> No.14548446

Why would I be ashamed of myself? I have no guilty conscious, I don't want attention from anyone because I don't crave it. Enjoy your tranny obsession.

>> No.14548494


>> No.14548524

It isn't an easy diagnosis

>> No.14548531

hiding and shame/guilt are always correlated.

>> No.14548864

>Isn't autism a mental hypermasculinity of sorts?
XYY syndrome causes autistic traits so there's something to that even if hypermasculine isn't the right word for it

>> No.14549729

How can you draw correlation between two poorly defined or undefined socially shifting umbrella term groups in the first place? Neither is a mental illness and transgenderism isnt even a diagnosis.

>> No.14551335

>genetic mutants have a tendency towards abnormal mental development
shocking, i'd assume that the extra chromosome gang would just fit right in with the rest of us.