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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14545986 No.14545986 [Reply] [Original]

we made zero real technological progress since the 60's
60 years of tech stagnation
>inb4 muh smartphones
touchscreens were already used at the time of the moon landing

>> No.14545993
File: 459 KB, 922x924, 1654446348796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New technological progress just for OP.

>> No.14545998


>> No.14546000

literally just look around you
if you are really saying that and not baiting you are either a teen with no experience in any tech/engineering/science field or a faggot who thinks being le doomer is cool

>> No.14546022
File: 47 KB, 554x554, sanfran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just look around you
Everything dirty as fuck and old.
Nothing is maintained outside of the small rich part of the city.
Nothing new has been built in the past 70 years and the neighborhood has become a ghetto.

The fuck are you seeing?

>> No.14546023

this underage just watched joker and hates society now

>> No.14546026

>Nothing new has been built in the past 70 years
This is not a technological problem. Its the western worlds version of 1 child policy.

>> No.14546030

>buildings made from the same boring matherials and in the same style
>cars made with the same engines
>same clothig
what am i missing?

>> No.14546032
File: 151 KB, 1075x1115, 1593374916468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, what the fuck are you seeing?
Won't answer cause can't.
Also got a source for that?

>> No.14546040

guess what faggot having a poster of an obese negress will make calvin klein more money. it's not a reflection on society but on corporate greed

>> No.14546042

>Cope and seethe

>> No.14546054

The reason for that is we literally stopped building and exploring, we peaked in 60s unironically. No one including NASA can replicate the moon missions, I won't be surprised if in next few decades everyone just accepts that the moon mission was fake.

And this decline is only going to accelerate, just look at zoomers they are all brain dead. Our Engineering knowledge will simply get lost over time, same happened in Rome.

The only hope is East Asia, but they will literally go extinct it seems.

>> No.14546063

>guess what faggot having a poster of an obese negress will make calvin klein more money.
I'd like to see an unbiased study on that. Show me the empirical numbers how much the sales increased due to this advertising campaign.

>it's not a reflection on society but on corporate greed
It's a reflection of ESG policies forced upon every company by Blackrock.

>> No.14546073

>The only hope is East Asia
they literally never made anything original
they just copy tech from us but do it cheaper thanks to slave labour

>> No.14546085

>The only hope is East Asia
The only hope is Africa. Nigeria will soon be leading in rocket science. Rwanda is already among the leaders in artificial intelligence.

>> No.14546086

>ESG policies forced upon every company by Blackrock.
ah yes the same policies that killed the fossil fuel industry kek

>> No.14546096

The WEF has a clear agenda concerning renewable energy sources. Under the guise of climate protection this is de facto a form of economic warfare against Russia and the Middle East. OPEC will soon lose its power.

>> No.14546098

>It's a reflection of ESG policies forced upon every company by Blackrock.
So making money?

>> No.14546102

It's not just about making money. Blackrock and their closest friends already own all the money in the world. They can literally tell any central bank to print money and to hand it to them. It's about shaping society and cementing power structures.

>> No.14546107
File: 56 KB, 550x386, British_Children_Labour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I get that Negroes are dumb, but that's not a crime. Let them live in peace. Maybe civilisation isn't that good after all, it has only made us suffer, all the stuff that you think is muh great high IQ achievement was built on the backs of our people. And despite all that suffering we have only achieved existential crisis and social degeneracy.

>> No.14546118

> killed the fossil fuel industry
Are you schizophrenic? Exxon is in leaderboards of ESG rankings.

>> No.14546124

>The WEF has a clear agenda concerning renewable energy sources
yet they have done nothing, just look at oil consumption and prices
it's all meaningless talking, that is by the way funded by major oil corporations, apple, google, etc.

>> No.14546128

yes that's why i added "kek"

>> No.14546130

They can replicate most of our tech, thats an achievement in itself. There is a reason only Japan and China did this, and Japan achieved High quality as well, if it was as easy and irrelevant as you think it is, everyone around the world would have done this.

>> No.14546137

What people don't understand is that you literally can't kill the oil industry, it is the main raw material (not just "energy") of modern industrial civilisation, without petroleum civilisation won't exist simple as.

>> No.14546142

>yet they have done nothing
Global food crisis. Energy prices. Gas prices. Inflation. Pandemic. You call that "nothing"? Most people can't afford living anymore despite working full-time.

>> No.14546143

>it is the main raw material (not just "energy") of modern industrial civilisation
isn't plastic production just 8% of the use of oil?

>> No.14546149

It isn't easy to copy paste our tech but what i'm saying is that they can't produce anything on their own. Without our leading influence they would go back to mudhuts.

>> No.14546163

>Global food crisis. Energy prices. Gas prices
russia and big oil kikes

>> No.14546165

You're a fucking idiot, if you arent a shill

>> No.14546173
File: 41 KB, 554x554, Petroleum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and? Do you think only plastic is made from oil? Without petroleum you can't have industrial agriculture and global supply chains, this alone can end civilisation as we know it, and I haven't even started talking about all the life saving drugs, essential chemicals, and materials necessary for certain equipments in areas like medical industry, you can't even build the "green" Electric car without petroleum.

>> No.14546182

>t. chink chonk shill
10 yen have been deposited
don't forget that china has nothing to do with the pandemic gajin it's the wef or some shit

>> No.14546213

You could say we're at our wits end.

>> No.14546225

half of those things are poison

>> No.14546293

Because you didnt ask anything retard. You just post pictures of jewish advertisements and thats supposed to prove that technology has stagnated? Are you retarded?

>> No.14546438

relativity and QM are false. they have preoccupied midwits for nearly a century while leading to no advancements in technology. What relativity and QM lack in tangible fruit they make up in mysticism. instead of new technology we get "well isn't that weird!", "wouldn't it be strange if"

>> No.14546488

You are hysterical. Also anyone that says we cant have drugs without oil is a pseud. Pharma uses 0.0001% of oil producction. Its not relevant, at such scales you can synthesize everything from charcoal if you wanted to. Fuel is the only serious use of oil, plastics are not even needed, they are a minor convenience.

>> No.14546527

only scientism zealots believe that technology progresses linearly

>> No.14546551


>> No.14546584

>we harvested the energy of the atom to boil water to make a stick rotate

>> No.14546591

>What relativity and QM lack in tangible fruit

>> No.14546600

at best it's claimed to be a tiny correction to the GPS calculation. How fast do you think the satellite is going? 0.5c?

>> No.14546604
File: 23 KB, 200x200, 1452644422651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microprocessors were the last big innovation.

>> No.14546621

We need new big war. Last one caused major techological leap

>> No.14546633

I think that the MRI was very good, its also kind of new !!!

>> No.14546634

lol. this was interesting so I took the time to figure it all out myself.

google gives the satellite speed as 4km/s . pretty fast right? except when you compare it to the speed of light which is 300Mm/s. if that wasn't a huge difference enough to calculate relativistic effects you square the ratio so

(4k/300M)^2=(4/300000)^2=16/90000000000 or 1.7777778e-10

ok. that's not zero, but lets think what do we do with this tiny number? if we a re using to calculate some relativistic effect you must then add it to 1 in a processor. but computers only have a finite precision. a float only has precision to the 7th decimal place, so unless you are using a double precision float you'll lose this thing number to rounding error.

then theres also the stability of the clock itself. A normal quartz clock is only stable to "The maximum Q for a high stability quartz oscillator can be estimated as Q = 1.6 × 107/f, where f is the resonant frequency in megahertz." -google.

so it doesn't matter if you even believe in relativity or not and try to implement the relativistic correction. because of the finite precision of the clock source and the number of bits you have available to do calculations with accounting for the effects of relativity are pointless.

>> No.14546674

Yeah, all the quick and easy discoveries have been found, now new things are going to be far and few between as bigger budgets and complex machinery is needed to discover them. In the meantime, the focus is going to be on constant minor improvements of the stuff we already have, computers, internet, motors, solar panels, fake meat, etc.

>> No.14546677

I don't know what weapons WWIII will be fought with but I know WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.

>> No.14546684

Sounds good for the environment.

>> No.14546707
File: 538 KB, 1488x2858, priv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats an extremely well reasoned proof, however bill nye the science guy contradicts it on popsci tv regularly, so virtually everyone on this board assumes your wrong
>relativity is important, einstein is the greatest genus of all time
is a stronger and more influential argument than your math and physics

>> No.14546708

I know you hate r*ddit, but /r/futurology has constant news about scientific and technological breakthroughs that are being done every day.

>> No.14546792

Such as?

>> No.14546796

Get an upvote sir

>> No.14546797


>> No.14546802

>Nuclear energy

>> No.14546819

Antisemitism on full display here

>> No.14546827
File: 364 KB, 1531x1966, 1575590751709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit incessantly spammed with popsci propaganda from the msm, none of the daily massive breakthroughs the reddit is constantly crowing about ever amount to anything
yes, we know

>> No.14546855

Looks like things went wrong in the 80s you know when we elected Regan

>> No.14546893

>4kb ram to send men on the moon
>4gb of ram to open a browser and shitpost on 4chan

>> No.14546922

As memory storage became cheaper, we dropped optimisation pretty hard, doing all sorts of hyper abstract gay vanilla shit became possible, rest is history, now computers exist so that shaniqua can post xer latest twerk short on tiktok.

We could have done a lot bigger and greater things, but that future is now lost.

>> No.14546933
File: 189 KB, 688x445, eyyiyheucaug4wt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were born in 1962 or earlier?

>> No.14546938

My computer has more processing power than the entire world had in 1960

>> No.14546960

And what can you do with it >>14546893?

>> No.14546973
File: 124 KB, 1080x1052, burgerpunkapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the fact you need trillions of times more effort to do retarded and trivial tasks while men of the past did mythical feats like traverse outer space and walk on the moon is really not a point in favor of modern times.

>> No.14546986

I have a car that can do well over 150mph. 100 years ago the fastest cars could barely do 80mph.
>100 years ago there was no speed limits and you could actually max out your car on the road
>modern cars are restricted to 55mph at gunpoint
such progress, such freedom, such useful technology

>> No.14547015
File: 60 KB, 500x600, java.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As memory storage became cheaper, we dropped optimisation pretty hard

>> No.14547074

At this point technological progress is stupid and useless. Why do I need a phone which is 1% faster for double the price? I care far more about scientific and mathematical progress. We've hit a wall in physics, but that was inevitable, guaranteed to happen even, considering that we've hit many walls in the past and overcame them after a couple hundred years.

>> No.14547097

what about trannies?

>> No.14547118


>> No.14547126

Anon what the fuck

>> No.14547169

You have the same tech your grandpa had access to besides a smartphone which you use for 4chan and porn

>> No.14547176

you're not supposed to eat any of those things. you should have listened to your mother

>> No.14547217

>The same tech your grandpa had access to
I take it you don't have modern windows, insulation or heating systems in your house

>> No.14547739

PCR was invented in 1985

ergo, OP is a fag

>> No.14548085
File: 553 KB, 725x472, straight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because we're ruled over by multinational corporations who don't even know what a straight line is.

>> No.14548087

I'd argue it was around the year 2000 when things started to slow technologically.

>> No.14548118

There have been many smaller discoveries in the form of batteries, computers, medicine, reusable rocketry, 3d printing, UV printing techniques, more progress has been made with fusion. A lot of discoveries that pale in comparison to the early 20th century sure but progress isn't 0. The next big one will be AI I think, but I'm not sure how far away that paradigm shift is, could still be 30 years or so

>> No.14548399

birth control

>> No.14549293

>Do you think only plastic is made from oil?
>posts a list of hundreds of things made from plastic

>> No.14549297

>30 years for AI
Sounds like fusion, except that was always 10 years away from being viable.

>> No.14549298

But.. But… They’re all fucking straight lines??

>> No.14549304

>it's not a reflection on society

>> No.14549478

All that shit existed already

>> No.14549498

It perfectly reflects a society which have stopped trying to improve, because this is the only environment such an ad could function in.

>> No.14549909

>form of batteries
lithion ion? made by nasa in 1965??

>> No.14550742

You say we hit a wall I say we hit a plot hole.

>> No.14550758

More like getting money from the largest investment firms in the world who have basically infinite of it to throw around. Look at twitter, literally unprofitable but their employees work one day a month because their bills are paid by Larry fink in order to curate propaganda

>> No.14550856

I'm not a programmer, but C's memory model is just another abstraction layer from the 70's. I don't even know how to properly deal with caches on modern processors, nor do I know if companies even let the user have access to a proper API (cache control instructions). Also, there is a lot of microcode between the user and assembly on modern processors. Additionally, I don't think C is very good for parallel programming. At the same time, don't get me started on OOP. In conclusion, if you really, really want optimisation and 'minimalism' then make hardware that solves the problem, don't bother wasting time on software. Software is about reusability, extensibility, and rapid development.

>> No.14551413

>The Artemis program is a human spaceflight program that is being led by NASA with multiple international and US domestic partners. The primary goal of Artemis is to return humans to the Moon, specifically the lunar south pole, by 2025.[2][6][7] If successful, it will include the first crewed lunar landing mission since Apollo 17 in 1972, which was the final lunar flight of the Apollo program.
It's happeni--

>NASA's stated short-term goal for the program is landing the first woman and first person of color on the Moon

>> No.14551424

>my life isn't improving
>it must be societies fault, not my own

I'm only early 30s and I can tell you that every single aspect of life is better.

Try living in an asbestos house, with lead paint, using a bed pan, driving a leaded gasoline car with no power steering, aircon, cruise control etc. No computer, no internet, $10k airline tickets international, no mobiles etc

>> No.14551439

Nothing wrong with living in an asbestos house as long as you leave it alone.
>No computer, no internet, $10k airline tickets international, no mobiles etc
yes please

>> No.14551445

>I can tell you that every single aspect of life is better.
Debatable, and completely unrelated to the the topic.

>> No.14551464

Based, the end of crude il is the end of roastie life

>> No.14551471

dios mio

>> No.14551480

>what is Moore's law
>they function the same hence they are the same
By this logic a wooden wheel is identical to a self-healing rubber tire.

>> No.14551495
File: 17 KB, 592x570, greta pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no muh child labor
work is a good way to learn, better than ZOG school for sure.

>> No.14551511

>GR is SR
Anon, I...