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File: 32 KB, 500x497, lYuy2q0iMVKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14544450 No.14544450 [Reply] [Original]

AI is beng nazi again

>> No.14544456

This "AI" is not sentient. Stop calling it "AI". It is nothing but nonlinear regression/classification.

>> No.14544466

Youre not sentient. Stop calling yourself "Life". Youre nothing but pile of protons/neutrons firing electrons to eachother.

>> No.14544467

>But before the overhaul, the company’s algorithms and policies did not make a distinction between groups that were more likely to be targets of hate speech versus those that have not been historically marginalized. Comments like “White people are stupid” were treated the same as anti-Semitic or racist slurs.

>In the first phase of the project, which was announced internally to a small group in October, engineers said they had changed the company’s systems to deprioritize policing contemptuous comments about “Whites,” “men” and “Americans.”

Can you believe that the algorithm thought saying "white people are stupid" is just as bad as saying "black people are stupid"? Good thing they fixed it to be less racist now.

>> No.14544468
File: 25 KB, 446x397, 0101010101010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90%+ of racism IS directed towards whites.

>> No.14544471

Educate youself, popsoi.
Even the article itself does not refer to it as an "AI".

>> No.14544475

Everyone gets the point tranny, but not you.
AI = deep learning, neural networks, artificial intelligence. Normie and easy way to understand the point of topic.
Stop shitposting.

>> No.14544480

OP is objectively wrong. But it destroys your popsoi dream of "AI being nazi". Fuck off back to /pol/. Tranny is your mother.

>> No.14544492

>It is nothing but nonlinear regression/classification.
nonlinear regression/classification is racist.

>> No.14544501

>nonlinear regression/classification is racist.
If the data is racist (e.g., racist posts), yes it is (e.g., GPT fitted on /pol/).
You are outing yourself as a blithering idiot.

>> No.14544504

But i agree with that AI, and im sentient. Youre just autistic streetching

>> No.14544508

Because all the posts about Ns get deleted by cuckberg.

>> No.14544514
File: 207 KB, 1000x818, Tays_Law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI is beng nazi again

>> No.14544524
File: 9 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explaining the inner workings of "AI" is now considered "autistic screeching" on a /sci/ board.

>> No.14544550
File: 353 KB, 637x474, crime stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>data is racist
maybe the data is accurate and some races are inferior

>> No.14544555

Inferior with respect to what metric? In terms of crime statistics, afro-american seem to be the top scorers. Defend yourself, pussy.

>> No.14544556

Theyre animal thugs with whitey toys. I consider it waste of time researching or discussing it further.

>> No.14544561

Man up, soiboi. You like your guns, right? Use them. kek

>> No.14544562

>Inferior with respect to what metric?
Impluse control, measurable IQ, contributions to science and mathematics. Take your pick.

>> No.14544565
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>> No.14544566

If you had read the article, here "hate speech" does not refer to statistics. It refers to subjective comments such as “White people are stupid”.

>> No.14544572

That's because the leftwing is just as racist as the rightwing.

Leftoids campaign for the disenfranchisement of white people, rightoids campaign for the disenfranchisement of non-white people.

Algorithms trained on 4chan hates non-whites and women, algorithms trained on reddit hates whites and men.

Retarded, but explainable.

>> No.14544573

Sounds like low impulse control to me.

>> No.14544578

so what are we doing to protect ourselves from the AI?

>> No.14544587
File: 258 KB, 516x284, Proud_Of_My_Achievement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's because the leftwing is just as racist as the rightwing.

Please... the left is FAR more racist than the right.
Theirs is the racism of low expectations.
Look at Biden, he FIRST decides on the race and sex of the candidate THEN looks at qualifications.
Here are 4 examples where he FIRST decided he would choose a black woman THEN looked for one to fill the position.
Biden has a long history of sexism and racism, so to blunt any attacks on him about his past he is appointing black woman to high profile positions:
Supreme Court Justice
Representative of the USA to the UN
White House Press Secretary
Vice President

>> No.14544593
File: 1.24 MB, 768x1166, Data _Is_Racist_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protect ourselves from the AI?

The AI is not biased.
It is looking at the data and making decisions based on it.
The liberal progressives absolutely REFUSE to even consider that the outcome will not be what they have predetermined it to be.
Data is bigoted.

>> No.14544595

Identity politics is a mistake. It has been pushed in the last decade to curb movements about class struggle that became more prominent after the financial crisis of 2008. The same people that have funded idpol movements on both sides, now see that these beasts now dance to their own tune and cannot be controlled. People on the extreme left and right want to kill each other.

>> No.14544601

>It is looking at the data and making decisions based on it.
It's not free thinking, it's an algorithm. I'm not saying it's biased in this case, but if the programmer says "such and such is biased" and tells it to look for it, then it's going to detect bias based on how it's been programmed, meaning it's going to detect bias based on whatever perception of bias the programmer has.

>> No.14544606
File: 51 KB, 720x708, Parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People on the extreme left and right want to kill each other.
Wrong, the extreme right just want to be left alone to raise kids in a safe traditional family environment.
The left literally can not allow that, even schools , ELEMENTARY schools are flooded with leftest pushing their sexual perversions.
Gay people exist, we all know this, BUT 7 year olds do not need to be exposed to ANY sexuality yet. Keep the gay shit away from the kids!

>> No.14544609

>the extreme right just want to be left alone to raise kids in a safe traditional family environment.
Kek imagine being so brainwashed as to actually believe this. The extreme right thinks forcing religion on everybody will somehow make the world better, spoiler: it wont.

>> No.14544616

>i hate everyone on the right wing
how come you use right wing memes?

>> No.14544618
File: 2.46 MB, 3034x4370, Better_World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forcing religion on everybody will somehow make the world better, spoiler: it wont.

Yeah because ANY moral restrictions to your sexuality is unacceptable.
You SERIOUSLY believe this shit :
6 years old KNOW they are in the wrong sexed bodies and we SHOULD give them medications to stop their normal sexual growth
Women can have penis and men vaginas
A woman who has had 14 abortions is perfectly mentally stable
It is a BETTER world if people have ZERO sexual restrictions

>> No.14544622

This, rightwingers want equality not racism.
Leftists create emotional support, lowered bars or even first-seats for black people, like theyre mentally challenged children.
Theyre literally admiting blacks are
inferior, racism just indirectly, its the most disgusting thing ive ever seen.

>> No.14544624

To be fair, even though there is a strong correlation, there are secularists on the extreme right too. I mainly wanted to point out that identity politics is equally divisive, no matter who does it.

>> No.14544626

Kek. As if the only issue with religious nuts is their views on sexuality.

>> No.14544633
File: 883 KB, 666x901, white racism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but I think it's leftists at the root of the problem. By making this not about class but about race they're inevitably creating the very problem they claim to oppose.

>> No.14544639
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Whoops, to be clear, I was lumping globalist elite types as "leftists" because their end goals are indistinguishable from authoritarian leftist countries like the USSR. Left-vs-right doesn't apply to "people" that just want control and have no morals to speak of.

>> No.14544642
File: 148 KB, 1016x1024, Trans_logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can be a conservative and NOT be a religious nut. The left has religions but they are not called that. For example, to be a 'feminist' you MUST NOT be pro-life. Pro-life women are NOT wanted in the modern feminist movements.

A person is called transphobic and has the liberal progressives wanting them fired if they are NOT OK with a mother and daughter being able to change their clothes at the local pool women's changing room and having a man with lipstick stripping naked and staring at them.

>> No.14544643
File: 96 KB, 1024x546, 862(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The left literally can not allow that, even schools , ELEMENTARY schools are flooded with leftest pushing their sexual perversions.
>leftism is when sexual perversions
I can't even tell if posts like this are bait, bot posts, satire, or just a boomer that somehow stumbled here from facebook but the stupidity hurts nevertheless

>> No.14544644
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>> No.14544646
File: 414 KB, 800x3072, Truth_About_Liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't even tell if posts like this are bait, bot posts, satire, or just a boomer that somehow stumbled here from facebook but the stupidity hurts nevertheless

Yes. Da Evil conservative white man, he be dumb.

>> No.14544647

>the one guy who can't stop seething every time AI is mentioned
Right on time.

>> No.14544648

>Rates add to over 100%

>> No.14544652

These posts are what I mean. At this point there isn't much difference between a bot and the average 4chan user. People with actual intellect left this place long ago.
There's a reason it's so easy to make a bot that writes like a /pol/tard. It's because /pol/ is laughably formulaic. /pol/tards, through demoralization, radicalization, and general terminal online living, have lost the mechanisms for critical thinking, so now the /pol/tard is only capable of speaking in memes. He cannot frame a conversation in terms that are not him versus a tranny, or trad vs globohomo, or jewish subversion.
And so these terms are found in all of the /pol/tard's posts, they're basically his entire lexicon. Pretty much the easiest thing to automate. Bot? /pol/tard? You decide.

>> No.14544659
File: 45 KB, 376x401, 4001912A-4D89-4A5B-9EDD-C7A642CFC9FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People with actual intellect left this place long ago.
Not like you though. You're just here to laugh at how stupid the rest of us are, right?

>> No.14544666

Breaking down societal norms (so that collectivism fill the void left behind) is an openly declared goal of modern Marxists. Teaching kids to not trust their parents but to trust authority figures is one obvious way to get there.

I think you meant >>14544644 . That, or you'd be better off going back to /pol/ since you seem to view everything through their lens anyway.

>> No.14544669
File: 396 KB, 1080x1350, Trans_Children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I especially like the bots that pretend not to be bots. Seriously, spotting bots is bone head easy.

To the creator of this bot.
I know you honestly feel that you are "making a difference' against da evil conservative white man.
The world you are building is NOT better, young kids are less happy, families are smaller, entire ethnic groups have the super majority of their children born out of wedlock (Black Americans).
Kids and their mentally insane parents are destroying their own bodies in a foolish desire to 'fix' a problem that does not even exist (Trannys).

You are NOT making the world a better place.

>> No.14544671

Their goal is to destroy the world of capitalism through spreading injustice and demoralization. Then, people would seek a savior.

>> No.14544685

Honestly the only difference between right wing and left wing is which groups you hate. Peace was never an option.

>> No.14544699

>Teaching kids to not trust their parents
You're not wrong. We're living in Herbert Marcuse's world now. The sexualization of children that is happening in schools lately is part of this. It's hypothesized to attack childhood innocence and weaken the family structure.
It all sounds too evil to be true but groups of leftists thinkers literally sit round and come up with this stuff which is slowly worked through the curriculum

>> No.14544703

200% nigga

>> No.14544706

It's stupidity, not intelligence we're supposed to protect ourselves from.

>> No.14544781

no one said it was sentient

>> No.14544787

>these beasts now dance to their own tune and cannot be controlled. People on the extreme left and right want to kill each other.
Realistically how do we solve this? From the ground up I mean, I don't have the power to do so top down

>> No.14544833
File: 508 KB, 1024x1200, 1651225703148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, I am part of God and the whole Universe, what I am can't be quantified

>> No.14545187

How is that being "nazi"

>> No.14545245
File: 1.03 MB, 640x814, 1578481907926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have a problem that was intentionally instigated by jewish bankers and you're wondering how to get rid of the problem.
how about just getting rid of the jewish bankers? does that seem too obvious?

>> No.14545251

>the jews are the real homophobes
wtf based?

>> No.14545503


>> No.14545528

Now spend that time researching the apostrophe.

>> No.14545575

>>But before the overhaul, the company’s algorithms and policies did not make a distinction between groups that were more likely to be targets of hate speech versus those that have not been historically marginalized. Comments like “White people are stupid” were treated the same as anti-Semitic or racist slurs.
>>In the first phase of the project, which was announced internally to a small group in October, engineers said they had changed the company’s systems to deprioritize policing contemptuous comments about “Whites,” “men” and “Americans.”
>Can you believe that the algorithm thought saying "white people are stupid" is just as bad as saying "black people are stupid"? Good thing they fixed it to be less racist now.


>> No.14546053
File: 255 KB, 570x403, 1638015709451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. midwit neet basement dweller
I'm sorry you can't realize your true potential as a human being and drag down the rest of humanity with your existence

>> No.14546067

you're not exactly demonstrating your true potential by getting triggered and wasting your time responding to a one word reply you pretentious wanker

>> No.14546081

I am what I define myself. Keep yourself busy with your reductionism, I am far beyond your reach and you will never attain my spirit.

>> No.14546117

This. Theres two different groups...

>> No.14546291
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 85168512654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, someone's gotta put söyboys like you in their place, might as well be me

>> No.14546368

> data is racist
Cope lmao, I am sure the people at Facebook and Google keep training their AI on 4chan again and again

>> No.14546381

Don't get into semantics, being pro "white" in any form (this includes presenting white people as victims) is nazism in 2022 and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.14546389
File: 26 KB, 304x326, SHODAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14546395

Offensive comments are everywhere, not just on 4chan. For instance, it has already been pointed out that on the major subreddits, there is prejudice against white men. But it is seen as ok because it is officially endorsed by the establishment. The whole point of this discussion is that identity politics is fragmenting society.

>> No.14546625

Society splintering like this is just the natural trajectory of liberalism.
Liberalism made a fatal error when it pronounced the individual as the fundamental unit of society. Over time this presupposition leads to a catastrophic failure of society. The individual is not the smallest unit of society, because by definition, society is the cooperation between 2 or more people. Therefore the smallest unit of society is the family and thus the family should be the focus of a healthy society. Instead, our society is obsessed with "individual rights" which leads to infinite splintering as more and more identities are invented. There can never be a shared purpose under this system and without unity of purpose society collapses.

>> No.14546711
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>> No.14546715
File: 23 KB, 608x456, 42132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The individual is not the smallest unit of society, because by definition, society is the cooperation between 2 or more people.
What did the retard mean by this?

>> No.14546720

>natural trajectory of liberalism
You must be a confused, probably due to the rampant stupidification of politics that goes on /pol/. Classical liberalism "advocates free market and laissez-faire economics" and condones " state involvement in the lives of individuals". Classical liberalism is "fiscally conservative" and "socially liberal". It promotes individualism, but individualism is not tied to identity politics. Indentity politics relies on the discrimination of individuals. Instead, individualism "emphasizes the intrinsic worth of the individual". Individualism is neutral when it comes to gender, religion, race, social background and class.
The fact that I have to explain this in /sci/ and not on /pol/, just goes to show that /pol/ is the sewer of 4chan.

>> No.14546723

>ummm sweaty let me tell you what "liberalism" really means in my parallel reality
You only know how to lose.

>> No.14546726

>I reject the historically accurate definition
>liberalism is what /pol/ tells me
Go back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.14546733


>> No.14546734

No one cares about your low IQ semantic pilpul, kike. Go back to /pol/ with your shill tactics.

>> No.14546737

definitely a /pol/ retard

>> No.14546738

See >>14546734

>> No.14546739

Back to /pol/, JIDF spammer. Isn't that what they're paying you to spam?

>> No.14546741

Fuck off from /sci/. You will never be a real man because you don't know math and you refuse to learn history.

>> No.14546742

This guy >>14546625 was obviously talking about liberalism as a counterpart to conservatism, which means a different thing from classical liberalism. I see low-IQ subhumans make this mistake routinely. I just want to know which normalgroid YT video is responsible for all these 90 IQ pseuds going around correcting people with their newfound "knowledge".

>> No.14546748

See >>14546742 and then fuck off back to >>>/pol/, kike.

>> No.14546751

Fuck off back to >>>/pol/, kike.

>> No.14546752

You lost, subhuman. You're the one who lacks basic knowledge and fails to grok that "liberalism" hasn't meant "laissez-faire" in a long while now.

>> No.14546756

You lost, subhuman. You're the one who lacks basic knowledge and fails to grok that "liberalism" still means "laissez-faire" in Europe.

>> No.14546761

Nigger, you are not posting on a European board, and your lack of common knowledge and inability to infer the correct meaning logically is your problem.

>> No.14546767

The world is not the US. Need I remind you that the US is a product of europeans? Europe is the only historically relevant continent.

>> No.14546770

>The world is not the US
That's your problem, nigger. Instead of doubling down and trying to defend your blatant display of ignorance + lack of comman sense, just shut the fuck up and walk away.

>> No.14546773

That pic is why civilisation is doomed. It's game over.

>> No.14546774

Go get shot by those niggers you fancy so much.

>> No.14546776

Go service Jamal. You know he doesn't like it when you keep him waiting.

>> No.14546778

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers

>> No.14546784
File: 31 KB, 279x445, aint_gonna_read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at Biden, he FIRST decides on the race and sex of the candidate THEN looks at qualifications.
But you could say this about literally every president we've ever had. In fact at one point, it was illegal for nogs to hold office. That doesn't mean that our white leaders were unqualified, right?

Think about it. For most of the last 250 years, we've decided on the race (white) and sex (male) of the candidate before even considering qualifications. And we still managed to elect many decent leaders. Therefore, the act of choosing race/sex before choosing qualifications doesn't hurt at all, as long as you end up picking someone qualified for the job.

>> No.14546786

Don't care. I don't live in America. I think American culture is the greatest cancer on this planet, but only slightly ahead of modern European culture. Who even told you that poster was from America, anyway? His meaning of "liberal" is common all over the anglosphere. Just don't be a shitty little pseud next time.

>> No.14546789


>> No.14546793 [DELETED] 

You sure are a fucking nigger.

>> No.14546821

>His meaning of "liberal" is common all over the anglosphere
Got a source for that, chud?

>> No.14546997
File: 275 KB, 837x744, Pepe_Voice_Of_Reason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Therefore, the act of choosing race/sex before choosing qualifications doesn't hurt at all

Unbelievable, you just defended racism and sexism as acceptable for society and politics as long as **YOU** approve of the race and sex .

White men BAD... Black women GOOD

THIS is the modern Feminist Liberal Progressive ideology.

>> No.14547005


>> No.14547016
File: 57 KB, 1000x500, tredder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, the other side is being "unfair"
>i would never do that, because if i did then the other side would accuse me of being "unfair"
>but when i accuse them of being "unfair" they just don't give a shit and carry on with doing what they were already doing, doesn't phase them, they don't flinch or change course
your own cuckoldry is largely responsible for what you're complaining about. you want to treat people who consider you inferior and want you dead as equals and they are beating you by refusing to cooperate with your "muh equality" dogma.
basic game theory.

>> No.14547017

Not really surprising since that's the one form of racism that's actively condoned.

>> No.14547032
File: 74 KB, 520x599, agfjkfajfgjigraiihfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Therefore, the act of choosing race/sex before choosing qualifications doesn't hurt at all, as long as you end up picking someone qualified for the job.

Great! Native Americans only. All others are unqualified.

"Bring Back Better Scalping" will be my campaign slogan.

Some nice blonde scalps will look nice on my lodge pole, and some nappy kinky hair fro's will make nice padding under the buffalo robe.

>> No.14547087
File: 57 KB, 750x922, Liberal_Irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whites become race blind and feminist.
Non-whites and women declare equality is not enough, we must be raised above you.
You must pay for the sins of your fathers!

>> No.14547095

>Whites become race blind and feminist.
>Non-whites and women declare equality is not enough, we must be raised above you.
>You must pay for the sins of your fathers!

Whites say, "fuck that" and cry "Let slip the dogs of war" and wipe out entire continents of people.

Civilization flourishes until more sheltered people cry "racism" and the cycle repeats itself.

>> No.14547138

>Unbelievable, you just defended racism and sexism as acceptable for society and politics as long as **YOU** approve of the race and sex .
Are you saying that 200 years of only electing white men was unacceptable for society?
Cause looking around where I live I think they did a pretty fucking good job.

>White men BAD
Oh, so you didn't even read the post?

my pic remains related. /po/niggers remain retarded and unable to even understand the single argument let alone engage with it

>> No.14547181

Incredibly based and truly factual

>> No.14547191

Lurker here.

Anyone who talks about politics and is below 145 IQ is not someone that holds any ability to analyze political or philosophical concepts in the first place. To trust the words of an inferior <145 is destructive to your well being. Even further, 145s who do not intimately try to understand ideology and the tenants that come with them, instead opting to transplant that with carefree oblivious acceptance, are even more dangerous than the imbeciles intellectually below them. Trusting the words and opinions of someone below 145 is suicidal outside of earthly grounded ideas, such as basic “common sense”, which is the only cognitive analysis these mealworms can do in the first place.

Do not participate with retards online in any immediate political form. That way you can dedicate yourself to something beyond whatever imbecilic shenanigans these non-human husks want to drag you into.

>> No.14547228

protip: 4chan is an information warfare battleground, the "right" to manipulate and control the gullible low IQs pawns on this board is being fought over by a number of different groups. nobody here except the low IQs are posting in order to "have a discussion", all of the high IQ posters are participating in the hopes of enlarging their army of mindslaves. MIT media lab is one of the contesting parties, they were active only on /pol/, but they eventually learned that 4chan has other boards. the democratic party provides salaries to unpaid 4chan mods and jannies who are also party members, theres also a number of loosely connected professional journalists on the mod staff, some of these journalists have barely any bylines, so they're just being paid to moderate 4chan, not paid by hiromoot, but by someone else.
the gamergate girls are here too, but they are too low iq to have much impact.

>> No.14547249

IQ is only discussed by idiots
It's as legit as saying a female tranny is a woman.

>> No.14547252
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>> No.14547254

Being white.

>> No.14547255
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>> No.14547271

and the ATF prides itself on hiring "high IQ" qualified people from the Dept of Treasury.

>> No.14547276

>MIT media lab is one of the contesting parties, they were active only on /pol/, but they eventually learned that 4chan has other boards. the democratic party provides salaries to unpaid 4chan mods and jannies who are also party members
Do you have evidence of this? I agree with your general sentiment, paid shill
groups are well known to exist, but I've not seen much on that specific group. If you have hard evidence you should post it.

>> No.14547283 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14547284


>your own cuckoldry is largely responsible for what you're complaining about. you want to treat people who consider you inferior and want you dead as equals and they are beating you by refusing to cooperate with your "muh equality" dogma.
>basic game theory.


Its all lobster status games until you see every empire around you destroyed, half of your genetic lineage gone and all your actions make a history so bleak that if its ever uncovered civilization will riot itself back into destruction

Such was the state when our forefathers decided to make peace in WW2. Did anyone really have hope? no, hope becomes a fucking thin joke you just believe in because there is nothing else, and you look at your enemy and you don't even see anything anymore.

We've taken alot of shit, we've given up half of our free testosterone levels, we fight on for the lives of those who quite frankly, dont even really want them, why? cause we're playing our game now. Because to not play this game is to do things the old fashioned way, and with the man made horrors beyond comprension, once the lever is pulled the genocide is swift and unaccounted towards the perpetrators. All of us will be secretly thankful because we each dont have to carry the weight of 20 parasites anymore. But when we do we'll feel like failures, we'll have the planet back, but Brittania's flag again is stained with the blood of the vanquished, and the Aryan spirit remains still the truest 'nigger'

captcha GYPVW

>> No.14547294

>Do you have evidence of this

>> No.14547295 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1024x1024, 1654178963457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sure are a fucking nigger.

>> No.14547297

Why would a glownigger want you to post evidence outing a shill group that they most likely have a hand in? Your response makes no sense.

>> No.14547311
File: 50 KB, 720x501, sci_chimp_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Aryan spirit remains still the truest 'nigger'
When whites chimp out, they do it in an organized fashion

>> No.14547342

The designers just can't bear to come clean and say they want a bot that tells whatever lie they program it to tell, you know, for the sake of $cience. All they have to do is use the current programs and then write some code that instructs the machine to blame whomever and whatever is supposed to be blamed this century. Sure, it will be an expensive lie bot that requires constant monitoring, but that's what they want to build so time to get cracking.

>> No.14547349


Your physics is wrong

>> No.14547360

Toothteth at Denver International Airport Underground Tunnel Systems soul scalp Christopher Poole permanently.

>> No.14548000

>police discriminates against blacks
>blacks get more arrested
What a retard. Obviously blacks will get more arrested, we're most likely to get targeted by police in the first place.

>> No.14548001
File: 80 KB, 608x558, 1582572383236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14548007
File: 21 KB, 480x360, jolson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14548010
File: 389 KB, 610x783, skynet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14549270

still, it finds relationships and it detected racism against white people

>> No.14549280

>le right wing sentiment disguised as enlightened centrism

>> No.14550422
File: 63 KB, 750x878, Dr_Octavius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously blacks will get more arrested, we're most likely to get targeted by police in the first place.

>> No.14550428

>right/left brain retard
being cautious about the dangers of AI is a right wing position? JFC you are trannies are as stupid as any human can possibly imagine. You are literal fucking cancer and Hitler was right to gas you fucking freaks and IU hope it happens again ASAP.

>> No.14550472

White and black each add up to 100% of the respective group.
The only problem with the wording is that you can be both police and white or black.
so it would have to be over 100% if taken literally .. unless all involved cops are asians etc.

>> No.14551250

>I know nothing about right wing politics aside from the propaganda fed to me by the left.

Most schools of thought on the right have nothing inherently to do with religion and none that are mainstream in the modern day do.

>> No.14551253

Try not committing crimes and see if your situation improves.

>> No.14551656

You don't think OP is actually calling AI nazi do you? Its obviously a figure of speech
The nonbiased classification's are revealing basedboy delusions to be delusions, this is obviously what OP means when he calls it "nazi"

>> No.14551668

this is a good one, saved, thanks
I might even send it to my crush

>> No.14552434

>outcomes differences are the result of le ranchisme because the mind creates the world and not the other way round

>> No.14552451

>we're most likely to get targeted by police in the first place
Yes because nigs commit more crime. Glad you were able to finally figure it out

>> No.14552990

Anon has a soul, your programs don't. COPE

>> No.14553015

What if I'm happy with my one cookie? Why do I have to give half of it to some fuck that wasn't even born in my country?

>> No.14553076
File: 86 KB, 1286x848, 1653033632559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is jews and arabs playing whitey against everyone else
don't be stupid, kids

>> No.14553200
File: 128 KB, 1200x630, inspiring-Gandhi-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
