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File: 961 KB, 1200x650, image-stock-healthcare-soap-handwashing-glo-467706864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14527729 No.14527729 [Reply] [Original]

Hand washing did jack shit to prevent the spread of Corona and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.14527733

Covid doesn't exist.

>> No.14527751

worked for me. since being brainwashed into washing my hands once an hour I've not had a cold or any other illness for two years.

>> No.14527780

Same statement but with mRNA injections instead of hand washing.

>> No.14527793

>I dont have any evidence I just pull statements out of my ass
the /sci/ methodology

>> No.14527914


>> No.14527920

You'll get corona one way or another.
Let your organism adapt by getting the weakest variants early and progress to omicron and next variants steadily. Developing the ultimate chad immune system.

>> No.14529431

>Hand washing did jack shit to prevent the spread of Corona and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Probably true, since it doesn't live outside a host on fomites for more than a few minutes at most.
But it did help prevent the whole "What does my finger smell like?" routine people used to do.

>> No.14529477

>washing my hands once an hour
take your meds

>> No.14529511

like meds would help that. kek
medications are what are causing a rise in OCD.

>> No.14529607

>source: my urethra
I have OCD and never took any meds growing up.

>> No.14530874
File: 352 KB, 2608x1200, 1643319367579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viruses don't exist

>> No.14530952

>be me
>touch pp
>don't wash hands
>go to store
>touch all the food
>don't buy anything
Problem, germaphobes?

>> No.14532133

how many times you will have to change and re-write c19 vaccine efficacy, oh great medicine man?

>> No.14532368

you are retard, and eventually someone will break your arms

>> No.14532609

>I have OCD and never took any meds growing up.
They are increasing in your water supply. Even bathing in most public water now subjects one to massive amounts of estrogens and pharmaceutical poisons.

>> No.14532623

Jokes on you, while you were at the store, I rubbed PP on all your dishes. heh heh

>> No.14532639

Probably. Germs are gross though, so I'll keep compulsively washing.

>> No.14532662

Germs are great also. Without them, most of the foods you eat would not be possible to make.

>> No.14533563

little elephants can eat shit to incorporate digesting bacteria in them

>> No.14534122

viruses don't exist, shill

>> No.14534241



>> No.14534540

Searching on excuses for poor Body hygiene?

>> No.14534637

The placebo effect is helping you banish miasma fields.

>> No.14534641

>Anonymous 05/30/22(Mon)09:35:54 No.14527729▶>>14527751 >>14527793 >>14527920 >>14529431 >>14530874 >>14532639 >>14534540
>Hand washing did jack shit to prevent the spread of Corona
It probably did, to be honest.

>> No.14534697

>implying most people have any self awareness to actually wash their hands at the right moments and not touch their mouths when they're outside

>> No.14534980

impossible. viruses don't exist.

>> No.14535019

I dare you to touch dog shit and not wash your hands. Better yet, eat the poop. Or are you like the sheep that don't eat poop?

>> No.14535027

>the illuminati are telling us not to eat poop

>> No.14535035

Ikr I kissed a man on the mouth while he was infected and I washed my hands afterwards but it didn't prevent me from catching covid

>> No.14535123

there's no covid

>> No.14536547

>I'm tired of pretending
ohh youu pooor babby
maybe time for a nap?

>> No.14536552

i only wash my hands after shitting or having come into contact with chemicals or very disgusting substances and i am almost never sick and didn't get the meme-flu. unvaccinated, too.

>> No.14536564

you can't catch an infectious disease if you never interact with people anon

>> No.14536569
File: 53 KB, 1080x718, 1653993997393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger I've been going to the supermarket, touching the shopping cart still warm from the last person and than eating with my hands for like 18 years - and the few times that i did get sick it was mostly self-induced, for instance cooling down the room in the summer way way too hard or trying to get a piece of food out of my tonsil and infecting it in the process.

other people do not make me sick.

>> No.14536570
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 1649091448385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14536680

proof of catching and throwing infection needed

>> No.14536697

all disease is spiritual in nature, and the thing that actually does make people sick is the self-reinforced thought that "other people make me sick". essentially you turn into what you think about all day long.

>> No.14536701

I used to not wash my hands after shitting, so maybe it's better now that I do.

>> No.14536710

If there's any reason that it didn't work well is because about half the population doesn't wash their hands after using the restroom.

>> No.14538867

typical shill thread with "corona" imprint

>> No.14539928

Washing your hands of a virus is about as difficult as washing cold butter off. It tales a very long time, whicb most people aren't willing to do

>> No.14540414

If a man bought any, ur gay.

>> No.14542510

viruses don't exist, shill, stop spreading disinformation

>> No.14542548
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggers are nasty bruh, do you guys really did not wash your hands b4 covid?

>> No.14542858
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no covid