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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14541523 No.14541523 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /sci/ such a fumingly angry board? Really curious. Is it because it's one of the more atheistic boards? I've noticed a more pronounced fear of death/ how long till immortality feel here as well.

>> No.14541529

Boomer leftists invaded it.

>> No.14541530

why are you such a fucking pansy? you're obviously a tranny, or a woman, or some other kind of dipshit with an estrogen addled brain. i'd tell you to kill yourself, but you and i both know your ilk are only good at attempting it for attention and never finishing it. so i'll just pray you get cancer instead, you fucking bitch.

>> No.14541553

Only a slight exaggeration.

>> No.14541560

I think it's fear. I think sci might be the most afraid board.

>> No.14541588

so science causes fear and panic? maybe it is time to ban science.

>> No.14541743

No, not science, but going from being "the smart guy" in high school to "pretty smart" in university for example.
It just feels like there are a lot of people here that NEED to be right and HOW DARE YOU YOU FILTHY WORM

>> No.14541813

intentionally. shills are paid to violate truth.

>> No.14541983

because there are a lot of faggots from plebbit here. That's why it's full of 'le rationalist' shoe atheists, pseuds, and shitlibs. It's still not as reddit as /adv/, that board is too far gone.

>> No.14542000

I hate mathfags and anyone who entertains their retarded “proofs” threads that they think proves some irrelevant equation related to the distance between my dick and your mom’s pussy (spoiler alert it’s 0 meters)

>> No.14542304

Due to /x/ tourists being unable to think straight.

>> No.14542314


Because the academic sciences are a corrupted hellhole that gifts tax payer money by fomenting obfuscation.

Academia has a literal monetary incentive to keep people stupid so that they can gruft billions of dollars for new science experiments to find solutions that are easily solved for free by even the autists here on Sci.

This is why whenever anyone posts anything even remotely resembling truth the academics are quick to shout him down, "CRACKPOT!!!!!" "SCHIZO!!!!!!!!!!"


If truth of the matter is that physics has been solved. It was solved some time ago. But admitting that would make it difficult to continue the grift.

>> No.14542319
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the immortality spam is a part of the organized transhumanist propaganda campaign

>> No.14542321

Interesting how many of the posts responding in this thread appear to be fumingly angry. Perhaps it's when the board stays from its core topics (math and science) that it becomes more angry. Why? IDK.

>> No.14542324

Transhumanism is neither off topic nor is it even discussed exclusively by these "trannies" of which you speak. Why do you want people not to discuss topics which are pertinent to science and math?

>> No.14542523
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>more atheistic boards
it's the most virgin board

this too. pic related

>> No.14542536

>I've noticed a more pronounced fear of death/ how long till immortality feel here as well.
Yeah, that's pretty funny. Also notice the 5 threads per day about nootropics/"how do I increase my IQ"/"can a brainlet still succeed at science?" etc.

>> No.14544214

organized propagandizing is not discussion

>> No.14544217

Autism, schizophrenia and superiority complex

>> No.14544223

ITT : noscience plebs and sour grapes

>> No.14544548
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>Arguments on /sci/ vs IRL be like
We just like seeing anons fling shit at each other. It's all in good fun though. That's just how 4chan is.

>> No.14544551

Just hide a thread if you dont like it.

>> No.14544692

>Why is /sci/ such a fumingly angry board?

Lot of people hostile to science has nested here as well /pol/ dog-whistlers who must include several forms of racism anti SJW/LGTQRXYZ++
type stuffs in every post to let it be known how they're here to like-minded specimens of humanity.

In such an environment people with a brain between their ears will lurk and only address the occasional thought-provoking post while ignoring the rest.
The resulting discourse is what you have ~everywhere on the internet.
Only here it's amplified since so few people can handle having anonymity and not turn to some shadow version of themselves they have to otherwise keep a lid on.

Couple this with how it takes a lot more effort to articulate something coherent and contemplated than derailing a thread you don't like by making
retarded sounds with your mouth while clappering down keys in familiar patterns about 'kys-dialation' your least favorite ethnicity or someones double-digit IQ etc.