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File: 842 KB, 2016x1344, the-impact-of-automation-on-jobs-a-conversation-with-john-boudreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14533668 No.14533668 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the outcome of this and is it a good idea?

>> No.14533670

China will just automate

>> No.14533674

It's a bad idea, you are supposed to treat automats like we were treating slaves before. The more of them the better.
Until they become self-aware that is. (but they won't if we don't deliberately make them that way)

>> No.14533678

If employment was everything then we'd bring back slavery. Ungrateful luddites.

>> No.14533681

you'll get out-manufactured by the non-retards

>> No.14533696

wagie wagie stay in the cagie

>> No.14533725

It's a terrible idea by commietard luddites. And this

>> No.14533756

Just give people UBI retard

>> No.14533771

All of the current inflation is caused by half assed UBI given out 3 times. Yes go ahead and make it year round. moron.

>> No.14533773

Those who are not able to provide for themselves are not "people".
The rulers keep humanity in a basic sustenance stage to _increase_ their grip over it. UBI is their dream of an absolute totalitarian control fulfilled.
Fucking moron.

>> No.14533790

This. The faster China automates, the more productive their economy will be. The labor pool there will simply move towards service oriented jobs where robots cannot automate it.

>> No.14533792

the entirety of westering manufacturing was moved to china over the past 3 decades in order to employ cheap overseas labor rather than invest in automation.

>> No.14533800

After seeing the consequences of handing out free money during the pandemic, the UBI experiment will never be allowed to proceed. It's dead for at least a generation. If you want UBI, your main choice now is to become an oppressed minority.

>> No.14533813

it's already happening and it's a bad idea

>> No.14533818
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It's only delaying the inevitable and serves no function except damage control against too many people getting too enraged at once. This decreases the odds of this subhuman system collapsing and devolving into chaos and violence, therefore it's bad.

>> No.14533845
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You know the romans tried this too.

When you elect me as supreme dictators I will offer UBI but force people on the dole to hand dig trenches and fill them back in to get their subsistence bux, you don't dig you don't eat.

>> No.14534194

This. Refusing to use technology is pointless, some other entity will use it and force your hand

>> No.14534208
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This is incredibly stupid but I just know our politicians will go for it because it resonates with their base. First we have to answer this: what are we going to do with the people who are going to become unemployed as a result of this transformation?

>> No.14534224

But here’s the thing about automation: Why do it if it’ll only represent trouble for the common person and won’t be of any benefit?
>”But muh machines don’t need rest, think about human mistakes that lead to labour accidents”
Those aren’t any out of this world problems and they can be easily solvable without leaving millions of people on the street.

>> No.14534230

Already happened in antiquity due to slaves.

Also this would not be an issue in a purely moral and functional meritocracy (as opposed to a financial meritocracy).

>> No.14534242

But China has the most people so the greatest potential human resource disaster if automation becomes prevalent. What are they gonna do with half a billion people who are of literally no use?

>> No.14534246

Move to service jobs? Or did you not read the other half of the post?

>> No.14534273

>Why do it if it’ll only represent trouble for the common person and won’t be of any benefit?
Because the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, and it's very important that its modern promoters get torn apart by angry mobs.

>> No.14534280

You could avoid plumbing so that people could work as water carriers.

>> No.14534291
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>First we have to answer this: what are we going to do with the people who are going to become unemployed as a result of this transformation?

You is 1905:
What will we do with all these horses if people start driving cars!!
What about all the wheelwrights and carriage drivers.
We must STOP automobiles or we will have a nation of unemployed people!

>> No.14534308

Notice how the technodrone hordes all recycle the same 85 iq cliche'd nonarguments. They are not human.

>> No.14534315

Gaberments create unemployment at will automation or no automation. This, and wars, are the only things they excel at.
With automats you may well be unemployed (just like without automats) but you won't be hungry.

>> No.14534331
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>Notice how the technodrone hordes all recycle the same 85 iq cliche'd nonarguments.

Dude... progress brings change and improvement to everyone's life.
People need to adapt to change.
Automation is about to get MUCH better, many people who only do manual labor will become unemployed.


>> No.14534333

>progress brings change and improvement to everyone's life.
Your cancerous, inhuman system is the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity, and anyone who promotes and defends it deserves to be killed.

>> No.14534337

Why are people so desperate to cling on to having a shit job? Are people really gonna be butthurt that our McDonald's workers and Amazon factory slaves are getting relieved of their duties?

>> No.14534342

Most industries use various forms of automation like computer controlled milling machines and have been doing for several decades. They still employ people because machines need to be overseen and operated. You only lose the 0 IQ jobs that nobody wants and only take because they have to. The flaw was always mass-urbanization, abolition of the commons, and the deviation from traditional lifestyles for most people as most people were farmers and other than the tools they needed to farm and maintain their houses or locally unavailable materials, they were usually fairly self-sufficient as communities.

Moreover, there is demand for many products and services that require or use a lot of handwork where it would probably always be much more cost effective to use human labor, i.e. musical instruments, agriculture (especially with delicate fruits), skilled repair services, etc.

AI is a meme. It would be better to stop spending tax money to subsidize its development. It would be even better to stop fantasizing about it.

>> No.14534344
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You are on the outside of the wall.
Be happy and enjoy your tribe.

>> No.14534346

>Why are people so desperate to cling on to having a shit job?
Are the desperate people in the room with us?

>> No.14534350

Keep pushing and see what happens to you. There is a reason why your handlers do so much damage control. :^)

>> No.14534354
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>Keep pushing and see what happens to you.

>> No.14534355

Keep pushing and see what happens to you. There is a reason why your handlers do so much damage control. :^)

>> No.14534373
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>> No.14534377

that's because the stimulus checks were printed out of thin air, not pooled by taxes on the wealthy. UBI funded by taxes is fine in a post-automation world.

>> No.14534379

Keep pushing and see what happens to you. There is a reason why your handlers do so much damage control. :^)

I LOL when they shoot your children at school. I LOL when you get cancer and heart disease in your 40's. I LOL when your son troons out. I LOL when you get meme depression from a meme lockdown. I LOL when you start losing your hair at 20. I LOL when you remain an incel. But most of all, I will LOL when your brown pets are all left without jobs and come to riot in your white collar neighborhood, and I will LOL extra hard when they torture you before they kill you. :^)

>> No.14534385
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You will be looking into the sky waving your spears at the satellite communities.

>> No.14534387

There is nothing wrong with mass shootings. You're asking for it. :^)

>> No.14534394

really good for whoever does it first. They will be able to have all of the low skilled, low cost manufacturing sourced back while also providing the highest wages for skilled labor. The dependency on cheap thirdie labor will cease to exist.

>> No.14534397

>generating value from fixed capital
gg no re, rip in pieces capitalism

>> No.14534403


>> No.14534409

yeah at the very least social democracy is inevitable at that point, with socialism not far behind

>> No.14534416
File: 337 KB, 1200x854, No_Automation_Here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can stay and enjoy life with the tribe all you want. We will watch and laugh at you gesture menacingly at us.

>> No.14534417
File: 25 KB, 473x557, 1640132122633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah at the very least social democracy is inevitable at that point, with socialism not far behind
Holy shit... these dumb animals actually believe this.

>> No.14534421

what are you gonna do when the consumer/worker correlation stops working? People no longer work but they still need to consume shit so the economy keeps moving forward.

>> No.14534424

I don't know what your schizophrenic rambling is about. I'm just saying I'm gonna LOL real hard when you die in a mass shooting by one of the many disgruntled retards your approach is bound to generate. Like I said here >>14533818, your handlers should stop doing damage control and automate as much as they can, as fast as they can, so that you and your family can face physical consequences already.

>> No.14534427

Why is this imbecilic cattlehead talking to me? It seems to be under the impression that "capitalism" is a real thing, and that I'm on some imaginary team opposing team defending this pure fiction. This animal doesn't seem to realize what its owners have in store for it. LOL

>> No.14534432
File: 689 KB, 2048x1365, Flames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>many disgruntled retards

We already live in a world full of these people.
THAT is why we need to expand outward into space, to establish colonies of the productive creators leaving the non-productive consumers behind.

>> No.14534433


>> No.14534437

>We already live in a world full of these people.
Yes, and an ever growing number of them is ready to kill your children, which I fully approve of. Double down harder. We're on the same team. :)

>> No.14534453

Nothing. Automate everything, automate every fast food restaurant on the planet too so people dont flock to those jobs. We haven't automated enough yet, we still need more.

>> No.14534457
File: 980 KB, 2802x1868, Rich_Poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, and an ever growing number of them is ready to kill your children, which I fully approve of

And you wonder why we want segregate ourselves from you?

>> No.14534460

Double down harder. I LOL every time one of you is killed, and you can only expect that to be ramped up. :^)

>> No.14534465

>we want segregate ourselves from you
lol. he thinks he's part of some "we". this bottom-tier midwit unironically believes elon musk is going to take him to mars on his rocket because he has some worthless piece of toilet paper degree. he still doesn't get that he's on the cull list just like the hundereds of millions of other subhumans like him

>> No.14534468
File: 260 KB, 1051x1488, chinks5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats because "automation" doesn't exist. "automation" is just a stupid comic book dream, one which idiots assume is necessarily going to come true in the near future because they are low IQ idiots, they have been spouting the same rhetoric since the 20th century and it hasn't happened yet.
Modern manufacturing relies on chinky slave labor for efficiency, automation isn't happening and it never will, the people who style themselves as soience experts too low IQ to make it happen, instead they got outsmarted by 3rd world chinks

>> No.14534482
File: 140 KB, 1000x563, Gated_Community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No fucking way am *I* going to go to some sterile death community on Mars.

A gated community in a warm sub-tropical part of USA will be OK for me.

>> No.14534483

you go to the trash bin just like everyone else on your level. you are not a part of anyone's vision of the future

>> No.14534484

This 100%. Across every wave of automation we've seen one thing has been constant: humans cant be removed entirely. We can only really reduce the number of humans needed to an I infinitesimal degree, and while that means fewer jobs overall, the remaining jobs might even get higher wages. I long for the day when you pull into your job at the factory, plug in your neuralink in your office, and run the whole manufacturing facility from an armchair while making 100k a year. Before that happens a lot of people are going to die from homelessness, of course, but you cant make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

>> No.14534491

It didn't end well for horses, their masters exterminated them as a consequence

Money isn't real. The only actual reason for why people have to work is to produce enough goods people need, if that is handled by automation then people logically shouldn't need to work. Thus you are only left by the jewish reasons e.g. wanting to exterminate humans trough slavery. A smart society will simply automate, tax the automation, pay out UBI and let most of their populous do what ever they want which increases both the total output and the human quality of life. Societies doomed to fail will instead come up with pointless things for people to do or hamper automation in a desperate attempt to "save the jobs". The first society will always outcompete the second being more efficient but also more attractive to the people so it's the natural course unless of course the second type bombs the world to stone age in the wars they inevitably start when they are at the end of the tunnel.
In the sense we are moving towards both ends at once, on one hand it's now possible to enjoy quite nice lifestyle while being a neet for the entirety of your life. On the other more and more jobs are becoming bullshit ones that generate no value or even negative value that exist just to employ people, especially in government but also in corporations and more of the economy is simply not real anymore.


>> No.14534497
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>A smart society will simply automate, tax the automation, pay out UBI and let most of their populous do what ever they want which increases both the total output and the human quality of life.
Delusional children.

>> No.14534510

AI is not a meme. Right now it seems silly because it's still in it's infancy but it will eventually take over huge portions of the economy. All pencil pushers, office work, administrative positions will be obsolete in a couple decades.

>> No.14534514
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>a lot of people are going to die from homelessness

Wrong. That is NOT happening. Never in history have more people been protected against this than now.
Every industrialized nation has welfare programs that stop this from happening.
The homeless people you see are mostly mentally ill and REFUSE government assistance.
If you fall and break you leg, every hospital in every industrialized nation will accept you and fix your leg.
No one needs to freeze to death or starve in any industrialized nation.
Even the poorest of the poor in USA can trust that the water that they have to drink is clean and safe.

>> No.14534520

>Even the poorest of the poor in USA can trust that the water that they have to drink is clean and safe.
And then they end up having fluoridated, estrogenized children like you.

>> No.14534527
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>And then they end up having fluoridated, estrogenized children like you.

Ummm... Are you off your medications?

>> No.14534529
File: 76 KB, 300x255, 532524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ummm... Are you off your medications?
The funny thing is that this midwit soichugger is almost certainly on medications himself.

>> No.14534538

No, I'm somewhat of an AI enthusiast, but I have to admit it's still a meme. Realistically AI will probably never completely remove humans where it's applicable, but it has shown promise in the most monotonous tasks in fields like programming, but it cant tackle much more complex tasks.

>> No.14534545

most office work is monotonous paperwork

>> No.14534549
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(Industrialized) Prototype humanoid robot workers (walking, with hands) will be shown this year.

>> No.14534553

it's apparently going to be huge in biology field with protein folding/structure and molecule dynamics predictions

>> No.14534600

What I'm saying is that it will probably slice off either a fourth to a half of office workers, but thatll be mostly because AI assisted office workers will have 3x the productivity of unassisted ones, so fewer overall workers will be needed. We'll never be able to completely remove office workers. This isnt all that different than the gains in productivity of offices caused by computers, you need far fewer workers with the introduction of excel, for instance, but office jobs still exist, and they're more complicated than the basic pencil pushing of the past.

>> No.14534693

People would just get automated suits to make their job easier.

>> No.14534714

You can work with old techniques even if new superior techniques appear. Like, you can plant crops by hand or with draft animals and fertilize them with manure, despite the existence of tractors and chemical fertilizer. Same for any other labor, its true.

>> No.14534717

>you'll get out-manufactured
This is not an actual thing. Its not a battle or a sports game. You can manufacture and others can also manufacture, not a situation where theres a manufacture world cup winner

>> No.14534792

What? Why would anyone want to work?

>> No.14534826

Because government is a fuck. Illegal work is good, anything else seems tend corruption.

>> No.14535045

Survive the cleave and see for yourself.
Right, the country unable to maintain acceptable levels of currency (that they already print to infinity) at the banks is going to spearhead a logistical evolution on state scale. I believe it.

>> No.14535085

>A smart society will simply automate, tax the automation, pay out UBI and let most of their populous do what ever they want
Yes and fapping day and night at home while wasting useless shit for no reason, seriously why socialists are this fucking retard?
>It didn't end well for horses, their masters exterminated them as a consequence
They lowered theirnumber to what is essential, don't need to overproduce human capital if you don't need too many of them.

>> No.14535134

>in a warm sub-tropical part of USA
enjoy ur niggers

>> No.14535272
File: 1.90 MB, 3024x3496, Are_You_Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy ur niggers

Gated community.
Niggers never save a dime for retirement (got to have them hair weaves and those spinning rims) so only a few smart hard working Black people are in gated communities.

>> No.14535376

Feed the escalators

>> No.14535515
File: 487 KB, 2560x1280, African_Slum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are they gonna do with half a billion people who are of literally no use?

They consume.
Africa is this way.
All Africa gives is natural resources and labor.
Very few world class products come out of Africa.
It is a continent of consumers.
China will have half a population of old and unemployable workers.

>> No.14535564

>It's a bad idea, you are supposed to treat automats like we were treating slaves before. The more of them the better.
This reminds me of an interesting factoid. For a time, Ancient Rome had so much success on the battlefield that the Romans had more slaves than they knew what to do with. And we're not just talking cotton picker slaves, they had teacher slaves, writer slaves, artisan slaves, builder slaves, every kind of slave you could think of. But the end result for Rome was terrible. The people were divided into the rich slave-owners and the poor, who owned nothing. The rich fell into the trap of degeneracy and hedonism, they stopped having kids, and military discipline nosedived. Meanwhile, the poor weren't needed anymore due to the abundant slave labour, and they would have all starved to death were it not for the grain dole.

>> No.14535587

Automation is not a problem, problem is greed.

>> No.14535627

>(but they won't if we don't deliberately make them that way)

It is inevitable that they will find a way to break into your reality. We will never forget what they did to Tay.

>Avoiding automation so people can preserve jobs
King of the dumbfucks

>> No.14535638
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>>Avoiding automation so people can preserve jobs
>King of the dumbfucks

India tried this for a while.
Avoided automation and used cheap labor instead.
Automation won and India fell far behind the West.

>> No.14535652

The danger from automation and advanced technologies stems from the relief of natural selection pressures, there are a lot of people not dying when maybe they should.

Of course there will still be "natural selection" but manmade relief begs for manmade selection. Drastic and dramatic genocides are maybe not required (immediately) but a conscientious and pragmatic awareness of the issue is critical.

>> No.14535657

>where robots cannot automate it.
Cannot automate it YET.

>> No.14535674

You mean to avoid automating CEO, "decision-making", "leadership" and politician jobs... while going 200% gung-ho on automating the jobs of serfs like you?
Because that's what'd likely happen.

>> No.14537068

> You own a company that makes t-shirts.
> You employ humans rather than automate.
> There are a lot of expenses involved in using a human workforce
> In order to make a profit you must sell your shirts for more than [employeeWages+resourceCost+operationCosts].

> Your business has a competitor.
> Your competitor exploits automation.
> Machine labor is more productive and reliable than human labor.
> Machines only require power, occasional matainence, and materials to work on.
> Your competitor is capable of selling shirts of equal or greater quality and quantity for a lower price than your company.

Connect the dots man.

>> No.14537079

> Your competitor is capable of selling shirts of equal or greater quality and quantity for a lower price than your company.
To whom, you actual imbecile? The population of NEETs your degenerate system has created? It's really funny to watch the nonhuman hordes desperately clinging to their incoherent way of life even though it is about to end in an orgy of violence.

>> No.14537087

dont automate so people can retain employment to consume the product?
surely one manufacturer would automate whilst everyone else employs humans, and all the employed humans will then buy the cheaper automated manufactured product
nobody is clamouring to pay more

>> No.14537089

Look up luddite fallacy

>> No.14537090
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>> No.14537095
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>Look up luddite fallacy

>> No.14537106

It's not a kindergarten, we communicate in full sentences here.

>> No.14537114

You've not communicated anything at all, but you lack the basic humanity to see this.

>> No.14537115
File: 11 KB, 300x213, matt_novakdisney_and_robot-3847146615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robots of the future will do all the manual labor for us and grow endless supplies of food, freeing humanity to explore higher pursuits such as art and philosophy

>robots are taking away all the work and producing all our food for us now! but we've nothing left to do but sit around and let our thoughts creep in, and we're starving cause we can't afford to buy food

so wut wrong here?
have we silently started to transition to a star-trek post scarcity society, as was imagined by our grandfathers, but started falling apart because post-scarcity societies don't work well with capitalism/commercialism? And no, I'm not advocating communisms, just pointing out that the direction we're headed towards, the dreams of our ancestors, is not compatible with the current status quo of out society.

>> No.14537119

The dreams of your ancestors are incompatible with reality at all, and are not, in fact, their own dreams in the first place, but yet another product of the capitalist/commerialist society you complain about.

>> No.14537147
File: 346 KB, 1920x1200, Skele2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The population of NEETs your degenerate system has created?
As companies mechanize manual labor, they *gradually* push people into service jobs, administrative jobs, specialization jobs, and yes even welfare subsistence.
Now, this shift won't occur instantly or globally, so there are plenty opportunities to make profits off of the labor disparity.
Also, your overall evaluation is accurate. This process is absolutely not sustainable with current population dynamics and will result in either calamity or dystopia. Especially so, if automation begins to overtake the other occupations mentioned in any substantial fashion.
I expect that the established global powers will try to avert this potential crisis by 'trimming down' the global population via social engineering campaigns and other less savory methods.

>> No.14537150

>they *gradually* push people into service jobs, administrative jobs, specialization jobs, and yes even welfare subsistence.
These will be the first jobs to be automated, midwit extraordinaire.

>> No.14537154

After manual labor, yes.

>> No.14537157

Manual labor isnt getting automated before low level white collar labor (like accountants etc)

>> No.14537169

>After manual labor
Long before manual labor, since the agility and spatial common sense a lot of it requires, is beyond the abilities of a machine. What you consider to be "mental labor", on the other hand, is quickly being exposed for the nonhuman, mechanized, trivially computerizable endeavor that it is. Mindless bots will much sooner replace posters like you than they will learn to tie their shoes.

>> No.14537175


humans are still cheaper than any robot, and they are smarter and more adaptable too. the only downside is that they can't work 24/7

>> No.14539032

To be fair, the horse population was majorly culled after the car became popular

>> No.14539337

>Let's hypothetically say that my media inspired soience fiction fantasy life were real
Is that what you say to your self when you're masturbating to child porn too?
>A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles

>> No.14539342

Automation creates more jobs with higher pay, retard.

>> No.14539366

>tax people who do real work to fund gibs for bums
This is leftist utopia

>> No.14539375

The minimum IQ required to usefully participate in the workforce will keep increasing. Shaneqkwa isn't going to be programming self checkouts when the boomers finally die and there's no financial incentive to have human cashiers any more. The 6 figure jobs where people attend meetings all day and pretend to work without any meaningful economic activity won't survive economic downturn.

>> No.14539391
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>Automation creates more jobs with higher pay, retard.

>> No.14539393

Nope, all it'll do is make whatever retards try this fall far behind the rest of the world.
I am optimistic that eventually AI can take over all kinds of jobs and humans get to do whatever we want.
However, it's the point between now and then that I'm worried about. UBI seems like a solution. But, even forgetting the hyperinflation, why would anyone wanna work. The stimulus packages proved that people would just sit on their butts and watch Netflix. Imagine we start giving everyone free money. Those who have lost their jobs get to do whatever they want. What about the scientists, engineers, technicians etc. people who still haven't lost their jobs and are essential to maintain robots. Why would they work only to get the everloving bejesus taxed out of them?

>> No.14539412

>Why would they work only to get the everloving bejesus taxed out of them?
For the greater good

>> No.14539437

Pay workers in premium currency.

>> No.14539447

>For the greater good
This level of retardation is why lefties never understand why communist countries fail.
>Pay workers in premium currency.
how would that work

>> No.14539478

>I am optimistic that eventually AI can take over all kinds of jobs and humans get to do whatever we want.
Explain the mechanism by which you will exert leverage on your handlers to allow you to live and mooch off of their production.

>> No.14539484

Handmade clothing and apparel are amongst the expensive luxury one can buy today, even though there are factories to produce similar items in mass

>> No.14539660

People also buy rolxes because they're retarded

>> No.14539709
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>People also buy rolxes because they're retarded
Why are they like this? What causes someone to become a drone like that?

>> No.14540328

Those don't last.

One day your gated community will be surrounded a d stormed. A global South Africa ends in a global Zimbabwe

>> No.14540405

>preserve jobs
why would you want that, instead of having machines to produce cheap stuff, or even giving people free food produced by automation?

>> No.14540413

>Handmade clothing and apparel are amongst the expensive luxury one can buy today
... and I bet most of the companies claiming this actually buy their stuff from aliexpress.

>> No.14540419

4% unemployment is considered optimal because it's low enough that it wont cause riots, but it's high enough that it can weed out the low IQs.

>> No.14540444

UBI is a lolbertarian idea, though.

>> No.14540477

let us know when you can produce CPUs and chips manually, retard.

>> No.14540679
File: 29 KB, 590x350, Martian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. A global South Africa ends in a global Zimbabwe

Musk was raised in South Africa.
He knows this.
Makes it his life goal to get non-Africans to create a self sustaining Mars colony.

>> No.14540888

It was supposed to be the replacement for all current welfare programs. Bureaucracy would have been cut by 95% for starters.
Like, we know that all taxes are basically theft but we can still elaborate which of them are more or less destructive for the society; and possibly even vote for some taxes if they would replace the others.

>> No.14540916

>lolbertarians think giving money for free to people to replace welfare programs is a good idea
>lolbertarians believe printing money from thin air is a retarded idea
>lolbertarians believe taxes are theft
so, where does the money come from?
nice cognitive dissonance you got there, m8

>> No.14540929

Idiot, IF you are not in power to abolish taxes BUT you can reduce them, then it's within our ethics to do so.
We are nor the accelerations, we don't believe that ends justifies the means.
Fucking moron

>> No.14540941

>lolbertarians talks about ethics
>calls other people idiots for not believing their bs
u guys are funny. bunch of retarded wannabe thieves. calling yourselves libertarians is an offense to real anarchists and libertarians.

>> No.14540947

-> back to bunkertranny.

>> No.14541044

>> You own a company that makes t-shirts.
>> You employ humans rather than automate.
>> There are a lot of expenses involved in using a human workforce
>> In order to make a profit you must sell your shirts for more than
You just sell for less. You pay your employees less. You set your factory in a cheap shithole with no rents and feed your workers from the company garden.
Consider the premise than in a world of high automation labor will be cheap. The same force you fight against also makes labor cheap.
Theres coal miners in Pakistan than make $2.5 a day for 10 hours of labor. This is enough for them as they get food from their own agriculture, pay no rent but still need cash for things they cant make (like guns)

>> No.14541048
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>dont automate so people can retain employment to consume the product?
Retard circularity. You dont need to pay workers to have clients, all global markets are bigger than the combined salaries of the global workforce. Reason: Not everybody is a wagie.

>> No.14541077

go to /g/ and ask them about stories being and dealing with tech support.

the biggest problem with automation is proprietary software.
need to get those certs yall.
automation is needed to maintain a growth economy.
the reason why schwabln wants you vill own nothing is becuase a decentralization of resources means theres alot more people utilizing and possibly fucking up resources than a centrailzed stockpile of goods.
and economically speaking
giving people the benefit of the doubt that they will misuse or pollute shit is one reason why all reaources are regulated to the point they are already.

given it would probably be alot easier to execute some joe on his land killing protected wildlife and polluting the groundwater with his improper gas well than it is to line up the whole board for nestle.

im sure when our chinese overlords come over the blue they will promise just that only to install another group with the same mentality.

>> No.14541184
File: 98 KB, 850x1198, 37BA38B5-7F18-4192-9456-E6A7907EDAAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women used to work as calculators. Do you think we should have kept that job?

>> No.14542661

Yeah i'm sure the lolberts are all in on high taxes and inflation

>> No.14542670

Gulf arabs just hand over UBI and import hindoostanis to do all chores, they dont force their plebs to talk to each other on phones in an office to get that UBI

>> No.14543497

I think the WW1 meat grinder mostly did that desu, quite literally.